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Toyota Tacoma Real World MPG Numbers

simonkenton2simonkenton2 Member Posts: 4
I am looking at buying a Toyota 4X4 with the 2.7 and manual. What kind of mileage can I expect to get?


  • sebring95sebring95 Member Posts: 3,241
    I had a 95.5 Tacoma 4X4, ext. cab 5-speed with pretty tall gears. I averaged 22mpg with about a 60/20/20 mix of highway/rural/city driving. There were long trips on the highway and I still averaged about 22mpg and it didn't seem to matter if I was running 65mpg or 75mph. I see alot saying they're only getting 20mpg, but maybe they have 4:10's, I dunno. Either way, you should be able to find one geared for what you plan to do.
  • tistevetisteve Member Posts: 142
    I have 4:10 gearing and I'm lucky to get 20 mpg. But, I do have a heavy foot and use the higher rpm's. It's a great engine though for a four.
  • adc100adc100 Member Posts: 1,521
    I have the '94 4X4 with the 2.4 . 24mpg is as good as it gets and about 20 around town. I have a very light foot. I'm guessing that 22 is about tops on the highway.
  • delayofgamedelayofgame Member Posts: 1
    I get about 20 to 23 m.p.g. (combined) with my 2.7 engine with the 5 speed manual tranny (truck is a 4x4). Speed does not seem to make any difference.
  • beachbratbeachbrat Member Posts: 23
    Simon, I plan to buy a 2000 single cab Tacoma 4x4 2.7 4cl 5speed and I hear from here that 22-24 is average.
  • tistevetisteve Member Posts: 142
    I think I might have a bad O2 sensor. I am consistently only getting around 19.2 per gallon. I have the 2.7 with 5sp 4x4 w/TRD. I do drive with a bit of a heavy foot, but I shift early if I'm not trying to accelerate.

    Also, on warm mornings I get a funny exhaust-like smell in the cab for a few minutes until she warms up.

    If most folks are getting in the low 20's, somethings not quite right.
  • sc0rpi0sc0rpi0 Member Posts: 897
    Hmm.....yeah. I nearly got 19mpg on my last trip to Dallas, 85mph the whole way, with a V6 4x4, so something is wrong in your truck.
  • rfrossrfross Member Posts: 15
    I had a 1996 Tacoma basic standard cab 4X4. It had air, an AM/FM radio and the all weather guard package, the 2.7 and 5 spd manual. That's it.

    With the standard 3.42 axle ratio and the standard 235/75X15 tires I managed to get a best of 26.x MPG on the highway driving conservatively.

    This truck was THE BEST truck I ever owned. When I sold it at 50,000 miles there were ZERO squeaks or rattles. I never should have sold it but needed something that would tow and carry 3 - 5 passengers. Ended up with a new '99 Sierra 4X4 that turned out to be junk and I sold it after about a year of ownership.....

    Wish I had that Toyota back!
  • sc0rpi0sc0rpi0 Member Posts: 897
    Get yourself another Taco then.
    I wish I could see some of your gas milage....but I don't drive on highway conservatively. I could get 20+ if I stuck to 70-75, but I can't do it.
  • tgravo2tgravo2 Member Posts: 70
    What kind of truck do you own now? If you had an extended cab Sierra, I'm sure a Double Cab 4x4 Tacoma will not have any less room in the back seat for 3-5 passengers, and you win both ways because you own your Toyota again.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Are you getting the mileage you expected fromt he EPA estimates on the sticker? How's your Tacoma doing out in the real world?


    PF Flyer


    Pickups & News & Views Message Boards
  • vmimanvmiman Member Posts: 80
    I'm getting 18 in mixed driving. Haven gotten as good as 21.5 on the interstate.

    Have V6 manual in a 2005 Access Cab Tacoma with TRD Sport package.


    Tom Clark

  • yardguyyardguy Member Posts: 3
    I have been keeping a mileage log for my '04 Tacoma x-cab 2.4l AT, but have been disappointed in the actual mileage. It's not like there are hills or anything in the D/FW area that would cause any problems.


    At least the truck managed to approach the 25 mpg threshold on a roadtrip running 70-75 mph (with a tailwind ;-) ). But then again, maybe getting out of town and away from the reformulated fuel required here helped too.


  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,385
    I think, perhaps, that your truck was placed in service on 12-06-03 rather than 04, but nice log! What were the EPA #s on that particular rig when you purchased?
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • yardguyyardguy Member Posts: 3
    Sorry I didn't get back sooner, but yes, the date was a whoopsie. It's fixed now.


    Seems like it was rated 22 / 25. But I found it interesting at the time that the mileage for the standard cab and extended cab were the same. The log shows that the stated city mileage was some sort of arbitrary, bogus number. Maybe the test track was downhill the whole way around...


    On the other hand, my wife bought an '04 Rav, 2 WD, with the fancy 2.4l engine at the same time as the Tacoma and it handily beats its mileage guestimates -- while at the same time providing a whole lot more acceleration.


    The downside to the log...I keep looking at the fuel price on those first couple of fill-ups :-(
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,385
    Hahahahahha. I know what you mean. I just filled up my Subaru today with about 14 gal and thought, "Great! Only $27.50, the price has gone down!" Just a few short years ago I was filling up my van with close to 20 gal at the same price. Oy.


    "City" mileage can really vary depending on just how "city" it really is. If you're doing a lot of stop/go, like once every block in a residential district, it will drop your mileage much more than having to stop every half-mile at a light on a main drag. For a truck that you use to work, those a pretty good #s. Far better than if you had a 1/2 ton or larger!
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    About 600 miles total on my 2005 Tacoma 4x2 Access cab with 2.7L 4cyl and 5spd manual.


    Filled up today and with a mostly city, some hwy mix, I got 20.5 MPG. Not too impressive, but the engine is still breaking in. So we'll see.
  • sckowsckow Member Posts: 5
    05 Access cab, 2.7L, 5spd, 4X4...First 3 tanks of high priced Long Island 87 octane...Picked the truck up in the middle of the blizzard...4 wheel drive out the dealers lot...first tank 19.4mpg...2nd tank...19.6mpg...3rd tank...20.0mpg....first tank had a good handfull of 4X4 use...3rd tank had no 4X4 use...very happy so far...Hope it gets a little better as time goes on....80% of my driveing is city type....
  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    over 351 miles I averaged 21 MPG on my 2.7L 5spd Manual 4X2 access cab. So about the same before.

    I should say that the same route with the same driving style and speeds in my previous Ford Focus ZX5 with an automatic averaged about 23 MPG so if I ever just drove a nice, sane even pace, I'd imagine this truck would do decent on a nice road trip.
  • rachunterrachunter Member Posts: 21
    Please include :
    cab type
    transmission type
    2x2 or 4x4
    engine size

    That makes this post much more useful.
  • nbtacomanbtacoma Member Posts: 15
    2005 Tacoma 4x2 2.7 5spd manual Access Cab

    First full tank of gas I went through with it mixed highway/city but mostly highway:


    By the way, I love this truck. :)
  • hammaahammaa Member Posts: 79
    I've got '05 DC LB Pre-Runner TRD Sport w/ tow (no mods). Sticker says 18/22 is what I should be getting for mpg. I've now logged about 4300 miles, and had more fill-ups than I care to remember. I've been averaging 15.5 mpg with a mix of 60/40 highway/street driving, with my highway driving generally at about 75-80 mph. I did take one all freeway trip (at about those same speeds) and got 18.5 mpg. Just for fun, for my last tank I kept my freeway speeds below 70 mph, and I got 17.75 mpg, which is much better. So, although I am dissappointed with my mpg overall so far, I guess it's my own fault, because this new Taco apparently tends to suck gas at "higher" freeway speeds. (It's really hard to drive "slow" though, when that thing cruises at 80 mpg at about 2.5 rpms...) BTW, those #'s are based on 89 octane gas. Thx.
  • wooddorkerwooddorker Member Posts: 300
    "Please include :
    cab type
    transmission type
    2x2 or 4x4
    engine size


    State, octane used, miles on vehicle.

    State is a biggie with custom gas blends.

  • blackmambablackmamba Member Posts: 31
    I have a 2005 Prerunner sport v6 auto in New Mexico. 3,000 miles. I use 86 octane. and mostly city driving. I am showing between 20.5 and 21.5 mpg. I did post that I think the speedometer is reading fast. The dealer said that Toyota's consider 4-8 mph over/under to be normal. That is a horrible policy! That means that the mpg could be as much as 10% high. That would put the mpg around 19-20 mpg! FYI
  • eaglegeagleg Member Posts: 87
    DC LB 4X4 V6 5 spd with 2000 miles living in Wisconsin burning reformulated 93 octane gas on 17 in wheels.I have been getting between 17-19.5 depending on air temperature and how much I've got my foot into it.I have yet to try the old non-reformulated gas, but I'm thinking I'll get better mileage when I do.Does anyone know what gas is used during the EPA testing.Reformulated gas sucks on my boat, my lawnmower,my kids motorcycle and just about whatever else its used in so why would the Tacoma be any different.
  • yardguyyardguy Member Posts: 3
    From the "mileage log" link I posted some time ago, I can see this thread has become quite popular. Lots of folks are now suddenly interested in the actual mileage results from various vehicles.

    I am still weighing the impact a "hybrid" vehicle might have -- 8-9 years before battery replacement ($13,000+ in addition to environmental problems) vs just burning the gasoline.
  • demoncleanerdemoncleaner Member Posts: 82
    True city driving 14-15, mixed daily (some open roads, hills, few lights) 16. Rural highway (55-65 mpg) 20-21 mpg. Interstate @ 75+, 17.5, and Interstate @ 70, 19 mpg. Truck has about 5.3K on it. I run 89 or 90 octance all the time. I check mpg after each fill up. Just changed to full synthetic oil, and the 'summer' gas should be hitting stations as it is now May. Expect (and dearly hope) to see the numbers go up.
  • theguytheguy Member Posts: 16
    Just wondering after all I am not a machanic but shouldn't you wear in your truck before moving to full synthetic. I was told to wait untill 30k kms before switching. I was under the impression that your rings have to wear in before. Anybody else help us out here that knows anything about this.
  • demoncleanerdemoncleaner Member Posts: 82
    Let me clarify my metric friend, what I meant by 5.3K was 5300 mi, not km. My oil change to synthetic was at 5000 mi (8000km). Really everyone has a theory on when to change or not to change to synthetic oils. If you read about most syn oils, they say you can use from day one, and look at many top cars out there today. They come with Mobil 1 from the factory... not sure why someone told you to wait 30000km/18500mi. I would say run the oil you are comfortable using.
  • andersonblandersonbl Member Posts: 1
    4X4 Doublecab TRD Sport Package
    6-speed manual transmission

    About 16.2 mpg on average, combined city/highway driving daily.

    NOTE: Originally was getting 14 mpg! If you read the manual it tells you the optimal speed to shift at for the best compromise between mileage and performance (according to the engineers at least).

    For the 6 speed manual:
    0-15 mph 1st Gear
    15-25 mph 2nd Gear
    25-40 mph 3rd Gear
    40-45 mph 4th Gear
    45-50 mph 5th Gear
    50 and up 6th Gear

    I'm puzzled as to why the range for 4th and 5th is so small...why even bother creating a 6-speed transmission?? Towing I suppose....increased engine braking ability? Hmm..

  • theguytheguy Member Posts: 16
    Basicly acts as over drive less rpms when on the highway cruising in 6th thats why they got it there. Helps with fuel aswell. Also how new is your truck because if it is brand new give it some time to break in. You will always get the worst when its new. I hope that helps and I hope it improves for you I get mine tommorow 4by4 crew red loaded trd in stick and your numbers are scaring me i get those mpg with my 350 98 silverado.
  • nstg8rnstg8r Member Posts: 18
    Wow, I'm impressed at how much you guys are getting per gallon. I have 05 Tacoma 4x4 Access Cab 6spd TRD Sport Pk #2 and I'm only averaging 15 mpg. I guess I just might be driving too fast. By the way, I only use 91 octane, cant see why people would use 87 octane in this awesome 245 hp motor. Maybe if I go synthetic it might change for me. But not till 10,000k for me. I'm waiting for my seals and gaskets to settle in first.
  • hawaiianbobhawaiianbob Member Posts: 3
    Aloha this is hawaiianbob; I have a 1998 Ext. Cab V-6 190hp + and I average 25 to 27 MPG on the Freeway and in town. I try not to go over the Speed Limit as much as Possible. My Truck is a 4X2 with a Cover on the bed. tThid REALLY HELPS your gas Mileage. Here in Hawaii we PAY 2.27 JUST for 87 Octane!

    I think if you keep your foot off the gas a little you might get a little beter gas mileage. I also Hardly use 2nd Gear. I use 1ST, 3RD, 5TH, works Great, Pleanty of Power. Got only 54,000mi. on it so far.

  • wooddorkerwooddorker Member Posts: 300
    Here in Hawaii we PAY 2.27 JUST for 87 Octane!

    We pay that here in CT, as well. :cry:
  • swschultswschult Member Posts: 3
    FWIW: I have the 2005 double cab w/auto trans, 4x4, TRD package. EPA sticker is 17/21 MPG, and on a long trip I actually did get around 20-21 MPG. On short trips, I get about 15-17 MPG. So on balance, I'm not too far below the EPA estimates. I have 3,500 miles on it, and possibly the mileage will improve after full break-in.
  • theguytheguy Member Posts: 16
    Just got her 2005 double cab 6sp filled her up and boy shes a gas pig I drove 140 km and burned a quarter of a tank of gas. I will have to see what happens once it breaks in I hope it does better than this other than that i love the truck but man fuel prices are nuts and i drive 130 km to work every day we shall have to see. Also i was wonder can there realy be that much of a dif with gas i mean my 350 silverado does fine on reg and so does the tundra and there the same motor also the 8 cyl in the tundra is reg too doesnt make much sense to me. My only prob is its a small truck that drinks gas like a big one if i new this i would have bought a full size.
  • bearcrkrdbearcrkrd Member Posts: 167
    My numbers are good. I also drive alone, no load, and have a real light foot.
    Filled up three times, the tank was:
    Half full
    Quarter tank left
    I got 24, 26, and 27mpg. Maybe 75% freeway/Hiway, at most.
  • theguytheguy Member Posts: 16
    Is your truck a trd with a 6 and what kind of fuel are you using the numbers your puting up seem to good to be true especially if its a new truck. Please let me in on any of yoursecrets lol.
  • hawaiianbobhawaiianbob Member Posts: 3
    aloha This is Hawaiianbob; I have a 1998 4x2 Sr5 V6 3.4L close too 200HP with my Intake Mod. This is a 5 Sped EXT CAB. In Hawaii We use our Air all the time. My average for town and Freeway is 27+ MPH. I Never go over the Speed limit unles I Really Need to. I mostly Use 1st., 3rd, and 5th. The truck has enough torque even for passing on the freeway with out shifting to a lower gear. I have 54,000MI. on it and and I use MOBIL 1 5X30W. This 3.4 Really Goes like a V8. I also Upgrated to Bigger tires BG GOODRICH TA RADIALS WHITE LETTERS. I aldo got Stainless Wheel moldings, hood debuger and window debuggar. IALSO HAVE A TRICK FOR YOU GUYS: Try to PUT ON A TONNUE COVER, This Really increases the MPG, because of the Windflow off the cabin. I also have a few more things the Intale Modification Also LET THE ENGINE BREATH ALOT BETTER. MAY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TRUELY BLESS ALL US TRUCK DRIVERS, INDEED. ALOHA Hawaiianbob GAS is $2.37 REG.
  • bearcrkrdbearcrkrd Member Posts: 167
    Not sure if you mean me, as Reg cab only comes with a 4 banger. Don't mean to get too serious on you... Mine's a bottom of the line 4x2 4AT, not a 4x4 or Prerunner.
    My 2001 in the same trim, with a manual tranny, over 78,000 miles got 26mpg in mixed driving, 28mpg with more freeway, and 24mpg with less (much less) freeway/hiway driving. The 2005 is much more vehicle! I was expecting 26mpg+ overall with the Vvti when I bought, so am happy so far.
    The seat back just above my left bun looks to have a bit of a fray already, don't know what would cause it, unless it was there right out of the gate. Also, the plastic on the top of the door panels looks to be easy to scratch. The 2001 seemed a bit better in those two areas, but too soon to tell.
    Back to the 2005, 1,150 miles, haven't seen 3,000 rpm's yet. Use 87 octane.
  • sillymesillyme Member Posts: 4
    On my 05 Tacoma reg. cab 2.7 5 speed I'm getting from 22 to 24 around town and on a highway trip i got just below 30 MPG. and the truck only has 1000 miles on it so far. Now if I could only find a way to slow the cold idle down! The darn thing goes to 2000 plus RPM when I start it. It does slow down after about a mile. The Dealer says its normal. Anyone else find this to be the case?
  • bearcrkrdbearcrkrd Member Posts: 167
    I have the same, except with an Automatic tranny. It goes to 1,800 - 2,000 on cold start, but goes to 800 rpm as soon as you put it in Reverse with the brake on. Stays there, or within 100 rpm or so, until I get to the end of the street, about 1/2 mile. Then like normal. Took off from work forward instead of reverse, and it also doesn't keep revving. As soon as it goes into gear it slows down. Will see what happens in Winter.
  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    2005 2.7L 5-speed manual 4x2 access cab and I two hate the cold start idle. If I leave it in first or second, it will take off. I basically have to use the clutch to modulate the speed or shift in, let it speed up, push in clutch and use brakes to slow back down. Annoying as I'm sure it is for emmissions control. Probably to warm up the cat. as fast as possible.

    Just an update, but on my same driving route as my previous updates, I got 22 MPG. Now just .5 to 1 MPG below what I was getting with my 5-door Focus hatchback. Still only around 3000 miles on the odometer. 87 octane gas as always.
  • deepred300deepred300 Member Posts: 15
    I've filled up three times so far.

    First tank was 1/3 highway (70 mph), 2/3 city. Averaged 18.5 mpg.

    Second tank was all city. Averaged 19.3 mpg.

    Third tank was 1/3 highway (70 - 75 mph), 2/3 city. Averaged 20.0 mpg.

    I live in St. Louis and we have a special EPA blend. I use 87 octane gas.

    I did put a hard cover on the truck sometime during the second tank.

    The TRD Sport has 17" wheels if that makes a difference. I also don't drive with a a heavy foot. I notice some people wondering why anyone would put 87 octane into a 240 hp truck. That explains why they are getting 15 - 16 mpg right there. Not the gas difference, but the way one drives. I enjoy the hp, but don't feel the need to drag race from red lights.

  • sillymesillyme Member Posts: 4
    I have a 05 reg. cab, 2.7 L 5 speed. I only have about 1300 miles on it and I'm getting about 24 mpg in the city and almost 30 hwy. on 87 gas. I just wish it didnt rev up so much when cold! Over 2000 rpm for the first 1/2 mile or so. Makes it a real adventure getting out of the driveway without running over someone! The dealer says its normal...
  • guidogguidog Member Posts: 8
    what do you mean by, "that explains why they are getting 15-16 mpg right there.
  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    my same info/route as my previous posts:

    Last fillup was 21.5 MPG. About 3,000 miles on the truck.
  • aztechianaztechian Member Posts: 31

    Here in Hawaii we PAY 2.27 JUST for 87 Octane!

    We pay that here in CT, as well.

    Wouldn't that be nice... San Diego is ~2.40
  • ronc2ronc2 Member Posts: 8
    2005 Impulse Red Access Cab
    Man Tranny
    87 Octane only
    5025 miles
    I was getting 18 when I first got it. Right after 2500 miles the GPM went to 20 and stayed there. My drive is 80 miles round trip to work with a mild mix of city driving. Now I am up to 22.5-23 MPG (after 4000 miles). It seems like it keeps getting better and better every time I fill up. Great truck. No chips or strange chirps just a nice shopping cart induced dent on rear access door, hoping to get it fixed. I was thinking of a cold air induction system, would that help the 2.7? If so where can I find one (or instructions to make my own? How about any other mods to kick up the MPG? Thanks...
  • badpig521badpig521 Member Posts: 5
    San Antonio, TX we are @ $1.88 for 87 Octane
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