Buick LeSabre
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LeSabre Buick Grand Touring Pkg?, 2000 Le Sabre and
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recently re-organized The 2000 Buick Lesabre, 2000
Buick Lesabre problems, Whats going on with next
years Buick Le Sabre ?, Any problems with 2000
LeSabre Buick Grand Touring Pkg?, 2000 Le Sabre and
98 Buick LeSabre????? topics, please continue your
discussion here.
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LeSabre shoppers, be sure read our First Test, A
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Edmund's Buick LeSabre Pricing while you're here...
Sedans Host
After looking the dealer claimed it was the exhaust heat shield moving and popping. Note that in some cars - im' not sure about the buick - the exhaust shield may cover rather large areas down the length of the exhaust.
The dealer did some adjusting but it never really went away.
I bought my first foreign car - a 2000 Infiniti I30. Really nice with a much better warranty - 4 yrs, 60,000 miles bumper to bumper all for about the same price as a lesabre limited. But beware - your insurance will be slightly higher so factor that in. Your resale should be better based on the research I have done so far. One real cool ride and the dealer falls over backwards giving service. Check it out.
Today I called Buick Customer Service who told me there has been a 'constraint' (corporate mumbo-jumbo for "we don't have any") on the Y56 package and they had no info on when Buick would begin producing cars again with the Y56 wheels. Told the Customer Service Rep we weren't talking rocket science here -- the Y56 wheels are what's in all the 4-color brochures and on the Internet. The crowning blow was when she told me they didn't even have an order to build my car -- the dealer may have tried to submit an order, but Buick hadn't accepted it because of the constraint.
Went to the dealer's sales manager who admitted they were sitting on the order waiting for the constraint to be lifted -- even if the constraint was lifted today I would still be 8 to 10 weeks from getting delivery. Told him politely (more or less)that was no way for his dealership and Buick to treat customers. I could have ordered a fancy rice-burner and had it shipped all the way from Japan in less time than they wasted 'non-processing' my order.
Is it any wonder why GM is losing market share? I cancelled my order and walked out!
Don't worry about it. You havn't missed too much.
Are there any after-market corrections/purchases to be made. My best experience in my cars has been with Bose.
same seat problem.
I traded it for a 2000 Dodge Durango and am very happy with it.
many Americans ,who choose to have a decent suspension mean nothing to them. The arrogant bastards will pay for their attitude with their jobs eventually.
Check it out at : <<A HREF="http://www.ajac.org/coty.htm">http://www.ajac.org/coty.htm>
Make sure you send an email (at end of page) to let them know what a good job they did pitting the 2000 Buick against the I30 against the Lincoln LS-V8!!
P.S. If you want a better laugh, look at last years winners!
I have a question for you. We have on order a 2000 Custom Lesabre with the identical options that you purchased. Like you we did not like the wheels and we have our dealer looking into the 15" multispoke aluminum wheel. It would appear that you ordered the 16" cross-lace. We were under the impression that to order this tire you needed to order the Gran Touring Package? We also got a great price of $24950, excluding upgraded tire which dealer is looking into. We live in South Carolina.
If you are new to this discussion, you may not know that it changes in tone from time to time depending on who is contributing. When I was researching and buying my Limited last spring and early summer, the tone was very positive (Our biggest problem at the time was that we could not get the 16" polished aluminum wheels with the gt package.)
I was priveleged to be able to gather helpful information from contributor kvogt. We haven't heard from him for a while and that is unfortunate.
-- Raoul
99V238000 which is the failure to tighten bolts on brake booster. Failure could cause loss of brakes.
99V301000 which is the failure to tighten the tie rod end. Failure could cause loss of steering control.
If you have already purchased a 2000 Lesabre - contact your dealer immediately as both of these present serious safety concerns.
For more info visit www.nhtsa.dot.gov
I have been reading some comments from those who didn't wait and bought rice burners instead. They keep telling us how great they drive and never need any maintenance but they never tell us about their frequent (and expensive) "scheduled maintenance". While waiting for the Y2K, we drove our son's pumped up 5 banger Volvo [Volvo 850 Turbo (Supercharged 5 cyl)]. It is a great car but gives a harsher ride and is not a stable as either the 95 Olds or the Buick, has less room and costs much more. Also in 45,000 it has been in the shop many time for warrantee work - including two tow jobs. Good thing it has a 50,000 mile warrantee. My 89 maintenance consisted of oil changes and lubrication and a battery. It ran as good as new and used no more oil. The 95 only had 61,000, looked and drove like new but we got the "bug".
Concerning the Crossed Laced wheels vs the GTP. As you probably know, the GTP not only includes the wheels but also Firestone TOURING tires, leather steering wheel, stiffer fron springs and rear stabilizer bar and a 3.05 axle vs 2.86. I like the looks of the cross laced wheels but in my book, the Firestone tires alone are worth the cost of the package. The cross laced tires are the same size but are non-touring Generals worth much less. Both Olds had touring tires that lasted well over 70,000 miles. I have had several GM cars with heavy duty suspensions and would not buy any - repeat any - car w/o it.
About engines. The replacement for the 3.8 "pushrod" engine is the 3.5 OHC "high tech" engine. As this is my 3rd 3.8 and I have had no problems, I personally will take an "old fashioned pushrod" that has had some 13 years development over the new 3.5 "high tech" that doesn't get any better gas mileage and has to work harder to get the job done. True the OHC does away with many parts (lifters, pushrods & rocker arms) but GM has been using them since the '20s and seem to have them working pretty well. Also, they seem to work pretty well in NASCAR racing engines.
In case I am accused of being a GM ad man, I plead innocent. True I have owned mostly GM cars, but I also have had Fords, Mercs and Toyotas. The day the Japanese bad mouthed the US auto workers, they turned me off to all Japanese autos. (No, I'm not an auto worker either.)
unable to find a fix or cause.
What do you mean by trouble....could you explain...I would be interested since I just bought a Limited and do not know what you mean.....
Not to make this post too long, but about 7 of the 25 LeSabres on the lot had the Gran Touring Package. Some were Customs with 1SD package others had the 1SE package and a few Limiteds as well. The Gran Touring wheels are MUCH better than the standard wheels. I also was not impressed with what appeared to be poor build quality on many of the cars. Most models had pinstriping (included in the package) and it did not line up between the doors or doors and fenders. Also the doors appeared not to line up for the trim by the windows. I personally thought this was a shame for a 26K car.
a vibration/chatter sound/feeling in the steering system at idle speed, transmission in drive and turning the steering wheel. This condition has not caused any problems but affects drivability and stability.