Toyota Sequoia Accessories and Modifications



  • baglebagle Member Posts: 5
    iam just wanting to dress this thing up a little bit. is there any one out there that knows if there are things such as chrome rocker panels, etc. all I have been able to find are chrome handle inserts. i would hope there is more then just that. any ways if anyone know of any extras drop a line.

    bagel :shades:
  • usairj1usairj1 Member Posts: 5
    Hello All!! I purchased the 2006 Camry Nav system from OEMValue for my 2004 Sequoia SR5. I was wondering if someone may have the wiring diagram for the 2004 Sequoia that I could bum off of you? I have tapped into the 20 pin plug on the back of the instrument cluster (green with orange stripe...(speed), and black with yellow stripe...(Reverse)) and I still have not heard the voice command function. After driving around the neighborhood for about 5 min., the system did respond, and appeared to be operating correctly. But no lovely vocals.

    I have also noticed that (as stated from another thread) that my power antenna will only retract when the ignition is turned off. I am wondering if anyone has a "fix" for the '04 Sequoia? I saw a reply concerning the celica, but I just need the "warm and fuzzy" that this will work on the "04 Sequoia as well.

    Additionally, My sequoia did not come with the steering wheel controls option. I purchased a steering wheel with the stereo controls on it off of ebay, and I am looking for a solution on how to properly wire it up to my new NAV system. I know some of you TRD, and Toyota-knights can help me prevail on this war-of-the-wires. So I ask all of my minyons (?) for your help. Maybe someone is good at building harnesses (I'm not). :confuse:

    As long as I am going off of the deep end, I purchased a rearview Camera from Yan Labratories I was wondering how difficult it will be to mount this in the rear deck. I'm going to keep the original Keyhole lock, and just drill out a new hole for the camera (My wife will kill me, but then again I won't have to worry about finishing it if she does!) :P Your input is valuable!
  • rbarronrbarron Member Posts: 1
    I am looking at the AVN30D for my 2003 sequoia. Does anyone know if this is still the best a/m product? Are there any better options now? Is it suggested to install yourself? If not where?
    Thanks for your help,
  • skrishnanskrishnan Member Posts: 1

    Could you tell me the bypass steps to enable playing the DVD on the front console while driving?

    Contrary to what was suggested by an earlier reply, I would like for my front passenger to view the DVD while driving.

  • rspears2001rspears2001 Member Posts: 1
    I've got an '06 Sequoia and I'm looking to add the navigation system and the steering wheel with the audio controls. Can't find either anywhere!! :confuse: You said that you got your steering wheel from ebay. Was it a vendor or private owner?

    I'll see if I can find the wiring diagrams.
  • 5ofakind5ofakind Member Posts: 3
    So if it can be bypassed temporarily....would you like to share that with everyone here ???

    I am sure others would greatly appreciate the information.....

  • wdmccarywdmccary Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever get an answer to your question about adding speakers for the 3rd row or adding a subwoofer? I too have the same issue. 3rd row can not hear unless volume is way up! I've had my Sequoia since '03 but have not done anything yet........
  • meshkal2meshkal2 Member Posts: 1
    hi there regarding the by pass i took my toyota landcruser to the dealer and they disconcted the ground wire from the the front dvd plays while driving..the whole connection to the dvd cut out while driving was connected to the ground wire of the hand brake in my car
    hope this was helpfull to all thanks and take care while driving bye for now..
  • partpart Member Posts: 1
  • kimshahkimshah Member Posts: 1
    have you found any additional information on replacing the remote. My dealer quoted me $225
  • paulj4paulj4 Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone know whether or not a rear wind deflector from the older style 4Runner or Landcruiser can be mounted on a 03 Sequoia? I like the simple look of that design as opposed to a lighted rear spoiler.
  • sgermanysgermany Member Posts: 3
    Ive lost my remote to our 2004 sequoia as well....Did you have any luck in replacing it?? The dealer quoted me $200 for a new one. Have you tried a universal remote??
    Would appreciate any help,
    Thanks, Sheryl
  • ggesqggesq Member Posts: 701
    Suggestion- you might find one on ebay. Hope this helps.
  • deviyiyadeviyiya Member Posts: 25
    No. Unfortunately no one replied. Itoyed with the idea of adding a sub-woofer but after I visited a car audio place and was told what they had to do, I gave it up. Now I just set the fades to L2 and R2 and hope for the best.
  • superbossanovasuperbossanova Member Posts: 3

    I modded my system and it wasn't too difficult. First thing I did was replace the speakers in the door. One of the door speakears up front was blown, so that was my first project. I pulled the door skins off (very carefully using needle nose pliers to pull one clip off at a time). Lifting UP on the skin as you pull it out from the door will help seperate the area by the window. Once the skin was off, I left the black bracket in the door and used a reciprocating saw (I think that's the name) to cut the old speaker out of the door.

    I had to make my own braket to fit the existing one in the door. I traced the speaker on a thin sheet of pressed wood and then used a larger bowl for tracing a circle that was approx. 1 1/4 inches bigger than the speaker circle. Then, using the same saw, I cut the smaller circle out, followed by the larger circle so that I had "rings". I then mounted my new speakers (6/5" 140 Watt 3-way) to the rings. Put the speakers in the door and used screws to mount the ring to the existing black bracket. Put the door skins back on and presto, FANTASTIC sound out of the front.

    Next was the rear and bass problem. I pulled up the centre console (VERY easy to do) and there was the amp powering the rear speakers. I cut the wires feeding the rear left door and rear right door (If you're not sure which ones, just look where the wires enter the door near the hinge). From the wire coming OUT OF THE AMP, I patched in a speaker to RCA converter. Ran the RCA's discreetly up through the dash (so that I can put in an aftermarket deck later without so much work) and under the door sills to the rear of the truck. I also added speaker wire to the wire going to the speakers and fed it through the same path.

    Now my truck was back together and I had a couple of RCA's and some speaker wire sitting in the rear compartment. I went to Home Depot, picked up some MDF and using the same saw cut a "shelf" that fit perfectly between my third row seats and my rear door. (I believe the piece I needed was 60" x 18"). I cut two holes for speakers as far to the left and right as I could, and trimmed the outer edges to conform to the plastic that snakes inwards at the end of the truck. Then I went to a local car audio place and had them carpet the wood for me ($25).

    Took the RCA's and ran them into a small amp that powers the rear door speakers and the speakers mounted into the third row. Then ran RCA's out of that amp into a larger amp that powers one 12 inch, 800 Watt Rockford Fosgate in an enclosed box. I tried a bandpass with 2 12's in it which had good bass, but was pushing tons of air. Then I tried an enclosed box, but the sound wasn't clean enough. The enclosure was PERFECT. I mounted the amps to the underside of my shelf (which helped to make a "trunk" for my sub) so that I can pull the sub box out by simply unplugging the speaker wire. If I really need the space, because the speakers and amps are all mounted on a piece of wood that isn't fixed in the truck, I can unplug a few wires and pull the whole shelf out.

    The bass is TEETH shattering if (I turn the amp up) and I have a really FULL sound because of the three-way's I put behind the third row. Now it sounds like there is sound coming from all over the truck.

    Oh yeah - I patched into the power wire going into the factory deck for my remote wire and put a switch in so that I can turn the sub on and off at will - I have an aftermarket dvd that's patched into the stereo and when the kids are watching Barney, they don't need to rock the block. :)

    Best thing I could have done.

    If anyone wants pics, feel free to email me at
  • superbossanovasuperbossanova Member Posts: 3
    Sorry - just read my own message. The speakers in the front are 240 Watts (They handle the power from the factory amp with ease) and the second box I tried was a PORTED box - not an enclosure.

    The THIRD AND FINAL box was the enclosure.

    Also, the benefits of creating a "trunk" by adding the shelf include reducing the pressure created by the subwoofer and adding resonance to the mid-bass.

    Additionally, I added a couple of small slats of wood to the underside of my shelf that sit flush on the speakerbox to reduce the weight on the shelf. Adding them ensured I wouldn't have any sagging or warping of my shelf.

  • superbossanovasuperbossanova Member Posts: 3

    See post 492.
  • cheepyankeecheepyankee Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I want to get the electrochromatic auto dimming rear view mirror for my Seq. If I install it myself, is the wiring harness right up there under the plastic? Or will I have to run a wire across the headliner, down the A pillar, and into the fuse box?
  • scazelscazel Member Posts: 3
    I crushed my DVD rear entertainment remote too. Any response on a replacement universal. I can not justify $239 for a remote.
  • scazelscazel Member Posts: 3
    Crushed the dvd remote and looking for a rplacement. Toyota wants $239. Any recomendations on a universal remote that will support the Toyota JBL/dvd rear seat entertainment system?
  • denhunterdenhunter Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same problem with a 2004 SRS. There is nothing you can do apparently if you did not buy the accessory package from the dealer, since they do not make a plug and play hitch wiring for Sequoia's after 2002. How do dealers install the wiring? Surely there is a harness that THEY have access to? I really do not want to hack into the existing wiring if there is a simple plug and play application like I have been able to find for almost every other vehicle made. Is the wiring harness something unique? Is it already installed, hidden, and I don't know about it? I have gone the Uhaul route, they created a mess that never worked.
  • scazelscazel Member Posts: 3
    I was able to program a universal remote to operate the DVD on my 2006 Sequoia. The remote $20.00 at Best Buy. The Philips Digital Universal DRV remote codes did not work so I had to use the learn function. Went to the Toyota dealership and used a remote from a demo unit to program the new remote. If they don't have a demo unit get one from a car on the lot. If Toyota gives you a problem tell them you want to see how the DVD player works. Since it only operates with the remote they will have to find one. It takes about 5 minutes to program and test. Better than paying $200+ for a new one.

    good luck
  • sgermanysgermany Member Posts: 3
    Thanks so much. I cant believe how much Toyota wants for one!!! Happy New Year.
  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    No! No! No! Who said they don't make a plug and play towing wiring?
    Even you don't purchase the towing package, Toyota already pre run the wire to a lower left side under bottom of your truck. There is a black rubber piece covered it. You pull this out then you can see a connector. You don't need to cut or modify anything. There are 2 things require to make this this work. 1) purchase the harness wiring from Toyota on the Web, pull the black rubber piece, plug harness in. 2) purchase one factory relay , open a fuse box next to the battery and plug this relay in and you are ready to go. There are 2 harness cables you can purchase from TOYOTA Web. The round one with 7 pins cost around $75. The flat one with 4 pins cost around $35. Relay cost $25. If you are interest this please send me alink so I can send you a pictures of this. This will save you alot of money. I did it myself 2 years ago for my 2003 Seq. I also purchase Drawtide hitch for $125 at a local RV dealer. This looked exactly factory hitch. I also posted some very useful information about Sequoia in this forum for other matters. Please search and review for your info. ;)
  • ciregcireg Member Posts: 2
    OK I need help also. I searched and couldnt find the part could you please direct on part number or where to buy. I called dealer they wanted 200 for entire wiring harnes w/o relay
    Thank you
  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    Towing wiring harness Part number is 82169-34012
    The relays part number is 9098702012
    If you can't find these at, just give them a call at 1 877 568 7348. This is a website I purchased all these.
  • ciregcireg Member Posts: 2
    what a big help thanks a million
  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    You can find these parts on this website as well. Just select your type of your car and type in the part number. This will give you a price for each item and this is OEM parts.
  • vahuntervahunter Member Posts: 2
    Hello, all. I completely understand about the safety/liability issue toyota is trying to cover by not allowing input to Nav system while the vehicle is moving.
    BUT, seems like with the passenger airbag (sensor in seat to know when someone is in that seat) there should be an override for the Nav system too. Very annoying when I am out with the family and my wife can't change Nav system because we changed our minds, want to look for the local Outback, etc, without pulling over. :cry: Does anyone have a solution to this??
    thanks very much
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    yes there is an overide button on the service screen. go to menu button then volume button . then tap on the screen top left bottom then bottom left 3 times and the service screen will come on. then hold in overide button and phone and nav can be changed. only passewnger should do it. has to be redone each trip. di not push any loading buttons or memry batery will have to be disconected inside the unit to gewt back to usa map default.
  • mikey13170mikey13170 Member Posts: 26
    I'm having the same problem. I do have acouple of questions I'm hoping you can help me with?

    1. Should the DVD monitor come on automatically when I put in a DVD?....I can hear it through the speakers but not see it.

    2. I went to Bestbuy last night and purchased a Sony unversal remote, but I didn't know which codes to use. I noticed there was a factory remote on Ebay and I emailed the guy to ask what the mfg was....he quoted me matsushita, which turns out to be Panasonic. I tried the DVD and the Tv codes for Panasonic, but had no luck.

    Based on your previous post, should I be using the DVR codes and not the TV/DVD codes?

    It does have the learn feature on it, but won't get an opportunity to go there for a few days.

    I appreciate any help you can provide.

  • tzkwy7tzkwy7 Member Posts: 1
    I have been trying to get the wiring harness installed on my 2003 sequioa , both the dealer and trailer company have told me this is a major undertaking. can you send me your photos and any additional information that you might have. thanks ron
  • mikey13170mikey13170 Member Posts: 26

    Are you talking about the harness in the rear for the trailer hook-up or are you referring to the wiring harness up front to control electronic braking module?

  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    I have all pictures ready to send you but I don't have your email address. I also have a use spare TOYOTA wiring for trailer hitch in very good condition, cost me $35. If you interest let me know. you will pay shipping cost for about 3 or 4 bucks. I also installed 10.4" ROSEN Entertainment system on my TOY. This is a high quality product that I recommend. This is very nice. I wish I can send you all information to you now. Do not let them ruin your car and spend too much for this simple thing that you can do it by yourself. Please let me know.

    This is a first time I tried to upload the picture on this forum. If come out OK then I will post more soon.
  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    OK here are all pictures related to Towing harness and DVD system:
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Click the "Help" link at the bottom of this page for instruction on posting pictures. Our makes it even easier to post pictures. Check it out!

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • lait2000lait2000 Member Posts: 33
    I hope this can provide more pictures
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    It looks like you are trying to paste a photo from your hard disk to the forum - you may be able to see it locally but the rest of us can't see the photo.

    You need a place to "host" the pic on the net - like your CarSpace page as Tides said. Once you upload your photos to a hosting site, then you can link to the photos.
  • smitty64smitty64 Member Posts: 4
    How did you program the remote? I tried to do this but it did not work. I have the Philips learnable remote and it would act like it received the new code from the dealer remote, but it would not turn on my entertainment system. HELP!!
  • mikey13170mikey13170 Member Posts: 26
    I gave up and bought a factory remote on eBay. $135
  • smitty64smitty64 Member Posts: 4
    Looking for a new remote to replace the one for your Toyota factory installed rear seat entertainment system, you have to call Amy at (1.800.REMOTES) and ask her for the clone remote. I got one from her and it worked like a charm, plus it costs $40.00, not $240.00 that toyota wants for a new one!!
  • smitty64smitty64 Member Posts: 4
    I found one that works for $40.00!!!! Call Amy at (1.800.REMOTES)and ask her for the clone remote that works for the Toyota rear seat entertainment. Be sure to note that the slide down cover on the front of the remote hides the keys you need to operate the system. $40.00!!!!!!! There was no way I was going to pay Toyota $200.00 plus for a remote. Thanks Mr. Gore for "inventing" the internet!
  • wagl2daywagl2day Member Posts: 1
    Hi there. :) Just purchased a sequoia and wondering if the info regarding the override of the nav sys went well? Just do not wish to get locked out completely so thought I would ask 1st. And is there anything else I should know B4 tampering with the system. Tnks a bunch! :D
  • kimmi3kimmi3 Member Posts: 3
    Have a white '04 and looking for a white-colored hood bug shield...anyone seen them or do I have to purchase clear and get painted?
  • kimmi3kimmi3 Member Posts: 3
    I have a back system..think it's factory by Prono name(is on the little black rubber strip on bumper). I bought this '04 from a dealer about 4 weeks ago. One of the strips is torn and want to replace.....anyone heard of this system?
  • skavrosskavros Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever get your answer?
  • abbylouabbylou Member Posts: 33
    Have a 2007 Sequoia Limited 4x4 and was thinking about purchasing the optional aluminum skid plate. Is it worth installing as a preventative measure, or is it just decorative? Any others out there that have installed this item?
  • ggesqggesq Member Posts: 701
    My wife has one on her Sequoia and imho- it's purely decorative. I do like the way it looks on it though. ;)
  • mkbrown87mkbrown87 Member Posts: 15
    We have a '02 Sequoia, and within the last week or so noticed that the front factory speakers are blown. We have the JBL 3-in-1 premium sound system. I contacted Crutchfield about potential replacements, and got a response (recommended 5-1/4" Infinity speakers--not 6-1/2" due to power requirements). When I went to the local car stereo shop, the tech there indicated that I would either have to replace the entire system, or replace the front speakers with replacements from Toyota. It has been a long time since high school and installing car stereos, and I know a lot has changed, but I just didn't believe the local tech. Sounded too odd to me. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Appreciate your help in advance.
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    After one day driving our new Sequoia I am thinking the OEM NAV is less than great. No XM tie in available from Toyota. No elevation. What kind of GPS has no elevation readout? This is just after one day of driving. It did find the places we drove and that was fine. It is not worth close to what Toyota sells them for.
This discussion has been closed.