I am no mechanic in any way. For now fingers crossed , I have a 2015 chevy impala lt limited to date it has 147k miles and it is the body style of the 2008-2012 models. I purchased the car in 2017 with 33k miles. In 2020, I began to experience an effect with the car only going 50-55 mph and the gears would rev high, and when cranking the car it would rev high while idling in park and you have to shift down in drive for the car not to knock as hard (like bad mounts), when you shift to reverse it knocks hard like bad mounts again, and the indicator on the dash was not displaying which gear the car was in (not even park). Weirdly, in certain drive ways, that were slanted or sloped just right, the car would then indicate the gears and drive like new again. I took my car to every mechanic who just said replace the transmission, its easier but thats 3k or 6k in certain places!!! I had given up on this car by now; I had not had an oil change in over a year and only added oil and trans fluid when the car made sounds.. I was primarily taking my car to wal mart for oil changes and others places as well, I believe the issue was the fluid checks along with myself inputting to much transmission fluid!! Mind you, I only owe 2500.00 on this car...
I was driving home today after work and noticed the indicator was working and the car drove fine otw home, I added oil and took it out for a drive and was able to go 70mph + until, the car then indicated "trans hot idle engine," usually once you turn the car off it would go back to the limp mode, but it didnt. I parked the car when I got home and let it cool and came out every so often to turn over the key but not crank and it still indicated the gear. So, I came on here and saw a previous post by @jopuva and IM SO GLAD!! My dad and I check my cars levels and its way to much fluid the transmission!!! I went to numerous mechanics, paid for codes to be read/look at my car, gas, and impaired for the past 2-3 years at this point. I was about to go by another car, again I only owe 2500.00 on this shi*... this has saved me so much money and worry. This is definitely a great first step to take and Im glad that I took the time to read this post and having this site.
Everyone who has the Pressure Control Solenoid issue, please make sure you don't have too much transmission fluid -- it will cause the transmission to get clunky and give off the Pressure Control Solenoid code (GM even issued a TSB on it). If there is any possibility more fluid was added, suck some out and try driving it. If it still clunks, suck a little more out. There is likely nothing wrong with the solenoid. DO NOT RELY ON A MECHANIC TO CHECK FLUID LEVEL. THEY HAVE TO WARM IT UP PROPERLY FIRST AND VERY FEW WILL TAKE THE TIME TO DO THAT.
Twice, mechanics have put too much fluid in and it caused clunking. Both times I fixed it by sucking a little out. My original 4T65E 2001 transmission now has 176,000 miles on it and is still going strong.
I used a car wash vacuum and aquarium tubing to suck some out the first time. Since then, I have purchased an oil extractor pump which I also use to change the transmission fluid.
I was driving home today after work and noticed the indicator was working and the car drove fine otw home, I added oil and took it out for a drive and was able to go 70mph + until, the car then indicated "trans hot idle engine," usually once you turn the car off it would go back to the limp mode, but it didnt. I parked the car when I got home and let it cool and came out every so often to turn over the key but not crank and it still indicated the gear. So, I came on here and saw a previous post by @jopuva and IM SO GLAD!! My dad and I check my cars levels and its way to much fluid the transmission!!! I went to numerous mechanics, paid for codes to be read/look at my car, gas, and impaired for the past 2-3 years at this point. I was about to go by another car, again I only owe 2500.00 on this shi*... this has saved me so much money and worry. This is definitely a great first step to take and Im glad that I took the time to read this post and having this site.