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Hemi vs. Hybrid! Japan goes Tech, US goes ICE! Who's really winning??



  • wimsey1wimsey1 Member Posts: 201
    xcel-I can understand your initial point, and John's analysis was an over simplification, however I have driven enough in foggy conditions with the road surface at freezing temps to have some idea of the effect of water vapor juxtaposed with it. With a vehicle producing the "fog" the potential for an even lower temps on the road surface should increase the likelihood of freezing condensation on the road surface. That is rather a different problem than a cloud at 20,000 ft. Look at the area around any water vapor emitting vent on a building in cold weather. Ice build up will be a problem and will need to be addressed, IMO. Do you store it for disposal? Add a chemical to change it to prevent condensation (enviro impact of that!)? If stored do you heat it to prevent freezing in tank? Even when parked?
    I'm not decrying your scepticism, that is the heart of scientific inquiry, but I sure would like to see the questiion addressed by the experts.

    logic-I suspect that the two of us does not constitute a signifigant data base. Chuckle. ;-)
    And I probably enjoy burning petroleum more than you, but I'm cool with where your at.
    Top down, brother.
  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    Several things may have influenced the discrepancy in sales numbers between Oct-Dec and Jan-Mar without resorting to conspiracy theories.

    1) The numbers don't state that all the Prii sold Oct-Dec are '04s and I suspect that it would be incorrect to assume that. Those numbers likely also include the selloff of the '03s that were remaining on the lots, and that went faster as the wait for '04s became apparent.

    2) Pre-Release pipeline loading - It's usual for manufacturer to get in some production time before the new model hits the showroom to ensure that there is a bolus of them coming in up front. Particularly given that they had well over 10K Priuses already sold in the Pioneer Program, and knew they had demand for at least that many. After the initial slug of vehicles works through after release though, you're back to relying on monthly production.

    3) The Rest of the World - January they started rolling out the Prius in Europe. As the number of markets expands, the numbers get diluted, since production is the limit.

    The sales there are also running far ahead of projections, and the wait times are rapidly catching up with the US.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    ___It was 13,694 04’s according to mrv’s information above. As for the rest of it, we shall see soon enough I guess?

    ___Good Luck

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • badtoybadtoy Member Posts: 343
    Ya'll need to get a life. How long did it take to put all that stuff together? Is it for our edification or just to prove a point? No way am I wading through all that stuff....

    I think both the Focus and the Prius are great cars, but they serve two entirely different kinds of customers. The Focus is a sport compact with great handling and snarky looks, and now that Ford has addressed most if not all of the quality issues, it's probably one of the first cars of its kind I would consider myself -- and I'm a hardcore Toyota guy as you know. I'd certainly take it over a Civic in a heartbeat, and maybe a Corolla as well.

    The Prius, on the other hand, is Toyota's noble experiment, and while doing very well in Japan, which has stricter emissions standards than we do, was introduced to the US market as a method of preemptively meeting California's ever-stricter emissions standards. Toyota has always obsessed about two things in the design of their cars -- how to pack the most room into the smallest package, and how to make do with the smallest, lightest engine (which is why they are much less beloved by the street crowd than Honda or Nissan). They are also heavily committed to environmental responsibility. Honda shares most of Toyota's concerns, with a slightly different approach.

    To compare the two cars (Focus and Prius) is like apples and oranges. Why not get both, and get a life to go along with it?

    (Just kidding -- I'd hate to be taken literally!)

  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    Wayne, that Data has been posted all over, and anyone who has cared to has seen the original data and scrounged the Toyota Press Releases from which it is drawn.

    The list is number of Prii sold per month with no breakdown of which model year it is.

    When you cut/pasted the list you also copied the words and assumptions of the guy who posted it.

    That "Estimated number of 2004 sold..." is HIS words, and he did it by adding up the numbers from Oct-Dec.

    There's nothing in the 'numbers he posted' that says that, and that's clearly not what the numbers represent.

    If you're going to quote data, make sure you know what is source data and what is someones 'interpretation' of it.
  • drfilldrfill Member Posts: 2,484
    On pretty much every car in the sales game, you can almost throw out Jan/Feb sales numbers.
    These are, by far, the worst car months in the business, as it is the heart of witer, everyone bought something in the Year-end closeouts, or is waiting for the first of Spring to enjoy a new car.

        The car sales business really starts in March, which with December, is usually the best month of the year in sales numbers.

        I've sold a few cars in my day, including new Fords (Focus), so I might know. If the strange looks didn't kill it, the strange quality did. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, my friends.

  • drfilldrfill Member Posts: 2,484
    I wouldn't go Hog-wild about the Focus being on C&D 10 Best list.

       One, the List has had such stars as the Pontiac Bonneville, Pontiac 6000, and the legendary Merkur XR4Ti on it!

       Two, the Focus was just beaten easily last year by no less than four cars in it's OWN CLASS last year! So it being 10 Best in the entire industry is a stretch at best.

       Three, the obviously don't take factors like resale, quality, sales numbers, economy into account on this list.

       C&D writes the best articles, but they may set a record for most times contradicting itself!

       No less than 2 years ago they had the Chevy Silverado as the BEST Full-size P/U! This was 2 months after it was soundly beaten by the new Dodge Ram in a direct comparo, BEFORE the HEMI!

  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    ___I just copied and pasted another’s work and not only did I mention their nick and the forum they posted it from, I also included the links they provided where they got the information. If you have better information, please feel free to post it. If you don’t, then don’t make assumptions as to its correctness.

    “It was 13,694 04’s according to mrv’s information above”.

    ___Did I not mention mrv again or do you know something mrv doesn&#146;t? I am quite interested given < 10,000 04&#146;s were sold in the 3 months of January, Feb, and March of this year by all appearances? If leftover 03&#146;s were included in that tally, what conclusions can be drawn given 657 non-04 Prius were sold in July of 03, 299 non-04 Prius&#146; were sold in August of 03, and 112 non-04 Prius&#146; were sold in September of 03? I would say mrv did a pretty good job of disseminating what information is available. He or She is also an 04 Prius owner if that helps.

    ___Good Luck

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    I explained his fallacious assumptions, and by extension your fallacy in repeating them. I assumed that since you pride yourself so much on posting accurate information, you would appreciate knowing when you are quoting false statistics.

    I don't know exact 03/04 sales in that time frame, nor am I inclined to go 'prove him wrong' by digging out exactly how many of those Prius sales in Oct-Dec were left over '03s, but it's certain that some of them were, which was all I stated (correctly).

    As the Prius situation unfolded, people were holding off buying the '03s waiting for the '04s, so there were quite a few sitting on the lots when the '04s came out.

    When it became clear that demand far far exceeded supply for the '04s, the remaining '03s sold. This could be observed clearly from the posts of people buying them in the Oct-Jan time frame.

    So, how many of them were left? I don't know, nor do I really care. The point is that the 'estimate' you quoted is incorrect, and thus any conclusions drawn from it would also be suspect.

    If you aren't interested, then the facts are just out there for the rest of the readers to use in evaluating the assumptions and theories that people may make based on the numbers.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    I don't know exact 03/04 sales in that time frame, nor am I inclined to go 'prove him wrong' by digging out exactly how many of those Prius sales in Oct-Dec were left over '03s, but it's certain that some of them were, which was all I stated (correctly).

    ___Not only did I post the 04 Prius owning author, the Prius forum, the Toyota provided links to where the information came from but even mentioned similar again in the second post. Here is his or her own estimates as directly quoted: Estimated number of 2004 Prius sold in the US (Oct 03 - Dec 03): 13,694. Did you miss something? You are calling me fallacious? Why not go over to the forum in question and blast the Prius owner who posted the information as I only passed it along. You haven&#146;t provided a single fact nor have you provided a single piece of data backing up anything that you have said yet you are calling me a liar? Where are your facts? Before you accuse someone of not posting facts, please feel free to post some of your own since obviously you don&#146;t know a thing about prior Prius sales.

    ___If in July, August, and September only 1,068 new 01-03 Prius&#146; were sold, how can you even pretend to speculate that all remaining 01-03 Prius&#146; available were included in a the Oct. - Dec. sales results and had to add up to a rather large percentage of the total. This would be the difference between total Prius sales in the Oct. - Dec. time frame and those sold in the January - March time frame more then likely and even after Toyota supposedly increased Prius production late last year/early this year? That would make at least 3,776 01-03 Prius&#146; sold to possibly make up the difference between 03 sales and 04 sales of 04 Prius&#146;! And a reality check to go along with all of those 01-03 Prius having been sold in that Oct. &#150; Dec. time frame … A new 04 Prius was priced at $19,995 + delivery with some wait is passed over for an 01-03 brand new yet much less capable, much smaller, less clean, worse handling 01-03 Prius going for $19,995 for immediate delivery. There was only a $1,200 mark up on the 03&#146;s if you think an outstanding deal could be had on one of the older leftovers even after the 04 Prius was launched. Fat chance but I am sure a few probably were sold with a few shady nudges from some Toyota dealers without an ounce of integrity …

    ___Please let me know where and when you come up with your information as I am greatly looking forward to reading it … Otherwise, you are simply adding false hoods to another post from another Prius owner who included as much as he or she could from Toyota&#146;s own public information releases.

    So, how many of them were left? I don't know, nor do I really care. The point is that the 'estimate' you quoted is incorrect, and thus any conclusions drawn from it would also be suspect. If you aren't interested, then the facts are just out there for the rest of the readers to use in evaluating the assumptions and theories that people may make based on the numbers.

    ___As it stands, you have released 0 bits of factual information, 0% reliability of any conclusion, and have created a personal attack. If you don&#146;t care, please refrain from adding your own brand of useless diatribe. Drawing conclusions from data coming from TMC themselves is all any of us have to go on and with that, I passed on exactly what was posted in terms of TMC&#146;s own public press releases and conclusions from someone that did quite a bit of work to place it all together if I do say so myself.

    ___If you would like the exact threads location, I will give it to you privately if you haven&#146;t found it already. I see you have failed in regards to correcting the Prius owners own falsehoods given he or she has posted > 5% of the total over in that Prius forum alone. In other words, I have a feeling he or she is reasonably well respected in terms of Prius knowledge given his or her activity … If you do not care to visit and correct the information posted in that particular Prius forum and post your insults towards his or her own conclusions, I will know with 100% certainty that your previous post was simply a malicious attack and your post is as worthless as you are.

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    I also know where the data came from. You can find it in the Toyota Press Releases if you care to look, and I know exactly what it means.

    I also know who posted them, and the assumptions they made.

    The facts are clear, and at this point we can just let the post sequence here speak for itself, I think it does that quite eloquently. Your last post is just the icing on the cake. I don't think anyone will have any difficulty making an informed decision about who is attacking whom here, and what the agenda is.

    Thanks for staying true to form.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    ___Your welcome … Mr. &#147;his fallacious&#148; &#147;your fallacy&#148; &#147;quoting false statistics&#148;. Please feel free to knock mrv&#146;s information and post over in that Prius forum referenced. I see you haven&#146;t yet so what does that tell us? True to form? It appears that you are …

    ___Good Luck

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    She posted it as an estimate and fun speculation, drawing no conclusions, and there is no harm done. It doesn't matter in that context.

    You used it to propose (or rather, to be technically correct, to resurrect) a conspiracy theory, for which you have no facts except wishful thinking and an apparently pathological hatred of Toyota and the Prius, so it was relevant here.

    It really wasn't for your benefit, because I knew you wouldn't care, and would just take it as an opportunity to try to get someone else to react to you. Sorry, you'll have to find someone else to bait. My posts were for the other readers.

    As I said, I'm quite happy to let the posts all speak for themselves.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    She posted it as an estimate and fun speculation, drawing no conclusions, and there is no harm done. It doesn't matter in that context.

    ___Since you have not replied to her in the thread nor have you bashed her for bringing it up, have you been in contact with her in regards to if it was fun or if she did not draw any conclusions from it? Maybe you are just speculating?

    You used it to propose (or rather, to be technically correct, to resurrect) a conspiracy theory

    ___Now it&#146;s a conspiracy theory and one intended to cause harm? Harm to whom? The only person apparently harmed was you. If so, go stew in another forum … I am interested in the reason for as many as 13,000 + 04 Prius&#146; available in the first 3 months and < 10,000 in the second 3 given the amount of hopeful customer pre-orders sitting on the desks of thousands of Toyota dealership salesman? Of course you aren&#146;t interested in this but I know a few thousand hopeful 04 Prius drivers that might be? When you find out why, please let us know.

    … apparently pathological hatred of Toyota and the Prius

    ___First off, I own an 03 Toyota. Second off, I have owned a Toyota in my household since late 1992. Maybe you didn&#146;t know both were std. ICE&#146;s. With that, did you happen to notice the title of the thread? Where you come off with that kind of non-sense is your own doing but I would recommend that you see someone to take care of your paranoia(s) … Hate is a pretty big word. Given you feel the need to use it, maybe you shouldn&#146;t be posting here? There are plenty of other places on the net to use such language or cause harm through intent. I suggest you go look for them and relieve your frustrations over there, not here.

    It really wasn't for your benefit, because I knew you wouldn't care

    ___You are correct, I don&#146;t care one iota as to what you have to say when you spread the garbage you have spread in the last few posts …

    As I said, I'm quite happy to let the posts all speak for themselves.

    ___Then please keep them to yourself. It is too bad you haven&#146;t mentioned one piece of information in regards to the Prius in quite a while? Maybe you should consider this as I can just imagine what mrv&#146;s data has to do with your &#147;pathological hatred&#148; of anything?

    ___And back to our regularly scheduled programming …


    ___I wonder what the 04 Prius would do as I believe they were testing the 03 in the same tests?

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • tempusvntempusvn Member Posts: 119
    The posts that speak for themselves are yours and mine in this forum.

    Telling me to keep them to myself is at best a non-sequitur.

    That's why I haven't 'mentioned anything in regard to the prius', because the defense rested. There's nothing more to say and the posts speak volumes. There's no need to get drawn into your usual illogical [non-permissible content removed] for tat exchanges because I'm not talking to you, but to the other readers here.

    And I know you delight in driving people away from the forums here with your attacks. I suppose it allows you to believe you 'won' in some way. But, rest assured that I'll continue to post when and where I wish in spite of your 'suggestions' that everyone who disagrees with you go away.

    Until I next feel the need to set the record straight, adieu.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Tempusvn:

    ___Your true colors have already been seen shining through …

    &#147;his fallacious&#148; &#147;your fallacy&#148; and now &#147;pathological hatred&#148;

    ___Come to think about it, I don&#146;t ever remember personally attacking you other then deflecting some of your style directed towards me. Do you have a problem? If so, help is available from any other number of venues and a forum discussing automobiles is not one of them … Please feel free to add anything else of the nature posted above for all of us to enjoy. As it stands, I still have not seen you personally attack the poster of the TMC data and she is the one that I quoted directly from? Personal attacks need not apply but you may continue at your leisure. Then again, the defense rested some time ago according to you? Or did it? I am also sure we all would like to add a few more choice words to our everyday use vocabulary … I do hope that you don&#146;t use that kind of language or tone in your work place as I am almost positive your comrades would most appreciate it. If you work at all that is ;-)

    ___And back to our regularly scheduled programming …

    ___There is a real mileage database that some here might consider useful in their choice of Hybrid or std. ICE based automobile(s)? You can find it at http://www.greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage/

    ___Good Luck

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • coolguyky7coolguyky7 Member Posts: 932
    I'm very surprised the hosts allow a person to make it his/her mission to eschew perspective buyers away from a vehicle. This person's thinly veiled posts with "hi's" and "good lucks" are offensive to everyone's intelligence. The negativity toward others and hidebound automotive opinions are bittering the Town Hall experience.

    When did this become Ford Focus vs. hybrids? I do believe the purpose is to compare the American approach of technology to Japan's technology.
  • xcelxcel Member Posts: 1,025
    Hi Coolguyk7:

    offensive to everyone's intelligence. The negativity toward others and hidebound automotive opinions are bittering the Town Hall experience.

    ___I am surprised the Hosts let personal attacks (hidden or otherwise) run amok like they do as well … At least I don&#146;t aspire to the low down name calling and if it was hidden (yours certainly is not), I don&#146;t know what to say.

    ___Can you make a case as to the Focus&#146; lack of utility, cleanliness, or performance against any hybrid available? Ford is a US company using a Mazda designed engine from a block of an old US standby that is not only as clean or cleaner then any of Hybrid&#146;s available, it is much more powerful … As the thread is entitled: &#147;Japan goes Tech, US goes ICE! Who's really winning??&#148;. I would say Ford has one nice setup sitting in the US&#146; corner. And the extended warranty it comes with as std. here in Chicago is 5 Yr./100,000 miles … The US&#146; best to date is up against Japan&#146;s best to date. Just because they happen to be the 04 PZEV based Focus and 04 Prius wasn&#146;t up to you or I. Did you have another US automobile you might want to place up against Japan&#146;s Prius Hybrid?

    ___Wayne R. Gerdes
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    is that Ford will probably use hybrid powertrains when they replace the Taurus, in the 500 and the Futura (well actually NOT Futura, as this name is previously owned, and they are now seeking another one), like the Escape.

    If that is the case and they sell well, I guess this thread's title will become obsolete in a sense! As for the hemi, though, what will the Chrysler group do? I am betting what they WON'T do is stop offering that big brute of a V-8. It has a name that is worth something in annual sales.

    They are saying that rising fuel prices will cause a consumer squawk this year resulting in pressure on Congress to raise CAFE standards quickly, and the automakers will be forced to go along....but I have my doubts, as Automotive News reports today that light truck sales continued to climb in the last quarter despite the steep increase in gas prices during the same time period.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • sunbyrnesunbyrne Member Posts: 210
    Interesting observation, nippononly. I think you're right to doubt that CAFE standards will go up. U.S. Americans like to bit...err, complain a lot about the price of gas, but as far as I can tell, for most folks it's just for something to complain about. If they really cared about it, monstro SUVs would never have caught on in the first place. Or at the very least, they wouldn't have such huge market share.

    And, frankly, there's no incentive for lawmakers in Washington to make such a change. The auto lobby is large and powerful, and will always oppose such changes. Voting for a hike in CAFE standards won't win any of these folks enough votes back in their district for it to matter, since the overall economy and terrorism/war appear to be the hot issues right now. Environmental issues are a non-starter this election season, I think.

    Now, that said, I think there is a strong contingent of U.S. carbuyers who really do care--but it's not the majority of the market, at least not yet. Might be different if gas goes to $3/gallon everywhere, but the current leadership will tap the strategic reserves and cut gas tax before that happens.

    Oh, and since the Focus, no matter how wonderful it is or is not, is NOT a hybrid, can we PLEASE stop talking about it?
  • drfilldrfill Member Posts: 2,484
    Since the Host wrongly changed the title. How sad.

  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    while the current administration does seem to want to push for temporarily lower gas taxes, they have reiterated their commitment (as recently as last week) to NOT tapping the strategic oil reserve except in time of oil supply cut-off, as in all the way off!

    It is possible that gas will rise to $3/gallon in the next year, but I have strong doubts it will do it by this summer as everyone is saying.

    Doc, the title has changed, but I think I know what you meant - Japan went high-tech fuel miser, domestics went low-tech, huge-power. Right?

    It is hard to assess the true sales success of the Prius because Toyota has limited its supply and waiting lists will turn many buyers off. The hemi-equipped cars and trucks will be the most successful trim lines of their respective models, I am sure. Chrysler has claimed it realizes its previous mistake in bringing all the most expensive trims of Pacifica to market first, and thus killing their launch. But I still bet they will bring PLENTY of 300C (hemi-powered) cars to market early on. "I want a hemmm--ay (cough, spit)"


    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    The 300c's V8 will employ the cylinder shutdown trick (will it work I hope?) as will GM soon as well, so they're trying to work with the ICE to stretch some additional fuel economy. It's not just simply ignoring MPG and dropping in bigger motors.
  • sunbyrnesunbyrne Member Posts: 210
    While it's true that some of the U.S. automakers are trying cylinder shutdown and such, I don't think they're doing it out of environmental concern; most U.S. automakers are right on the cusp with respect to _current_ CAFE standards. Dodge put extra work into the PT Cruiser to make sure it could be classified as a light truck in part because if it wasn't, the Cruiser's so-so mileage would have put them below the CAFE limit for cars. Plus, it helped them meet the CAFE limit for light trucks, which the rest of their line wasn't quite going to meet. Win-win for Chrysler. You can be sure Chrysler will fight any CAFE increases tooth-and-nail.
  • seminole_kevseminole_kev Member Posts: 1,696
    I don't believe ANY manufacturer is doing anything out of real "evironmental concerns". Call me cynical, but it's all about profits.
  • daysailerdaysailer Member Posts: 720
    Realistic! Isn't that the purpose of business?
  • carguy1234carguy1234 Member Posts: 233
    I'm pretty sure Toyota will still let you buy a Sequoia, LC or 4Runner. It's all about making money.
  • mirthmirth Member Posts: 1,212
    ...the Toyota Tundra. Toyota has always had a PR department that could run rings around the Big Three's PR dept. I guess we should be happy that good PR means they have to make some environmentally friendly vehicles. Kind of a halo car effect. The Big Three never really got that in regards to the environmental movement, i.e. that they need a green halo car.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    I have been most intrigued in the last week or so to see the TV airwaves blanketed with commercials run by Ford to demonstrate the environmental credentials of the PZEV Focus! They go on and on about the rock-bottom emissions while they wave the EPA numbers around on-screen, on a background of the Focus driving through a green forest.

    Maybe Ford has begun to try.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • varmintvarmint Member Posts: 6,326
    I dunno that the auto industry as a whole is dead set against raising CAFE. Back in 2001, Honda became the first company to agree with the notion that raising CAFE standards is possible and the responsible thing to do.


    At 22.7 mpg, Toyota's CAFE for their truck fleet is well above the current average. With new engines, hybrid power, and more cross-over vehicles they are certain to increase that average. Plus Toyota has gobs of credits to spend.

    Both of these companies have a pretty strong manufacturing base here in the US. If a raise in CAFE standards puts the squeeze on the Big 2.5, why wouldn't they support it?
  • varmintvarmint Member Posts: 6,326
    I agree with whoever it was that wrote about Mopar using the big V8 if only for marketing purposes. They won't let that go.

    Brilliant move giving it cylinder deactivation. But they might have to cut back on how many cars it goes into.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    22.7 won't look as good when (a) they have brought out the new 5.4L Tundra and Sequoia, and (b) the truck standard has risen to 22.2

    At the last series of hearings on CAFE, Toyota was right by GM's and Ford's sides lobbying against increased standards. Something which doesn't usually make the "green" hype in Toyota's PR packet! :-P

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • robertsmxrobertsmx Member Posts: 5,525
    Hybrid Accord should have cylinder deactivation system, probably an advanced version of the system that Civic Hybrid uses.

    Accord Hybrid is likely to use 3.0 liter V6 that Honda has been selling in Japan for months.
    Here is a video of the engine.

    Of course, that engine isn't mated to electric motor in that video.
  • varmintvarmint Member Posts: 6,326
    Nippon - Sales of hybrid trucks (possibly including the Tundra) will help offset sales of the 5.4L. CAFE is based on unadjusted EPA mileage, so the Highlander and RX might count as something like 40 - 50 mpg vehicles! Even in smaller quantities, that will help their averages.

    But really it's the credits that matter. Toyota won't pay a gas guzzler penalty for years. Should they decide to push for higher mpg regs, they can afford it. The Big 2.5 cannot.

    I expect the reason why Honda turned about face on the issue is because they know the technology is there. With hybrids, advancements in VTEC, and variable cylinder management, they have little to fear from CAFE. If that's true, it's only a matter of time before Toyota takes the same route.
  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,920
    how much United States/Canadian content the new Chrysler LX cars are going to have? Chrysler might be able to get the Hemi models in through the same loophole that Ford does with the Crown Vic and Grand Marquis. There's just enough foreign content in them so they don't get counted in with the domestic CAFE ratings.

    All of the LX cars use Mercedes suspension componentry, and abs and traction control too, IIRC. And the Hemi models use Benz trannies. There might be enough other things in there to allow them to fall through that same loophole.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    mirth: GM has the EV1, but that bombed and cost them a fortune. No wonder they're easing back into green vehicles, but we shouldn't say they didn't try.

  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    You're certainly welcome to join in on any of or regularly scheduled chats and bring up hybrids.

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    Liven up your evening and join your fellow enthusiasts every Tuesday from 6-7pm PT/9-10pm ET for our Mazda Mania Chat!

    We have another set of Mazda-related trivia questions this week, so be prepared! Hope to see YOU there on Tuesday!

    Mazda Mania Chat Room

    PF Flyer
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  • fredmcmurrayfredmcmurray Member Posts: 215
    "the Futura (well actually NOT Futura, as this name is previously owned, and they are now seeking another one)"

    Doesn't Ford own this name? They used it as a Fairmont model in the '80s.
  • mirthmirth Member Posts: 1,212
    I'm not saying the Big 3 don't try, I'm just saying they don't get the message out and don't have a greeny halo car. I haven't seen any commercials about the PZEV Focus, and no one outside of these enthusiast forums has a clue what an EV1 is. Toyota plays the PR game much better.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    apparently Pep Boys owns the name "Futura" - it was in Automotive News this week. Ford refuses to pay for the rights, so it is now seeking another name.

    Autoweek has an autofile this week on the PZEV Focus, and in it is confirmed what I suspected before: there are no 2.0L Foci sold in California as of 2004. Therefore, ALL Focus sold in California now are PZEV. Which probably means they are only running that "green" commercial in California, too.

    Interestingly, that article also confirms that the 2.3 in the Mazda3s and the Escape are NOT PZEV...only the Focus has the extra emissions hardware...

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • varmintvarmint Member Posts: 6,326
    Yeah, I as surprized to read that, too. I drove one of the non-futura models while in school. Several of us owned Fairmonts and used to joke that we'd combine the 3 of them into a Fairmont limo when they died. One of them was a Futura, which we jokingly called the "fastback".
  • drfilldrfill Member Posts: 2,484
    Ford doen't KNOW BY NOW that they don't own the rights to the Futura name! Pep Boys has been using it for years!

        Ford's been floating that Futura name for years, like advertising a baseball card for sale Ma threw in the garbage years ago!

        Good Job!

  • svevarsvevar Member Posts: 160
    The HEMI-equipped Chrysler LX cars have 71% United States/Canadian parts content. The V6 models should have an even higher percentage, because the V6 engines are made in the U.S. while the HEMI is made in Mexico. Although the five speed automatic transmission used in the HEMI models is a Mercedes design, it is built in a Chrysler factory in Indiana. I'm pretty sure that all of the other Mercedes-derived content is also manufactured in the U.S. While I don't know anything about the CAFE loophole you described, my guess is that a car with 71% U.S./Canadian content would be counted in the domestic CAFE ratings.

    In an interesting side note, the Smog Index of a HEMI-equipped Chrysler 300C is 0.9 (on a scale of zero to one, with one being the most polluting), whereas the average new vehicle has a Smog Index of 0.8.

     -- Mark
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I think someone was saying they are now advertising the PZEV Focus, but I haven't seen it yet, either.

    A mainstream engine like that 2.3l can have a lot of market penetration, much more than hybrids (right now, anyway). If they made that engine standard in the Focus I bet it would outsell any hybrid immediately.

  • robertsmxrobertsmx Member Posts: 5,525
    With half the mileage, of course.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I bet you could average close to 30 with one of those. That's more like 30-35% less.

    And again, it's not instead of a hybrid, it's along with hybrids. The more options, the better.

  • andre1969andre1969 Member Posts: 25,920
    would be enough to do it. Right now (or at least, the last time I heard mention of it), a car had to have at least 75% United States/Canadian content to be considered "domestic".
  • fredmcmurrayfredmcmurray Member Posts: 215
    "Interestingly, that article also confirms that the 2.3 in the Mazda3s and the Escape are NOT PZEV...only the Focus has the extra emissions hardware..."

    I guess that's why the 3 has 10 or 15 extra horsepower.
  • varmintvarmint Member Posts: 6,326
    "The rules are different for passenger cars and trucks. There is a statutory two-fleet rule for passenger cars. Manufacturers domestic and import fleets must separately meet the 27.5 mpg CAFE standard. For passenger cars, a vehicle, irrespective of who makes it, is considered as part of the domestic fleet if 75% or more of the cost of the content is either U.S. or Canadian in origin. If not, it is considered an import."


    I'll add that parts made in Mexico have been considered "domestic" since NAFTA.

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