Jaguar XJ Transmission Questions

Member Posts: 64,481
edited August 2018 in Jaguar
If you've had any difficulty with the transmision in your XJ series car, please tell us about it.


  • Member Posts: 2
    No really problems. There is a recall out for a programming issue. Other than that the cars has been great.
  • Member Posts: 6
    I have a 1998 XJ V8 vanden plais. Last spring at 80,000 I had a rebuilt transmission installed from a transmission shop. A rebuilt transmission cost was $3200, while a brand new transmission is $7000+ from dealer. Rebuilt possibly can last another 20-30,000.

    Good luck.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1990 xj40 that has a 4.0 liter that run great and has been fully tuned. the nagging problem that I have is that after washing the car the transmission jumps to limp home set for about a week to ten days and the works fine. It sounds like water under the dash when I turn right or left. Did the previous owner/mechanic leave a plug out?? or is there something I can do to prevent this (other than driving a filthy BRG jag???)
  • Member Posts: 64,481
    You could try covering the fresh air vents under the wiper blades with clear plastic and tape while you wash it. If that works, then you know you have a leak through the firewall under the wipers, possibly from a clogged drain in there. What happens is that the drain clogs, the water builds up in that basin like a fish tank, and then sloshes through some plug or cable or opening in the firewall...the firewall was not intended to be waterproof.

    So clean the drains out and that might help you.
  • Member Posts: 5
    Check the connector on the transmission(driver's side) if it has the rubber boot, or check for the connector's connection cleanliness, check pins if they are not corroded, use electronic parts cleaner. Check for trans mount, if it's gone the trans will move more then it was designed and can cause connection problems.
  • Member Posts: 1
    How can I reset my lights?
  • Member Posts: 3

    I have a 2000 XJR which I bought in 2001. To tell the truth, it has been an excellent car. However, last month, the transmission just started to disengage for no reason. I had a few other error messages crop up (a rear wheel sensor was going at the same time, which disables traction control and ASC). I have twice now gotten an incorrect gear ratio error that lets me limp home; when the car is restarted, no problem.

    It is QUITE a problem when you go to accelerate on the highway and the engine just revs. Flipping to a different gear, or in and our of neutral, does nothing. Not even an error message most of the time. When the car slows down to 30 MPH, it re-engages with grace and ease - not a slam jerk or anything like that.

    So far, the Jag dealer tried to sell me bushings and shocks (don't car if the transmission doesn't engage), AAMCO says the mechanicals are OK, and I'm out $1500 of various 'repairs'. The ECM has thrown a transmission error (incorrect gear ration), but the TCM doesn't have that error. Seems like I have an electrical problem somewhere, but WHERE!!!

    Any ideas?

  • Member Posts: 4
    Your message has a real clue in it. Read a post (elsewhere) about a guy whose XJ would dissengage and he got so he could tell it was about to do so. Went thru 2 tranny replacements and countless other things until a true technician spotted a faulty ABS sensor on a rear wheel---the engine management system recognized the (erroneous) signal as a catastrophic condition and disengaged the transmission! I'm simply repeating the story, but it looks like your tranny problem may be little more than the car trying to avoid self-destruction that is being suggested by the ABS sensor.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have a 93 XJ6 sedan and, at the moment I think I am having transmission problems. I'm not sure and I honestly won't be able to aford to take it to a mechanic to even look at it until next week. The car is making whining noises and every now and then I hear like some liquid sloshing around (sounds like it's behind me but I'm not sure). Idk why it would have problems it's only been driven 77k miles since my grandfather bought it in 95. The car also has had plenty of trouble with the battery and circuits. Can anyone help tell me if they are having similar problems and how they fixed it or if anyone knows this situation well enough to advise.
  • Member Posts: 7
    I was receving a 'Gear box fault' but it seems to go away.

    I'm having problems locating the area to check the transmission oil.
  • Member Posts: 4
    "Sealed transmission"---the 5 speed ZF auto----for detailed instructions and info see:

    Good luck....
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a XJ6 and I washed my car then the tranny went into limp mode so I dried it out and it still will not come off. Is there a way to manually take it off of limp mode or did something fried out when it got wet? I never had a problem with it until I washed it and everything is dry, it has been about 3 mo. I checked all my connections and everything seems good but one thing I did notice is that my dash light sometimes go off and on but it does go away after some time on the road.
  • Member Posts: 7
    Remove battery cables this should reset your system.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a XJ6 and the transmission light came on the car went into 1 gear only this got me home I checked the fluid shut off the car re-started it and the light went out and it shifted great! this has happen several time and not sure what to do any help would be great..... Also can some one tell me if the car has a chevy tranny as i have heard this many times
  • Member Posts: 3
    This is in followup of my former post - hopefully my problems are resolved and I can share this with everyone.

    TWO problems had to be corrected:

    1. My transmission really did have a mechanical problem and a rebuild fixed the internal hydraulic issues. Cottman Transmissions did this for 60% of the price that AAMCO quoted.

    2. The transmission "neutralization" problem had to do with the ABS system. The ABS sensor and harness to the left rear tire were bad and needed to be replaced. However, this didn't correct the problem. A bearing was loose on the same tire, and tighten that finally fixed the problem.

    What REALLY irritates me is that after the transmission was rebuilt, and after the local Jag dealer replaced the rear wheel ABS hardware, they DIDN'T tighten the bearing - resulting in the persistent neutralization and their stated desire to spend $13K of my money to put in a factory rebuilt transmission. Cottman Trany tightened the bearing saving me that experience. Somebody over at the Jag dealership must have slipped and passed on the info to Cottman.

    So, in summary, SHAME ON JAGUAR and their dealers!!!!

    There is NO excuse for a transmission to give out at 84,000 miles unless you are in nascar. I love my car, but this is the last Jaguar I buy.

  • Member Posts: 1
    What cause the gearbox fault light to come on?
    After the gearbox light came on it didn't want to go into gear.
  • Member Posts: 3
    I unfortunately experienced two problems. Neutralization of the transmission (car running, NO engagement of the transmission until it slowed to 30mph) was due to a bad ABS wire, and misalignment so some sort of the left rear ABS element at the wheel itself (or so I'm told by the mechanic who fixed that issue).

    The gearbox fault is an internal mechanical issue, and you may need a transmission rebuild :(

    I, too, had the occasional issue of the transmission not wanting to shift out of part and into gear, and turning my Jag off and restarting it seemed to work. However, it wasn't related to the gearbox fault light coming on. This problem has gone away, too, with the transmission rebuild.

    Hope this info helps.
  • Member Posts: 2
    HOW about this crappy limp mode?
    I have a 1990 xj6 that is cherry but,I may have to junk her because of this problem with the transmission.
    I cannot fatham a transmission going out at 105 thousand miles when old people drive it all the time.
    Does this ring a bell With anyone?
    So what is my option?
  • Member Posts: 3,425
    If you were to sell it - you'd have to fix it so after you fix it - drive it.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Good morning Friend!
    You are partly right.
    BUT i plan on selling it to the wrecking yard as a parts car.
    Too bad because it is a fine car. BUT jaguar has screwed a lot of people. With a bad transmission.
    NOW researching putting in a different transmission.
    Will let everyone know what i find, I own body shops! so i know a lot of people.
  • Member Posts: 3
    My 1995 Jaguar XJ6 began having a transmission problem in the last few days. It feels like the transmission is slipping as the car feels like it's bucking a little or like the transmission is grabbing and then periodically letting go for a second. No lights have come on and the fluid is full. I live on a hill and once recently I had to pull the car out of park a little harder than normal and heard a little clang, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I didn't know if there was some adjustment it needed as replacing the transmission makes no sense in a car worth under $5000. The car has 135,000 miles and I believe it's the original transmission. Any suggestions on what to check?
  • Member Posts: 64,481
    Well you'll have to have the transmission diagnosed to see if limp mode is from an external or internal problem. If it's from an external sensor or control unit it may be worth fixing. If it's internal, the car is probably not worth repairing, you are right. You could buy a clean, low mileage 1990 XJ6 with a good transmission for less money than overhauling your transmission, which is at least 20 hours just for the labor.

    100K is not great longevity for an automatic transmission but it's not premature either. The world's best warranties from the world's best cars don't offer more than 100K, so if Rolls Royce or Toyota or Mercedes apparently doesn't think a transmission should go over 100K, i don't see why Jaguar owners could hope for more. One might expect 150K but more often than not, it doesn't turn out that way for most car owners.

    Options? Spend some $$$ on a diagnosis and make your final decision based on that. There is a complete diagnostic step by step for this transmission available to any competent shop.
  • Member Posts: 3,425
    Engine missfire would relay the same symtoms. Age of wires and plugs?
  • Member Posts: 3
    Actually, you hit the nail on the head. It was a bad coil, which was causing a misfire. The shop replaced the coil and plugs, now no problem. Always take it to a Jaguar mechanic though, the first shop just took it for a test drive, then said the transmission was bad.
  • Member Posts: 3,425
    Happy to know you have it fixed. The XJ is an admired motor car. :)
  • Member Posts: 3
    Since you seem to know a lot, how easy is it to replace the bulbs that make the clock LED's work, as they are not readable at this point. I know I have a watch, but I'm on the go a lot and a working clock woutd be nice.
  • Member Posts: 3,425
    Is the brightness dependent on a dimmer or reostat that varies the volume of light illuminating the rest of the dash? If so, turn up the dash lights dimmer to it's brightest setting and see if it is connected to the clock.
  • Member Posts: 5
    the trans is a zf.made in germany.somebody did not tack care of it.but it is worth fixing.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Jag transmission problems? Contact immediately, the NHTSA hotline center.(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.)
    Either e-mail NHTSA or call 1-888-327-4236.
    They will take your complaint seriously.
    If they have enough complaints, they will open an investigation and determine if a recall should be done.
    Sept 30,2008 my 1998 XJ8 started balking and the transmission fault light came on.The car did not want to move forward, but very slowly. in several miles, there was a loud thuuump.The car did not want to accelerate. I had the car carried home on a flat bed truck.
    I googled transmission fault Jaguar and came across several sites with a multitude of complaints from Jag owners about failed transmissions.
    I called Jag Corporate and they claim not to have any complaints about transmission fault problems. Jaguar stated that the owners of the vehicles with transmission fault problems probably do not service their cars. I stated that is simply untrue, that you cannot say that all the Jaguars that have transmisison problems have owners that do not take care of their vehicles.
    I reminded him that I had called Jaguar and complained about 3 years ago that my Jaguar would suddenly lose power on the interstate and I was fortunate that I was not killed.It happened about 6-8 times and Jaguar told me that they had no other complaints about the issue. Well, here we are almost 3 years later and 6 months ago they issued a recall for the Throttle Operation which in "EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES" could cause the car to lose power.

    I filed a complaint online with and the NHTSA.
    NHSTA recorded the information today with a case number and will have an investigator review it within the next 48 hours.
    I called a transmission shop and was told that the drum breaks and the metal gets into the transmission and that it is a common problem for Jags.

    Good luck . Cin2
  • Member Posts: 4
    I have an 05 xjr (silver) with the clear comeing off in spots.......Jajuar says the car is just old!!!! Owne a 99 xjr dark green clear is fadeing bad...........This one is geting old....Now my GMC truck (Red) 02....Looks great. Love My car, But Jaguar is no help at all..........Later tell everyone about my tran prob.Jackson Mississippi Jaguar Dealer is a joke.

  • Member Posts: 4
    Sorry new on this site,But got to respond to this one.....I did spend $$$. 123.19 Jaguar dealership Jax Ms. I was told by a jag tech all i needed was a new Transmission.7200.00 + tax.Allso was told this is a sealed unit..could not be serviced......As it turned out.... not so.Had a crack in the trans pan (plastic).After three weeks of looking and calling........and $$$..I fixed the transmission ...I replaced the pan some fluid 500.00 give or take.This was after i spent 700.00 give or take finding what was wrong.And wz up with this trans fluid???? 69.00 a lit.....(05 xjr). Jaguar has been doing this for years. Everytime i say this is it,Jag has got to go......But like my pretty young unfaitefull wife,after a day or so i forgive.Guess i don't care for change.

    Glaze 1 Jackson,Ms.
  • Member Posts: 12
    HELP 1994 XJ6 sedan, cherry condition, 129K miles, I have gotten thru many of the problems I read here in other categories, but my trans problem is a bit scary. I am having "slamming" or "bumping" at shift points both accelerating and decelerating on occasional start ups. Only occasional. (scary compared to normal shifting points because it snaps my neck a bit when it shifts upward while accelerating) and the transmission fault light appears, plus the brake fault light appears each time the brake pedal is pushed, signaling the likelihood of an ABS problem. I had the brakes all renewed stem to stern and no problem exists with them mechanically, but could be electrically. Was told to "forget" the brake fault light, so i ignore it, but it comes on each time i press brake. This trans problem has occurred approx. 5 times in the last couple of years and goes away when I shutdown and re start engine. Shifting gears does not help, only shutdown. I suspect electrical or computer programming issues, but not certain. I saw one message here that put the two problems together. Any help would be appreciated. Nobody in this South Louisiana area works on Jaguar transmissions except perhaps the dealers in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, which I would like to avoid as long as possible due to horror stories. I will travel to other states for quality service and workmanship. Thx, Don [OMEOMY]
  • Member Posts: 12
    Hey wojcik!

    Where did you read that other post? I would like to go there sometime. Your post here gives me the idea that i have one or more bad ABS sensors, considering i replaced all mechanicals on brakes and the brake fault light still comes on. Could be the mechanic that replaced brakes caused the ABS sensor problem, who knows?

    Next step is to find a great tech and see about ABS function and replace all of the sensors if necessary. Then on to my tranny "slamming" in every shift point problem. thanks for the start in a direction wojcik! any other help is certainly appreciated.

    OME_OMY ...Don
  • Member Posts: 12
    I have a 94 XJ6 in great shape because I have put thousands of dollars into it. 4000 alone in the paint job that had to be done, plus all the mechanicals. But, the electrical and computer systems continue to befuzzle me. i am currently having an intermittent transmission problem where at the shifting points, the shift "slams" at the change, so much so that it sounds like it will damage the transmission.

    Here is one thing i did after putting 3 new expensive batteries in within months. I suspected that what was draining the electricity from the new powerful batteries so fast, was what is called "parasitic drain". This can be from more than one source, but i suspected the security system. I found out that it is not advisable to disable the security system, so i installed a "master switch" just under the battery. Expensive, yes, but the battery drain and replacements stopped now for over a year. That heavy duty switch becomes an excellent "security system" in itself. This is only one example of the problems to be uncovered and fixed with this 94 XJ6. Like so many Jaguar owners, i keep putting the time and money into her because i love that car. I wish someone on this CarSpace forum would tell me of their great mechanic/tech. I would call and drive there immediately with my exotic problems. (not so exotic with Jaguars, i have come to believe). Oh and i got the electrical service man that put in my new alternator (Mikes Alternator Shop), put that special "master switch" in. Hard to find these people to help. Good Luck with the 93. OME_OMY Don
  • Member Posts: 12
    :shades: My search is focused on looking for a good or great Jaguar mechanic/tech. Particularly electrical/computer problems and enhancements. My experience with the Mobile Alabama Jaguar dealership and others is that...The techs that are great for newer models are not old enough to be great with my era Jaguars...1994 XJ6

    I will travel long distance to any southern states particularly to find such a tech and service facility. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas for example. Do YOU know one? :surprise:
  • Member Posts: 12
    hey tjb
    we have almost the same problem. i have had this intermittent problem for a long time, over a year. let's talk more.
    i have a 94 XJ6. mine is in great shape otherwise. the trans light comes on, mine starts out from the beginning with shift point "slamming" and snaps my neck, and could be causing trans damage. when it happens, i then stop, turn the ignition off, start it up again, and all is fine again for quite a while. i have not had anything done by anyone. i see by other posts here that there may be a connection with my ABS brake light coming on, i am going to investigate the possibility of bad ABS sensors on one or more wheels, replace them if necessary, and investigate perhaps a bad ABS sensor wire, and go that direction first. Then see if that stops the intermittent craziness of the trans light coming on with the slamming problem. :(:(
  • Member Posts: 7
    Hey Don, Greetings for another South Louisiana Jaguar Owner. I have a wonderful mechanic here in Lafayette that is a Jag expert to say the least. His name is Bill at Bill's Garage (337)988-4200, I sure that he'll be able to help you with any of needs. If you're in the Northshore area a good friend of mine has a guy that works on her and her family's vehicles. Ironically both mechanics used to work together at Paretti in New Orleans. I know Bill started off in the British Leyland days so he has many years of knowledge. Lemme know if there's anything else I can do for you. Best of Luck! ~ BEN
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1990 Jaguar XJ^ Vandenplas. I've had problems with starting the car, need to change the battery. The last time I was able to start the car the transmission light came on, the one that says the motor is in "limp home' mode. The car runs perfectly well and has no mechanical or transmission/shifting isssues. The light won't go off. I checked the fuses and they are fine. I heard there is a simple solution to this, but forgot where I saw it. Does anyone know how to turn off the trans light? Thank you, Anne
  • Member Posts: 4
    First i would try... disconnect battery for a min.Next just drive.......pull over .....turn motor off and restart the car.A broke motor mount or trans mount will cause the light to come on.Car may need a tune up.I have owned 20 or so jags over the past 8 yr and they all done this one time or another.May want to baby it a little from a dead stop.
  • Member Posts: 4
    Optional Information:
    2000 Jaguar xj8 4.0

    Already Tried:
    well it made a clunk noise when it was down shifting to 2 gear it made that noise a few times then when i came to a complete stop and then go forward it felt like it just slip and the light came on Transmission fault so i shifted to 3 gear and it did move slow but it it took a few seconds to get up to speed there is no noise coming from the tranny
  • Member Posts: 17
    I have a 2000 XJ8. Even though I drained the transmissioon at 70,000 miles and refilled it, 4,000 miles later, transmission fault light came on, while it banged into gear out of park. Then hardly any power when trying to drive it. That's because in limp mode the car only has 4th and 5th gear. New rebuilt transmission out of south san francisco has some updated parts that won't fail like my old 2000 tranny. Cost $3,800. for the trans. Without any labor costs. Comes prefilled with sealed in fluid.
    Had to also get a gear box too, as after new trans. was put in, mech. noticed the shifter didn't really fall into each gear nice and tight. I had noticed that too. Finally, the bill with oil change was over 6,000. A big decision to do it, but as soon as I drove the car, it was wonderful. Big difference. I bought the car used last June for a great deal. $9000. with 64,000 miles on it. Don't wait forever to get a tuneup, and when they do, ask to have the timing chains checked and compression. When ever timing chains are repaired, or changed, get a new water pump. Anytime after 70,000 miles is a good time to start thinking about timing chains. Not cheap, but very serious. Ask if any leaks around valve covers. My ABS sensor also comes on, telling me I don't have traction control...comes on when it feels like it. Brakes are ok. How's your car running at idle? Feel just a little like it's gonna need at least one plug changed pretty soon? Mine seems to feel like that. Maybe it's in need of an air filter, and a carb cleaning, or adjustment, and not just plugs. Change your oil a lot, as it will cut down risk of clogging your screen...also, lift the lid, and on the drivers side, take a look at any rubber hoses on the left to see if they are starting to crack. One inch thick hose.....I love my car....silver with just a touch of red in it, and black interior with the wood. It never ceases to please me. san francisco is a great town for jag service.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have just bought a 1998 Vanden Plas with 98K miles. I noticed the "transmission fault light" came on as I pulled up at home. I am not quite sure how to deal with this as I do not have any prior experience with Jags. One thing is obvious - I need to get to a mechanic. Please I will appreciate any advise from experience Jaguar owners. I will also appreciate recommendation on good jaguar mechanics in the NJ area.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Any luck with researching with using a different transmission?
  • Member Posts: 17
    using different tranny...You gotta remember that a jag computer is hooked up to the jag tranny...and good thing it is...So, I doubt that you can put another one in and have the computer be happy.
  • Member Posts: 17
    Tranny work is guaranteed for around a year. IF you get a new rebuilt one, ask about whether or not the trouble with the old one has been updated or not in the rebuilt one with better parts, etc. Also, the coupling for the trans to the engine was replaced on mine, and it just failed...New one put in free last week, Coupling lasted me two months.!!! You may or may not need a gear box also, if it is sloppy. Sorry, can't help you with new jersey....But look for British motors repair before hitting something else.
    Hope you got a decent 10 grand or so price for the car, as I bet you will need to spend about another 5 - 6 grand in the next two weeks.
  • Member Posts: 2
    My light has not come one. I have a 2002 VDP with 59,000 miles. It seems to downshift on its own once in awhile. The last two times car shook violently and made a loud noise. Otherwise it runs leaks whatsoever. Could it be the solenoids? Should I have it diagnosed by Jag dealer?

    What atf can use besides the expensive dealer fluid? How much does it take?

    What is the name and number of the South SF tranny place? I live in Santa cruz..

    All help is greatly appreciated?

  • Member Posts: 17
    I'm a real amateur at this..but don't wait for answers here...Take it in. of your plugs is going bad, or, maybe oild isn't getting up into the engine due to a clog in the line that goes down into your pan...maybe the coupling to the tranny is starting to wear out...or the tranny fluid is low...or the tranny is going....
    THis year I replaced my transmission, the shifting assembly, also the coupler from the engine to the trans. GET this the new coupler lasted 30 days...I started feeling a roughness at certain higher speeds....I knew something was wrong..didn't wait, and a new coupler was put in for free, as I got a warranty for a year for all the stuff.
    So, check your trans...linkage,
  • Member Posts: 17
    The south city trans place is not a repair place. I got to John's Jag service on Valencia St. between 18th and 19th, I believe...740 Valencia 415-829 8480
  • Member Posts: 2
    The verdict unfortunately is in. Went to change
    the fluids (almost 60,000 miles) what we found out fluid was
    greenish (from what I understand this this is the expensive
    stuff) but it had a bronze residue to it. The magnets had
    metal shavings to it (which is expected) but the bronze
    large deposits in the pan are a sign of thrust washers
    (according to my mechanic).
    Soooo now for a course of action:
    1. Getting prices from bay area jag places for rebuilt
    tranny (trading my in as a core)
    2. Bringing in my tranny and have mine rebuilt

    As I see it I need to find out cost and LENGTH OF WARRANTY.

    My mechanic will charge me about $400 (6 to 8 hours) of
    labor for removing and replacing it once it is rebuilt. He
    replaced head gaskets on my '95 xj6 (for about $600) and it
    is running great.

    One of the quotes we're getting tomorrow is from my mechanic
    that services the other family cars who works for AAMCO.
    They have a lifetime warranty (also 90 days, 36 months,
    etc). So the big question is how much this lifetime warranty
    will cost, how much a 36 month will cost compared to shop
    that specialize on jags (mercedes, bmws, etc) warranty and

    The jag dealer wants $7,500.

    I would like to hear everyones idea on the above.

    I'll get back to you when the quotes come.

    This is a big set back but when I'm on the open road with
    this baby ('02 VDP) comparison to any other car!
  • Member Posts: 2
    Have 1998 XJ8 - since the car was new, the transmission would not shift going up a hill until the crest of the hill. At the time, I was told that was normal.

    Car has 99,000 miles, has been serviced always, but lately, and not always, the car will have a delayed shift as if it was going up a hill. It is better when the engine and transmission is warmed up, but still happens some time.

    My mechanic cleared the codes, and it was better for a while, but it happening again.

    Any thoughts?
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