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2013 and earlier-Mercedes-Benz C-Class Lease Questions



  • scottinkyscottinky Member Posts: 194
    i was thinking about getting one of these for my wife, but geezus, too
    much for a compact sedan. she'd be happy with a Jetta for $300 a month
    and no money out of pocket.
  • sperrysperry Member Posts: 15
    Here's what I ordered, did I get ripped off?

    2008 C350 Sport
    Borolo Red Metallic Paint
    Black Leather Interior
    18" AMG Wheels
    Tele Aid

    MSRP: $45, 935
    Invoice: $42,778
    Selling Price: $43, 935
    Taxes, Bank Fee, First Month Security, etc.: $4,041
    Residual: 59%
    MF: ??
    Term: 39m
    Miles: 10,000/y
    Monthly Payment: $591

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Did I get ripped off?

  • greenbaygreenbay Member Posts: 3
    seems about as good as my deal.

    not so great according to www.shrewdlease.com doesn't like it much
  • sperrysperry Member Posts: 15
    ShrewdLease doesn't take several factors into account like...

    1) Paying taxes up front
    2) Invoice price to determine how good of a deal you got

    I believe the above items are important and without them their rating is not accurate.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • rkatz1949rkatz1949 Member Posts: 8
  • reve45reve45 Member Posts: 3
    hi all

    i need some advice please i am in new jersey and i received this quote from a dealer if you can please advice me if it's a good deal or not i will appreciate

    c300 sport 4matic p1 , multimedia , ipod, sunroof for $40,309
    $3818 down payment include 7 % tax and fees ( paying tax up front)

    $528.88 /month

    also without multimedia which include navigation :
    $3626 down $480.71/ month

    thank you in advance
  • drew207drew207 Member Posts: 4
    It sounds like you did fine but hard to tell without more info.

    What was your cap cost?
    What was your money factor?

    These are the things that dealers can play with to make it a good or bad deal.

    BTW, the last two payments and waiving of the dispo fee is a MB program, not something the dealer picked up. The "loyalty accelerator" program allows for MB financial to forgive up to three payments and the dispo fee when entering a new lease of an MB vehicle.
  • drew207drew207 Member Posts: 4
    reve45, can you provide more info?

    what is the length of lease?
    what is the cap cost (agreed purchase price)?
    can you break down the $3818? (how much is down payment?)

    This info makes it possible to determine whether your deal is good or not.
  • reve45reve45 Member Posts: 3
    hi and thank you guys for the response

    the length of the lease is 39 month
    purchase price is 38390 for c 300 sport with p1 and multimedia
    purchase price is 35065 for c 300 p1 but no multimedia

    i wish if i can break down the down payment but i can't the dealer said it includes everything fees, tax, first month payment .
    i didn't close the deal yet waiting on April numbers , for me it comes down to how much i am putting out of my pocket and how much my monthly payment is going to be .

    thank you all
  • sperrysperry Member Posts: 15
    Ask the dealer to break down the out of pocket. if they refuse go somewhere else.

    I purchased my C350 from Millennium Mercedes Benz of Bridgewater. I highly recommend this dealership. Ask for Anthony Lire, General Sales Manager. Tell him Steven Perry referred you. No, I don't work for the dealership.

    The invoice cost for this car is $37,621, assuming non-metallic paint (you didn't specify the color), with MM. You Cap Cost is $769 over invoice. Not bad. The payment looks good.

    The invoice cost for this car is $34,877, assuming non-metalic paint, without MM. Your Cap Cost is $168 over invoice. Good deal. The payment looks good.Hope this helps.

    You need to understand your out of pocket in detail.
  • newdriver350newdriver350 Member Posts: 2
    Hey. I recently just got my license and want a MB. I was wondering if anyone knew what an estimated lease for just the base c300 sport edition. my dad wants the montly payment to be around $350. I think he would be willing to put $4,000 down. I live in NJ if that has anything to do with it. Please, if anyone knows the estimated lease payment per month, let me know. i am really keeping my fingers crossed for this car :)
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    Newdriver ... I just started my search today and the base C300 I was quoted in the high 5's per month for a 36 - 39 month lease, and $600 for a 24 month lease, those figures with nothing down. Putting $4K down should knock ~ $100/month off the 39 month lease but I don't see how you can get another $150 off the monthly. IF, however, you can find such a lease PLEASE post the source here. I'd happily pay to have one shipped to me for numbers like you're seeking.
    Bart :shades:
  • hlcastelohlcastelo Member Posts: 45
    In South Fl for $5300 down , lease for 39 mos is $399. The vehicle includes PI package, auto tranny, metallic paint and cd changer. Only problem is 10K miles per year. High residual built into lease- 60% this due to fact is new car.
  • newdriver350newdriver350 Member Posts: 2
    My dad and I went to the dealership today and he got me my car :) I was so happy. Anyway, the deal was $315 a month with $8,000 down. (including taxes, first month payment, etc.) This included c300 4wd sport with P1 package ane iPod integration.
  • reve45reve45 Member Posts: 3
    thanx Sperry

    just got this deal

    C300 4matic Sport black no metallic
    Palladium Silver
    40,390 msrp
    38,390 sale price
    .00250 money factor
    39 mo.

    approx. $3800k in fees due and tax ($2K for fees and dues and $1800 7% tax )

    you always want to get the good deal and hoping you will not get ripped off but after shopping that was the best deal i got, what do think?
  • occarbuffoccarbuff Member Posts: 6
    How much are the acquisition and vehicle turn-in fees for the lease of a 2008 C300 through MB Financial in the Los Angeles, CA area? Are $1095 acquisition and $595 vehicle return the norm or unreasonable?

    What do you think about the following deal...

    C300 Sport
    Metallic Paint
    AMG wheels
    7-sp Auto

    MSRP $35575
    Sell Price $33095.77
    Gross Cap $34190.77 (Sell price + 1095 acquisition fee)
    MF/Residual .00255/57% ($21345 to buy car at end of lease)

    Total Out of Pocket $1820
    Monthly Payment w/ taxes $478.54

    Thanks Carman and anybody else for your input...
  • occarbuffoccarbuff Member Posts: 6
    Oh, and this is for a 39 month / 10,000 miles lease.... :D
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    I was in S. FLA last week, and every time I'm there visiting family I look at the auto section of the Sunday paper and am stunned by the figures they offer. The car you've just described is $600 + taxes/month for a 39 month lease after $4K down here in Arizona! And I've checked with three MB dealers and they all stick to that number and won't budge. That's for a $38K MSRP car. I'd be driving a C300 Lux right now if they had pricing like FLA.

    At the same time a Lexus IS250 with a MSRP of $41K can be leased here for $355/month for a 24 month lease w/ $4K down before any negotiations take place. Oh, and one more thing that galls me w/ MB: only WHITE is available without a paintjob surcharge of $721 and it costs them very few pfennigs to paint the car attractively. (BMW does much the same.) Bart :shades:
  • blov8rblov8r Member Posts: 567
    Congratulations. The $8K up front is more consistent with my rough calculations on your initially posted inquiry. I guess your next car will be a Ferrari? Bart :shades:
  • henry513henry513 Member Posts: 1
    I am looking to lease a C300 sports Auto/P2/MM 36/months 15k
    would this assumption be accurate?

    Does leasing need to add that $595 fees (not sure what that fee was called, but when you puchasae, they add that after you negotiate)

    MSRP: 40275
    Invoice: 37514
    Selling (Targeting) Price: 36014
    Other fees (Bank fees and registration fee) $800
    Gross Cap Cost: 36814
    Residual Value(57%): 22957
    absolute 0 down payment and fees upfront
    Money Factor: 0.0025
    Length: 36months (to avoid the 4th year registeration fee)
    North Cal Tax: 8.25%
    Payment $546.22/month

    My score is not up there but I paid off 2 cars and excellent auto loan history, credit histroy established 13 years with a score of 630 before paying off my last vehicle, will they still Fianance me with this rate? or what should I expecting?

    Is there other leasing comapny other than the manufacture?

    Please let me know if anything on my assumption is lot or high. Also if i have missed anything.
    Its my 1st time doing a lease and it is giving me a headace.

    Please let me know the dearship that would work aroudn this number. I don't mind to go to South Cal to get the car if needed. =)

    Thanks in advance,
    Henry. :sick:
  • sperrysperry Member Posts: 15
    With a 630 FICA you will likely only qualify for Tier 2 financing at best. This will raise your monthly, on a lease, about $50. I only qualified for tier 2 as well but added a co-signer to get me to tier 1.
  • bgates222bgates222 Member Posts: 38
    not sure if this is a good deal or not seems like it could be better
    2008 c 300 sport with p1 and panoramic roof

    msrp 36265.00
    residual .57
    sale price 34675.00
    15k miles 39 month

    due at signing tax 1700.39
    acq fee ? 795.00
    doc\fuel fee 45.00
    registration 93.00? cant i do this myself
    1st month payment 500.21
    total due 3156.1
    thanks in advance for the help
  • tommystonestommystones Member Posts: 19
    The current APlan lease offer is as follows ....

    2008 MBenz C Class 4Matic
    27 Month Lease
    $445 Per Month (Including Tax)
    12,500 miles Per Year
    Down Payment - Title, Reg, First Payment, Other minor fees (Little over 1K.)

    What are your thoughts on this offer? Any Good? Michigan by the way
  • bgates222bgates222 Member Posts: 38
    c300 sport
    multimedia, p1, panoramic roof,ipod, 7 speed automatic, 6 disc changer ,
    nothing down , due at signing tax , first month ,doc fees ,bank fee
    39590.00msrp sale price 37590.00 550/month 39 months 15k miles per
    had one without the multimedia , ipod , 6 disc for around 513.00 but i figured for roughly and extra 40 a month why not what do u guys think?
  • dangermoosedangermoose Member Posts: 5
    That sounds too good to be true. Where can I get one?
  • bgates222bgates222 Member Posts: 38
    im not sure if we can mention dealers on here but email me and ill tell you where i got it i picked it up yesterday jmoore@ehs.org
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,637
    You may include the dealership name, city and state in your post. Please do not post names of salespeople, telephone numbers, email addresses, or other contact information.


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  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    With the 2009 C's going into build, why isn't Mercedes blowing out the 2008's with great lease deals? The lease on the C is pretty unexciting....
  • whatthehackwhatthehack Member Posts: 2
    In FL, I still see lot of advertisement of C class with 27 Mon Lease for 399. I think that it is still exciting deal. Can you explain why you think it is unexciting ?
  • whatthehackwhatthehack Member Posts: 2
    Is APlan available to only MB family members ? I do not think that Chrsyler Family members are able to get that benefit anymore. Can you explain the Aplus plan.
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    That's $399 with lots of money down in front for 27 months. I don't have the details in front of me, but I'll bet if you divide the down payment by 27months, you'll find that the cost is $399 + $150 or about $550...and then add multimedia and make it and 12K vs 10K miles per year. The real lease price is closer to $650/mo with no money down. That $399 is an advertising price...no relation to the real price. of the car you want to lease.

    For a $38000 car, that a very unexciting lease. The Mercedes salesman will tell you that the resale on Mercedes cars is incredibly good....but then on a lease, uses a residual value that's less than most every one of it's competitors.....because so few buyers look at the residual value when getting a lease.

    They also hype low monthly costs with high up front payments....rather than telling you the real cost of the lease...because so few consider the cost up front and figure out the true monthly cost by dividing the up front "capital cost reduction" by the number of months of the lease and then adding that to the quoted lease rate.

    There's one listing in this thread where someone is gloating over how low their lease price was because they put $8000 down.....which is rediculous both because they didn't think of the $8000 as part of the lease payments...and because it's just bad financially to put any money down up front.
  • joseph9080joseph9080 Member Posts: 2
    Hello everyone:

    I am new to this site and just leased a C300 luxury, 4matic today without much investigating prior to going into the dealership.

    The lease is for 27 months with 10,000 miles per year. The list I think is $38,375. Options are pano roof and PI. Payment is $568 including 5% sales tax. $2,000.00 down all inclusive 1st, doc fees, plates small cap cost reduction. I do not have the final price or MF with me to post but hopefully in the morning.

    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    Is there a special lease deal on the C300 right now. I've been quoted $585.73 per month for 27 months on a c300w4 P1,MM,IPOD, metalic...msrp $41,150.....no money down in front. I'm not sure how the dealer got there because the rate I've seen is .00260 with 67% residual. Is there a special rate in effect???
  • srvlonghornsrvlonghorn Member Posts: 15
    Yes, there is a special lease in effect until the end of July.

    But the critical item that you left out is the price of the vehicle you would have to pay to buy the vehicle at the end of the 27 months. It should be in the order of $28,800. If it is then I believe that this is a very good deal. Did you get the quote on-line or in person, cause I may want to go this route! :)
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    I didn't write down the residual value because I don't buy leased cars at the end....I only look at the total cost of the lease. I think they used 67% residual. This was an in person quote.
  • mtech8mtech8 Member Posts: 4
    Wow. Sounds like a great deal. What was the residual on the car?

    Does anyone know what the best way to negotiate & calculate a trade-in. I was planning on negotiating the terms of the lease first. Then mention that I have a trade-in. Is it as simple as taking the difference in pay-off to the trade-in amount and adding it to the capitalized cost?

    ie: hypothetically 40K MSRP negotiated for 37K. Now adding 5K difference on trade-in. New price is 42K.
  • ocautoseekerocautoseeker Member Posts: 425
    The 24 month rate (money factor) is utilized on the 27 mo lease. For the C300 Sport, it's .00250. For the 4-matic version, it's .00240. The 10k residual is 68%.

    Would simply need to know the cap cost/selling price to determine whether it's a good deal or not.
  • forsbrg316forsbrg316 Member Posts: 3
    C63 AMG Lease Experience North NJ

    This is the first time I have ever made a post on any forums as I am more of a overseer to these site who likes to keep his pulse on the car market. Long story short own an E46 M3 had a deposit on the new E92 M3 but wasn't going to order a car that I wanted to lease and be committed to those leasing programs in the month it was delivered when only God knows when that would be. Not to mention dealership was marking up the money factor. Anyways drove past a Northern NJ MB dealership and I saw a Mars Red C63 AMG. Decided to take a look at it knowing how it be cheaper and compaitible to the E92 M3. Sat and started it up! Very impressed. Went inside to talk the numbers with him on a lease as I already knew the Residuals and Money factors but since I was trading in my M3 I wanted to see realistically what a deal would look like. I told him to give me the numbers with 5K down and he comes back to me with for 39 months 5K Cap Cost $1712 a month!!!!! I almost hit the ceiling. It was then when the guy told me there was a $20K mark up on the car. I laugh and got up walked out. Anyone who gives them a $1 over MSRP for that car needs to have there heads examined. Good job MB you finally engineer a car which can compete with the M3. Then you price it to compete with the M3, instead your dealerships are turning possible first time MB buyers like myself into a lifetime BMW guy.
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    There are good dealers and there are bad dealers. The Prius is very much in demand these days with high oil/gas prices. I've visited four dealers. Two of them mark up the car by $2000-2.500 market price adjustment...and claim that I will not find any dealer who even sells at MSRP. The other two sell at MSRP and can deliver a car in exactly the same amount of time.

    The dealer you are working with is fundamentally scum....they will rip you off on the sell side and then rake you over the coals on the service side....and they could probably care less if you ever come back to buy another car. Don't damn all Mercedes dealers because of one bad apple. Our local dealer really focuses on developing a relationship and treats folks fairly all the way thru the deal....although they are not the cheapest dealer in the area.
  • ocautoseekerocautoseeker Member Posts: 425
    The C63 AMG has a horrible money factor. Residuals are strong, but rates range from .00330 - .00365 for June.
  • mlocamloca Member Posts: 15
    I am looking to pull the trigger on a new C-300 Sport with 4matic
    Sticker Price: $41,775
    Invoice Price: $38,912
    TMV: $40,370

    What should I offer? I have no trade and a check in hand.
    Are there any incentives or "back end rebates" we don't see.

    thank you!
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    Actually, there is a special lease deal on the C 300. One question you have to ask yourself is what will the car be worth in 3 years or whenever you sell it. The C is not all that fuel efficient so the resale may be lower than "normal" after 3 years. A 36/39 month lease allows you to just return the car at the end of the lease without worrying at all about resale.

    Now if you decide to explore this route, do a lease with no "capital cost reduction" up front...just pay the first months lease plus registration fees plus any taxes...nothing else. Think about it.

    You should also be aware that the 2009 C's will be arriving at dealers next month. Knowing that, you should try to buy a 2008 for invoice at this point. It's a pretty safe bet that when the 2009's come in, they will not leap off the lot into buyers hands....so you should be able to buy for maybe $1000 over invoice in August/Sept (my guess). Of course the price may go up due to the dollar...but I'm not sure they have the flexibility in the market given gas prices to raise the price very much. The improvements aren't all that significant...memory seats, power steering column adjustments, wood dash and cashmere interior available in more models.

    FYI...I have already had a couple of dealers offer me a 2009 car...and we would split the difference between invoice and msrp (since we don't know the real price). I thought that was a very fair deal...and if I were buying now, I would get the 2009...or I would lease a 2008.
  • mlocamloca Member Posts: 15
    Thank you for the insight. I never thought to hold out for a 2009 or at very least negotiate hard on an 08. Personally I put 30K+ miles a year on a car so the idea of leasing doesn't make sense unless the money factor is incredibly low wheras it becomes an interest free loan until I pay off the residual value. I will go to the dealership again and ask when the 09's will arrive.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,637
    Actually, sometimes it might make more sense to lease when you put on 30K mi./yr..

    Sure, a 3yr/90K lease is an extra $250/mo. more than a 3yr/45K lease.. but, that extra $9K over the three years might be less than the extra depreciation on a high-line vehicle..

    Of course, if you normally trade out before 90K miles, then you'll have to do a shorter term..


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  • forsbrg316forsbrg316 Member Posts: 3
    Well this is really the second time I been rubbed the wrong way by a MB dealership. Its funny I drove past the dealership again and wouldn't you know there she was the same Mars Red C63 parked right in front. I wonder if they have a bidding war going on? lol I find it really funny also I drove past my BMW dealership that I had a deposit down originally for the new M3 and I saw about 5 M3's on the lot. In all honesty they aren't the "best" equipped cars IMO but the fact that there still on the lot shows the demand for these cars isn't there. I know the MF on the C63 is high but with the Residuals being higher then the M3 (actually June MF for the M3 went up) your still better off with the numbers from MB.

    Just curious what the forum thinks of this. I am either going to get a C63 08 fully loaded or M3 with DCT probably with options at a flat 70K but here is my goal. I want to put down 5K Cap Cost probably 4 years 15K a year and pay less then $975 with NJ sales tax included. Does anyone think these numbers will be realistic after the summer when the 09 are being produced? I'm hoping to find a car either in NJ/NY/CT even PA that I can get some money off MSRP. I know with the price of gas and so many people making a stink about it that cars getting 20 mpg or less even on the highway aren't going to be easy to move
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    Why would you want to put $5K down up front on any lease. You would do much better financially by using that $5K as a "multiple security deposit". There are a few reasons to do this...but the most important is that you are loaning the money to MB or BMW for the time of the lease and you get it back at the end. In return, they lower the money factor (MF) of your lease....so you pay less interest on each payment.

    No one can predict where interest rates will be in the summer....or what residuals MB/BMW will put on their cars then.
  • forsbrg316forsbrg316 Member Posts: 3
    Actually only BMW lets you put down multiple security deposits in order to lower the money factor. Mercedes doesn't have this practice. Also, there is still a big difference in payments between 5K cap cost and 5K multiple security deposits. I appreciate the advice but I explored those options. I heard all the arguments why you shouldn't put money down on a lease but to me it doesn't really matter because the money isn't coming out of my pocket. As well if you financed one of these cars especially the AMG (known for there TERRIBLE real world residual values) I would have to carry gap insurance just in case the car got totaled cause the minute I drove off the lot I would loose my initial down payment in deprecation. I financed my previous car (BMW 03 4.6is couple mods) and currently my M3 and to me its just not worth doing this anymore. I switch my cars to early plus I don't want to go through that phase of selling my car privately to get anything close to market value. I think my best bet really is to wait to the end of the model year and try to pounce on a left over. With the Performance Package coming out for the 09 Models which from what I read are being produced at the end of this month many of the enthusiasts or serious buyers will probably hold off. When it comes down to it I really don't need the LSD (the main addition in the package) to romp up down RT80 to work.
  • ghstudioghstudio Member Posts: 972
    My dealer tells me that Mercedes DOES offer a reduction in your MF with multiple security deposits and has given me some quotes that include MSD's. Your dealer, like most, probably never read the entire lease plan, they have looked at it and dismissed it as too small a saving to bother with (which is wrong), don't know how to explain it or just don't understand the difference between capital cost reduction and MSD. I also believe that the Mercedes lease, like most others these days provides gap insurance as part of the lease. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons you don't want to put money down in front is just that....gap insurance which they won't pay if you've already put money down up front.

    In your case, it sounds like you are on the right track...wait until the 09's appear early next month and then try to find a leftover 08.
  • ocautoseekerocautoseeker Member Posts: 425
    First, I would never tell anyone how to spend their own money, but I will advise on what's wise when concerning a lease.

    When it comes to making a cap cost reduction, you're simply "prepaying" a portion of the depreciation and thus lowering your monthly payments - certainly nothing wrog with that. If your lease is structured through MBC, it automatically includes GAP insurance, which will indeed pay off what you "owe" on the vehicle. However, if your vehicle is totaled or stolen and never recovered, yes, the GAP policy will pay off the vehicle, but you will essentially lose that $5k you put down upfront.

    Also, MBC does allow up to 10 MSD's, but it varies by region. This would be a good option to explore and utilize if you want to put $5k down - this way, you will lower your monthly payments and in the unexpected event of an accident where the vehicle is declared a total loss, or if stolen, you will at least be able to recover the money you put down and utilize it towards your next lease, or simply take it back.
  • larrymlarrym Member Posts: 21
    Can someone post up the lease figures for the C-Class

    months, miles, residuals, money factor

    Thanks in advance
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