Chevrolet Impala Lighting/Electrical Problems

fathertyriciusfathertyricius Member Posts: 116
edited August 2015 in Chevrolet
I own the 2001 LS. A month ago I noticed that when the ignition key was in the ignition and doors opened, the chimes were distorted and going in and out. I started the car and when turning on the radio, no audio, same with onstar, turn it on, and no onstar voice. Also when I turned off the traction control, no chimes to alert driver that the traction control is off. Anything audio wouldnt work. All hardware gets power, but no audio. I took it to the Chevy dealer, and they replaced the BCM. Everything was back in order. All audio was working fine until today. While driving and listening to the radio, the audio went mute, and came back distorted. I immediately turned off my traction control to see if the chimes would work, and they were distorted, along with onstar, then all of a sudden the audio went dead. NOTHING. I drove right to the Chevy dealer that made the repair and they are ordering another BCM for another replacement procedure next week. Has anyone here experience this same issue ? Its really frustrating. Thanks

See Also
What Does the BCM Module Do?
Trouble Shooting Electrical Problems



  • 66novss66novss Member Posts: 12
    Could be a problem with the 4-way flasher switch. The turn signal flasher is built into this switch. If it malfunctions,the turn lights wont flash. GM has had problems with these switches. There is a recall on some of them.
  • canamguycanamguy Member Posts: 5
    My wife drives a 2002 and started having problems a couple months ago.. It started with the security light coming on, then the battery light, then the check engine light. Not always. it would do this intermittently. Sometimes just the security light, sometimes all three. then the ABS light would come one. One day while driving to work, a coworker noticed that occasionally her backup lights would come on when she applied the brakes. Then she notices a clicking sound (relays). Then her radio would lockout. One day I met her coming down the road and her headlights turned off and on ( thought she was warning me of a speed trap) but she didn't touch the lights. The next thing to start was the gages on the dash would cutout then come back on. The final problem.. car would not always start. We had it into a couple garages.. no one was able to isolate the cause. The common conclusion was a grounding issue somewhere. Currently our car is sitting at a GM Goodwrench garage where they are going to replace the BCM (part arrives monday) It is the cause of the whole problem. 184.00 for the part and 50 bucks in labor. So if you experience any of the above problems.. good bet it's the BCM - Body Control Module.
  • tagalong100tagalong100 Member Posts: 3
    I am having some of the same problems, headlights blinking off and on even when the switch is off and key out of the ignition. Radio lights flashing, and a clicking sound. Please let me know if the BCM fixes your problem. Thanks--------tagalong
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Wasn't there also a tendency for one of the battery cables to need replacement too?
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    We've not seen your exact symptoms, but we have gotten some junk BCMs. The replacement BCM is sometimes no better than the original.
  • mzmatthewsmzmatthews Member Posts: 2
    I started experiencing the same problem with my 2002 chevrolet impala with the battery light coming on then the security light..soon the "service vehicle light", then then the ABS along with the brake light would come on then go off...thought it was the battery, had it tested along with the alternator..those turned out to be good..was told my serpetine belt had cracks, had that replaced. All was good for a week and then the same problems started occuring again. I am at my wits end for I am a single mom and all i need is for my car to quit on me in the middle of no where...could it be the BCM? Somebody PLEASE help me!!!
  • mzmatthewsmzmatthews Member Posts: 2
    I started experiencing the same problem with my 2002 chevrolet impala with the battery light coming on then the security light..soon the "service vehicle light", then then the ABS along with the brake light would come on then go off...thought it was the battery, had it tested along with the alternator..those turned out to be good..was told my serpetine belt had cracks, had that replaced. All was good for a week and then the same problems started occuring again. I am at my wits end for I am a single mom and all i need is for my car to quit on me in the middle of no where...could it be the BCM? Somebody PLEASE help me!!! I called the Chevrolet Service Dept and of course I was told to bring it in for them to charge $112 to tell me what is wrong...the guy would not try to help me in anyway ..and if it is the BCM what is the longest I can go until I can get the money to actually have it fixed?
    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    I have a 2002 Impala, and experienced the same problem.
    I suspected that BCM was defective. Security light, Service engine light and Air bag lights kept flashing.
    (also we had clicking noises under the dash and the headlights would blink) The vehicle only had 39k miles and
    the warranty was expired. The dealer did not find any engine codes during the diagnostic, but agreed that the BCM was probably the cause. The repair cost about $350.
    I fought with Chevy Customer Service and they sent me a refund check for 1/2 the repair cost. After the BCM was replaced the problem went away!
    Cheverolet has alot of problems with defective BCM's!
    Other problems with 05 and earlier Impala's are:
    Leaky intake manifold gaskets
    Defective headlight combination switch
    ISS Steering shaft is noisy
    Recall on the Catalytic converter (clogging problem)
    disc brake problems.
    Time to switch to [non-permissible content removed] cars!
  • fathertyriciusfathertyricius Member Posts: 116
    Well its almost a month ago that I started having problems with all the audio in my 2001 LS. As I described in my original post, the audio to the radio, chimes when door is opened with key in iginition, onstar audio, and traction control chime when turned off went intermittent, and then dead, then distorted, then back to normal, then back to dead. My warranty ended on Feb 10,2001 but I had Chevy look into this issue on Feb 2, 2001 where they replaced the BCM. All was well for 13 days when the problem resurfaced. I took it back to Chevy, and of course when they had the car, all worked fine. They checked for all grounds, wire conditions, etc and found nothing wrong. Several days there after while driving and listening to the Cd player, the audio just went dead. At first I thought that I might be receiving a incoming call on my Onstar since the stereo will automatically mute so I could take the call, but there was no call coming in. The problem resurfaced again. I immediately tried turning off the traction control to see if I could hear the four chimes that would remind the driver that the traction control system is off, but no chimes, no radio, no onstar, no audio period. The following day I drove right into Chevy and told them that this car is staying here until this issue is resolved and fixed and since my warranty had exprired, they agreed that although the warranty is expired, the car is still covered because of this issue being dealth with when the BCM was replaced under warranty.
    They initially thought that possibly the BCM was bad and was going to replace it again, yet another service tech said that it probably wasnt the problem because all the audio no matter what feature, was distorting and shorting out, it had to be something totally different then the BCM. Well the car was in the service dept at Chevy for 8 days. They even gave me a loaner Impala (base model totally stripped) paying for a full tank of gas too until the issue was resolved. They ordered a new radio, that wasnt the problem. They re-examined all the wiring, connections and grounds. All was good. Well they finally found the problem yesterday(Tuesday). In the trunk between the two rear speakers is a booster amp. This was the problem. They ordered a new one, it was received this morning, and they made the replacement. All is back to normal now, free of charge. I gave them the loaner Impala back and got into my car, and turned on the stereo. It sounded great. It was great to get this issue once and for all behind me. I wanted to share this with you all because some of you may just one day have this problem, and won't have to go thru what I went thru. It was a real frustrating week, but a learning experience. Chevy treated me with great customer service.

    Best regards,
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Glad you got that resolved. Actually in the early Impalas (I know 2000 models, not sure about 2001) many people complained that the upgraded amp actually sounded worse than the base version. At some point along the line they switched amps, and some people had the new amp installed in place of the old "bad" version. I still have what was considered the "bad" amp, and haven't had any problems with it. There were different model numbers that could be used to differentiate the two; it would be interesting to know if you had the "bad" or "good" amp to start with.
  • fathertyriciusfathertyricius Member Posts: 116
    Well I am aware of the issue of the original amp and the later version. The sound response between the original amp that my car had, and the one that was put in today are identical. I did ask the parts dept what they were replacing the amp with, and they said, with the identical model as the original. I have good bass response and treble response. Im very pleased with the sound of my system. I suppose my car has the later amp model, since the original in the 2000's lacked bass. I dont lack anyting. :) Im glad this is all behind me now. I was getting tired of singing to myself when I would loose all audio... lol ...
  • rockunzzirockunzzi Member Posts: 1
    HELP!!! Out of the blue, one morning I went to start my car and the battery was DEAD. No warning, no lights, no message, just dead. I jump started it and all was fine again for a week or so, then the same thing. This went on for a few days, had the battery checked and it was good. I pulled the negative cable on the battery and ran a multimeter in series on it and it was pulling way too many amps, so I pulled the fuses until I found the culprit. It was the BCM/Cluster fuse. A cheap quick fix was I ran a switch on that circuit and turn it off when I park my car for the night. That seemed to fix the problem, until about a week later, the battery went deat again without any juice going from the fuse box to the BCM. Does anyone have any ideas where I need to turn to next?? the dealerships want to just start changing parts on me and I don't agree with that.
  • dingo299dingo299 Member Posts: 1
    I drove my impala into the garage last night and the came out this morning and all things seemed normal. But the car would not even try to crank. All lights and guages fine. Battery in good condition and charged. Still not even a signal sent to the starter as it seems to me. What is the deal on this??
  • aking2aking2 Member Posts: 1
    I had the same problem with my 2001 Impala,dead battery.after many trips to the dealer,and along ten day stay,they found the problem.My radio stays on ,and that was apparently draining the battery. The dealer first replaced the BCModule,next was theICP Board,next was theIP Cluster Broard and the Radio.IHave not had any problems since.Fortunately this all happened a week before the three year warrenty was off.Hope this will help you.
  • pcameronpcameron Member Posts: 7
    From White Rock, Canada, just north of Blaine, Wash. - Over a number of months, I had my Impala towed to the dealer 5 times. I think the problem is finally fixed. The ignition switch was shorting the BCM, and so with both replaced, I think they finally got it. I had extended warranty for the first BCM replacement, then all the other visits were on the dealer's own warranty. They changed the BCM a second time two weeks ago, then it wouldn't start again, and they got a code to change the ignition switch, or cylinder. I might just buy a different car next time, what do you think?
  • lodtcd4lodtcd4 Member Posts: 7
    Did you get this problem fixed? Because I am in the Same boat.
  • jp50jp50 Member Posts: 2
    My 2002 has been towed into the dealer 5 times in the last two months for the same problem. First time they said it was a light relay, 2nd time couldn't find the problem, third time they said it was a Bad Sears Diehard (2 weeks old, third battery in car doing same thing)but they changed Body control Module, fourth time they had a six days and said it was fine-no problem. Five days later...Dead again.Picked up car today after they said they finally duplicated problem caused by bad Negative Chasis Ground Cable. Let's see how long it lasts this time.
    GM Assistance line basically said since I have the extended warranty they'll keep fixing it (or guessing).
  • pcameronpcameron Member Posts: 7
    If it happens again, tell them likely it's the ignition switch shorting out the BCM. It probably is as good a guess as theirs, and that actually was the case for me. Changing both seems to have solved my problem.
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    I have the same problem. (02 Impala) Once in a while the SECURITY light will flash and sometimes stay on.

    I try to start the car and the ignition is dead.
    Battery has full charge.
    If I wait 10 minutes it usually starts.

    Isn't the PASSLOCK system separate from the BCM?

    The dealer told me to try different keys, apparently there is a computer chip in the key.

    Tried the spare key, and still had the same problem!! Can any one help?
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    Does the Security light blink intermittantly?
    I am having a similar problem with my 02 Impala.
    Another posting on this site suggests that the BCM and Ignition switch could be the root of the problem.

    Chevy PASSLOCK/SECURTIY sucks!! The Impala BCM's are Junk!

    I've had the BCM replaced on my 02 Impala when it only had 39K on it!!

    I have 70k on my Impala and I suspect that I have the same problem again!! I guess that the BCM only works for 30-40k than you have to dump $400 to get the dealer to install a new one. Impalas are lemons!!
  • stinkymarystinkymary Member Posts: 2
    Have 2001 Impala w/small block V8. I sometimes hear a metallic tick in the dashboard. After hearing this, the AC will go off, the radio displays CAL ERROR for a few seconds then displays LOCKED. At the same time, the message display will alternate between the red the generator, security and service engine soon messages and the warning bell (the one you get with the key in the ignition) sounding in the background. This ususally happens late in the day going home from work when the car is warm from sitting in sun (and the dealerships are closed). I took the car in for repair and they called me saying they could find nothing wrong. They checked the alternator and it was displaying correct voltage. Any ideas?
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    I have an 02 Impala. I suspect the Body Control Module is defective.
    I had the blinking security light, noises under the dash and the airbag light would stay on.
    I had the BCM replaced and everything was fine.
    It seems like defective BCM's are a common problem for the 01-05 Impalas.

    Plan on spending 350-400 dollars to have it replaced and programmed.

    Good luck!!
  • taznjotaznjo Member Posts: 1
    I am having a similar issue as everyone else. '01 Impala has always had the airbag light on constantly, the blinkers go on the blitz but can be remedied with a quick jab at the flashers.

    Then my power door locks went out a couple weeks ago and the Security light started coming on everytime we turned the car on and sometimes just randomly driving down the road. If we stopped, turned the car back off and on again, it would usually fix the problem.

    Today we hopped in the car and headed down the road and about 100 feet from the house noticed none of the lights on the instrument cluster were on, actually it wasn't even working. So we pulled over to restart the car (that seems to help often) and when we went to start it up again, nothing. Dead. No turning over, no clicks, nothing.

    Oh, and did I mention we are now living in Germany, where Impalas are as rare as a buffalo in NYC. Except for the MP cars, but they don't matter, because they are serviced completely my military personnel, which won't even bat an eyelash our way.

    A kind American stopped by and told us to pull the battery cable, let the car set for 10 min and try to start it up again. That worked.

    Now what?

    The nearest place that will even look at Impalas is about 3 hours from here.

    After reading many posts here I realized we may be looking at the "FAULTY BCM" that is causing everyone stress. We found one online for about $15-$20. But if we replace it (somehow) does it still have to have some sorta factory programing done on it?

    This wouldn't be so bad if we weren't in a country where people don't like to speak English and definitely don't like American made cars.

    - Tawny
  • cwilcoxcwilcox Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2004 impala and the turn signals will come on but will not blink can anybody help? please?
  • this_is_nascarthis_is_nascar Member Posts: 199
    I have an '03 LS with the Sports Appearance Package. Just recently, I started having an issue when using the key FOB to unlock/lock the car and open the trunk. If I use the FOB to either unlock the car or trunk, the reverse lights and headlights come on and flash like they're supposed to, but they never stop now. If I enter the car, I can hear a clicking, similar to what you'd hear if a relay was engaging/disengaging. They only way out of this condition is to turn the car onto the ACCESSORY or ON position. It stops the clicking and turns the lights off.

    Any suggestions please?
  • csancsan Member Posts: 5
    To all having a problem with the security light... call GM corporate and complain and ask to get a recall on this. Apparently recalls are initiated only after a lot of people complain. I called 1-800-222-1020 this morning to register my complaint.

    My 2002 impala has been having the security light/not starting problem for probably 9 months now. We had been trying the wait 10-15 minutes with key in on position (to clear the codes), shut off, then turn on and had success most of the time. Finally took the car to the dealer today. They claim it is just the passlock sensor in the ignition cylinder but costs upwards of $400 to replace (just for the ignition cylinder. If it were the BCM, which they don't think it is - that would be $600-$800). Either way - save your receipt. If enough people complain and a recall is issued then the rest of us should be able to get reimbursed for this repair.
  • csancsan Member Posts: 5
    To all having a problem with the security light... call GM corporate and complain and ask to get a recall on this. Apparently recalls are initiated only after a lot of people complain. I called 1-800-222-1020 this morning to register my complaint.

    My 2002 impala has been having the security light/not starting problem for probably 9 months now. We had been trying the wait 10-15 minutes with key in on position (to clear the codes), shut off, then turn on and had success most of the time. Finally took the car to the dealer today. They claim it is just the passlock sensor in the ignition cylinder but costs upwards of $400 to replace (just for the ignition cylinder. If it were the BCM, which they don't think it is - that would be $600-$800). Either way - save your receipt. If enough people complain and a recall is issued then the rest of us should be able to get reimbursed for this repair.
  • this_is_nascarthis_is_nascar Member Posts: 199
    I receieved a callback from my dealer who has my car for service. He tells me they have to replace the BCM (Body Control Module). It sounds like the componant is the brains of the vechicle, since it controls so much.
  • this_is_nascarthis_is_nascar Member Posts: 199
    I just picked up the car. All is well again, so the BCM was definately the issue. I appears the lower left side dashboard cover plate needs to be removed to replace it, that's it. I was fearful that they'd have to really tear into the dashboard.
  • captsewercaptsewer Member Posts: 3
    I am having the same problem, I am being told to buy a bypass module used for remote starters. I understand the problem can also be in the ignition switch. Apparently there are two little magnets in there that senses the alinement of the key and if it is a little off, the car won't start. Often while driving the security light comes on, maybe I have too many other keys on the FOB...
  • cwilcoxcwilcox Member Posts: 2
    Can you or anyone for that matter tell me how to replace it or is it something that has to be done by a mechanic?
  • gilbert6613gilbert6613 Member Posts: 2
    My 2002 Impala has just begun a very annoying problem. Three times now over the past 2 weeks I have tried to start it and it acts like no power is going to the starter. No clicks like a dead battery, nothing... The radio plays, all electronics come on inside the car, but it will not even attempt to start. Each time, while waiting for the towing service I have continued to try to start it and it finally starts. I have taken it to the dealer twice now. First time, they replaced the battery and the car started fine for two weeks, then stranded me again yesterday... Same problem. After more diagnostics at the dealer today they now say that they don't know how to fix it because they can't duplicate the problem. Has anyone else had the same problem and figured it out?
  • pcameronpcameron Member Posts: 7
    Go back through the letters to this site and you will see that many have had the same problem. Your dealer must be playing dumb. In my case, the dealer replaced both the ignition switch and the BCM module. They interact, and the ignition reads your key, and thinks you are stealing the car, and your BCM module shuts down the starting process. If you have to pay, try replacing the ignition switch first. (The dealer likes to get the trouble code from your computer before fixing, but sometimes it does not show, sometimes it does. This is such a chronic problem, they should be fixing it for free (my dealer did, on extended warranty).
  • pbaranellopbaranello Member Posts: 36
    Someone hit it right on the head. The 4 way flasher and the turn signal are the same unit.

    IF you have an extended warr. or it is a recall they will do it for free.

    Th relay craps out, the temporary fix is: if this happens while driving just tap the emergency flasher button and the signals will work again for a while.
  • atomicmelanieatomicmelanie Member Posts: 1
    I have an '02 Impala. Friday afternoon I went outside and noticed that the trunk was opened. I closed it. 2-3 minutes later, it popped back open (I could hear the auto switch release it) and I could hear the "ding-ding-ding-ding" warning tone inside the car. Closed the trunk again and started the car up, just to see if something needed to be reset. During the startup, I heard the trunk release open 10 or 11 times, in rapid succession. Turned the car off and closed the trunk. It popped back open again and "dinging" inside the car. After a few minutes the "dinging" would stop and then start back up again a few more minutes later. Disconnected the power cable from the trunk latch release. Trunk didn't open anymore but still got the "ding-ding-ding-ding" warning tone AND the "Service Engine Soon" message. It finally ran down my car battery.

    Help, please?
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    Any chance your FOB has the trunk button stuck? Might be worth a shot to pop it open and remove the battery. Otherwise, sounds like it could be a Body Control Module (BCM) problem. I've been seeing lots of those in the forums. If your car is OnStar equipped, you may want to try them. They will be able to tell you if any computer fault codes are stored. Hope you find a solution...
  • nc_2_vanc_2_va Member Posts: 1
    Which relay is it, there are two DRL/EXIT LTS and EXT LTS. So if it's the relay how does tapping the emergency flasher fix a blown relay. I tried tapping it and it worked for a while, I didn't think a relay worked like that. Anyone else had this problem and fixed it?
  • pbaranellopbaranello Member Posts: 36
    It is not a relay you can fix. It is not a lone relay. The Turn signal module is the same module as the 4 ways; EMERGENCY FLASHERS.

    This unit is mounted high in the dash board.

    You know where your 4 way flashers are, right ..???

    The relay does not fail, it just gets dirty or worn and it works sometimes when the directionals fail, if you tap or depress the 4 way flasher button.

    To change this module yourself is a project, have Chevy change it. And fight with them, because this is something that should not fail in 4 years..!!
  • shaysimpalashaysimpala Member Posts: 5
    I have an 2001 LS 3.8 V6. Did you receive a letter from GM saying regarding your Converter? I a recall that is not a recall.

    So my suggestion would be have them check to make sure that your converter is not clogged. GM should replace it for free.

    My other suggestion is the alternator. That is exactly waht happened to me when mine went out in the back woods of Florida on a Sunday.

    Good look!!! :blush:
  • bosompalbosompal Member Posts: 5
    The message center reads Security and stays on. Sometimes it reads security and door ajar switching from one to the other. Sometimes it reads nothing but when that happens the AC doesn't blow cold air. It seems to change from one of the above mentioned after car is turned on and off. Any suggestions?
  • bosompalbosompal Member Posts: 5
    Took car to Dealer. It was the BCM. Cost = $412.00. I will send bill to GM and try to get them to reimburse me. Good Luck to Me!! :mad:
  • kane1138kane1138 Member Posts: 1
    I had this damn problem... Had 1000 of work done only to have my car break down twice in between getting it fixed- The people at Pep boys very honestly told me without trying to convince me it was a fuel pump which they could have easily convinced me of... It sounded like the car wasn't getting any gas when I turned it, but the car failure was very sporadic... We now think that it's a security issue and my car doesn't recognize it's own key??? I guess that's electronics for ya... Hey chevrolet, if you are listening, I'll buy foreign next time...
  • mrwaynemrwayne Member Posts: 20
    What year is the car? What was the mileage when you first started seeing the light come on?
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    Is it cranking over?

    My ignition would die once in a while. (I would turn the key and nothing would happen.)
    Turned out to be a faulty PASSLOCK sensor!

    Chevy's are Junk!

    So far my 2002 Impala needed

    a BCM, Manifold gaskets, Passlock sensor, and ISS.
    This car is a "money pit." I will probably have to get a
    catalytic converter next!!

    GM built better cars in the 60's,
    Time to by [non-permissible content removed] cars!
  • bosompalbosompal Member Posts: 5
    It's a 2003 w/ 37000 mi when this problem arose.
  • csancsan Member Posts: 5
    I had a reply about this earlier. I had the same problem and basically in order to get a recall people need to call GM directly (1-800-222-1020) --> See message #1703 for details.

    Good luck. The good news is my car is working fine now *keeping my fingers crossed*
  • mrwaynemrwayne Member Posts: 20
    Then it seems that this newer model BCM that came out for the 2003 model year is just as unreliable as the older model I have. It's a shame that this exact part is still used today.(P#10350647) GM should have recalled this model and supplied a much more reliable one long ago. Before I bought my 2001 Impala 3.8, I owned a 1991 Cavalier, which, even though it didn't have anywhere near the bells and whistles the Impala does, over the course of its 142,000 miles, it NEVER failed to start. My Impala needs to be reset if it sits more than 2 hours. (Or it won't start).
  • tootalltotangotootalltotango Member Posts: 4
    And we can't get it to happen at the dealership. I realize that intermittant problems are the worst. And of course, I have no idea if this is happening in daytime rain (I'll probably get a ticket) - but I know it's happening at night. And I have made two hour trips with no problems, but sometimes it happens every two miles.

    At first, the headlights just went off for no reason. When I hit the stalk on the steering column, they came back on, but went off again a few miles later.

    Then they started going off when I switched from low to high beams. Last night, I had no headlights at all unless I held the stalk pulled toward me the entire time I was on the road.

    The problem occurs when I have the headlight switch pulled out (on) or when it's on automatic. The dash lights all stay on the whole time, as do the parking lights. This is a headlight issue only - and appeared at first to be happening only with high beams, but now it's all the time.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • batistabatista Member Posts: 159
    I too am experiencing an intermittent no start at times.
    It happens once or twice a week and just today after it started up normally the odometer disappeared. All I see is the gear selection. So I turned it off and re-started and it re-appeared.
    What's the solution a new BCM or a new ignition module?
    I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
  • revjim64revjim64 Member Posts: 78
    I have an 02 Impala. My wife said the headlights blacked out on her when she used the highbeam switch.
    It doesn't happen very often, but one time is all you need to have a wreck.

    I shot an e-mail to the Lemon law website to see if they can get Chevy to recall and replace these crappy combination switches.

    I think there is another post on this site where someone else also has this problem.

    My 02 Impala is a total lemon! BCM problems, Passlock problems, Noisy steering shaft, intake manifold leaks coolant, and the car eats up brake pads!

    Time for a Ford or Nissan?
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