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Saturn VUE



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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    Hi Gehe
    Sorry about the delay in replying , I have been on holiday.
    I bought the Rendezvous 5 weeks and 3500 miles ago, we love it, and I, like you, would defend my purchase decision.

    I am probably going to get myself in trouble with another analogy, but here goes. I like hamburgers a lot, they taste great and are cheap food, I also like steak and they taste even better.
    If i went into a restaurant and they offered me a Teenburger for $4.95 or a New York Strip loin for $5.00, I know what I would be eating. I still like hamburgers, but I prefer steak.

    As for not making any converts, welllllllll, the duke was the one I was addressing my comments too, as he had not yet made a purchase decision ( he didn't have to defend his purchase decision yet) and apparently he likes steak too. My job here is done now.

    P.S Our shipping yard is swimming in Yellow Vues, and we are starting to get the new L Series Satun with the new front end and nicer gauges etc. etc. The L series looks classier now.

    All the best, and these aren't fighting words.

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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I think the 3.0L in our Vue is wonderful. Very peppy and good on gas. Will the new V6 be more powerful??
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    I've had my 4 cyl. 5 speed VUE for 3 1/2 months now and put over 7000 km on it. I am on the 401 highway between Windsor and Toronto at least every other weekend. I think this highway is populated by more 18 wheelers than cars at any given time since it is the main route up from the US. Driving the VUE on a windy highway is definately different than it was in the small, low to the ground car I used to drive but so was turning corners and going around cloverleaf exits.
    Now that I've become accustomed to driving the VUE, I have no wind issues at all, whether it be natural wind or the wind that you feel when passing a truck. The one real bonus is that it is alot easier to see the road ahead when passing a truck in the rain, than it was in my car. I am very comfortable in the VUE on the highway and feel very safe too.
    I hope that helps!
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    theduketheduke Member Posts: 50
    yes I have purchased our Bue opal Rendezvous and picked it up almost 2 weeks ago.
    I am very happy with it.
    The Vue looks somewhat better, but that ends there in value. The RDV was about $300 more (than a Vue with side airbags and ABS) but I have the following extras over the Vue: (I took the versitality and tow kit):
    3rd row seating,leather seat, lombar support on front seats, electric driver seat, as good of a ride than the Vue, much more room,tons of storage spaces, similar fuel consumption, can tow 3500lbs, 200lbs-rated roof rack, rear disc brakes, can fit a bike inside, bloc heater and heavy duty mats all aroound, independant sterio control for the back, foot rests, integrated air pump, prewired trailer lights, driver computer, integrated radio antenna.

    I still believe that the Vue is a great vehicle, but over-priced for the competion, I still own my SW1 saturn and would have liked another, but not at any price.
    Thanks enniskillen for the insight when I was trying to decide.
    It took me 16 months of looking and reading, but I beleive that I made the right choice. For those undecided, make sure to keep comparing to see what vehicle fits your needs and at what price.
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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    Thanks for the reply Duke.
    An open mind is a pleasure to find.

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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    Wanted to dispose of my $3500+ GM points before year end.
    Had a problematic '96 Voyageur to dispose of.
    Didn't want to break the bank.
    Tend to hang onto a vehicle for 7+ years.
    Have 5 drivers in the household (the youngest being 17) and 3 vehicles.
    Eagerly awaited the VUE. Then the Vibe.
    Extensively test drove the 4 cyl. 5 spd VUE, the V6 AWD Auto, the Rendezvous, the Aztek, the Vibe.
    On my way out the door to pick up my new....................
    Stay tuned.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -So I finally made it to Spring Hill with a quick Sunday 'whizz' around Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky to see my niece at UK and my college buddy. (No, I didn't see Jason Priestly although he was medivaced into University of Kentucky Medical centre that day).
    -I was somewhat fatigued driving back to Nashville, lightened by trailing a black VUE which got away with me.
    re:-Impressions ...
    -The Factory still farms 1200 acres of corn (?!) Thought that was neat. They use/used it to supplement their income mostly before production started.It was very hot & dry.
    -The Welcome Centre is all consuming ... if you are a Saturn Fan that is. Lots of interesting stuff, history, on demand videos etc.
    -... and if you think I'm "tooty-fruity" for naming my vehicles, check out the guys that work the assembly robots, all with assigned personalities and names ! "Judy Two Eyes", "Mr. Bill" and one after a guy's wife because the robot was needy and temperamental. A little sexist, but ... hey.
    -The hour tour on the back of little carts flew by. Much too short. You get to see the final assembly plant, not the major welding stuff.
    -Those Polymer sides really do work ! Witnessed the tour guide stomping down on a body panel a whole bunch of times. Don't think I would do that to mine, but it got my vote !
    -Saw lots of "S" series going thru on their last two weeks before being discontinued.
    -Saw the new ION in all sorts of shapes. Complete. Being tested, and in pieces. It looks very good indeed.
    -All the Space Frames are black due to their rust proof primer.
    -Of course everyone in Tennesse waves so doing the "Queen Mum" thing got exhausting, but you got easily swept up in the enthusiasm. I can't remember seeing a cleaner factory ... (and I have seen many in the Orient which were unbareable, dirty and full of miserable workers slaving in imposible heat & humidity.)
    -The cars move along on a platform with the assembly guys on board instead of walking with the car. Better quality, less fatigue.
    -The workers are a team. They all work together on each vehicle without a 'boss'. Every quality issue, even a wrinkled car mat, goes back to the whole team as a report.
    -Saturn has the "highest productivity rating out of all the US makers including the Japanese & German vehicles".
    -It struck me as less harried and more careful than I had imagined a 'mass production' line to be.
    -Every work station can be height adjusted to be 'ergonomically' correct. No bending and stooping to attach something.
    -For factory folk, they seemed happier than most and faking it four times a day every week day would be a tough call.
    -And we got to keep the Saturn safety googles like those folks you see in the adverts. Call me 'goofy', but I thought that was neat.
    -Saw lots of Orange, Red and Yellow, but no "Vivienne" blue alas. I did see a "Bright Blue" VUE over 'yonder', (a company VUE), and asked the tour guide to confirm the color as we were piling back into the coach. So he made a big announcement that I had "Viv" on order and drove out by the Blue VUE with a long, slow pass. Even covered in dust, it was gorgeous. No problems here. I'll stake my designer reputation on that.
    -It looks like another two weeks before I get to see her. I think that will make ten weeks in all. A long wait, but worth it.

    re:-News ... and tid bits
    -The V6 is made in the UK. There are no plans to change that.
    -The Saturn vehicles are "92% US made".
    -The Ecotec 4 is "so popular" that Saturn Spring Hill will begin making them for other GM cars.
    -The VUE tranny is not towable. ie:- Don't even think of doing any major towing. The story goes that someone at GM thought the towing market was 2% and not worth catering to. It turns out that it is 12% and there are a whole lot of VUE folks not happy about this. 2004 will see a towable tranny.
    -The Saturn name is not from the planet. May be I am the only person who didn't know that. It is from the Satrun Booster rockets that put the men on the moon. The small car race against Japanese imports was seen as a parralell to the US/Russian Space Race.
    -Saturn's President is a woman ! Shouldn't be a surprise. And petite too. Guess she 'shoots from the hip' to survive this macho auto world.
    -That's all folks ...
    VUE Happy !
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Thought you had been too silent after my last POST to you ...
    -I would be a wise man to leave it at that and let you have the final say. (I have a feeling that's very important to you).
    -I wasn't certain that a VUE Town Hall was mean to "convert" folks from buying VUEs, but an open discussion and exchange of info.
    -I am deligthed that both you and 'theduke' have made your purchases and are happy. (The duke certainly knows his mind).
    -Shakespeare is quoted as commenting on a man 'who knew the price of everything, and the value of nothing'.
    -The real value of the VUE, I don't think, is the final, bottom line price. It's, at the least, about getting an exciting, new concept vehicle in design and thoroughness that most folks have never seen.
    -It's about what happens AFTER you drive away. There is no one at GM that gives a "monkey's figs" whether you like your GM vehicle or not. (That's my personal experience as well as what has been posted, said and read).
    -What I believe I am getting for my vehicle, (not itemized like a grocery PRICE list as you have), is:-
    1) The pleasant enviroment that I will enjoy when I take my vehicle in for service.
    2) The 'stand by our vehicle' mentality and quality service.
    3) The quality assurance.
    4) A vehicle that will not 'ding & dent' thru coutless parking lots.
    5) A vehicle that will still look new is styling and "evolution" five years from now when GM will have gone on to their next disposable looking vehicle and won't even want to talk about their Rende-VUE.
    6) Owning a vehicle from a manufacturer that actually cares about the enviroment and keeping it's customers.
    7) A vehicle that will keep it's value.
    8) Being part of this "Saturn" family of enthusiasts.
    9) Supporting North Americans jobs instead of Mexican jobs ... nice folks that they are.
    10) The VUE & Saturns are 'thinking peoples' vehicles.
    11) The most important ... the VUE is "too cool for school"!!!

    -Everyone has a budget and asthetics are in the eye of the beholder.
    -Enjoy your vehicle. Perhaps you could start a Town Hall for the Rende-VUE. I would follow that with interest in the years to come.
    Best wishes,
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Sounds like a nice visit.

    I was reading on the auto.com site that a Honda 3.5L V6 will be optional IN 2004 on the VUE. Not sure if the 3.0L will be gone or if it will just be another option.

    2.2L Ecotec is a great motor, we have one in our Alero. Love it!
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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    Goodbye rollup windows, hello power windows and a sunroof!
    Goodbye driving with the windows down, hello A/C!
    Goodbye parking on the street (oil/coolant leaks), hello driveway.
    Goodbye automatic, hello 5 spd.
    Goodbye 6 cyl., hello 4 cyl.
    Goodbye abs/drums, hello 4 wheel abs.
    Goodbye 2 air bags, hello front and side airbags!
    Goodbye cassette deck, hello cd player!
    Goodbye '96 Voyageur, hello...........?
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    steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    We're getting lots of vibes (pun intended) from you around the boards, 5679 :-) May have to start a pool....

    SUVs, Vans and Aftermarket & Accessories Message Boards
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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    Is that your Vibe?
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    steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Please link to those copyrighted stories so we don't have lawyer's letters in our mailbags. Thanks (enjoyed your factory road trip story btw!).

    (5679 - my vibe, and your profile, say "Saturn")

    SUVs, Vans and Aftermarket & Accessories Message Boards
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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    Goodbye being out of debt, hello car payments.
    Goodbye GM Visa, hello AirMiles Mastercard (and PC Mastercard)!

    Goodbye VUE board, hello Vibe board. (I'll check back occasionally.)
    Goodbye Tim Horton's, hello Krispie Kreme!

    The decision? My first new vehicle since 1973, a Ford (Mazda) Courier pkup!
    -2003 model, price-used $3500+ GM points, size, ride, sporty, quietness, interior quality, comfortable, lots of goodies, Toyota influence.
    -not offended by its looks—its only a car, after all!
    Loved the ride of the Aztek but it won't be around long.
    Rendevous and the AWD VUE 6 cost too much ($30000+ Can)
    Vibe 5 spd was quieter than the VUE 5 spd.

    As they say in French, chacun à son goût!
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    The only thing I will completely disagree with you on is the noise. The Toyota 1.8L in the Vibe is definitely noisier than the 2.2L Ecotec. The 1.8L is well known to be a buzzy engine under strong acceleration. I have driven both and the Vibe would be a better vehicle (and faster to 60) with the Ecotec.

    That all said, Vibe is a nice package and I'm sure you will like it. Congrats!
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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    Gehe Me thinkst thou dost protest too much.

    It's hard to have a conversation about vehicles when we deal in intangibles. The marketing genius behind the Saturn dealerships is something you have experienced, and I admittedly have not. If their service is excellent , so it should be.
    Now the sales dept at the Saturn dealership is something that I have experienced, the cheerleader who was assisting us was wonderful ( and I hope her team does swell) and I am sure the psuedo birthday clap/congratulations horn blowing is energizing but it leaves me feeling like an idiot. (fill in own joke here)
    What exactly is new about the Saturn, and here I do mean tangible differences between old and new vehicles. . I am sure that the "new concept vehicle in design and thoroughness that most folks have never seen" must have some real world benefits that I have missed. Phenomenal gas mileage perhaps ? incredible speed maybe , superior handling ? a caveronous interior?, or a fabulous low price ? Educate me please about how this " new concept" has real tangible benefits.
    Styling or asthetics is indeed in the eye of the beholder, I hardly think you could call the Buick Grill as an example a short lived styling advent, it is reminiscent of the cars of the 50's. I like the vue, but it personally reminds me of a Niva (20 year old Russian psuedo SUV)
    G.M. is the manufacturer of Saturn so the environment point is moot. The bottom half of the Buick is also clad in polymer panels (plastic) so no dents here either.
    I too would prefer to support North American worker, oh yeah , I guess I am a slow thinking person, Mexico is in North America. What you mean is you prefer to support your own economy and of course that is admirable
    As for knowing "the value of nothing" well it's a car damn it. Not a religion, not a deity, not as the advertising you have bought into " a philosophy" simply a consumer good. To me the thinking persons car should entail bang for the buck. In both initial price and operating costs.
    I came here to learn about the Vue, shared what I found out as I went along, came to a different conclusion than you. One of my email addresses is misterblandings@hotmail.com
    and if you or anyone else would like to have a friendly ( i mean friendly) debate, drop me a line.
    And yes Host I do know what I am opening myself up to, that's why it's a hotmail account.

    Final Word here is yours, I can be found on the Rendezvous board.


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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    I have tinnitis, ok? Did I already mention that somewhere? I don't know why, too many concerts, or something. I wouldn't listen to my mother about sitting too close to the TV, perhaps.
    I I test drove the Century and loved it, in part because it was so quiet. It was roomy, had a huge trunk, and was my idea of a satisfactory, comfortable, reasonably peppy car. I could hear my spouse with little ear-cupping at all.
    Enter the 5 spd VUE vs the 5sp spd. Vibe. I'm used to the sound of a 5 spd Saturn. I have an SL1. That's why I veered towards and hung around my local dealership. I was familiar with their feel good strategy. I even thought the fairy at my 50th birthday was, in actual fact, my salesman/salesperson, moonlighting.
    When I drove the 5spd, I/we (my wife and I) both said we could easily live with it because it looked sharp and it didn't sound louder than our SL1. It was a sort of the size of our van and the interior was basic. But, again, I/we felt the Vibe was quieter. A moot point, unless you have tinnitus.

    The final say will no doubt belong to my 17 year old son who also drove all of the previously mentioned vehicles. Stay tuned.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -From Auto.com 8/17/02 ... Go Saturn !

    Dealers gain in satisfied customers
    No-haggle pricing policy helps Saturn top index

    August 16, 2002


    The heated incentive war among automakers is warming customers' feelings toward the process of buying a new vehicle, according to a J.D. Power and Associates study released Thursday.

    Here are the top auto brands rated on a 1,000 point scale in the 2002 J.D. Power and Associates Sales Satisfaction Index Study. The study measures customer satisfaction with the purchase or leasing experience. The industry average was 839.


    Saturn 886
    Cadillac 881
    Lincoln 880
    Lexus 878
    Jaguar 877
    Mercedes-Benz 877
    Volvo 874
    Porsche 871
    Mercury 869
    Buick 864
    Infiniti 864
    Oldsmobile 861
    Saab 861
    BMW 858
    GMC 857
    Land Rover 856
    Ford 850
    Chevrolet 848
    Chrysler 846
    Audi 844
    Acura 841
    Pontiac 840

    Finishing at or below industry average in alphabetical order are: Daewoo, Dodge, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Jeep, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota and Volkswagen. "It's the first time in a long time that price has such an impact," said Steve Witten, senior director for project operations at the market research firm in Westlake Village, Calif.

    "Even makes that were not running specials, on average, most of them were giving discounts," Witten said.

    As a result, most every brand showed some improvement in customer satisfaction, the 2002 Sales Satisfaction Index showed.

    The Saturn division of General Motors Corp. topped the annual index for the third straight year based mainly on its policy of no-haggle pricing.

    "What's really exceptional about Saturn is eight of the top 10 are luxury brands," Witten said.

    Indeed, right behind Saturn are Cadillac, Lincoln, Lexus, Jaguar and Mercedes-Benz.

    Saturn's top marketing executive says the brand's perennial success in the study shows a continuing commitment to customer satisfaction.

    "Brands that are successful over time, brands that are timeless, are in it for the long haul and never take their eye off the ball," said Jill Lajdziak, Saturn vice president for sales, service and marketing.

    She called Saturn's top ranking recognition that its dealers adhere to the brand's core pillars of customer satisfaction.

    The study, performed in January and February, is based on more than 39,000 responses from buyers and lessees of new 2001 and 2002 model cars and light trucks.

    Customers fill out an eight-page questionnaire gauging their reactions to every element of the sales process including the appearance of the dealership, sales personnel, filling out paperwork, delivery and price, Witten said.

    Offers of 0-percent and low-interest financing resulted in more customers choosing to finance their vehicles and fewer choosing to lease, the study found.

    The percentage of customers financing increased from 48 percent in 2001 to 54 percent in 2002 while leasing dropped from 27 percent to 20 percent, the lowest percentage in almost 10 years.

    U.S. automakers have been offering some type of incentive for many years, but the latest battle began in September with GM's "Keep America Rolling" no interest financing promotion.

    Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Group followed, leading to a torrid sales pace at the end of the year that boosted 2001 to the second-best sales year in history.

    The J.D. Power study also showed that speed of completing the transaction was another important factor in enhancing customer satisfaction.

    Once again, Saturn's no-haggle policy eliminates the time spent negotiating a price, reducing the number of dealership employees a customer must encounter before completing the transaction, Witten said.

    Because everyone pays the same price, customers leave without wondering whether they got taken for a ride, Witten said.
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    Was at my dealership getting an oil change and saw one of the new 2003 Yellow Vues. Very sharp. Much lighter yellow than the Escapes I see driving around.

    Is this a new color or is it a limited edition?
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I disagree also that the Vibe is quieter than the Vue. We liked the Vibe, but they local dealer had no stock and we decided we liked being up higher in an SUV so we decided against the Vibe. Enjoy the car though.
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    I was at the dealership last night for their "In Service" seminar. It was pretty interesting and definately one of the benefits of buying a Saturn. We started out with a barbeque dinner, then worked through 4 hands on stations learning how to change a tire and some other things under the hood. At the end, they exploded an airbag which was pretty cool. They gave out some nifty door prizes throughout the night - I got a t-shirt that says "I love my Saturn" on the front and the back says ... "If you don't own one, you probably wouldn't understand."
    They had one of the yellow VUE's there that we actually looked under the hood on and got to see underneath when it was up on the hoist. It is a very nice yellow and yes it is only a limited edition - available only in AWD models. I also saw a VUE in the new black - it is also very sharp looking!
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    That's sounds like a good time. Was that at Budd's, or was it at the dealer in Burlington (I can't remember where you bought your VUE)?

    Saw some yellow VUEs on a transport trailer on the highway about a week ago. Very nice yellow color. Definitely an attention grabber.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Boy, you 'float my boat' ! I get such a kick out of your POSTs.
    -You are so "bright eyed and bushy tailed" about Saturn ! Sounds familiar ...
    -I hope my dealer gets to do the same 'service stuff'. I intend to go between Saturn and the two brother mechanics down the road to keep 'them sweet' and keep some business local.
    -I was looking at my VUE notes. I ordered my Blue VUE 6/14/02 ... long wait I guess. Into the nineth week. I think my Tracker took 3 months.
    Later all.
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    How's it going Dindak? I bought mine from Leggat Saturn in Burlington. They seem to be pretty good - for the annual picnic, we are going to the African Lion Safari and you can bring up to 5 people as long as you all come in your Saturn. I thought that was pretty cool since it is over $20 a person to get into that place. Someone else I work with has a Saturn - she was pretty peturbed when she called her dealership in Brampton and found out they were having their picnic in the dealership parking lot.

    Gehe - It should be anytime soon! Mine was ordered on March 1st and I took delivery on May 3rd. If you call your dealership (or go visit them again) they should actually be able to give you your VIN # and production date by now.

    I hate waiting - my life seems to be all about that right now ... first I waited for the VUE but that wasn't so bad as it was in prior to when they told me. Then I bought and paid for a hot tub from Costco in May ... still don't have that. Costco needs to take some lessons from Saturn!
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    I would cancel the hot tub order. There is no excuse for that. Costco can be a pain sometimes, it's not a customer friendly place at all.

    The Saturn sales rep I met with at Budd's was real nice, but I don't know how Budd's is as a dealership. They seem to sell a lot of Saturns here in Oakville though.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Yes. I guess two months is not such a big deal and it has helped me get my "ducks in a row" financially.
    -Holmans don't have a VIN # yet, but they do have an ETA of 9/9/02.
    -My salesperson is making a nuisance of herself keeping bugging her boss for me.
    -I start teaching college next Wednesday as an adjunct and I was sure hoping to be cruising with Miss Vivienne by then. Of course, we are never in the "drivers seat" as life goes. She'll be here before the weahter turns.
    -It will be worth the wait. I really think that this is somewhat unusual. Real bad timing, end of the model year, Summer break, brand new color, the S series being raced thru to complete the back orders and all the 'stuff' that I wanted included. Sun Roof, ABS etc.
    -I ordered "California Emmissions Control" on my Tracker back in 1993 for 1994 and I think that was why it took three months.
    -Had to have AAMCO tow my Tracker for the second tranny rebuild as I cannot wait for Viv VUE. Let's see if they can do a better job than the other 'bush mechanics'. I have a feeling I will learn an aweful lot about the first 'guys' once that tranny gets opened up.

    -(dindak ) is right. Dumb them. Let's see how fast they get the tub to you.
    Later ...
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    msadamsmsadams Member Posts: 26
    Hi All,

    I have to settle this. The Krisy Kreme in Buffalo that a previous poster mentioned is across from the Boulevard Mall on Niagara Falls Blvd. From Canada, take the 190 to the 290 and get off on Nia Falls Blvd south. Drive about a mile and enjoy.

    Phew, now that the important stuff is out of the way I will say that in January, I bought a Rendezvous CX AWD. The incentives were awesome (I get the GM discount too)and I paid only about $1K more than I would have for a V6 Vue.

    Now my Saturn dealer is a 1/4 mile from my Buick dealer and last night I noticed that the former dealer has Vue's on the lot with 4cyl/VTi option. Am I missing something here? I do not see any posts relating to the VTi. Did they JUST come out?

    Clarnce, NY
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    brookecbrookec Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2002 black-silver Vue. Has anyone noticed Vue paint defects--particularly on the hood ? Specifically, particles that show up as blemishes/discoloration in either the paint or clear coat, or both. Admittedly these defects are small (and can be seen clearly only under certain light conditions) but concern me nonetheless.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Thats it.. the Boulevard mall. I could not remember the name (my wife dragged me there). There a Krispy Kreme in west Toronto now and it's cheaper so no need to drive south for them anymore. Nice to know it's there when we are in Buffalo though!

    CVT VUE's have been out for a few weeks now I think. The salesman I spoke with back in June said the people who ordered them were getting them end of July / beginning of August.
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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    Hello All

    Yellow is part of a $2200 Canadian option package. You can't have it unless you pay through the nose for it.
    "a different kind of car company" Well it seems to me to be the same old same old , create a demand for something by making it a "limited editon" and then hose the customers that gotta have the pigment of their choice.
    Greetings to msadams, and I concur with your vehicle choice.

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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    See Gehe, I can post and not mention the Rendezvous.


    Damn it


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    pbagratpbagrat Member Posts: 25
    A co-worker of mine just returned his Vue under Georgia's Lemon Law and received a refund. He had to call roadside assistance three times in one month. The engine would just stop running at times. Note - he purchased the four-cylinder Vue. I would never buy any SUV or MINI Suv with only 4c. He said while going up hills with the a/c on he had the gas pedal to the floor and the car coasted to a stop!!! I hope all of you have better luck with your Vues than we had with our 1996 SL1. Just traded it in yesterday for a 2002 Civic...YEAH!!!!
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    markopolomarkopolo Member Posts: 27
    I am taking my four cylinder five speed in for its first oil change tomorrow. Has anyone had any problems. I have had three. The rumbling in reverse, back cover fell apart and service told me a story about the roof rack. They told me if I put a roof rack on it will have to be removed a couple of times a year. They say leaving a rack on the top of the truck may warp the roof? I do not know if they meant just the Vue's roof.
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I would not get too smug with your new car. We have a 95 Civic and it's been far from trouble free. It's a pretty good car, but nothing special.

    We traded our Accord in for a Vue and we have had months of trouble free driving so far.

    markopolo:: Why would a roof rack warp the roof?
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    I put the roof rack on my VUE and cannot see any reason why it may warp the roof. It just screws into the tracks that are already there. The bars themselves are very light (only rated for 100 lbs).
    Even if you do have to remove them a couple times a year - it is no big deal. I could have both bars off in less than 5 minutes without even getting on a stool or ladder - you just need the right tool (which Saturn sends with the crossbars when you purchase them).

    As far as problems go - just the annoying rumbling when in reverse at lower speeds - which they have told me is normal.

    pbagrat - I have taken my 5 spd. 4 cyl. VUE all over the place this summer. Around the Niagara Escarpment there are lots of winding roads with steep hills that you have to take to get to some nice conservation areas and golf courses. I've had no problems getting up any of them with or without the air conditioning on. The 4 cyl. VUE is not underpowered at all - 8000 clicks so far and I still think it is a fairly peppy little vehicle (and that is after having a V6 standard Sunbird which needless to say had alot of pep).
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -The 4 cyc VTi was available in the USA in June, this year. I test drove both 4 cyc VTi and V6 Auto 5 in June. I ordered the V6 on 6/14/02.

    re:-Paint ...
    -I am not sure if they do have paint problems, but my "Bright Blue" order is constantly delayed. No reason given yet. The 9/9/02 latest delivery date, I am told, is not "written in stone".
    -My dealer's Ops guy mentioned in an e-mail that every time they order "bright blue" VUEs for stock, the order is change to another color at the factory. (?)
    -As long as they get it right, I'm fine with that. Nothing like getting you 'salivating' before you get your new car. I think I'll sing the Hallaluhah chorus when it arrives.

    PS:- (mmspeal)
    -Okay. Admit it. You are 7 feet tall, right ?
    -The one plus from having a 'iddy biddy' Tracker was that you could just about stand in one spot and swipe her around without climbing any where.
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I would like to try a Vue with the VTi. Next time I'm in for an oil change, I will ask my sales guy if they have one around.

    Anyone on the board have one yet? Seems like most of the 4 cyl models are 5 speeds so far.
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    Paint Problems - go through your owners manual because I specifically remember reading something about "if something happens to the paint in the first year" they will repaint it.

    Gehe - nope, I am actually about 5'7" - not very tall but about average for a female I guess. The invoice for my VUE showed up at the dealership before my VUE and the invoice said gold on it. I think the poor guy there almost had heart failure as he knew it was supposed to be red (and he knew how hard of a time I had choosing)

    As far a the VTi goes ... I am not sure I would want to risk getting one of those yet. My dad works in the plant that makes the tranny those were supposed to replace. GM was going to put them in a few vehicles and cut production at his plant. When they started having all the issues they bumped production at his plant back up to where it was before. He is still working 7 days a week. I know they worked some of the kinks out before Saturn went ahead with the VUE but I'd be leary on what other issues may come up or how long they will last since they are so new.
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    brookecbrookec Member Posts: 2
    The owner's manual states (pg. 404 of 2003 handbook):

    "Some weather atmospheric conditions can create a chemical fallout. Airborne pollutants can fall upon and attack painted surfaces on your vehicle. This damage can take two forms: blotchy, ringlet-shaped discolorations, and small irregular dark spots etched into the paint surface.

    "Although no defect in the paint job causes this, Saturn will repair, at no charge to the owner, the surfaces of new vehicles damaged by this fallout condition within 12 months or 12,000 miles of purchase, whichever occurs first."

    I have both the ringlet-shaped discolorations and small irregular spots. I asked two "experts" about this... (1) A body shop affiliated with a large Cadillac dealership: he said there were a few spots that were worrisome. Specifically, tiny areas (which looked like water spots but were not) with microscopic "bubbling." (2) The body shop affiliated with the Saturn dealership: he said, in short, not to worry.

    Anyway, I would be curious if anyone else has these problems. My previous car was an Oldsmobile Intrigue. It had no visible paint defects like this.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    (mmspeal) ... and all ..
    -Thanks for the height info. I was just kidding ya. I'm 5' 8" which is VERY average for a guy.
    -Actually, I am very used to small cars, (not being North American born), (and I don't need it for my ego either), so the VUE will take some getting ued to.
    -Actually, I am probably going to be like you. Get over that in a flash and find lots of excuses to head over to Home Depot and load up with home & gardening stuff etc. My Dad had this thing about trees and cow s _ _ _ !
    -The V6 is a 'smidgen' intimidating. Sure I will not look back on that either. Hold on to your hat stuff !!!
    -So what was up with your papers coming in as "GOLD" ? Thanks for the tip on pre-paper work. I think the dealership guys will be on the phone the micro second that they know it's a definate. I think they are stunned/nonplusssed that I have been so patient and a little embarrassed with the evasive info and delay.

    re:-VTi ...
    -Yes I felt the same as you which is why I talked myself up to the V6. The bottom line is that I really, really want this car. My Saturn salesperson was also reluctant to advise the VTi. However, it's not new technology, just new to GM.
    -Continued 'e's to & from my dealer "Ops" guy and he promises that I "WILL" be the first "2003 Bright Blue" owner at the dealership as "sold" VUEs get first priority once they start making the blues. So I will be over my 'didn't get my blue, blues"!!
    -My Tracker is also due back from AAMCO, Monday, after my second tranny rebuild. And the "smoking gun" to solve months of tranny rebuild troubles ??? The first guys didn't replace the original seals that were all hard as rock ! Funny when that was their original diagnosis, "hardening of the arteries" ... ie:- need new seals.
    -I don't get why they would make such a mistake, but if my 'baby' comes back with a new spring in her step again , ready to embrace her soon to be semi-beach retirement, I'll be delighted ... and recomending AAMCO to anyone who will listen.

    re:-Saturn New Ads ...
    -Saw my first new Saturn advert. on the box with just folks and no cars expect for the 'bright three' at the end. It's cool to see the VUE take centre stage.
    -I also heard my first radio advert. from my dealership for 2002 VUEs listing all it's pluses. Sounded good to me !
    Later !
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
    Bought a 6 cyl 2002 AWD red Vue in July and am quite delighted. Got the sunroof, abs, side airbags and upgraded cd/casette stereo system for $23,500. They had a $1500. market adjustment from original pice of $25,000. About the only complaint I have is the steering wheel, wish it came leather wrapped. I fixed that with a leather cover. A little fabric on the doors would have been nice also. The engine is a bit noisy but this is an SUV and not my Father's Oldsmobile. I'm getting 23.5mpg in mixed driving. I added the roof rack, carpet mats, rigid mud flaps and deflector for the sunroof. I may add the rear deflector and also the cargo mat for the back. This is my first Saturn purchase, wanted a small SUV and test drove the Hyundai Santa Fe, Ford Escape/ Mazda Tribute. The Forester still looks lik a "fridge on wheels" although greatly improved for 2003. The Hyundai was supect in quality and overly "curvey" but quieter than the Vue, the Ford/ Mazda rode like a truck and was very noisy on th highway. For the price the Vue is hard to beat and it is a lot of fun to drive. I'm hoping that we get snow in Colorado this year so that I can test out the all wheel drive. The tires were overinflated when I picked it up at 36 psi, after talking to service I reduced pressure to 30 psi per manual and improved the ride. This forum was very helpful in making my decision, thank you for all of the posts. I haven't read all of them but I'm back to March 2001 so far.
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    56795679 Member Posts: 88
    I saw that. Did someone just say the engine was "a bit noisy"?
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Congrats on your new 02 VUE ! Neat !
    -Boy, you kept below the radar with your research ! I haven't seen any POSTs from you before ... and then ... snap, you are done.
    -I found your comments interesting. Loved your comment on the Subaru !! Chuckle, chuckle ... :))))
    -What is the "$1500 maket adjustment from the original" mean ? My ears really pricked up when I read that. I have the original 'work sheet' from my order, 6/14/02, but there have been some slight price hikes for 03 still to review when she/it finally arrives.
    -I think the V6 was reviewed as 'raspy' sounding. I had forgotten that the Escape was also reviewed as road noisey. Another good reason for not going with that model.
    -Don't hold your breath to use the AWD. The next rain storm will be all the proving that you need ! Don't forget to wave at the other folks as you sail by with confidence.
    -I've ordered the Sunroof, ABS etc like you, but also Roof Rack, Molded Mud Flaps, Cargo Cover, Rubber Mats and Cargo Mat.
    -Enjoy the ride.
    Later ...
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
    It's strange that the Subaru people don't pick up on the boxiness of the Forrester! Anyway the $1500 market adjustment was listed right on the window sticker. I think it's just Saturn's way of not calling it a discount and a way to move the remaining 2002's here in Colorado. So your getting the 2003, that's great, I know you'll like it. Rain, what is that??? We are in a severe drought here in Colordo, we really need some. We do a lot of biking,inline skating skiing/boarding and it's just a fun car. I don't think I fit the profile, I'm 49, but young at heart and active with teenagers still at home and we already have a mini van and a sedan. They talked me out of white and into red, I'm glad they did. I commute 20 miles to work each day and the Vue makes the ride much more enjoyable. Thanks for the response.
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    oarloxoarlox Member Posts: 45
    I happen to be the owner of one of the first Saturn VUE's that arrived in Alaska this past winter. We have been pretty darn happy so far. Believe me my wife drives a bunch and shows no mercy! About 17000 miles since Feb, and we haven't needed to talk to the dealer even once. Maybe we are too easy to get along with, after all don't all vehicles rattle on rough roads. We don't seem to see many VUE's on the roads here, unlike every other SUV that is sold. I guess that you could easily say that SUV's and all other types of 4X4's out number regular passenger cars by about 5 to 1. Sorry to report that the VUE hasn't caught on as well as I thought that it would. What have others observed in the lower 48 and in that little strip of land between Alaska and Seattle? Have Saturn/VUE sales been what they had hoped for?
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Around the west Toronto area I see quite a few VUEs around but not as many as I thought I would see by now. That said, I know production was small and got off to a slow start. There also was no VTi available until recently, one of the reasons we decided on waiting for another 2-3 years to get a VUE. 2003 should be more telling as to how the VUE is being accepted.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Thanks for your reply. Interesting ....
    -So much for no haggling. Well. I guess they don't haggle, but they do discount. The difference from other dealers is that they disclose, I guess. Pre-internet, my last purchase in 94, didn't disclose a $1000 cash back and were about to roll that into profit. Thanks you Consumer Reports for telling all. Now-a-days, that info. is public.
    -Cute your comment on rain. Same here in South Jersey and I planted 15 new evergreens in the Spring that I am hand ('watering can') watering every night. Roll on Autumn. It did rain this week though at last ... and ... it will come all too soon plus the white stuff !
    -I'm 46 so we are the same vintage. I would be interested to see stats. on the VUE buyers. I figured that all the 'bibs and bobs' would be a nice upgrade when I hit 50 +. Otherwise I would have been happier with something simpler. I may be middle age ... (did I just admit to that at last ???) ... but I am not ready to be boring and stayed. I bet your teenagers are happy that you have a practical car thats 'cool' !! (you know. For a wagon !!!)
    -Great report on your hardy VUE. Nice to hear that.
    -I think the rareness of VUE sightings is the same everywhere, not just in Alaska. I think (dindak) raises valid points, but it is still early days for a small car division.
    -I see very few around South Jersey, but I am starting to see them more and more as the "last of the Summer Wine" unfoils. Probably vacationers.
    -I actually didn't see many around Nashville a few weeks ago and that's 'home turf' for the VUE. Most folks have never heard of them or seen them.
    -The new advertising campaign will probably make a big difference. The last ones were odd. You couldn't get a real impression of that toy VUE.
    -Enjoy having a unique car. It won't last.
    Later ...
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I see very few Vue's also, but I like it that way as I feel like we have something special. We certainly get lots of looks and comments on our little red Vue!
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    I am seeing a few more of them these days in the western suburbs of Toronto ... and the funniest thing is that VUE owners are so friendly to other VUE owners. I have not yet passed one or seen one where the other driver didn't wave or give me a thumbs up. I guess the "different kind of company, different kind of car" rubs off on the people who drive them too.

    I still get many compliments and questions like "what is it?" "how do you like it?" "That's a nice looking vehicle" when I park in parking lots, etc. I think it is hilarious when I am sitting at a light and you see the driver next to you looking and looking & you know they are trying to figure out what it is. You almost want to roll down the window and tell them it a VUE - nah ... more fun not to.
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
    Yes my twin 16 year old daughters very much like the VUE. I had considered an outback at one time and they were not real happy with a "wagon". I wonder if us "oldies" are buying the 6 cylinder automatics and the "young uns" are buying the 4 cylinder 5 speeds. It is unique that you can change the look of the Vue so easily. The roof rack just makes a world of difference in looks. I was surprised they they didn't come as standard equipment but I can see that some people would like the more urban look without one. The car just really "fits" me, it's not overly showy, definitely not in the "Aztek" class, fun to drive practical and a car that I feel good about owning (and paying for. I love rolling all of the windows down and opening the sun roof especially in the early evening,after a stressful day at work, AHHHHHH! I do not see many others out here either. One of the first ones that I saw on the road before I bought really turned my head, a red one with the front bumper extension or whatever it's called. I did a have a man in his 60's stop me in a parking lot and really ask a lot of questions. He wants to get rid of his gas hog Ford Explorer, he was duly impressed, made me feel good too!!!
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