Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
for anyone looking for a 4x4 quad at invoice price in stock you may want to look at this web site http://www.autoinvoice.com/ his dealership is in bartlesville ok. and it sounds like he's on the up and up. don't know anything about him just found his site while surfing. if anyone knows anything about mark roberts motors you may want to fill us in
Hey cowtownkid & bookitty glad I took the advise you gave me in post 324-326 and signed up for the farm bureau on 2/18. I found out my QC is in final detail today, goes to QA tomorrow with a ship date of next Tues or Wed. Allowing for three weeks rail time it should get to the dealer around 3/21 which will make me a FB member a day or two over the 30 required. Thanks again for your collective words of wisdom. Carl
Dealer confirmed yesterday restrictions are on front axles. No idea when they'll be lifted. Got price protection for however long it takes to deliver. I think the dealer did this, not Dodge. No luck on the extended warranty.
Haddon - you were right. Dodge has done nothing except commit that mine will be the first built when restrictions are lifted. The dealer (Ganley Cleveland West), on the other hand, has been great to deal with.
My dealer also has been good to work with, but I still think we should be offered ext. warranty at little cost to us. I have e-mailed a couple of people at dodge and got no reply, this tells me they don't care to respond to my suggestions. If they would like me to be a loyal cost. they should do something besides ignore me.
Carl5, Yea, The Farm Bureau is a hellava deal, just so happened I learned of this while ordering, just a day after I signed final papers on acerage in Bosque County. The land can be pretty tricky especially when damp (not wet, we're in a drought)...wonder how the anti-spin axel will work...H'mm maybe a few more rocks or cedar trees in the bed well help when the going gets rough. Anybody have any comments on the anti-spin?
My flame red Dakota sport 4x4 has 125 miles on it.Believe it or not I'm read to customize already. I want to do bed rails,bed liner,front brush guard (all black) and that's for starters. Dodge accessories seem to be real expensive,does anyone know of any sites to look up,maybe I can save some money,(After buying the truck it's almost all gone)..Any help would be great.As far as the truck goes so far so good.
I put on a K&N filter, bed liner and a Gem cap I bought from the Dodge dealer; he got the cap in a month, had the filter and liner in stock. Paid about $100 too much for the cap, but he's the only one who could deliver, painted grey like the truck, looks outstanding. Got a Grizzly push/brush bar and an extend a bed thingy from one shop in Canton GA, price was about the same as others, but they're great guys and always get the job done. Steps bars are coming from GodFather's Customs in ATL, I had a credit to use up. Naturally, they'll take forever - Smittybuilt ones, black. Put a flowmaster muffler on at a terrific shop, Magic Muffler, in N. ATL on Buford HWY. They did my GMC too, sounds really great and I wish the gas mileage would go up, I swear the hp did! I"m broke now, have to save for income tax day now! Starting to stutter just thinking about it. Be careful out there
I once received two replys (using the e-mail addresses from post above) to one inquirey as to when the '01's would start. One said 'don't know" the other, "end of June beginning of July'. Maybe it's all automated and has canned responses depending on key words in your message. All I know is the employees pronounceonunce "Daimler/Chrysler" "Daimler".
called D/C consumer number today on status update on my slt/4.7/5 speed/3.55 lsd/in green.told it had gone D-1, and got no other info....the person did say the 4x4 restrictions were still in place...placed my order on 2/6/00....anyone got a feel for build time from here?also i got a VIN... thanks
thanks for the info....i will be watching the notes til it comes north to Ma. despite the cost of gas going astronomical i can't wait to drive it! hope Detroit doesn't break all our hearts!!! thankfully trucks do not go obsolete as fast as computers.
Bit the hi priced bullet and ordered aluminum (black) tubular side steps through the dealer 1/17. Today, the dealer said they are in, and that they are getting calls from all over the country for them, and that they are only 1 of 3 dealers nationwide that have any in stock (mine). (my Quad doesn't have a build date yet). Somebody is buying this hi-priced Mopar stuff and DC appears to be selling waaaaaaay more Quads than anticipated. Dealer claims they have been notified that ordered builds are processed first in first out, period. ( I assume he means identically equipped).
poolman57 Glad yours is on the move. I ordered mine on 1/17. Supposdly it was to be shipped today but when I called they don't know what happened to it. They said it cleared the facility on 2/25 but they do not know where it is. They said it gotta be someplace but they have no record of where it went. Said to call back in a day or so and hopefully they will have more information. At least they have my name and the dealers name right but the rest is the saga of the missing QC.
I told Ernie about my Expedition, but I believe he holds stock in the petroleum companies. My Expedition drinks so much fuel, that the other day when I stopped for gasoline, I told the guy to fill it. A little later he tapped on the window and asked me to shut off the engine, as his pump couldn't keep up with the Expedition.
Hidy Folks, I'm new to this discussion but I've been reading (and learning a lot) all the posts for a couple of months now. Most of the Information I've gotten here has been very helpful in my quest for a Quad... I ordered a black SLT 4x2 with all the bells and whistles (including limited slip), 4.7 V8, and Automatic on 2/9/00. My local dealer said they were running about 6 weeks for delivery. I called Daimler-Chrysler today (with the toll free number I got here) and spoke with a real nice guy named Matt, and he said the truck shipped by rail on 2/19/00 and was at the railhead in Texas on the 2/23/00. I called my salesman at the dealership and he said he'd heard Friday that my truck was supposed to have been on the assembly line. When I told him what I'd just found out, he said it would probably arrive before the week was out... While we were chatting the car hauler had pulled into the dealer and they were unloading my truck while we were on the phone! When I got home from work tonight there were 2 messages on my ans. machine relaying the good news! I've got no explanation why they were able to get it out so fast but I'm not complaining. It'll be Friday before I can pick it up, so it's gonna be a long week. Thanks to everyone for the help... hawg_ryder
I was reading Men's Health Magazine today, the March 2000 issue, page 102. There is a article about muscle cars. The recommendation was if you loved the '70-71 Dodge Charger with the 440 six pack, try the Dodge Dakota 4.7 liter V-8.
I'm afraid it isn't quite true to say that "someone is buying this high priced Mopar stuff". There are indeed shortages on much of the Mopar accessory line, but not because people are buying them - in fact the exact opposite.
Mopar makes nothing in the accessory line - nothing at all. They are all made for them by third party manufacturers. I don't know off hand who makes the side steps (nerf bars) but if you are that manufacturer what are you going to produce first - the ones with your name on or the ones with Mopar's name on.
Incidentally that Mopar name costs you around 30-40% extra. Special prize to anyone who can find a difference between a Penda drop in liner and a Mopar one (beyond the name on the front).
accessory mark-ups. I would think they have contracts with their vendors for x amount at x cost in x time. My point was that DC under-estimated the first year popularity of the Dak Quad and (attendant mopar accessories) and their "x's" were too small. With their mark-up, they could pay the vendor more than that vendor makes selling their own label, and apparently still sell the stuff, at high mark-up, to the public as witness the scramble by dealers to come up with Mopar nerf bars for customers. Fortunately, for DC, not every customer takes advantage of the excellent information available at sites like this and will simply pay top dollar.
What was the name of that go anywhere vehicle you mentioned in another topic? Can't find it now.
As it turns out the reason I bought the Mopar bedliner is so I won't have to print 'stupid" across my forehead - it's right there in the Mopar symbol on the back of my truck! And if I don't feel 'stupid' enough on any particular day, I can just look at the top of the tailgate (where the dealer didn't put the tape to hold it) and see all 4 FEET of scratched paint residing there.
There is little difference,(except for the price). The problem with the bed liner is that Penda liner is that I live in Syracuse NY and they are out of Texas. I talked to the guy (can't remember his name) $150.00 great right! He said to ship it another $100.00 + or-. So I'm back to where I started. Although my Dealer said he'd come down from $250.00 to $225.00. I'm still looking around. Can't wait much longer though. I did break down and ordered the 2" black bed rails. From $180.00 to $150. STEEP,STEEP I hope the look is worth it.
Sorry, I missed that little exchange (entirely) - they seemed to have 'edited' a few posts over there, but it looks like you chased someone off that Topic completely. How could a comment (or was it maybe something else???) asking info. about an oil filter be misinterpreted? Good thing I missed it. Man, those other Topics can sure get vicious.
I have been waiting for the York Load Lok liner to be produced for the Quad. Today, I saw a liner in a truck shop in Burlington, NJ called a TUFFLINER. Looked good and offered slots to make separate compartments. They have one out for the Dakota Quad, and this dealer quoted me $169.00 installed (under the rail). TUFFLINER has a web site, so be my guest and click on the following URL. www.tufflinerbedliners.com.
Are you just trying to make some of us feel lonely and left out? You ordered 2/9/00 and already have your truck? Maybe there is some truth to your statement as the "railhead" is next door to Texas Motor Speedway, and Dodge wants to see more more involvement in this area...Anyway, still waiting.
My 2000 DQ is built sitting in the rail yard waiting to get loaded. COME TO DADDY BABY! Man the wait has been h_ll. Sold my truck a month ago to get ready for our new one. Just don't realize how much I miss not having my truck.
question, ordered the 4x2 SLT w/plus, which is 15x8 Alum & tire handling group. Did anyone order this? If so did your truck come with wheel flares?
Thanks for the link on the liner.It sounds like a great price. Also is everyone else paying "Dodge prices" for accessories. If not where are you going? Where else can we all go to catch a break. Allen
I believe the flares are only available on the 4X4's. :`-( Trucks ordered with the 31" X 10.5" OWL tires have the flares; but with the 'smaller' P235/75R15XL OWL tires (the 'package' tire) I don't think you get em - check on page 8 of the Dakota brochure to see a 4X4 --intense blue-- w/o the flares. And NONE of the 2W's have em from the factory. Though I've not seen any 4WD's w/o them.
Anyway, here's a thought: tell your wife that gravel will scratch the heck out of your/her paint (and leave grunguy stuff on the side of the doors that will ruin her new dress), and I bet you'll get a check on the spot for the 200 clams it takes to order them. I did. Now I can put pretty much anything I want on the Quad for 'functionality.' ;-)=
i ordered the 4x2. went by the dealer today and he expected to have it this week. its just a matter of making it onto the carrier from the railhead in alliance at this point and then a short 3 hour trip out here to brownwood. my wife will be glad for it to get here so i'll quit talking about it and be out driving it. i will be glad to be able to complain about yellow crud and ticking transmissions and lousy mileage and all the other fun stuff you owners have been talking about!
Just thought I'd come down from my pedestal for a short while to associate with the riff raff and spread more words of wisdom (oh gee please don't let a Tundra owner read that, they'll think I'm serious).
You want to take a nice little drive from Syracuse to see us cousins in the north. I got my Penda, along with sundry other things from a company called Van & Truck World. They have various franchises in Ontario. I can't remember the exact price because I got a discount for buying quite a bit, but I believe that it was C$299 installed (club cab sized). Taxes were on top of that - but you need not worry if you are coming from US. Because they are franchises prices may vary, but if you are interested send me an e-mail and I will give you the name and address of the guy I used north of Toronto. Incidentally the prices are fantastic - I paid around C$3000 for bed liner, A.R.E. LSII tonneau, stainless steel nerf bars and stainless steel grille guard - all installed.
The oil filter mafioso - I dunno what happened there either macguy - but hey what are you suggesting with the Lance-a-lot bit - who have you been talking to (lol).
Diesel Dakota - not heard anything. Could possibly be something to do with a production version of the Power Wagon concept that previewed a while back - that got some good feedback.
Well I'll beeee... I lived in Alabama for a year, and I found out that everybody was "cousins". I never knew that you were all "cousins" up there too. Ey!!!
Does anyone own a Mopar gull wing glass tonneau? I was wondering how it worked, whether it leaked and if it was worth the price? Also, I'm looking for suggestions on ARE, etc.
called D/C today and was told that my 2/7/00 order for green.slt.4x2,4.7,plain jane quad will be shipped on 3/9/00..from factory F....... do not have a clue how long it will take to get to the northeast.... i think this edmund's forum has been great...any of you more literate web types thought about a QUAD page?
The flares only come with the Tire and Handling package but you can add them yourself. The Accessories catalog for Dodge Trucks, which you can pick up at the dealer, lists wheel flares for Rams and Dakotas. $255 in body-color. Doesn't say if its $255 for one or all four.
Thats $255 for all 4, and theyre easy to install yourself. But they may take a month or more to get, I understand theyre on backorder. They come from the factory as part of one of the 4x4 packages only. I bought black "Bushwacker" flares myself. Lots of truck acces. stores stock them. Theyre about $200, and they resemble the flares that came on the older Dakotas (pre '97.
Hang in there buddy... It'll be worth the wait. I picked it up yesterday and I love it!!! Only have about 100 miles on it so far but it is everything I expected. I felt like a car salesman today at work because everyone kept asking me to show it to them (I'm not bitching, it was fun), and tell them all about it. The only thing I've found that wasn't up to snuff is the right front door panel has popped loose from the door. I'm going to run it by the dealer Friday and get them to fix it. I plan to add a rubber deck liner and a hard tonneau, but that's about it. BTW... The controls for the stereo in the steering wheel are worth every penny! Hope ya get yours soon.. hawg_ryder
Anybody have recommendations for a hard tonneau for a Quad Cab. I'm just starting to reasearch it and would be interested in any comments from folks with prior experience. Thanks hawg_ryder
This is small but it is starting to get on my nerves. Everytime I lift the rear seats the Damn seat belts "disappear" then when the seat is put back down for someone to sit on they are a pain to get back out, especially for persons who dont normally ride back there. Thanks for the venting, what a release. Now for a ?. What is that bar/rubber thing under the back of the truck between the spare tire and the bumper?????? It runs from the end of on frame rail to the other?
I had an A.R.E. on my last Dakota, and intend to order one for my new Quad. This will get you to the web site http://www.4are.com. From there, you can access and print a $20.00 coupon if interested. I was quoted $660.00 installed, less the coupon and plus the sales tax. Just an idea.
his dealership is in bartlesville ok. and it sounds like he's on the up and up. don't know anything about him just found his site while surfing. if anyone knows anything about mark roberts motors you may want to fill us in
Haddon - you were right. Dodge has done nothing except commit that mine will be the first built when restrictions are lifted. The dealer (Ganley Cleveland West), on the other hand, has been great to deal with.
Got a Grizzly push/brush bar and an extend a bed thingy from one shop in Canton GA, price was about the same as others, but they're great guys and always get the job done. Steps bars are coming from GodFather's Customs in ATL, I had a credit to use up. Naturally, they'll take forever - Smittybuilt ones, black. Put a flowmaster muffler on at a terrific shop, Magic Muffler, in N. ATL on Buford HWY. They did my GMC too, sounds really great and I wish the gas mileage would go up, I swear the hp did!
I"m broke now, have to save for income tax day now! Starting to stutter just thinking about it.
Be careful out there
Maybe it's all automated and has canned responses depending on key words in your message. All I know is the employees pronounceonunce "Daimler/Chrysler" "Daimler".
thankfully trucks do not go obsolete as fast as computers.
Today, the dealer said they are in, and that they are getting calls from all over the country for them, and that they are only 1 of 3 dealers nationwide that have any in stock (mine). (my Quad doesn't have a build date yet).
Somebody is buying this hi-priced Mopar stuff and DC appears to be selling waaaaaaay more Quads than anticipated.
Dealer claims they have been notified that ordered builds are processed first in first out, period. ( I assume he means identically equipped).
Should I have them store the tubes in a bank???
Nice feather for our caps....
Mopar makes nothing in the accessory line - nothing at all. They are all made for them by third party manufacturers. I don't know off hand who makes the side steps (nerf bars) but if you are that manufacturer what are you going to produce first - the ones with your name on or the ones with Mopar's name on.
Incidentally that Mopar name costs you around 30-40% extra. Special prize to anyone who can find a difference between a Penda drop in liner and a Mopar one (beyond the name on the front).
Fortunately, for DC, not every customer takes advantage of the excellent information available at sites like this and will simply pay top dollar.
What was the name of that go anywhere vehicle you mentioned in another topic? Can't find it now.
Still I did defend your honour from the slightly dodgy (pun intended) guy in the other topic this morning so can you forgive me??????
Oh go on, please.
tpmiller - it was the unimog - made by Mercedes Benz. Don't know how long you spent searching for it, but have a look at my profile!!! DOH!
Anyway, "Thanks, oh exalted one!" :-)
waiting to get loaded. COME TO DADDY BABY!
Man the wait has been h_ll. Sold my truck a
month ago to get ready for our new one. Just
don't realize how much I miss not having my
question, ordered the 4x2 SLT w/plus, which is
15x8 Alum & tire handling group. Did anyone order
this? If so did your truck come with wheel flares?
thanks renegade
Also is everyone else paying "Dodge prices" for accessories. If not where are you going? Where else can we all go to catch a break.
Anyway, here's a thought: tell your wife that gravel will scratch the heck out of your/her paint (and leave grunguy stuff on the side of the doors that will ruin her new dress), and I bet you'll get a check on the spot for the 200 clams it takes to order them. I did. Now I can put pretty much anything I want on the Quad for 'functionality.'
i will be glad to be able to complain about yellow crud and ticking transmissions and lousy mileage and all the other fun stuff you owners have been talking about!
You want to take a nice little drive from Syracuse to see us cousins in the north. I got my Penda, along with sundry other things from a company called Van & Truck World. They have various franchises in Ontario. I can't remember the exact price because I got a discount for buying quite a bit, but I believe that it was C$299 installed (club cab sized). Taxes were on top of that - but you need not worry if you are coming from US. Because they are franchises prices may vary, but if you are interested send me an e-mail and I will give you the name and address of the guy I used north of Toronto. Incidentally the prices are fantastic - I paid around C$3000 for bed liner, A.R.E. LSII tonneau, stainless steel nerf bars and stainless steel grille guard - all installed.
The oil filter mafioso - I dunno what happened there either macguy - but hey what are you suggesting with the Lance-a-lot bit - who have you been talking to (lol).
Diesel Dakota - not heard anything. Could possibly be something to do with a production version of the Power Wagon concept that previewed a while back - that got some good feedback.
I was wondering how it worked, whether it leaked and if it was worth the price? Also, I'm looking for suggestions on ARE, etc.
Jim Buckingham
do not have a clue how long it will take to get to the northeast....
i think this edmund's forum has been great...any of you more literate web types thought about a QUAD page?
a green light to order as soon as the truck
gets here!
Later Renegade