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Infiniti M35/M45 2006+



  • rrobrrob Member Posts: 51
    I really agree with you. I get 17-18/22 with my M45 premium. I know it's comparing apples with, well different apples ;) speaking of 45's and 35x's, but I do wonder how much driving can really control things with our cars. My guess is a lot. When I was young, Jackie Stewart was my 'driving hero'. You have described his basic recommendations well. There is a very good video he made called 'Behind the Wheel With Jackie Stewart - The Art and Science of Driving'. I don't think it is available new anymore, but if you all can find a used VHS of it, it is worth watching. Jackie's 'style' is great for our M's!

  • varixvarix Member Posts: 72
    I bought my M35x last May and drove it like I usually did with my previous cars; zoom up to traffic, hit the brakes, stop, and accelerate quickly trying to fill the space so I wouldn't get others popping in front of me. Similar behavior at stop lights and got about 17 mpg tops. Then I bought a Lexus 400h for my wife. To maximize mileage I learned how to drive a hybrid which sounds a lot like james27's suggestions. I glide a lot more now, don't brake as much and accelerate more slowly. When I drive the hybrid I am always trying to see how much regenerative energy I can produce on the monitor and I like to let the electric motor drive the vehicle for a while when I come out of stops. You gotta accelerate slowly to keep the gas engine from kicking in too soon. Well, when I started driving the M35X like that the mpg went up to almost 20mpg. So if you drive like it like a hybrid you can squeeze a few more miles per gallon! But it might not be as much fun... :P
  • docnukemdocnukem Member Posts: 485
    If you go the fuel economy window to watch the instantaneous MPG, you will get a very good feel for how your driving habits affect your mileage. It can be eye-opening. Certainly, coasting up to a stop or curve/turn will improve mileage. I will sometimes balance things out. I try to conserve at most times but every now and then...
  • rrobrrob Member Posts: 51
    I'd like that little fuel economy gauge to be visible all the time in the main pod. Most of the hybrids have this, as do most BMW's. This does give you some good feedback about improving driving habits - and really shows how cruise control helps on highways.

  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    Any feedback out there on the "care and feeding" of Infinity's chrome wheels. I like the stock wheels and then I saw the chrome option on an M35x in the showroom. Looked pretty neat - but I'm concerned about upkeep, wear&tear, etc. I'm not real concerned about the 1K upgrade, as long as they hold up and don't require an extraordinary amount of care. Any experience out there?

    I have the chrome wheels on my M and had them on my Q45 before this. I've had no problem with their maintenance (except for what I've described below), and they've always looked great to me.

    I used the Q45 to help teach my 16 year old how to drive. She scratched up the chrome rims pretty good when learning how to parallel park. :) Nonetheless, I still never noticed the scratches (unless I was looking for them), and continued enjoying those chrome wheels throughout.

    OTOH, I do prefer the design of the sport wheels, and would have jumped at the opportunity to get 18" chrome wheels with the design of the wheels on the sport.

  • howardk111howardk111 Member Posts: 17
    I drive just as you describe. My last car was an Acura Legend, which I drove in the same way as I drive my M35 and I achieved between 17.5 mpg and 20 mpg (depending on the season) with the Legend in combination city/highway driving.
  • dubbdubb Member Posts: 20

    23,000 ? Pretty good tire conservation I must say !

    If the Avons are "smoother", then how are the Avons with cornering, braking and general handling ? Snow ? Wet/dry ?

    - Kai
  • hawk1eyehawk1eye Member Posts: 61
    Kai, I drive about 30,000 a year and all is on interstate at 70 to 75mph with no problem. Cornering, handling, and snow are no problem. I noticed the noise as the mileage increased. They did seem to ride a little easier than the Goodyears. I might try the Pirellis next time to see how they compare. Hawk
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    I've been getting around 20 in general driving.

    Something's wrong. Have your dealer check your calibrations. NO ONE is getting that kind of mileage so there's got to be some error in your on board computer.

    My M35 sport reads tire pressure as 32 psi but with a REAL pressure guage it's really 36 psi. Bart
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    I've had my M35 since the first week of April last year ... one of the first delivered here in Tucson. I've not had a problem (other than dealer-induced during an oil change) since taking delivery. I came within an hour or two of buying a Jag Vanden Plas when I bought the M ... but was leery of the history of Jag's idiosyncracies. A year later I STILL crave a Jag so I went to the Jag discussion group here on Edmunds and most of what I found was complaints re: mechanics, interior trim, electronics, to-and-fro visits to the dealer, etc. Seems Jag owners are loyal to Jag and will put up with an endless array of nuisance issues ... as MB and BMW owners do. For less money we're all less irritated, happier, etc, than the lot of them are.

    I still love the Jag look! :shades:

  • jperkins22jperkins22 Member Posts: 10
    I have an M45 with about 1,200 miles and I am getting between 19.2 and 19.5 for combined city/highway/highway stop and go traffic driving. My guess is it would get 2-3 mpg better with a 6 spd transmission that would bring the highway rpm's down by 500 or so. All in all it is a fun car to drive and worth the less than stellar gas mileage.
  • rrobrrob Member Posts: 51
    Haven't seen any recent sales posts - but here is a completely unscientific, unverifiable survey. I am starting to see about one or two M's per day in my driving around the Baltimore/Washington area, this is new in the past month or so. Yesterday on I-95 north of Washington, two other M's, a black sport 45, and a silver 35x, joined my black 45 premium for a left lane 'caravan'. Never had that happen before! Hello to you all, if you're on this forum.

    I actually like having a rare car, but seeing a few more of 'us' is a treat. Any others noticing an increase in M sightings?

  • stillgoing1stillgoing1 Member Posts: 8
    To anyone that has the M45 sport or has driven one, how is the ride? I've seen numerous complaints about the G35 sport sedan regarding too harsh a ride, I'm wondering about the M. I hate wood interior, so, in the M I've got to go with the sport, and, I don't want the G35 (I believe you can get alum trim without sport in the G) because of the major model upgrade in 2007. Any thoughts?

    Also, how about pricing & availability in M45s with Sport, Tech and Journey? Most of the posts have been on M35s.
  • howardk111howardk111 Member Posts: 17
    Are you located in a warm part of the country or in the North? I took my car in to inquire as to why my mileage was so poor. The dealership said it did the proper diagnostic tests which showed that everything was working properly. They told me that the problem is most likely due to the cold weather and that I should get 18 to 19 mpg once the weather warms up to 60 degrees. I don't know if they were just trying to put me off or not. I'll let you know once it warms up.
  • furrypfurryp Member Posts: 4
    I was not a fan of the wood and loved the interior of the sport, but when I test drove the Sport and Non-sport of the M35, I found the ride just too harsh on the sport.
  • indemandindemand Member Posts: 14
    This is probably due to using oxygenated fuel in your area during winter months. My mileage in my 45 has gone done about 2 miles per gallon this winter.
  • jshattnerjshattner Member Posts: 32
    As you can see, it depends on where you're coming from. I love the ride on my M45 Sport, but I've always liked sport suspensions and I don't find it harsher than my 2003 E500 on the 2nd or 3rd selectable firmness settings (I usually used the firmest setting), or my earlier E55. If you're used to Japanese rides, or non-sport German machines, the M Sport may be too harsh for you. Nobody can answer this question except your butt, so it's pointless to even ask. Test drive if in doubt. I also don't like wood, and for me the active steer and 19" rims were must-haves.
  • varixvarix Member Posts: 72
    I see about one per day around Chicago now whereas 6 months ago I NEVER saw an M. This is nice in one way as it validates my purchase but I'd rather not see them as often as I see my wife's Lexus RX, those things multiply like rabbits here in the suburbs!
  • rrobrrob Member Posts: 51
    We must have a parallel life! My girlfriend just got a Highlander Hybrid, not an RX, but certainly close, and also starting to be a pretty common 'bunny' around here. Also glad we are rarer.

  • antsinpantsantsinpants Member Posts: 4
    Hi, anyone put regular unleaded in their m35/m45? I have an M35 and it says premium fuel "recommended for maximum performance." I'm assuming the premium will get you slightly better mileage and maybe a few more horses than regular, but that's about it.

    My wife drives the car the most, and I'd rather not pay the extra 20-25 cents per gallon, it is isn't required.

    What do you think?
  • james27james27 Member Posts: 433
    The car doesn't complain with regular. Where you'll notice it is at higher speeds...you won't have as much power available. Try it and see what you think. Maybe compromise with the mid-grade. If all or most of the travel is around town, you won't likely notice. If there is a lot of interstate merging at high speed, you probably will.
  • varixvarix Member Posts: 72
    Certainly an interesting coincidence! We looked at the Highlander too but decided we did not need the extra seating capacity, hence the 400h. Highlanders are common around our suburb too. I have seen exactly 2 M's in town (all 35x's here in the snow belt) and we always wave to each other. I guess we feel we're pretty special. If I waved at all the RX owners when I drive the wife's 400H I'd have to learn to drive single-handed!
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    It's been 12 - 15 degrees over customary here in AZ. We've not seen a day below 75 degrees since I bought the car 11 months ago. I'll ask ... tomorrow, mine goes in for oil change.

  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    Check your guages, JP; the numbers are silly. My M35's mileage keeps getting LOWER and has never seen the lofty numbers you're posting with the exception of one 100 mile drive home last summer ... all highway.

    Tire pressures are also mythical. Register 32, but in reality with a real sensor are 36.

  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    I am starting to see about one or two M's per day in my driving around the Baltimore/Washington area, this is new in the past month or so.

    I'm seeing more and more here in Tucson as well. I had seen only one M35 Sport in the first 9 months I had mine, and now I see 2 - 3 every day and probably a half dozen M's per day ... and I only drive 500 miles per month!

    Mine was in for oil change and filter today, and the sales manager told me they're moving a lot of them now. We then got into a philosophical discussion re: the lack of an Infiniti identity. Initially, he didn't get my point ... but when I reminded him that there have now been three iterations of the Q-car, none of which resembled the original, he "got it".

    Anyhoo ... I'm still enjoying my M.

    Bart :shades:
  • rrobrrob Member Posts: 51
    Varix and Bart:

    Thanks for the notes, indeed we M drivers all still wave here in Maryland - another advantage of a small community. Actually, quite a few 'big' Lexus sedans wave also: extra friendly people :D or mis-identification :confuse:

    Whatever, nice to be in the M.

  • purplem46purplem46 Member Posts: 54
    Don't know if already posted, if so, apologies. Infinity M35 rated top luxury sedan by consumer reports.

    cnn article
  • dgmoney1dgmoney1 Member Posts: 3
    Just bought the M45 sport. Wow what a car. Was going to get the M35 but was a little noisy. M45 not nearly as noisy given the v8, seats more comfortbable. I got the tech and journey at 500 over invoice. Glad I spent the extra 3k.
  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    This is one more accolade on top of the large number that M has gained so far. Among them:

    Best Luxury Sedan of 2006 (Consumer Reports)
    Best Luxury Sedan of 2006 (MotorWeek)
    Best Luxury Sedan of 2006 (Popular mechanics)

    The New Standard in its Class (USA Today)
    Winner, 8 car Luxury Sedan Comparo (Car and Driver)
    Winner, V8 Luxury Comparo (Road and Track)
    Winner, V6 luxury Comparo (Motor Trend)
    Winner, V8 Luxury Comparo (Motor Trend)

    Those comparos, BTW, have included BMW, Lexus, Mercedes and Audi. Our M is getting the kind of recognition it truly deserves.

  • wrkndogwrkndog Member Posts: 2
    Just picked up my new M35 sport this week and noticed that I'm getting about 12.3 mpg. I'm not really getting into it either. Car has only 110 miles. Can I expect this to improve? I'm scheduled to take it to the dealership for detailing this weekend. :confuse:
  • momanmoman Member Posts: 28
    I'm with blov on this one. My mileage continues to confound me...14-16 combined, mostly short suburban driving but some highway. The few rattles and the mileage are my biggest problems with this car (M45 prem.) I guess that makes me a pretty lucky guy.

    As an aside, does anyone hear a (very)soft high-pitched whine coming from somewhere behind the driver's head? I'm thinking it may be the DVD entertainment screen. It's not loud and I'm not Lt. Colonel Steve Austin, but I can hear it. Needless to say, the sign language trained technicians at my suburban Chicago dealer hear nothing. ;)
  • prophetprophet Member Posts: 72
    After +19,000 miles, my M35 averages 17.5 to 18.5 locally, and 24.5 to 25 at 75/80.
  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    While I haven't been tracking my OWN mileage very closely, most reports I've seen have mileage showing significant improvement over time.

  • c5_4func5_4fun Member Posts: 59
    Just received and completed the JD Power survey on my M.....outstandings for all except the gas mileage and the seat heater. The gas mileage(vs. reasonable gas mileage like maybe 20mpg) is a minor annoyance, and the cold weather will be gone soon and then I can test the seat cooling!

    I drive the same pattern every week and I was getting 16.9 mpg at first, but am now running 16.1mpg the past few weeks and I haven't run it hard, yet. I use 87 octane. My Tahoe and Corvette both get 16mpg with the same driving pattern.
    Perhaps I should invest in a gas station for the "employee discount"!
  • dubbdubb Member Posts: 20
    I'm getting about the same, with a bit poorer mileage in the City actually. If I were getting 18.5 city I would be happy. There is a marked improvement I notice when using manual tran shifting, and when NYC traffic isn't jammed (hhmmmmmm).

    - Kai
  • dubbdubb Member Posts: 20
    I would never burn regular in the M. The engine burns hotter and needs premium to do so, otherwise I can't see why the manufacturer would recommend burning nothing less than 91 octane.

    Hotter burning = cleaner burning = longer engine life. E.g., I burned premium in my Honda Accord V6 for six years and never had engine problems once, (until one day my son pumped in some really low grade octane gas into it and it sputtered for three weeks; jeeesh, must have had soda pop in that gas or something).

    So, I burn the hottest octane I can find and hope that it will improve engine life over time. (New Jersey has 94 octane at Sunoco).

    - Kai
  • m_pilotm_pilot Member Posts: 41
    The manual specifically says that regular is fine. Hence, it doesn't "need premium to burn hotter." Consumer Reports notes in their April car issue that burning premium is not necessary when it is not recommended, and is probably not necessary even when it is recommended. No correlation with engine life either.

    As for your argument that you burned premium in your Honda for six years and never had engine problems, I've burned regular in my Lexus for 8 years and never had problems.
  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    The manual specifically says that regular is fine. Hence, it doesn't "need premium to burn hotter." Consumer Reports notes in their April car issue that burning premium is not necessary when it is not recommended, and is probably not necessary even when it is recommended. No correlation with engine life either.

    Just to be clear: I believe you're referring only to an M35. My M45 manual recommends 91 octane, and indicates that continued use of lower rated gas can produce engine damage.

    This is probably not a disagreement between us, but, in either case, I wouldn't want an M45 owner to get the wrong idea.

  • hithit Member Posts: 36
    K so.. I'm on the market to buy a new car, and I have been seriously considering going with an M35 Sport. Simply put: Is this a good time to buy the car?

    After briefly looking through this forum, it seems as if there is a newer (07?) model coming out on the market. Will there be any changes or notable upgrades on the new model to warrent me to wait? If so - when will this model be released?

    Also.. I'm interested into what options are recommend by you (the owners) as must haves to get with the car?
  • m_pilotm_pilot Member Posts: 41
    Yes, Pete, I was referring to a 35 b/c Kai noted he had one. Even with the 35, however, the manual can be misleading. The printed page says premium, but the insert (maybe they've made it a page now--I got an early 35) says use regular.

  • dubbdubb Member Posts: 20
  • dubbdubb Member Posts: 20

    I just checked my manual again and it actually says that whether for the 35 or 45 engine, use of 91 octane is recommended.

    Page 9-3: "VQ35DE engine
    Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octane
    rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock
    Index) number (Research octane number
    For improved vehicle performance, INFINITI
    recommends the use of unleaded
    premium gasoline with an octane rating of
    at least 91 AKI number (Research octane
    number 96)".

    The use of higher octane gas seems to be recommeded throughout other parts of the manual as well.

    - Kai
  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    I just checked my manual again and it actually says that whether for the 35 or 45 engine, use of 91 octane is recommended.

    I agree that the manual makes no distinction between the M35 or M45. However, given that some folks are reporting that infiniti has said (somewhere) that lower octane is OK (with the M35), I'd still recommend keeping the octane high for the M45.

    It may be from an insert in the M35 manual or elsewhere, but I too have heard SOMEWHERE that infiniti said that lower is OK on the M35, but not the M45. I can't substantiate it, but I do believe I heard it. :)

  • m_pilotm_pilot Member Posts: 41
    Pete, I can substantiate that there is an insert in the manual that says that the 35 is designed to run just fine on regular.
  • rlejr66rlejr66 Member Posts: 44
    Looking at my manual printed July 2005 and on page 9-3 it says for the VQ35DE engine in the M35 "Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI" . . . . . . . but of course it goes on to say in the next paragraph "For improved performance, INFINITI recommends the use of unleaded premium gasoline with an octane rating of at least 91 AKI".

    Sounds like regular will work in the M35. It has for me. Used premium until I fully read the manual and can honestly say, I can tell no difference. Except for when I pay for the gas!
  • pete_l_ppete_l_p Member Posts: 322
    Thanks for the update guys.

  • nicolasjnicolasj Member Posts: 4
    I do hear that high-pitched sound as well. Just noticed the noise after starting the car in my office parking garage. I looked behind my shoulder to grab something on the backseat and I heard that noise. I thought it was coming from the seat speaker but after getting my ear close to it, I don't think that's it. Also, facing forward I cannot hear the sound. I cannot hear the sound while driving (I guess because of ambient noise). Also, noise is not there unless engine is started...
    I have a M45 Premium as well. My rear DVD screen was up at the time... I'll try to lower it and see if I can hear the noise more clearly.
  • jbogenjbogen Member Posts: 3
    I inadvertantly ran my new M45 up to 6K rpm for a few seconds not realizing I was in manual, 1st gear. This is probably not a good thing since the engine was not broken in. Can anyone that knows engines tell me what, if any damage this could cause. The car only has 200 miles on it.

    Thanks for your thoughts on this -
  • docnukemdocnukem Member Posts: 485
    It probably will have no ill effects whatsoever. A few seconds shouldn't hurt. 1200 is not a magic number or cliff. Many will say that the first fifty miles is the most important by far. There are mechanics who say that you need to rev the engine to some degree to seat the rings (I am not a mechanic, so I can't explain it any more than that).

    My 35 was revved to 4500-5000 for a few seconds at a few hundred miles when I was merging in busy traffic. I haven't noticed anything at 11000 miles.
  • networthnetworth Member Posts: 22
    I have driven both the 35sport and the M45. Noticeable difference in engine output but is the price difference really worth it? Some of the issues I'm seeing repeated here are same for my '04 G35 Coupe. Rattles, moonroof noises, gas mileage, etc. (Although my mileage is starting to approach Infiniti posted #'s after 30,000 miles). Looks like overall quality issues in areas that are likely very similar from model to model. Love my G35 but am looking for more room and updated features. Thinking more towards the M35 sport but really liked the movement of the 45. 60K is alot for any vehicle that depreciates the second it leaves the lot. Is anyone paying sticker or close to sticker for either the 35 or 45? Local dealer claims they get sticker price.

    What about any aftermarket DVD systems that mount in the headrests? Anybody have experience with these systems? With all the information out there, how many of you would do it differently today? What would you choose?
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