2014 BMW X1 Lease Questions
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Does anyone know the current MF/Residual on an xdrive28 15k/36months lease?
2014 X1 xDrive28i 36mo, 15K/yr lease
.00125 MF and 59% residual
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Hi All! New to this forum. Really like X1. Currently have SRX front wheel drive which is awful in snow & don't need that big of vehicle. Anyway...lease ending in Feb. What is the likely hood incentives for BMW will improve after Detroit Auto Show? Salesperson told me current incentives are the best there going to be during their Big Holiday Sale. Any feedback would be great!
I'm not really a fortune teller.. But, the X1 lease program is pretty decent right now... I'd be surprised if they improved it substantially, any time soon. I doubt the timing of the auto show would make any difference.
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Thank you kyfdx! Appreciate your imput. Trying to narrow the field of interest! Have a great Holiday!
The holiday bonus on the 2014 BMW X1 is limited to $750, which will probably only cover your last two remaining SRX payments, so there may be no great advantage to leasing one right now. The lease program itself will likely either stay the same, or improve, over the next few months. My advice would be to wait until your SRX lease is up to get an X1, if that is the vehicle you decide on.
Another advantage of waiting is that you can try to order an X1 right now, exactly how you want it, and it should be delivered by the time your SRX lease is due back. This way, you get the exact colors and options you desire.
However, whether you lease one now or in two months, I don't anticipate a huge difference in the lease program. So you really won't go wrong either way.
Thank you for your detailed response! Would have responded sooner, but just got power back from the ice storm. Really glad I can feel my toes again since power went out Saturday, lol! Anyway....
I am right with you about waiting till lease end of SRX. If there are incentive $$$ I want to use them in the best way possible. Sometimes after Detroit Auto Show, since I live in Michigan, incentives get a little sweeter. But maybe that is just American makers? Anyway, will start test driving after Holidays to narrow the field of interest, and ordering my be the way to go.
Thank you again for your response!
Hello. What are the January incentives , MF and residual for 12k/36mo and 12k/48mo lease on xDrive28
Thank You.
on xDrive28
.00130 MF and 59% residual for 36mo, 12K/yr lease
BMWFS doesn't support 48 month leases, so they are not price-competitive
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Dealer quoted me the following:
2014 X1 sDrive2.8i (with 18" wheels and Power front seat options)
MSRP: $33,420
12K / year lease, $0 down, $1700 drive off
$344.22 per month + tax
This seems to be a good deal based on my calculations. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
Any idea of the selling price or CAP cost?
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$31,368 selling price
Any idea on the current MF/residual on a 2014 BMW X1 xDrive 2.8i for 20K/36 month?
.00130 MF and 57% residual for 36mo, 15K/yr lease
The last time I had experience with a higher-mileage BMW lease, the extra miles over 15K/yr were $0.15/ea. So, 36mo, 20K/yr would reduce the residual by an extra $2250.
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For a X1 xDrive 28i, 36 mos, 10k and 0 down payment, dealer quoted me: MSRP: 41325, cap cost: 37900 and MF at 0.00160. Monthly payments at $563 for Washington, DC.
Is this a good deal? MF seems high to me.
The money factor is marked up from the base rate of .00130
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Looking for Texas money factor and residual on X1 sDrive 36mo/10k.
.00130 MF and 60% residual
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Looking for money factor and residual on BMW X1 xDrive28i, 36 months with 15k miles per year. Live in Chicago Metro area.
.00130 MF and 57% residual. $1000 incentive cash on this model.
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Hi, could you provide the MF/Residual on an 2014 BMW X1 sDrive 28i 10K AND 15k/36months lease? Thanks.
.00130 MF and 57% residual for 36mo, 15K/yr lease. $1000 of incentives.
Add 2% for 12K/yr, 3% for 10K/yr.
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Need help also.. My wife is a realtor so we're looking for 3 yr/20k miles per year for 2014 X1 AWD. What is current MF and residual on that?? Thanks
New numbers just came out on Saturday.. It will be later in the week before we have them.
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.00130 MF and 57% residual for 36mo, 15K/yr lease. $1500 build-out cash.
You have to account for the 15K extra mles on a per/mile basis. Last time I checked, it was $0.15/mi. Whether that is deducted from the residual, or added to the CAP cost, I'm not sure.
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Thanks a lot.. I imagine the residual at 20k per year be about 52%; money factor be the same
I have a lease ending on my 328i this month, and am interested in leasing an X1. I have scoured dealers and am not seeing the configuration I'm interested in (Sport, lighting, tech, heated seats). Is it still possible to order a 2014 X1 for Performance Center delivery? I have heard whispers that custom builds may be limited to 2015 models now? Thanks!
Sorry... I don't have that information.
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The factory started making 2015 models exclusively on March 1st, so there will be no more 2014 models produced. Probably be about a month or so until the 2015s are on the lots, and any custom order placed now will be 2015 MY.
You can read all about the 2015 improvements here: http://e84.xbimmers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=923577
And a discussion of 2015 MY info here: http://e84.xbimmers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=936376
Hey kyfdx, thanks for all your good work here! I know lease rates for 2015 MY haven't been published yet, but when they are, I'd love to know the 3 year 10k rates on a X1 x28i. Thanks!
I'll check back in the first week of April also.
Surprisingly, there is some MY 2015 information, but nothing yet on the X1. Sorry.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Hi.. would you happen to have the latest Lease Residuals and Money factors figures for 2014 BMW X1 36 month/ 15 k yr.. and also for 3 series hybrid lease 36/15 yr as well.
I'm sorry, we don't yet have the April numbers.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Hi.. Can you give me the residuals and money factors for 2014 X1 2 years/12k miles. If you don't have April numbers, please give the March numbers. I am trying to get an idea about difference between 2 and 3 year lease.
I don't have the April numbers yet; for March the MF is .00130 MF.
Which model of X1 is this?
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Sorry. This is for 2014 X1 28i RWD
.00130 MF and 65% residual. $1500 build out cash.
The numbers are the same for the 36 mo. lease, but the residual is 6% lower.
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I'm in Southern California looking to lease a new X1. Can I get the residual and MF for a 36 month 10k mile lease? Also, if I add packages to the vehicle does the MF or redisual change? Thanks!
.00130 is the MF and 60% for 36mo/10K
No, residual and MF don't change based on the options.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
X1 328i XDrive 10k/36 month lease.
Am I correct in the following?
.00130 MF
60% Residual
I see this is what you listed above but I'm not sure what model line the person was asking about.
I don't have the data right in front of me, but I think the 60% are for all of the x drive models. The s drive (RWD) has a different residual.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Yes, 60% residual for 36mo/10K for all models of the x1.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Could I trouble you for the s Drive 28i residuals for 36mo/15k? Thanks
.00130 MF and 57% residual.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Has this changed for May? Thanks!
.00130 MF and 60% residual.. $1500 build out cash.
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Just got a 36 mo/15k mile lease deal done for 2014 BMW X1 xDrive28i with cold weather package and panoramic moonroof.
Sticker: $35,475.00
Invoice: $33,290.00
Sale Price: $30,477.25
DMV: $299, Doc/Tire: $319.30, Acquisition: $725.
Net cap cost $32,717.04
Depreciation: $12,496.29
Got the MF down to 0.00081 by maxing out MSDs.
Rental: $1,543.67
Works out to $390 per month with only 1st month plus the refundable MSDs ($2800) due at signing.
Hoping you knowledgeable folks weigh in on how I did... Thanks.
The numbers all work... looks like a solid deal.
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Looking to lease (6-month, 10K) xDrive18i with cold weather package and moonroof in the coming months. Don't personally care if it is a 2014 or 2015...from purely a financial perspective, wondering which I shoud buy and whether it is advantageous to wait until September.