Scion tC



  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    I will let you know what I decide. I may just hold with the Sportage 4x4 but I don't think so. It's time to take the plunge!

    Good fortune on your tC purchase, too. Hey, BTW, what iteration of Release Series is the tC on, anyway, is it Scion tC RS 2.0? What color will it be?

    The same as the Scion xA RS 3.0's color, sort of a metallic blue-green color?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    The tC is the RS. 3.0. (technically 2.0 but called 3). The tC has a well... Check yourself! Its too much to list.

    I don't blame you for the sportage. My mom had one and it had 1,000,000 problems from front badge to spare tire. Its funny how we got out of it too. We went to a used car convention at the orange bowl and were getting a bmw 328i. She saw a miata and test drove it for almost 3hours. She bought it and is happier than her sportage's problems!

    -Cj :shades:
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    in that Blue Streak Mica. The list price is $18,880 for it but it's worth every penny of it IMO. I test drove a Scion tC RS 1.0 in that Absolutely Red color. Nice driving machine and plenty of pick-up for me. Good throaty sound on acceleration and an easy coupe to drive.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • snugharborsnugharbor Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone seen the different upholstery in a Spec tc vs. a reg (base) tc?
    My husband and I are looking at a tc for him to commute in. We came across the Spec version on CarsDirect and Edmunds and the price is right for us. We've been in a regular (base) tc and really like the interior. We can do without the moonroof and the other minor changes, but are really concerned about a downgrade in the fabric. Anyone been in one? Your thoughts?
  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    I have seen the Spec and drove it. The seats are fine. The weave of the fabric is not as tight as the base model. That is not to say it is not durable, just different. I have the same thoughts as you, since I don't care for the sun roof. The other changes are minor but just to let you know. 1. No radio control on the steering wheel. (no big deal to me. 2. No cruise control (again no big deal. 3 No decorative cover over the engine (if I didn't tell you, you would have never known. 4. The wheels are 16" vs 17" which actually is a plus. The tires are actually more durable, but if you plan on taking curves at high speed you would see a difference (you should also shoot your husband if he does). 5. The wheel covers are just junky looking. If I decide on the TC spec I will buy either a decent set of wheel covers or spring for new wheels.

    I drove both models and could not tell the difference in ride, comfort. Actually the spec is likely to be quieter with the fixed moon roof.

    Hope this helps.
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    But there is a difference on the release series tC! Those seats are the most comfortable! It also comes standard with the Side Curtain Airbags!! That last one was anonymous to me until recently. For $19k(rounded, you get a lotta car with that release series tC!! Only if they would keep those seats... Or add the auto dimming mirror with home link...

    -Cj :)
  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    As I mentioned the seat fabric on the spec is different, however I did notice any difference in comfort. I am however rather slight of build.

    I was not aware that side curtin airbags were standard and thought those remain an option.

    The original premise of your question was if the difference in price of between the spec and the base model would leave you with a significantly different car. My assessement was intended to be as objective as I could be pointing out the major differences in the trim and equipment.

    Candidly if the interior makes that big of a difference, get the spec model and get leather seats. I priced them this morning from a place that specializes in custom interior upgrades for cars. (they do that for dealerships. The price difference between the spec just about covers that cost.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    no, in answer to your question to me earlier, I'm not confused as to what Scion I'd want.

    You have been known to want a Scion tC RS 3.0, right?

    I would like a 2006(or 2007 if they're about out to dealer lots)Scion xA in 5-speed, Polar White form. I'd run over after getting one to Pep Boys and buy some Proline alloy wheels for it, though. Nice reflective wheels make this car the unique automobile it can be.

    I would go for a 2007 Scion tC Spec in Polar White, Flint Mica or Classic Metallic Silver, too. 5-speeder, of course.

    With a new xA only costing $13,320 it would seem tragic to not add the obligatory nicer wheels, IMO. It makes a plain xA look Release Series-able immediately!

    Let me add to those additions an armrest if not already installed at the factory. I am an armrest kind of guy, most definitely. :D

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Are an option on all tC models. However, it is Standard on the Release Series Model.

    The original premise of your question was if the difference in price of between the spec and the base model would leave you with a significantly different car. My assessment was intended to be as objective as I could be pointing out the major differences in the trim and equipment.

    Ok that depends on personal prefrences. I prefer the audio controls on the steering wheel as its better to need them and not have them. I require an opening sunroof as i'm kinda claustrophobic. I love driving my accord home and being able to have the sunroof and all 4 windows open and watching the sunset! Its the greatest & most unexplainable feeling ever and something i don't think I'd be comfortable without. The sound of my engine sounds good too! ;) And since going from 170hp in my accord to 160hp in a tC -eventually- won't be all that bad. The mpg is about the same also!

    So IMO, the price spent on the regular model versus the spec model is worth it and the price is well justified.
    When choosing between a between a spec and regular tC remember this:
    No opening sunroof, no nice rims, no controls on the steering wheel, and not as many colors to choose from. So why not spend the extra $2.5k(automatic) for a nicer vehicle? If only toyota used a 5 speed auto to keep revs down... :cry:

    -Cj :shades:
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    I agree about the armrest! For me add a cupholder for the rear to that list! Sharing 1 1/2 cupholder between 4 people isn't fun! Do you like the stock audio system, the upgraded one or will you change altogether?

    -Cj :)
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    audio system in the xA. One thing I kept doing during my xA test drive with the steering wheel audio controls was I kept hitting the volume control when I wanted to change the radio station and vice versa. I'd need to keep using those after buying the car until I got comfortable with it. I wasn't really paying attention to it during the drive-I was too busy blabbing to my son and the salesman about the driving dynamics of the xA-which were pretty fun, BTW. I would have a ball with that car. :D

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    I suppose so!! The biggest problem at hand is getting rid of the sportage. My moms 2002 sportage had 22k miles and when we got it appraised (in 2003) was worth only 5k. That was disappointing... One dealer wouldn't even accept it. Good luck to you with that! Is that xA on your carspace the one you bought/going to buy? Looks nice! But still I ♥ tC better.

    -Cj :)
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    that xA is somebody else's but I like the color of it so I used it on carspace.

    Our 2001 Kia Sportage 4x4 is worth about $4,000 right now for our rural Arizona zip code, according to If the Scion dealer in Tucson I go to won't accept the Sportage 4x4 in trade I won't accept them as my dealer and I'll walk. Simple as that. I hold the cards in that deal!

    Hey, autoboy. I looked for your e-mail address on carspace and it said "not available" or something like that. Do you need to go in and make it available to carspace members? Check it out, man.

    Oh, about the tC. I love it, too. Absolutely love it. It's just that I want a 4-door rig to replace the 4-door rig I have now. But the tC is an awesome looking car. I test drove a 2005 Scion tC RS 1.0 and it drove really nicely. It was Absolutely Red and a 5-speed. I'd love to have that car, indeed. Maybe I'll get my wife a tC and myself an xA! :D Only she'll need the tC to be an automatic transmission. Drat!

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    I'm like her. I worked on my manual skills a few times on my moms old sportage. It was cool, confusing, and well... DIFFERENT!! The only way I'd get a manual will be auto stick. Toyota has some nice 5speed automanuals. They should drop on in the tc, xa, xb! The 5sp is good, but the 4 auto is a little dated -though not like GM's 4speed :P - and should be up graded. I guess once again i'm just nit-picking again :blush:?

    A 5 speed automanuals should help auto owners have fun, keep revs down on the highway and get better MPG. If they do that, a rear wiper should be added then also...

    -Cj :P
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    nitpicking. The reason is the automakers will take the ideas and consider adding them to the vehicles in questions.

    Automakers do look at forums like this and they do take our opinions seriously.

    So nitpick away, autoboy16! :D

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    I have been looking at which model to purchase and for me there are trade offs. The difference in the price is not the issue rather than the level of equipment. I really could care less about the sunroof and given the winter driving requirement 17" wheels and tires is not as desirable as 16" on the Spec.

    I have reviewed both models in depth and thought that what I learned might be useful to others.

    As everyone knows the TC spec has less content (or decontened) as it is called. The obvious things are the functioning sunroof, no cruise control, no radio controls on the steering wheel that on the spec is also no leather. The arm rest on the spec is not fabric covered nor has a dual opening lid.

    The front grill on the spec is absent a small piece of chromium trim, the passenger door does not have a key to open it from the outside and naturally the tires are 16" mounted on steel wheels versus alloy's and 17".

    Inside the engine compartment the plastic cover is absent on the spec with no other changes evident.

    The $1,400 price difference roughly 8% less is not the issue versus getting features that have little value or utility but that is a subjective and personal choice. Perhaps others may find this useful.

    After kicking it around I ordered the spec and have already arranged for leather interior to be installed ($1,400). In addition I have ordered cruise to be added ($180) a lip spoiler and will wait till the spring to decide on wheels.
  • jaxs1jaxs1 Member Posts: 2,697
    Wow. You took the savings of the decontened cheap Spec and threw that money away into aftermarket leather seat covers?
  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    Yes I did.

    Your comment suggests that the aftermarket leather seat covers is a poor decision or I assume you imply a less than quality job, far from it. The leather includes the seats, doors etc and done by a company that also does it for BMW's etc. As I noted I could care less about the sunroof and the other items are frankly trivial issues. I have already ordered the wheels which I intend on keeping 17"'s a smarter choice for all around driving. The cruise control addition is pocket change and I will wait to see if the stock radio is a keeper or not. Oh by the way the leather instaler also is fabricating a new sunscreen, to replace the stock POS.

    The above makes sense for me and I am not suggesting the right call for others.

    From what I read many people swap out their tires immediately anyways and bluntly 18" wheels and tires on the TC is for many (not all) a marginal choice.
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    the most amazing thing happened yesterday! My dad was saying how the tC is as pitiful as the mitsubishi galant and how they drive poorly and stuff. His friend came by yesterday in his daughters tC and took him to his friends house and all my dad could say when he got home was how great a car it really is -minus the dash- and how neat the 2 sunroofs are and how cool the turn signals in the mirror are, ect. Then he went on and on about the power and how well the ac works and so on. I think he likes it...

    Most likely, he is going to check one out today (as well as the maxima which he adores) and never hush about it. The sunroof, hatch, radio cover and rear room seem to be is favorite points. He thinks it starts almost $26k. BOY IS HE MISTAKEN!! :P

    -Cj :P
  • jmw1414jmw1414 Member Posts: 1
    i just recently bought a tC and its the best! i love everything about it and its the hot natical blue! im just feeling out the car and i noticed a av jack in the arm rest. i was just wondering if i could hook up my mp3 player to this go buy a cord for it...or is it just for say a dvd or something? just wondering..... and does any 1 know where i could get cheap floor mats? anyways...anyone thinking baout getting one its def a good buy! i love it and love driving it! :D
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    "does any 1 know where i could get cheap floor mats?"

    Yes your local toyota dealer. They sell for a LOW price of ONLY about $200. :P Or if you need some that last and are cheap, try discount auto parts or whatever they are calling it now. Is it Advance auto parts or something? :confuse: They sell for the high price of only $19.50 around here. May have changed.

    -Cj :P
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Is it oddly possible to add an aftermarket rear wiper system?? Reversing camera sounds good too...

    -Cj :confuse:
  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    Anything can be added to any car, it is just a matter of time and money.

    I had a rear wiper on a Eclipse years ago and frankly did not think it was all that helpful, but that is my opinion.

    RainX is a great idea and works very well.
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Since 2007 is confirmed to be absolutely the last year for the Xa and Xb, toyota needs to think of some vehicles for scion quick, fast, and in a hurry!!

    Here are some ideas I think would be cool:

    A diesel tC(with 5 spd auto thats shared with the current tC)

    A tC sedan(5 passenger, big sunroof optional, civic sized) with an optional diesel. Called tS for touring sedan (as tC is touring coupe)

    A tV (a 5+ passenger mini-minivan similar to mazda5)Tv short for Touring van

    A txB (New less-boxy more aerodynamic xB built off either the corolla/matrix or the Camry platform with either the 1.8l I4 from the corolla or the 2.4I4 from the tC)

    A txA (Matrix replacement, new xA with tCs gadgets and the already mentioned engines)


    -Cj :)
  • karportkarport Member Posts: 13
    The new Xa and XB are already designed in initial production and you will see them by January.

    IF Scion continues to target its market to 18-30 don't expect to see a diesel or any design that more appropriately should be branded a Toyota.

    I have no inside information but expect to see more than marginal changes to the TC in 08 with a new design in 09.
  • diane14diane14 Member Posts: 2
    My son had purchased a Scion TC 2006 - he got anxious and bought 4 new tires and rims - Venti V56 black dual 5 spoke with chrome lip - lug pattern 5x100 (5x4 1/2). Had on 3 days - we took them off since he had to sell the car - couldn't afford the rims... Would like to sell them to a good home. I have photos if needed -
  • diane14diane14 Member Posts: 2
    Not sure where you are located, but my son just had his TC for a month and had to sell it... he had jumped the gun and ordered tires and rims he cannot afford - he had them on the car 3 days and we had them taken off but cannot return them - they were Venti V56 rims and tires, black dual 5 spoke with chrome lip lug pattern 5 x 100. We are trying to sell them. Let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks
  • waydewayde Member Posts: 198
    Have had my Super White tC since July 10th... Love it! Options: rear lip spoiler, fogs, iPod radio, neon lights, auto-dim, scuff plates, bumper applique.
    Just wanted to chime in - the board seems rather slow.

    PS - anyone know where to order a 1/2 mask-bra?
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Heres hoping for a 5 speed auto, a couple lbs fewer, and rear wiper. I had some seat time in the tC and got to start it but not much else (Maronee Used Car Sell-off. tC was blocked in). The sound stem is ok, I don't notice any blind spots, luv the steering wheel audio, and the steering wheel should telescope.

    -Cj :)
  • mark19mark19 Member Posts: 123
    Why is it that scion tc- problems and solutions section is read only now? Does edmunds not want people to know what's wrong with the scion tc? what's up with that? talk about censoring? or just hiding the truth?
  • ClairesClaires Member Posts: 1,222
    Not at all -- the Problems & Solutions discussion is readable and, if you're having a problem with your tC, please feel free to start a topic by clicking the "Add a Discussion" link at the top of the Scion tC Group.


    Need help getting around? - or send a private message by clicking on my name.

    Tell everyone about your buying experience: Write a Dealer Review

  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Is that room going to be like the ford expedition room? Closed for a weeks after an important question was asked and opens 4 weeks later to have no one come in to respond to the importatnt post...
  • calvinatorcalvinator Member Posts: 4
    Hi all,
    OK, here is the problem: About 1 month ago I traded in my stock tires (which I surprisingly got 35k miles out of) for a pair of Toyo Proxes4. Nice tires, good handling if a little loud. Whatever. The problem is this: I notice a dragging noise at low speeds, like either the brakes are dragging or the rim is rubbing against something. Also, and this is most vexing, my gas mileage has dropped nearly 10% since this problem first appeared. I have already done the following:
    1) brought to Scion dealer to check if brake pad wear indicators were rubbing. They weren't - brakes are only 30% worn.
    2) Checked tires themselves to see if there are any rub or wear spots. There are none.

    So from what I can figure, its probably the e-brake is not fully releasing from the rotors. That would account for the noise AND the resultant drop in gas mileage since simple rubbing would not account for the drop in mileage (note, I retained the stock tire size and did not replace the rims).

    So, can someone technically inclined check my logic and suggest something I may have missed? I'm pretty astute about my car and when I brought it to the dealer, they missed whatever the problem was the first time around.

    Happy tC Guy
  • mark19mark19 Member Posts: 123
    tc guy..
    here's an idea.. jack up the car, and just spin the tires, listening for where the noise is coming from. That way you wouldn't have to blame the tires, since they wouldn't be in contact with the ground to make noise.

    I do remember on another forum, people making comments about noise. Their dealer found a bad wheel bearing causing a droning noise. If a wheel bearing was bad, it would cause drag and cause a loss of fuel economy!

    Jacking it up would be the best bet, or the dealer could lift it up and spin the wheels, listening. Wheel bearings and e-brake shoes dragging have a different sound, but the same area.

    Hope that helps ya..
  • calvinatorcalvinator Member Posts: 4
    Update: Dealer's tech took the Scion out for a ride with me. He heard the noise and theorized that it was rust on the rear of the brake rotor. He also said that the ethanol that they add to the fuel this time of year (coupled with the warm temps we're having here in Massachusetts), caused the drop in mileage. So they scrubbed the rust (but I can still hear the sound) and I am a bit dubious about the mileage thing. They didn't charge me for any of this, which is the one cool thing. So question to the board: Has anyone noticed their mileage suffer recently, especially those in colder climes?
  • mark19mark19 Member Posts: 123
    I still hold to the idea of getting the car in the air and spinning the tires. I bet the noise could very well be coming from a wheel bearing.

    The mileage drop? Yes I have seen it in all the cars I've ever had. Some cars are worse than others in winter. But ethanol is added because of pollution and it makes the gas burn cleaner. It is usually added because of this, not winter gas. So that's not necessarily true. Okay the mileage drop? In winter gas has oxygenates added to the fuel to make it be able to start in the winter. Problem with oxygenates is that it leaves less gas to be burned, hence the lower mileage. Because you'd burn more fuel instead. And all the cold temperature idling to warm the engine up, also wastes gas. Your warmer weather would actually give you more mileage since you wouldn't be in the "Cold temp" mode of idling and wasting gas, the engine would've been warm already. I think you should try gas from a different brand or different gas station. Try that first and then see. It might give you an improvement. I've seen good results here with BP gas. Maybe if you have BP you could try that.

    About the rust usually just normal driving/braking will remove the surface rust off the discs, don't need to have to manually remove it. So keep us posted about the noise.. and the mileage.
  • calvinatorcalvinator Member Posts: 4
    Thanks Mark. Since the problem is isolated to the driver side front I think I will jack it up this weekend and spin to see where the problem comes from. Though I did float the idea of a wheel bearing to the tech and he dismissed it saying that the noise would get louder at higher speeds (it doesn't) and the wheel would pull in that direction, which it also doesn't.

    As far as gas, come to think about it I have been filling up at "cheaper" stations. Maybe I'll standardize on Exxon/Mobil for a few fillups and see what that gets me. Thanks again for your responses.
  • ranchodrewranchodrew Member Posts: 1
    hey guys. anyone lookin for a 07 tc?
  • skoopskoop Member Posts: 2
    Okay, I hope I can explain this correctly. I bought a Tc a couple of days ago. Used my rear window defroster. Now I can see spots on the window. Looks like heat sensors, round geometrically lined up spots all over the back window. It is really frustrating me, because it looks like crap. I was so totally into this car, but now I am concerned. Anyone know what this might be? What to do?
  • mark19mark19 Member Posts: 123
    nothing wrong with your rear window defroster or the rear window. It's the way that the rear glass is tinted with UV protection. It's the angle in which you look at the glass you can see the circles in the rear glass. Usually you see it from the outside looking in. All tC's have this, as well as other cars too. sorry to say, but it's normal. If you want, go to a scion dealer and see all the rest of the tc's, they all have this.
  • skoopskoop Member Posts: 2
    Thanks, that is exactly what I was going to do, tomorrow when the dealers were open. Glad that mine isn't the only one, I have been obsessing about it all night. I am planning on having my windows tinted. Do you know if this would cover it up, or make it more noticable?

    Thanks again, for helping me with my new obsession. I love my new car, circles and all. :)
  • autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    I still think a rear wiper, 5 speed automanual, and something i can't remember but will repost later.

    Any thoughts?
    -Cj :)
  • ksergio1972ksergio1972 Member Posts: 2
    Did you pay full sticker price for your Tc? I went to the dealership and they told me all king of stories about "pure price". Pay them $17.7K or leave...

    Have you run into the same problem?
    Thank you.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    I never bought a tC, just test drove one. It was a 2005 Scion tC RS 1.0 in Absolutely Red color. I was thinking about getting a Spec for a while.

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • awoosterawooster Member Posts: 2
    you should look into the TCs. they are good cars. But everywhere u go they are stiff on the price. Either u pay sticker or you leave w/out a car. If you guys are interested I have mine for sale. Its an 07 silver with 5,000 miles for $17,000
  • ksergio1972ksergio1972 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you. We will have to finance it and $700 difference is not worth it.
  • mssmss Member Posts: 12
    Has anyone out there experienced a moonroof failure in a 06 tC? The other night I was driving to work on the Garden State Parkway at about 75mph when out of the blue there was a loud noise and a tornado of glass fragments flying around inside my car. Before this happened, all windows including the roof were completely closed. I managed to pull over and discovered most of my moon roof was now missing (deflector popped up and was intact). I ended up having to drive the rest of the distance with the sun visor closed with one hand holding it in place.

    I dropped it off to Toyota that night and received a loaner car the following day. I'm currently waiting on Toyota Corp to open on Tuesday to find out how they're going to handle this.

    I filed a complaint online with the NHTSA and have found that 9 other cases were reported in 2006 for the same issue. Now it's possible that some debris might have kicked up from the road ahead of me but the angle of impact would have to had to be almost vertically downward since nothing hit the windshield or deflector. Thankfully no one else was in the car at the time.

    In addition to the broken moonroof glass, my trunk and rear bumper are basically sandblasted and will need to be repainted. My biggest concern at this point is how easy it seemed that this window broke and fragmented. Considering the entire roof is made out of glass, I would have hoped that it would hold up under these type of circumstances. At a minimum, there ought to be some sort of laminate applied to the glass in case the windows does brake that it doesn't end up in a million different sized bit whirling around the inside of your car.

    I'll keep you posted as to what Toyota does next week.
  • picassoboypicassoboy Member Posts: 1
    My 2005 Scion tC (manual transmission) will jerk and buck severely when driven at a slow steady speed when the engine is cold. It will go away when the engine is warmed up but the jerking and bucking is severe when the engine is cold. This is only with the manual transmission, not the automatic. Toyota dealer declares that it is not showing on the computer so it is "OK", and "you're the only one with the problem." Several magazine articles on the tC have mentioned it, Toyota refuses to do anything about it. If you have this problem suggest notifying the National Highway Traffic Safety Association to get some action from Toyota.
  • toyotatoystoyotatoys Member Posts: 118
    I just bought a tC for my daughter and I am thinking about adding a set fog lights. Does anybody know if the base tC is pre-wired for fog lights?
  • mssmss Member Posts: 12
    Still waiting on getting my tC back from repair. Both the dealership and Scion have been very coy on this issue. Both have been apologetic but both insist that this isn't a design or safety issue, just an isolated issue stemming from road debris (BS). They're replacing the moonroof assembly based on "goodwill" and say that the will review my paint damage and will let me know shortly.

    The NHTSA now has 12 formal complaints relating to moonroof failures. In some cases, the failures occured when the car was parked! What kills me is that the NHTSA issued a recall for the wind deflector based on 3 formal complaints, but they've just concluded a 6 month investigation in moonroof failures stating that the failures are no greater than other vehicles. My biggest beef is not that the window broke (almost impossible to guard against that), but how it completely came apart and entered the vehicle while I was driving. I don't see the difference between the deflector issue and the moonroof issue, both cases resulted in shards of glass entering the cabin space, only the moonroof provides a lot more debris.

    At this point, once I get it back I will have a clear laminate or tint applied to the underside of the roof glass to help protect against glass intrusion in the event this ever happens again. If you have had a similar issue, please make sure you take the time to file a formal complaint with the NHTSA ( )
This discussion has been closed.