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Chevy Silverado - Continued XVIII

hunter98hunter98 Member Posts: 273
This is a Topic that is ongoing and has many good participants. Please feel free to post your questions and comments on this topic. We will do our best to answer them.



  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    no matter how it gets engaged....it's not Autotrac that makes people get out of control...

    It's the fact that 4WD and snow makes people idiots!.....who think they can stop just as good..

    I was the same way with my first 4WD.....

    oh well

    - Tim
  • tucsonjwttucsonjwt Member Posts: 265
    problems post. I have some information on the V6
  • bcobco Member Posts: 756
    Ryan & smikes - re: #515 and 516 (on 'rado XVII)

    Click Here for the Firestone letter.

  • willimjowillimjo Member Posts: 73
    I ordered my truck last night - 2001 1500 LT, Forest Green/Tan Leather, Ext. Cab, SB, Z71, Locker, Trailer Pkg, Block Heater, Blackwalls, and the big caveat .... Ride Control. Since the Ride Control (FW1) is still on hold, I don't expect Chevy to pick up the order right away. I'm going to give it until just after New Year's, and if the FW1 is still not available, I'll reorder the truck without it. I sure hope Chevy releases the FW1 this month. I know I could put Rancho 9000's w/remote activation on it after the fact, but it would not be as clean as having the switch built into the dash at the factory.

    The wait begins....

  • john294john294 Member Posts: 56
    at how many miles did you have your injector problems???also thanks for input.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Hey how cold is it by you? Any snow? Reason i am asking is my bedrail cap (side i had trouble with) is coming off. Seems all the snow and ice loosened it up (side by the cab). Only thing holding it down there now is the frozen snow. Really ticking me off. I cant fix it cause its dirty and cold. I need some glue or something

  • bcobco Member Posts: 756
    no, no snow. been chilly though. remember, i'm in sc. we've had frost on the windows some mornings. caps are holding fine. eventually you're going to have to do what i did, dude.
    1. take your caps off.
    2. remove any excess double-sided tape from the caps and the rails.
    3. use a rubbing compound (or something similar to strip any wax on your bed-rails).
    4. use a dish detergent(i think i used palmolive) to wash any rubbing compound residue off your bedrails.
    5. use the same dish wash solution to wash the backs of your rail caps.
    6. dry everything completely.
    7. reapply double-sided tape to your caps - i used more than what came on 'em. got 'em real good near each end.
    8. reapply caps to rails.
    9. walk up and down on top of 'em to smash 'em down real good.
    10. don't let 'em get wet for 48 hours.

    do all that in moderate weather or in a decently heated garage and i think it'll work just fine for you. mine have not budged at all. all told, you'll spend about an hour on it.

  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Does anyone know the tire diameter on the P265 Firestone AT's? They dont have these tires on their website. How come?


  • smikessmikes Member Posts: 130
    Did any of you notice heavy overspray on your 'rados when you got them? I just dropped mine off this morning to have the Expel (Scotchcal - 3M) clear bra substitute applied. The installer found alot of overspray on the hood.

  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    that's why the dealer preps them before delivery. Or in my case, I requested that they did not prep cause they could put scratches into the already orange peeled paint. Clayed the truck per Zaino instructions and a ton of overspray came off on the clay.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240

    all i want for xmas

  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    ...and perhaps the most expensive!

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    I think my xmas present will be great (see a few posts above)

    Thanks David for the tire info

    The BFG's are 32.X inches in diameter

    So ill gain appx 1 inch in height woohoo

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    Jessica will like that...


    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    yea uh huh Tim

  • markbuckmarkbuck Member Posts: 1,021
    You will gain 1/2 of the wheel diameter change in truck height...
  • dch0300dch0300 Member Posts: 472
    If I'm getting a new 2001 Silverado for Christmas, any suggestions on what I should get my wife? She got a new Saturn SW2 wagon 4 years ago for her birthday, only cost $20,000 though. The way I see it, it is my turn now.

    285 rp (reindeer power) hmmmmm.
    How can I work that into personalized plates?
    285 RP

    Speaking of deer, I didn't get anything in that late muzzleloader hunt in northeastern Washington last weekend. Saw about 6 deer in two days, but no bucks. One came up to within 100' of me as I was hiding behind a tree taking a crap in 1' of snow.
    Thank God it wasn't a buck, I'd hate to shoot one with my pants around my ankles.

  • 99crewcab199crewcab1 Member Posts: 79
    I'll try to take some pics later tonight (at work right now). The truck is kinda durty b/c it rained the other day, but oh well. I'll wash it this weekend and take another set. I guess I should go register for a picturetrail right now.
    Rubberride axles anybody?

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    ..she will have to settle for 1/2 inch


    (Ryan is getting mad at old Timmy.....probably why he don't post on my site no more)

    .....darn....How will I make it thru the weekend knowing he is mad?....)

    BTW.......while men never dance....if you do...AT LEAST YA DON'T ANNOUCE YOU ARE GOING BEFORE!


    Enjoy......even you too Ryan

    - Tim
  • 99crewcab199crewcab1 Member Posts: 79
    Finally got out and tooks some pics of the truck. It's a lot dirtier than it looks. I have to wash it this weekend. When I go home in a couple of weeks, I'll take some more pics next to my dads truck. Kind of a cool combo.

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    ..I'll have to get a picture of mine right now...

    most of the mud and cow poo is gone from wet snow...

    Ryan....sure......cash it in and give me the $100!

    - Tim
  • 99crewcab199crewcab1 Member Posts: 79
    Where's your site?

  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    nice truck....something about GMC's though....I think it's the rims....like Chevy's better.
  • ckulusckulus Member Posts: 24
    I am supposed to take delivery on a 2001
    Silverado LS Ext Cab 2WD 5.3L in about 2 weeks. I
    understand that all new motors have a certain
    amount of contaminants and pieces of metal which
    get trapped in the oil filter. I am planning to
    switch to 0W-30 Amsoil and the technician there
    recommended that I run the factory oil and filter
    to catch these contaminants and metal pieces and
    then change out the oil. A friend of mine
    suggested that maybe I should run the truck for a
    1000 miles with the factory oil and filter and then
    change it with regular oil and filter and go
    another 1000 miles before going to the Amsoil.
    What do any of you think?


    Chet Kulus
  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    that you should run about 1000 then change...

    some say it takes 10,000 for the rings to set....then go to synthetic..?...but cars like Vettes come with Mobil 1 from the factory...who knows..

    I went 1000.....then to regular mobil for a few thousand...and then Mobil 1 5/30 after that

    Good luck

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    No way im cashing it in. Ill spend it one way or another.

    Nick nice truck. You call that dirty? Tomorrow morning ill take a pic before i wash mine and show you dirty. I actually washed the nerf bars (to get salt off) rims and lights. If i didnt clean the lights off they wouldnt have worked tonight they were black. My tires are white from the salt. Its disgusting

  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Hmm..I can just imagine what it's like...LOL!!


    I changed mine at 300 on both trucks and again at 1000. Went with Royal Purple at the 1000 mile mark. Some say that GM puts in a special break in oil...it's true, if you believe.
  • 99crewcab199crewcab1 Member Posts: 79
    Yeah, I guess it's not dirty dirty, but there are a whole bunch of black spots on the hood that don't show up in the pics. There's also a whole bunch of sand in the bed from surfing. I've been thinking of putting a billet grill on the bass mouth. I'll have to have a shop do it, I don't want to screw the grill up. Other than that, I want to leave it pretty much stock. Save the $ for bigger and better things. Finally found out what rubber ride axles are. "axles that are commonly used on horse trailers,no leafs, no coils just a tube filled with rubber with a torsion pin embedded in it and that torsion pin is the axle." Still don't quite understand it, but oh well. Finals are coming up. Ewwww.

  • john294john294 Member Posts: 56
    what do I want?This is the question that will be asked of me when I am called on by chevrolet regrading my claim.my answer is simple I want what was advertized ''the rock''the dependable ,hard working,well built american made truck it was intended to be not a truck with factory defects or resale reducing ''nusiance noises''or a truck that dealerships tell you they cannot repair.Instead of looking at the enjoyment of owning this truck I have the possiblity of looking at takeing a lost and being involed in a lengty case battle which will lead to me having to hire a lawyer to fight a ''lemon law ''case.
  • tucsonjwttucsonjwt Member Posts: 265
    happened at about 4500-5000 miles, as I recall. I got in to start up the truck and it idled very rough two days in a row - so I didn't drive it - just took it into the dealer - thought I bought a lemon. This turned out to be an isolated incident. Believe it or not, this is the smoothing running truck I have ever driven, and just about the smoothest running vehicle in general. I'll bet a persistent mechanic will someday find your problem - I hope it is someday soon.
  • fortopfortop Member Posts: 239
    Bedrug from your 00 to 01 rado, did you reuse the adhesive strips or did you buy new ones. If you bought new ones, did you get generic strips locally, or did they come from Bedrug, and how much were they? I plan to trade in every year and move to rug from truck to truck. Thanks.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Tire heights

    FSTONES = 31.65"
    BFGS = 32.9"

    1.25" diff
    .625 of a 5/8" increase in height

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    I forgot...this is your first winter with this truck and a 4WD of your own...right?....no wonder you are so geeked about autotrac!

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    A little suggestion

    I run 35 PSI all around on my truck

    I checked them 2 wks ago they were fine. I checked them today and they all were at 32-33 psi. They went down quite a bit. Probably the cold weather. Anyhow i suggest you check your tires often.

  • rwagonerrwagoner Member Posts: 338
    I check mine ALL THE TIME. Or about every 3 months or so.

    As to oil changes, I have been running Mobil One with the AC PF59 in the last two changes, about 5000 miles ... about what I used to run in my S-10 with regular oil. I wanted to go farther, but couldn't bring myself to doing it.

    Now if we could just get someone to NEVER change their oil and see how things go. My dad used to do that, but he doesn't drive much any more.

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    at least once a week...

    ya gotta put in that winter air Ryan!

    - Tim
  • john294john294 Member Posts: 56
    If I tape record conversations between the chevy case rep.and myself about my claim do I have to inform them of doing so,and is the dealership responable to give me in writting their evaluation of my truck when they state there is no repair available for it .thanks
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    You know what i thought about it but since i am only keeping these tires for about a month longer who cares

    (i did the automatic carwash today) big mistake i got out to dry afterwards damn truck was a block of ice drove home and put the torpedo heater on in the garage dethawed it then dried for 2.5 hrs. F THAT it might just stay dirty from now on

  • mgdvhmanmgdvhman Member Posts: 4,157
    Ryan....there is no other choice but to let it stay dirty......or go to aplace that washes indoors and drys it off.....but the locks may still freze...

    I almost always use drive thrus any more.....year round...I got better things to do than spend 2 hours or more washing a vehicle.......unless it's the Olds.....nothing but hand washing for that....I didn't spend $6000 on a paint job for nuttin'

    - Tim
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    It was 17 degrees (not including wind chill) at 9am when i went and had it washed. My truck was covered in salt. I t needed to be washed bad.

    Tim you get any snow up by you yet?

  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    ah we got a lil more than that.

  • blackmax200blackmax200 Member Posts: 255
    Dean, now tell us that the picture was painted with the white stuff...hehehe Seriously though how high is that range? What does the snow line get down to? I have indeed heard that it does snow in the Islands, but never really thought about it.

  • blackmax200blackmax200 Member Posts: 255
    better check with the attoney general's office...I think that you do have to inform in most states of taping conversations over the phone. You don't want to be another Linda Tripp!

    Yes, you should get the dealer to put it in writting that they can not fix your truck. Best to get it done on your copy of the R.O. I doubt that you will get anyone there to put their signature to it though. This has severe ramifications with the terms of their franchise with GM.

    Be patient and loose the emotion when you are dealing with them. OK to vent here, though most of us have very little to complain about, I know I truely have sympathy for your predicament.

  • erikheikererikheiker Member Posts: 230
    I've been hearing about this blue goo. What is it, do I have it, and if not, should I consider it? I have the 2001 with Autotrac, which is really great.
  • erikheikererikheiker Member Posts: 230
    Last night the streets were water on ice so I had an excellent opportunity to test the ABS. I locked up the brakes (or tried to) and kept the pedal depressed until I came to a complete stop. After the pedal feedback stopped, the brake pedal sank down about two to three inches, but the brakes did keep the wheels locked. I've had other ABS vehicles before and my experience is that once the brake pedal feedback stops, the pedal doesn't sink down. Once I released the brake pedal everything went back to normal. I repeated the process several more times and the same thing always happened. I realize lots of people don't know how to correctly use ABS, but I do, so that is not an issue. Any others ever try this?
  • blackmax200blackmax200 Member Posts: 255
    I think that people buy something that says Antilock Brakes and think it means something else. The dealer should hose down an area in the parking lot and demonstrate every vehicle at the time of customer delivery to insure the customer understands what ABS will and will not do. There would be less "brake failure" complaints...but then I'm glad that they don't, as it means more business for me...I teach this stuff...hehe
    Seriously though it is good that you did what you did and I would encourage more to do it.
  • john294john294 Member Posts: 56
    input appreicated ,Yes I will calm down and get threw this.I will post outcome when its over ,Happy Hoildays to all........
  • bcobco Member Posts: 756
    tim...don't know 'bout your 2500, but my 1500 has keyless entry. so who cares if the locks freeze! ;) sorry...had a few beers and it sounded funnier in my head than it does on the screen!

  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Yes that is a volcano...Mauna Kea. Snow starts at 8000' level up to 10,000 foot level. If the height is taken from it's bottom, it is taller than mt. everest....about 33,000'. Never been up there as the air is too thin. Guys I've known that have worked on installation of the telescopes work 15 and take 15 min breaks. Get too dizzy otherwise.

    I just gotta take a picture of the truck. Zaino'd today and looks pretty good.

    Temp: 83
    15-20 mph NE winds
    Sunny all day long....you could get a great tan today.....
This discussion has been closed.