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Have had the
I love the way the 45 rode and accelerated and would drive the car for a long time but it's still a lot of green for a car. Aren't the 35 and 45 essentially the same car with the exception of under the hood? The ride and quietness seemed to be about the same to me in the two. I'm just starting to get my research together and look for deals. Unfortunately only 1 dealership in the area and they aren't too motivated to move units less than MSRP.
Bottom line, how much off sticker are most getting for either the M35 or M45 since my local dealer thinks sticker is the price?
Bart :shades:
He's blowing smoke. I got $2500 off sticker the first week the M hit the market ~ April 1 last year. Read the posts here ... no one's paying near sticker. You can find the right price in ~ 5 minutes on this thread.
What would I do differently? Probably gone for the base car w/ nav system, nothing more. I have everything (sport, journey, tech, etc) most of which is extraneous. But love the car!
Bart :shades:
Check it out, it helped me save almost $3,000 on a brand new M35x black/black loaded.
We can't point others to specific salespeople - no names, no offers to email names, etc.
It's okay to name a dealership and give a general location, but specific contact information of any sort can't be posted.
You should see all the discussions that involve the M35/M45, at least that's what we're trying to do.
Good luck - keep us posted!
The local Infiniti dealer has just acquired more territory and their service lead time is 2 weeks!
Odd that this seemed to happen right after some Bluetooth connection, similar to joe10301.
Anyone else with this kind of problem?
The dealer would only move 2K off list and attempted to lecture me on the "supply and demand" issue with a car this HOT. Never did quite get his point on why he wanted me to bend over on my '04 G35 Coupe trade but I'm sure it was in the equation somewhere as well.
I left them with my offer good thru Monday only at invoice +1200 (plus some improvement on the trade quote of my G 35) which seems to fall somewhere within the range I see listed here although the dealers #'s fall more closely with the numbers posted on Edmunds.
Thoughts or opinions by those on this forum? I'm not paying sticker for anything and I can drive my G for A LONG Time at this point. How is everyone else getting deals from 500 to 1000 over invoice on the car of their choice while Edmunds is reporting prices at 1,000-1,500 under MSRP?
For those interested, Crown Infiniti in Birmingham is proud of their inventory. :shades:
But in the NYC area, buyers have a distinct advantage--there are tons of Infiniti dealers. In Birmingham, there is probably only 1.
I would guess that they will change wheel styles, as that is a pretty common way to differentiate model years when there is little change otherwise.
Colors may change slightly.
Live in chicago suburubs. Recently drove the M35x. Love it's looks but thought it not as quick as my Maxima and a bit noisier.
I'm now contemplating spending the extra few grand for the M45 but want to drive it first. Have a few questions that hopefully another in my area can answer.
1. What can I reasonably expect to pay for the 45 with journey and tech packages? (hate that I have to add the tech to get the better stereo!)I've seen postings of MSRP and a grand or so over invoice. Doesn't appear to be enough Infiniti dealers in Chicago.
2. Is there a huge difference between the standard Bose and the Tech's surrond sound Bose? I paid for the upgraded Bose on my Maxima and ripped it out. Spent 2K on my own system and would hate to take a step down now.
3. Any feedback on whether the 45x option vs. 45 is worth it from a traction standpoint?
Thanks a ton
Does look like the headlights are out of alignment, with the drivers side being noticably lower than the passenger side so a quick stop by the dealer is in order.
WOW. :surprise:
I've seen other postings where folks really thought there was a big difference in the base system and the Tech package upgrade.
If you like sound, GET THE TECH, most definately (of course, I can't say whether you would end up rippin out the Bose 14 speak system eventually either...).
- Kai
I'm looking at the V-1 right now my M35x. Do you have any thoughts to share?
Thanks, Scott
I paid a bit much I think - $53,442.00 including tax, delivery fees, plates, registration, etc. I purchased from Pepe Infiniti in White Plains, NY. I got an M35x (Black on Black) with both Journey and Tech packages + full size spare, wheel locks, and a DVD player in the front arm counsel (the latter two I believe come with the packages anyway). That deal included my 2000 Honda Accord trade-in allowance of @ $5,000. (which I felt wasn't so bad since the car had 107,500 miles on it).
Pepe Infiniti was good. No-pressure, straight talkin' John McQuaide was the sales rep I dealt with mostly. (Good man). I shopped for seven months (and probably drove John crazy) before I bought an Oct. 2005-manufactured model in December 2005.
In my mind, Pepe Infiniti was in stark contrast to Kings Infiniti of Brooklyn; those guys were NOT nice (at all). From my experience, Kings was just out to get the quickest deal they could without ANY attention (or respect) to you as a customer. They even wanted to hold my Honda Accord title to make sure I came back to follow up on the deal we talked about (!).
In any event, while I paid a good amount, I am COMPLETELY satisfied with what I bought. I've had no problems with the car at all; and, I've had NONE of the issues that the other buyers on the board here who bought their cars at or around release time have complained about.
I love driving the car (it's fun). It's the best car I've ever had. And, I love the stereo system. (I do wish they would put the right-left mirror switch ALONG-SIDE the swivel adjust. My thumbs are too big and I have to fumble around with my fingers too much. I also wish they would allow the steering wheel to come out and go down more. I'm still on the fence about the sixth gear issue, which is probably not such a big deal with a V-8.
SO, Marksgi, I probably given you an ear full. But, if you're on the fence thought you would might like to know.
- Kai
That's how it's supposed to be.
The best headlight alignment for your visibility would tend to blind drivers in on coming cars. Infiniti, and most cars, keep the drivers side lower to reduce the effect on on coming cars. They keep the passenger side higher (improving visibility) since they can do so without affecting other drivers.
I have driven the other M45 Sports in inventory and they all exhibit the vibration to some degree.
Infiniti has asked my what do I want to do after 6ea Q45 Touring (the good ones)a FX35 and currently a FX45.
Any one experience this vibration problem on the highway between 75 to 85? I commute 130 miles round trip each day and the vibration through the steering wheel gets old at the end of the day.......Yes I could drive faster but I would be in jail........or slower and I would be run over in Mass.
I love the car but Infiniti cannot guarantee that another M45 will not do the same thing.
Any one with a smooth M45 Sport or Lux at these speeds. Please advise when it was built.
Thx for your help everyone.........Frustrated Fastpete
I travel at 80 all the time and have no harmonic distortion whatsoever.
You might test drive a non sport for both the harmonic distortion and to see how good the handling really is on the turns.
I have a 45 sport, build date unknown, which I took delivery of the beginning of March 2005. I have not experienced the problem you describe. Other than the slightest movement in the driver's seat when stopping quickly, I have not experienced a single problem with the car.
I would hope that they could get you another 45 without the problem until the new Q arrives in '09. From the description the owner of the local dealership has given me, the completely new Q will be one awesome automobile that will revive the original concept of the Q.
Best of luck with the M until then.
This could be the start of something good. Three completely different Q's have left a wonderful car without an identity. Going "retro" to either of the first two styles and committing to it long term can make the car more desireable. It can be done ... it HAS been done successfully by marquis brands ... Lexus, MB, BMW, Porsche, Jaguar, even lowly Pontiac! Infiniti has started to do it with the G and M ... now do it with the Q and there will finally be an identity.
For the record, my M35 Sport shows NO harmonic vibration at any speed.
Bart :shades: