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Dodge Intrepid



  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    Well, I bought a 2000 Intrepid base model (same essential car as the '01 SE) back in November '99. I now have about 48,000 miles on it, and no tranny problems yet. I did have the transmission serviced at 30K miles (October '00), because I'm kind of rough on cars...short work commute, delivering pizzas, etc.

    But overall, it's been pretty good. Here's a list of what's happened to it so far...
    30,000 miles: new tires, tranny service
    35,000 miles: power lock actuator in driver's door fixed under warranty
    39,000 miles: new front brake pads (installed by myself)
    45,000 miles: passenger side mirror broken, rubber seal on rear door came loose.

    As for fuel mileage, I've gotten anywhere from 20 mpg (wintertime, delivering pizzas, oxygenated gas) to just over 30 (highway, not pushing it too hard).

    There are a few things that I don't like about the car though, mainly that legroom is a bit tight up front (but I'm 6'3") with the non-power seat, and if you load up the car and take it on a vacation through the mountains, you might be in for a surprise! The 2.7 is fine with 1-2 people on board, but if you frequently travel with more, I'd suggest test-driving one with the entire family on board to make sure it's got enough power for you.
  • snowmansnowman Member Posts: 540
    I have been following this forum, the last generation Intrepid does not have any transmission problem. These animals are pretty nice and reliable, if I were you I go for it with extended warranty.
  • thewaldothewaldo Member Posts: 3
    I saw a trailer for a movie in the theater the other day of Whoopi Goldberg and someone else driving an Intrepid off a cliff. I thought, "Gee, what a great idea for a movie".
    I've had numerous issues over the 2.5 years I owned it including (but not limited to): Transmsission Control Sensor, Body Control Module replaced twice, replaced all window motors, replaced all door seals (came unglued), air conditioner worked on, blown fuses for the horn/speakers, one day the alarm went off and would NOT shut off, a door lock replaced, actuator replaced, and a very sneaky electrical issue that my dealer couldn't seem to find or fix. I had almost 20 service visits by the time I sold it at 41,000 miles. Some days it would be in a few hours (usually because parts weren't in stock), sometimes a week. It was one thing after another and no lemon rules applied. So I took my problems to the corporate level.
    It would've been one thing if they were responsive to my needs and seemed genuinely concerned. Instead all they ever did was call the dealer who told them it was resolved. Corporate said they were still working on it and were assigning it to an "area manager" who finally called me 2 weeks after I told corporate I sold the car. None of them have returned my calls over the last week and a half about recouping the cost of a replacement part that didn't solve any of the problems.
    The car didn't hold it's value worth a darn, and when you combine that with a 6 year finance and trying to trade it in I ended up not getting what I owed on it. I got a deal that was good enough for me.
    I understand that not all Dodge products should be driven off a cliff and that things like this happen from time to time. But the dealers ineptitude, and corporate customer services' laid back approach turned me off to Dodge. No offers to cover the costs incurred by me, the time I wasted missing work, to pay off the car or at least get a good deal on another one, and I got ONE rental the last time I took it in- a Neon. They know how I feel from the constant contact and they didn't have the decency to at least pretend to take me seriously. I always thought the adage about catching more flies with honey was true and maybe I was too nice to them. Maybe I should've whined and complained more and could've caught more flies with shi*.
    For those that still own them, good luck to you. My mom liked mine so much she went and bought one. She's getting the window motors replaced as I write this. Despite my problems, I loved the car. It did everything my family needed it to do except the one thing that I demanded- reliability. It was roomy, great looking body style, drove and handled superbly, but it was too much of a pain in the [non-permissible content removed] to keep and worry about constantly.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    ...are caused by lousy dealerships and service centers? I used to have a co-worker with a '97 Sebring that she had no end of troubles with. It seemed like it was in the shop more often than on the street. She kept all her receipts, which is a good thing, because the dealership started denying that some of the problems had existed. She ended up threatening to sue, and it got really nasty, but they finally fixed the car right, and she hasn't had a bit of trouble.

    My roommate has a '98 Tracker. Diffrerent company, but still an excellent example. Today, after work, I'm meeting him at the Chevy dealership because he has to drop his Tracker off to get it fixed. It was just in last week, because of the transmission acting up, but now the problem is coming back. That thing has needed serious transmission work around 25K, 50K, and 75K miles. Now it's around the 80K mark, and still acting up.

    A few months ago, it had to go in for repairs because of a fuel leak. He got it back, and it proceeded to leak fuel all over the place! He bought it at a dealership that I'd always believed to be unreputable. If I'd known him before he bought it, I would've warned him!

    Thewaldo, I agree with you. I think if I had the problems that you've had, that it would turn me off to Dodge forever! The main reason I bought a new car was because of the reliability and peace-of-mind that supposedly comes with owning a newer car. But if it's going to break down all the time, what's the point? You'd think that when they DO break, the dealership would at least try to make the ordeal as painless as possible. After all, if you're not happy, you're not going to be dealing with them for long. I guess, though, that for every person they burn, someone else will come along.

    Just curious, what did you trade your Intrepid in on?
  • thewaldothewaldo Member Posts: 3
    I traded it in for a Toyota Sienna. We have 2 kids and the wife is pestering me for a third. I told her if she could guarantee me a boy I'd be willing to work on it.
    We spent a lot of time looking at Mini-vans and the one category we were obviously concerned about was reliability given our experiences with the Intrepid. Toyota gets great ratings and has great word of mouth. Needless to say we didn't bother looking at the Caravans.
    We also have a 94 Honda with almost 100K on it, and we've certainly gotten our money's worth out of that car. I just hope our luck holds up with it. With a Toyota and a Honda in the garage, I would like to think we'll be ok in the car department for awhile.
  • jsylvesterjsylvester Member Posts: 572
    You know with the mini-van, you are guaranteed the third child - resign yourself to the fact now. She has a vehicle she has to fill up! Actually, children are always a blessing, at least until they hit 13 or so.

    Don't blame you based upon your bad history with the car. I've got a 00 R/T, and had a tranny repair at about 2,400 miles, looking back I recall it shifted funny during the test drive. Now has almost 11,000 miles, no other problems (unless you count the urge to go 80-90 mph everywhere to get the engine in it's "sweet" range) My sister in law had a 94 that other than the air conditioner condenser replacment and a few cosmetic issues that never needed repair, served well, she sold it last month for $4,800.

    It is one of the few family cars out there with any individual styling - most the rest are cookie-cutters. Complements my Miata well, though thinking of getting a collector big American convertible or sedan to replace that, I love those tail fins and a big v-8!
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    a couple years ago, my co-worker's mom was going to trade in her '94 Intrepid 3.3 on a brand-new '99 base model. It only had about 30,000 miles on it. The dealer was going to give her $7500 trade-in on it.

    I was tempted, but decided to drive my old car a while longer, and then finally bought my '00 a few months later. As for my co-worker, his mom never really liked the '99. Even though the base engine went from 161 to 200 hp, torque, which is what you feel at the low-end, actually went down. And you had to stomp it to really get the advantage of the added hp. This woman is in her 70's, so it would be pretty hard to change her driving habits after all these years! She ended up selling it about a month ago (only had about 11,000 miles on it), and bought a new, fully-loaded 300M.
  • dhughes3dhughes3 Member Posts: 56
    Cool pics. I'd say that pretty much proves it had a Polyhead. MoPar did that a lot with Dodges, DeSotos, and Chryslers in the late 50's. Lower level cars got the Poly and the higher lines got the Hemi. Hey, ever hear of anyone owning a '55 Plymouth with a 241 cu in Poly? They listed it as an option, but I've never seen a test or live car with anything other than a 260. I'd better quit this. I'll turn the Intrepid site into a fifties nostalgia site!
  • mmeolammeola Member Posts: 2
    We are a poor newly-married couple moving to the Colorado Mountains and need a car! Still mourning the loss of our '88 Toronado...we want/need only one thing out of a car RELIABILITY, as this will be our only car to last through the mountain winter and mechanics in the area are notoriously s-l-o-w. Hubby picked '97 Intrepid, 50k, $9400. I am leaning towards spending the extra $$ for a new(er) Camry or Accord. Is the extra money for a newer car going to pay off in the long run? Please help! I've read all discussions and want advice from you experts!!!
  • orangelebaronorangelebaron Member Posts: 435
    I know I am going to get flamed. I don't care.
    Do yourself a favor. Get a Honda, Toyota, Subaru or maybe a Mazda. A manual transmission might be a good idea. You will save money in the beginning buying a used Intrepid. Before you know it you will be spending hundreds to thousands replacing failing components. Read the posts.

    Good Luck with whatever decision you make.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    ...well, I won't flame ya. When I was married, we had an '88 LeBaron, and the day I got divorced was one of the happiest days of my life...because both money-pits (the wife and the car) were no longer my responsibility!

    Mmeola, which engine does this Intrepid have? I've heard that the 3.3 is a more reliable engine than the 3.5, and I think the tranny behind the 3.3 tends to be more reliable than the one behind the 3.5. If you're interested in this car, have a mechanic that you trust check it out thoroughly. Most of the people I've known have had pretty good luck with first-gen LH cars, but, as I'm sure you know, transmission failures are a fairly common problem. I think water pump failure and a/c problems are known culprits, as well.

    The main thing I would worry about, though, is how this car was maintained. Buying a used car is always a risky proposition, and that tranny, water pump, and compressor could just be waiting for you to sign the paperwork before failing. You might want to check into a newer-model LH. The quality was drastically improved with the 1998 redesign. If you looked around, you could probably find a '98 with around the same miles for about $10,000. Heck, you could probably get a 2000 with around 20K miles for $13-14K.
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380

    the tranny is the same unit whether mated to the 3.3l or 3.5l. water pump problems were limited to the 3.5l engine. the significant a/c condensor problems were virtually eliminated sometime around 1997 or 1998. cars previous to this were given a special extended warranty for 6 years or 100k miles...
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    thanks for the info, and glad to see that you still poke your head in here from time to time! I wonder, if it's the same tranny, whether a 3.3 or a 3.5, if maybe the tranny just couldn't take the added power and torque of the 3.5?

    Do you know what year they went to metal, versus plastic, front fenders? I've seen a few earlier models running around, and the fenders actually look warped or melted! Of course, I've seen GM cars like this too, so it's not a Chrysler-only trait!
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380

    i don't think it mattered what engine the tranny was hooked up to, the failure rates were probably the same. of course the 3.5l produces more torque and horsepower and therefore would put more strain on the unit. a couple months ago a chrysler tech told me that the 42le (intrepid tranny) is now pretty good. upgrades over the years have really benefitted it. probably the biggest upgrade was to the seals around 1996. also, tranny fluid upgrades and better torque management software were very helpful too. he said now that most problems have to do with electronic things like speed/range sensors and the like. certainly not tranny rebuilds at 50k which seemed fairly common on the early units!

    i'm not sure about the fenders...i beleave my 96 still had the composite ones...of course the 98 had steel ones...
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    94 was the last year for the plastic fenders
  • lee1nyclee1nyc Member Posts: 60
    There hasn't been a posting on this board since the end of July!
  • smithedsmithed Member Posts: 444
    I haven't posted because we have been out driving the ES. We have put about 3000 miles on it this month between summer vacation (lots of traffic on I-95) and taking the kids to college last week. Did have a new set of tires put on to replace the Goodyear GAs that came with it. They lasted about 33,000 miles and could have gone a little farther, but I was at my family's tire place and I knew I wouldn't get back before it needed tires. Now there are 4 new Cooper Lifeliners on. The treadware rating on the new ones is 700, and on the Goodyears was 300. The Coopers have a 85,000 mile warranty. My brother balanced them up for me and they run true and without vibration. The Goodyears were starting to shake a little. Brake linings are still fine.
    Oh, by the way the Coopers have a thin white wall. I didn't know which way to have them mounted, so I decided to go for a different look and had the whites mounted visible. I like it, my son didn't. He didn't pay for the car, so tough noogies to him.
    The transmission speed sensor did go out in June, and it had to be towed to the dealer. Took them about 15 minutes to fix it. Luckily, all under warranty.
    Despite that I am still glad we purchased the 1999 ES. It was great on the trip. We have grown to a family of 4 adults and a 12 year old. We had plenty of room. The giant trunk gulps up our

    I think there is a general feeling among us owners that Chrysler does not exist anymore, and that these LH cars are among the last true Mopars. That may have something to do with the board drying up.
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    hey guys,

    i was kinda bored so went in and built/priced an '02 intrepid se and es on the dodge web site. they just updated this info in the last couple days. guess what, i couldn't specify the 3.2l motor! the es for '02 now comes standard with the 3.5l engine and the se with the 2.7l. what is up with that? did chrysler quit making the 3.2l, or is it headed to other vehicles ( i can't think of any)? thought you guys might find this interesting!
  • hayneldanhayneldan Member Posts: 657
    Have you completely recovered from your accident? My ES has only a few Modifications . K&N filter, Exotic wood dash overlay, a flat black high temp painted rear resonator, and I've added the ES logo to the trunk on the right side. I'm considering the Mike Hugo dual exhaust setup once I figure out which mufflers are the quietest. Hope you are doing well. Haven't seen any posts from HALWG either. He used to be active on the AOL board. I visit the 300M board alot, there is a lot of info there.
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    Yes the 3.2 is history. You can still get the 2.7 but a low output 3.5 is used in place of the 3.2 .The new 3.5 low has 234 H.P. The R/T still gets the high output 3.5 used in the 300M
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    getting rid of the 3.2l must have been a cost cutting maneuver, eh?
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    I am sure saving some money was part of it ,but having two engines only . 3 of a litre apart does not make much sense. Using the 3.5 and having two different power levels is the way to go.
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    have you heard anything about the special edition 300m? there were rumours that the 3.5l for that particularly model would produce 300hp. i was wondering about that since from what i've read the 42le tranny is already stretched to its limit. any news about this?
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    Most of what I know has been posted on the 300 board. I did hear 300 H.P but dont think its true. All I know is we should start building some soon. They ran one M with dual exhaust to check the fascia fit .It looked good. When we start building them I will let the 300 guys know so keep reading the 300 posts
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    just read in my autoweek mag that the 300m special edition will only get an extra 5 ponies over the regular 300m engine. that is pretty pathetic. but, they are changing the tranny ratios to help achieve better acceleration.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    Hey gang,

    cool to see that everyone's still around! So now for 2002, doe the Intrepid ES come standard with the depowered 3.5, or is that 2.7 with the 1 extra hp still the standard engine? I always thought it was kind of silly having 3 V-6 engines around with not that much of a difference in displacement. Another thing that got me is that the 2.7, lowliest of the 3, is DOHC, while the 3.2 and 3.5 are only SOHC. Couldn't they have made a DOHC 3.2 and 3.5 as well, to tweak more out of those engines? I mean, I know all that costs money, but they're already doing it with the engine that goes in the cheapest models!

    As for HP, how much does the R/T have nowadays? Isn't it still something like 242? Is that really worth it, only having 8 hp more than the ES engine? Still, I guess a lot of it depends on the hp/torque curves, as well as gearing. Even 234 hp is still pretty respectable. After all, the Olds 3.5 OHC only puts out 215 hp, and the Buick 231, even supercharged, only puts out 240.

    Smithed, you did a bit better than I did with my first tires. I had my Eagle GA's replaced last October, with just a little over 30,000 miles on them. They were pretty far gone, too. Now I'm running General tires. Forget what series, but they've got a 560 treadwear rating, and have held up fine so far!

    As for dual exhausts... would they do any good for the 2.7? Or would that just be a waste of money?
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380

    i think dodge could easily get more hp out of the larger v/6s. however, it would require premium fuel and probably a new tranny. i think the 42le is about at its limit in the amount of additional torque it can take...at least that is what i've read somewhere.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    ...one giant leap for Intrepid! Coming back from lunch today, my '00 Intrepid just hit the 50,000 mile mark! No real problems to report yet. I just hope the next 50,000 are as uneventful as the first!
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    the 3.5 low in the trep has 234 H.P. the R/T H.O has 244 H.P and the 300M gets 255 H.P with high octane go-go juice.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    ...you wouldn't have any more info on that de-powered 3.5, would you? Like at what rpm it gets its peak hp? Peak torque, and what rpm? EPA fuel economy estimates?

    I'm kinda intrigued by it. I'm sure that they'll have something totally different by the time I'm ready to trade in my '00 Intrepid, but still, I'm curious!
  • jsylvesterjsylvester Member Posts: 572
    Even though I have a 2000 R/T, if the ES is perhaps $1,000 cheaper than the R/T, for 10 hp less, I could live with that. Have to see what else is in the works, but leather was not available in 00, and kind of pricey on the 01 R/T's.

    It was posted the R/T has chrome wheels and a rear wing this year to differentiate it, but performance wise, what will be different?
  • smithedsmithed Member Posts: 444
    So now I learn that my '99 ES is running around on a discontinued (3.2) engine. But it does make sense that the 2.7 (a great engine design) and the 3.5 should adequately cover all the variations of these LH cars. If only we could have them squeeze about a 4 liter V8 in there! But the 3.2 fills up the engine bay as it is.

    Keep Dodging
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    ...aren't they all the same basic block design, anyway? Just different bores and strokes? If that's the case, then even though the 3.2 is discontinued, the basic design is still around. Kinda like back in the old days, as some of the Chrysler big-blocks, like the 350, the 383 (there were actually two of 'em), the 361 and the 413 gave way to different displacements, ultimately the 400 and 440 (and 426 Hemi)
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    i'm pretty sure the 3.2l and 3.5l are very close in configuration, etc. they are both based off the first generation 3.5l. however, the 2.7l is entirely different, dohcs, timing chain, etc...
  • neuronbobneuronbob Member Posts: 43
    Glad to see the group's active again. I've had my '00 Intrepid base for 2 years (in a couple of weeks) and have 35,500 miles. No problems other than that the fuel guage occasionally goes to empty in a second, sounding the alert chimes but not affecting the car's performance. A minor electrical problem.... I've been eyeing an Acura TL-S vs. Intrepid R/T upgrade/tradeup, but don't think I'll actually be doing that anytime soon. Still enjoying the car, driving the hell out of it (and thus not posting here).

    I'm happy with the 2.7 l engine, it's quite responsive even at low RPMs. I know, not as responsive as the 3.2 was at low RPMs, but quite satisfactory overall.
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    glad you like the car. Hope you look at the R/T before you look at that Acura . The R/T sure is a nice car .
  • eeeleeel Member Posts: 57
    Just purchased a 2001 R/T Motorsports Edition in Silver - Sweet CAR !!!
  • smithedsmithed Member Posts: 444
    Allpar says that the compression ratios for 3.2 and 3.5 are 9.5:1 and 10.1:1, respectively. I can find no information on the bore and stroke differences. They are very much the same basic engine. My 3.2 runs very nicely on regular gas, but I guess the higher compression in the 3.5 makes premium necessary (or at least better).

    Acura vs Dodge. Now that's an interesting comparison. I bought my daughter a used 1991 Legend sedan with 105,000 miles on it about a year ago. It has been good so far, only requiring a transmission speed sensor. Would I buy a Dodge with that many miles? I guess I did. I bought a 1990 Spirit with 101,000 miles and now it has I don't know how many miles on it because the odometer broke at 117,000 about 3 years ago. The 2.5 liter 4 still seems strong.
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    Glad you like that Motorsports car, they are so cool. Did you know that there is a site just for Intrepid owners dodgeintrepid.net check it out . Lots of guys doing mods on this site.
  • neuronbobneuronbob Member Posts: 43
    I agree with you, it's an interesting comparo. It comes up only because I came to Dodge after having owned three Hondas. We have a 2001 Honda Accord EX for the wife now. I've always been a Honda guy but decided to give Dodge a try a few years ago and didn't look back until the new Acura TL series came out....I'm planning on test-driving the TL-S and the Intrepid R/T to make comparison. It'll come down to whether I actually want wood and leather in a sporty car that does well in the twisties (e.g. "near-luxury", TL wins), or just a sporty car with a firm suspension that does well in the twisties (e.g. Intrepid R/T wins).
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    if you want wood in your sporty car ,something the R/T does not have and are looking for a car that is a little more refined ,look at the 2002 300 M or 300 M Special. The R/T is nice but the 300 M is just a little more upscale. Actually the 300 M is a better car to go up against the TL than the R/T.
  • shanek1999shanek1999 Member Posts: 1
    Ok, why do all Intrepids, Concordes and such have bad windshields. I just recently received a 2001 Intrepid for a work car and have to turn it back in because of the windshield. What I mean is, did Dodge in there infinite wisdom polarize the windshield to the extreme to reduce glare or something. Its like looking through the old glass settled wavy windows at my granmothers house. I thought it was just a bad windshield until I rode in three other Intrepids and a Concorde. My eyes cant adjust to looking through that f-uped piece of glass. My vision is 20-10 so when I am driving along it is like I have someones prescription glasses on and it makes me sick. Talk about eye fatigue and apparently I am not the only who has had this problem. I have spoken to another person that had their windshield replaced 3 times because of it. Too bad because it is a good looking, handling, fun car to scoot around in. Well thats about it, my only gripe about the Intrepid. Take care....
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    on my intrepids i only noticed that looking glass stuff on the edges of the windshield, never really bothered me...
  • jsylvesterjsylvester Member Posts: 572
    Can't say I've had any complaints with the one in my 2000 R/T. Try adjusting the seat higher or lower is all I can think of to try.
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    hey all, get a load of this. for '02 dodge is offering a 5yr/60k mile powertrain warranty on the neon but does no such thing for the other vehicles. however, there is a catch. you have to get the $1100 dollar "buyer security package". hummm...at least that package does include more than just the extended warranty. it does contain some things like side airbags, etc. what do you guys think of this? i think dc needs to pull their head out and offer the 5yr/60k powertrain warranty on all vehicles as standard, not just on ones where it is trying to boost sales!
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,809
    I think that's kind of dumb, especially now that sales of all Chrysler products, except for the PT Cruiser and Jeep Liberty, are sagging. As a general rule, don't the domestic makers actually lose money on every Focus, Neon, and Cavalier they sell? Seems kinda dumb to try boosting sales of a loss leader, unless it's for CAFE reasons.

    My '00 Intrepid now has about 51,000 miles on it, and has only had one warranty repair: the power lock actuator in the driver's door was replaced at 35,200 miles. Powertrain-wise, I've had no problems whatsoever. I don't think it would cost them much more to make the powertrain warranty good through 5yr/60K miles, or even something longer. It might create some losses for the dealer however. For example, if my '00 had a better warranty than the 3/36 bumper-to-bumper, I might have been less inclined to spring for my extended warranty, which boosted thatt to 5/100K.

    The only thing I can think of, for the Neon's extended warranty, is maybe they're still having enough problems with the 4-speed automatics to not want to cover them for that long. I've heard that the Neon's 3-speed is the least trouble-prone tranny they build nowadays. But still, I haven't heard anybody complain about a Chrysler tranny for a long time, now.
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380

    the neon for '02 sports the infamous 41te (4 speed automatic). the old three speed has been ditched, finally!

    another interesting note is that chrysler of canada offers as standard a 5yr/60k powertrain warranty on all cars and minivans. don't know for sure about trucks.
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    yup we get this 5 year on all Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep vehicles.Everything!!
  • emaleemale Member Posts: 1,380
    you lucky bast****! i can't for the life of me figure out why canada gets the extended powertrain warranty. especially since from what i've heard, comparable chryslers in canada are actually cheaper than those in the us...!
  • ottowrkrottowrkr Member Posts: 778
    that is also very true. Also Americans would be better off coming to Canada if they are thinking of buying a used car one year or older its duty free. With the exchange rate ,its well worth it.Take a look at some of these prices , search the car you want http://www.globemegawheels.com/master/welcome.asp
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