Oldsmobile Silhouette

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
Please continue discussing the Olds Silouette van

Here is a link to the past discussion:

Oldsmobile Silouhette Any Opinions?


Vans host


  • dwgdwg Member Posts: 43
    A few weeks past I posted a question about future model changes for the Silhouette. Does anybody know what GM's time table is for the next generation of its minivans? I know nothing is in the works for 2001. I'm curious whether the 2002 or 2003 model year will bring about the next change. I read somewhere that the Bravada/Jimmy/Blazer are due for a makeover next year (for the '02 model year presumably). My guess is that the '03 model year will bring the changes to the Silo/Venture/Montana.

    Any additional intelligence on this subject would be appreciated.

  • kevinvsrkevinvsr Member Posts: 12

    According to Motor Trend online's future vehicle forecast, the Silo is due for a "Facelift" in 2002.

  • heartdoc1heartdoc1 Member Posts: 5
    Just yesturday my wife found out she was pregnent with twins. We were planning on buying a 2000 Cadillac Escalade but that won't be happening any more,(we already had 2 kids)now we have to decide which minivan to buy. We like the idea of the captins chairs of the Silhouette so we can put the 2 babies up there and the two others kids can sit in the back seat. We presently have a 1998 Chevy Tahoe LT but that won't be able to fit in everyone. One other problem that we have is a minivan can't tow a '98 24 foot Crestliner Ski boat, but a SUV could?!?!?(And my Seville STS can't) We are going to have to do some switching.
    Which minvan is the best for towing??
    Any Opinions? We have never done minivan shopping before!
    Thanks Alot(Tim M.D.)
  • dwgdwg Member Posts: 43
    Thanks for the info.

  • bigfigbigfig Member Posts: 35
    I posted a question on 4/3 concerning water leak around lift gate. have not heard response from anyone. would appreciate hearing from someone if they have had this problem. see my original post on Silhouette-any opinions-577

  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    It was mentioned by someone earlier in the topic postings. I don't have it in mine, although, truthfully, in sunny New Mexico it doesn't rain much and it isn't leaking at the car wash or when i wash it. Did the dealer have a TSB for it?
  • pdr2pdr2 Member Posts: 6
    If towing is your main concern, the GMC Safari/Chevy Astro is the best/only choice. Most minivans are made for people hauling. The Safari/Astro is really a midi van (a little bigger, ok alot bigger(taller and wider but not longer) than the rest). They are not a car-like as the silo/venture/montana/T&C/Honda etc. but is more like an SUV but with seating for up to 8, and it still fits easily into your garage. I have the Chevy Astro. It is nice. My wife loves the higher seating position. I bought it for its seating capacity and its large behind the third seat area. Mine has the dutch doors which are great!!! Dual air is fantastic (I live in Houston Texas and it is a must). I also own a 2000 Silo which is much more of a car ride, quiet, smooth, fast, powerful. I did not get the towing package/ load leveling because I do not tow anything, besides I have heard complaints about noises and failures. The Astro can easily pull a boat with its standard suspension so you don't have to worry about extra stuff(extra costs more too), but if you want a smoother, more car-like ride, the silo will give you that, then just add the towing package. Glad to give you info on either of these vehicles.
  • heartdoc1heartdoc1 Member Posts: 5
    It has been H E double hockey sticks at work the past 26 hours so I have not had time to respond to you. I guess towing would probably be a concern but I could downgrade on the boat, I never have time to use it anyways. The car-like ride probably would make my wife more happy, since I will hardly ever be driving this vehicle. I for sure will have my wife get the rear air cond(GLS?). and I like the power sliding door idea, but we have had kids in the hospital for finger sprains and etc. related to doors. I also like faster and quiet vehicles and the Astro isn't right?? The only problem is we presently have a Tahoe and going from a high seating position to a lower one would take some getting used to for my wife, I already sit low('99 Cadillac STS)! How about reliability Records? If they are both average that's OK.
    Tim M.D. :)
  • bluehens89bluehens89 Member Posts: 3
    We have owned out Olds Silhouette since July 99 and it has been quite an experience. At 3,000 miles on our way to Pittsburgh our transmission went. Of course GM would not replace the transmission right away and did some bandaid work.

    Two weeks later the "Bandaids" fell off and our car was back in the shop, this time they decided to try another method to fix the problem.

    One month later right before our 1000 mile trip, car started stuttering and spitting. We informed GM that they either replace the transmission or give us a new car. Finally we have a new transmission. Car has been o.k. since but I still feel a little uneasy on long trips. I really do not have a lot of faith in the car and would not buy another GM Van.

    Our seatbelts started tearing from wear where my childs carseats are anchored. The seatbelt in the second seats have worn at the upper anchor of the seatbelt. This is a little disconcerning. Has anyone else had this problem????

    Good Luck with your vans, hope they hold together better than mine!
  • pdr2pdr2 Member Posts: 6
    My Astro is a 98 and have only replaced a power window motor. I took it in, (luckily it acted up as I demonstrated the intermitant non-rollup of the window) and they replaced it within the hour. In my 2000 Silo, my windshield had a slight fuzz on passenger side, I showed it to the shop, they ordered me another and replaced it. I read in Consumer Guide, Consumer Report etc. and in some of the reports they had twenty five year olds, no children, non marrieds (and not looking to either) rate the vans (naturally it was no mustang, soooo you know the outcome of that review) but the charts at the end showed poor reliability. This worried me. I have followed these vehicles in these reports since 1990, and they always show GM with poor reliability. So, I conducted my own survey of real owners. When I saw an Astro drive by, or a Silhouette, Dodge Caravan, I would ask them how did they like their car. 100 percent of the GM owners said that they loved their car. Most had owned another for at least 10 years prior ( and those I had read were much worse than the newer much improved ones!) The Dodge Caravan owners that I interviewed had a very different response (they loved (ok liked ... ok they wanted to trade them in) their car too but had a long list of repairs which always included a transmission or two). GM has done alot lately in upgrading their electrical design to aid in reliability. The Astro motor has been around for a long time (tried and proven) and their transmissions (if you ask a transmission repairman) are very reliable and durable (for towing). The Silo engine gets great gas mileage, and their power makes the car feel very light, and the transmission is smoooooooth. I have checked on the web for other owner reports and most (95%) have a very favorable opinion of their Silo. I enjoy mine and I am very critical of vehicles especially my own (I don't want to upset other peoples view of their own car). Bottom line, GM like all manufacturers make good vehicles, some are designed better that others, and some put together better than others, some have had several years of refinement behind them (Silo, Astro), some are in their first year or so (Honda, MPV) you just need find a good dealer, close by, that will work with you just in case you need him. (If reliability is really, really high on your list Toyota Sienna, and Honda rate really, really well) (The Toyota was too small for my many family trips, luggage, skateboards, rollerblades, friends, kitchen sink, and I just couldn't bring myself to buy a car from a brochure (the Honda), I had an MPV, it was great, I loved it, my wife loved it, my kids loved it, but now too small, and the new ones are brand new, all new, too new). Have fun!
  • wholiganwholigan Member Posts: 148
    This is a very good point. Unless you are an Ody owner [ ;-) ], most folks use a web site like this to vent their automobile frustration. My 95 Windstar brought me to Edmunds! That being said, the items you tend to see in these sites tend to be negative; Unless, you are one of the few that used this site as a research mechanism. In which case, you are more likely to post follow-up after a purchase with your own personal experience.

    I make one simple argument: One cannot make the blanket statement that one car is better than another. That is simply one individual's opinion. In fact, "opinion" is almost all you will read in these sites - personal opinions and/or experiences. I take almost everything I read here with a serious grain of salt... On the other hand, I would not want it any other way. I want to read the good and bad. I look for patterns in what people are writing about. I will draw my own conclusions from there.

    Personally, I hate to read when people have bad experiences with cars. It does nothing but make us waste lots of time, energy, and patience; not to mention money.

    As for my experiences, I have owned vehicles from Ford (2), GM(1), Honda(1), Nissan(1), and Mazda (1). I have had generally good experiences with all manufacturers except one (I'll let you guess which!) and, unless the economics dictate otherwise (e.g., they offer to buy it back), I will not buy another vehicle from them. The Olds I owned was a 1989 Cultass Ciera. Drove it for 10 years and 150000 miles. The only non-scheduled maintenance item: had to replace the radiator at 87000. Had a serious case of rust, and yet, if I had not had twins I would still be driving that car.

    I will be buying a Minivan probably within the next two years. Until then, I will read, read, and read...

    2003 Honda Odyssey EX-LRES - Midnight Blue Pearl
    2004 Honda Accord EX-L Graphite Pearl
    2007 Honda Civic EX - Atomic Blue
    2013 Honda Civic LX - Crimson Pearl
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    the voice of reason....well done! Thanks for sharing your experiences....
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    again, a voice tempered with reason!

    FWIW, i've too found all manufacturers make good and bad vehicles. The reliability variances between them all are really quite small.

    Except for the ford and chrysler tranny problems, i think they're all about the same.
  • harshweharshwe Member Posts: 5
    purchased a new 2000 venture and picked it up last thursday evening...

    We drove to the parents to visit over the weekend. It rained Sunday evening (van parked outside). While loading the van this morning, we found that the floor mat (behind the third row of seats) was soaked. It appears that the water came through the "hole" where the wiring goes from the van to the liftgate. The wiring is inside a "rubber hose" for protection, but the water appears to have gotten past the boot and then dripped from the rear most dome light...

    the Dealer "hasn't seen this before"... they are going to start figuring it out tomorrow...
  • bigfigbigfig Member Posts: 35
    I posted a question about water leak before but my leak was discovered that the seal around the left quarter window was not set properly. the dealer repositioned the seal,water tested and did not leak thereafter. the next day during washing the silo noticed water dripping from the rear most dome light as you mentioned. am bringing van back tomorrow to the dealer for this correction. thanks for telling about your case. seems my problem is the same as yours. I live in New Orleans and we always have rain and do not want this to be a on going problem.thanks(harshwe) for your post.
  • harshweharshwe Member Posts: 5
    saga continues from post #14...

    We took the vehicle to dealer on Monday evening. They fixed the rubber hoses / rubber boots on Tuesday and water tested it (found no leaks). I washed it Tuesday evening and it leaked in the same spot but ran down the rear most side pillars. I returned to the dealership with it on Wednesday morning and had to get "hostile" with dealership to get their attention.

    They "fixed" it again on Wednesday and water tested it again. I washed it last night and could not get it to leak from what I could tell. I voice my opinion with the Service Manager this morning that they should have worked on all four ends and not just the ends of the hoses that attach to the rear of the vehicle.

    suggestions... make sure they take both hoses apart and put them back together (all four ends) and insist that they use silicone sealant on the various parts when putting it back together.

    notes... I have called chevy customer assistance and voiced my concern regarding the general design (or lack of design) regarding these rubber hoses / rubber boots. The 1998 and 1999 Venture / Silo / Montana have different hoses with different boots (a neighbor and brother-in-law have not had any water leak problems with their 1999s).

    I hope you have better luck with yours than mine.

  • funsterlingfunsterling Member Posts: 4
    I had my new Oldsmobile Silouhette GL for less than two months and had 2000 miles on it. Overoll I love this van for its engine, gas milage, comfort and looking. But there two things makes me a little disapoint are: the rattles from driver side sliding door (it is not powered), everytime I close the door, it sounds like something broken; another problem is "water leaking". Every morning I could see the water spot on the garage floor behind driver side rare wheel, whatever it was raining on provious day and, I never using AC so far. Where the water comes from?
    Thanks for any information.
  • 4steri4steri Member Posts: 7
    The water leak can becoming from the muffler
    if you drive the van infrequently or short trips
    water builds up with in the muffler. That being said if you look at the rear(back) of the muffler you'll see theirs a little hole towards the bottom
    to drain any water that may have accumalated. It's design this way and it sounds theirs nothing to worry about. It's to save the muffler from rapid corrosion. My 99 Montana has the same design
    and it leaks water because it's driven once a week
    mostly short trips. It dosen't have a chance to reach full operating temperature which requires a min. 16 km (10 miles) one way to avoid this leaking on a daily basis.
  • drivehard1drivehard1 Member Posts: 20
    Yesterday last year is the day we got our 1999 Sand Oldsmobile Silhouette GLS. We now have almost 28,000 problem-free miles. The only issue that we have had to visit the dealer was a factory problem with the glue on one of the interior pecies. We have had no water related back-end problems or power door problems. I would reccomend this van to anyone. I have had 2 fuel injectors to the tune of ($1,140) go out on my 1998 Pontiac Grand Am (68K)with the 3100 V-6 and that is making me wonder if more will go out. Has anyone had problems with the fuel injectors on the 3400 V-6 in any GM minivan or in the 3100 V-6? We have not had any problems with ours. Oh well, everything is fine now!
    I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter!
  • brian_in_cabrian_in_ca Member Posts: 1
    Are any of you current or prospective Oldsmobile Silhouette owners concerned with the POOR rating given to this vehicle by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. (Please see rating and explanation at www.carsafety.org). I am very concerned with this. I have large financial incentives (employee in family discount & GM Card Rebate points) if I were to buy a GM vehicle. However, I can't bring myself to spend a lot of money on a new vehicle that is less safe than my current paid for vehicle (1994 Mazda MPV).

    Does anyone know if GM has officially responsed to the POOR rating given to its line of minivans?
  • bigfigbigfig Member Posts: 35
    response to harshwe...
    brought my van back last thursday to the dealer and showed them your message concerning your problem on your Venture. they also had never seen this on any silo or venture since they are both a chevy and olds dealership. They water tested while I waited for the van to be serviced. they showed me that the water was going thru the boots and running to the left side of van exiting between the panels of the air inflator. they sealed both boots with silicone sealant and water tested again. No Leaks. The next day I washed the van and also could not find any leaks. Hopefully all has been solved. I also called Oldsmobile customer assistance and made them aware of this problem so they can inform their design dept.
    My latest discovery is that someone failed to put tray in for the ash tray.Since I am not a smoker,did not even think to look at the ashtray compartment when I picked up the van. Was more interested in seeing that there were no scratches on the body,tears in the leather and other major things. How we can overlook some things.
  • SAhladasSAhladas Member Posts: 35
    Call it sour grapes if you want, here is GMs response to the IIHS offset test.


    Be sure to check out the topics crash tests and Oddy vs silhouette for recent discussions on this subject. One crash test does not a safe car make.
  • mcozensmcozens Member Posts: 3
    3200 miles and happy. Did have one problem, was driving and heard a strange noise on the roof!
    Thought something was caught on the roof rack.
    The weatherstripping had come out from around the front windshield, and was flapping on the roof.
    It looked like there was no adhesive/sealant on the top, and little around the sides. Dealer fixed
    right away. Getting great mileage. Seems like you go forever on a tank. Will update in a few months.
  • silopremsiloprem Member Posts: 1
    Bought 2000 Premier Van in February. Similar to SAFETY CONCERNED had a lot of GM Card rebates, but was concerned about IIHS test results. Admit I still think about test, but have convinced myself it wasn't worth losing the rebates. Don't think van is dangerous or unsafe, but could be improved from safety standpoint. How often do you have a 40 mph frontal offset crash? I think most crashes would be side impact or frontal head-on or rear-end--and not at 40 mph. My wife and I are both over 40, but not eligible for AARP, so we aren't what you call reckless drivers.

    In any event, other than thinking about the test from time to time, couldn't be happier with the van. We went to Florida from Chicago (2,800+ round trip) in late March. Entertainment system is great for long trips, with or without kids. Seats are comfortable. Especially liked battery saving feature when I left an interior light on after pre-setting radio stations in our garage. It's a nice idiot feature. Engine and tranny seem excellent. Another nice feature is built-in air compressor. Agree with other comments that the range is unbelievable with 25 gallon tank. We haven't had any problems so far. Would recommend this van to anyone.
  • drivehard1drivehard1 Member Posts: 20
    We own a 1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette GLS with about 17,000 miles. There is a slight engine noise when the van is warm and only in park. It sounds like marbles rubbing, I've heard of a problem like that in another post where the owner had to overhaul the engine, there is no noise in drive, reverse but only in park! Do you think if I would try a higher octane gas It could solve the noise? I use regular 87 octane, but could it be I could use a higher octane gas. I really like the van and don't want to have the engine rebuilt.
    Thanks alot!!
  • tauberjtauberj Member Posts: 61

    We got our Premiere on 12/1/99 and absolutely love it. The traction control works great in the snow. The van is quiet, handles well, and gets great gas mileage. We find the leather seats are comfortable too, whether sitting in the front, middle or rear rows. Spend the extra money for the heated seats if you get leather, it's well worth it! Last, but not least, is the video system. We're glad we got this as we recently made a round trip from NJ to Detroit with a 3 and 6 year old. The video system made the long drive enjoyable. We set rules for our kids on when the video is allowed to go on, so they know what to expect.
  • ggsteveggsteve Member Posts: 5
    I can't believe no one has experienced the maddening problems we have had with water in all but one of the exterior light lenses on our 97. I'm talking about pools of water, inches deep! The hazard lenses and headlight lenses in the front and the passenger taillight lense in the rear all have water in them. Both of the headlight lenses and one hazard lense were replaced back when the car was in warranty, but the problem persists with the new lenses. It has to be an embarrasment to a dignified brand such as Olds that they have to put up with this.
  • letsgetmikeyletsgetmikey Member Posts: 82
    I had the water-in-the-headlight syndrome on my 97 silo...looked like miniature aquariums. Could have raised golfish in there. Both sides were replaced under warranty, and problem has not re-occurred with new assemblies. Haven't seen water in the tail lights, though (knock on plastic).

    You're right, it's maddening.

    I miss the old days when you could buy a round or square headlight, install it in two minutes, and be done with it.
  • joehedgesjoehedges Member Posts: 4
    Actually headlights are easier to replace today. I was suprised to find that you can replace only the bulb on modern headlights, no screws or retainer rings. Simply pull the connector and give a twist to the bulb holder. The new bulb comes with a new holder.

    I don't know this to be true on GM's it was the case on my 90 Chrysler.
  • marleahmarleah Member Posts: 7
    I've read the insurance instute evaluations and the GM response. I agree that you cannot evaluate a vehicle on only one test, and that the front offset crash test is evaluating a very rare and unusual accident. HOWEVER, take a look at the 5 mph bumper tests http://www.carsafety.org/vehicle_ratings/low_speed_vans.htm and you'll see some interesting $$$ numbers. I think everyone can agree that backing into a pole at 5 mph isn't that unusual. If you do it in a new Ody, you'll pay @$560 (which I consider ludicrous), do it in a Silho and it's @$2,600!?!! Criminy!!! Feedback?
  • wholiganwholigan Member Posts: 148
    OK, you ask for feedback, here it is:

    #1. Since when is backing into poles not "unusual". I would suggest learning how to drive first...

    #2. If you do wreck your vehicle, I would hope that your insurance would pay for the repair as opposed to having that money come out of your pocket (I would hope). Given that, how much would it cost to insure each vehicle in the stat that I live in (Minnesota) through the larget automobile insurance company in the U.S. (State Farm):
    With identical coverage on both vehicles-
    2000 Silo GLS $492.15 every 6 months
    2000 Ody EX $570.63 every 6 months

    #3. Since you are obviously an Ody owner or advocate, may I suggest you use the appropriate forum under which to express your opinion. That would be #1037 - Oldsmobile Silhouette GLS vs. Honda Odyssey EX.

    And no, I dont own a Silo or Ody. I am looking to purchase soon and have been doing my homework for a good nine months. I am glad people have opinions and are winning to express them; I just wish they would do so under the appropriate venue.
    2003 Honda Odyssey EX-LRES - Midnight Blue Pearl
    2004 Honda Accord EX-L Graphite Pearl
    2007 Honda Civic EX - Atomic Blue
    2013 Honda Civic LX - Crimson Pearl
  • marleahmarleah Member Posts: 7
    What a coincidence; we seem to have something in common because "no, I dont own a Silo or Ody. I am looking to purchase soon and have been doing my homework." I am at a loss as to why I was attacked so nastily when I was making a simple observation and inquiry into possible quality issues, which concern me far more than the offset frontal crash test results that have everyone in an uproar. I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't clear in my first post so I will attempt to clarify my thoughts.

    I have been interested in buying a silo but the consistent nagging question of quality persists. For example, in regards to the Silhouette and her sisters (Venture and Montana) the Popular Mechanics website states "...from behind the wheel they're unpolished--even crude. Their interiors are noisy, the ABS groans... and the plastic in their interiors is awash with flash and ill-fit..." and I can quote others. From reading past posts I know that I don't dare quote Consumer Reports here, LOL!, even if I completely trusted them. This conflicts with statements from owners who like their vans...a lot! I guess I've been doing so much research that my head is spinning from the arguments and different opinions.

    Allow me to explain the logic behind my previous post and clarify my question. Part of the official GM response to the IIHS frontal offset crash tests was that this particular test shows a very rare, "UNUSUAL" kind of accident; I believe the number was .0004% of all accidents. OK, sounds fine. I think people are focusing to hard on that one particular test. The test I reference is about the vans being hit (or something hitting the van) at 5 mph. As the IIHS-HLDI website states, "Bumpers should protect car bodies from damage in low-speed collisions, the kind that frequently occur in congested urban traffic. But many don't."

    I firmly believe that fender benders and low-speed collisions are indeed "not unusual", at least in comparison to frontal-offset crashes. I know that cars are designed to absorb a certain amount of the crash and therefore some damage should be expected. However, for a van to inflict $560 of damage from this (note I said "ludicrous") much less $2,600 is to me frustrating and amazing. I may be the eternal pessimist, but maybe my Dad is right in saying car companies do this on purpose to make money in their repair shops!

    ********** My question is: Is it unrealistic of me to expect that a minor fender-bender should cause a minor amount of damage/cost? Or is this a reflection of poor design and/or quality? Does this then reflect overall on the vehicle and possibly the manufacturer? If I pay $25,000 for a van, shouldn't I expect it to maintain integrity (pieces not fall off within a month of purchase, not be in the shop for a week because a moped hit it)? If I pay for the bells and whistles (or in this case, the audio and video system) is it likely to malfunction or be of poor quality? I know that every car line produces the occasional lemon, but are they lemons or overall flaws? Am I just THINKING TOO MUCH? LOL...insanely...********

    Wholigan, you are being rather naive if you don't think the insurance money is coming out of your pocket one way or another. The more the insurance companies shell out to repair your vehicle, the more, ultimately, we all pay in premiums! They'll also want to use aftermarket parts to trim costs. Low premiums for a silo are a good point and one that has been mentioned several times. That's one of the reasons I've been looking into buying one. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone personally who has owned one, so I have to rely on others for input. (I know lots of Caravan owners, all of whom have replaced their transmissions before 50,000 miles, but that's another forum.)

    [BTW, I have been in 4 accidents in my life. The first was at age 16 when, ironically, I did indeed back into a pole (I can explain that it was dark and there were no rear-view mirrors in the car I was driving, but it was still not my proudest moment). The others were when I was t-boned at high speed by a car thief running a red light (my first new car *sob* sustained $14,000 damage but I just had a sore neck); rearended by someone going 50 mph who mashed me into the back of a van (I walked away from my utterly destroyed mid-sized sedan with 1 small scratch and gave birth to a healthy baby a few months later); and rearended again--this time in my husband's new car--by someone with no insurance (I was at the time taking my baby to the hospital for surgery, yet another gloriously crappy day). You don't have to explain to me about accidents, insurance co-pays and premiums, LOL!]

    I deeply apologize for what could be perceived as posting an "Ody vs Silo" point here; since those were the two vans we were considering at the time of the posting, the numbers jumped out and stuck with me. Please allow me to rephrase the statement:
    "If you do it [back into a pole or other object or get rearended, etc. at an extremely low speed] in a new Quest, you'll pay @$240 (which I consider ludicrous), do it in a Silho and it's @$2,600!?!! Criminy!!!" Better?

    You know, "I am glad people have opinions and are winning to express them; I just wish they would do so under the appropriate venue." I also wish they would do so somewhat politely and without jumping to conclusions!
  • wholiganwholigan Member Posts: 148
    B*I*G H*U*G!

    In no way was I trying to attack you! I found it a little odd that the crash tests got mentioned, kind of out of the middle of nowhere, and then you had to use the O word...

    No dissertation - just a couple of comments...

    The driving comment was a cheap shot. I am sorry.

    "Is it unrealistic of me to expect that a minor fender-bender should cause a minor amount of damage/cost?" No.
    "Or is this a reflection of poor design and/or quality?" Is this a fair statement? Can you correlate the quality of the vehicle with the how the vehicle performed in a bumper test?

    "Wholigan, you are being rather naive if you don't think the insurance money is coming out of your pocket one way or another." All I did was relay the quote that was given to me by State Farm - nothing more - nothing less.

    You are correct; we are in a similar boat. I will be buying soon either a Silo or Ody. I am fighting with myself because I have had an excellent ownership experience with an Oldsmobile (see #11 above). I am really tired, however, of the pro-Ody crowd and their insistence on how they have the best minivan in the world. This vehicle has been out for less than two years!

    All I really wanted to do was make the case for the right post in the right venue. You gave me the opportunity so I took it - Sorry if it came off as abrasive!

    And yes, I probably would not have posted a thing if you had used the Quest comparison... ;-)

    Happy Researching!
    2003 Honda Odyssey EX-LRES - Midnight Blue Pearl
    2004 Honda Accord EX-L Graphite Pearl
    2007 Honda Civic EX - Atomic Blue
    2013 Honda Civic LX - Crimson Pearl
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    Get out and drive them. Buy the one that suits your ergonomic preference, driving style, interior layout, etc. All this armchair research would make anyone batty!

    We chose the silo cause the driving experience suited us best. The interior concerns raised by pop mech are so absurdly petty.

    Folks, draw your own conclusions based on your own experiences and stop tormenting yourselves with this silly rheotoric.

    It's so much easier to find the vehicle you need by ACTUALLY sitting in it and driving it!

    The insurance rate differential is true. So why sweat the higher bumper repair expense on the silo when the NET cost to you is the same, no, actually cheaper due to lower premiums?
  • SAhladasSAhladas Member Posts: 35
    Amen black current, as usual, we see eye to eye on this one. Now that you have read the trade rags, go out and take a look yourself and get those synapses firing, use make the decision YOUR, not PM, MT, CR, .....

    I see the 'cheap plastic' statement comment made on the GM frequently, I must not recognise cheap plastic when I see it, because I've owned a GM for over 2 years and like the interior and nothing has been broken of wacked out of alignment. It is ironic to see PM alledge the GM is noisy, since I believe it is PM that publishes sound pressure levels that say it is a quite vehicle.

    Spending $25K is a lot of dough for most anyone, but it is suprising how people can latch on to little things and let it bias their decision. Probably the most amusing thing you will find here in the Vans conference is a 30 post discussion on the best cupholders.

    If price will be a factor, figure the Ody at list and the GM at $200 above invoice for comparison.

    So what are you waiting for?? Go out there and drive a Ody and GM, don't listen to anyone on the internet, they're all nuts (except for me).
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
  • marleahmarleah Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for the voices of reason! I'm breathing deeply now... Hmm, buzz words to avoid in posts: crash test, Ody, Consumer Reports... P-D

    Problem is we only have 1 car and husband has it at work until laaaate plus Saturday, and dealers are closed here on Sunday. Stuck at home with the kids & Web, no wonder I'm going nuts, unable to get out, actually look and compare.

    (Unbelievable irony but last night we decided against an Ody because we couldn't see/test one; this morning dealer calls to say they are on the lot, $500 down and drive it away!)

    All of this may be lucky timing for us, though, because there are such unbelievable interest rates right now. If we are getting a NEW minivan with full warranty, that calms my nerves.

    My focus on the bumper test is because 1) no one else seemed to notice it, 2) the price differences were so big! 3)to me it is representative of the manufacturer's attitude: "Toss them some cupholders and they'll be happy", 4) previous posts were arguing over validity of 1 test. Well, here's test #2, again not in favor of certain vehicles. Trend? Despite my crash record (all in Honda's, BTW) I'm not obsessed with the crash ratings, but these are my kids I'm thinking about. I need as much help as I can get to keep them safe!

    Again, we all pay for the expenses incurred by insurance companies. It eventually comes out of my pocket one way or another; this maybe goes under the same heading as good fuel economy or environmental friendliness.

    I need to test drive and find a dealer I'm comfortable with. (Hah!) I totally agree with the keep things in perspective, and in the right thread. wholigan, "venue" is an interesting choice of words, BTW. Makes me think of hockey rink, boxing ring, and that isn't far off the truth around here! So we'll see what happens today.
  • gregoryngregoryn Member Posts: 2
    In looking for a Silo here in Florida, I found one dealer in the area (within 30 minutes) that would bring the car to my home for a test drive. You might try that approach. I found that Auto Nation dealers were very net-centric. When I did go to a dealer that I had conversed with over the net, I was treated with much courtesy as an informed buyer. After the Silo we wanted was still on their lot a month later, I called the salesman with a trade-in/offer which I thought was quite fair, and they accepted it. Of course, saying you're gonna finance the car will normally get you a good deal.
    At 0.9% for 0 months, there was no other choice.

    BTW, we've got 1800 miles on our 2000 Silo GLS and love it. The power door (we have 6 and 9 yr olds, plus a 7 month old) is so convenient that the driver side rear door is rarely used (just when I wash the van). Of course, I rarely get to drive it... Overall, it's a big improvement over the 1993 TranSport we had, where if you were over 5 feet tall the last row of seats was off limits.
    My parents have a 1999 Silo, and I seem to see more and more of them on the road each day.
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    I thought i was seeing more of them myself. I think folks are getting the idea they're a good value.
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    Sorry you have trouble getting out for the test drives. I have two small children myself and i can relate to the difficulties involved. And it becomes consuming too, i understand. Just try to take your time and ENJOY yourself. Getting a new vehicle should be fun!

    Keep us posted..........
  • ra1der5ra1der5 Member Posts: 86
    For those of you who are considering purchasing a Silhouette, don't forget to go to the GM Silhouette web site. Fill out the form, print it, and receive a $50 Blockbuster Video Gift Card for test driving the Silhouette.

  • jwhibjwhib Member Posts: 4
    I've been reviewing alot of remarks on edmunds about the SILO, VENT, & MONT. Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe each one of these models have the same identical engine etc...
    We're looking to buy one of these three for various reason. Winstar/Seinna/MPV was to small, TC,GC, (Ody is a RipOff) very plain inside and out, Magic seat isn't all what it is to be. Rather have fold and roll chairs(better option)

    Any how if anyone can help understand why is it that most on SILO do not have Tranny problems, few on the VENT, but alot on the MONT, why is that one model would have more trouble than the other when the engines are the same. Any insight/information/opinion would be grateful.

  • SAhladasSAhladas Member Posts: 35
    These three have the exact same power train, whch happens to be pretty mature. Where do you see 'a lot of tranny problems on the Montana'?
  • jwhibjwhib Member Posts: 4
    Well it seems that people on the montana boards here and other websites are complaining more about the tranny on the Montana's.

    I was wandering why since the engine as you too say are the same?
  • krafty81krafty81 Member Posts: 1
    As far as powerplant/tranny, all are same, I have not seen any tranny probs with Montana or any of the others...
  • blackcurrantblackcurrant Member Posts: 152
    Nah, that definately is NOT a common problem with these. Ask any mechanic or the beloved consumer reports if you wish. Even they couldn't stretch that one!
  • ra1der5ra1der5 Member Posts: 86
  • jwhibjwhib Member Posts: 4
    I want to thank you all for you info, I will be hoping to get ourselves a minivan this weekend.

    It was a dogfight between the Olds and the Pont

    Well we've settle on the Montana. I find the the eight seat was more agile then the Captains Chair although I love the captain chair to, the only problem with it is it does not flip and fold. so if I was to haul a plywood (4x8) i would have to take all the chairs out. but not so with the 8 seat because they all fold down.

    We were going to get the Video deal with the Montana, only to find out I can't believe they are charging 2750.00 for it, looks like I will head to the aftermarket and get the same product for 1200.00 installed. Unbelievable at how the try to rip you off on this.

    again I thank everyone's information.

  • pdr2pdr2 Member Posts: 6
    I actually have one, a 2000 GLS bench middle row, bench 3rd row. I chose this over the Venture and the Montana. I got my Silo for with more standard features than the other 2 for $2500 less than the other 2. My engine and transmission are super smooth, and quiet. I have been traveling for work lately and had to use car rentals at my destinations. When I return, wow, it is nice to get a good high (for a car) clear view of the road in front and behind (and sides), to not hear the engine roar, and did I mention smooth shifting? I did not get to test drive a Honda. I understand that they are supposed to be really nice. For the price, from the GM options, I had to choose Silo. although the Chevy dealers warn about poor resale for Olds. as opposed to Chevy, but for the same car? with more options? That left me with Honda or Silo. I heard about Honda tranny problems, and being that it was relatively new at the time, December 1999, (I said relatively, so please don't jump on me), I figured the GM engine and transmission had been around a while, plus my numerous test drives (they actually had one I could drive) proved to me that 185 hp is enough. I hear that Sienna's are finally coming out with an extended model (that is what I had been wishing for!) but again, that will be a new model with for my taste 2 years before I will purchase a new model (too new for me, even if it is a Toyota!) Anyway, test drive them, and in the case of Honda try to sit in one in the lot if they won't let you test drive one. Check out seating positions, decide what you will use the car for, people moving, long trips, both. The Sienna, Mazda, Quest, were too small for us. 4kids plus traveling. Oh, did I mention great gas mileage. If you don't need the extra space, Toyota is supposed to get excellent mileage, Mazda gets poor mileage (even with a tiny engine). I could not convince myself to buy a Ford so I did not want to try the Windstar although it was is my size range. That is another discussion in itself.(Sorry Ford owners). Any questions about a Silo. I would be happy to answer.
  • marleahmarleah Member Posts: 7
    We bought a van! We lucked out and came across a '99 Silouette Premiere with less than 17,000 miles. Through our credit union we got a great lending rate and a special deal on the extended warranty. Total cost was under the Ody LX, so...

    Used the web to narrow it down to 6 which we test drove. The interiors of the Windstar, Caravan and Voyager were awful for the money; we hated driving the GC. For $500 more invested in details, these could have been sooo much nicer. Seems like almost all the used vans have huge mileage! It was down to the new Sienna or Ody because the Silo was too expensive, but then we found this used one. It was the best option we had. If the Ody had a split rear bench, well...

    I'm not completely thrilled with the interior, several places where plastic parts are cheap and/or have to be replaced under warranty. But with the extended warranty I'm a lot more comfortable and I'm definitely relieved to have a used van with some scratches and marks; 3 kids under 7 would trash a new van too quickly, LOL!

    Thanks everyone with advice. See you on the road!
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