Honda Accord (1976-1989) Maintenance & Repair



  • Member Posts: 1
    I am trying to find where the 2 fuel filters are at on and 85 honda accord carb model. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  • Member Posts: 2
    First one is just ahead of the LH rear wheel, second one is in line in the fuel hose just before it enters the carb.

  • Member Posts: 6
    Yeah my car does it too. Is yours auto? I usually put mine into neutral or raise the revs while I'm braking. I got new engine mounts but it didn't fix the problem. It's weird aye. Let me know if you find out what it is.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have the same problem with my 88 Accord stalling while idling at a traffic light. It will also stall while moving, usually while slowing to turn a corner, but not at 60 MPH, as you report.

    You can do a search with "stall" and ... "idle" to find similar reports at this site.

    I have concluded that it has something to do with one of the smog devices. Perhaps the idler control valve or some other smog device.

    The fuel supply is good. But, something changes the mixture while idling, so that the mixture is too lean. And the car shakes and then stalls. In other words, a vacuum leak is temporarily open letting in too much air. The fuel supply remains constant and normal. Obviously it is not a fuel pump problem.

    It is totally intermittent, and sometimes is triggered by a change in weather conditions.

    You can confirm this by spraying a bit of carburetor cleaner into the air cleaner when it is just barely idling.
    The RPM will speed up. The added spray brings the fuel mixture more into balance, to balance out the vacuum leak.

    You can also use the same method to check for a conventional vacuum leak down below the carbueretor around the numerous hoses. If the engine RPM speeds up a bit, it is a vacuum leak. But the problem is not down there for me and probably you too.

  • Member Posts: 823
    If you haven't checked it already, make sure the PCV valve is good. My 88 Accord would not idle so I searched and searched for a vacuum leak. I finally talked to an Accord specialist and he said to check the PCV valve. Sure enough, the guts of the valve were gone. The car idled like normal once the valve was replaced.

  • Member Posts: 3,341
    and a PCV is like next to nothing cost wise.

    might try cleaning the IAC valve:
  • Member Posts: 32
    I am putting a timing belt on an 87 Accord and I'm having trouble finding top dead center to set up the timing. Is there an easy way to find top dead center on this model and if so, how? thanks, MB
  • Member Posts: 3
    Hello, my car has very low miles for it's age and I'm told it needs new brakes. My complaint was of a high-pitched whining sound that occurs when I'm not braking,just driving normally. I take it to a Honda dealership for oil changes and that's where it is now. The question is: would it be less expensive to take it to a non-dealer for this work? Should I expect to recieve the worn parts when the work is complete? Also, I'm due for a new clutch soon. Probably should have the dealer do this kind of work right? Oh, by the way the quote for the brake work is in the mid-$400.00 range (plus tax). Thanks for any help.
  • Member Posts: 64,481
    Dealers tend to be more expensive than private shops but they also tend to use decent parts and back up their work better. reason you can't go to an independent shop that specializes in Japanese cars and have them do the brakes and clutch. You'll probably save 20% off the entire bill.

    Sure, you DO get to look at the old parts...ask for them...

    As for the "quote" on the brakes, that depends on what they are it just pads, pads and rotors, just front, front and back (I think you have brake drums on the back). So $400 could be a great deal or very expensive depending on what you are getting.

    Clutch should cost $450--$700 depending.
  • Member Posts: 8
    I have brakes doing the same thing.It was at first a high pitch squeele first thing in the morning,But it feels like its braking okay on my 1988 Honda LX-i 150k miles.When I owned a 1991 Pontiac I took it to Midas and it cost me $1,000.00 to do a complete brake job last year.Now I wish I should have kept that as a second used car!
    $400.00 seems very resonable.I think where you are located in the U.S.A plays a major role on what a mechanic might try to charge you.IMO.
  • Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the replies and info. Mine has only 41k miles (I promise they are true miles, I know the original owner and she kept meticulous records) and it felt like it was braking okay as well. The squeal is intermittent but on more than off. I'm in Chicago and I authorized the work to be done. It's the first major work I've had done on the car in the year I've owned it. I figure spending between 1000.00 and 1500.000 per year on fixing stuff--not counting oil changes and the like is worth it to keep me from having a car payment. I'll report back my satisfaction and what it ends up costing me. Thanks again all.
  • Member Posts: 793
    Who do you get for a $400+ brake job? Just curious.
  • Member Posts: 3
    As it turns out the problem was front brakes only, so there you go. Total to replace front brake pads and rotors, plus clean and lubricate calipers and hardware came to just over 400 total. From what I get from you guys it's about what you'd expect for dealership service.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Helped my boyfriend make some repairs to an '89 Honda Accord LXi (fuel injected), ie. replaced front brakes, replaced power steering belt, replaced gasket on valve cover, replaced battery and negative terminal cable, and also positive terminal (but not the actual cable). Car started fine before repairs were made, but now will not start. In addition headlights and dash (control) lights will not come on. However, the interior lights and brake lights function. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions? We are very puzzled. :confuse: Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 793
    Check the main fuse.
  • Member Posts: 7
    Does any one know where I can view and/or print the owners manual for a 1985 Accord SEi? Thanx for your time and efforts!PEACE lgj69 E-mail: if you prefer.
  • Member Posts: 32
    I have recently put new injector seals in my 87 Accord. Now it won't start. It spins over freely, but won't start. Do I have to prime the fuel system and if so, how do I go about this? Thanks, M. B. :confuse:
  • Member Posts: 1
    Last week my accord lx would shimmy when I accelerated. I took it to two mechanics and they told me it was the clutch. I had the clutch replaced yesterday and it still shimmies. Shimmy=acts like the timing is off and the car shakes when I accelerate (happens 1st gear through 4th). Now, when I saw the old parts (after the clutch job), the fly wheel had a 1/4" groove down the middle so it was going to need replacing eventually. But there's still the problem of the shimmy. Is replacing the clutch like replacing the breaks (in that you need to use a special machine to grind the rotors)? Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 23
    I sent the car to the dealer late last year with some information that I gathered on the net. Turns out the cause of my problem was a bad coil. I have since drive the care without any issues. For a long time the needle on my tachometer has been bouncing around, from 0 to the actual RPMS. Replacing the coil corrected this problem also.

    I do not recall the details of the info I collected, but the faulty coil was causing the fuel pump to shut off.
  • Member Posts: 23
    I have an 86 accord, I know it is the first year of the new body, but one of the filters is near the carb.
  • Member Posts: 7
    I have a 1988 Honda Accord with a 2 barrel carb. I also have a 1987 Honda Accord with fuel injection. The 87 had jumped time and mess up the valves. It has so many miles on it that I don't deem it worthy of rebuilding, so I was wondering how much trouble it would be and if it is possible the put the FI off the 87 on the 88. Will I have to change out the computers and the cam? What is involved in this transfer of parts? :confuse:
  • Member Posts: 32
    Sounds like either the pressure plate or clutch plate is worn out. Does it excelerate properly or is it loosing power when doing this? If it is loosing power it's probably time for a new clutch plate, pressure plate, and throwout bearing. What you are feeling is the clutch plate bouncing up and down off the pressure plate.
  • Member Posts: 32
    I have a set of 15" after market Alloys that fit an 86-89 Accord. They have 195-60/15 on them right now. I am going to put stock rims back on it. If anyone is interested in buying them, email me @ They look like pretty expencive wheels, but I will take $100.00 for the set.
  • Member Posts: 32
    A private shop will always be cheeper. Most import mechanics are about the same. Check around and ask a few people who is a good repritable mechanic in your area. It will save you money.Honda is expencive.
  • Member Posts: 32
    There is a ground cable on the right side of the valve cover. It goes under one of the valve cover bolts. Was this put back on. If not, it won't start.
  • Member Posts: 32
    I recently purchased a 88 Accord LX. the car had previously wrecked in the front end. The fuel and temp gauges do not work. I took the dash apart and found all the wiring where it was supposed to be. Could it be a connection on the other end of the wiring? Maybe at the fuel and temp sending units. I checked all the fuses and non of them are blown. :confuse:
  • Member Posts: 1
    my 87 Accord has started randomly missing at highway speeds after it's been driven long enough to get hot. It will miss once or twice every 5 minutes or so. Once it starts missing, if i accelerate hard it hesitates and pours oil smoke out of the exhaust. I've had oil in the intake system for a while, so I know I'm getting blow-by from a valve(s). It also idles rough now at about 200 rpm below what it should be. Any ideas?
  • Member Posts: 823
    Well, I hate to say, but prying it should have removed it. That's how they came out of my 88 LX. There is a small amount of clearance between the inboard side of the axle and the differential case, that's where you need to pry.

    My repair manual says:

    "At the inboard or transaxle end, pry the CV-joint out about 1/2". Prying the axle out causes an internal snapring to come out of its locking groove. Pry carefully to avoid damaging the oil seal. Carefully pull the inboard side of the driveshaft out of the differential case."

    If you stick a large screwdriver up into the gap and pry, make sure you pry so the tip of the screwdriver points towards the axle and not the differential where the seal is.

    I can take a pic of an old axle end if that would help.

  • Member Posts: 1
    just bought a 1985 honda accord thinking it needed a head gasket, has oily residue in radiator, a little bit of white build up on oil cap, rough run. started to dissamble, when i pulled plugs, cylinder 2 plug had severe hard black build up on plug. what could this be a sign of?
  • Member Posts: 1

  • Member Posts: 32
    Did you check to see if the fuse for the pump was blown. It's under the hood. If that's not it, then you will have to replace the fuel pump and that will mean dropping the fuel tank, since it's inside the fuel tank. Good luck. Let us know what the problem was.
  • Member Posts: 20
    I'm pretty sure you can pull the pump from under the back seat and not have to drop the tank. There is a little access plate. Test for voltage at the pump. On an older car, if the fuel pump is not running, I would check:
    1) ignition switch (make sure ECU is getting power)
    2) Fuel injection main relay (that powers up the pump and ECU)
    3) pump itself. Old pumps die.
  • Member Posts: 20
    one plug that's really fouled would likely mean that your valve stem seals (and/or valve guides) on the intake valve are shot on that cylinder, and it's sucking in oil on that cylinder.

    A faulty head gasket or cracked head could do that as well, but it would more likely be pulling in coolant than oil, and overheating.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I just bought this 89 Honda Accord for better gas mileage. I paid 575.00. I replaced the Valve Cover Gasket to spot oil from blowing out. (Works Fine) The CV Boot was tore off on the passenger's side, so I replaced the axle. (Works Fine) Now, the throttle is sticking causing it to idle high, any simple suggestions to start with? Also, when left idling, the engine runs hot and coolant will boil. I am going to check the fan, any other suggestions?

    Thanks, (Only upto $800.00 for a 29 MPG Car!!!)
  • Member Posts: 3,341
    thermostat? bad coolant / water mix? bad radiator (obstructions) or fan? bad pump?
  • Member Posts: 1
    I was driving my 1989 Accord DX (Carbeurated) yesterday, and I was close to E. I immediately put 1/2 tank of gas into it, and about a mile down the road it stalled and will not start now. It was idleing erratacly for the past few months, and even stalled once or twice when coming to a stop, or if i pushed the gas to hard from a stop.

    Do you guys think the fuel lines are clogged with the "sludge" from the bottom of the tank, form my stupidity in letting it run on E?

    Also, what should I do to get it started, and where are the fuel filters located on this car?

  • Member Posts: 32
    If it's been doing this some for the last couple of months, I would that one or both of the fuel filters are stopped up. One is back near the fuel tank and the other is under the hood near the carb, and yes you could have picked up some sludge from the tank, but if replacing the fiters doesn't fix the problem or on only part of the problem, you may end up pulling the axcess panel under the rear seat and pull out the fuel ppick-up line in the tank and clean the strainer. To get it running, if it's been sitting a day or so, try to crank it again. If it starts, get it home and take it easy so you don't still up any of the trash in the tank. Get it home and start with the fuel filters. After you get it running where you can drive it, go to the partsstore and pick up a can of Sea-Foam fuel system treatment. Put a half can of this in the tank with a full tank. Run it until it's down to about 1/4 tank, fill it again and put the other half can in. After you run this through it, I think you will be very surprised at how well it runs. If it's still running rough, you might give it a new set of plugs and wires. I have an 88 Accord and when I bought it it was running real bad. I thought it had serious carb problems, but after doing just what I told you, the thing runs great and I'm getting almost 40mpg. Good luck. :)
  • Member Posts: 23
    You will see that I had a similar problem on an 86 accord (carb). Along with the stalling / bucking that my car did (and not starting after stalling), the tach needle was very eratic (and had been much before this problem started). After researching the problem on the web, I narrowed it down to the coil, which the Honda dealer confirmed and replaced. It corrected the tach problem, and the car has not stalled since.

    Since I replaced the fuel pump 3 times, I know from experience that you can remove the filter and with a flashlight see the bottom of the tank where the fuel pump sits. This will confirm if you have dirt / sludge in your tank. The fuel pump is accessed via a circular plate behind the back seat on the driver's side of the car. Very easy to check this.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Help! I have an 87 Accord (carbureted)that has an intermittent stalling problem. The problem is electrical - the engine quits like you turned the key off. The coil is new, so I don't think that's it - plus it stalls cold as well as hot. It usually starts right back up...except the last time it happened. The last incedent occured precisely when I hit the turn signal. This is going to be hard to find. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 3,666
    I would check the voltage coming off the ignition switch when you have a failure. You may have to connect a temporary wire so that it is easy to monitor with a voltmeter. If ignition switch is not the problem, then move closer toward the engine controls and distributor, to see where you are dropping electrical power.
  • Member Posts: 5
    :cry: I got the car used from a small car dealer for 2,000. The inside is in almost in mint condition, and all the power options work. Two days into driving it I had my mechanic check over the car. He said the trans oil was good to go, but to our surprise there was not enough motor oil to show on the dip stick!! He put 2 Quarts of oil in and it finally registered. I get home to get ready for work the car sits for almost two hours. Look under the car and there are not one but two oil spots on the pavement!!!! Ow my car has 175,000 miles on her. My Q is what is the common place for the oil leeks to be on my year model Honda? And is it allot of money to fix this problem, this is my first Honda I heard they are a TANK LOL.
  • Member Posts: 8
    I have the same auto as well with 150k on it.I was told comman places to check were the valve cover gasket and a o ring gasket as well which is top side near the valve cover.
    I use 5 30W Syntetic Mobil One Extended, and the LX-i even runs smoother then before and I hardly burn any oil.Maybe almost a quart every 10,000 miles or so.
    When I bought my used car I had to get the lights fixed,wiring harness,had the timing belt replaced as a precaution,along with the other drive belts,had a new muffler installed, and a new radiator installed all for about $1,200.00.
    The car just keeps going,and going like that ever-ready bunny commercial.
  • Member Posts: 5
    That's cool, I have a issue with my lights too. I have the low beams but only the passenger high beam works. I got new head lights same problem, I found on here that it could be a bad stalk (switch for the lights in the car). I hope she doesn't give me any big problems for awhile.
  • Member Posts: 823
    If one high beam works, then the stalk switch should be good. The high beam wire from the switch will feed both headlights, so if one lamp works, then the problem is up front by the headlights. Any corrosion in the plug for the headlamp?

  • Member Posts: 5
    Ive cleaned the plugs that go into the head light. I don't know what else could be the problem.... I was hoping that would be the problem. I would love to have high beams. Do you have any other ideas?
  • Member Posts: 823
    I took a look in my undetailed Haynes manual for the 88 Accord, and it doesn't show any useful information as far as the wiring for the headlights.

    I wish I could tell you where they split off the wiring to feed both headlights.

    My suggestions would be to check for a broken wire where they flex when the headlights go up-down. Also, if you see any signs of a previous front end repair from an accident, if you spot any damage to a harness, look closely for a cut wire. I've found wires that had breaks internally, but appear OK from the outside. If there is an internal break, a light tug on the wire will actually stretch the insulation at the break point.

    Hopefully someone can give more information on the routing of the wires.

  • Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the help. If I went ahead and replaced the stalk, is that a cheap and easy thing to replace.
  • Member Posts: 823
    Let me suggest a cheaper repair. What about running a wire from the good lamp and feed the dead one? I realize it's not "factory" but you will accomplish what you want, and save alot of $$

    The switch is most likely a "combination switch" which means the whole assembly would need replacing. It also requires removal of the steering wheel.

  • Member Posts: 3,666
    I think I'd be swapping out the relays before doing that. See if you can get your hands on a set of electrical schematics, perhaps check to see if they have the factory manuals for that model year. Very reasonably priced access for a couple days, which you can download and print.

    If you don't have a relay for each light (and one of the relays bad), you could have a common relay with two sets of points in it, one set of which is bad.

    You need to get some good detail info before you start throwing parts at this.
  • Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for all the help guys. I'm going to have my mechanic look at it and see if he can see anything. low beams are better then no beams LOL.
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