


  • Member Posts: 134
    I have tried RainX on my car windsield once. It sticks great, and water gathers into smalls drops instead of forming thin transparent film as before when using wipers (and I have brand new ones). Does not help for visibility, unless you drive at airplain speed (it was designed for that), but looks cool anyway. Someone also suggested using it outside to protect car paint. I am planning to try it inside as well. Tried it inside drinking glass - milk does not stick to that anymore, don't have to wash it. I have also applied it to hair, great thing, dirt does not stick to them anymore, no need to spend all this money on shampoo etc. Are there any other uses for that great product?
  • Member Posts: 149
    No more having to wash the milk glass and applying it to your hair and then NO MORE shampoos. That's it...RAIN X for me.{Yeah, right!}
    Germ free NORT
  • Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for the advice, sergeis!

    Now I'm confident enough to apply Rain-X on all my dishes, my wine glasses, my kitchen sink, my light bulbs, my pillow cases, my bald spot (on my head) and my buck teeth!

    No more need for tooth paste.

    I've also tossed out my facial cream in favor of Rain-X. No more need for soap, either. Forget about towels. In fact, I haven't showered for several days now having applied Rain-X all over my skinny body...

    And my dog loves his new slick furr...
  • Member Posts: 817
    It makes a great drain cleaner. I pour some rain X down my kitchen sink once a week. I don't have to use the garbage disposal any more. I just tip my rain X soaked dishes over the sink and those food particles just slide right on down the drain.
    Then it's right back into the cupboard.
    How do you get the tartar off your teeth to make a cream ? Rain X.
  • Member Posts: 1,064
    After bathing in it I've found that I no longer need to wipe. This stuff's great!

    Save the trees -- bathe in Rain-X!
  • Member Posts: 134
    I am glad my experience helped you guys to discover the great hidden capabilities of this product. Yesterday, after covering everything within my sight with Rain X, I have finally convinced myself to take that stuff internally. I do not know what kind of result I could achieve, but if I would not try - how would we know? Luckily, they have now computers in emergency room so I can update the guys like myself about my latest experience. While I believe that Rain X, taken internally, could lead to tremendous but yet unknown positive effects, those effects are currently masked by several unpleasant side effects. I think it is just matter of time, getting adapted to the stuff. Like drinking - if you have never done it you can get poisoned, but then hey, get used to stuff and enjoy! Unfortunately, they don't have Rain X in the hospital farmacy, so I should get out of here to continue my experiments. I am told I would also need to spend a few days on the sixth floor (psychic), so I guess perhaps I have gained some unusual psychic abilities because of taking RainX.
  • Member Posts: 149
    Does it replace ExLax?????
  • Member Posts: 45
    Okay kids, enough with the universal applications!

    I just had my first rain driving with Rain-X already on all windows (for about two weeks before it rained). Windshield wiper worked super smoothly the first few minutes, then the rubber blades became "grabby" even while fully soaked with heavy rainwater. I simply kept the wipers turned off the entire time driving. Rain-X indeed does its job as advertised -- it's an invisible wiper. In fact, when I notice other people driving WITHOUT their wipers flipping I know they have Rain-X on their windshields.

    Now it's sunny again and I'm about to wash my vehicle. My question for you long-time users is: how often do you apply Rain-X? In general, how long does it last?
  • Member Posts: 22
    Of course the normal response is...it varies. I get about 1 month of excellent results followed by about another month of good results. I usually apply it to my windshield about every 1 to 1.5 months and the other windows about every 6 months. I NEVER have to use my windshield wipers if the glass is clean. Just washing the car removes the surface dirt to expose the rain-x underneath.

    Firstname, I hope this answers your post
  • Member Posts: 134
    I have applied rainx once, and so did my friend. We both disliked it - mechanical wipers did a better job, and you are right, combining ranx and wipers makes it real bad. But getting rid of RainX was real pain. We tried various detergents, but it took almost whole summer to get windshield back to normal. The product itself is good (no joke here), it is just a matter of how you like it - droplets on your windshield or a thin water film.
  • Member Posts: 183
    Like everything else, it depends on how much it is used. I use it once a month about 8 months of the year, but only every 2 months in the summer.

    Try a second coat in a month.

    I have also had to keep the wipers in good shape.
  • Member Posts: 3,382
    I too, had a major problem getting rid of RainX a few years ago. What happened was that I was experimenting with different products, and I just happened to combine the perfectly good RainX with NoTouch's similar (but spray-on) product. The results were absolutely horrible and worse than before RainX (this is using the wipers, BTW). Fortunately, I did have a bottle of NoTouch strong chemical stripper for the glass. It was literally a white cream that had to be rubbed on lightly and then cleaned off. That got rid of RainX + NoTouch instantly. Phew!

    Vans, SUVs, and Aftermarket & Accessories message boards
  • Member Posts: 1,284
    I've never had a problem with this-- my wipers on both my cars work equally well regardless, whether Rain-X is appplied or not. Perhaps the brand of wiper has something to do with it? I usually use Bosch or Anco wipers. I also replace them every few months; I do switch to winter wipers around November and back again in early May.
  • Member Posts: 183
    I just road on a dirt road for miles. My RainX'd rear window on my wagon dusted right up. I recently went on a dirt road with a sedan and it didn't seem to have the same problem.

    Any suggestions?
  • Member Posts: 149
    Don't drive on dirt roads with RainX.
  • Member Posts: 401
    Or, more specifically, don't drive on dirt roads with RainX and a station wagon. Isn't it perfectly clear (pun intended) that the shape of station wagons tends to cause dirt and dust to blow accross the back window? It seems so to me. Isn't that why most wagons (and some hatchbacks) have a wiper and washer as at least an option for the back windows while sedans and coupes seldom do?
  • Member Posts: 134
    I don't think this dust comes from RainX. I would rather suspect the dirt road. Try covering it with RainX too.
  • Member Posts: 45
    If you already have Rain-X applied.
  • Member Posts: 3,382
    The shape of most wagons, SUVs, or minivans is what causes the collection of dust on the rear hatch. What happens is that the air leaves the edge of the roof and then starts to swirl around sort of like a vortex. The simpliest way to remedy this is to get a rear air deflector (not a spoiler) than can redirect some of the air downwards to blow the dust away. I have one on my SUV and it (combined with the rear mudflaps) really makes a significant difference as far as cleanliness goes.

    Vans, SUVs, and Aftermarket & Accessories message boards
  • Member Posts: 1,284
    Rain-X or no, there's a low pressure area behind all cars as they move through the air-- more so on vans, SUVs, wagons, and such. Dust will adhere to any back window of these cars; hence, rear wipers (there have been occasions, however, when I wished for a rear wiper on my coupe. Its rear glass slopes as much or possibly more so than my old hatchback's, but has no rear wiper.)
  • Member Posts: 183
    Summer is quite a dry time for our area. That's when we use the dirt roads. I think I'll simply not apply it on the back window during summer months. It's great the rest of the year however.
  • Member Posts: 118
    hate rain x.
  • Member Posts: 134
    Which part of it do you hate? Rain or X ?
    I think you simply have not tested its all possible uses. Just don't take it internally, otherwise you can apply it to anything. And there is always the choice of keeping it inside of its bottle. Because once it gets out getting it back is no fun.
  • Member Posts: 45
    try adding sugar and cream.
  • Member Posts: 118
    my windshield gets hazy all the time. ever
    since i tried rain-x on it :(
  • Member Posts: 21
    one coat gets you haze. two or three coats (until the Rain-X itself starts to bead) is the correct way of apply it. then wipe off ALL EXCESS with wet lint-free paper towel. it may take a lot of wipes, so people have been hosing the excess off, which seems to be fine.
  • Member Posts: 32
    several years ago after someone's glowing recommendation. For visibility in rain, it's fabulous. The heavier the rain, the better. I could drive through a monsoon without even turning on my wipers.

    The problem was when it drizzled, or rained only a little. I'd get grime and mud and road spray on my windshield, and the glass was too slick for the wipers to work. They'd slide back and forth, but without a load of water to float off the grime, the wipers couldn't CLEAN the windshield. Just a huge smear, no matter how much cleaning fluid I used.

    I put it on once, and it lasted for months before wearing off naturally. It does work, but not always the way you want it to.
  • Member Posts: 5
    I've used RainX for over 15 years. I always try to put on a fresh application before vacation trips. Two things I've learned.

    One. When applying the RainX, I stop about 2 inches above where the wipers sit in their off position. I do this to keep RainX off of the blades. Long ago I made the mistake of actually wiping the blades with the RainX solution as part of my application and then went on a trip. I had terrible chatty wiper blades. I later found that I had chatty wiper blades if I applied the Rain-X on the window in that area. (Maybe I wasn't able to buff the Rain-X off well enough). At any rate I changed the way I applied it. Never any chatty wiper blades since.

    Two. After applying RainX and then wiping haze with a wet papertowel, I buff with a dry paper towel. I then buff with a page of newspaper wadded up. (I use a newspaper to buff car windows or house windows for the final step of cleaning after windex or whatever. It really takes the streaks and hazes off of glass) I learned the newspaper trick from my mom and it really does a great job of getting rid of the haze on inside of windshield or whatever. At any rate, since doing the final buff with newspaper I am always confident that the RainX is going to perform well.
  • Member Posts: 21
    After my thorough application of Rain X two months ago, i'm glad to report its benefits again. My car washed very quickly. Hozing off leaves the windows clean first. Wiping dry the windows produced super clean and spotless glass. It's amazing.

    Lessons I've learned to ELIMINATE haze altogether:

    Apply at least two coats! Try three coats. Apply it until the liquid chemical itself starts to bead! Yes, this will happen. Then, after wiping off excess with a wet lint-free towel, the results will be magic. No buffing needed!

    The best thing:

    Every time the applied windows get dirty, just wipe and buff it with a very DAMP cloth or paper towel. Spotless cleaning. No drying necessary!
  • Member Posts: 72,587
    The newspaper idea works.

    I get that film of dust on my rear window with or without Rain X. It's actually worse without it.

  • Member Posts: 1,118
    Apply RainX then wash the car normally, including the windshield.

    Wipe normally, and the haze is gone.
  • Member Posts: 72,587
    Won't it not last as long, given you're not buffing it in?

  • Member Posts: 113
    started driving (way too many years ago) and love the stuff. The haze comes off by applying more coats and using a damp then dry towel to remove the product. It actually wears off faster the more you use your wipers. I try and add a new coat every time I wash my car and never have streaking problems. I do notice that if I don't apply it for a while it is hard to see, but then a new application makes it like new. When I lived up north it was great in the winter as the windshield was sooo easy to scrape snow and ice off of.

    Recently my car was in the shop and we were having HUGE storms here. I actually ran my loaner home and put Rain-X on the windows because without it, I couldn't see out any of the windows! I hadn't taken the additional insurance coverage out on the rental and was scared I was going to have an accident in the car due to lack of visibility. This stuff will spoil you once you get used to it.

    At slow speeds, and with light mist, or fog, or spray from other cars, the airflow cannot move the water droplets, so I can see why some people complain, but for the most part I think that it's great stuff. I just wish I could find out what it is and how it works. Smells like rubbing alcohol to me, but that certainly doesn't do what Rain-X does.
  • Member Posts: 1,118
    What I do is apply RainX, use a newspaper to remove as much haze as I can, then wash the car and the windshield. I then dry the windshield again along with the Car.
  • Member Posts: 3,382
    works well in the winter too, as the snow gets "blown" off faster than with a normal windshield. I think what someone posted is correct...that one should avoid applying RainX onto the wiper blades, but rather limit it to an area one or two inches above where the blades sit.

    A cautionary note though. Don't combine RainX with another similar product. I once made that mistake (RainX + NoTouch windshield treatment) and the rain ended up beading on the windshield and accumlating more so than if there was no RainX on the windshield at all! I had to use a chemical glass stripper to get rid of the entire solution on the windshield.

    Vans, SUVs, and Aftermarket & Accessories message boards
  • Member Posts: 72,587
    I agree that it works well to keep snow from sticking to the windshield. On the side windows, there is no trade-off, either.

  • Member Posts: 1,064
    Anyone know how Castrol AccuVision rates?
  • Member Posts: 45
    Anyone tried rain-x on shower glass? Thinking it might make it much easier to eliminate soap scum. Just an idea.
  • Member Posts: 113
    I recently had a new enclosure put on a shower and the first thing I did was to put Rain-X on it (as well as wax the new fiberglass shower walls...I know, it's a sickness). It does help keep the soap scum from sticking as well as keeping watermarks to a minimum. Now if I could only find a product to keep the rest of my house that clean I'd be set.
  • Member Posts: 1,284
    Have you considered Zaino? I recently Z'd my cat and the reduction in hairballs has been dramatic. :-)
  • Member Posts: 113
    just a two year old. Tried tie wrapping a wet vac to him, but the power cord kept getting sucked up and he was left spinning in circles. When my wife came home there was no explaining what had been going on!!!

    Back to Rain-X, I used to put it on my headlamp lenses, and up north it helped to keep them clear in the winter, but they were glass. I made the mistake of putting it on lexan lenses and YIKES, it almost seemed to melt the lexan. BEWARE.

    I will say I'm not a fan of Rain-X Anti Fog. Used it on one of my cars when the A/C was down, and it just smeared around and everything still fogged up (yes, I used it on the inside of the glass).
  • Member Posts: 72,587
    I agree on the Anti-Fog stuff. I tried it and it was useless. It fogged right up. Not nearly as effective as the stuff meant for the outside of your windows.

    Though I've had luck with Rain-X on even plastic headlights. In fact, when I wash my cars, I can see the water beading up and rolling off.

  • Member Posts: 2
    Guess I'm not the only one who hates it. I tried it once, and instead of fog, I had water beading and running down the inside of the windshield! I suspect the stuff attracts water instead of repeling it like the regular Rain-X stuff.
  • Member Posts: 47
    I'm a road warrior, driving 40,000 to 50,000 miles a year in the northwest and I swear by Rainx washer solution. On long trips in the winter I carry a gallon with me. I was really happy when it was introduced 5-6 years ago and I could quit smearing the other Rain x around on my windshield. I have noticed the last year that it has been getting harder to find. My last purchase was at a Wal-Mart after I had a hard time finding it at the auto parts stores. I don't let anyone fill my washer reservoir at oil changes. I only use "the pink stuff".
  • Member Posts: 47
    Just bought another 4 gallons of the new RainX solution. I had a hard time finding it again, seems that it's only available at Wal-Mart where I paid $1.97 a gallon. This "new stuff" must be reformulated, it's good down to -25 degrees and its now orange colored.
  • Member Posts: 73
    Just bought an oversize jug of rain -x at wal-mart for $1.97. Why couldn't you just add rain-x to your regular wash?
  • Member Posts: 72,587
    I think the label says you can add it, diluted of course.

  • Member Posts: 166
    Curious to see just how well it works (but not curious enough to spend the money and risk hazing up my windshield :)
  • Member Posts: 47
    That was one of the big reasons for going to the solution, is that it does it's stuff down to -25 degrees. For me diluting it would not work traveling in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming in the winter. I used almost a gallon of it on my business trip today and I always carry a new gallon when I leave home this time of year. At $1.97 per gallon no other product even comes close.

    I was able to shut down my wipers in the rain today for about a hour total, driving at 77 mph on I-5. Too much traffic at other times to shut them down. It really does best on the open road. This time of year I go through about 4 gallons a month.
  • Member Posts: 134
    This stuff is really doing miracles. I also tried it, covered everything in sight. Not only did I not have to turn on my wipers, but I could also close my eyes and still hold to the road for almost a minute! As soon as they let me go from the hospital, I am going to buy more of this stuff, I think I can do better than one minute.
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