Chevy S10 Owner Reviews



  • mdm4mdm4 Member Posts: 33
    Joe, I also have a 4 cyl. with a 5spd, the 29mpg that you get is that mostly highway doing 55 mph?
  • leroydriverleroydriver Member Posts: 2
    I've just purchased my new S-10 in July of 2001 and I've been back to the dealer 7 times in 5 months! Everytime I tell them to fix the same problem they come back with a different excuse for the shaking that occurs at 55 to 65mph and 1800 rpm's.Does anyone know about a drivetrain problem or any recall's? I would really like to hear anybody's opinion on this problem. I'm about a phone call away from my lawyer! Also, this truck after 5 months has terrible interior design. The interior rattles and creeks all the time, even on smooth roads! Please e-mail or post your response here. Thanks!
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    Yes 55 to 60 mph,at 70 mph interstate 25 mpg.
    I have found that if i go 67mph on the interstate it down shifts less on hills so lots better than 25 mpg. 4 cyl- auto- std cab- fiberglass cap.The 4 cyl really needs another 20 hp.
  • minikinminikin Member Posts: 389
    Covering the bed will increase your fuel mileage. How much depends on truck, how you drive it, how much weight you've just added. Can vary from zero gain to a couple of mpg; both extremes. Just lowering or removing the tail gate will always make it worse; from not noticeable to something significant.
    -- Don
  • tsjaytsjay Member Posts: 4,591
    I have heard that lowering the tail gate is not good for the back fenders. They are free to flex without the tail gate being up to provide cross direction support. They can become loose after being allowed to flex while the tail gate is down for extended periods.

    At highway speeds, the tailgate being removed or lowered could cause less wind resistance and slightly better mileage, I would think, but to me the small gain in gas mileage would not be worth the risk of long term weakening of the fenders.

    Just my two cents worth.

  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    Wind tunnel tests prove just the opposite.You might gain some milage by leaving the tail gate off,less weight better milage.
  • eharri3eharri3 Member Posts: 640
    That speaker rattle...this may sound ridiculously obvious and also probably doent matter much anymore since you're trading trucks, but one
    thing Ive noticed on my 95 Ranger with 77 thousand miles is that the little knob on the window handle has come a bit loose and rattles when bass-heavy songs send vibrations through the door panel. IF you have manual windows, have you discouned this possibility already?

  • cajun626cajun626 Member Posts: 54
    My '97 X-Cab has the stock Uniroyal Tiger Paw 205/75/15 tires. Has anyone tried a slightly wider tire to improve traction? How much can I change the diameter of the tire b/f I start messing up the speedo, etc.? What tire would be a good replacement? I don't want to spend a lot and I don't need truck tires.
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    I run 215/75/15's on my '97...I don't see
    much difference in speed, and when I run through
    one of those speed indicators that the local
    police set up every now and then, it seems
    accurate enough for me...I run Cooper Discoverer
    Radials....anything is better than the Uniroyals
    where traction is concerned, although I did put
    90,000 miles on that original set before I
    replaced them...that's hard to beat !!!

    Also, if you can find some, you can go to a
    215/70/15 tire which will not affect the wheel's
    diameter, but will increase the width...
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    Drive on the interstate at 60 mph and it should take 60 sec to go between the mile markers.
  • cajun626cajun626 Member Posts: 54
    Thanks for the tire info. I'm only at 37K miles. What problems have you had so far?
  • jim4444jim4444 Member Posts: 124
    A good idea would be to go to a tire store and check what tires are available by that exact size.

    Those uniroyals are junk, I went with Michelins of a different size and a Hypertech reprogrammer to recalibrate the speedometer, but if you stay with the same size tire you should be ok.
  • kaz25kaz25 Member Posts: 2
    Been driving the 4.3 auto for about 5 years and been happy. I want to get the newer style when this finally gives out. Done all the maint myself and its not too bad. Spark plugs can only be installed through wheelwell. Don't even try from the hood. The front end steering links were worn pretty bad and changed it all for about $110.
    but it stills wears out tires way too quick. I would not recommend buying the 4 cyl. but there are lots of them around so you may be able to bargain down the price. The v6 has been very reliable.
  • cajun626cajun626 Member Posts: 54
    Don't dog my Tiger Paws. You get a super smooth ride and long treadlife (at 37K miles they almost look new). Also when it's raining I get a scary ride that puts anything at Disneyworld to shame. ;)
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    What kind of problems??? Do you mean tire-wise,
    or all-around ???

    Tire wise, I haven't had any
    I said, the Uniroyals from the factory lasted
    just over 90,000 miles...I ran them all the way
    down to the treadwear indicators, and I probably
    only rotated them twice...I add 600 miles a
    week to my truck at a minimum, all of it highway.
    I used to average close to 30mpg, but now it's
    down to around 26, which is probably because
    I need some diagnostics done on some of the
    sensors to see what's up...that, or perhaps the
    fact that I have close to 159,000 miles on this
    little 4-banger has something to do with it...

    All I've had to do as far as repairs go is
    a rear U-joint, a fan clutch, and a new front
    grille (after hitting a deer)...aside from routine
    oil changes, plugs, brake pads and shoes, coolant,
    air and fuel filters, and chassis lubrications,
    this thing has been nothing but a joy to own...
  • jim4444jim4444 Member Posts: 124
    Thats why they had to go, it rains alot here!
  • pziggypziggy Member Posts: 7
    I am in the market to purchase a 2002 crew cab in the next week..anything good bad or indifferent I should know about or should I avoid at all costs..please help..thank you
  • PAmanPAman Member Posts: 207
    I have a 2000 S-10 extended cab, with the V-6, automatic and every other option except the locking rear end. It is a two-wheel drive, and I have driven several S-10 Blazer 4WD models as rental vehicles when travelling in snow country.

    I'm very satisfied with my S-10. The 4.3L V-6 is by far the most powerful engine you can get in a compact pickup. Yes, the Dodge Dakota can be equipped with a V-8, but it is larger and, I believe, more expensive. Some owners in other forums have also talked about major problems with the Dodge Dakota.

    You should be able to get a good deal on one; there's lots of attention being focused on the new Trailblazer, and the next generation S-10 will be out in a couple of years.

    Good luck!

  • jjstokes0430jjstokes0430 Member Posts: 16
    I have a 2000 Sonoma S-10 4 cyl 5 speed. I have 2 concerns about my truck. In neutral with the engine running and your foot off the clutch there is a noise like marbles rolling around. Also the the thumb wheel that controls the dash lights and turns on the interior lights doesn't light up at night. All the other symbols on the light switch do. Of course the dealer says both are normal. How about it?
  • 18fan18fan Member Posts: 129
    I have a 98 S-10 4 cyl. so pretty much same setup as yours. The thumbwheel for the dash light dimmer does not light up and I never thought anything about it. It is large enough that I can find it by feel in the dark anyway. Mine is an automatic so don't have the "marbles" sound you describe. Have had a few problems with it but overall has been a good truck & fun to drive.
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    Mine's been doing that for as long as
    I can remember....must be something to
    do with the throw-out bearing or something...
    heck, I don't know, but when I parked my
    truck this morning, the odometer read 159,001,
    so if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much
    about it....

    I don't know anything about the way your
    dash light dimmer works or how/where it's
    mounted, but I can't recall mine ever being
    illuminated....mine is next to the head light
    switches on the far left side of the dash...
    one problen I did have once was that my
    dash lights went dark a couple of times, but
    that turned out to be a bad fuse connection,
    'cause all I did was flip the fuse over and
    re-insert it and it hasn't happened since...
  • jjstokes0430jjstokes0430 Member Posts: 16
    Thanks to 18fan and the5car for your reply. My truck is almost 2 years old and if there are things I need to complain about then I had better get started before the warranty runs out. Thanks to you 2 and your replies I think I will just leave things alone. Other than the two concerns mentioned I have no complaints. Thanks again people.
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    The forum below is an excellent source

    for S-10 how-to's and repair....

    They cover a whole host of problems all the

    time, and the link above just happens to

    focus on the 'marble' sound you're noticing...


    Pretty cool, huh ???

  • pziggypziggy Member Posts: 7
    we went out and purchased our crew cab the other day, all in all it was well worth the time and effort that we put into the decision. Our dealer went out of their way to help us purchase the vehicle..after the rebates but adding tax we got it for just over 22K..after looking at similar posts we got a good wife just loves it, now I have to fight her over who drives it next.
  • dennisdixondennisdixon Member Posts: 5
    Any one have experience with the fuel gauge not reading properly? The needle is just left of the full mark. The dealer said it was normal but after service manager and I filled another S10 and the needle moved all the way past full to the right he said there was a problem.

    First attempt to fix--They replaced the sending unit in September 01--problem never changed.

    Second attempt to fix--They agreed to change the instrument module but instead installed another sending unit January 02. The problem did not change.

    Third attempt to fix--Feb 02--said they took a cluster out of another S10 and temporarily installed in mine. The gauge did not read differently so they told me the condition is normal and nothing can be done.

    Now Chevrolet Customer Assistance says the situation is a normal operating condition. They will not do anything further.

    Any suggestions or has anyone had this problem? Could there be a step missing from the GM installation of the sending unit? Would there be any procedure that would require some type of calibration of the fuel gauge to the sending unit?

    The truck has only 2300 miles on it.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    My Sonoma reads above full when filled.My Cavalier read above full until the sender was replaced on recall,now it reads right at full.I would say your problem is sender unit,the float wire needs to be bent so the float does not touch the top of the tank before the potentiometer goes full scale.
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    I'm here to announce the new Chevrolet S-10 Owners club now available on Owners Club board. Please stop by and introduce yourself in Meet the Members and let me know how I can help build your club.

    I have linked this discussion into that folder, but it will always reside here in Pickups.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!

    Owners Clubs
  • buck351buck351 Member Posts: 2
    I had bought a 1996 extended cab SL new with the 4.3 V6, 5 speed manual and locking rearend. At the time I almost bought the Tacoma but decided on the S-10 since it was alittle less with the same items. So after about 40k I started thinking I should have got the Tacoma and now after 67k I am sure. I use the truck for personel use occationally hauling something from the store, a motorcycle, etc. Lite hualing use. I have run synthetic oil in the engine, trans and rearend. To date this is the history of repairs:
    -engine doesn't slow down sometimes until you hit 5-8mph. Hangs 1300-2200 rpm. They never found the cause. Random problem sometimes slows down the speeds back up. Very strange thank god I have manual trans.
    -water pump @ 40+k (question this one)
    -brakes front & rear 40+k (acceptable)
    -main seal power steering ~43k (unacceptable)
    -~45k right front upper ball joint broke. Lucky only going 20-25mph. (unacceptable)
    -left upper ball joint broke ~55k. Lucky again backing out of garage. Chevy mechanic said it was ok when the fixed the first one.(unacceptable)
    -Top transmission seal leaking. (unacceptable)
    -66k bad u-joint in drive shaft (vibrations). Had to have u-joints replace, hanger bearing and the shaft had to be straightened/balanced. Shaft was bent. I don't do hole shots or carry heavy loads. (unacceptable)
    -66k oil leak in oil pan or rear main seal. Pan most likely according to mechanic. Also rear main seal on trans starting to leak. (unacceptable)
    -Last two trucks were Nissans and I didn't do any of these repairs in 120k. Nissan didn't have the V6 available when I was buying.

    So from my experience I don't see me owning any more of these trucks. Even my wife who owned GM products her whole life didn't want to buy any more GM products after we owned the truck. She was free to buy whatever she wanted. Has a Maxima now. Looking for replacement now.
  • jrosasmcjrosasmc Member Posts: 1,711
    Is the current S-10's chassis the exact same thing that was introduced with the 1st generation in 1982?
  • jim4444jim4444 Member Posts: 124
    In 1994 the S10 was all new, new body and chassis, about the only things from the old S10 are the 4.3 V6 drivetrains.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    What mileage are owners getting? I am getting 15 MPG city and 17 to 17.5 on highway. Hoping that MPG on hwy will improve.
  • leadfoot4leadfoot4 Member Posts: 593
    Do you have 2WD or 4WD ??
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    I have 4WD. All the CC's are 4WD with the 4.3 and automatic. Not really much to choose except color and cloth or leather. EPA mpg listed is 15 city and 20 hwy so I am not surprised about my 15 mpg city, but I was hoping to get 20 on hwy as I am very easy on the gas pedal. The problem with the mileage is that the S-10 weighs 4000 lbs. It needs to loose 500 to 800 lbs in my opinion.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    I would say thats about right,the manufactures are fighting any mandated increase in fuel milage right now,makes you feel good doesn't it.
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    considering that Tom Daschle is the one spearheading the CAFE fight lately, i am quite sure its not about CARING, but about making the government and the enviro-wackos look good.
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    besides, most of the standard "things" the manufacturers do to increase mileage, such as building a POS like the Aspire just to boost the average (and endangering those dumb enough to drive them), and tinkering with emissions and such, which compromises the power and towing and hauling capabilities. i myself would like to see modest improvements where they can be made. but i sure dont think a Ram 3500 should get 40 mpg like Puff Daschle does. what a self-centered [non-permissible content removed].
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    the things i typed are true and unbiased. does it matter what my party affiliation is? to answer your question, yes i am a republican. but would what i said be less true if i was Democrat? just something to think about.
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    I just checked a website, Cars Direct. i looked up the s-10, and its is an awesome deal. they have a loaded truck with lots of goodies for like 16 grand!! i know i dissed them before, but theyre offering a great deal on a better than average truck. if i hadnt already bought a ranger i would check it out closer. i would still avoid the 2.2l though.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    could tell that from thousands of miles away,my vote will cancel out yours.
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    i wasnt being hateful. i said the truth. i think we all should do what we can. and we should choose the party or person who can help us the most as a country. and it isnt who you think it is. look into it. please.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    Could you post what engine, transmission, and what mpg you get city/highway in your S-10's?
  • mjbwrtrmjbwrtr Member Posts: 172
    mine was an s-10 Tahoe, 1993, with 2.8 liter v6 and stick. i got 27 on the highway and something like 19 in town. i was very happy with it. i didnt have to do anything but change oil and get gas.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    I found out many years ago that all people don't think alike.The baby boomers are starting to retire they will have the same agenda i have,thats going to be interesting.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    99 Sonoma std cab auto a/c 2.2 175 lb Leer cap.29 mpg at 55 to 60 mph and 25 mpg at 70 mph.I have come to the conclusion it needs 20 more hp.The 2.2 EcoTec would be perfect.
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    97 S-10 LS Std cab/short bed, 2.2L/5speed...
    161,000 miles...around 27mpg, all at highway
    speeds of 55-75mph...
  • yellowdryellowdr Member Posts: 41
    After 4200 miles on my 2001 4x4 crew cab I can report an average of 16mpg in town and 20-21 on the highway. The highway trips include 50 miles per tank in town or around town as well so I expect the "all road" mileage to be slightly better. Time will tell.
    Chevy NEEDS to fix the gas gauge. It has been a constant problem in chevs since my "69" malibu...

    Nice truck..but does anyone know if Chevy will continue to make an S10 in 2003? All Edmund's reviewer will talk about is the "OLD" S10 being replaced by the "Dodge like" Colorado!

    Any news?
  • the5carthe5car Member Posts: 26
    If you click on the 'Reviews' link above,
    then scroll down to the section that says
    'Future Cars', select "Chevrolet' and you'll
    get some information on the 2004 Colorado
    that's slated to replace the S-10, along
    with a new mid-size truck model in 2005
    that is expected to compete with the Dakota...
  • rob129rob129 Member Posts: 8
    check mesg.#465,469,474,&491;Haven,t been on the website in awhile due to computer problems.Bought a new compaq and it was a lemon,anyway after the 4th time in shop my 98 chevy zr-2 tranny now shifts from 1st to 2nd ok.80,000 miles on truck now.Sorry can't tell you what exactly what they( GMC) did, but can tell you what parts were used.Installed solenoids for tcc&pcs,r&r valve body for modification-replaced spacer & gaskets,replaced filter parts=495.00,labor348.00,total$885.00.Due to service manager never billing me they agreed to $423.00 for their cost of parts & 2hrs. labor.Since trans.problems I've had to replace water pump and rear u-joint.Still have original brakes so that's probaly next.I'll probaly keep truck another year or 2 since I just bought my neighbors car.(1992 buick le sabre 8,000 miles!!!91 year old lady passed away) Will make for a good work car, now s-10 can take a long nap & get used when weather is bad.
  • timz58timz58 Member Posts: 44
    I just traded off my 98 Sonoma Ext Cab SLS 3 door on a Honda CRV. Hated to see it go but the Honda will make a better rig tow tow behind our motor home. The GMC had the 4.3 Vortec and lots of power. It rode a little stiff for a two wheel drive but had good load capacity and never failed me anywhere. Mileage was in the low 20's with mostly 75-80 MPH highway travel. The OEM Uniroyals were fine in all kinds of weather. You had to use a light foot on the throttle (especially in the wet weather) or the tires would break loose(gobs of torque from the 4.3) but I experienced no hydro planing of excessive slippage. I pulled a 3,000 # trailer numerous times with a bumper hitch, no trailer brakes and never wanted for power or stopping ability. Dislikes were a not too comfortable seat, wind and road noise, poor body integrity(as compared to our 99 Accord) and some minor electrical problems. My wife is only 5'1" and had to sit on a pillow to drive it comfortably. The muffler was replaced under warranty at about 34,000 miles when a baffle came loose. We got $10,000 trade on the Honda with the Sonoma having only 38000 miles. Original purchase price was about $16000. I've read lots of negative reports on Edmunds and in Consumers Guide but experienced nothing especially troubling with the vehicle and would have recommended it to anyone without worry.
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