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Toyota Tundra



  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    I'd rather be on the street rather than.....well you know where....

    Did I mention Cafe somewhere?.....hmmmm
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    right now. ain't no one in the mood to be in second place at this time of the day. know what i mean? ;.)
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    The difference in weight is like the weight of a grown man... Whewwwwwwwwwwwww... That sure is alot of weight... Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses Excuses ROTFLMMFAO at you chevy owners... If the Chevy did good on the test, ya'll would be praising the test and your trucks... This is the absolute funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life... They lost big time, and that is the bottom line and they don't like it one bit... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, poor little chevy owners... Gettin a taste of their own medicine...
    What's the matter guys??? Don't like FACTS or PICTURES?????
  • 427435427435 Member Posts: 86
    Why don't you kids take your bickering to the Tundra vs the Big 3 site and leave this site for people who are looking for information!!

  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    you're right....allthough the original poster tjat started this topic, decided to buy a rado.
    good luck on this one now!
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    Friends shouldn't let friends drive Chevy's.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Actually, the original poster chose a Tundra. He saw through Red and Quad's meaningless drivel.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Why don't you just ask Mert Meeker himself? Email me for his phone number. I'm sure you'll find him very great to talk to, as I did. For me to post his reasons against the Tundra in this public forum, would be in very bad taste since he expressed his views to me in private.
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    What do I care if he chose a Chevy over the Tundra? That's his choice-he made it. I made the right choice for me in choosing the Tundra. I think it's the smoothest, most comfortable truck I've ever driven-and I've driven them all.

    I've hualed loads of firewood in it, all the wood I needed to build my patio cover and even a few palm trees (big ones).

    There hasn't been one instance when I wished I bought a different truck.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    looks like the denial is settin in again.
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    No, I'm not bama but I chose to respond to your comment anyway. I assumed you wouldn't mind.
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    Oh yes, I'm in denial...How did you come up with this one? I'm really curious how you would deduce that.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    how did i deduce that?
    relax, there is more than one other that deserves the denial quote.
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    Okay, I guess I'm a little punchy this morning. Sorry.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    some things are usually better left unsaid.
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    The denial is setting in.. You Chevy owners just can't understand that you lost... For some unknown reason, PICTURES AND FACTS just aint enough for ya... Bulging discs are not fun Red... Unfortunately, you may find this out, driving a silverado and all...
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    looks to me like everyone wins. tests like these usually promote better safety R&D, in which vehicles become safer. at the very least, toyota will learn how not to break someones legs.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    No doubt, it looks like the Tundra is MUCH more crashworthy. It looks like everyone EXCEPT the owners of Tundra pickups are putting their families at huge risk. They are the REAL guinea pigs for the Big2. I personally would not want to risk my life or the life of family to buy a Big2 Pickup.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    You have to be kidding. Head on collision? Yep, stay in your toy if you believe it will keep you safer. Hehe....dream on.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    I agree that your pink Lemonado is much safer while it is in its usual position on the rack in the Chevy service department. It would be difficult for it to be involved in an accident for the 4 months it was in the shop. Did Chev pay your car payments, license and insurance while it was in its usual position on the rack?

    Tundra owners expect better. Chev owners think that 4 months being repaired is normal. Like I have said many times before - Chev owners have LOW EXPECTATIONS!
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    Bama is mad at me for sending him to look for a corner in that round room. LOL
  • chevytruck_fanchevytruck_fan Member Posts: 432
    toodstock I'm not shure how silvrado owners loose when they have more options (tundra misses some very important ones like locking diff, towing mirrors, differnt suspension options), configurations such as ext cab 8ft bed, more powerful engine options, better gas milege even with the 5.3L, better looks (doesn't look exactly like a toyota camry) better towing and payload capacity, better dash gauges, seems to me tundra doesn't even compare
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    The are more unsafe then the Tundra... I shall say it again... I can sum it up in 3 sentences for you Merican owners... You drive a truck that manufacturers one of their trucks with an ISUZU engine in your chevy, and you got a marginal (2nd from last, on the safety test that we all got to see),and let's not forget that your kinetic force was much greater then the Tundra in the accident... Peace and may love be with you..
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    if memory serves me correctly, it was Meredith who first used the A.D.D. phrase when describing you guys, so since Edmunds initiated the phrase, i see nothing wrong with it, as it must be within the user terms. BTW, when you have your tundra in the shop for the latest brake TSB, have them check out the newest problem that toyota left ya with,aka spiderjoints.....Dohh!
  • chevytruck_fanchevytruck_fan Member Posts: 432
    what do you have to say about the injuries in the Tundra, none of you japanese lovers have said anything about the fact you are more likely to get injured in the tundra?
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Red: "if memory serves me correctly, it was Meredith who first used the A.D.D. phrase when describing you guys"

    Meredith never said any such thing. Good try though.

    Red's modus operandi - when confronted with his personal attacks - just lie.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    i'm not going to spend the day digging up merediths post just to embarass you as you've done a job of it already.
    when i picked up my truck yesterday from the service department for it's routine maintanence, i started talking to the service foreman. asked how the tundras were holding up. since my dealership not only sells chevrolet,olds,cadillac, and toyota, they also service the makes they sell. he told me that the tundra has been no less a problem than the rados. only difference is that there is at least a 10-1 ratio of problems, except the tundras have shown more severe cases. latest being the spider joints that are coming unglued within around 45,000 miles. thank god you guys paid for that extended warranty up front or you'd be eaten some expensive parts on this one now.
    good luck on this one now!
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Couldn't find a non-existent post from Meredith? Keep those lies coming!

    I went to www.tundraSolutions.com and did a search on spider joints. It seems that there has never been a single Tundra owner that has reported any failures of their spider joints.

    I never paid for an extended warranty up front.

    And the lies just keep on coming.

    Just be careful driving that Chev of yours. Poor brakes (two NHTSA safety recalls) and crashworthiness are a bad combination. It's too bad you didn't buy a heavy duty 1/2 ton like the Tundra. Now your raging case of Tundra envy is showing through!
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    you guys take them to tundra solutions? i would have though toyota would have a repair facility for you guys to go to. just some more of the toyota refinement i see.......LOL
  • f1julesf1jules Member Posts: 288
    Hmm, a chevy owner telling a Toyota owner about breakdowns and repair facilities. Oh well, I guess we just don't have the extensive experience that you guys do with dealership service departments since our Tundras only go there for routine maintenance.

    How does it feel to spend all that money on a new truck and have it spend so much time in the shop?
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    another tundra owner who can't read......LMAO
    makes sense though, cause if ya could read, you wouldn't be driven a vehicle with spider joints that are gonna fail.

  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    he's a tundra owner. Haven't seen no reason to believe so. Bama, on the other hand, is definitely a tundra owner. You can assume this by the ADD. Can't remember nothin that he posts...denial at its finest.

    Bama, a wager...if I find Meredith's post, you banish yourself forever from Edmunds....well maybe you could show yourself as F2jules or something like that. Tell me yes and I'll have the post for you to read good buddy.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Not only did Meredit post comments about ADD, but included it in his emails. He had a higher level of tolerance for Tundra owners, but would draw the line at a point where the posts became vulgar.

    Unfortunately, the line today is rather gray in colr and changes like the skin tone of a chameleon. Bama, I assure you that Meredith did refer to Attention Deficit Disorder in his posts. If you don't believe me....I put the bet down....now it's your turn to call or fold em.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    A host (Meredith) would not single out a person or group and insult them. And this crack about the host having a higher tolerance for Tundra owners - you guys are a hoot. Who do you think believes such drivel. If a host was guilty of such reprehensible behavior I would report them to Edmund's management immediately. Hosts are not supposed to insult posters.

    If such behavior was true (highly unbelievable) it does not make your personal attacks correct.

    You and Red have zero credibility. Now put up or shutup.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Seeing more and more Tundras on the road; getting to be very popular.
    Apparently, the Chevy lovers attempt at damage control through accusations, false claims and smoke&mirrors logic has only successfully fooled the fools.
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    this is really a let down to me to see Bama fold up on this ADD issue. congrats Obyone.
    i think that someone would report the whole family if they don't agree with him. LOL
  • redsilveradoredsilverado Member Posts: 1,000
    the tundra is very popular, at least all with 3,600 members at tundrasolutions that own em. bet toyota wishes they sold more than 3,600 tundras though.
  • chevytruck_fanchevytruck_fan Member Posts: 432
    thats funny considering that tundra sales are down this year and silverado sales are going on a tear.
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    Let's keep this in mind when saying that statement.. Those figures were pre audienced viewed, fairly given, crash test on our trucks...
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    "Bama, on the other hand, is definitely a tundra owner. You can assume this by the ADD. "

    So you are saying that all Tundra owners have ADD? Couldn't you Chev owners come up with a better insult? Why come to a Tundra topic and start calling Tundra owners names? Don't you think this is a little childish?

    And why are you stepping up the personal attacks? Is this what happens when the Chev owners inhabiting a Tundra topic are exposed as liars?

    Why are Chev owners insulting Tundra owners and posting bashes? Could it be that they have a huge case of Tundra envy?

    If you want to brag about how HUGE your truck is (Chev owners are very insecure about size (must be trying to compensate for something) - why not do it in the Tundra vs. Big2 topic?

    Let's see Meredith's mythical post. Like I said - put up or shut up.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Sales of Silversado were down last month compared to the same month last year. Toyota will sell another 100,000 trucks this year, just like last year.
  • chevytruck_fanchevytruck_fan Member Posts: 432
    what a horrible lie

    "GM's strongest results in May came from full-size truck sales (pickups and utilities), which in total climbed 24 percent. With Silverado posting its best month since October 1978, GM's full-size pickup sales rose 17 percent, full-size utility sales rose 38 percent, and all eight individual GM brands in those segments posted double-digit sales gains. Notably, all GM full-size utilities posted double-digit May sales increases in excess of 20 percent."
  • toddstocktoddstock Member Posts: 268
    that was pre crumple crash test results.. Just something to keep in mind..
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Who's lying?

    "Toyota sales increased 28% over last year, led by their record setting Tundra. The Tundra had the strongest sales of any new Toyota vehicle to date, while domestic trucks lost ground for the second quarter in a row."
  • silverbsilverb Member Posts: 6
    I know it is a personal choice but Iam not show what color of tundra I want to purchase. Is any suggestions out here? Also give sugestions on SR5 or Limited.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Chevrolet Silverado
    291,987+2.7% YTD
    May2001: 70,324
    May 2000: 59,160

    Toyota Tundra
    38,736 -3.2% YTD
    May 2001: 8,755
    May 2000: 9,016

    Strongest sales?

  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Attacking/insulting other users is NOT acceptable in any way, shape, or form. It's doesn't matter if you think you're "kidding" or not. Those of us on the "outside" reading the posts can only take what you've written at face value.

    Lively debate is one thing. Even heated debate about a topic is OK for a bit... but we're getting into the name calling and insults far too often lately.

    Put a little effort into it and AVOID it.

    PF Flyer


    Pickups & News & Views Message Boards

  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Take out all of the 2500s and 3500s(We are comparing 1/2 ton trucks here). Take out fleet sales (25%) and sales to family members (10%) which are sold at wholesale.

    "Detroit will likely take more casualties. Toyota, Nissan, and Honda, the largest Japanese automakers, are building truck plants in Indiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, respectively. Analyst Gary Lapidus of Goldman Sachs says the additional supply and stronger competition could cut the Big Three's truck profits by more than half by 2004. That would be a huge blow. Light trucks account for all the money Detroit makes in the car business, according to Lapidus, and help absorb some of the losses from passenger cars. "The profit margin on trucks is going," says Charles Fine, a member of MIT's International Motor Vehicle Program. "If that was Detroit's last refuge, I'm not sure what's left."

    "The real shock is why Detroit, having lost nearly half of the car business to foreign competitors--30% to Japan alone--wasn't better prepared to defend its light trucks. "This didn't happen overnight," says veteran industry consultant Jim Mateyka of A.T. Kearney. "It took the Japanese an awfully long time. Why haven't people noticed?"


  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    " After losing nearly three percentage points of market share last year, U.S. car brands have lost another 1.3 points so far in 2001, continuing a trend that has persisted for a decade. Since 1993, the Big Three have forfeited market share worth $35 billion to their overseas competitors. "

    "Detroit is retreating on almost every front. Consumer Reports' 2001 list of the best vehicles in ten categories did not include one U.S. car or truck--not a single one! In California, domestic brands accounted for just 46.1% of sales in the first three months of 2001, vs. 43.4% for the Japanese and Koreans. Toyota, with 17.1% of car and truck sales on the West Coast, only narrowly trails Ford's 17.6% and GM's 17.9%, according to a California sales report by J.D. Power & Associates. "

    "Keeping up with Toyota, much less Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, BMW, or VW, has long been a losing proposition for Detroit. In April the Big Three's U.S. market share fell to 64.2%, vs. 73.9% at the start of the current auto boom in 1993. Although most of the shrinkage has been at GM, whose share has dropped from 33.5% to 28%, Ford has also declined, from 25.6% to 21.9%. Chrysler is just half a point lower than in 1993 but two points below its 1998 peak."


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