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Volkswagen Jetta Maintenance and Repair



  • cards28cards28 Member Posts: 145
    Some time ago, I was talking to a guy about that and he said it was the plastic material that makes up the interior of cars. He said that it emits a invisible vapor, of some kind, that is attracted by the glass windows and builds up over time. Harmful to breath? I don't know, I don't like it, so I just keep it clean. That's a story I heard.
    I was about to ask the same question about cleaning the dash, it's beginning to accumulate some dust.
  • 20jetta0220jetta02 Member Posts: 6
    I've been using Armor All cleaning wipes, which I think is just a cleaner and not a shine and protect product. I thought shiny stuff wouldn't agree too well with the finish of the dash.

    I don't smoke, and have velour seats. Cards, my guess also was going to be the combination of the heat and the dash material. Hopefully the effect will lessen as the car sees more summers. It got to a point in the where I had to clean it weekly! I hardly notice it in the winter though.

    Thanks again, glad to hear other people are experiencing the same things.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I have film on the inside of my windows now, and dust on the dashboard a half-inch thick! It's been a chore just trying to dig the car out here in MD, let alone clean it. I should take some time this weekend to clean the inside at least, but they're calling for thunderstorms all weekend...

    God, what did we in the NE do to honk Mother Nature off??? :)
  • fritz1224fritz1224 Member Posts: 398
    El nino lives!!!
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I am sooo tired of the snow! I would love to live in Chicago, but there you expect cold and snow all winter long. Not here in MD, this is one of the worst winters I ever remember in my 24 years. I am really sick of it though. I might as well move to Chicago and call it a day..

    My (white) car is so dirty, it looks more like french vanilla with chocolate... :)
  • fritz1224fritz1224 Member Posts: 398
    Just down the road from me in Lexington, Ky. over 50,000 people were without electricity and below freeziing temps at the start of this storm. 10,000 still don't have it. Just remember, things could be worse. If I had a choice btw snow or no electricity and freezing temps give me snow. I'll just hunker down in my nice warm house until it melts.
  • 20jetta0220jetta02 Member Posts: 6
    I can't remember a winter when it was consistently as cold as it has been this winter. It seemed like for a month straight the high never got out of 20, and then there's all the precip to go along with it... this winter has seriously made me consider getting a dedicated pair of winter tires!

    Anyhow, anybody in here drive a MkIV 2.0 manual? When I first got my car in December of '01 I took it back in a couple of times to the dealer because of a whining noise when I went through a sharp turn at a slow speed... after a few times of talking to the dealer, they said that it was typical for the differential for this engine and transmission to make this noise. After thinking about it it made sense... I realized that it only happened when the clutch was engaged and I was applying the gas... the noise would disappear if I released the gas or depressed the clutch. At first maybe I thought it was the brakes, but then this noise would be made all the time. I just wanted to check on this forum to see if anybody else has experienced this noise also... I can only describe it as a slight resonant whine, like when you rub a wet finger around the rim of a wine glass... ?
  • yettibuttyettibutt Member Posts: 98
    2000 Jetta GL, 2.0L, 5 speed, 50K miles. A/C button lights up, A/C compressor doesn't cycle. Take to my mechanic (not dealer), works perfect for him, everything in the A/C system appears fine. Works for me that day. Today, not working again. Weather has been cold and wet. Anyone have this issue? Obviously the compressor is fine, seems like a switch/electrical issue to me. My mechanic said that sometimes the evaporator freezes which will shut the system down. 3 years old...POS!
  • wantaburbwantaburb Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2000 Jettal GLX with the black matte interior. I have a couple of items that seem to keep teh interior looking very good.

  • wantaburbwantaburb Member Posts: 3
    Well, this is my attempt to complete my message before sending it in.

    As for interior care:
    1. Lexol makes a vinyl cleaner that works well
    2. The cleaner that you can buy through your local VW dealer also works very well.
    3. Definitely avoid armor-all.

    I suggest that you apply the cleaner to a soft cloth rather than directly to your interior. It's a little easier to keep from getting the cleaner all over the car.

    I also keep a "Swiffer" cloth in the car. These are normally for dusting and cleaning hard floors around a house, but they also work great at picking up the dust on the dash and in some of the nooks that are present (say around the radio buttons, by the windows, and on the turn stalk). The dry cloths also do not bother the dash finish at all.

    Good Luck!
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    The AC compressor will not work below freezing. Would that be a problem?
  • faith9faith9 Member Posts: 1
    I have a '02 Jetta 2.0 manual. Bought it brand new last July. Here are the problems that I have:

    1)Rattle in driver side door over bumps at any speed
    2)Tape stuck in tape deck
    3)Rattle in dash board coming from air vents,
      both air and regular non-cooled air
    4)A clicking sound when my backseat rear window rolls up.

    I bought this car from Bob Baker Volswagon in San Diego. Has anyone had these problems and if so were they fixed (and what did they do) before your warranty expired? I am quickly loosing faith here and want to know of other peoples experiences with these specific problems. I may jump ship before having to deal with all these complications. I live in a small town and any fixing is quite the effort.
  • fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    Rattles in VW's seem to be VERY common and prevelant over all VW models. I also get rattles in my dash (3). Though they seem to be napping for the past 3-4 months. My doors Rattle/creak all the time(1). I didn't realize anyone still listened to tapes!!!! Just kidding.....

    Take your car to the dealer and have them address your complaints. I do caution you though...the dealer might make things WORSE after they get their paws on your car. I brought mycar in several times for "noises" and they always screwed up something that caused an additional dealer visit. Once they forgot to put my dash back together correctly. They were very sloppy in their attempt to fix my car.

    I also have a clicking or rattle sound coming from my driver side rear door. I thought it was the mid speaker, but have since noticed it is actually my rear door lock. The actual peice that moves up and down when the door is locked or unlocked. If I hold the lock the noise will go away...

    Good luck.
  • cabrales1cabrales1 Member Posts: 36
    My TDI wagon is 2 month's old, and in the last week I began to experience a problem. Whenever I turn the key to the first click position, I hear a "pop" from the rear speakers. Sort of what you would hear if you were getting bad reception. It only happens if the radio is on. Also, yesterday I noticed that the radio stayed on even after I turned the car off and took the key out of the ignition. I don't recall this being the case before. It goes off if I turn the radi button to off. The car has the monsoon radio. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Is this one of those electrical "quirks" VW owners always brag about?
  • cabrales1cabrales1 Member Posts: 36
    And while I'm here... the other problem I have had since day one is closing the rear hatch. I have the GLS TDI Wagon. It seems that unless I really slam it hard and maintain pressure the entire way, the hatch will not close. That is, it seems closed, but the dashboard lights will show it has not closed. I figure when I take it in for the 5k oil change I'll have them look at it, but I was wondering if anyone here could give me some advice as to what may be wrong, and what to expect at the dealership.
  • 8u6hfd8u6hfd Member Posts: 1,391
    It's a stiff latching mechanism. It's the same on my Golf.

    I remember when we did the rear latch recall on my 93 Caravan...the same thing ended up happening.
  • yettibuttyettibutt Member Posts: 98
    You need the A/C to defrost/defog the windows, even more so when it is very cold/humid out (during rain or snow). I am going to wait until we get a decent sunny day to warm things up, if it works then, maybe it is fine. I still feel it may be an "electrical gremlin" as my mechanic said that many VWs are plagued with. We will see! I was hoping someone else had this problem and could tell me if it was common. Just hoping to not have to drop fat-cash on an A/C repair as they are usually costly to fix and the car is only 3 years old!!!
  • fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    I had my AC on last week when the tempatures were in the 70's. I had it on for about 15 minutes and my AC did not feel that cold to me. It was only cool. I think I may need to get the dealer to recharge my AC. It seemed that last summer my AC was very cold and now if seems only cool and barely at that.
  • yettibuttyettibutt Member Posts: 98
    My problem is that the A/C charge etc. is fine, my compressor doesn't cycle (or turn on) when I turn on the "A/C" switch.
  • cards28cards28 Member Posts: 145
    I use a cosmetic brush (guys, ask your girl friend or wife to get one for you)on the dash and all those hard to get places. They are small and easy to stow right inside your center console. When you come to a red light, just start sweeping away at your dash and by the time the light turns green, presto, all the dust is gone. Use it regularly and your dash will always look show room clean.
    Isn't this fun??? :)
  • yettibuttyettibutt Member Posts: 98
    Sure enough, today it is dry out and the A/C worked fine...this is so weird. Maybe some water is trapped somehwere and it freezes? Who knows.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    1) I had the similar door rattle problem. They put 'stoppers' in my doors, I think. No rattles since 10K, and I am at 32K now.

    2) Dealer can get the tape out. More than likely a cheap tape or something.

    3) Could be that the dash vents are loose. Ask dealer.

    4) The 'clicking' is the cheap window regulators in there. VWoA sent letters to all owners recently, and they are replacing the parts free of charge. Wait, do you have power windows? If not, then this will not help you at all.
  • samcqsamcq Member Posts: 13
    I have a 2000 Jetta GLS. I have taken very good car of my car and it has very low mileage (15,120) because I work close to home.

    On 9/10/02, the oil indicator light came on in the car. I checked the oil and the stick was completely dry. I added 2 qts of oil. On 11/11/02 I took the car in for inspection. They changed the oil and told me to check in 1000 miles. On 2/9/03 (1000 miles), I checked my oil and it was very low again, although the oil indicator light did not go on. I added a quart of oil and called the dealership.

    They checked the oil and said that I have to start doing oil consumption tests. I have to bring it back in 1000 miles and they are going to check the levels. I am concerned because the car is absolutely not leaking any oil and it's driving fine.

    Anyone else have the same problem?
  • samcqsamcq Member Posts: 13
    I have a '00 Jetta GLS with only 15K miles and now I have to replace my tires! Apparently I have flat spots in my front tires. I drive the car every day and it has never sat for longer than 2 days without being driven.

    Anyone have the same problem?
  • yettibuttyettibutt Member Posts: 98
    My 2000 2.0L eats about 1 qt of oil every 2K miles or so. Dealer said its normal, I gave up, easier to just add a qt. I do check it once a month or 1000 miles. Apparently, they just do this, there are plenty of posts here about it. I say if the car is running fine and you are doing the oil consumption test with VW, you have nothing to worry about. As for tires, the Goodyear Eagle el-crappos that came on it had to be replaced at 30K, they were worn funny due to a compatibility issue of the tire and the Jetta's alignment. No warranty on that one unless I had less than 26K on the tires.
  • fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    I have a 2002 GL 2.0 and in 11K miles my car does not have any oil consumption issues. The 2.0 engine is known to have this problem. What would really piss me off is the fact that the VW dealer has to know about this issue but still professes that it is "normal" for your car to use that much oil. Take it back to the delaer and DEMAND that something be done. I have heard, and I believe Vocus can provide additional info, that some of the 2.0 engines had seals (I think) put in backwards which caused excess oil consumption issues. Also, I have read and heard of VW fixing or replacing these engines to remedy the problem. I would also recommend going to the VWvortex site and do some more research before you head to the dealer. I guess I am glad that VW might of fixed this issue in later 2.0 engines.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Also, check the oil right after they add it for the consumption test. They overfilled the oil, on purpose, in my co-worker's car when he took it to the dealership and complained about oil usage.

    And VWoA won't do anything about the oil problem if the car's not using at least a quart of oil every 1000 miles.
  • bpeeblesbpeebles Member Posts: 4,085
    But is is "normal" for that engine... (up till around 2002) They are not fibbing to you in any way.

    Try buying a US-named car... virtually every complaint you have will be 'normal'.
     "It is normal for the transmission fluid to come frothing out of the dipstick like that"
    "It is normal for the windshiled to leak in the rain"
    "those rattles are normal"
    "it is normal for the brakes to warp like that"
    "It is normal for the wheels to fall off of it if you do not tighten them regularly"
    "It is normal for the cylinder head to warp like that"
  • jessevitronejessevitrone Member Posts: 2
    I had a 2001 Jetta Wolfsburg, but sold it after a year because I couldn't keep it out of the shop. 2 engine problems, plus creaky doors, broken glove box, etc, etc.

    I have a '99 Acura TL now, and it's a nice car, but it's just no fun to drive. Too big. Rides like a big car, but it drives like a big car, so I'm looking around again.

    Have the Jetta's gotten any better? Do people seem to have less problems with the new ones?

    I'm looking at getting a GLS 1.8T

  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    The current buzzword with the 1.8T engine seems to be the ignition coil problems. VW finally admitted to the window regulator problems, and fixed them all free of charge or reimbursed people for what they paid. The rattling problems still carry on in some, it's kinda a luck of the draw. My 02 GLS 1.8T had a couple irritating rattles when first new, but I finally got them worked out by 17K miles. Still annoying though.

    The VWs are not going to be as reliable as the Acura is, but they do have driving enjoyment where alot of other cars do not. I guess it comes down to what you hold more important in your car.
  • jessevitronejessevitrone Member Posts: 2
    Vocus - yeah, the Acura is reliable, but no fun, and that's driving me nuts! The TL is a great car, just not for me.

    I had the ignition coil go on my Wolfsburg, looks like I'm not the only one.

    Sounds like a lot of the problems are getting taken care of though, guess it's time to head to the VW dealer again :)
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I got an 02 1.8T with 32.5K miles, I will trade ya for the Acura.. :)
  • cards28cards28 Member Posts: 145
    I have had my GLS Jetta 1.8T for 2 months and has about 1,300 miles on it. I haven't had one problem with it yet. Knock on wood. It quietly does everything that it's suppose to do. I've heard horror stories but VW is starting to listen, because I think they have too much to lose. Their reputation is on the line. The coil recall is a start and I hope some of that service trickles down to the Dealer and its service dept. There's no excuse for them to treat owners like they have in the past. I would hope VW was smart enough to visit some of these forum through out the world and take note. No on can ignore bad press and survive the competition. VW has a few new models that will hit the market soon and any bad press at this would be not so good for them. People remember, "didn't I hear something recently that VW was having problems?" A smart buyer will investigate. Anyway, good luck if you decide to go with the Jetta. At this point, I'm happy. Tap into this forum and you will learn a lot in a short period of time how things are going. These guys are really on the ball.
  • flash_gordonflash_gordon Member Posts: 2
    sam cq - I also have a 00 Jetta and had tire problems at about 15k miles. I've heard other complaints about alignment issues with Jettas that cause uneven tire wear. I argued with my dealer and the tire manufacturer (Bridgestone), but got nowhere. I bought a new set of Goodyear Eagles and have had no problems since...I've put about 20k miles on them.

    Make sure you get an alignment when the new tires are put on. Buy tires from an outfit that offers free lifetime balancing and rotation and take advantage of this service.
  • samcqsamcq Member Posts: 13
    Thanks to everyone that responded to my posting about my oil comsumption and tire problems. I appreciate your advice and plan to discuss the engine seal issue with my dealer.

    Can anyone suggest good but not crazy expensive replacement tires? I live in Philadelphia and do need tires that can handle snow.
  • 8u6hfd8u6hfd Member Posts: 1,391
    Try BF Goodrich Touring T/A tires. Try the local Sam's Club or BJ's
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I would get on Tirerack.com and check out some comparisons of tires that will fit your car.
  • reynsreyns Member Posts: 2
    I have a '00 Jetta VR6 with 18k miles. I've had some issues with the car: window's dropping into door on both driver and front passenger sides, repaired twice (once during road trip from NC to FL--not fun!), turn signal light on driver's side fell out (broken plastic tabs).

    Anyway, now that my car's no longer under warranty, I'm experiencing engine sputering and the sulfur-smell exhaust (like messages #143 and #322). Last night when it happened I had filled up with gas in the morning (always use 93 octane), and it was raining. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but regardless, this is NOT NORMAL!

    This morning the smell was gone, but I noticed that my temperature gauge (which usually stays at 190) was dropping down to zero as I was going over a hill. As soon as I hit level ground, the thermostat rose back to 190. I've never seen this happen, and no warning lights have come on.

    Any thoughts on what these problems signify??
  • flash_gordonflash_gordon Member Posts: 2
    Do you only experience sputtering after it sits out in the rain? Does the problem go away after the engine gets up to temperature?

    I also have a 00 Jetta VR6 and occassionally experience rough idling after it sits overnight in the rain. Can't say I've noticed the sulfer smelling exhaust though. The problem goes away after the engine warms up.

    My dealer told me the problem is with the coil packs. They get moisture in them and will eventually need to be replaced. I'm curious if others have had ignition coil problems in pre-2001 models. VW says the current fiasco with the coil packs only pertains to models after 2000. I'll have to check out the ignition coil discussion page.
  • cards28cards28 Member Posts: 145
    You might find a good price for tires online but keep in mind you'll need someone to mount them for you. If you know a corner mechanic that will install them for you without charging you an arm or leg, that's good. But, BEWARE, if you have someone that you don't know, you could end up paying the piper to do so. Any saving you realized can go down the tubes real quick. I learned the hard way and ended up paying more than first thought. So....be careful! :)
    Good Luck & Happy Shopping!!!
  • reynsreyns Member Posts: 2
    I have noticed some rough idling before, but haven't made the connection with the rain. This was the first time that I noticed the smell. Yes, once the engine warms up, the idling becomes smoother.

    Within the first 6 months I owned my car I complained to the dealer about rough idling, and he said it was because the wrong weight oil was in my car, and that VW had just changed the protocol on which oil to use in VR6's. I didn't believe him, but that's all he would say.

    My car tends to sit a lot as I only drive on average once/week, and don't have a garage. I also live in a humid area. The engine coil issue worries me-- I guess I need to read up on what those "symptoms" are.
  • bpeeblesbpeebles Member Posts: 4,085
    Technically, I can say for certain that these 2 symptoms observed together are a sign that the engine is running RICH or perhaps a cylinder is not even firing. The sulphur smell is usually due to the catalytic-converter being 'overloaded' with excess unburned fuel.

    The sparkplugs need to be pulled and 'read' by a professional that knows how to 'read' sparkplugs.

    I am surprised that a condition such as the one described is not 'logged' into the onboard computer. Are you SURE that your dealer hooked your car to the computer-diagnostic system? (Do they know how to USE it?)
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Agree about having tires mounted. Wal-Mart only charges $17 per tire to do it, so I can't really complain about that. :)
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    That's the coilpack problem. That, along with the stinky exhaust, are signs that you have a problem. Any 'check engine' light or loss of power? Those are both signs as well. Since it's a recall, it's free for the replacement. Good luck.
  • nomadnycnomadnyc Member Posts: 36
    Anyone have any (or have heard of) issues with their wipers causing scratches on the windshield?

    My fieance's Jetta (2003) had a scrached windshield when we picked it. From looking at it is obvious that the wipers caused the scratch. I originally thought that someone turned on the wipers without the rubber parts being installed. Now I am not so sure.

    When the wipers are turned on you hear a "squeek". My fiance said she thinks the scratch is getting worse. She told me this late last night and I could not see anything in the dark. Did not have time this morning to check. I am taking the car in tomorrow.

    If anyone knows of anything similar please post comments. Thanks
  • suestsuest Member Posts: 1
    I have a '99 Jetta & have had too many problems. Currently my car is sitting in my driveway with the driver side window covered with plastic. For the 4th time in 4 years a window has fallen off the track & into the door. Last August the engine light came on and it took until past November to get it fixed. These are just 2 of the many problems I have had. And the customer service has been very disapointing. It takes at least 2 weeks to get an appointment to have my car serviced. I have decided after I get the window fixed I am going to start looking for a new car. The lack of quality & customer service has made it so that I will never buy a VW again.
  • fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    Suest - Sorry to hear about your problems. It is unacceptable that it took VW almost 4 years to fix the the window problems and the coil pack problems. I also have experienced the same issues with dealer service. Thank god my car never needed immediate attention, so the wait for me hasn't been terrible.

    Good luck!!
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Just so you know about that window problem, VW will fix it for free, as well as reimburse you for the past repairs you paid for out of pocket. Give VWoA customer service a call at (800) 822-8987 and choose option 3 from the menu. Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    The only problem I had with my car that required immediate attention was the coils. I had the car towed in on a Saturday, and took a bus to the dealership on Monday to get my loaner. I would have gotten it Saturday, but the service dept. was closed already. I called the dealer's manager (he was alot of help since my purchase) and talked to him about my problem when it happend though.

    Sometimes, it does matter who you know when you need something...
  • cabrales1cabrales1 Member Posts: 36
    I keep on reading about these coil pack problems. What are the coil packs? What do they do? I am somewhat knowledgeable of cars, but I never heard that term. Is this something that has been fixed for 2003? Does my Jetta TDI have coil packs?
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