2014 Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class Lease Questions

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
edited May 2015 in Mercedes-Benz
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Welcome to Edmunds discussion dedicated to 2014 Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class leasing questions. Here you can find and discuss all the latest lease details for the 2014 GLK-Class, including cap costs, money factors, residual values, acquisition fees, etc. Please post any leasing questions you have or any details you’d like to share about your own lease deals.

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  • gittogitto Member Posts: 7
    MSRP 52,960 offer 48.530 salesman stated the RF 58% but MF .265 because it is a diesel. I am in Va and I feel that a pmt of $848 is way too high. I would be paying back 31k over a 36 month period for 12 miles. Please give me some answers as to what the RF and MF should be on this car.
    Thanks in advance
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    Standard money factor (.00225) and residual of 58% for 36mo/15K/yr (60% for 12K/yr)

    Looks like they are marking up the money factor.. probably marking up the acquisition fee, too..

    You can borrow $50K for under $900/mo.... No way I would pay that much to lease it..

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  • gittogitto Member Posts: 7
    thanks so much. I walked away they couldn't even explain it well. Thanks for info. I've contacted another dealership I will see what they say. being a women seems to be a problem for them.
  • kamkankamkan Member Posts: 5

    Planning to lease GLK350 msrp $56k. Please let me know what is the current RV and MF is for a 2 yr or 3 yr 10k miles lease. Thx!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    2014 GLK350 AWD 36mo, 10K/yr lease
    .00121 MF and 59% residual

    24 month residual is 70%


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  • gittogitto Member Posts: 7
    thank you for the response. the amts that you have shown no one has given me those figures.

    who sets the Rv and Mf the car that I wanted will not be in until the 2nd week of 11. I am in virginia (Richmond) and want to know when they are quoting me the right rates. I was asking 36 mos on 15mls would that change the RV and Mf?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    Mercedes Finance and Mercedes set the MF and residual. Dealers are allowed to mark up the money factor for extra profit, and often do. Residuals can not be adjusted by the dealer.

    36mo, 15K/yr lease would have the same money factor but a 3% lower residual.

    They don't have anyone in the finance office that can quote you rates and residuals for three weeks? How do they sell cars, in the meantime? That sounds like a lie.. or, a salesperson that prefers uninformed customers.


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  • kamkankamkan Member Posts: 5
    Thx for the response. Any idea what is the invoice or selling price for GLK AWD? Want to to make sure prior to walking in to the dealership.
  • TimelockmindTimelockmind Member Posts: 30
    Here's my deal -
    2014 GLK (2 wheel drive), list price $46,425/sale price $41,546
    24 months, 12k per year
    2448 down, includes 1st payment, 2 prepaid scheduled services, acquisition fee, license)
    23 remaining payments = $499.97 (includes taxes, etc.)

    I feel stupid because after I signed the lease I discovered that included in this deal was $395 for "paint protection" which they told me was free and 1,350 for a "MB Maintenance Plan" (I think this refers to the $350 I negotiated for the two pre-paid schedule services. I'm going back to the dealer to get this straightened out!).

    Anyway, even with those bogus charges/errors how does my deal stack up?

    Lesson learned: even though I've dealt with this dealership for 20 years, you can NEVER be to careful!!!
  • mlevinemlevine Member Posts: 585
    Use nano wax for protecting your car rather than $395 paint protection. At 24 month lease you will only need 2 services(A and B). Both should cost no more than $800-$900. If you could get money back I would. Most important is go and enjoy your vehicle.
  • kamkankamkan Member Posts: 5
    I went to a dealership today and the sales consultact mentioned that Mercedes does not publish the money factor and if I need to get an idea I can contact the banks that offers lease. Does Mercedes publish the MF?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    No... It's a confidential number between Mercedes Finance and the dealer. The reason it's confidential is that the dealer can mark up the money factor for extra profit (of which Mercedes Finance gets a cut)..

    A 2014 GLK350 AWD has a 36 month money factor of .00121

    If your sales consultant says he can't give it to you, then refer to the reason above..


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  • tricks73tricks73 Member Posts: 3
    Now looking at the GLK250 BT. Peeked at the MB sheet for residuals and 30 mo leases look like current sweet-spot - 67%/12k and 65%/15k vs 60%/12k and 58%/15k for 36 mos, but does anyone know the Oct money factor? Thx!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    That model uses Mercedes standard money factor... I've seen anything from .00195-.00225 for that...


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  • gittogitto Member Posts: 7
    I will be going into dealership soon car will be in 2nd or 3rd week. What is rv for Nov. for the 350 with 24 or 36 mos .? I am trying not to put out any money if I don;t have too.,
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    November numbers aren't out yet..

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  • lordolordo Member Posts: 18
    Hello All,

    Could someone post the November Money factors and Residuals for a 15k and 18K lease from 24 to 36 months. Also does anyone have any info about how many Payments are being forgiven..

    Thanks in Advance,
  • kamkankamkan Member Posts: 5
    Any thoughts on the quote below ??? Looks like a decent deal but I think there is room for negotiation based on earlier post, would be great to get some thoughts...

    MSRP $46,895
    Selling price $42,175

    First Payment 515.48
    Acquisition Fee 795.00
    Fees & Insurance 524.00
    Upfront Taxes 65.10
    Total Inception Fees 1,899.58

    For 36 months 10k/yr monthly including fees and taxes $515.48
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    2014 GLK 250 BTC 36mo, 15K/yr lease
    Standard money factor and 58% residual... 24 month residual is 69%


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  • mbguy9mbguy9 Member Posts: 2
    Any info for November delivery for a 2014 GLK 350 RWD? I'm looking at a 36 month lease and would like the money factor and the residuals for 10k and 12k per year. A dealer told me that the MF will be reduced from the standard by 10 points if the monthly payment is automatically deducted from a checking account. Also, it looks like the USAA discount of of the usual $2500 has gone to zero based on the web site, but the dealer told me it is still in place.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    2014 GLK 350 RWD 36mo, 12K/yr lease
    .00116 MF and 57% residual.. Add 1% for 10K/yr

    The money factor discount for AutoPay is .0001, I think... So, the rate would be .00106 MF, assuming they offer the discount from a special money factor (not the standard one)


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  • mbguy9mbguy9 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the quick reply! The dealer said the auto pay 10 point discount would be deducted from the standard, which he verified as .00116. Is that possible, or is .00116 the bottom, per MBUSA?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    Well.... 10 points, as in .00010....

    So, deducted from .00116, you get .00106..

    It's a savings, but just about $7-$8/month..

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  • gavin2000gavin2000 Member Posts: 14
    Looking at GLK350AWD

    What would the November money factors/residuals be for

    24 or 36 month lease, 7500/year miles, with autopay?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    2014 GLK350 AWD 36mo, 7.5K/yr lease
    .00121 MF and 60% residual... 24 month residual is 71%

    Deduct .0001 from MF for AutoPay..


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  • gittogitto Member Posts: 7
    In determining the RV is this 59% based on MFSRP or is it based on my negotiated price?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369
    Residuals are always a percentage of the full MSRP.


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  • hungrytrashboxhungrytrashbox Member Posts: 1

    Hello! Can anyone tell me the money factor and residual for 10k miles (30-36 month lease) on a GLK350 RWD for January 2014? Also - does mercedes accept multiple security deposits and if so, how many and how much does each one lower the money factor? Appreciate the help!


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    @hungrytrashbox said:
    Hello! Can anyone tell me the money factor and residual for 10k miles (30-36 month lease) on a GLK350 RWD for January 2014? Also - does mercedes accept multiple security deposits and if so, how many and how much does each one lower the money factor? Appreciate the help!


    36mo, 10K/yr lease

    .00149 MF and 58% residual.

    I don't have the answer on your MSD question.

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  • exaudiownerexaudiowner Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    Getting offered these deals. Black GLK350 Premium 1, with 19" wheels, Becker Prewire, Becker MAP, Wheel Locks, roof spoiler, painted side skirts, heated front seats and walnut wood trim. Drive off includes first months payment + DMV fees. Opinions?

    MSRP 43995
    PRICE 37942
    MF .00149

    69% - 24mo 10k
    58% - 36 month 10k
    57% 36 month 12k

    24 month lease, 10k miles
    Drive off $874.65
    Monthly $469 plus tax
    Total payment is $511.90

    24 month lease, 12k miles
    Drive off $893
    Monthly $488 plus tax
    Total payment is $531

    DRIVE OFF $880

    DRIVE OFF $893
    TOTAL IS $530

  • exaudiownerexaudiowner Member Posts: 22

    Buehler, Anyone?

  • neoskizzleneoskizzle Member Posts: 1

    What sort of MF can someone with a low 700's credit score reasonably expect?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    @neoskizzle said:
    What sort of MF can someone with a low 700's credit score reasonably expect?

    Low 700s should get you the rates quoted here...

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  • gorilla55gorilla55 Member Posts: 10

    GLK 2014 AWD - 36mo, 15k/yr - it looks like there may be a new lease program out from MB... Trying to find current MF and RV. Thanks!

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    @gorilla55 said:
    GLK 2014 AWD - 36mo, 15k/yr - it looks like there may be a new lease program out from MB... Trying to find current MF and RV. Thanks!

    .00113 MF and 55% residual

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  • gorilla55gorilla55 Member Posts: 10

    KYFDX - thank you... Is the .00113 and 55% the standard for the GLK or is this part of advertised program scheduled to end March 31?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    @gorilla55 said:
    KYFDX - thank you... Is the .00113 and 55% the standard for the GLK or is this part of advertised program scheduled to end March 31?

    Those are the subsidized lease numbers for this month.

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  • jwb3rxjwb3rx Member Posts: 60

    Would you have the April lease rates for the GLK350 4matic 27mo and 36mo at 12k miles? Thanks for your help!

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,666

    @jwb3rx said:
    Would you have the April lease rates for the GLK350 4matic 27mo and 36mo at 12k miles? Thanks for your help!


    68% for 27 months; 57% for 36 months

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  • jwb3rxjwb3rx Member Posts: 60

    Thanks Michael for the quick reply!

  • speedcpuspeedcpu Member Posts: 7

    Any may rates for Tier1, GLK350 4Matic, 27mo, 10k miles/yr. Thanks!

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,666

    @speedcpu said:
    Any may rates for Tier1, GLK350 4Matic, 27mo, 10k miles/yr. Thanks!

    .00103 and 69%

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  • speedcpuspeedcpu Member Posts: 7

    Thanks. Follow up.. Does MB restrict certain programs/rates by location. I am in New York City and have already been told there is no 27 mo program by a dealer. Is that possible? He quoted me .00133 at 63% for 30mo, 10k/yr. ?? Is that even correct? Thanks.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,666

    @speedcpu said:
    Thanks. Follow up.. Does MB restrict certain programs/rates by location. I am in New York City and have already been told there is no 27 mo program by a dealer. Is that possible? He quoted me .00133 at 63% for 30mo, 10k/yr. ?? Is that even correct? Thanks.

    The MB programs are national.

    The featured program this month for the GLK350 4Motion is 36 months/10K miles per year. 58% residual and .00103 MF.

    63% residual is correct for 30 month leases. It looks like the dealer is marking up the MF for extra profit.

    Might be time to check with a different dealer.

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  • speedcpuspeedcpu Member Posts: 7

    Yeah, I think so too. What about the 27mo program, is that an actual available program I can expect from other dealers? Thanks again!

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,369

    @speedcpu said:
    Yeah, I think so too. What about the 27mo program, is that an actual available program I can expect from other dealers? Thanks again!

    Mercedes uses the 27 month term as a "special" on certain models. When they do, they usually use the 24 month residual for the 27 month term. This month, the GLK is not one of the models with a 27 month special.

    So, while technically, they can quote a lease for any number of months that you wish, the 27 month term would not be a good choice, for this model, this month.

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  • speedcpuspeedcpu Member Posts: 7

    Great info! Very much appreciated!

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 255,666

    @speedcpu said:
    Yeah, I think so too. What about the 27mo program, is that an actual available program I can expect from other dealers? Thanks again!

    MB does have a program where some models are eligible for a 27 month program using 24 month residuals, but the GLK is not part of it.

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  • speedcpuspeedcpu Member Posts: 7

    Gotcha, again, thanks! That dealer indeed changed their tune to match your numbers... 24mo., 10k, .00103 and 69%. Those are fine with me. Will let you know if I make a deal and what it was. Thanks!

  • chicagoggchicagogg Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2014

    I have been pricing out MB350GLK 2014 4Matic vehicles and getting leases in the $700 range with taxes on a car selling for $43K. Seems like a rip off. What would good #'s look like for a 2014 350GLK 4Matic, black, moonroof, heated seats for 36 months.

    Dealers are showing me residuals of 55% which seems like they are screwing me.

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