Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
You're getting 15.6 and I'm getting 10.5 or less in those same conditions... That's a -5.1 difference, and I'm not using the new math.
I filled up last night and did a lot of stop & go today, computer saying mid 8's all day. I can only imagine what it would be if I was driving hard (and I wasn't).
And to address some of the negativity concerning my mpg post.
No, I did not buy the truck expecting good gas mileage, but I did expect better than I am getting. I'm driving empty, and have been as light footed as I can. Driving like this is no fun at all, but my only other option is 8 mpg.
I have a 99 vette, gets 26/27 on the highway at 70+, averages 20+ all the time and I can accelerate to 60 in about 5 sec without watching the mileage go down on the computer. I also have a 240hp turbo Volvo 850r that also averages 20+.
When I called VOPC today I got the following: "As of Dec 22 your order is locked in to be built the week of December 20. ETA is the week of January 3." The salesman I ordered from has moved on, and the new guy who is handling my order is telling me that the VIN has not been assigned, and the truck will be built in January. He seems a little evasive when I asked for the VIN. He supposedly checked CONCEPTS online to get his information. Am I just getting the brushoff, or is there a possibility that something else strange is going on?
I went to the dealer for the last time, to change my order one last time. I decided to change the V-8 to the V-10. I ordered the F250 SD CC SB 4X4 3.73LS Lariat with all the trimmings. I wanted the LS but could not get it on the 5.4L unless I went to the 4.10 axle. I figure the V-10/W 3.73LS will get probalbly get close to the same mpg as the 5.4L/w 4.10LS. Plus the 10 has more torque for hauling my boat around. Thanks for all the postings, keep you updated with the order.
around here the delivery is about 4months Royal Oak Michigan Area
My comments weren't directed at your mileage situation at all. The "V-10 hype" conversation going on had my mind thinking these things over. I think most of us here knew it when we bought. But a good debate is good brain exercise and I have always enjoyed that. If I had the 5.4L V-8 and your mileage, I would be very concerned, too. If I had those mileage numbers with my V-10 I'd be concerned. My mileage numbers read 8-10 for the first 500 miles, then they started increasing. I'm now getting 13 on mixed driving. I have found that, like Crazy Elvis, the trip computer figures about 2 tenths lower than my manual calculations. Smithrl1 - If your vehicle is actually scheduled for build, it has a VIN#. Period. So if, as the salesman says, it doesn't have a VIN, then how would he know when it was scheduled to be built? If you were clean and unscheduled, it would be a different story. I would deal directly with the sales manager as opposed to a "salesman by default."
Sorry if I came off critical in my mpg discussion. It wasn't intended. I notice you live in Rhode Island. Is there any chance your state uses some kind of special winter fuel, maybe something with ethanol? I live in Anchorage and it's my understanding that we use some kind of winter fuel for environmental reasons. I took a 200 mile hwy roundtrip last week and got 1mpg less than when I took the same trip in late summer.
If you're only getting 8mpg empty, and there is no special fuel, there is likely something wrong. As you know, I've got the 4.30 axle ratio with a dually, V-10, and automatic transmission. I think we use winter fuel, but ignoring that, I let my truck idle for a minimum of 10 minutes each morning in the driveway to warm up the interior and de-ice the truck. I've also got 4wd engaged a high percentage of the time. Even with all of that, my mix of city/hwy is higher than 8 mpg.
In the summer, in 2wd and no morning idling, I'm getting 9-10mpg on that same commute, depending on my driving habits. I get 11.5-12 on the hwy running empty at 70mph. Alot of that is related to the dually 4x4 and 4.30 axle ratio.
In the summer, when I have my hevy slide-in cabover truck camper on, my rig weighs close to 12,000 pounds and I average 8.5-9 mpg hwy. When I occassionally keep the camper on the truck during the week, my morning commute is 7.5ish.
If I were you, I'd log a few more gas tanks and if things don't improve, I'd take it in and have it looked at. With that V-8, you should be pushing 15ish hwy and at least 11-13 in a city/hwy mix. There might really be something wrong.
Brutus, you're right on when you suspect we get a winter blend of fuel. Also, up here in Fairbanks when it gets super cold, our mileages get cut nearly in half. Idling for warmup has a little to do with it, plus a bottle of Heet every month or so but mostly it's the very cold, very dry air that is the culprit.
Paul1, I'd wait to see if your mileage starts to inch up over the next 1000 miles or so. It should... After that if you're still getting the current numbers then I'd bet your "baby" needs some attention.
might want to follow gthilton's advice. sounds like you're about to get "it" up the ying-yang. note that a VIN is generally issued for the order EARLY in the process. if the truck is scheduled to build the entire truck is in inventory (a million pieces, of course). that means there's a chassis "in-waiting" with a valid VIN. demand the VIN & if they can't supply it you then know you're being "jacked". take it from there. personally, I'd cancel the order & find another dealer... & "blast" your current one right here & everywhere else. tell them that, too (AFTER you get your deposit back, of course)!
here's the way I see it: if a dealer is reputable & has 'nothin to "hide" they ought not have any problem with giving you the VIN (it's generally right on the DORA... but not always... ours came thru about a week later (a couple of weeks BEFORE we were scheduled, btw)). hope this helps.
Can any one tell Why when I ordered my f250 sd cc in July of 1999 they are not going to build it untill the week of Jan 31??????? very p...... when I went to check on vopc
Someone congratulate me. Just got confirmation on 00 350 CC PSD 6SP DRW 4x2 Lariat !! Won't be checking VOPC for awhile so as not to tax the system with non-dealers. I will be pulling 12000 lb fifth wheel camper and would like some advice on exhaust brakes. It sounds like a good idea but I'm concerned about modifying anything on this truck. Thanks.
paul98, pretty cool website. I liked it in the press release where he said that certain teams weren't thrilled with some of their efforts to get to the front, such as when they "nerfed the Hummer" several times before he got out of their way. I can't believe they won by 20 minutes after having to stop and change a driveline.
Hey....still getting 12.5 consistantly with 00 250 CC V10 3.73. That is in all city driving. Again...I have the roll top cover on the bed...so no resistance.....almost 4000 miles on the truck so far...since oct 15th......Am taking it in for the oil change...(free...yippeee) and to get a couple of squeeks and rattles fixed...also going to have them check the alignment...sometimes pulls to the right....and sometimes seems just fine....
Brutus...stuff in the gas for the winter....what the hells that????!!!!! Just got a cool snap through today...temps in the mid 70's instead of low 80's!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! But I have to admitt....you do have some fantastic views up there!!
Lewac.....A couple of dozzen do-nuts go along way to getting the "rig" on the truck to the dealer...of coarse you are a "couple" of hours away from here.....probably about 3 1/2 I guess....so not as easy for you to pop in the rail yard as it was for me.....Well if you need the number and who to talk to...let me know.....You probably took down all that info when I was going through my "problem".....hope it comes soon...!!!!
There are 2 threads on www.f150online.com where 3 other folks are hearing the same sound that we are but they have the v10. On thread is under the 'superduty' and the other under 'engines'.
One person says their engines runs completly smooth sounding, (quote 'like a sewing machine'). Of course thats the sound comming from the engine cavity that I don't think is right.hehe.
Another person says 'some spark knock' is normal unless it does it all the time, then its bad for the engine.. Mine does it all the time I'm accelerating, does this count? I'm not sure.
Another person says his V10 makes the same sound, he compared it to his friends 99 V10, and it makes the same sound so he thinks its normal..
The cause for spark knock some say is because of poor fuel quality (winter mixes etc), or timing.
I'm planning on bringing it to the dealers attention in any case so I at least have it documented that somethings not quite as I expected.
What with all this mpg stuff my original related question was lost.
"at what minimum speed does your OD kick in?"
I really would like some input on this because I think mine may be ingaging late. Please provide truck specs also, thanks.
brutus, I had no problem with any of your comments, I always welcome your input. I was a little jerked with some other's comments regarding "should have bought a..." and stuff like that.
Also, it was bess, not you (my mistake), that posted 15.6 for his V8 in mixed driving, that's a big spread from my 10.5/11.0 in the same conditions. Had I known the V8 was that much better I would have considered it more.
I will admit though, if I had stuck to my original plan and only used the SD part time the mileage thing would not be an issue. My biggest problem is I can't stop driving the thing. Aside from the trip last week in the vette I haven't driven the vette at all, and the Volvo... I hope the battery isn't dead. (Not to knock the 850, it's a fine car)
Just a little info for those calling VOPC. VOPC speak with forked tongue!!! Dates appear to be backward, progress points are late many times, etc., .... this appears to be just normal according to many previous posts here. Here are some examples I have had the honor to hear for my order:
On 12/1 I heard: As of 12/10, your vehicle is scheduled to be built week of 12/6 and be delivered week of 12/27. (This message stayed on VOPC until 12/13.)
On 12/13 I heard: As of 12/10, your vehicle has been shipped via rail.
On 12/15 I heard: As of 12/13, your unit has arrived at the ramp. (which is where the rail takes it to prior to shipping by truck)
It can be frustrating but this is better than anything we've had before for tracking a new vehicle.
How long from when the order is placed can the status be checked in VOPC? Do you need to wait for the Thursday at 5:00pm ET cutoff or should you be able to check status before then? (Or a few days after the Thursday cutoff?)
What is your truck's configuration? Want to see if yours is the same basic one as mine and then see if the CD is not the holdup as was stated to me for mine. I'm getting F350, CC, Lariat, V10, auto, 4x4, 3.73, LB, SRW, ESOF, trailer tow, hitch, 54E power mirrors, and a few others. Ordered DORA 11/2, est delivery 1/10/00 but no change on VOPC, still clean and unscheduled. Seems like I should be getting a VIN soon if 1/10 is real. The dealer has good allocation and was told 8-12 weeks with 8 being likely but 12 just in case. Thanks.
Paul, I've had my truck for 14 months now and still love driving it. I feel like I've had it longer than that, but I took delivery 10/9/99. I've been ignoring my trip computer mpg in the winter. I leave it set on the temperature. I've lost about 1.5 mpg with the idling, winter fuel, and 4x4 use. The only thing I hate about this truck is washing it, especially in the winter. With the duallys and no garage, I've got to time getting to the inside "do-it-yourself" car washes when it is not busy, so I have time to dry it off real quick. When temps warm up in late Spring, I'll give it a thorough washing and waxing.
The number of miles I'm putting on the truck dropped significantly when summer ended since I was no longer camping every week. I'm probably putting less than 1,000 miles per month on it right now, but I've got a little over 25,000 miles on the truck so far. From May to September, I was camping at least 2/3 of the weekends and the roundtrips were 250-600 miles, depending on where I went. I also made a trip from Dallas to Anchorage, pulling a 6x12 U-Haul 1/2 the way and hauling my camper in the bed the other half. That accounted for a good 5,000 miles. I get an 11 day break from work starting next Wednesday, I'll probably put the camper on and do an overnighter or two during the break. Time to test out that winter rating the camper supposedly has.
How long from when the order is placed can the status be checked in VOPC? Do you need to wait for the Thursday at 5:00pm ET cutoff or should you be able to check status before then? (Or a few days after the Thursday cutoff?)
"I'm getting F350, CC, Lariat, V10, auto, 4x4, 3.73, LB, SRW, ESOF, trailer tow, hitch, 54E power mirrors, and a few others. Ordered DORA 11/2, est delivery 1/10/00 but no change on VOPC, still clean and unscheduled."
sdman configuration:
F250, CC, Lariat, PSD, auto, 4x4, SB, 3.73LS, ESOF, Trailer Tow, Hitch, Captains Chairs, CD, Sliding Rear Window. Ordered 12/8, as of 12/10 VOPC tells me scheduled build date of 1/24. Called my salesman yesterday and got the VIN# as well.
Looking at our orders, looks like the main difference (besides F350 vs. F250) is you are getting V10 and I am getting PSD.
I had one dealer tell me that V10's are on allocation because they were giving priority to the Excursions. I had another dealer tell me that V10's were on allocation because they are classified as gas-guzzlers (big surprise, right?) and that the Federal Government only let Ford build so many gas guzzlers every year and Ford had reached the limit.
Either way, I would suspect that the V10 is the culprit, not the CD player.
Started using VOPC 9/28 and haven't found any rhyme nor reason to timing of any of their postings. Some folks said info only updated on Thursday ... that hasn't been my experience ... even time of day doesn't seem to matter. Read my post a few back on todays date.
Is there any other reason to get your DORA and/or call the VOPC other than to track the status of your truck from birth to delivery? I can see the value there, but is there any other? Thanks.
One should check out the DORA immediately after ordering to double check that proper truck and options were ordered along with the ordering priority..... kinda like having an ultrasound during pregnancy to find out what gender is coming so as to paint the garage the proper color .... only different ..... wheeewww, don't know where that came from!
As far as VOPC goes, it is good to check now and then just to find out if progress is being made on your order.
Only a few days left and I'll be able to take a ride on the ....... WILDSIDE.
Just took delivery of `00 F250 SD CC 4X4 XLT V8 SB 4.10LS in Dark Torreador Red, ordered 10/7 priority 12, shipped via rail 11/13, arrived at Wasilla Alaska dealer 12/13. This is one great truck! You folks aren't kidding, you look down on every rig on the road other than semi's and other SD's. The moose I almost ran over on the drive home even looked up at me! My wife was impressed and my daughter loves "her" back seat.
Now to start adding those accessories. Happy Holidays to all.
handgunhunter: Congrats on your new toy. I assume you bought it from Nye... Did they deal with you at all, ie get you close to invoice? I talked to them early on in my process and the deal they offered was too rich for my blood. I wonder if the treatment I got was SOP or what. Not a big deal either way; I'm just curious without trying to be too nosey. Thanks.
marv3... what's this? you ordered from Gator Ford? we knew that Crazyelvis directed us there along with at least one other (but that entity was from Orlando area and is now among the "haves"). hey, it's 250 miles from here to there and with the holidays and all we can't make it to that rail yard. your's is there? if you DO go over there maybe we can work some more donuts in. Ken did indicate though, that we'd have the truck by Christmas & that's good enough. He also indicated, though; that it normally took about 10 days from the time they received the invoice until the truck arrived at the dealer... and those 10 days are now a few days past. no doubt. these people are REALLY dragging butt over there. Part of our problem though, may be the config. it's DRW & that truck will only fit on the bottom rear of the carrier (because of the additional width, I suppose). we'll be calling him Friday for an update... & every day thereafter until the truck arrives. hey. they're used to it.
The "yard" in Tampa...off of Anderson Road...is VERY busy....there are trucks going in and out of there ALL the time.....I used to go to High School about 2 blocks away...passed by there every day.....And I'm sure that it is busier now than 15 years ago when I was there...with all the people buying new cars these days...and with the proliferation of manufacturer models......blah blah blah.......... I will be at Gator Ford tomorrow evening to drop my beast off for some work....I'll check the back area for your truck....should be the only DRW manual PSD on the lot!!!! SEEEEEEEEEE YAAAAAA Later......
Nothing nosey about an honest question. I got my truck for $800 over invoice. Not as good as others on this site have done, but, I think, real, real, real good for Alaska. It would take two days of driving to visit the three dealers in this state. A few dealers in the lower 48 were willing to go with invoice, but then I'd of had to pay one of the dealers up here to take delivery. Seekins wanted about $1,250 over invoice and Cal wanted almost 2,000 over invoice. These last two totals included doc fees that were quite a bit higher than Nye. The "catch is that I was able to deal directly with the commercial sales manager as I have a small (very small) side business in addition to my "regular" job. Having a business license in hand lets you go around the normal sales staff and deal direct with the volume sales guys/gals. I totally recommend spending the $50 to get an Alaska business license for your next truck purchase.
You should bring that SD down here to the banana belt, its only -6 tonight, so warm we grilled moose steaks! Happy holidays.
My experience with the auto is that putting it in R or D, especially when cold, results in a much more positive engagement than you would get in maybe a large luxury sedan. There is a lot less slippage in the torque converter than in a regular car, which can result in a feeling of driving against the brakes at slow speeds, particularly with the I-6. You will also notice that when lifting off the gas at speed the jeep will slow down quite rapidly on its own, and you will rarely need to use the brakes until the last few yards, at stop lights for instance.
If the engine is cold the idle speed will be high and the transmission fluid will be thick. When you engage gear with the brakes on (as you should), there will be a noticeable jerk. This should be much reduced as the vehicle warms up.
In slow moving traffic, crawl along at idle using the brakes to control your speed. If you are stopped for more than a few minutes, engage the handbrake or footbrake and select N. This will help to keep the transmission from overheating. To move off smoothly, release the brake as you engage D (not before, not after). Always use the handbrake to help hold the jeep on a hill.
My Great Dane's name is Moose!!!! He is a year old and 165 pounds....still grows up to 22 months old....Father is about 210 pds.....The coldest I have ever seen it was growing up in Illinois....was -30 once with a wind chill of about -60......cold enough for me when it dips into the 50's!!!!! ooops....no truck business posted....hmmmmmmmmm...sorry!!!
Your Great Dane is huge! Mine is a 2 yr old fawn female about 115 lbs. My wife was scared to get a male. They are definitely the best dogs. How tall is your puppy at the withers? 210 lbs? Was he overweight?
I am a long time reader, but first time to post a message. I ordered a F250SD, CC, SWB, V10, Woodland Green on 8/16/99 with a promised delivery date of 6-8 weeks. I finally rcvd my truck on 12/10/99. It was well worth the wait. I have 170 miles on it just driving back and forth to work, and have a camping trip planned the week after Christmas with our 29' fifth wheel. I will continue to monitor this site for information and for those of you still waiting, hang in there.
Two days ago VOPC says my unit is being shipped by rail. Yesterday, it says my unit is at the ramp. Today it says my unit is being shipped by rail. Am I being railroaded ???? yuk yuk .... Has anyone else had this happen and what was the results? Will tomorrows message say "clean and unscheduled"? Stay tuned ... choooo chooooo
1st mileage figures for our CC V-10 with 3.73ls axle is 11.3 mpg, mostly highway. A long ways from the 14 I was hoping for; close enough to the 13 that I've adjusted my expectation down to, after reading the posts from the last couple weeks. Still p**sed that I have to pay premium fuel prices to get 87 octane gas here in CO (regular gas in most of the free world). Yeah, I've read the posts from the engineer types about the relationship between altitude and fuel requirements...my owners manual says, "put in 87 octane, no matter what your state calls regular gas (or words to that effect)." Oh yeah....we love the truck
We'll I finally got 1000 mi on my beast which means I don't have to baby it any more. I finally get to start stomping on the gas a little, I can't believe the power of the PSD! 0 to 60 mph in approx, 11 sec, not a land speed record but pretty good when you consider the 98 Dodge 3500 Sc V-10 I drive at work took 12 sec to go from 0 to 60 mph I am impressed! I am going to have to race them once to see which one is really faster. I know this is not a race car but I diden't think it would come close to a Dodge V-10 either. How about the Ford V-10 anybody know what they will do at 0 to 60 mph ?
BESS I did your drink holder modification to my beast to day, really easy to do, haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I think it will help, will let everyone know latter. John
P.S anybody know someone with a Dodge that want's to race for pink slips ? LOL
Lewac & Crazyelvis - Ken called this afternoon and said it was delivered. Was due Friday or the 16th. Will pick-up in the morning.... Lewac hope yours is in also. Ordered 11/1, built 11/30 and delivered 12/15. Is Super 250 Lariat, PSD, A/T, Harvest Gold with all the goodies. Wish I didn't have such a busy day or would take it off to "play". Marv
right now 37" at the shoulders. Father is not at all fat or out of shape. Got Moose from people who show danes....mother and brother are US champions...Moose is a merlequin...haliquin and mantle mix....unapproved color....when they get unapproved puppies they find homes for them....not breeders!!! Had to cancel the trip to gator ford tonight...sorry lewac.....couldn't look for your rig.....but way to go marv!!! I have the harvest gold also...went from black...impossible to keep clean...to the gold....EASY to keep clean!!! love the color......!!! filled up today.....12.5 mpg...100% city driving. See...I posted some truck info!!!!
I might be able to sell all those Dodge trucks for enough money to get the mud flaps I want for my beast. marv3 don't count on much sleep tonight,I sure didn't get much when my beast came in, enjoy it! John
congrats, Marv3 on becoming a "have". ours SURELY ought to be there soon! that's okay, Crazyelvis. we'll be checking in with Ken daily from here to delivery as this truck is now way "overdue". 3 weeks after build (on 11/27) from a factory only 800 miles away? come-on. people in Alaska's received their truck in less time than that!
I've joined the ranks of the 'to be's'. Placed the order yesterday for 250 SD CC V-10 4.3ls manuel in Island Blue /gold. Still unhappy with colors. Sooooo, if anyone hears of new or different colors coming along, let me know. I did upgrade the tires to T4RLT265. Dealer said this was the way to go. Hope so. About $450 extra. Any thoughts on this... Tried to work a better deal between two dealers but couldn't get any lower than $750 over invoice. did get a 10 priority and said they had plenty of allotments for CC's. Thanks to the one that recommended Ferebee's in VA. ( at least for now !) Now to wait......
I filled up last night and did a lot of stop & go today, computer saying mid 8's all day. I can only imagine what it would be if I was driving hard (and I wasn't).
And to address some of the negativity concerning my mpg post.
No, I did not buy the truck expecting good gas mileage, but I did expect better than I am getting. I'm driving empty, and have been as light footed as I can. Driving like this is no fun at all, but my only other option is 8 mpg.
I have a 99 vette, gets 26/27 on the highway at 70+, averages 20+ all the time and I can accelerate to 60 in about 5 sec without watching the mileage go down on the computer. I also have a 240hp turbo Volvo 850r that also averages 20+.
And no, I didn't buy them for economy either.
"As of Dec 22 your order is locked in to be built the week of December 20. ETA is the week of January 3."
The salesman I ordered from has moved on, and the new guy who is handling my order is telling me that the VIN has not been assigned, and the truck will be built in January. He seems a little evasive when I asked for the VIN. He supposedly checked CONCEPTS online to get his information.
Am I just getting the brushoff, or is there a possibility that something else strange is going on?
around here the delivery is about 4months
Royal Oak Michigan Area
If I had the 5.4L V-8 and your mileage, I would be very concerned, too. If I had those mileage numbers with my V-10 I'd be concerned. My mileage numbers read 8-10 for the first 500 miles, then they started increasing. I'm now getting 13 on mixed driving. I have found that, like Crazy Elvis, the trip computer figures about 2 tenths lower than my manual calculations.
Smithrl1 - If your vehicle is actually scheduled for build, it has a VIN#. Period. So if, as the salesman says, it doesn't have a VIN, then how would he know when it was scheduled to be built? If you were clean and unscheduled, it would be a different story. I would deal directly with the sales manager as opposed to a "salesman by default."
Sorry if I came off critical in my mpg discussion. It wasn't intended. I notice you live in Rhode Island. Is there any chance your state uses some kind of special winter fuel, maybe something with ethanol? I live in Anchorage and it's my understanding that we use some kind of winter fuel for environmental reasons. I took a 200 mile hwy roundtrip last week and got 1mpg less than when I took the same trip in late summer.
If you're only getting 8mpg empty, and there is no special fuel, there is likely something wrong. As you know, I've got the 4.30 axle ratio with a dually, V-10, and automatic transmission. I think we use winter fuel, but ignoring that, I let my truck idle for a minimum of 10 minutes each morning in the driveway to warm up the interior and de-ice the truck. I've also got 4wd engaged a high percentage of the time. Even with all of that, my mix of city/hwy is higher than 8 mpg.
In the summer, in 2wd and no morning idling, I'm getting 9-10mpg on that same commute, depending on my driving habits. I get 11.5-12 on the hwy running empty at 70mph. Alot of that is related to the dually 4x4 and 4.30 axle ratio.
In the summer, when I have my hevy slide-in cabover truck camper on, my rig weighs close to 12,000 pounds and I average 8.5-9 mpg hwy. When I occassionally keep the camper on the truck during the week, my morning commute is 7.5ish.
If I were you, I'd log a few more gas tanks and if things don't improve, I'd take it in and have it looked at. With that V-8, you should be pushing 15ish hwy and at least 11-13 in a city/hwy mix. There might really be something wrong.
Paul1, I'd wait to see if your mileage starts to inch up over the next 1000 miles or so. It should... After that if you're still getting the current numbers then I'd bet your "baby" needs some attention.
here's the way I see it: if a dealer is reputable & has 'nothin to "hide" they ought not have any problem with giving you the VIN (it's generally right on the DORA... but not always... ours came thru about a week later (a couple of weeks BEFORE we were scheduled, btw)). hope this helps.
first time try
Brutus...stuff in the gas for the winter....what the hells that????!!!!! Just got a cool snap through today...temps in the mid 70's instead of low 80's!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
But I have to admitt....you do have some fantastic views up there!!
Lewac.....A couple of dozzen do-nuts go along way to getting the "rig" on the truck to the dealer...of coarse you are a "couple" of hours away from here.....probably about 3 1/2 I guess....so not as easy for you to pop in the rail yard as it was for me.....Well if you need the number and who to talk to...let me know.....You probably took down all that info when I was going through my "problem".....hope it comes soon...!!!!
On thread is under the 'superduty' and the other under 'engines'.
One person says their engines runs completly smooth sounding, (quote 'like a sewing machine').
Of course thats the sound comming from the engine cavity that I don't think is right.hehe.
Another person says 'some spark knock' is normal unless it does it all the time, then its bad for the engine.. Mine does it all the time I'm accelerating, does this count? I'm not sure.
Another person says his V10 makes the same sound, he compared it to his friends 99 V10, and it makes the same sound so he thinks its normal..
The cause for spark knock some say is because of poor fuel quality (winter mixes etc), or timing.
I'm planning on bringing it to the dealers attention in any case so I at least have it documented that somethings not quite as I expected.
What with all this mpg stuff my original related question was lost.
"at what minimum speed does your OD kick in?"
I really would like some input on this because I think mine may be ingaging late. Please provide truck specs also, thanks.
brutus, I had no problem with any of your comments, I always welcome your input. I was a little jerked with some other's comments regarding "should have bought a..." and stuff like that.
Also, it was bess, not you (my mistake), that posted 15.6 for his V8 in mixed driving, that's a big spread from my 10.5/11.0 in the same conditions. Had I known the V8 was that much better I would have considered it more.
I will admit though, if I had stuck to my original plan and only used the SD part time the mileage thing would not be an issue. My biggest problem is I can't stop driving the thing. Aside from the trip last week in the vette I haven't driven the vette at all, and the Volvo... I hope the battery isn't dead. (Not to knock the 850, it's a fine car)
On 12/1 I heard: As of 12/10, your vehicle is scheduled to be built week of 12/6 and be delivered week of 12/27. (This message stayed on VOPC until 12/13.)
On 12/13 I heard: As of 12/10, your vehicle has been shipped via rail.
On 12/15 I heard: As of 12/13, your unit has arrived at the ramp. (which is where the rail takes it to prior to shipping by truck)
It can be frustrating but this is better than anything we've had before for tracking a new vehicle.
The number of miles I'm putting on the truck dropped significantly when summer ended since I was no longer camping every week. I'm probably putting less than 1,000 miles per month on it right now, but I've got a little over 25,000 miles on the truck so far. From May to September, I was camping at least 2/3 of the weekends and the roundtrips were 250-600 miles, depending on where I went. I also made a trip from Dallas to Anchorage, pulling a 6x12 U-Haul 1/2 the way and hauling my camper in the bed the other half. That accounted for a good 5,000 miles. I get an 11 day break from work starting next Wednesday, I'll probably put the camper on and do an overnighter or two during the break. Time to test out that winter rating the camper supposedly has.
"I'm getting F350, CC, Lariat, V10, auto,
4x4, 3.73, LB, SRW, ESOF, trailer tow, hitch, 54E
power mirrors, and a few others. Ordered DORA
11/2, est delivery 1/10/00 but no change on VOPC,
still clean and unscheduled."
sdman configuration:
F250, CC, Lariat, PSD, auto, 4x4, SB, 3.73LS, ESOF, Trailer Tow, Hitch, Captains Chairs, CD, Sliding Rear Window. Ordered 12/8, as of 12/10 VOPC tells me scheduled build date of 1/24. Called my salesman yesterday and got the VIN# as well.
Looking at our orders, looks like the main difference (besides F350 vs. F250) is you are getting V10 and I am getting PSD.
I had one dealer tell me that V10's are on allocation because they were giving priority to the Excursions. I had another dealer tell me that V10's were on allocation because they are classified as gas-guzzlers (big surprise, right?) and that the Federal Government only let Ford build so many gas guzzlers every year and Ford had reached the limit.
Either way, I would suspect that the V10 is the culprit, not the CD player.
Good luck and let us know what you find...
As far as VOPC goes, it is good to check now and then just to find out if progress is being made on your order.
Only a few days left and I'll be able to take a ride on the ....... WILDSIDE.
Now to start adding those accessories. Happy Holidays to all.
I will be at Gator Ford tomorrow evening to drop my beast off for some work....I'll check the back area for your truck....should be the only DRW manual PSD on the lot!!!!
You should bring that SD down here to the banana belt, its only -6 tonight, so warm we grilled moose steaks! Happy holidays.
R or D, especially when cold, results in a much
more positive engagement than you would get in
maybe a large luxury sedan. There is a lot less
slippage in the torque converter than in a regular
car, which can result in a feeling of driving
against the brakes at slow speeds, particularly
with the I-6. You will also notice that when
lifting off the gas at speed the jeep will slow
down quite rapidly on its own, and you will rarely
need to use the brakes until the last few yards, at
stop lights for instance.
If the engine is cold the idle speed will be high
and the transmission fluid will be thick. When you
engage gear with the brakes on (as you should),
there will be a noticeable jerk. This should be
much reduced as the vehicle warms up.
In slow moving traffic, crawl along at idle using
the brakes to control your speed. If you are
stopped for more than a few minutes, engage the
handbrake or footbrake and select N. This will
help to keep the transmission from overheating. To
move off smoothly, release the brake as you engage
D (not before, not after). Always use the
handbrake to help hold the jeep on a hill.
Lecture mode off :-)
ooops....no truck business posted....hmmmmmmmmm...sorry!!!
Oh yeah....we love the truck
How about the Ford V-10 anybody know what they will do at 0 to 60 mph ?
BESS I did your drink holder modification to my beast to day, really easy to do, haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I think it will help, will let everyone know latter.
P.S anybody know someone with a Dodge that want's
to race for pink slips ? LOL
Ordered 11/1, built 11/30 and delivered 12/15. Is Super 250 Lariat, PSD, A/T, Harvest Gold with all the goodies.
Wish I didn't have such a busy day or would take it off to "play".
Had to cancel the trip to gator ford tonight...sorry lewac.....couldn't look for your rig.....but way to go marv!!! I have the harvest gold also...went from black...impossible to keep clean...to the gold....EASY to keep clean!!! love the color......!!!
filled up today.....12.5 mpg...100% city driving.
See...I posted some truck info!!!!
marv3 don't count on much sleep tonight,I sure didn't get much when my beast came in, enjoy it!
I did upgrade the tires to T4RLT265. Dealer said this was the way to go. Hope so. About $450 extra. Any thoughts on this...
Tried to work a better deal between two dealers but couldn't get any lower than $750 over invoice. did get a 10 priority and said they had plenty of allotments for CC's.
Thanks to the one that recommended Ferebee's in VA. ( at least for now !) Now to wait......