carmonacrcarmonacr Member Posts: 1
edited August 2016 in Jeep
Hi never had a issue with my Jeep - today all of a sudden it stoped. No way to start it up again. Any ideas where I can begin checking? Thank you all.


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,979
    carmonacr said:

    Hi never had a issue with my Jeep - today all of a sudden it stoped. No way to start it up again. Any ideas where I can begin checking? Thank you all.

    Check out this discussion:

    11000 posts about the Liberty diesel.

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  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,824
    edited August 2016
    What do you suppose the combined information from all of those posts amounts to without the right tools to collect the data that would allow someone with a suitable education to apply critical thinking skills towards a solid diagnostic routine in order to analyze the OP's vehicle issue? (Hint : If there were ten times as many posts in that thread it probably would not help the O.P. )
    carmonacr said:

    Any ideas where I can begin checking?

    Basics, basics, basics. Using an appropriate scan tool, what codes are setting and in what modules?
    From there, what is the low side fuel pressure, what is the high side pressure (both in scan data as well as confirmed by mechanical gage where applicable).

    As far as not starting is it cranking? Not cranking? If cranking does it sound normal or faster than normal? Is it trying to fire at all?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,979
    Geez.. doc. Just guiding a member to the proper discussion.

    Maybe we could just shut it all down, and have one big discussion!

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  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,824
    "Just guiding a member to the proper discussion"

    Having worked on a few of these Jeep Diesels I have a pretty good idea of what a laundry list of possible causes is going to do for carmonacr. The odds are actually not in his/her favor to try and just assume something that solved someone else's vehicle problem has anything at all to do with this problem. But really this isn't new and needing to test correctly, which starts with training and the right tools is something that should be stressed each and every time. If the O.P. just browses that forum and starts loading up the parts cannon with guesses from it, they could waste $1K-$2K in a heartbeat. In fact the posts in that thread very likely describe events that this is exactly what happened when someone without the correct approach made a repair attempt.

    "Maybe we could just shut it all down, and have one big discussion!"

    That depends on what someone wants to try to do with the information. If all they are looking for is a silver bullet answer then the information is being misused. If they want to use it to help figure out how to test and prove if something is causing a give problem, and not just throw parts at it then it's real value is being revealed.

    Imagine for the moment that one of the posts actually does describe the O.P's vehicle issue exactly. Which one is the magic one? With the right approach, none of what is there would be required to solve the O.P's Jeep No-Start.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,979
    Some people just like to read..

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  • scurlessscurless Member Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone, I'm a newby to this forum and I need some advice on a Jeep Liberty CRD. Short story: My wife and I are retired and moving to Costa Rica in December. The price of cars is CR is horrendous, so I want to take a US-made vehicle down there, and I want it to be a diesel as diesel fuel is half the price of gasoline. I've found several Liberty's and those would be ideal in size for us, plus the 4X4 feature is almost mandatory in the rainy season. My question is whether this would be a good vehicle choice to consider? I know about the 'Green Program', EGR bypass, TC replacement, etc. and some of the vehicles I've seen have some or all the above. Is there enough dependability to use this vehicle in a foreign country or are the maintenance issues (beyond just the normal 4X4 case leaks, wear-and-tear, etc) too numerous for reliable transportation? I'm planning in invest $10=12K in an '05 or '06 vehicle, so most upgrading/replacing will be done here in Texas. I'd love to know what some of you who are knowledgeable about this vehicle have to say. No haters, just reliable info. If you don't think it would be a good idea, maybe you can make a suggestion(s) for SUV's that might fit the bill. Must be 4X4 and diesel. Sorry for the diatribe, and any/all info is greatly appreciated!! I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!
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