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Scion tC
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Come on now! My two year old tC STILL has the "New Car Smell!" Not much but still does....
Sorry Carmax...I know the "Trade in" tricks! I wasn't trading in my '94 Ford Probe with trans problem for stupid $250.00. LOL
I am used to late-model tC quotes. I sure see a butt-load of Scion tC's on the road in Tucson, AZ. They love them there, as they should. It is one hot looking automobile!
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Got stuck paying 155.00 per a tire. Winter tires! The tire shop only had two BF Goodrich in stock. And I didn't want to get stuck with worn down tread by next month with going with the same ones I had last year.
Vredestein Wintrac Xtreme
I guess these are from a company that is claimed to be "Cadillac of Tires."
I sure felt the difference within a second! They are such a quiet winter tire. When April comes around....I better have 1,500 stashed somewhere for a tire & wheel package.
Also, the P-Nero Zero's give off way less road noise on all surfaces. Italian-based Pirelli makes a great tire!
Congrats on your new tires, too!
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
I guess I'm the lovable kind person after all.....
Monday, I woke up at 11:00 am for no reason. Decided to stay up a bit and go to the dealer for some oil filters. Sales stops me and fires questions about the tC in the snow. I answer back. Went to parts and got some filters. Walked back and all of sudden Bullitt's saleswoman greeted me with "Did you get my Christmas card?" I look at her while noticing she seemed very happy. "No not yet" with smile back. She asks me "So how is the tC in the snow? I never driven one yet.." I tell "Okay, but I wouldn't recommend buying one during a snow storm. You just have to learn how to drive it." So anyway, she asked me "Hey, you want to get something to eat?" I said "Okay." We had lunch together with couple of her co-workers. We talked about each other's employers and interests. I bought hers while offering to buy theirs but they declined. She sure is a woman who found her "Fountain of Youth."
I learned how much that woman is even more fun outside those walls LOL I guess this recession is giving her some security with customers like me.
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Now its 52 degrees. All the snow is melting. Funny thing is, I was at the ATM today. And as I was about to drive off...I clipped the median quite hard! I automatically got worried. Went to get gas; checked the tire. NO DAMAGE whatsoever. I would of damaged something else with other tires but not these. I think I'm in "tire love" LOL
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
I was sitting at a stoplight...all of sudden a teal Ford Taurus slams right into me! I notice this Mitsubishi Eclipse is totalled and leaking fluids everywhere. The Eclipse decided to pull out in front of the Taurus.
I'm just minding my own business and this happens!
Where my left side bumper is balding out is where the airbag sensor is at. So I was about half inch away from hitting the sensor. My bumper is trashed. My driver's fender is dented in. Who knows if Bullitt's mechanical life is okay. Seems like the car's frame is slightly shifted...that's what I more worried about than anything else. That's automatic "Totaled" red flag.
My insurance company knows and someone from there is coming on Monday or Tuesday.
I have two things on my mind: One-high mileage, total repair costs, and value="Totaled." Two-Toyota Financial says "Fix it or pay that GAP!" and I keep Bullitt. If they totaled it, I'm basically damned. :mad:
I don't mind seeing my Carmax sales buddy; but I was hoping to see her when I have 10k sitting around for a 2nd car. Not on a "totaled" car term! :mad:
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Lucky for me I changed all my more important usernames few months ago to different e-mails before this happened. Only down, I have to make new accounts with those sites.
2,600 ish for body shop repair for exterior. We haven't looked in the engine bay yet since I'm still driving in it. Could be even more damage.
Good news! No more rock chips, no more foglight sealant gone bad, I'm not giving them my front plate so they can't drill new license plate holes into the new bumper. LOL
Car still idles rough going to a stop or sitting at the light. But once he driving, he's fine! His start-ups even in the Tundra conditions last week, he started just as good before the accident.
Jan 24, 2009
The problem we are having with our 2006 TC is that the backing plate that the emergency brake hardware is mounted to is bent out, that is where the noise is coming from regarding the grinding sound, again the backing plate is rubbing against the rotors causing that noise and its a bad noise with ours, slows the car down and reduces gas mileage etc, we are taking it to the dealership and are interested to see what they say.
25 K on car :mad:
Hope your tC's engine is unscathed. Were you mentioning radiator damage in the beginning, too? Or am I imagining tC injuries that aren't there?
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
I've been without a car for five days so far! I'm so going to personally kill this kid if I ever see him again in a dark alley. LOL I SO have "Cabin Fever."
What "P"'s me off the most, I've been driving with my brake light on. That Friday before the accident; I went to the dealer for a Coolant Flush and brake check. They wanted to charge me $500's for new rear brake rotors and pads! When last year, front rotors and pads didn't even cost me $400 bucks! :mad: So I declined the brake service and let my cousin do it for me. The morning of the accident, I was supposed to pick up "set a side order" basic OEM rotors and pads from Advance Auto then take the car to my cousin. So I drove three weeks with brake light completely ON and the car probably doesn't even have one bottle of Brake Fluid in him! All because I couldn't open my hood. :mad:
Since I'm waiting: I doing something little more OEM.
Slotted-Drilled rotors; keeps brake pads nice and cool.
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Here's the list:
New hood, new front bumper, new left headlight, new driver's side fender, new engine mount, new windshield washer reservoir, replaced A/C pipe, replaced hood cable and lever. Paint and refinishing.
PLUS!!! Repaired front frame damage.
All this cost my insurance company $5,631.00; all because the little brat who caused the accident didn't have insurance! :flame:
I think this was the only option to hold my foglights in place? LOL
I wanted new foglights anyway.
BTW-your tC looks great once again! And to have all of that snow and ice off of it helps, too.
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
I'm still thinking about suing the kid for the deductible with a lawyer?
Lets see here; my car's value decrease due to being in accident (no matter what), my rates are going to increase, there's possibility that my car's safety isn't the same and if I'm another accident down the road; I can get seriously hurt. All this because some dumba$$ kid couldn't wait for ONE second! :mad:
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
I'm not going to be greedy about this one bit. BUT I do feel that I'm entitled to not pay for my $500.00s.
State of Wisconsin clearly states: "You are not entitled to have insurance unless the automoble is financed. BUT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PAY FINANCIAL"
Then I go visit my sister's. She lives in a city that has "Red Light Photo" intersections. I happened to be coming to one. Stale green light. I wanted to turn left. So I stop before the stop line. I'm yielding traffic then I see a van. Okay, here's my chance to turn during rush hour. Then these two small economical cars follow behind while I'm about to gun it. I notice the light turning yellow so I slammed on the brakes. Red light comes. I'm sitting there watching "Two" flashes occur while I'm noticing I'm about half of foot over the line. :mad:
See this what happens when you are very careful driver after having accident last month and trying your damnest to void another.... :mad:
The other day while traveling on an old dirt road leading over the Dragoon Mountains and eventually to historic Tombstone, AZ, these yahoos go flying past us(they were coming at us very fast on the rocky dirt road in an old Ford pickup that was raised a bit high) and Bam! A rock was thrown at our windshield. I looked at the shield after they got totally away from us and the dust had cleared. No speck or star left on there. What the?
Couldn't believe it! You can get paint sticks for the little ships on your car's paint job. I have one in Rally Red for my Lancer GTS' paint chips. The Mitsubishi dealer charged $10.00 for it but I haven't gone out there yet to see how it works. Good project for this week off from work that started yesterday morning.
Hope things start getting better for you and Bullitt!
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
These are the "Winners!"
Tenzo R DC-5 with red stripe. Don't know how much the tire shop is going to charge? If I buy tires now and wait on the wheels. They will switch out the TPMS and tires from the OEMs place on these. I'm sticking with 17 inches.
Yeah I know about dealers can order OEM touch up. Carmax only charges me $7.50 & tax! LOL
Speaking Carmax; they had this Lancer in Florida for sale.
Nice "black out" EVO! I would name him "Jaws!"
Like I said before. I could of bought a new '05 RS Rally Red for $24,000-ish at my brother's dealer. But this stole my heart....
It's lovely to know the car you just bought doesn't get off their inventory until 24 hours later. I stole the pic before they took it off the site.
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
The morning after when I bought it. I was doing my daily online and happened to accidently hit the link on IE when the link was in "histories." My car that I bought about 12 hours ago was STILL on Carmax.com? LOL So I downloaded the best one (Which was that one.) That maroon tC behind Bullitt is what I WANTED but since it was manual and the sales consultant was too much "Mothering" me by saying "No, since you don't know how to drive manual. "
Anyway, I finally installed my new brakes!
They were nice and new BEFORE I went to the car wash LOL
My '08 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS at 32,595 miles has never had any brake work...yet that is.
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Got my window tint! $165.00s later, 35% all around except for windshield. We'll see if I run into some more "Coppie" trouble? lol Wisconsin has a law about tint can only go 50% on the driver & passenger windows. As you can tell, you STILL see inside.
I have it OEM on my '08 Lancer GTS and it comes in handy in this desert I live in shielding that bright sun out!
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Anyway, Fronts are either 5 1/4s or 6 1/2s? Same sizes for rear seat too. That's whats Crutchfield stated.
Twenty bucks for the correct guess on the pictures below? "What is it?" :P
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
Last time, I've done that was at 60k. That filter WAS bright red when I first ever installed the intake. Its about the size of medium Nerf football.
Yes! It's a pain in the butt to take it out of the car.
I guess its gonna be official about Toyota killing the tC @ NY Auto Show.
What is it you may ask? Its currently called Toyota iQ in Europe & Asia. Will be imported in the US with Scion badge. They claim this little 1.5 litre engine (Same engine as the Echo, Scion xA, and Yaris) will get 56 MPG. Rumor as it, Toyota wants to sell this car for at most $11k. It's three seater, actually 3 1/2 seater (small spot for a baby seat.)
Its good to know people in the Scion World also works for Toyota...
Since my front of the house isn't that big and I'm stuck sharing "Street Parking" with neigbors. I may look into buying one while owning the tC... I'm just want to make a request to Toyota "ORANGE!!!!!"
Ahh, aren't cars wonderful? :P
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick
The gauge pod:
I even waxed everything before repacking them into the boxes...
There's been NO activity in this post room at all for quite a while. What's up with that? :confuse:
My question concerns the 2010 model tC:
According to the September '09 issue of Motor Trend magazine the new model year tC will now feature stability/electronic stability control. This is great, speaking for myself. I always wondered why Toyota never gave this model stability/esc in the first place. Anyway, I seek confirmation of this from anyone in the know: Is what MT states about these additions for the '10 tC true, or just another mis-step by MT?
According to Scion reps such an addition to the tC isn't in the cards, but then again I may have connected with a rep who knows less about such things than some of you out there. Know what I mean?
Please inform. I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to purchase a tC...it seems to be a simple, yet value packed machine...stability and esc would make it all the more attractive for yours truly!
Looking forward...
Peace!<-AladdinSane<- :shades: -
This will be my first time to sell a used car, so hopefully I can get some good advice. My wife has a white, 2008 Scion Tc with 3,500 city miles. Like new condition. We bought it in April of last year. My work is going to send us abroad for the next five years, so I need to look into selling it. I've looked at the KBB and Edmunds values and they tell me between $14,000-$16,500 are ballpark figures.
Since I will be selling my car on my own (and first time doing this) I'm hoping that someone can:
A. Help me out with what they feel would be a reasonable price for the vehicle
B. Give me any advice or tips they feel would be important for a first-time seller.
Any insight is most appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance.
I am the Scion Manager at Eastern Shore Toyota and with that mileage, that sounds about right...I'm not sure if you will get the maximum KBB value though (As I am sure you already know...), I'm not saying you won't for sure, it's just not always that easy in a short time (Even though 14 for an 08 tC with only 3500 miles on it would be a steal for someone). I wanted to give you a site that you could find more info and post your car for free, maybe it will help you sell it, we have had success with it in the past. Cyber Scion
2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick