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Audi TT

derekchoyderekchoy Member Posts: 36
It has been a warm and wonderful discussion at the Audi TT - Part 2 forum, I am wondering why it was suddenly archived. Here, I am hoping to revive the discussion on the beautiful car that we all love.

Has anyone got a car cover for the TT Roadster? Apparently an manufacturer/original one is like $231 which sounds a little expensive to me. Is there any alternative? I need a cover only because I go out of town from time to time for a week or two and I just hate coming home seeing my car covered in dust.




  • jdspainjdspain Member Posts: 7
    car cover try clairparts in boston I believe they had one for $199.

  • 19491949 Member Posts: 59
    You've got an Audi TT Roadster and you're complaining about a $231 car cover?? What's up with that? PLEASE don't tell me you look for the cheapest gas in town, too, like at the local stop-n-shop manned by a Middle-Easterner wearing a turbin who will also sell you a lottery ticket to chase that evasive pot-of-gold.
    $231 is a small price to pay to protect what's probably a $35-40k investment, don't 'ya think? Just some commentary from a jealous Prelude owner.
  • derekchoyderekchoy Member Posts: 36
    Alright, I was not trying to be a cheapskate but the price of $231 for a cover kinda shocked me a little. I really wouldn't want to cover up my beautiful TT for the summer, just that my job requires quite a bit of travel lately and it is such a pain to see the car covered in dust when I get home.

    Thanks jdspain for the URL, let me check that out.

    Does anyone know what happened to the original TT forum? Why did it suddenly get archived?

  • judasjudas Member Posts: 217
    You can get a cheesy one size fits all car cover from your favorite auto parts store for probably 30 bucks, is that what you wanted to hear?
  • tarunntarunn Member Posts: 8
    Any changes for the 2002 MY?
  • x21bikakisx21bikakis Member Posts: 6
  • derekchoyderekchoy Member Posts: 36
    From what I heard, Audi is planning to add more engine options to the TT line-up but I am not sure if they'll be available in the 2002 model or would they even come to the US!

    As for building a garage, it would be a rather costly proposition based on where I live (San Franciso Bay Area).

    Thanks all for the info, I'm just going to spend $231 and get my TT cover! :)
  • jdspainjdspain Member Posts: 7
    Looking at having stongard applied at The tint shop in Edison n. j. Has anyone gone there?
  • browndog3browndog3 Member Posts: 4
    I negotiated a free cover my the dealer. Best I could do since I paid full sticker in December.

    Great car, but I'm starting to hear noises from the top. Sounds like flapping. Anyone else?

    When it's cold the metal creaks, but I never hear that when it's warm. I guess that's part of the territory.
  • ugly1ugly1 Member Posts: 52
    Took me awhile to find the forum again. Glad to see a few others have also. Have one question and one observation. Has anyone else got a slight buzzing noise coming from there instrument panel when you turn your headlights on? Try it in your garage for me and let me know. Just get in, shut the door and turn the lights on. I can't believe it took me a year to notice this one. If the car (mines a coupe) is covered with rain and you get in, put the windows down and drive off most of what's on the roof will enter the car. Try it. Oh, one more. Does everyone steering shake when your sitting at idle? (mines a 225)
  • packerfan2packerfan2 Member Posts: 4
    I have found the comments on this forum to be helpful and I wanted to pass along some comments which might prove helpful to someone else considering leasing an Audi TT. I live in Wisconsin and was able to secure the following deal on a 2001 Lake Metallic Silver w/ebony interior Audi TT Quattro 225 hp Coupe with the Audio and Premium packages. Working up front with two dealerships (they must know that you are knowledgeable about leasing)I was able to negotiate the following terms:

    MSRP = 39325 (a given)
    Cap Reduction = 1575
    Deposit = 5000 (I was willing to put this down)
    Acquisition Fee = 490 (a given)
    Residual = 62% of MSRP or 24381 (a given)
    Money Factor = .003 (multiply by 2400 to get interest rate of 7.2%)
    Waived Security Deposit
    15000 miles (personal choice)
    39 month lease (optimal because it stays well within the warranty period)
    A new alternative set of aluminum alloy wheels and snow tires for winter included. Balancing & mounting also included.
    Use of new demo car for any servicing needs.

    Net cap cost would then be 39325-1575-5000+490 = 33240

    Using the following down and dirty formula you can figure the monthly payment before sales tax.
    [(N-R)/M] + [(N+R)x F] where
    N = Net Cap Cost
    R = Residual in $
    M = # of months in lease
    F = Money Factor (ex. .003)

    Doing the math we get a monthly payment of $400.02
    Multiplying by 1.055 (State sales tax of 5.5%) we get a total monthly payment of $422.02
    The dealership figure may be a little higher but not by much. I think I got a pretty good deal as a result of homework and persistence. If anyone disagrees I would welcome their comments. I am hopeful that this posting proves useful to someone out there. Let me know if it does. Thanks.
  • derekchoyderekchoy Member Posts: 36

    Do you hear your buzzling light noises while the engine is on or not? I wouldn't be able to turn my lights on (xenon) without turning the engine on, and when the engine is on, I cannot hear anything coming from the panel (either that the engine has covered the noise or there is no noise really). I tried it last night, I'll try it again later on this morning.

    As for the windows, yes, I am not sure if that's a design flaw or that it is a characteristics of the convertible. For regular hard-top cars, there is usually a drain rail on the side of the car collecting all the water dripping down the roof, but such mechanism is not available on the TT soft-top and hence the dripping problem. Not a big deal to me cos it doesn't rain that often here.

  • ugly1ugly1 Member Posts: 52
    Without the engine running. As I said before just get in, shut the door and turn the lights on. I guess the lights don't actually come on but just turn the switch on and let me know if you hear anything. It has to be really quite in the garage. As to the rain coming in. As I said before, mines a coupe. There are no rails or gutters of any kind. The water just comes in. You just have to get used to rolling down the road before you let the windows down.
  • gpetrinogpetrino Member Posts: 4
    What a lame board this has turned out to be. I guess the guys who used to come onto this board that owned TT were just caught up in the craze and not real car enthusiasts.
  • jdspainjdspain Member Posts: 7
    Had the kit apply by a stongard retailer(takes 4 to 4 1/2 hours) in NJ nice job. Hope it lasts and helps keep the value of the car.
  • nschulman3nschulman3 Member Posts: 125
    I wholeheartedly agree. This post has gotten quite lame! I remember when you would get 8-10 discussions a day. Now, its more like once a month. Come on guys, the TT's not extinct. Anyway, I continue to have a lot of fun with m,y TT. It is a 2000 coupe with fwd, black with bose audio and the 17" rims. I couldn't afford the quattro(although I still would have gotten it had i been able to get it for a reasonable price. My cvar was a 6-month old demo used by the owner. I instaleed a Joe hoppen motorsport chip. The power is great, but the torque steer is terrible. Doed anyone know of anything out that can reduce this, outside of going back to the original ecu? The 17" inch tires also contribute to the car's dartiness at high speeds.
  • gpetrinogpetrino Member Posts: 4
    Can't say I know a way you can improve torque steer. I have the quattro and have yet to experience any torque steer, then again, the fastest I have ever gone is 70.
  • cynflyrcynflyr Member Posts: 1
    I'm thinking about purchasing a 2001 225hp coupe. But before I go out and commit to this I'd like to know from you that already own a TT if it is worth the price. My other choice is a BMW 330 sedan. Please give me your thoughts.
  • gpetrinogpetrino Member Posts: 4
    The car is very satisfying to drive. It is very quick and handles well. The ride is much stiffer than the 330i.

    The only problems I have with the car is a persistent and very annoying dashboard rattle.
  • rudexrudex Member Posts: 1
    I have had my 2000 TT coupe into my dealer 6 times to fix an air intake problem. It is in today and the readout is telling them that it is an oxygen sensor. The car has noticeably lost power. Has anyone else experienced this problem with their TT?
  • slenahanslenahan Member Posts: 1
    Can anyone tell me how to get just fresh air into the car (without just opening the windows-duh).
    Is the only approach to turn the heating/cooling system on and then just hitting the "economy" button?
  • x21bikakisx21bikakis Member Posts: 6
  • claydjclaydj Member Posts: 9
    Packerfan2 – which dealership did you go through? Judging by your message, I am assuming they were good to deal with.

    I am in Milwaukee and considering an A4 1.8 quattro or the TT180hp fwd. Yes, very different cars, but both have driving features that I am attracted to. I currently drive a VW GTIVR6 and the lease is up 9/9.

    Any words of wisdom from the TT collective?
  • nschulman3nschulman3 Member Posts: 125
    I recommend the a-4 1.8 t. While the tt has a firmer ride and feels a bit more like a sports car, the lack of quattro really hurts. Also, the power difference between the a4 and tt is negligible. You can do this in the a4 without any side effects, but the power increase in the tt fwd will increase power AND torque steer. If your budget doesn't allow for a tt with quattro, i recommend the a4 1.8 with the sport package. As a formr owner of an a4 1.8 q with sport package and a current owner of a 2000 tt fwd, I feel i know the answer. Of course, the great lines of the tt may alter your decision.
  • wals9331wals9331 Member Posts: 1
    Are audi tt's fast. I have a 2001 cobra, will it beat me. I need to know my enemies :).
  • gpetrinogpetrino Member Posts: 4
    I used to have an A4 2.8 Quattro. I now have a TT 225 quattro coupe. Although the TT is faster and handles better, I think the A$ was a nore structurally sound car. The rattles that I hear in my TT were non-existent in the A4.

    I also think the A4 Quattro system is superior. The Torsen center differential is clearly better than the Haldex wet clutch where most of the power goes to the front wheels as opposed to the Torsen system where it is a 50/50 split under normal driving conditions.

    Then theres practicality. The A4 is quite practical while the TT is very impractical. If I had to do it again, I would wait for the new A4 to come out this fall as opposed to buying the TT.
  • mikeydermikeyder Member Posts: 3
    I'm 6' tall and bump my head every time I enter or exit my TT. Only way to avoid to is to push the seat all the way back and lower it to the floor,then I have to readjust all when I get back in,what a pain!! But what a running machine ! got the 225 HP.Mikey
  • claydjclaydj Member Posts: 9
  • packerfan2packerfan2 Member Posts: 4
    I'm glad you found the info helpful. I was dealing with International Auto (Milwaukee) and Van Dyn Hoven Imports (Appleton). Both dealerships will play straight up BUT do your homework. Watch out for the $250 turn-in fee. That was a surprise for me but I guess Audi charges that everytime. They misquoted the residual which came in at 61% but the monthly payment was still in line at $431.80 including tax. I had them throw in a free oil change and lube at 2500 miles for the oversight in return for grading them well on their follow-up survey.
  • packerfan2packerfan2 Member Posts: 4
    I'm a little embarrassed to post this question but I gotta know. I love my TT but I find it fairly weak off the line. Once you spool up 2nd and 3rd gear fly. I had my doors blown off by a black Suburu sedan (could've been a sleeper, I don't know for sure) the other day and I couldn't believe it. I'm sure I would've nailed him down the road a piece but we were between lights. Anybody got any advice for getting off the line quicker??
  • browndog3browndog3 Member Posts: 4
    For anyone comparing the tt to a bmw, there's no comparison. The bmw is old school. Go with the hip, stylish TT. Chicks dig it and it gets it big time!
  • kyingkying Member Posts: 61
    When my wife and I were thinking about buying a beamer 300's last year, our 20-year old daughter told us about the A4. Now we have a 2000 A4 and a 2001 TT. We looked at all the others (MB, BMW, Lexus ... ), but we think nothing offers the same satisfaction of owning a TT.
  • claydjclaydj Member Posts: 9
    I opted for the A41.8Q. Pick it up next Thursday. Thanks again for the information!
  • mmcbride1mmcbride1 Member Posts: 861
    Congrats. That's what I have and I love it. Come on over to the A4 forum and tell us what you got!
  • bjrichbjrich Member Posts: 125
    I imagine this a paint nose, hood type protector coating. Please advise me all about it!
  • mouvitimouviti Member Posts: 1
    Hi all, Ive got a 2001 225 cq..and Ive just recently modified it with the addition of H&R springs some 5mm wheel spacers and a Garret chip....the car is totally different..especially with the springs which I would recommend to anyone out there who wants better handling out of there cars......the chip gets the car uyp to about 257hp...and negates the lagf just a wee bit.....
  • barresa62barresa62 Member Posts: 1,379
    Sure that Sleeper Subaru sedan wasn't a WRX. If it was, I don't think you'd be catching it, maybe keep it in your sight though. :-)
  • winfredwinfred Member Posts: 11
    Hi, everyone,
    I'm interested in a pre-owned basic coupe with 180hp, FWD. The most basic one, I checked the price starting from 27000 up to whatever....
    I understand the price should be around 30% less after the first year, but for the case for TT, come as a 2000 version, but basically start selling from May 99, and it is two years from now already, so how much should I pay for it? So isn't it kind of unreasonable, since the basic price for the new 2000(99) is only $30500plus options? I really like the TT, just have a very tight budget, please help me out, any advise, opinion, and tips for me to get a good deal will be great. Thanks in advance.
  • jdspainjdspain Member Posts: 7

     this address shows audi tt covered with stongard. It is a 3m film applied to the front of the car,about six or eight inches up on hood and lights to protect paint from stones throws by trucks , cars. It also prevents lights from being broken by a stone. It is available in kits by car mfg. You can purchase a complete kit or a smaller area of coverage. We purchased the complete kit it also covers the side mirrors, runner whatever you call it and door corners so they don't chip if the door hits an object when getting out of a tight situation.

    It is a replacement for the bras you see on cars . the item is warranted for life of veh.

    I myself drive a bmw540 and the hood is chipped pretty good. the audi tt just purchased by my son had the stongard installed shortly after purchase. Just yesterday we were washing the car and he called me over to check the running board.or step into car. or whatever you call it. and he had tar marks running along the side where his shoe hit the car getting into it. Ah, it was covered by stongard and we washed it off with a little soap and water. Also bugs come off real easy. ha. We have had it on for about three weeks,driven 1000 miles no chips... Oh, the tar it is from his development new hot top on his road. He drove his older car during the construction but did get some oil off the road. It came right off the stongard with a wet soft towel.

    hope this helps.
  • browndog3browndog3 Member Posts: 4
    I thought I saw a roadster with an automatic cover for the top when down, like the new Lexus and the Mercedes. Is this a new featureon the tt? The only hassle is putting the protective cover (whatever you call it) in when the top is down. Anyone else seen this?
  • ugly1ugly1 Member Posts: 52
    Someone (don't know who) makes an aftermarket top for the car. It's not very automatic. Its the old style that you pick up and put on.
  • jccaijccai Member Posts: 11
    cynflyr: I saw your post from June. Have you made your decision yet?

    I'm debating the same thing. I test drove a BMW 330Ci (auto, dealer didn't have any manual in stock) and liked it. The torque is impressive. The salesman had an attitude, though. I'm not sure what the service dept. is like. Then I test drove a red TT 225q coupe. I really like its looks, both inside and out. I test drove the 180 version last year, but the 225 is definitely more lively.

    Here's my impression of the two cars:
    330Ci Pros: Great power at low RPM; quiet ride; tight handling; more interior room; power seats.
    330Ci Cons: Stiff ride; RWD; potential aux fan problem; full sticker price due to strong demand; low availability and possible long wait; shorter free maintenance period; quality of dealer service(?).
    TT Pros: Great looks; innovative interior; uniqueness; better ride; Quattro; better availability; good dealer service.
    TT Cons: Almost no low end torque; turbo engine tricky to manage; noisier; interior creaks and rattles; no power seats; difficult to exit; small interior.
  • jccaijccai Member Posts: 11
    Does anyone here know what changes are being made for the 2002 model? I'd really like to see power seats, steering wheel mounted radio controls, and maybe in-dash CD changer. Thanks.
  • packerfan2packerfan2 Member Posts: 4
    From what people have been telling me, I believe that you are correct. I'm thinking it must have been a WRX. I wasn't aware of this model but I am now!
  • kyingkying Member Posts: 61
    I read there will be in-dash 6-cd changer in 2002 tt, but haven't heard anything about power seat and steering wheel mounted radio controls.

    is WRX out already on the street? I heard it is factory order only, and I would love to see one.
  • jccaijccai Member Posts: 11
    Sorry to drift off the topic for just a second... I've seen a couple of WRX on the road in the Dallas area. I drove by a Suburu dealership that has one displayed at the front of their lot also. Personally, I'm not too crazy about its styling. It doesn't look half as good as it appeared in the TV ad. But that's just my opinion of course.

    How can the WRX be that much quicker off the line than the TT? The WRX has 227hp, a turbo 4, AWD, so the setup is quite similar. Is it a much lighter car?
  • steverisitysteverisity Member Posts: 39
    I'm looking to trade my Y2K 2.3 Z3 for a Y2K hard top TT.
    I figure they are roughly the same value depending upon miles and options.

    Anyone out there interested in a change? I like the idea of having the back seat
    for my two young boys.

    My Z is my fun car, has only 8k miles on it, and I'm just looking for a new thrill.
    The car is exceptionally clean, Topaz blue with Black top.

    All maint. is covered by BMW up to 36k miles.
  • nschulman3nschulman3 Member Posts: 125
    Is your z3 leased or owned? I am interested in the opposite because I am about to purchase a wrx and will have enough room to have a convertible, as i have no kids. My tt is a 2000, black with bose, 17'rims and tires, xenons,etc. Please respond.
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