Chevy Impala "REDUCED ENGINE POWER" message

idahofarmboyidahofarmboy Member Posts: 1
edited May 2015 in Chevrolet
Somebody please help me. I have an 07 chevy impala that keeps giving me a "reduced engine power" message, then cuts your power and you can't drive more than about 40 mph.. I took it to a local mechanic and he said that it was a corroded sensor, that was in the air cleaner. He said that he fixed it and set us on our way. A few days later it did it again. It has no pattern, you can be driving uphill, downhill, or on the flat, and at any speed. It is happening more frequently.

Anybody else had this problem. I can't see that there is a recall and I can't think that I am alone on this. I really don't want to take to a dealer, they can be such a rip-off, not to metion the closest one is 1 1/2 hours away. Thanks

See Also: 2011 Chevy Impala - Service Stabilitrak - Reduced Engine Power


  • popsuppopsup Member Posts: 2
    The Catalytic Converter maybe clogged, I have a 2001 3800 Engine that just had the intake Manifold gasket changed 80,000 miles and three days later the car has issue with power due to antifreeze clogging the converter. Changing converter now, Dealer checked it and found the converter after I looked at it for three days to find nothing with the engine.
  • pooh07pooh07 Member Posts: 1
    my car is displsying engine power reduced, any suggestions for the problem?
  • katluvrookatluvroo Member Posts: 1
    I have been experiencing this engine power reduce message off and on for the last two months, right when i hit 66,000 miles. My speed drops to forty and my check engine light comes on. I havde an 08 chevy impala LT. I have been to the chevy dearlership twice and they can't find any reasoon for this message. They cleaned some connectors on my car and sent me on my way. I can't find a recall either. I am so frustrated, someone please tell me something.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. Could you please email me your VIN? I would like to look further into your situation.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • margie02323margie02323 Member Posts: 2
    I am having the same problem with my 2010 Impala, I just got it 1 month ago and it was also a rental. I have not called the dealership yet . But I am really concern, with what I have been reading, I do not want to get the run around. I want the problem to be fixed. So if someone can tell what I need to tell them , so they correct the problem the first time around that would be wonderful. Or if you can point me in the right direction on how to handle this situation . I would appreciate any feedback
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you have been experiencing with your vehicle. I would encourage you to take your vehicle to be diagnosed. Please keep me posted on any information from the dealership.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • margie02323margie02323 Member Posts: 2
    I am taking my car in today, Now the engine shut off while I was on the freeway yesterday, it stated ignition something I could not read it completely it due to me being so scared that the engine died, and I had to get off the freeway. The car started back up in about 10 mins but I was so scared that I just drove home . , What is going on with this vechicle I haven't even had it for 2 months and all I have been having is electrical problems. I called the dealership andf all he stated was we have to dignose it the problem. I am very disappointed with Chevy . The Service guys attitude was very rude. Hopefully it will be better once I get down there with my husband . If you can tell me if you have heard of this problem and what I can tell them before i get there to help fix this problem. I am ready to give this car right back to them.
  • bertha3bertha3 Member Posts: 1
    I don't know whats wrong with my 2010 impala reduced engine power keep poping up but i never lose any speed. Can anymore please help me with this problem.
  • termeertermeer Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011
    i have heard this is a major problem and gm has no idea what is going onit drives fine and usually send a message at a stop light "engine power reduced" then as soon as i give it gas it says service stabilitrac and traction control. the code it throws is p0641 which nobody knows what that means ive read up on it and ive cleaned the throttle body what is going on please help. sorry its a 2008 impala lt with 3.9L and 80000 miles first problem ive ever had thanks in advance
  • pat131pat131 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 Impala and this has happened twice. I was on the highway and the engine dropped from 60 mph to 20pmh. VERY SCARY!!! I was told the problem was fixed and then it happened again today. Now, I'm told that they do not know why this is happening and they will try something else.

    Disconcerting as I drive highways to work --- and it is a huge safety factor.

    If anyone learns anything, I would be very interested.
  • vytatevytate Member Posts: 4
    I am experiencing the same issue. The reduced power displays on the console, the car slows to a crawl and the Check Engine light comes on. I travel 40+ miles each way to work in Atlanta traffic with speeds around 65-80 (big trucks). I am so frightened that this will occur when I am on my way to work and no time to recover and get off to a safe location. What is happening to these Impalas? I have transmission issue (jerking and sluggish performance); oil leak diagnosed on last oil change and now this. I am on my way to NISSAN today to trade it in as I am so tired of all the issues with this vehicle. I want to buy American, but not much confidence since I bought my Impala. I am surprised there are no recalls with all these issues. What is the threshold for this to happen? Or is it cost prohibitive for them to address it after such GLOWING recovery after the bail out? Chevy (GM) do the right thing please!
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2011
    Not sure if this is related or not but after driving my 2008 Impala (3.5) in the rain for about 5 hours I had two lights come on in addition to the Service Engine Light. The service traction control and then engine power reduced as well. I had the code read and it came up P 2135. If you google the code you will see that GM has issues with a water leak somewhere in the A pillar on the driver's side which allows the water to run down inside the left foot kick and I understand that there is a wire connector inside that takes on water, corrodes and throws the codes. My windshield has been leaking so it is at the dealership today. They have the window removed and are waiting for a encapsulating seal for the window to arrive and then will work on the code issue. There is at least one bulletin for this fix plus a revision for the bulletin so they have had the problem for quite awhile. I have 125,000 K's on a used car so not sure if I will have to pay for the repair or not. Will find out tomorrow.
  • dnixondnixon Member Posts: 1
    I experienced the EXACT problem today my car just displayed the message and then took me from 50 miles an hour down to 20 mph. Then the car just completely CUT OFF while I was still in drive and I could not even steer the wheel to get off the road. I had my 2 month old son and my 2 year old daughter in the car. There should be something done about this. It's scary and its overall DANGEROUS! It is not a situation that you can control because it is a computer issue. AGAIN...SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. I was in the middle of the road and it completely shut down that is NOT OKAY!
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    Well since my last post the dealer put in a new windshield and found severla issues with the previous install. The car now is quieter on on the highway so all of the sealing was not in place. However, I washed the car and a day later I had the P2138 code come up while on the highway. I incorrectly indicated P2135 in my previous post. The P 2138 is accelerator pdal position sensor plsu it also showed in history the c0242 Traction control code. I had my code reader with me and cleared the code as I was out of town 60 miles and then 3 hours later it happened again. Took back to the dealer and because the service engine light was not on they claimed that they could not read the history code. They did clean connections under the hood and found one to be corroded so I am now 6 days without a code so we will see if they fixed it. There is a service bulletin but because the service engine light was not on when I delivered to the dealer they claim they could not action the bulletin and therefor I paid the $150 for the service.
    I will try to report back as to how things go over the next 30 days as I am on the road again this week.
  • shellyrobshellyrob Member Posts: 1
    Car was driving fina all day went to put in gas and then went to start it. Made some noises as if trying to start or knocking and then cut off. It was smoking and had a burnt smell coming from tailpipe. Had it towed home and tryed to start again and now it wont even kick over. Any ideas?????
  • wilantwilant Member Posts: 1
    My car is currently at the dealer , where they are reading code coming up with nothing!

    Please if anyone know who I can make a formal compliant with at GM this is dangerous and costly going back and forth to the dealer without a resolution.

    I just purchased this used 2009 Impala less than a month ago lights came on the next day!

    I brought the car back, inform sales and services immediately and everyone is taking their sweet time to correct the problem.... And we wonder why people buy foreign! :mad:
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    When the service engine light is on the code will be P2138 and because the condition that causes it is intermittent the dealer will not be able to read the code if the light has gone out as was the case with mne last week. However, there is a service bulletin about the problem and if you direct the dealer to have a look at the gas pedal and the sensor that it operates they should be able to determine that the sensor is not "in spec" as they have to run an ohm meter to check it.
    The dealer was to install my sensor today but it was damaged in shipping so I have to wait for another one to arrive tomorrow. It will be $180 plus the diagnostic to check it plus install so close to $400 to fix it as I am out of warranty. I have 132,000k on mine so the power train is all I have left.
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    Well got the car back today from the dealer. Changed out the gas pedal and sensor (attached) and now I have a new car again. The car responds so much different than before, no hesitation, quicker acceleration and possibly even less rpm's at 100K. Cost was $307 CDN tax paid so not as bad as I figured.

    I will still carry my code reader for the next few weeks in case it acts up again but for now I feel that the issue has been resolved and move on. Good luck with your problem but I certainly would start with the gas petal assembly. I did not try to by aftermarket or from a wrecker as I was not sure if the part needed to be calibrated or not. If not, then it should be a simple matter of swapping it out. I was charged 1 hoiur for labor.
  • pochevyownerpochevyowner Member Posts: 1
    I own a 2008 chevy impala LT, I have had the car for almost two years an have had nothing but trouble, today after work i get in an start my car an the "Rev engine light comes on" i have no power, and it wouldnt even back up. I have just got on this site an read all the semilar problems that every one else is having an quite frankly, i cant believe that chevy is not willing to do something to fix this problem. Seriously!!!!! you have women with children driving down the highways and their cars have no power. That is totally dangerous an they wont even fix the damn problem!!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I apologize for your frustrations. Have you spoke with your GM dealer? If not, I would recommend starting there. Have you spoke with GM Customer Assistance? If not, I might set up a case with them. They will work with you and the dealer to try to resolve your concerns. I would be happy to assist you with that. Please feel free to email me directly!
    GM Customer Service
  • maddy9944maddy9944 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 Impala LS. Had it for the last 2 years and no issues.
    on 10/30/11, i drove the car for 10 min, parked it and left. Came back in a couple of hours and car is dead. Remote entry key doesn't work. Got in using the lock on the door. Battery is completely dead. None of the electricals were on. I just had the service tech clean out the corrosion the the so called "Maintenance free battery" which had corrosion all over it. And the weird part is the key got stuck in the ignition. I've tried moving the steering around, nothing seems to get the key out. There is no key release anywhere under the steering column as well. Its amazing how such an important aspect is missing.

    Measured the voltage across the battery and it reads 2.5V. Tried jump starting and that doesn't help at all. Car has been dead with the key in it for the last 4 days. And the best part is the Shifter override is not even available. Not sure how the Tow truck would get the wheels rolling.

    Its quite frustrating to not have any means to move the car out.

    I was a great fan of Chevys up until recently. But seems like I was wrong. Problem after problem seems to creep up with the impala. Wife has a foreign car for the last 3 yrs and not a single issue with it.
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964

    I’m sorry to hear about the battery concerns you’re having with your Impala. Where was your battery serviced? Also, are there other concerns with your Impala? We'd be happy to follow up with any dealerships for you.

    GM Customer Service
  • vytatevytate Member Posts: 4

    You continue to ask us to check with the dealership. What about this, Chevy Runs deep in my pocket due to expensive and frequent repairs. Put the quality back in and make cars that compete and WIN over imports. I have so many problems with my 2007 Impala, most recently seat belt just stopped working...did Chevy use Lego to assemble them? So tired of reading the problems and your constant insistence that we take the car to the dealer...who already has the circular on how to placate us and cover up the problem (can we say too many transmission issues, errant codes and oil leaks) and not document them so NO RECALL since under the threshold of complaints. STOP the counseling and make better, more reliable cars. We do not need your back rub counseling. :mad: :sick: :mad:
  • vytatevytate Member Posts: 4
    I had the same thing happen. Two battery replacements within 2 years. Not sure of the cause. However, the battery was under warranty and the dealership replaced it - no charge. There may be an underlying cause...but after a late tow to the dealership and having to get a ride home, glad to know a battery corrected the issue.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I apologize for your frustrations. I recommend people start with the dealer because it is my standard procedures. Dealers are independently owned and operated; however they have a contract with GM to be our eyes and ears in the field. In order to work with a customer and try to assist I need to have a dealer’s diagnosis as I cannot do it over the internet. See the difference here is now you are involved with GM Customer Service who is going to call the dealers and monitor the situation. When a customer comes to me with a problem they have been to the dealer for multiple times, please believe I am on the phone with the dealer trying to figure out why this hasn't been resolved. It is also documented with GM about the concerns and any concerns with the vehicle or dealer. I apologize you are unhappy with the service I provide, but I have helped many people of this forum. Please feel free to email me with any further information or concerns. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
    GM Customer Service
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,824
    I wonder how many customers are aware of just how "flat rate" compensates the technician when any situation like the above takes place? GM isn't alone when it comes to problems at this level, so this isn't a reflection on just a GM dealership nor it's technicians. But it's amazing to watch things like this take place and "since many times the technicians are being paid less to deal with something like this, if they are paid at all" compared to what a technician would be earning doing much simpler work that problems like this one ever get solved at all.
  • amandasue2007amandasue2007 Member Posts: 2
    I bought my 2009 Impala SS 3 months ago. Having no major problems with my malibu, I figured chevy was the way to go. Tonight 11/14/11 I was driving down the highway (60 mph) with my 2 year old and pregnant sister. All of a sudden I get a warning that the stabilitrak needs something, the traction control needs something, and that my engine power was reduced! Ticked. Luckily I made it to the side of the road. So, I turned my car off. Back on SAME THING!!!!! Finally I let it sit for about 5 min it turned on and no warnings, just my check engine let came on. Now, (2 hours later) my remote starter wont work. Lock and unlock work fine, just wont start. Im beyond terrified to drive it. 25+ miles to a dealership. Who know's when it's going to just shut off on me again. I will be calling tomorrow to get it fixed. With only 37k miles on it, IT WILL BE COVERED!!!!! I don't care who I have to talk to, I am not going to be paying out of pocket for this when there are MANY others out there with the same issue! If chevy can't get this problem taken care of, I WON'T be buying another one. Oh we have 4 sitting in our driveway, but trading them in doesn't seem so bad when I can't trust to drive it to work!
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    Thank you for posting - can we look further into your situation? Please email us with more information (name/username, contact information, last 8 of your VIN, and the name of your involved dealership).

    Looking forward to assisting,
    GM Customer Service
  • amandasue2007amandasue2007 Member Posts: 2
    Can I have your e-mail?
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    Just click on her blue highlighted user ID and you can see her email address.

    Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • rhenry3751rhenry3751 Member Posts: 1
    I own a 2008 Implala which is nothing but trouble.I bought it after happily owning a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix which i put 288,000 miles on it ,worry free.Since i have owned my Impala i have been stranded 4 times in 5 months. First the tire went flat due to the sensor inside the wheel breaking off the valve stem,then while changing the flat the jack just broke and the car fell on the ground on the rotor.About 3 weeks ago i couldnt get it out of park and again had to get it towed due to some shifter being bent or something to that affect which cost me 500 dollars ,not to mention the 90 tow bill. Now today the battery is dead. The radio sometimes works and sometimes dosent. I travel for my job and am so tired of having this piece of crap always having issues. What happened to the qaulity Chevy products that use to be made. There is always something wrong with this car. When people ask me how i like the car i tell them i hate it! Get your crap together chevy!
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964

    I'm sorry to hear about the multiple concerns you've experienced with your vehicle. Have you worked with Customer Assistance before?

    GM Customer Service
  • rod1cptrod1cpt Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2006 chevy impala that gave me the engine power reduced message yesterday and my speed went from 50 to 20 on my way home from work. Do anybody know what caused that?
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    Have a look at the previous messages but I am sure you will find that it is the gas pedal and the electronics used to make the throttle work. On my 08 as soon as the pedal was replaced all symtoms dissappeared and the car is back running fine. Most new vehicles do not have a linkage to the throttle and control it by the computer. If a sensor goes bad there is a fail safe that reduces the engine rpm and gives you a message.

    That is what was wrong with my 08 but I cannot tell you if your 06 has the same system or not.

    Good luck..
  • rod1cptrod1cpt Member Posts: 2
    can someone from customer service contact me
  • fusaysofusayso Member Posts: 2
    i replaced my pedal travel sensor three days ago. it cant be found as an after market part. i got mine through GM Parts Direct with shipping it was 1/2 the cost of the dealer quote and it took less than 10 minutes to replace
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    There's no way for them to know how to contact you. If you wish to contact gmcustsvcsarah, you can click on her blue user ID, and you'll be able to see her email address to contact her.

    Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • wayniac67wayniac67 Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2011
    Kristie,I am having the same problems,bought my 2008 Chevy Impala because my used car kept breaking down,so bought a new car 20,000 plus,480 a month payments because it would be reliable! Yeah that's a joke,I have been broken down almost as many times,my shifter got stuck in gear ,had to have it replaced,my battery constantly goes dead ,my radio sometimes works,sometimes not,my back defroster doesn't work,it shifts really hard from park to drive,My dad was a diehard Chevy man,I always had chevy's but I tell everyone what a piece of crap it is! I hate it ,when I take it to get it fixed,they say nothing is wrong,I am just at my wits end,I drive 45 minutes to work every day and never know if I will break down or not and paying so much for the trash! :lemon:
  • wayniac67wayniac67 Member Posts: 12
    I have put several posts on here about mine and You haven't sent me a message, :confuse:
  • henryhnguyenhenryhnguyen Member Posts: 1
    My 2010 impala just got tracktion control failure, Engine Power Reduce. I was dring on the freeway at 65 miles, when this happened, the speed dropped down to 40 miles!! Luckily I was not hit!! It's so scary!!

    So far, there seems to be alot of problems like this and it's so lucky that no one got killed yet??? What else can we do so GM will fix this problem and send the recalls to related Impala!!

  • 1impala1impala Member Posts: 1
    What is the part # ? For pedal travel sensor (foot feed) for 06 impala 3.5L
  • abdiweliabdiweli Member Posts: 1
    I just bought this vehicle from the auction and had for 28 days. Today I found something which almost shocked me.It was when i started to start my car and all of the sudden the vehicle started shaking to an extent I thought there was an earth quake. I did try to turn the ignition on and off, still it continued doing.Messages appeared on the dash board and one of them was " reduced engine power" and "stabilitrack or traction something.This is a manufacturing problem and i urge Gm to recall this model and fix the problem. It seems a lot of people are getting this probelm as I read from this forum. This is a true experience i have had with this impala and please lf someone has any idea of fixing let me know. Thanks
  • bergmanrulzbergmanrulz Member Posts: 1
    I also am having issues with my 2009 Chevy Impala with only 38500 miles on it. I got a light saying something like Service Traction Control and then I got a reduced engine power light. The car did lose some engine power. It seemed to miss also. I am planning on taking it to the dealership as soon as I can get an appointment. Unfortunatley this all happened to me on Christmas eve and no one is open until Tuesday. I am totally dependant on this car for my job, so this is a real problem. From what I am reading on this problem it seems like A RECALL may be needed on this issue. I had a 3 year or 36000 mile warranty on this car as I bought it new. The warranty expired 2000 miles ago. Just my luck? I don't know. I hope GM is listening.
  • 20impala0620impala06 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2012
    I have sent you an email per your request on my 2006 Impala that has joined the ranks of those experiencing this erratic "Engine Power is reduced". It is my wife's car and she will not drive it until she is certain it is repaired. Brought it to my local mechanic, and by that time the check engine light had turned off and it was running fine. They were familiar with a "Throttle Position Sensor" issue.
  • fusaysofusayso Member Posts: 2
    Go to and give them your vin and they will give you the part number for your car. They dont accept returns unless the part is defective or if THEY give you the wrong part. They are usually pretty quick and I buy all parts that have to be bought from GM from them. Much more reasonable prices
  • 20impala0620impala06 Member Posts: 3
    I changed the accelerator / throttle position sensor with a new unit, and the issue became worse, barely getting a mile down the road before it "Engine Power is Reduced. Changed back to the original timebomb situation. Does the car need to relearn or something with a new component?
  • madchevyguymadchevyguy Member Posts: 1
    Same problem. Brought a 2008 Chevy Impala for a more reliable car. After 50,00 miles. Service Traction problems. I have to shut the car off for 1 minute. Then it drives fine. But whenever the street is wet . Forget about it. Also something with the suspension eats up tires quick. Just brought tires a year ago and may need new ones. I have always been a chevy guy. But after owning a 2004 impala and a 08 impala with a ton of issues. may switch to ford or buick.
  • mudpup98mudpup98 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2009 Chevy Impala with a 3500 engine and this problem came up tonight sitting at a Drive Thru . I have read quite a few of your complaints and am wondering if any of you have Diagnosed any of the problems . I definetly cannot afford to take this to the Dealership . Thanks for any of your help .
  • bowanabowana Member Posts: 9
    I see that various people are having problems with the power reduction and issues regarding the Traction Control. I reported on this condition last October and indicated that replacing the gas pedal cleared the problem. I have not had any issues since the pedal was replaced and the only thing I would ask is that perhaps used pedals from a wrecker may cure the problem cheaper than taking it to a dealer or other repair shop. There is a cure so just follow up and look to the gas pedal. GM is not the only company with this type of problem. Just search under Google and you will see it effects almost every make and model with gas pedals that DO NOT HAVE cable or anything else connected to the throttle but work by sending information to the computers.
    Good Luck everyone!
  • pigglet27pigglet27 Member Posts: 3
    Same exact problem. Even to being 2K out of warranty. My car was a certified used car with 32K. 14K later this reduced power/traction control issue. My dealer is 39 miles away so I'm having it towed. but I am extremely unhappy. What if this had happened when I was doing 65 on the highway?? Car slowed to a crawl and could not climb a slight hill to a parking lot for me to get off road.
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