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Ford Focus Hatchback ZX3 - Part XI



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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    There was a story going around that Japanese engineers at Lexus tested their cars' weather sealing by placing a cat into an LS400 with all the doors, windows and vents closed. The next morning, the cat had died from lack of oxygen. Chrysler engineers heard about this, and decided to try it on their new luxury car prototype. They put a cat into their car, closed all the windows, doors, and vents, and went home. The next morning, the cat was gone...
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    trevatreva Member Posts: 39
    The "Black Magic" treatment I used 6 weeks ago to remedy my overzealous Rain-X waxing has lasted very well. I've been washing my beauty every weekend since then, and still don't appear to see any sign of any white wax marks, though the initial glossy black shine has faded slightly.

    Re : the travel kit. I'd probably add a couple more things :
    Disposable gloves : either the one's surgeons snap onto themselves before operations, or some cheapo gardening ones would do, for those changing of tires or somesuch yucky task when you're in your sunday-best.

    Fire Extinguisher : if not to deflame your zx3 (nothing can go wrong with your engine after all), but to help with the unfortunate road accident should it happen. Just make sure it's still pressurized, from time to time.

    Spare washer fluid : My zx3 drinks the stuff. Dunno where it all goes, evaporation ?

    Fuses : the zx3 uses quite a variety of amperage fuses, check your manual; I'd get a selection of each.

    I've found that a 5-quart carry-tote box works well to carry this stuff (some of it can even go where the spare wheel is), and have found I can strap this kit to the back of the rear seats using the two hooks and a bungy-cord. Simple.

    Query concerning the jumper cables : I recollect seeing on Motorweek (tv) a while ago, that standard battery-to-battery jumper cables are not recommended for modern cars, since connecting them can, allegedly, fry the delicate electronics.
    Some alternative cables were recommended which plug from battery-to-cigarette-lighter, and this apparently solves that potential problem. I haven't seen these cables around anywhere though.
    (But I haven't looked hard).
    What do people think ?

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    drebe73drebe73 Member Posts: 243
    I was told that I am having hydrolic problems with the clutch master cylinder. Still no idea when it will be fixed. I am scared to hear that they need to order a part.
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    drebe73drebe73 Member Posts: 243
    silver bullet sounds like you were right on with your diagnosis of my car. now has anyone heard any truth to the recall rumor?
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    drebe73drebe73 Member Posts: 243
    I will not give a jump to anyone using standard cables. I plan to buy the lighter to lighter kind. Much safer and easier to use. I believe they can be obtained from brookestone or sharper image.
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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    Whoa - do they really sell such things? I can't imagine being able to jump start a car through the cigarette lighter socket - the current draw required to start the other car would surely blow the fuse to the circuit your lighter is on, or worse. I'm afraid I've become a bit of a bad citizen when it comes to offering jump starts - I won't do it with my car, although I'm happy to assist others who want to give it a go. Check your owner's manual - there is often a suggestion for switching on certain accessories to provide a load to your electrical system when jump starting.
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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    If you are suffering through this heatwave like my ZX3 is, don't neglect that sexy leather wrapped steering wheel Ford gave us. Get some Lexol Leather Conditioner and feed the leather, following the label instructions. Don't overdo it, and try not to saturate the stitching. Sweat from your hands, sunlight (drape a cloth over it if you must leave your car in the sun) and A/C work wonders to dry out the leather. Feed your wheel a few times a year and you'll be rewarded with leather that looks and feels great for years. The slight tackiness Lexol produces will dissipate overnight, so you might want to make this the last detail chore of the day. Other leather conditioning products work just as well - just DON'T use Armorall or similar silicone-based products on real leather.
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    zgrrrlzgrrrl Member Posts: 147
    Right on! I always carry one in my vehicles ...even though this is a new one and I've always driven old ones...


    Because of the big CAR-B-QUE of '92. My Plymouth Horizon (don't laugh I was a broke college student and it was a darn fine ride for gas mileage) went up in flames ON my birthday...ON a Busy Saturday night ON a very busy intersection in Chicago.

    Didn't have the fire extinnguisher and eventually the fire dept had to come and put the Car-B-Que out for me (dangerous AND embarassing!)....

    Whatta nightmare....

    So, I am thinking the chances are slim, but I never want to deal with that again....
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    kdominczakkdominczak Member Posts: 174
    That's a great joke, and it's right on the money.
    Now I know why most of cat lovers are driving neons...
    How about the dogs?
    Those could escape from the yugo or lada with doors/windows closed.
    Oh, I forgot dog would not fit into yugo.
    Cat proably could though.
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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    I don't think Lada's are THAT bad.
    BTW they are based on Fiat design and can be repaired with just basic tools.
    No tools exist to fix up the yugo though.
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    jeffyjcjeffyjc Member Posts: 14
    Had to take My Baby into the dealer, three times now the front passenger side floor is totally wet the dealer is not sure what is the problem, mentioned something about car washing any one see something like this before on the site? I have had the car since Jan and this is the first time I am without it...any help would be much appreciated
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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    check out this site.
    In "problems and complaints" forum select
    "apparently my Focus isn't watertight" topic.

    Here is the link:

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    rgarnerrgarner Member Posts: 37
    Yes I have to agree, the Lada is not such a bad car, and it's amazing what tools will fix most problems with it. But they do break down quite often, or so I have heard from friends.

    I personally like the trebant (I know the spelling is wrong), the very small car they built in Eastern Europe, looks like an egg. They're actually not made from metal, but some fabric material. I remember driving through the Hungarian countryside, stuffed in the back seat of one of these things, hotter than heck outside...

    I wish they sold many of the smaller cars (like the Focus)that sell so well in Europe here in the US. What a shame...for now I feel lost in the sea of minivans and SUV's (which never leave the paved road)
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    pcleveland2pcleveland2 Member Posts: 516
    If you have problem with water on passenger side floor TELL YOUR DEALER to see Technical Service Bulletin 8284 and 13953. These TSBs concern water entering the front right passenger floor through the Air Handling Case. Seeing the problem is covered in a TSB from the manufacturer, it also should have a fix the dealer can perform to prevent the problem from reoccuring.

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    pcleveland2pcleveland2 Member Posts: 516
    Not a bad vehicle. Easy to work on if you could get parts. To bad Ford couldn't do something like that. With all the fuel injection and computers today, you can't do anything. Got to have a computer to hook up to car just to know whats wrong.
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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    Yes, just cheap transport.
    Not as advanced as SU-27 but both could be repaired with duct tape.

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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    ...was called the Pinto! Talk about basic, fix-it- with-a-screwdriver engineering! I remember Ford ads on TV in 1976 offering "bicentennial pricing" of $1976.00 on new Pintos. For better or worse (probably better), those days are gone.
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    jedimaster1jedimaster1 Member Posts: 32
    I haven't been on these boards in a little while, so I had a little of scrolling to do. I skimmed most of it and I'm seeing some weird posts. I saw something about peanut oil (a better alternative than motor oil?), something about a Car-B-Que (cook hamburgers on the car grille or something?). Hmm, maybe I should go back over these posts before I do something stupid to my ZX3. Up to 8,000 miles on my ZX3 in 4.5 months (although about 1,400 miles were on road trips) and I average about 28-30 mpg. I'd get a higher rate, but I like to drive fast, I average at around 80mph. This is still the best car I've ever owned.


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    kdominczakkdominczak Member Posts: 174
    You must don't know what are you talking about.
    Those communistic commuters.
    Lada never bought any license from fiat they just stole it, it only looked like fiat looking from not closer than 25 feet. Too heavy, underpowered,
    crap, only Trabant could beat it.
    Trabant was a plastic soap dish looking something,
    It had astronomical power of 17hp, and sounded like a three winged German airplane from World War One.There were other monsters too, Polish Fiat (this time it was an official license )126p had 0.65 liter ,24hp engine three speed M/T what a car that was...
    Anyway I don't think you can fix those little carts with a duct tape.
    How can you miss it???
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    maynard7maynard7 Member Posts: 16
    Consumer Reports did a massive report on motor oils about two or three years ago. They tested a whole fleet of taxis in Manhattan (grueling driving conditions...severe service). After 60,000 miles, the engines were taken apart in the taxis, and they found that there was almost no difference between engines that used regular oil, and engines that used synthetic oil.

    I don't know of any other test that's ever been done like this before or after. Personally, I believe Consumer Reports more than I do the marketing department at an oil company.
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    catsoftcatsoft Member Posts: 15
    Not sure if these links have been published on this before or that I got them elsewhere. Lots of oil info...

    The engine oil bible:

    All you ever wanted to know about oil:

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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    Sorry for bringing this up again, but just couldn't leave it unanswered.
    Those who hang around this board long enough probably remember what I had to say in regards of communism etc.
    But facts are facts.
    Lada design has NOT been stolen from Fiat.
    Soviet Union bought it in 1969 as Fiat 128.
    Actually the whole assembly line with all of the equipment been shipped to Russia.
    The factory used a lot of original italian components for a couple of years, before all the parts could be produced in Russia.
    And the final product called "Zhigulee" looked 100% identical to Fiat 128.
    Yes quality suffered compared to the original,
    but it was by far the most advanced and quality made car on russian streets for quite a while.
    Regarding the Trabant.
    The "russian fiat" was light years away in respect of reliability, emissions and quality from that peace of crap which coudln't be even called a car.
    So, kdominczak,
    please research the topic before making uninformed
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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    ZIL! Much like the Lada/Fiat, you have got to love the ZIL/Packard! Very cool to see these big old boats being made by the Soviets long after Packard abandoned the tooling. Hard to imagine that "quality suffered" when the Russians took over Fiat 128 production... two of my friends back in college drove Fiat 128's ("Fix It Again, Tony!") and formed their own support group while trying to keep the cars running. Sure taught me a few things about alternative automotive engineering...
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    jeffyjcjeffyjc Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for the help, I pointed it out to the dealer...they said it would take till Monday.
    Lets hope so.
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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    Yea, quality suffered which tells something about the ability of the former communist countries to adopt new technology even if it was long outdated by the standards of the western world.
    BTW those Lada's were pretty descent cars.
    One of the biggest problems with them was a camshaft design.
    It took years for Lada to fix that design flaw.
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    zgrrrlzgrrrl Member Posts: 147
    Nope didnt get that....but would LOVE to give the guy a buzz and ask what he means by "luring" people into buying a Focus....if he wants to know he'd read it here and in the VS forums.

    And I don't like the word "luring" it denotes we were suckered. Some people may think that but I certianly don't considering the HUGE hassel I got at the Honda dealer (why do you want a hatch when we have sedans RIGHT off the LOT here? why do you want a manual trans - you really won't save much money - that's what they think, they don't realise some prefer it and "saving money" is not the issue altho I was not out to spend a lot)

    Toyota, Nissan, all the same. The Mazda dealer was the only one who really understood my reasoning but I just couldn't go with the bland Protege.

    Oh well, I didn't mean to rant. Guess I did.

    So much more to tell...so little time...
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    drebe73drebe73 Member Posts: 243
    "Luring" Thats why I was hesitant. I am curious of his angle and if he would take my words and make it sound negative. The problems I have been having are isolated. I just am very wary of anthing sent to me over the net. Should I give this guy a call?
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    tognetertogneter Member Posts: 245
    I think in the context in which this guy's using the word, he probably has an angle on the Focus stealing market share. What I mean is that they are attracting people, like me, who would never otherwise buy a Ford. Therefore they are being "lured" away from Japanese and Euro cars.

    Maybe I'll call him... =]
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    kdominczakkdominczak Member Posts: 174
    Well, I have never called trabant a car.
    Trabant could be compared to a lawn mower but never to the car.
    I'm sorry about the Lada, it was somewhat better than the trabant, and Soviets did get a license from Italy,the same way Poles did with their Fiat's 125p and 126p.
    Also they did get those licenses when the designs were aging(nothing to do with Italian wine).
    The Italians have stopped manufacturing them, and it looked as a perfect bite for the communists.
    Those cheap licenses did set the future of the Car manufacturing industry in those countries for the next 30 years! Italian parts for the "Russian Fiat" Lada? Yes, but only for a while, and for export only. So what you bought was not even close to the overall quality of the Italian original. I've known about the Poles buying their license so sorry about the statement "that Lada was stolen from Italians"
    But I think that you should know that Soviets were stealing a lot of ideas from the "west" (just another cheap way of trying to catch-up with the world)
    We all can see how it ended, unfortunately for all those poor people who got raped in a lot of ways.
    Communism = Paranoia and we all should know it.
    There were some good sides of living in the USSR though; vodka was cheaper than Coca-Cola and sex, drugs and rock and roll have ruled. What else could you do?
    But please, let's not look for a good sides of the evil!
    ...so the Carlady feels better about the nature of my post, and on the more positive note: Ford Focus kicks [non-permissible content removed] baby!
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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
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    pcleveland2pcleveland2 Member Posts: 516
    You guys!!
    When you say Lada, I think 4 wheel drive. Remember the small suv they marketed. There were a number of them in Canada as I remember. Not to many down here though. I'm also familiar with the Fiat licenced Lada. The Russian Military Mission in Berlin drove them. Saw a lot of the Trabants in East Berlin and East Germany way back when the wall was still up. Smoked like mad. Sounded like a lawn mower. The East German border Guards used them. Our (US) military mission used Opels, which were sent to US to be beefed up, for a while. Would have liked to got my hands on one of them. Souped up motor, beefed up suspension, great handling car.

    Now back to the foci, "luring" by Ford. Don't think so. The magazines and internet got me, and I'm still happy five months and 13,000 miles later. Might be happy with a Audi or a Bimmer, but the price is just to high for what you get.

    Oh, lets get off the commie thing! You sound like a little old german lady going after some big young russian soldier with her cane. They have their love for cars just like we do. Thats the way to keep it here. The love for a automobile!

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    njzx3njzx3 Member Posts: 170
    well said pat
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    zx3konaguyzx3konaguy Member Posts: 1
    I just bought a ZX3 Kona Edition. Awesome car! It's sporty and practical at the same time. Oh, did I mention it came with a great Mt. Bike too? Now I have three Mt. Bikes, but thats O.K. Mine's forest green with charcoal interior. It's got 16", six spoke alloys, low profile tires, a bike rack, silverback instrument cluster, all the Kona badging, seat covers and trim as well as every option but the smokers pkg. and the automatic.
    I've had the car nine days now and only have one complaint so far. On my way to work this morning it died in traffic!!!!! I don't know what caused this. I'm sure it's a minor glitch. It happened after I slid it in neutral going down hill while approaching a stop light. Has anybody else had this happen? I've only got six hundred miles on it. I love this car, I'm just a "little" concerned. Tell me what you think.
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    superf22superf22 Member Posts: 54
    how did you get the bike? did you place a special order? or did you buy it off the lot and then went to a bike shop and had them get you one your size? I'm not very neat picky about cars, but my bikes have to fit me like a glove.

    about your problem...are you sure you didn't stall? otherwise I'd have it checked by the dealer, it won't cost you a thing. enjoy the trails!
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    hkoenen2hkoenen2 Member Posts: 70
    My Focus was back in the shop for the last two day with these results:
    1) AM radio is working again, loose antenna connection
    2) Door looks are working, replaces the modulator
    3) Replaced the rear seat fabric, had a hole in it from day one
    4) Inspected and tested the transmission noise and determined that it needed to be replaced. Had a whining noise when decelerating. (automatic)

    Eta on transmission about a week.
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    norwaydougnorwaydoug Member Posts: 249
    Slipping your zx-3 in neutral with an automatic is not a cool move while going down a hill. You can seriously damage your automatic. I have no idea if the stalling had anything to do with that operation. Did the car start up again? Or did you have it towed?

    I think the Kona edition is mega cool. I am definitely envious. I especially like the alloys and 16 inch wheels. But keep that slush box (autobox) out of neutral will ya?!


    Owner of a 5 spd Rainforest Green/Charcoal interior PW/PL and tilt and the regular goodies.
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    zgrrrlzgrrrl Member Posts: 147
    I've never done it but why is it bad to put automatic in neutral while going down a hill?
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    zx3zx3 Member Posts: 167
    njzx3, in reply to your question about removing the badging from your new Z.
    Here's my method. Works fine....

    Pick a warm/hot summer day. The adhesive is now very soft.
    Slip fingernail under one corner of badge and s-l-o-w-l-y start peeling it off the car. It will come off, easy as pie.
    If you see any bits of adhesive still left on paint -- no sweat!
    Next time you wash your car, (I use "RainX Self-Drying Car Wash" liquid) those bits of adhesive will wash right off with all the other crud.
    Your Z's paint will be as smooth and pretty and undamaged (where the badge was removed) as the paint on the rest of the car.
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    zx3zx3 Member Posts: 167
    A friend asked me today: "I have 50,000 miles on my Toyota pickup. Is too late for me to switch to synthetic oil? Would I have problems? What kind?"

    I replied, "I'll post your question in the Z Club forum .... then I'll print out all the Answers I get, and give them to you so you can make up your own mind".
    He says any Answers to his Question (both Pro and Con) will be "very greatly appreciated".
    And I too, thank you all very much....
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    pcleveland2pcleveland2 Member Posts: 516

    Can you describe the "whining noise when deaccelerating" (automatic) a little bit better. I have a whining noise when deaccelerating down a slight downgrade. It is quite noticeable when there is a concrete barrier on both sides of the road. It amplifies the noise so it can be heard better. Hard to describe the whining, more of a whering, noise. The transmission hasn't given me any problem at all. No slipage, banging, clunking or anything, just the strange noise above. Doesn't sound like anything really wrong, BUT after reading your post, I'm a bit concerned.

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    vadpvadp Member Posts: 1,025
    I have a manual tranny.
    At highway speeds the transaxle does whine on deceleration AND light acceleration.
    Sure it could be a different problem, since I have a manual.
    Anybody else with auto/man. having the similar noise?
    And it's not tire noise for sure.
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    miata23miata23 Member Posts: 26

    I took delivery of my Sangria Red ZX3 in Seattle on 7/19 (ordered 5/05). I ordered it through a referral from Costco's program and I can recommend Tim Holmquist at Bill Pierre Ford - got exactly what I ordered at the price he quoted.

    No problems to report as of day THREE, but I appreciate all the postings and will do likewise.

    This replaces an '87 VW Golf and augments my lil'
    yellow Miata. I got seriously interested in the ZX3 after CONSUMER REPORTS went out of their way to praise a ZTS ahead of running their scheduled review (which has yet to appear).

    I ordered all options 'cept the following:

    Power Windows and Mirrors
    Remote Entry
    Smoker's package

    I can barely believe how much car Ford can deliver
    in a ZX3 for the price - esp. in comparison to the Civic or Golf - a well-balanced package at a better than expected price - and I especially like
    all the benefits of a higher roofline.

    I haven't decided on specific mods yet, but they'll be heavily biased towards improving lateral g's

    I saw the Associated Press article by Justin Hyde
    on Yahoo on 7/21. The gist was that Ford of North America was not trumpeting the fact that the Focus was the best-selling car in the world (12/99 to 4/00 time frame) out of fear that that would detract from the appeal to it's target audience (18 to 25YO's)- as an aside, I'm 41.

    But the article was in no way a slam, it praised Ford on many counts and quoted one Focus owner (Chris Toeppel sp?)in Maryland who'd been inclined to replace his Civic with another, but who couldn't ignore the better value of a Focus.

    and my least favorite drawbridge in Seattle is
    the Montlake
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    tognetertogneter Member Posts: 245
    The Ballard Bridge man. I hit that [non-permissible content removed] almost every day on the way to work.

    Good to have another Seattlite around these parts.

    I was also pleased with my dealer (Steve "Buzz" Amundsen at Harris in Lynnwood). They are owner by the same people as Pierre. AnySeattle people checking this out. Go to one of these dealerships...
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    tognetertogneter Member Posts: 245
    That should say "owned."
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    miata23miata23 Member Posts: 26
    Ballard Bridge eh ? - only one thing to say 'bout that:

    Uff Da !
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    tognetertogneter Member Posts: 245
    ya betcha.
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    wildmothafocuswildmothafocus Member Posts: 5
    I'm from seattle too, have been reading this board since I ordered my z back in April. Recieved it in June, love it, and am still, for better or worse, addicted to this forum- help. This is scary tegneter- I always new you were from the area, and I didn't think anything of it until you had mentioned that you owned an '81 Toyota Starlet. Guess what? After I totaled my '86 wolfsburg jetta a year and half ago I bought an '81 toyota Starlet temporary car (very reliable) to tie me over until I got my zx3. Well It only gets more freaky, I click on your name and low and behold we have the same first name, only I spell mine with a 'k. Yep I need to go to Edmund's anonymous...

    I second that Uff Da!
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    superf22superf22 Member Posts: 54
    come on you people, we're falling behind! this is the first time in the past 2 months that we haven't made it to the "top 10" topics on edmund's townhall...come on people pitch in, if you're not interested in this topic you might as well send me your cars!

    by the way, the kona guy said he had all options but automatic and smk pack. so obviously he has a manual <--the only way to go!
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    silver_bulletsilver_bullet Member Posts: 1,339
    zx3, many sources I've consulted advise against switching from petroleum-based oil to synthetic oil once a car has acquired fairly high mileage. The reason most often cited has to do with the different additives used in the synthetic attacking old engine deposits, and actually leaving the engine "too clean". People have reported oil control problems occurring soon after switching to synthetics, and switching back to conventional oil doesn't seem to cure the problem. If it were my older vehicle, I'd stick with conventional oil, and just keep up with regular oil and filter changes.
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    minizx3minizx3 Member Posts: 32
    this morning I sighted an Infra Red ZX3 on the way backfrom the store. Beeped and waved..felt good to be ZX3 owner!! Also sighted CD Silver going south on Garden State Parkway Tuesday night. Caught up with them but got ignored. That's ok though. 3,000 miles today and loving every mile.

    My little brother who will start driving in a few months keeps asking "When I get my license I can take it for a spin right?" I don't know if I wanna let go of my baby...we'll see. But I definitely think his first car will be a ZX3, he's hooked just like us.

    Have a good week-end all Enjoy!!!
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