I wouldn't expect those 8 HatcheeScratchees to develop problems until they're sold. Until then, the only problem you can expect, is maybe a flat battery from sittin on the lot.
It's funny that a 2003 Nissan Frontier is worth more in trade then a Dodge 1500 extended cab 4x4 HEMI..Look it up if you don't believe it. The HEMI is nothing but hipe for people who don't know any better...With all dealerships practically giving them away that should be hint enough.. Nissan has great quality and always will. The europeans and asians will always design and build the best period.
The Dyno results speak for themselves as to who has the best engine "TITAN". The Hemi is such a joke.. One thing I did notice is that you don't want a automatic with the Hemi "No guts". Now the Manual made a huge difference with the Hemi.. It seemed to have plenty of power..
>>>It's funny that a 2003 Nissan Frontier is worth more in trade then a Dodge 1500 extended cab 4x4 HEMI..Look it up if you don't believe it.<<
Although the comparison was rediculous on the face of it, I did look it up. I did Kelleys Blue Book. The most expensive Frontier 4dr Supercharged truck for 2003 only yields a $16,875 at 12,000 miles. A 2003 RAM Hemi SLT Quad 2wd with automatic and no optional equipment with the same mileage lists at $18,375.
Based on used 2003s 2wd with 12,000 miles, my zip code, and all rated "excellent" condition. Base equipment on all accept larger engines optioned for Ford and Chevy to match the Hemi:
2003 RAM SLT Quad 5.7 auto $29,195 list ----$18,625 (delta $10,820)
2003 F150 XLT Supercrew 5.4 auto $30,710 list ---- $19,625 (delta $11,085)
2003 Silverado LS Quad 6.0 auto $33,580 list ---- $21,550 (delta $12,030)
Dusty Since you posted the numbers showing the depreciation amount, I wondered what the percentages were...
RAM 37.1 F150 36.1 Chev 35.8
While that would indicate that the Chev took the least percentage of hit, it is still so close that being happy with what I was driving would make the most difference to me. That 1.3% difference would mean nothing if I didn't like the truck.
The point in this case was value on an as close to direct comparison as possible. Assuming list price paid, you have to spend $4385 more dollars for the same basic vehicle in a Chevy in order to realize $2925 dollars more at value. Thats still a $1460 loss disadvantage.
In reality local market values vary much more than 1.3% ( even varying during the year) meaning in any given market it could be a wash for any of these trucks, or the advantage to Dodge or Ford.
When you check trade in value it various from where you live.. I was originally from Iowa and yes the heart land prefers the big 3 out of ignorance. Folks are raised thinking and breathing American made.. Unfortunately there probably made by 10 year old in Mexico.. The big 3 pushed alot of there business Mexico and Canada for cheaper labor. I don't buy American made anymore because it's junk plain and simple. Nissan, Toyota and Honda make some really fine auto's there quality/value is endless. I know I will put my Titan against any truck in it's class with no shame.. Besides I already took a Hemi no contest... I have two friends already having problems with the Dodge HEMI's but that's Dodge for you.. Tranny,front end and rear end problems. I know the Company I work for which buys several 100 trucks a year won't buy Dodge anymore because of the problems and resale value.. They are now sticking with Ford Super Dutys...
Don't want to start any war guys. Life is to short to be wrapped up in such uselessness. People will buy what they want no matter what others say, that's whats so great. I have a friend from Poland and we were talking about why Asian and the Europeans make better products. His answer, "we have too things must last we don't have American money".. I put my head down and replied yes we are a money driven country...
Wow! I just sold my 2001 Tacoma Dbl cAb 4x4, 50 k miles for the same price that I can buy a Dodge 4door - 2004 .... Amazing that they guy woulnd't go buy a new Dodge at same price! What was he thinking ? Or better yet, what does he know? Hitchee Schitchee wham bam sam.. Why even buy new Dodge when you can buy one year old low mileage for less than 12 grand.
Well, it's good to know that you don't want to start any wars despite the implicit pronouncement that mid-westerners are an ignorant bunch of people because they bought a material object that you don't like. Yep. Visions of gun-toting rednecks. Most of America has always been suspicious of them there unsophisticated mid-westerners.
Oh, and yes. I think you've confirmed another suspicion. Even though my '93 Sentra said it was built in Smyrna, Tennesee, I had been told that Nissan had secretly imported foreign labor from Asia to displace all those lazy Americans who couldn't design a mousetrap or find themselves out of a paper bag.
(By the way, a good little car it was, but it was as close to beating a Hemi RAM as Bill Clinton was the first "black" American president.)
It's funny though that Nissan builds Sentras and Frontiers in Aguascalientes and Cuernavaca Mexico. Boy, wait till the world finds out that some little son of Nippon is reaping profits by allowing Nissans to be built by 10-year-olds.
That's what I'm trying to say.. It don't matter what you buy. Company's like to betray certain images that just don't exist.. They prey on misinformed consumers. "Lazy Americans" pretty bold statement to make when you don't know all Americans. Lazy I wouldn't say money driven society maybe.. It's just plain cheaper to use labor in Mexico for any Company. It would be dumb not to explore that option to save money.. Doe's Mexico use child labor of course.. Do people care or want to know not really. The Sentra is a good car just like the corolla.. Most the products I buy in my experience have been from Asia.. Denon, Maranatz,Pioneer Elite, Mitsubishi. But I'm willing to pay for quality. It's not that I don't like the BIG 3, it's just not my taste anymore. They to seem to loose value quick and take to much care to maintain..
Well, I still hold with the opinion that you can't judge a book by it's cover. This is the first year that Nissan has made a full size truck. You can't possibly believe that they are not going to have any problems just because Nissan makes reliable cars and medium size trucks. I rather wait for 2 years to see if they are going to be true to the Nissan name.
you said: "Every time I work on a Honda, Nissan, etc. it is a complete PITA."
---maybe because you arent used to something that works CORRECTLY???
you also said: "Domestic cars and trucks are easier to work on, cost less, parts are less expensive..."
---i guess they know what their merchandise is REALLY worth, huh?
and finally, you said: "and put more Americans and Canadians to work than any import brand."
---really? show me the facts...please...oh, sorry...you cant. there arent any. the domestic brands export more jobs to mexico and taiwan/phillipines/SE asia than any others. all but 2 nissan vehicles are built here. all but 2 honda vehicles are built here, and more than half of the toyota vehicles are built here.
OTOH, ford builds the focus, escape, some freestars, and even super duty pickups/excursions in mexico. THAT'S sure putting americans to work!
oh...and dodge and GM arent any more innocent either.
I havent had a lick of trouble with my Explorer....until the warranty ended after 60,000 miles lol. Since then I've had my driver side door lock jam closed $250 to fix. I've had a rear seatbelt latch not work, somehow my emergency brake cable snapped, I've had a fog light fill with water somehow and that needs to be replaced. Sigh rofl. Been about alomst $1,000 in repairs.
I am not sure of your sources here, but in fact at the time being, the only vehicle built by Ford of Mexico that is sold in the U.S. Is the two door Focus and the Superduty (one of two plants). I am farmiliar with the Cuautitlan Plant in Mexico, but doesn't that build the F-Series line for Mexico, aside from the Superdutys? The Hermosillo plant is the one that produces the Focus. I think the new Ford 500 sedan and Mercury varient will be built in Mexico, but all Focus production will be moved to Wayne, Michigan. All Freestarts for the U.S. market are built in Canada, and Escapes are built in two places. One being Kansas City, Kansas, and the other being Claycomo, Missouri. All new F-150's will be produced in the U.S. While I guess you are entitled to your opinion Bowke, the domestic auto companies employ way more people in the U.S. than Nissan does, and thats a fact. Nissan produces two vehicles here you say? Great! Better here then some place else. However, I want my dollar to go back to Michigan. There is so much more to a vehicle than just the building process. There is the engineering, the design, the drawing etc. So I really don't buy that "we are domestics to" line. Anyway, I appologize to all those here for the Titan v.s. Ram discussion for being off topic, but lets say I felt the need to correct a skewed post.
Well, maybe because the real intent of this thread was an attempt to bash Dodge owners by generating a little self-serving and undeserved intellectual superiority.
Car companies cares didly squat about you. All they are after is your money, whether it is the domestics or imports. Btw, Dodge is now owned by the Germans. Whatever if any profits Dodge is making these days are going to Germany. At least the good folks at Mississippi would prefer you buy the Titan
I wonder why any foreign brand vs chrysler thread always turns into quality issues? These are usually the comical arguments.
Next it turns into Foreign vs U.S. As if somehow buying import is unamerican. Just don't buy gasoline(it's all foreign). This is where it starts to get personal & pointless.
Then the thread turns into chaos for an extended period because everyone has shredded eachother and basically accomplished nothing.
I've owned many different brands of vehicles over the years both foreign and domestic, but the only one to ever strand me was a Nissan pickup, and it did it twice! It blew a head gasket hauling home a Christmas tree the first time. The second time it happened a couple of months later when I was moving from the East Coast to the Mid West. I was pulling a trailer and we were stopping for dinner in Champaign Urbana, Illinois. I was decelerating off the Interstate onto the exit ramp. There was a loud noise from under the hood and the motor died. Three days later the Nissan dealer found that the intake manifold sucked a gasket into the engine under the high manifold vacuum while the engine was decelerating.
The mechanic thought that the previous repair for the blown head gasket might have caused the problem due to manifold not being torqued properly.
Fortunately my wife was following me in her Ford Pinto so we had some reliable transportation while we waited for the Nissan to be repaired. <grin>
Now I drive a more reliable Ram 1500 Quad cab 5.7 V8 2wd. It puts a smile on my face every time I get behind the wheel.
It's funny the way people get upset when Nissan makes a far superior truck. Dodge is junk and always will be they mislead people with the HEMI concept. What a joke!! I would buy a Ford or Chevy before a Dodge if I had to choose between "American they like to claim". But I choose quality before brand name. If you look at today's products the Asians and Europeans just make better products. Buy what makes you happy that's what matters most.
You said: "But I choose quality before brand name. If you look at today's products the Asians and Europeans just make better products."
--Don't you mean you choose brand name over quality. This is the first year that Nissan has made a full size truck. So, what quality have they proven. Your choosing the Titan based on the Nissan name for building quality CARS, this is a truck (FULL SIZE). I think that you need to give it at least a year before you start testifying on their quality.
What quality you say? Nissan has nothing but quality with both there Infiniti class and the Maxima,Frontier and Altima.. That's all the quality I need. Besides two of my co-workers both have Dodges. One has the 1500 with Hemi the other has the 2500HD with Hemi. Both of these guys have had problems already.. I have had zero problems with my Nissan. I see JD Power rated the Lexus (Toyota) AND Infiniti (Nissan) as least problemed.
I turned my 2000 Dodge Dakota back in early (lease) because of all the problems.. Ball joints, check engine lights, transmission slipping and sensors galore. Before the Dodge I had a Nissan Frontier although it had little power it was great off road with no problems whatsoever. The constant problems with Dodge was the biggest turning point that brought me back to Nissan. I will probably stick with Toyota,Nissan or BMW for the wife's next vehicle.. She's currently driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse been running strong.
actually, nissan has a large american-based beurocracy as well. its called nissan north america, and is based in california. honda does as well. its called american honda. and is also based in california. these companies are no smaller in power than ford, dodge, or chevrolet. no different than dodge, since the dodge money goes to auburn hills first, before going to germany. nissan's money goes to california before going to japan.
Well, all of those cars (and 1 medium size truck) have been and will probably always be good quality vehicles. Those cars' quality has been backed by years of design and redesign by Nissan. You can't say that of the Titan. So you are basing it's quality on the Nissan brand name. And, how long did you have your Dakota before it started giving you major problems? And, as far as sensors are concern, check the Nissan thread on this forum. They are already listing problems with sensors. But, I am glad that you bought the Titan and hope that more do so. One of the reasons that Dodges are so expensive is that more and more people are buying them. Maybe, if the Titan can give it some real competition in the market, then I can get that HD 4X4 I've been wanting.
I have been Journeyman diesel mechanic for a freightliner dealership for twenty five years.All industries of these types have been rapidly changing.No matter what you drive all parts are coming from around the globe to assemble your vehicle.Yes Daimler Benz now owns Freightliner! But I guess that I should get to the point I was going to make.Did any of you realize that the Hemi motor is made in mexico and then shipped to the U S for final assembly.Also as far as having anti lock brakes I guess one plus is getting a reduced insurance rate for having them.
I'm not sure where your looking for a Dodge but out here "Pocono's" the rebates and dealer incentives are huge.. You can get a fully loaded 2004 2500HD 4x4 Hemi well under $30,000. In fact I have a friend who bought one and he paid $26500 after all the kick backs.. From seeing advertisements everyday there practically giving away Dodges. I had my Dakota about 6months when I noticed loose front end. Dodge just has alot of quality issues from trannys to rear ends. Sensors don't bother me so much because they all fail that's electronics these days to much to soon.. Nissan put alot of effort and time in the Titan taking several years to bring to life..I'm not worried about the quality when it comes to mechanical just the rust problems.. I hope they have problem licked. The new HEMI should be a real improvement for Dodge when they release the engine. The HEMI now just don't live up to the name when it only puts out 250HP/280ft-lb torque at rear wheels.
Wards Auto World has a different opinion than the one given above. Wards places the Hemi on their 10 best list for the second year in a row. Read where Wards rates the Hemi above Nissan's Titan engine and Ford's new 5.6L here:
Here's a little quote for those that believe that the Nissan motor is superior, "And although both the Triton and Endurance V-8s are unlikely to leave the owners of their respective pickup trucks feeling shortchanged, the simple fact is neither could surpass the Hemi — either in raw numbers or on-the-road punch."
Maybe readers of this forum who are trying to decide which truck to buy should consider the source of the opinions they read here. I hope they listen to professional reviewers and automotive experts rather than those on this forum who are trying to justify their own purchases or who have some sort of misplaced brand bias.
The Titan may be a nice truck, but the Hemi motor is more powerful. Facts are facts.
everyone knows...well, maybe except you...that horsepower isnt the key to trucks. torque is. and the titan engine has the most torque out of all the 1/2 ton pickups...even more than some diesels, for crying out loud.
heck...even the ford has more torque than the hemi.
Everyone knows...well, maybe except you...how to read a spec sheet. According to Ford's own website the 5.9L puts out "365 @ 3750" lb-ft of torque. The Hemi is rated at 375 lb-ft. Your Titan motor is rated at 379 lb-ft, a whopping 4 lb-ft more than the Hemi. This minimal difference in torque would be impossible to feel, but a difference of 40 hp would be very noticeable.
heck...the Hemi has more torque than the Ford.
Why would anyone listen to your opinion when you can not get basic facts and figures straight?
ok i was off on that...my bad...but its a 5.4L. facts?????
as it is, the titan has more torque than the hemi...at lower RPMs. also, the ford achieves its max torque at much lower RPMs than the hemi, which is why it STILL has a higher towing/payload rating than the dodge.
>>>93 Sentra won't beat a Hemi? Mine will and it's stock. The 1993 Sentra SE-R did 0 to 60 in 7.4 seconds.<<<
The previous post lacked the specificity of engine or model, of course. In the ambiguous way it was presented it would have little four-door Sentra SEs with the GA16 (1.6) engine turning asphalt back into raw petroleum while the Hemi RAM came in second in a "fair" race.
The blatant foolishness of the original comment aside, folks should understand that the '93 Sentra SE-R was a 2-door subcompact with a specially prepared 2.0 liter engine, the SR20DE, delivering 140 horsepower at 6400 rpm to a 2324 pound car. It is obviously one of 1993s pocket-rockets.
Despite the fact that the Hemi sports a little more horsepower per pound, the comparison between a car of any type to a truck is ridiculous at best. A truck suffers from a considerable more dynamic and parasitic power losses working through much larger and heavier driveline components. The fact is, the '93 Sentra SE-R is most likely faster than ANY truck built in 1993, or most built now.
The comparison is the equivalent to saying that a Dodge RAM can carry more weight than a Sentra SE-R and the point would be just as ludicrous. The Hemi must be pretty intimidating to Dodge detractors based on some of silly and inaccurate comments made in here.
With regards to trucks, torque is more of a factor as someone else pointed out. But, just comparing raw horsepower or torque numbers is overly simplistic and not the end of the story. It is usable power at speed and for that the true test is knowing the horsepower and torque curves. If your four-valve motor makes 55% of it's power above 3100 rpm, what in the heck good is it in a truck?
I'm not here to debate the merits of the Hemi. People should test drive the trucks and make there own decisions, that's what I did. I just don't like it when people bad mouth the Hemi when it is rated higher and better reviewed by automotive experts. Despite some of the opinions given on this board, the Hemi is a great motor. Here is another quote from Wards, "But beyond the numbers, 10 Best testers believed the Hemi didn't just beat its new V-8 rivals (the Nissan and Ford). It again deserves to be called one of the best of all engines because of its real-world performance and just-right NVH and driveability."
Again, drive the trucks and make up your own mind. There's much more to a truck than the motor.
Until the Titan has a performance history its all just speculation.
As Dankirk pointed out, "There's much more to a truck...
I have a co-worker that claims that his Tundra is almost a one ton truck because it has a gross payload of over 1800lb. You can't explain to him that it has too much rear overhang to hual large loads or tow heavy trailers safely.
On one of the other threads I asked if the Tundra still has an 8 inch rear diff. Someone responded that the 8" rear end is awsome in the (1000lb lighter) Tacoma, appearantly not understanding the difference in demands between compact trucks and "almost a one ton"
I hope the Titan is sucessful because the competition will be good for us consumers and give us another choice
The dyno results speak for themselves. The Titan out performs the HEMI. The Titan at the rear wheels 260hp/300ft-lb torque. The Titan in every magazine I have read out pulled,powered and 0-60 faster then the HEMI. I know it's hard to take but hey HEMI heads on a 360 go figure...It's a joke!!
Don't forget WARDS just rates by numbers no real world performance to back that up.. Nissan Titan has not even been on the road long enough for WARDS to claim anything.. Wait a year then give out the 10 best but that's WARD's for ya. Read all those awards awarded to the TITAN and you will soon see who's engine has the power. There are at least 5-6 awards that I know of. HEMI is a marketing tool for Dodge as a desperate act for less superior truck then Ford or Chevy in which Dodge is competing against..Dodge is just plain junk to many problems with to many vehicles.
The Titan is not for everybody. It's for people who like to try new things new ideas new concepts new technology. This is one heck of a truck for Nissan's first full size truck. Yes, this truck is for the Modern truck person.. Traditional owners will be hard to convince to the change they are brand loyal. Ignorance unfortunately but we are all ignorant sometimes.
what is a "HatcheeScratchee"?
Although the comparison was rediculous on the face of it, I did look it up. I did Kelleys Blue Book. The most expensive Frontier 4dr Supercharged truck for 2003 only yields a $16,875 at 12,000 miles. A 2003 RAM Hemi SLT Quad 2wd with automatic and no optional equipment with the same mileage lists at $18,375.
Based on used 2003s 2wd with 12,000 miles, my zip code, and all rated "excellent" condition. Base equipment on all accept larger engines optioned for Ford and Chevy to match the Hemi:
2003 RAM SLT Quad 5.7 auto $29,195 list ----$18,625 (delta $10,820)
2003 F150 XLT Supercrew 5.4 auto $30,710 list ---- $19,625 (delta $11,085)
2003 Silverado LS Quad 6.0 auto $33,580 list ---- $21,550 (delta $12,030)
Advantage, Dodge.
Since you posted the numbers showing the depreciation amount, I wondered what the percentages were...
RAM 37.1
F150 36.1
Chev 35.8
While that would indicate that the Chev took the least percentage of hit, it is still so close that being happy with what I was driving would make the most difference to me. That 1.3% difference would mean nothing if I didn't like the truck.
In reality local market values vary much more than 1.3% ( even varying during the year) meaning in any given market it could be a wash for any of these trucks, or the advantage to Dodge or Ford.
But your point is very well taken.
Oh, and yes. I think you've confirmed another suspicion. Even though my '93 Sentra said it was built in Smyrna, Tennesee, I had been told that Nissan had secretly imported foreign labor from Asia to displace all those lazy Americans who couldn't design a mousetrap or find themselves out of a paper bag.
(By the way, a good little car it was, but it was as close to beating a Hemi RAM as Bill Clinton was the first "black" American president.)
It's funny though that Nissan builds Sentras and Frontiers in Aguascalientes and Cuernavaca Mexico. Boy, wait till the world finds out that some little son of Nippon is reaping profits by allowing Nissans to be built by 10-year-olds.
---maybe because you arent used to something that works CORRECTLY???
you also said: "Domestic cars and trucks are easier to work on, cost less, parts are less expensive..."
---i guess they know what their merchandise is REALLY worth, huh?
and finally, you said: "and put more Americans and Canadians to work than any import brand."
---really? show me the facts...please...oh, sorry...you cant. there arent any. the domestic brands export more jobs to mexico and taiwan/phillipines/SE asia than any others. all but 2 nissan vehicles are built here. all but 2 honda vehicles are built here, and more than half of the toyota vehicles are built here.
OTOH, ford builds the focus, escape, some freestars, and even super duty pickups/excursions in mexico. THAT'S sure putting americans to work!
oh...and dodge and GM arent any more innocent either.
I havent had a lick of trouble with my Explorer....until the warranty ended after 60,000 miles lol. Since then I've had my driver side door lock jam closed $250 to fix. I've had a rear seatbelt latch not work, somehow my emergency brake cable snapped, I've had a fog light fill with water somehow and that needs to be replaced. Sigh rofl. Been about alomst $1,000 in repairs.
All Freestarts for the U.S. market are built in Canada, and Escapes are built in two places. One being Kansas City, Kansas, and the other being Claycomo, Missouri. All new F-150's will be produced in the U.S.
While I guess you are entitled to your opinion Bowke, the domestic auto companies employ way more people in the U.S. than Nissan does, and thats a fact. Nissan produces two vehicles here you say? Great! Better here then some place else. However, I want my dollar to go back to Michigan. There is so much more to a vehicle than just the building process. There is the engineering, the design, the drawing etc. So I really don't buy that "we are domestics to" line. Anyway, I appologize to all those here for the Titan v.s. Ram discussion for being off topic, but lets say I felt the need to correct a skewed post.
Amen! They do put more of Americans to work..Go mechanics union go!
Next it turns into Foreign vs U.S. As if somehow buying import is unamerican. Just don't buy gasoline(it's all foreign). This is where it starts to get personal & pointless.
Then the thread turns into chaos for an extended period because everyone has shredded eachother and basically accomplished nothing.
Hopefully that's not the case here....
This is still Titan vs Ram !!
The mechanic thought that the previous repair for the blown head gasket might have caused the problem due to manifold not being torqued properly.
Fortunately my wife was following me in her Ford Pinto so we had some reliable transportation while we waited for the Nissan to be repaired. <grin>
Now I drive a more reliable Ram 1500 Quad cab 5.7 V8 2wd. It puts a smile on my face every time I get behind the wheel.
--Don't you mean you choose brand name over quality. This is the first year that Nissan has made a full size truck. So, what quality have they proven. Your choosing the Titan based on the Nissan name for building quality CARS, this is a truck (FULL SIZE). I think that you need to give it at least a year before you start testifying on their quality.
I will have to find where the guy quoted this but according to JD Power 1,2,3 for least problemed vehicle are
Here's a little quote for those that believe that the Nissan motor is superior, "And although both the Triton and Endurance V-8s are unlikely to leave the owners of their respective pickup trucks feeling shortchanged, the simple fact is neither could surpass the Hemi — either in raw numbers or on-the-road punch."
Maybe readers of this forum who are trying to decide which truck to buy should consider the source of the opinions they read here. I hope they listen to professional reviewers and automotive experts rather than those on this forum who are trying to justify their own purchases or who have some sort of misplaced brand bias.
The Titan may be a nice truck, but the Hemi motor is more powerful. Facts are facts.
heck...even the ford has more torque than the hemi.
heck...the Hemi has more torque than the Ford.
Why would anyone listen to your opinion when you can not get basic facts and figures straight?
as it is, the titan has more torque than the hemi...at lower RPMs. also, the ford achieves its max torque at much lower RPMs than the hemi, which is why it STILL has a higher towing/payload rating than the dodge.
The previous post lacked the specificity of engine or model, of course. In the ambiguous way it was presented it would have little four-door Sentra SEs with the GA16 (1.6) engine turning asphalt back into raw petroleum while the Hemi RAM came in second in a "fair" race.
The blatant foolishness of the original comment aside, folks should understand that the '93 Sentra SE-R was a 2-door subcompact with a specially prepared 2.0 liter engine, the SR20DE, delivering 140 horsepower at 6400 rpm to a 2324 pound car. It is obviously one of 1993s pocket-rockets.
Despite the fact that the Hemi sports a little more horsepower per pound, the comparison between a car of any type to a truck is ridiculous at best. A truck suffers from a considerable more dynamic and parasitic power losses working through much larger and heavier driveline components. The fact is, the '93 Sentra SE-R is most likely faster than ANY truck built in 1993, or most built now.
The comparison is the equivalent to saying that a Dodge RAM can carry more weight than a Sentra SE-R and the point would be just as ludicrous. The Hemi must be pretty intimidating to Dodge detractors based on some of silly and inaccurate comments made in here.
With regards to trucks, torque is more of a factor as someone else pointed out. But, just comparing raw horsepower or torque numbers is overly simplistic and not the end of the story. It is usable power at speed and for that the true test is knowing the horsepower and torque curves. If your four-valve motor makes 55% of it's power above 3100 rpm, what in the heck good is it in a truck?
Again, drive the trucks and make up your own mind. There's much more to a truck than the motor.
Best regards,
As Dankirk pointed out, "There's much more to a truck...
I have a co-worker that claims that his Tundra is almost a one ton truck because it has a gross payload of over 1800lb. You can't explain to him that it has too much rear overhang to hual large loads or tow heavy trailers safely.
On one of the other threads I asked if the Tundra still has an 8 inch rear diff. Someone responded that the 8" rear end is awsome in the (1000lb lighter) Tacoma, appearantly not understanding the difference in demands between compact trucks and "almost a one ton"
I hope the Titan is sucessful because the competition will be good for us consumers and give us another choice
The Titan is not for everybody. It's for people who like to try new things new ideas new concepts new technology. This is one heck of a truck for Nissan's first full size truck. Yes, this truck is for the Modern truck person.. Traditional owners will be hard to convince to the change they are brand loyal. Ignorance unfortunately but we are all ignorant sometimes.