Nissan Frontier



  • ll7ll7 Member Posts: 16

    The bed-liner can be trimmed easily. I had one and had a tonneau cover installed. They just pulled the liner out of the bed and trimmed it down with a razor knife. The tonneau then fit perfectly.
  • romsterromster Member Posts: 2

    Where did you get that deal? I am in SoCal. too.. I am really close in buying a Silver Ice or Solar yellow 4x4 CC XE.... I will be negotiating with some dealers locally Can you give me a ball park figure of how much was the deal you got...thanks so much... Romster
  • croy2croy2 Member Posts: 45
    I got the deal from Huntington Beach Nissan on Beach Blvd. in H.B. They had an add in the Sunday O.C. Register listing all 20 Fontier C.C.'s at $2500 of MSRP. My 4x2 SE with power, mats, bedliner, and extender was purchased for $19,347 with is exactly $2500 off MSRP. The add was only good for 72 hours, but maybe they will give you a deal. They are a new dealership and eager for market share. No surprises, the deal was quick and fair. Good Luck with yours.

    If I recall correctly, they had both colors that you are after.
  • ccnc4x4ccnc4x4 Member Posts: 5
    Well have a problem with my Nissan Crew Cab 4X4.
    The rear seal was bad from day one.
    I noticed a small oil stain on my driveway the first weekend,
    but I thought it was my old car since I had changed my oil before I sold it.

    When I noticed another stain,
    I looked underneath the truck.
    It was leaking above the oil pan and look liked
    it was the rear seal.
    I called the dealership at first, I was hoping it
    was minor. The salesman at the Raleigh dealership
    blew me off, offered no help at all (The ford dealership in Owego NY was very good about the ford that I had, I got rides from the salesman
    even after 6 months when My ford Taurus Sho needed repair, I also got loners and free rental cars
    without having to ask. Other Ford dealerships
    that I did not buy the car from, where
    very helpful, same good level of service.)

    I took it in, had to wait 2 days, they called me.
    The service assistant was very nice. Said he
    had never seen this before with a new truck.

    The salesman, lets call him Rosebutt, blew the whole thing off and was lackluster in his response when I told him this.

    They are repairing it now, but how good are they.
    I checked the BBB no problem with the service department.
    I called the salesmanager, he was nice, but again
    only offered the hold off sales line.
    I would expect some offer of at least something.
    I am going for repurchase or new truck.
    Maybe I should have gotten a yellow one.

    My big worry now is whats in the future.
    My Ford was a bunch of minor to major stuff (clutch at 30K). But I knew Ford might be a problem.

    Next time, look at a car/truck....look
    again and look once more..take a friend..
    take a mechanic.

    Does anyone know other sites where I can post my complaints about nissan and this dealership in Raleigh, NC.
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    This board has been unusually quiet. Where did everyone go?
  • kdivinakdivina Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone have information as to when the 2001 CrewCab will be available? Pricing?
    Any websites with information would be great!
  • croy2croy2 Member Posts: 45
    Go to for 2001 pic's and info. I kind of like the styling of my 2000 compared to what's coming next.

    Just ordered a snugtop tonneau cover for my crewcab today. The dealer is going to trim the over-the-rail bedliner and tuck it under the rail. The cover ran $600 painted to match my Sand Dune CC. Just over 500 miles on the truck in two weeks and no problems. I really like this truck.
  • cerealphreakcerealphreak Member Posts: 2
    As I mentioned before, I commute into Orange County every Monday Wednesday and Friday. I beat the hell out of my truck; I drive close to 300 miles a week (about the size of my gas tank).

    I say my mileage is great because I'm a highway man!!! I get around 18.5 mpg. Now, mind you... I'm a speed demon with a lead foot!!! I almost always do 80 mph--call me stupid. ANYWAY, I get GREAT mileage... the sticker on the vehicle said that it'd do 19 highway and 16 city.

    The person that's complaining about 15 city with OCCASIONAL freeway mileage needs to understand that the constant stop and go of the city traffic is what harms his mileage!!!

    Try taking the freeway for a full gas tank--and you WILL see the difference in mileage. 95% of my gas tank is wasted on the highway. I'm not complaining!
  • jpwoodrowjpwoodrow Member Posts: 7
    That's the message the dealer left on my machine when he called yesterday. I ordered an SLT Plus 4.7/5 spd, 4x4 Quad two weeks ago. Where can I get the straight dope on when my truck will be built?
  • ccarrollccarroll Member Posts: 2
    Also see #385 I purchased a 2000 Nissan CC XE 2x4 on Dec 21 1999. Almost immediately I noticed oil drips in my driveway. Took me until 19 March to even consider that it was my new truck. Crawled underneath....BINGO!!! Dealership has had my truck for a week. They claim that the parts are on back order from Nissan. Why are they on back order? Others with the same problem? Too much demand for rear main seals? Another week and I'm going into the dealership to really complain. Dealership has been cooperative. Gave me a loaner to drive...some small 4 door nissan car. I don't want a car, I want my truck back. Already suck money into a new sound system and spray in bed liner w/stamped aluminum tailgate cap. Any others with oil leaks?
  • navednaved Member Posts: 13

    Does anyone have this Carbon Fiber thingy installed? Does anyone know what is the opt. accessory number? I called my fleet manager, she has no clue about it... wonder why?

    Any help much appreciated, thanks!

  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    I do not have the opt number,but you can go to and they should have what you are looking for and at probably half the price.
  • lucky25lucky25 Member Posts: 3
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    I don't know where you live but here in NJ you can get a good deal. As for 4x2's they are not so common. If you want other opinions come join us at the Frontier Crew Cab Clubhouse at Yahoo. There are 104 members so far.
  • lucky25lucky25 Member Posts: 3
    I live in Chicago, IL. How do I get to that site?
    I tried searching for Frontier crew cab clubhouse and I came up empty. I also searched yahoo and couldn't find it please help. Thanks, Lucky
  • ccnc4x4ccnc4x4 Member Posts: 5
    Finally Got my rear main seal and oil pan seal replaced. The big thing was the time for me.
    I had to take it back with some tightening up of the bolts.
    Once they do fix it, it will take a few days for the rest of the oil to come out. Ask for the truck to be put on lift. Ride around in the truck before you sign off on it. They had to tighten several things on my before I gave the okay. Ask to talk to the mechanic that worked on it. I would go around 2 or 3 in case there is a problem. I went the first time around closing and its hard to get things done with people leaving.
    I really complained about it. I am going to kept all records. In NC the limit is 20 days for a repair or Lemon stuff. One thing I thought was weird was the fact that the dealership had the parts. I would check with the ASE stuff that
    should be there for the seal stuff. A friend who works at a car dealership, said that he thought
    he saw it on a list about the Frontier having seal
    I would also talk with the Owner of the dealership. Then I would call Nissan also first thing. Let them know that you not happy. I think that you have to get on the horn. Check your local law also on stuff.
    Good thing the dealership got you a loaner.
    Hope you have luck on your side. Kept you records and call nissan to file a complaint.
    The lest you should get is some free coupons and a big apology. I think that we will not be along on this.
  • ccnc4x4ccnc4x4 Member Posts: 5
    Check with,
    check also with with new cars.
    The deals I got were around invoice.
    Going to dealership. Have two other dealers
    in mind, pick someone new in the job, younger is the best. If its someone who has been there
    awhile with kids, it might be a hard sell.
    Take your check book but walk out if things
    get too much. Pick a monday morning if you get
    time off work. If too many other people are there, leave or just walk around until you find someone young.
    One dealer went from 26000, to 23,800 when I said that I had another deal. Final price was 23088 on a fully loaded SE 4x4. I think that I could have gotten some more off.
    Check for leaks under the truck before you drive off. Rear seal was leaking on mine.
    You can still get out if the car is still on the lot, no matter what they say. Also consider a 4X4, I have seen only 4 or 5 4X2s, most others have been 4X4.
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    Try going to,then click on clubs, then click on cars ,then under search enter nissan frontier. That should work let me know how you make out.
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    Thanks, I new at the computer and didn't know how to get the hyperlink on the message.
  • cw8cw8 Member Posts: 1
    I am ready to buy a nissan cc & have concerns over the seal leaks & power. I am going to tow a 1700 lbs [boat] & drive daily 50 miles. Should i wait for the 2001 for power. Will the more power mean it will burn more gas? got any thoughts? cw
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    Personally I haven't had any problems with my 2000
    and I have 2200 miles so far. I have this motor in my 1999 Quest also. I'm not sure if I would want to buy the new motor until it proves itself.
    Last of all I don't care for the look of the 2001.
    Just my two cents...
  • navednaved Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for the info. the product that they are offering appears to be nice. Have you any prior experience with the autodash folks?

    or anyone?

  • lucky25lucky25 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the web site post I joined the club my id is luckysplash hopefully I'll find you there thanks again
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    At the Frontier Clubhouse my screen name is
    Nissan Crew Cab 2000. See you there. How are you making out in your search for thr truck?
  • ccarrollccarroll Member Posts: 2
    Rear main seal finally fixed. I finally got my truck back on the 7th of April. So far so good....waiting to crawl under it until Monday. I had to threaten Lemon-Law before they took me seriously. I was without my truck for 19 days total. They claimed that the part was unavailable in Hawaii, and that it was on order. Once I informed them that I knew my rights under the Lemon Law, and intended to use it on day 30, they had a seal overnighted from the mainland. Still love my truck. Missed the power and convenience of the bed. I had a Nissan Sentra as a loaner while my truck was in repair. Nissan Sentra is slow...very slow off the lights. Finally becomes responsive at 25mph. Getting to 25 can be frustrating.
  • weldoweldo Member Posts: 1
    Nissan's promotional material gives the impression that the factory racks on both the crew cab and the Xterra are Yakima-designed. According to a guy at the Yakima 800 #, they are not, and further they are not compatible with Yakima accessories. Yakima is planning to come out with a "tower" that clips on to the factory rack's cross-bars, so that you can then use Yakima accessories that aren't available from Nissan. What you end up with is a rack-on-a-rack. Wouldn't it be better just to forgo the factory rack and buy the whole rig from Yakima? Dollar wise it comes out about the same, or even cheaper depending on what accessories you plan to use.
  • hollywolfhollywolf Member Posts: 4
    got my CC on 3/23 in the retina burning solar yellow..2x4/loaded w/ all the bells and whistles @ 22K..probably could've got it lowered but i went around all of Los Angeles for that color and got all kinds of horror stories as far as availability that i caved in and just gave 'em a check--i gotta have this truck in that color!...nice people at Nissan of Orange,who got me the, i love this truck!
  • keaneckeanec Member Posts: 349
    If the leak you are referring to is the main seal, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have only seen one person post they had this problem. I have 4000km on my SE 4x4 a/t and haven't had any problems. Maybe I missed some posts or info about this leak, if I have I assume there will be plenty of posts to correct me. Otherwise, don't worry!
  • promocraigpromocraig Member Posts: 3
    I am looking for a crew cab 4X2 (silver hopefully) all i really have to have is an automatic trying to figure out what a good price is and how you find a broker? difference in price between se and xe?
  • promocraigpromocraig Member Posts: 3
    I am also in Houston and would like to know where you got your deal! I haven't heard of any of them going under invoice!
  • braswell1braswell1 Member Posts: 1
    When I was getting the car loan info from my bank (Navy Federal) I inquired about reputable dealers and was given a name and a number to a guy in Seattle. Consequiently I'm in the Navy and am stationed around there anyway,,,ah, I called the guy and told him what I was looking for,,,model, accessories,,,etc.. and he called me back within 20 minutes. And gave me a set price, said that there was no haggling and no obligation for me to buy. I went by his office and picked up the truck 2 days later. It was so easy, I wasn't in his office 10 minutes. He gave me the paperwork, I then filled out and signed the appropriate paperwork and I was off! He told me that their job is to find exactly what your looking for new or used, buy it at cost and tack on a fee for them. Which turned out to be only $200. A great deal compared to what the dealer was offering. Just to be sure that I was getting a good deal I had visited a dealer and tried to work a deal on a compairable truck at the same price I was offered. After dealing with them for over an hour the Finance Manager came out and told me that I was full of it and would never get a truck at that price,,,(that I was on a bubble). Two days later I pulled up on his lot and showed him my new wheels along with telling him where he could go!

    I live up around Seattle and only here recently have I been hearing about Brokers and how their preferred over dealers. My contact was Auto Source out of Bellveue, WA. I don't know much more about brokers but strongly recommend dealing with them over dealers.
  • steve236steve236 Member Posts: 2
    Just got a look today at the CC. What a great truck. How is the ride in the 4x4 CC?
  • ccmaybeccmaybe Member Posts: 23
    I have my 4x4 SE crew Cab for 3 months and 4400 miles. So far everything is great.
  • docralphodocralpho Member Posts: 50
    One site for posting consumer complaints is:
  • thirdgearthirdgear Member Posts: 5
    Hey,Braswell. I,too,live in the Seattle area and was turned off by the "attitude" of the dealers around here (the 2 on the Eastside appear to be owned by the same company). But after reading your posting concerning brokers, I decided to look up Auto Source in the phone book. They're not there. There is an Auto Solution. Is that the place? If not, could you e-mail me with their phone number? Thanks for the tip.
  • jsgrizjsgriz Member Posts: 1
    I'm looking at a 2000 Nissan XE Crew Cab V6 3.3L 4X4 5 Spd w/Power pkg, Auto locking Hubs,Etc. It
    has everything I care about in a 4X4, except a
    Limited Slip Differential ($200 msrp). They tell
    me (the dealerships in my area) that this feature
    is part of the Utility pkg (roof rack & limited
    slip diff) and is only available on the SE version
    for $3000+ more. What a CROCK! I enjoy 4 wheeling
    off-road on my multi-week vacations in S.Utah &
    N. Arizona (Canyon country & Mountains) & camping
    elsewhere in the US. I once owned an 86' Toyota 4Runner for 10 years (4 cylinder 5 spd- back when
    it was trucklike with a bolt on composite shell
    -not a luxury carlike vehicle like ALL SUV'S
    today). It took me anywhere I wanted to go. I dont
    remember if it had a Limited Slip Differential.
    My question is how this Nissan 4x4 will respond
    without Limited Slip Diff in off road travels.
    In sand or mud with the 2 rear tires acting
    independently, hopefully the 2 front (in 4wd) will
    respond correctly & not bog down.
    I'm I wasting my time getting a 4x4 without
    Limited Slip Diff. I not sure I want to pay $3000+
    for the SE version with auto trans (which is all
    that is available in my market) & a fancier stereo, roof rack, & decals that I dont care about.
    I would appreciate a response from anyone out
    there with info on this subject before I buy this
    truck. I like the Toyota Tacoma's durability &
    reliability , but not the price. Nissan seems to
    give more bang for the buck.
    Thanks for the help.
  • goobagooba Member Posts: 391
    I have a XE 4wd CC,auto, with the limited slip diff.You get the limited slip on the XE Value Plus Package which contains the following:
    Value Plus Package: P265/70R15 Tires, 15" Alloy wheels, Tilt steering wheel, Variable intermittent wipers, Passenger-side visor vanity mirror, Tailgate finisher, "4x4 Off-Road" decal, Limited-slip rear differential.
    The MSRP on this package is 799.What they told you id for the SE.The only way you can get the limited slip on the SE is with the utility package which includes the Sunroof.
    As for how it will respond without the limited slip,you will probably not like it.What you will essentially have without the limited slip is 2wd.
    If you were travelling along in 4wd and managed to get 1 front and 1 rear tire either off the ground or in a situation that had them slipping excessively,then that is where you would sit.All of your power wouldgo to those tires.The limited slip also makes it possible for you to go more places in 2wd and gives you better traction.
    It took me 6 months to get my truck configured the way I wanted it,but I was not going to compromise and it was well worth it.
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    I currently own a SE 4x4 auto with every option that Nissan offers on their C.C. except the bed extender. I got the auto for higher towing cap. Relating to the comparision of Toyota and the new C.C. I had an '81 Toyota 4x4 SR5 Longbed(back when they had the bullet-proof solid axle in the front) I loved that truck, it was exceptionly hard to get stuck. Now I must tell you I live in Fla., no rock crawling :( but tons of sugar sand and mud. I can tell you this, there's a huge difference in the way the truck's wheels react. Gooba's right, I notice I go though alot more 'stuff' in 2wd and when the 4wd is engaged the low-end torque coupled with the limited slip is awesome! I say get the option if you plan on offroading, I mostly benefit from it at the boat ramp :)
  • thirdgearthirdgear Member Posts: 5
    Bought what I was told was the last Solar Yellow in the N.W. An c.c. SE 4x4 5 speed loaded with everything. My broker found it in 5 hours , at $600 over invoice. He did all of the paperwork, filled the gas tank and had it delivered to his office in 48 hours. We spent 15 minutes there signing papers and took it home. No dealers. No Sales Managers (they told me that if I wanted that "in demand" Solar Yellow, I would have to pay full MSRP). Out the door price? $24900. My time involved in the sale? 1 hour. The broker charged me $350 for his time and I will never go to a dealer again. P.S. If you live in the Seattle area and want a c.c., they're going fast! You'll find only loaded ones. And there are no 4x2's
  • snohomitesnohomite Member Posts: 1
    HELP thirdgear and other ppl using Seattle broker...we are in Snohomish and NEED THE NAME of that broker. There is no "Auto Source" listed...please email me at so I can get some more info from you...we will buy a truck today if the price is right! Thx ;O
  • thirdgearthirdgear Member Posts: 5
    I used Auto Solutions in Bellevue. I normally hesitate to recommend people, but in this case, I'll make an exception.
  • wenrederwenreder Member Posts: 3
    I require a "second" vehicle for hauling objects
    that can't fit in my Acura, as well as being a very good Winter traction vehicle. As an ex-mechanic, I was fortunate enough to always have big American "classic" station wagons as my 2nd car for the past 20+ years, plenty of room, so-so in Winter. I've decided to buy a NEW 4-WHEEL DRIVE PICK-UP TRUCK. Started looking last week at MAZDA B3000 SE Cab Plus 4 --and-- Nissan Frontier XE-V6 King Cab. Nissan looks and handles a bit "better" all around, but Mazda is offering 2.9% finance (Connecticut)and I really like the Med. Willow Green Metallic color (perhaps NOT the smartest way to make a decision). >> NOW I "hear" talk of vast improvements for 2001 << I'm very "limited" with $$$$, but I DON'T want to skimp and purchase foolishly either. PLEASE GIVE ALL COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS to assist me in making the "right" purchase. Should I wait until 2001? Is the 2000 Mazda "better" or "not as good"
    as the Nissan ?? Thanks for your help !!
  • ebbgreatdaneebbgreatdane Member Posts: 278
    My money is in the Nissan. The extra doe will keep you headache free (i.e., Mazda = made by Ford hence why by a Japanese car)

    We personally would be looking at Tacomas right now if they weren't so damned expensive. Nissan provides the reliability of a Japanese auto at a reasonable price.
  • beminwabeminwa Member Posts: 1
    Ok, finally bought the truck I was after, silver xe, power package and value plus package. I ended up using carpoint after a rather irriatating trip to the local dealer, I got the truck for about 1700.00 under msrp, hope it was a good deal. Most of the trucks around the area were loaded SE's, not many xe around.
  • jsandyjsandy Member Posts: 7
    well, I have owned Nissan CC for a full year now, and so I will share my thoughts and experinces. First, I like the Nissan. I'd seen lots of small crew cabs in New Zealand, and Mexico, from all the major companies. Over the next few years, I think they'll be in the USA too. It's a good practical design, and like any compromise, it's not perfect.
    I have 23,000 mils on mine now. No problems, at all. Just oil changes and recommended check ups. There was a recall regarding a tail light, which the dealer took care of, my air bag light came on after a while, and the daler took care of that too. When I bought the CC my oldest daughter was learning to drive. I got an automatic, so she could drive it. She has since got her own car (a gift from her grand folks, and I seldom see her - a topic for a different time), but the car is a nice drive. I get close to 20 mpg, the CC has a heavier feel than my wife's Isuzu Rodeo, but it has a tighter turning radius. Most of the driving I do is around town and short freeway commutes (I do a lot of running kids around really). The truck seems to handle that just fine. I have hauled furniture, lots of surfboards, bikes, and stuff around. I know it has a short bed, but it's still handt, and I really like the extender.

    Over the year, the most common comment I get is "I am thinking about buying one for my wife" So my friends kid me that it is a "chick truck" I tell them it's a mini van or men. Which reminds me, I think Nissan should make a bench seat up front to bring the seating capacity to 6, I also think they should go ahead and put a 6' bed on the truck.

    I like all the new 4-door truck out there right now. The Dodge looks really nice, although they seem to ride low to the ground, the Ford st is selling a lot around here (San Diego). I think the new Tacoma will be the best by far, but likely more expensive. I really don't think it matters which one you buy, they all have there strong points. I am happy with my Nissan, and I hope it'll go a lot of miles over the next few years.

    Best of luck to anyone trying to choose!
  • md_techmd_tech Member Posts: 84
    The Nissan Frontier Pick-up finally came in today... I wasen't very impressed with the bumper or new retro-lighting arrangement. Although, maybe in time I'll get use to it like I did the Maxima when they first appeared on the lot. What I did like was the back of the vehicle. They kept the regular back lights with Frontier in silver and a Nissan patch where you open up the gate... Has anyone else seen the 2001????

    Kristina/co host Our Turn
  • soggydogsoggydog Member Posts: 67
    I saw my first 2001 on the lot yesterday, here's the sticker price.........

    4WD/SE/CC auto........$23,849
    Delux Pkg.................599
    Floor Mats.................79
    Bed liner.................309
    Bed ext...................229
    dest chg..................520

    I think that this is about $600 more than last year, mostly because of the way they repackaged the options. The power pkg. and the roof rack are standard. If you want cruise control you have to get the delux pkg. which includes the CD changer and tilt wheel.
    I really like the front and back of the truck. Not sure yet about the fender flares.
  • a6889a6889 Member Posts: 1
    After extensive comparison shoping for a small pickup, I'd decided on Frontier Crew Cab. It has great features for the price, and is far and away the most comfortable. I was going to buy one as soon as I saved a couple thousand for the down payment. However, while waiting, I began checking out older pickups on the road and it seems like evry crappy looking pickup I've I noticed is a Nissan ... all full of dents, fading paint, rust, etc. On the other hand Toyotas, Fords and Dodges and Chevy's of the same age all seem to look pretty good. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just my imagination? Needless to say, I'm having second thoughts.
  • mahimahimahimahi Member Posts: 497
    In my area(Tampa/St. Pete, FL) the crappiest looking trucks overall are Rangers. Especially the peeling paint and rust. It probably depends on your area and it really depends on the owners. A good friend of mine has a '91 Hardbody with over 100K miles and has never waxed his truck and it looks awesome hardly any fading at all! I have also seen problems of paint peeling on older s-10/s-15's too. I think it's going to depend on how well somebody takes care their vehicle. I used to have my own detail shop and I can tell you that if it's going to be a factory quality problem you'll more than likely see it within the warranty years. I can bet that all the trucks I've seen have been owner neglect not a factory quality issue. If you live up north where it snows, it will probably be hard to combat the salt and keep any vehicle rust-proof.
This discussion has been closed.