Warranty Claims Administration

vasiliosvasilios Member Posts: 5
Just wondering if there are any other active warranty administrators that use this message board. I just think it would be nice to have other claims administrators to ask questions and get help with claims processing.


Also, if there are any rules against posting common warranty claims problems on this message board.


For instance, I had a claim return today with code 3010 for labor operation 7521B4...I went to look up the DC for that op and there is not indication of one on Honda Net? Anyhow, I will call the WHD today to get this problem resolved..just curious if anyone else has had similar experiences and maybe we can help each other in the future.


  • vasiliosvasilios Member Posts: 5
    bye the way, I'm a honda warranty claims administrator but I do have experience in GM and some knowledge in Nissan warranty as well.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    I am an admin for a Chevy dealer. I'm not sure you'll get much help here. You may find out if Honda has a forum website for Honda technicians/service personnel like the one GM does. On GM's site, I have gotten a ton of excellent information and help with problems like yours.
  • driftracerdriftracer Member Posts: 2,448
    experience as a service manager/warranty administrator, and now testify as an expert witness in automotive law cases, with warranty administration being one of the areas I'm qualified in - I don't know if I can help with particular questions, perhaps in a broader discussion?
  • vasiliosvasilios Member Posts: 5
    What is the website you're talking about that GM has? I have been asked to help the claims administrator at the Buick dealership, that we have here on the same lot, and it would be excellent to know that website. I learned warranty at a Buick/GMC dealership and never heard about a website for warr. administrators. I appreciate all of your feedback, please keep it coming.
  • vasiliosvasilios Member Posts: 5
    driftracer, I'm sure there will be numerous situations that will come up that you'll be able to help us with. I will keep that in mind, thank you. It's always helpful to hear someone elses point of view when problems arise.
  • driftracerdriftracer Member Posts: 2,448
    And Yassou!
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    It's something like http://service.gm.com, click on 'forum' tab. (I don't enter websites well, so I find everything with a search engine or leave the site in 'favorites') It's password-protected and, to sign up, your friend will need BAC and dealer codes.
  • vasiliosvasilios Member Posts: 5
    thanks mitzij, it's funny...I've used that website many times to look up campaigns and service bulletins but I never noticed the forum tab at the top!
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    Great! You'll find it's an excellent resource for technical information. It's a very efficient way for get help than calling neighboring dealers one at a time.
  • beabea Member Posts: 1
    I also am a Chevy Warranty Administrator..I have spoken with many admin. in the past few years and am glad I found a new message board. Where are you located ? I am curious as to the pay rate in other areas. I am in Southern California.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    I'm in a small town in Ohio. My c/p rate is $48.00 per hour, warranty rate is a little higher. Most other 'ships around here have rates in the 50s or 60s.
  • scibelliscibelli Member Posts: 1
    Hi: I need some advice on how to proceed. I own a 2000 Pontiac Gran Prix with 59,000 miles. The transmission started slamming second and fourth gears under normal acceleration. Dealer has just repaired and I now have $2,200 bill. I had purchased the extended warranty that expired in months but not miles in 2004 (4years, 60,000 miles). This car has been driven by adults and never towed anything. My dealer is indifferent to my outrage at such an expense at such low mileage. All services were performed at factory intervals. What can I do?
    Thanks to all!
    Sue Cibelli
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    your service contract is expired. GM warranty expired 2 or 3 years ago (by delivery date). I'd say you're shucksoutaluck. You have a 5 (or 6) year old car. How long do you expect a manufacturer to pay the bill for repairs on a vehicle? They only promise 3 years or 36k miles, whichever comes first.
  • mcspakmcspak Member Posts: 8
    Hi, I need some help/advice if you can. I have a 2001 Mazda MPV. It has 52k on it and I just took it in for it's 48k service. The dealer advised me that the water pump was cracked and said it would be approx. $450 to fix. I advised that i had purchased extended warranty on the MPV, which is due to expire at the end of May. It covers the ater pump.

    The dealer called me back asking me if I had flushed the coolent at the 3 year/72k mark. I said no, as I service based on kilometer and it only had 50k on it. They rejected the claim saying I didn't adhere to the recommended service guidelines, that the coolent should be flushed at 72k or 3 years. The vehicle was 9 months over the 3 year mark and approx 22k under the kilometer mark.

    Can the coolent cause the water pump to crack in his short period of time? Any suggestions on how to escalate/resolve this with Mazda?
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    You could try calling the service contract company directly and appealing the decision. Explain your service record and see if they will bend. This is why I don't like service contracts. You sign their contract and you have to play by ALL of their rules. Even the one that say you must do all recommended maintenance to their specifications. They say 3 years for a coolant flush, you want to say the 70k miles.
  • mcspakmcspak Member Posts: 8
    Thanks, will try that and see - I appreciate you responding! :)
  • warrantymanwarrantyman Member Posts: 2
    Hey Vasilios, I'm a Honda/Acura Administrator, 13 years and still running..... be glad to cut and deal and maybe we can help each other...
  • nnawarrantygalnnawarrantygal Member Posts: 2
    I was wondering the same thing, I have been searching for other Nissan Warranty Administrators to ask questions and get help with some of my claims. Anyone a Nissan or Infiniti Warranty Administrator??
  • warrantyquerywarrantyquery Member Posts: 1
    I bought a new GM car on a zero-percent interest deal a couple of years back. It's still on warranty, and a part went out earlier this year. I was told the part was out of stock and was issued a loaner from the nearby car rental agency at dealership expense. FOUR MONTHS LATER I'm still driving the loaner with no word from the dealership. GM must be paying 2x or 3x my monthly payment to rent me this car.

    Can anyone advise me as to the end game in this situation? Should I expect them to find the part eventually? Should I expect an offer to buy back my car for my blue book equity? Could they ever cut off the loaner without actually repairing the car? What if they continue to say nothing and they still have my car when the warranty expires?
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    Have you called the dealership?
    I can't think of any part that would be backordered that long, and would make your vehicle undriveable.
    You got the vehicle checked and the part was ordered when in warranty. They must take care of the repair under warranty. This happens all the time, someone comes in with 35998 miles on their car, they come back 2 months later to get the work done. It's covered.
  • lumina2008lumina2008 Member Posts: 2
    Bought a car from dealer, 2000 Chevy Lumina, 72560 mile,
    Want to buy one year GMPP extend warranty.
    They give me a Valued Guard for 780$ only for one year.
    Any suggestion?
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    Your best bet would be to put that $780 in a savings account for a rainy day. Value Guard is (more or less) a powertrain plan, covering the internal works of the engine and transmission. Any service contract you try to buy, considering the mileage and age of your car, will be costly. I'm not sure it would be worth it.
    My full opinion of service contracts can be read in my published works. (see extended warranty topics) :)
  • lumina2008lumina2008 Member Posts: 2

    780$ can save me a power game PC.

    The car I bought from Chevy dealer is messy inside. I asked to clean the car inside out. The dealer promised to clean it after the deal. When I drove my car the next day, they just washed it outside by water. Shame on them. .
  • jlimatojlimato Member Posts: 1
    I had a good extended warranty policy from WarrantyGold which was 7 year 100,000 miles. WarrantyGold went bankrupt in 2003 (I had 4 years more to go) and left all policy holders without coverage.

    The transmission in my 2000 Ford Windstar with 55,000 mi just went and will cost me $2,700.

    Is there anything I can do to get hep with this? Not the whole amount, but some would be very helpful. I read the following post by highrolla and gave me some hope. Any suggestions would be help.

    From highrolla.

    Like many others I was burned by NWIG and WG but am still a big believer on having 'peace of mind'. Just as I have Medical, Auto, and Home Insurance, I consider myself conservative when taking financial risks.

    I contacted my CC and completed a 'Charge-Back' since the company went insolvent and I began searching other companies. I learned it is very difficult for a warranty companty to sell in FLorida (because of regulated pricing, compnay background ect)and decided to begin there even though I libe in NY.

    I only found 3 compnaies and beagan speaking with all of them. 2 of the 3 were the typical 'slimy sales reps' only trying to close the deal and could care less about my Gold experience except for calling them thieves. The 3rd Compnay, WarrantyWarehouse.com rep was kind and informative. The rep I (think Melvin maybe MArvin) eductaed me on the industry and sypmathized with my problem with Gold.

    By the end of the 45 minute conversation I was confident this was the right compnay for me and wanted to enroll. Without even asking the rep put me on hold, got back on the line and discounted the policy, offerd a free payment plan, and a small deposit because of my situation with Gold.

    I am satisfied now, had my 1st repair over Xmas that was $1,800 that was a fine experience, and will recommed this compnay to anyone.

    Remeber, if you go to dinner and have a bad steak, are you never going to eat out again? I think not! I chose WarrantyGold because of the best price and now I have to deal with that....Now I chose a compnay based on price, representation, past history and more importantly 'gut feeling'.

    Do not be mad at the warranty companies, realize like I did that I chose the wrong compnay for the wrong reasons and learned my lesson. I am happy now!!!
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    No service contract company will sell you a contract, then pay for your transmission to be fixed. They will call it a 'preexisting condition'
    Unless you lie and they don't know the trans is junk. Buy the contract, wait 30 days, get your trans fixed and submit a claim. This is known as Fraud, however, and you could be fined. I wouldn't try it. Just fix the van, or get a new one.

    You could try calling your Ford dealer and asking for some Goodwill assistance. Might get help, might not. Since it's a 5 (or 6) year old van, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  • kirsten99averykirsten99avery Member Posts: 5
    We bought a 2003 Buick Rendezvous 2 weeks ago. We were really mislead and lied to by this dealership and need some help and advice. Our sales man told us that we absolutly had to purchase the extended warrenty (which we knew we wanted) right then and there. He told us we could not buy one after we bought the car. He convinced us to get the $100 deductible on the 60 month or 75,000 mile GMPP plan we wanted....saying that we only paid that deductible the first time we used it. The dealership charged us $2900.00 on this General Moters warrenty. Since then, I called GMPP and found out that we have to pay the $100 every time you bring it to the shop! I have looked into Black Pontiac Dealership and I deffinalty want to go thru them!! (According to Black Pontiac the same warranty we bought has a list price of $1870 and they sell it for $1400....the $0 deductible which we now know that we want has a list price of $2170 and they sell it for $1700). So the dealership we bought it from over charged us $1,000 dollars...we could get the $ 0 deductible for much less then what we paid!!!

    Here's the thing, GMPP told me that I cannot cancel it from my dealer and get it from Blacks...they say once you buy it, you cannot ever get it again on that veichle! I called the Buick Company and all they could do was note the complaint about my dealership.

    Does anyone know what to do? Are their any loop holes in the GMPP warrenty? We really want to stay with GM and switch to the $ 0 deductible. The dealership will not help us as of right now....but I have messages in to alot of people there.

    If not, what are other warranties that are equally as good as GMPP?

    Thanks, I appreciate any and all advice...........
  • marcelamarcela Member Posts: 1
    I am a gm warranty administrator, our dealer just purchased the saab franchise, is there anywhere I can receive some type of training with the warranty submission I have been trying there website but I get nothing can anyone help me
  • jdilljdill Member Posts: 6
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    Honda Odyssey 1999 - 2004
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    #6804 of 6805  01 Odyssey, bum tranny, warranty?? by jdill   Aug 11, 2005 (6:41 pm)
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    I purchased a used 2001 Odyssey (with 22,000 miles) through an auto broker at my credit union. I was told it was Canadian so the warranty was void. I live in Washington State. Lots of people buy Canadian cars here through auto brokers or dealers who have rental returns. Anyway, i thought no problem, I'll just buy an extended warranty at my credit union. No big deal. That was years ago and low and behold I have the "tranmission problem." My warranty company insisted Honda do a pressure test and the dealer said, "no, we know what the problem is because it's on a national bulletin, the code came up and we do the new transmission. We aren't going to spend shop time and money on a pressure test when we know what the problem is." When the ICWS agent insisted, one of the Honda techs mentioned that they have a "recall" issued through Honda on this transmission but that since it was a Canadian vehicle, they can't service it on the extended warranty. Since I never got a letter from Honda USA or Honda Canada, I didn't know the difference. Now the ICWS guy is saying he won't cover ANY known issues because it's "gray market" and Honda USA and Honda Canada are saying "sorry but we don't cover you" either. ICWS said they would cover it IF there wasn't a "recall" on it. But Honda USA says it's not their problem. Honda Canada says check with Honda USA. The Honda dealer wants over $4K to replace the transmission and I don't have that kind of money. My car broker who sold the car to me cussed out the ICWS people then said he would contact his Honda dealers and get back to me. Who should pay here, or am I sol? :mad:
  • jdilljdill Member Posts: 6
    Sorry for the weird cut on paste on that last message. I thought I was just pasting my message from the Honda forum. Didn't realize all that other stuff came with it. Apologies all around.

    Jennifer :blush:
  • runaroundrunaround Member Posts: 9
    In bold black on my contract it says, Agreement term(whichever occurs first) Includes the manufacturer's warranty term on new vehicles. Now if it says to a certain mileage,but Honda admits there is a defect in the transmission and has extended the warranty, shouldn't the vehicle be covered?
  • jdilljdill Member Posts: 6
    My warranty is 7 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. They have no problem with the fact it is Canadian. They have a problem with the fact that Honda has admitted a known issue and is fixing them right and left all over the country at their cost. So the warranty folks throw it back to Honda, and Honda says, "hey, it's not registered with any country, so it's not OUR problem." They decline to help. Irony is that if the dealer had never argued with the warranty folks on their diagnostics, this issue would never have come up. Until the warranty folks demanded a pressure test on the transmission and the dealer declined (and thus gave their reasons) it would have been paid for by the warranty folks when it failed the stress test. I wouldn't have known, they wouldn't have know, and we all would have been satisfied with the outcome. I would now have a new 3 year, 36,000 mile transmission and be blissfully ignorant of this whole issue.
  • bargainbabebargainbabe Member Posts: 22
    I'm buying a brand new 2005 Honda! I want to get an extended warranty - 7yr/100,000 miles. Has anyone heard of a company called "Warranty Direct"? They also go by the name "Interstate National Dealer Services". Warranty Direct sells to the public. Interstate sells to banks, credit unions and car dealers. They are a member of the BBB, BBBonline, have a "satisfactory" rating, and have had 3 complaints in the last 36 months. They sell over a million policies a year. I need the peace of mind that comes with being totally covered for everything (except regular maintenance and cosmetics), so I really want to get the extended coverage. Anybody ever deal with this company?
  • wlbrown9wlbrown9 Member Posts: 867
    I recommend you check the price of a real Honda Warranty. www dot ihondawarranty dot com is one site to price on-line. Checking a new 2005 Accord V6 for example, 7y-75K mile warranty is $925 for $0 deduct and $860 for $50 deductible. When I gave them my contact info I got a code for another $75 off. Provider is actually Griffith Honda, The Dalles, Oregon. griffithhondacare.com .

    Also there is curryhondacare dot com and jayhondacare dot com.

    I would only buy a manufacturer backed warranty for any brand. Too many of the others will not be around in 3-4 years when you really need them. This is my opinion only.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    A little company named Warranty Gold boasted similar credentials-BBB member, A++ rating with AMBest, blah blah blah, shortly before they went bankrupt and left many people holding expensive pieces of paper that were worthless.

    I generally don't care for Service contracts (aka extended warranties), but if you must buy one, get one backed by your vehicle's manufacturer. Honda's going to still be in business in 5 or 6 years if (...IF, not When...) you have a claim.

    And, remember, there's no such thing as a bumper to bumper extended warranty. All of them have exclusions and much fine print. Read the whole contract Before spending your money.
  • bargainbabebargainbabe Member Posts: 22
    They have been around for 25 years, so I don't think they're going anywhere soon, but I will definitely check out Hondas warranty. Thanks.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    Warranty Gold was around for a few decades also.
  • bargainbabebargainbabe Member Posts: 22
    I'm going with the Honda warranty.
  • normkolnormkol Member Posts: 135
    I took my 2002 Mazda Tribute to a local Mazda dealer, not the one where I bought the car. The air bag light had come on. They diagnosed a bad seat belt pretensioner, which is covered under the 5 yr/60k safety warranty.

    They are charging me $94 service charge because I didn't buy the car from them, the repair itself is covered. They also had the audacity to remove the license plate frames from the selling dealer and put their own on.

    Is this common practice? I will probably write Mazda and complain, not that I'm expecting any action from them.

    The selling dealer moved further away from me and it is a real hassle to get there.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    No, it's not normal practice to charge a customer diagnostic time for a repair covered under manufacturer warranty. At the very least, it's a bad business practice. You're not likely to do business with them in the future, are you? It may even go against their Mazda/Dealer agreement. I don't think we (a GM dealer) are allowed to charge our customers for anything related to a warranteed repair.

    If you had Anything else checked out, they are allowed their diagnostic time.

    I could tell them where to put their L.P. frame, too! :P
  • jb_turnerjb_turner Member Posts: 702
    Just go to a different dealer for warranty work.
  • normkolnormkol Member Posts: 135
    Thanks, this is probably the first and last time I will go there. I'll just make the longer trip to the dealer I bought the car from.
  • bargainbabebargainbabe Member Posts: 22
    Just an update. I bought my car insurance from Geico. For a few dollars a year, THEY extend the manufacturers warranty for 7yrs/100,000 miles. It's a relatively new thing they do, and its really incredible!
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    I checked out Geico's website and tried to find their contract. They didn't have a link to it so I could read it, however, they call it a 'mechanical breakdown contract'. That means a component must be broken before they will pay for replacement. That eliminates items like ball joints (they don't break, they wear out) and possibly electronics (they develop shorts, or lose their brains (won't communicate) as opposed to actually breaking). It is not an extension of the manufacturer's warranty.
    I would be interested to know what they do and don't cover on this plan. If you're in the mood to type a lot, post the coverages/exclusions, as well as what parameters they use for parts (OEM, aftermarket...) and labor (times/rates).
  • warrantymanwarrantyman Member Posts: 2
    I've ran accross this problem before....I can give you the number of the folks at Honda to contact and get your warranty validated in the US... I believe there is a recall that includes your fan on the tranny....I'm a 13 year veteran with Honda/Acura warranty....I might be able to help ! John
  • farokhfarokh Member Posts: 2
    I think I have the same problem. I bought an Odyssey 2001, back in 2001, after driving it for 75000 miles with no other issues, the tranny gave up. Did not know if it was canadian or not at the time (I thought they were built in Japan back then). Now they tell me it is gray Market! Althoug Honda America and Honda Canada both say there is a problem with tranny (All trannys are built in Japan) and they both extended the warrantee to 8 years/100,000 miles,But since I bought a Candian Honda in US, I am stuck with it. I can not believe Honda is doing this to the customers. This is very bad for Honda. I am about to write to Honda President. I have owned Honda cars in US since 1979.
    I think Kia and other Korean car makers are more sensetive an proactive these days.
    Please let me know if you have a link that I could complain to, in Honda Japan. I think the American and Candian subs are tranishing the Honda Japan image.
  • geo9geo9 Member Posts: 735
    FAR..........Any chance that if you took it to a Canadian honda dealer
    would they warranty fix it?

    I live along the US-Canadian border and anyone I knew with a GM or Ford
    ex-canadian vehicle still under warranty would just take it to a Canadian
    dealer for a warranty fix......................
  • mwoldmwold Member Posts: 2
    We have spun rod bearing on our Mazda6. The dealer wants to replace the engine. The warranty company wants them to just replace the crankshaft and rod bearings. The dealer along with a fewothers I called wont do engine internals. We're stuck in the middle and can't get either to budge.

    Anyone have any ideas that we can try? This is killing us. We stil make our monthly payment and insurance yet the car sits at the dealer.
  • mitzijmitzij Member Posts: 613
    I've got a couple of ideas, both will cost you money.

    1. find a dealer that will do internal work on engines and work with EasyCare. have the car towed there (the tow would be on your dime and the shop where it is now would probably charge you diagnostic/tear down/put back together fees)

    2. ask EasyCare if they will pay the amount of the crankshaft/rod bearing work and you will pay the difference. have the dealer replace the engine.

    Unfortunately, your service contract allows EasyCare to dictate how much they will pay, so I don't think you can force them the buy you an engine.
  • ranajoranajo Member Posts: 57
    I hope that I am posting this in the right forum.

    I have a 2004 G35x which is still under warranty. It is due its 15,000 mile service.

    In order that the warranty is not impacted does the servicing have to be done by an Infiniti dealership?
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