Ford Super Duty - Continued IV
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Ford super duty - Continued III. Please continue
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Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
Ford super duty - Continued III. Please continue
these discussions here. Thanks.
Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
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Latest 4x4 V10 3.73 gas mileage update - 3rd tank 11.4 average on the computer. I also ran about 100 miles yesterday on the freeway going to a archery 3d shoot in CT, got mid 13's on the computer so things are improving. I also decided after the 2nd tank not to baby it anymore and I am getting improved mileage. A friend of mine reminded me that the main computer needs to "learn" my driving habits and will adjust to them. I am just over 800 miles so far.
I don't have the computer but I always fill the truck the same way at the same pump so I get a consistant amount between fillups..
Last tank average came out to be 15.1 mpg. Mixed driving city/highway, no load.
About 1,700 miles on the truck so far.
Yes, I've got the coolest looking ride in the whole IBM lot here. Who said size doesn't matter?
highdesertrat... we're also interested in an exhaust brake. the best price which looks like a nice unit (has the required bypass valve) is one made by US Gear. Camping World sells it as well but there about $100 high. try US Gear's site.
hgrantc... that was quite a story. can't wait... & we don't have a lot longer. even the vopc has gone "south" on us (still reporting build for week 11/22 with eta week 12/6. hell, that's today)! anyhow, dealer received invoice from Ford about a week ago. so at the most, we got maybe 2 weeks more to wait. at the most.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is the system down? If I believe the earlier "week of 01/10" message I will have to wait almost 5 months.
Dealer is getting worried because I'm letting him know, "politely", what I have learned here about THE system and THEIR system.
I'm looking for any insights from the experts out there or any one else "waiting".
Also, from reading replies, it sounds like $1500 over invoice for a factory order is a bit much (yes/no?) Any tips on finding a dealer with better pricing? (Denver recommendations? AutoByTel? others?)
a. Based on that dealers past experience with ordering V10's and their allotment
b. they give a conservative estimate to be up front so your not PO'd when it takes 3 months or more.
It is true that the V10s 'seem' to be a little longer on average to receive. Some folks have waited 5 months, but many have only waited 3 months or less. The average seems to be around 3 months for V10s.. Dealer allotment seems to be the difference between a 5 month wait, and a 2 month wait.. So, go look at other dealers..
Folks who've posted here generally have paid less than $1000 over invoice. Remember, when you order the truck, the dealer profits the full 3% (holdback) + amount over invoice you pay.. So, you shouldn't under any case pay more than $750 or so over invoice. $750 over invoice would allow the dealer to make over 6% profit on the truck, which if the dealer sold EVERY vehicle at 6% they would be a very profitable business.
On average, most folks here are only paying $500 over, so again, look at a different dealers..
I hope this helps
The best feelings come from your friends and strangers comments, which usually start with, 'My it is big'.
Lewac how many mpg are you getting? do you have the auto or 6sd? is your DRW or SRW? it seams I should get better then 13 mpg with the 4.10 PSD auto and DRW, I would like to hear more from others that have this combo to see what kind of mpg they are getting. Thanks.
I had some concerns about the initial mpg I was getting but that is improving fast. About half way through my 4th tank and the computer is reading 12.4, I can live with that.
I just can't say enough about the power from the PSD climbing the hill from work (6000') to home(9500'). This is one great truck!
By the way, the Four Wheeling manual that comes with the truck says that 4WD delivers power to all four wheels, not just one rear wheel and one front wheel. I'll have to have someone show me the next time its on a rack. So far, though, the 4WD has worked great on snow packed roads with the regular axle.
Please give me a break! I know you love your new truck and all (I have one too), but let's not get carried away here. It's only a truck, not enough to "...received more looks than some of the exotic sports cars parked adjacent." Uh heh...yeah right...
I'll take a Ferari, Corvette, Porche, and a Viper over this peace of good-looking metal any day.
Don't mean to upset everyone here, but let's not get carried away here....
F-250 SD, v-10, cc, sb, 4wd, lariat - ordered 9/15, scheduled 11/15, built 21/1 released from plant 12/1.
As for the truck, well perfect is pretty darn close. The teliscoping trailer tow mirrors are vantastic. V-10 has power to spare, and is reasonably quiet whilst cruising. Everyone waiting, hang in there this is one fine machine.
More latter, gota go....newman
over this peace of good-looking metal any day."
Not me.
Viper.....what can I say....I'm sure nothing said to you will penetrate that THICK skull of I guess I won't say to you ....get a clue....calm down.....and let everyone who enjoys their trucks to brag a little in here.....and if ya don't like it....LEAVE!!!!!! I'm sure no one will miss you in here since you post no important info!!!! ......ooops...I guess I did say it!!!
Drove one last night and it was noisey than I was expecting from inside the truck with the windows up. Do you get used to the noise? Is it worse with the windows down (yeah, I could have checked that but didn't think of it since it was a bit cold outside at the time).
Ford says that the engine heater is good for -10F.
Has anyone really had problems (with the proper fuel and/or additives) with diesel gelling at cold temps? (Say, it gets down to -20F during the day at work, am I walking home?)
bobh12, thanks for the pointers, I'll check out Courtesy and Medved.
Many, if not all of your PSD questions will find answers there.
Koakey My PSD is noisey until it warms up and then it seems to quiet down. (or I am just deaf by then, Kidding guys just kidding)
Viperb**tt- I sold my 73 Z28 blk/blk RS 350 LT1 4 spd to a friend of mine when I got my truck. It wasn't a Vette or such but I have never looked back. please quit your complaining and enjoy the ride.
Second, there seems to be alot of loose play in my drive shaft. There is a definite "clunk" in the rear especially pronounced when I'm in first and let off the gas and then reapply the gas. But definitely noticable in all gears. I can rotate the drive shaft about 1/3 and inch. Is this with in spec.?
I have about 2100 miles on the truck and get 12 to 14 mpg no matter what. Which I don't think is to bad.
My configuration: Y2k, F-250, CC, XLT, 5sp, 3.73, V10, 4x4
viperle... give ME a break? how about giving us ALL a break, instead! you've thankfully "toned" down your wording so how about working some more on the good 'ole attitude? you're not an imbecile (you wouldn't have found this new thread if you were). however; if you sound like one anyway, what is the real difference? everyone is welcome here... but you MUST recognize (and respect) the differences, not only here, but also amongst all within this thing we call life.
for example: you don't know this of course... but I'm pretty handy with computers & digital circuitry & such. I should be because I'm an engineer specializing in the inner "workings" of such contraptions. but guess what? you probably would NOT want me operating upon your brain tumor! why? because although I'm somewhat aware in regard to a specific subject this does not make me even remotely aware of many, many other subjects (brain surgery, unfortunately; being amongst them).
the jest of all this off-beaten stuff? there's a place in time for everything. unfortunately, again; THIS is not the place nor the time for your continued derogatory comment. so try this: whenever you interact with humanity, place yourself in those other shoes and observe. would you REALLY want to be a RECIPIENT of such rude behavior? I for one, sincerely hope this helps you in some small way. more time....gear splitters....V10 4.30 ratio....for my friend down the street....I know nothing about those "do hickeys"....HELP!!!
I'm not familar with the rapid heat system. The block heater works plenty fine. I usually plug it in when temps are going to drop below 15. The big advantage of plugging it in is that the heater cranks out warm air almost immediately when you start the truck up the next day. Just as an FYI, the V-10 will crank in extreme cold weather. In Ft. Nelson last January on the Alaska Hwy, it was -30ish and I wasn't able to plug it in. It cranked up about 10 hours later, but it wasn't too happy about it.
Usually, in cold weather climates, service stations will sell winter diesel that helps prevent gelling. Up here in Alaska, I believe our stations also have a winter mix of gas that has ethanol. I think it's an environmnental thing, not a cool weather thing. I think it cost me some mpg. I took a 200 mile hwy trip yesterday and got around 1mpg less than I did on the same trip in August.
I wouldn't know what to do with a Porsche or a Vette. I guess I could toss them in the back of my truck and haul them around for people to look at. I actually took my driver's test in a Vette in the late 70s. It had four on the floor.....and four in the engine. It was only a Chevette after all. I owned a 70 GTO for three years about 20 years ago. I loved the car, but have no desire to own another sports car. I don't ever see owning anything other than a truck again.
Still clean and unscheduled after 2 months! Dealer no assistance. What options do I have?
Should I just keep waiting or ?.
Comments and/or suggestions welcomed.
I myself do "like" this SD truck that I have. Why else did I bought it? It looks better than the F150 crap that Ford has, and it's comparable to the Dodge Ram in style.
But I'm not about to say that it's the best truck or it looks better than exotic cars. That would be stretching it.
What have I said to show disrespect to you? YOU have your opinions, and I have mine. What is so disrespectful about it? Did I call anybody names? Let's not get personal and start calling people names here.
Respect? The only person who makes any sense here is Brutus.
And what is your point about being an engineer?
Thanks for the mild response. I was expecting more heat from you than anyone else here. I see your point. BTW, I understand what you are saying. I had the same feeling a few years back when I bought the Dodge Ram. As you can see, I'm not brand loyal. I buy only the best.
Finally, from your wishes, I won't post anymore messages. I'll just look.
Your friend is thinking of the Overdrive/Underdrive unit made by GearVendors in El Cajon, CA.
Web site:
This system is rated for 30,000 GCVW. It is probably the strongest unit made. For the 4R100 tranny it will cost approx. $2800 plus install.
My Y2K 250CC,V10,SB,4x4,Lariat is at the ramp now. Should have it by next week. Ordered 9/30.
Ford describes the Rapid Heat System as follows :
" For those who live in cold climates ..."
" ...stores waste engine heat for several days and releases it into the cooling system on the next cold start, resulting in warm air flowing from the heat/defrost ducts within as little as 15 seconds of start-up." Anybody use it ?
these trucks are worth waiting for!
Everyone that see's my truck says " WOW thats a nice truck, or boy thats a big truck. I haven't parked next to any sports cars yet to see if my truck gets the most looks but I think that would depend on your type of people going by,for instance if i saw a nice truck and a fancy sports car side by sideI would look both of them over.
viperle, I dont think anybody wants to drive you out of this sight, you have as much right here as anybody, but we dont want you knocking our trucks,
as long as you keep your coments to a more professinal level i am sure you will be welcome here.
I saw a fix fore the drink holders on the SD trucks about a week or two ago ? but can't seem to find it,does any body know the number of that post ? or could that person repeat the fix ? I didn't have my truck at that time so I didn't
copy it down. thanx
George Hilton! Where did you get your MX cap for $1100? The local dealer is quoting me twice that for one with a headliner. And are you sure the windows are frameless? The floor model at the dealer has aluminum framed side windows. Kinda ugly compared to a SnugTop.