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Think of the ED price as the new full retail price...yes, you can negotiate a lower total price. Options have a good markup, and you're paying full price on those, plus, there's a markup on the vehicle, even at that 7% off. Then, consider that the vehicle does not come out of the dealer's allotment, but counts in his quota and he does not have to pay any 'floorplan' on the vehicle (essentially rent to the manufacturer for the vehicle before it is sold). Essentially, an ED sale is an 'extra' sale that they may never have gotten in the first place.
Note, if it's convenient for you, you might consider taking US delivery at the performance center - you have to pay to get there and home, but they pay for the hotel, meals, some time on the track, a tour of the factory, and a redelivery checkout while you're there. It's a neat experience. I did this last year, and would consider it again, if I have the time.
The performance center is in Greensborough, SC. It sits across the street from the X? factory (where, except for the new X1, they make all of the X vehicles for the world). It has (race and performance) driving instruction at their own track. You get a couple of hours on the track with an instructor (in a similar car, not yours!) as part of it.
There's a lot of info on the BMWUSA website. If ordering any vehicle, rather than one off the lot, you can have it delivered there verses at your dealer. This includes ED vehicles - they just send it there verses the dealer's. While there, they cover the lodging and food and will pick you up at the airport for free. You arrive sometime the afternoon of your appointment date - they cover supper, breakfast at the hotel, and lunch at the performance center. You're done later in the afternoon. If you want to stay another night, it's on you.
You can combine ED and performance center. The difference will be you need to add couple of weeks to your schedule after the turning the vehicle in Germany, because the Performance Center will not schedule the delivery before the car clears the customs. Example: I turned my car in Munich on October 31, they called me for an appointment in Greenville around December 10 and I took delivery on December 23rd.
Regarding the pricing - yes, basic schedule, both MSRP and invoice discount the base model at 7% and options are at not discounted. So to build your "invoice for ED" take 7% off invoice price of the US delivery and add options at same price as invoice. To build MSRP for ED, do the same at MSRP levels.
If you opt for re-delivery at the performance center, have your sales rep do the paperwork early so you are more likely to get a slot ASAP. They tell me that they use the build date as a preference when scheduling, but the request date also plays a part in when you get an appointment.
I picked mine up a couple of weeks after it hit the port. Keep in mind that ED vehicles don't get the same blanket customs/EPA clearance as a brand new car...they spot check them to make sure you haven't secreted some contraband in the vehicle and this generally adds at least a day or two to a new one going to the dealer. then, they reprogram the NAV with the USA maps, and maybe add any options not on the vehicle when delivered to you in Munich. This can take some extra time over a brand new vehicle that comes from the factory with the correct maps, etc.
If you took the time to visit the factory while in Munich, the extra factory tour isn't as unique...the vehicles are different, but they use most of the same techinques. A big difference is, you'll be at ground level, walking through the factory on the floor in the USA, verses on elevated walkways in Munich (for the most part). While you don't get all that much track time, it is a treat - and, you aren't trashing your car! Not sure how many tires they go through, but the vehicles I saw and drove only had a few thousand miles on them, and the tires were much worse for wear (not unsafe, but definately not something you'd want to take a trip with!).
Delivery at the PC, is worth doing, at least once.
Redelivery at the PC has no impact on what you pay for the car, however you purchase it. PC is also (was?) available on any car ordered, whether you do ED or not. It cannot be used for a car you pick out at the dealer's, since that would cost a lot more to reship back there, and it wouldn't make much sense.
Note, if it's convenient for you, you might consider taking US delivery at the performance center - you have to pay to get there and home, but they pay for the hotel, meals, some time on the track, a tour of the factory, and a redelivery checkout while you're there. It's a neat experience. I did this last year, and would consider it again, if I have the time.
There's a lot of info on the BMWUSA website. If ordering any vehicle, rather than one off the lot, you can have it delivered there verses at your dealer. This includes ED vehicles - they just send it there verses the dealer's. While there, they cover the lodging and food and will pick you up at the airport for free. You arrive sometime the afternoon of your appointment date - they cover supper, breakfast at the hotel, and lunch at the performance center. You're done later in the afternoon. If you want to stay another night, it's on you.
Regarding the pricing - yes, basic schedule, both MSRP and invoice discount the base model at 7% and options are at not discounted. So to build your "invoice for ED" take 7% off invoice price of the US delivery and add options at same price as invoice. To build MSRP for ED, do the same at MSRP levels.
2018 430i Gran Coupe
I picked mine up a couple of weeks after it hit the port. Keep in mind that ED vehicles don't get the same blanket customs/EPA clearance as a brand new car...they spot check them to make sure you haven't secreted some contraband in the vehicle and this generally adds at least a day or two to a new one going to the dealer. then, they reprogram the NAV with the USA maps, and maybe add any options not on the vehicle when delivered to you in Munich. This can take some extra time over a brand new vehicle that comes from the factory with the correct maps, etc.
If you took the time to visit the factory while in Munich, the extra factory tour isn't as unique...the vehicles are different, but they use most of the same techinques. A big difference is, you'll be at ground level, walking through the factory on the floor in the USA, verses on elevated walkways in Munich (for the most part). While you don't get all that much track time, it is a treat - and, you aren't trashing your car! Not sure how many tires they go through, but the vehicles I saw and drove only had a few thousand miles on them, and the tires were much worse for wear (not unsafe, but definately not something you'd want to take a trip with!).
Delivery at the PC, is worth doing, at least once.
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