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Chevrolet Equinox Maintenance and Repair
I like to hear from current owners that what type of problems they have. I know it is little early but I m sure owners have observations...
I know that there are some issues that people are running into. Look in the main board. They are intermingled with other posts. I had one dealing with setting the EQ and received an answer from there.
The smell caused by bacteria accumulation in air ventilation system can be tolorable but poses health risks and needs to be addressed.
Sulfur smell is like a week old dead animal smell as you describe, this is somewhat related to safety. Mention this to your dealer see what comes behind of it.
I would think your rear windows aren't going down all the way because of a child safety feature. Read the manual! as there should be a way to disable that. I don't own the equinox (yet). My equinox had to be special ordered so I'm playing the waiting game.
I took mine back to the dealer after 2 weeks of owning it..mine was the first Nox they had to repair.
After being in the shop for 2 days, they told me the left strut needing replacing.
I will get the car back tomorrow..hopefully..other than the steering wheel creaking at slow speeds while turning, I really like the vehicle.
I was supposed to get the part in this past week, of course, it hasnt arrived yet.
The dealer is paying for a rental car for me.
Too bad Chevy did not discover the strut problem in the testing stage!!!
here, I have 3500 miles on my Equinox, my average
mileage is 19.6 and that is 85% highway miles.
I complained to my dealer at 350 miles he said
there was nothing he could do. Told me to contact
GM customer service, which I did, they tried to
tell me that most people just fill up and never
pay any attention to there mileage, and they make
no guarantees on mileage, tried to blame it on epa
testing, EPA has not even tested this vehicle.
on the GM web site is says 19 and 25 determined by
gm testing, they said they would turn it over the
the BBB, but that nothing would happen. A week later someone from GM called saying they would do
nothing and said I could go thru the BBB process
but they won't do anything. I told him GM is guilty of false advertising. I have always been
a GM person, I have never owned another brand in
40 yrs of driving, I even sold Chevy's for 3 yrs.
a long time ago. No wonder Honda and Toyota are
taking away much of GM's business, they have lost
touch with the buyer, no customer satisfaction and
it takes an act of congress to fight and fight to
get anything fixed at a dealer, doesn't really seam to be the dealers fault, seems like they can't get information or parts from GM.
I do not have the smell problem some of you are
addressing, at least not yet and I have 3500 miles
on it. Some of the other post's talk about the
real bad road noise on rough roads or concrete
roads, yes I have that problem too. GM should know
better putting 60 series tires on a vehicle with
struts and a unibody. The noise just radiates from
the tires to the struts into the one piece body and amplifies it. It is really bad, GM should know
better, that is why pickups ride so good and are
so quite, 70 series tires act as shock absorbers
and with a seperate frame with isolation biscuites
they ride nice and are quite.
The Nox drives good, looks good and has plenty of
power but the short commings make it a looser
unfortunately, If I got 23mpg or so I could live
with it, and almost as bad is GM's lack of concern
as I told them I was just one owner, I am sure there are lots more out there with the same concerns. That they should check with engineering to see if they knew about this problem and if there was
a reprograming change to fix it.
sure lots of others that have been very dissapointed by the poor gas mileage. I hope the
mileage improves with more miles, I am at 4000 now, and last tank was 18.8 mpg.
I am thinking about going to synthetic oil, I check my tire pressures and don't drive over 70,
yes I use air conditioning, it's only 100 today.
I have a call into the GM dealer rep.
On another note, kinda funny the vehicle has no
clothes hook on either side of back door, I have
never seen a car or truck that didn't have a place to hang clothes, must be an over site, because they spent so much time working on getting good gas mileage. (ha ha)
Other than these problems I have had no other problems. I bought this Nox May 21st.
It drives like a dream! NO NOISE or CREAKING anymore!
The service manager gave me a full tank of gas as well..I am pleased, at least I have my car back!
It appears that the electronic control needs help, but does not like being helped - so it counter attacks.