Toyota Camry Hybrid Owners Problems & Solutions



  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    seat belt chime from hell??

    I rented a Camry for a week and that is an obnoxious reminder. Most cars quit after they let you know you forgot.
  • droid13droid13 Member Posts: 29
    I'm trying to remember if the "Auto" setting also controls vent choice as well. Maybe this is the cause?
  • droid13droid13 Member Posts: 29
    Imagine the law suit if the warning bell did not continue to chime. I'm surprised a robot arm doesn't come out with a waiver for you to sign if you don't put the seat belt on. On the nav models, you would have to watch a 10 minute video on seat belt usage before being allowed to drive off without them. :)
  • rscotts54rscotts54 Member Posts: 47
    You can follow the below instructions to silence the seatbelt chime in the Camry and TCH. This procedure may also work in many other vehicles:

    1) Unlock and enter vehicle.
    2) Locate Seatbelt Buckle and Hasp. Note: Buckle can be adjusted along length of seatbelt fabric. Hasp is located at base of seat on side of seat opposite of seatbelt origination point.
    3) Place thin metal tab of Buckle into Hasp. Buckle should have audible click when firmly seated in Hasp.
    4) Start Ignition- Seatbelt chime should not repeatedly sound unless Buckle is released from Hasp.

    The above is the simplest and safest way to eliminate the seatbelt chime.
  • kevcorkevcor Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for your sarcastic reply to my post. A simple chime to remind one to buckle up would be sufficient. The repeated chime on the TCH is more like a nagging mother-in-law. Ah,'s the 4th of July. INDEPENDENCE DAY. As an American, i choose when and when not to wear my seatbelt. All I am asking, is if there is any way to disable the repeated chiming on the times I choose not to wear the seatbelt (or my dog is in the car, who really can't use the seatbelt). If anyone does know how to do it, please let me know. And rscott, if all you have is sarcasim, try going to open-mike night at your local comedy club.
  • wvgasguywvgasguy Member Posts: 1,405
    And rscott, if all you have is sarcasim, try going to open-mike night at your local comedy club.

    At the risk of being told where to go (local comedy club), all I can say is you're probably new to this forum.
  • 210delray210delray Member Posts: 4,721
    Isn't there anything in the owner's manual? I know Ford has a procedure to disable the chimes for those who refuse to wear belts.

    Whether you're an American or not, everyone should wear a seat belt at all times when driving. The seat belt is the single most important safety feature in your car. Plus wearing a belt is the law in all states except New Hampshire.

    For its own safety, the dog should be kept in the back seat.

    BTW, those "mother-in-law" extended operation seat belt reminders have been shown to be effective in increasing seat belt usage -- that's why most manufacturers voluntarily provide them -- they're not mandated by the government.

    Happy 4th -- I'd recommend celebrating your independence in other ways! :D
  • kevcorkevcor Member Posts: 3
    Isn't there anything in the owner's manual?

    Yes, the owners manual says it can be deactivated by the dealer. I was just hoping someone here would know how to do it, so I don't have to drive down to the dealer, not to mention whether they will charge me for it.

    As far as wearing a seat belt at all am i supposed to stick my head out of the sunroof if i have my seatbelt on??? :-)

    Seriously though....I do wear my seatbelt most of the time, and i don't mind a chime or two to remind me. But that continuous nagging just gets to me. I can't even put my briefcase or my gym bag in the passenger seat, or else!!
  • rscotts54rscotts54 Member Posts: 47
    My son and I were in a rollover collision (Ford Ranger)about 3 years ago. Got T-Boned at a wide open intersection when someone blew a stop sign on a sunny Saturday morning. Not a place that I would anticipate a collision.

    The drivers door was pushed into my side and the roof crushed down on our heads.

    We were fortunate that we both had our seatbelts on and that the airbags deployed as well. We rolled 1.5 times and ended-up hanging upside down from those nasty old seatbelts.

    We were very lucky. After a lot of recuperation, the only result is a slightly bad back and a healthy paranoia whenever driving.

    I consider the chime a blessing. If it hadn't reminded me to buckle-up, I would be dead or in a wheel chair right now.

    Enough of my comedy routine.... back on Toyota topic!
  • houtex1houtex1 Member Posts: 82
    I too have taken my small dog on short rides with me and he moves around between the front and back seat. Every time he moves to the front seat the chime starts all over again. It can be annoying. I now just buckle the passenger seat belt before taking the dog for a ride.
  • larsblarsb Member Posts: 8,204
    "as an american, I choose when and when not to use my seatbelt."

    No, that is not correct. The LAWS of your state choose when you should wear your seatbelt. Seatbelt use lowers injury rates, which lowers hospital costs, which lowers insurance rates, which help ALL AMERICANS who pay for insurance or hospital stays.

    If it's optional in your state, you should CHOOSE to be a GOOD AMERICAN and care about the rest of us and wear your seatbelt all the time.

    The chime is there to help protect you and to help all of us keep our insurance costs down. Please do not ignore it or try to bypass it.
  • 210delray210delray Member Posts: 4,721
    Couldn't have said it better! Also, there's the matter of taxes, which would have to be higher to offset extra Medicare or Medicaid payments to those with more serious injuries due to nonuse of belts.

    With regard to pets, I can't imagine having my 2 cats roam free in the car while I'm driving. Talk about a distraction! When they travel in the car (which is very rarely), they are in pet carriers, which in turn are belted in the rear seat.
  • rscotts54rscotts54 Member Posts: 47
    I think that we have all made our point(s) on the seatbelt issue. Let's get back on the Toyota Camry Hybrid track.
    (Mods... did I say that right?).

    Enjoy and, of course, drive safely!
  • stevedebistevedebi Member Posts: 4,098
    "But that continuous nagging just gets to me. I can't even put my briefcase or my gym bag in the passenger seat, or else!!"

    Did you try buckling the passenger seat belt behind the briefcase / gym bag?
  • 210delray210delray Member Posts: 4,721
    Just put the bags on the floor or in the trunk like I do! Keeps your seat cleaner too!

    Now, back to Hybrid questions as rscotts54 requested.
  • rscotts54rscotts54 Member Posts: 47
    Ya know, In searching through the various threads, the worst problem i've seen is a squeak from the center console, one poor guy that had his emblems stolen, and another who, well anyway we've closed that part of the discussion.

    If those are the WORST problems with the TCH, then Toyota has a heckofa car on their hands.

    Hopefully, mine will be in within the next 2-3 weeks!
  • spiff72spiff72 Member Posts: 179
    I am feeling the same way...

    I have been watching the 2007 Camry Woes thread with apprehension, and at the same time I watch the Hybrid threads, and there is nothing serious. The pessimistic side of me says "Well - they have only sold a tiny percentage of Hybrids in comparison to the 4- and 6-cylinders, so the dataset is still tiny." The optimistic side of me says "The hybrid owners are very internet-savvy, and if there were any issues, they would be lighting up these message boards."


    My delivery window is July 7- July 12, so the dealer suspects it won't arrive until the 11th or 12th. I CAN'T WAIT!
  • wvgasguywvgasguy Member Posts: 1,405
    if there were any issues, they would be lighting up these message boards

    Usually with forums you have an enomous inbalance of disgruntled owners speaking up versus satisfied customers. Obviously there are none yet.
  • mfletou1mfletou1 Member Posts: 508
    I took delivery of my Hybrid when it had 200 miles (it was transferred from Southern VA to MD), and now it has 920. 10 days. Nothing even close to a problem. Totally silent, no rattles, everything works perfectly, interior components and materials are all aligned perfectly and well made.

    Not much of a survey sample, but until you hear otherwise, I think you should continue to have confidence. As somebody who #1 didn't especially want a hybrid (save for HOV lane issues) and #2 doesn't like Toyotas and feels guilty for buying Japanese, I'm not exactly a kool aid drinker here...and I could not be more impressed with this car.
  • stevedebistevedebi Member Posts: 4,098
    "Usually with forums you have an enomous inbalance of disgruntled owners speaking up versus satisfied customers. Obviously there are none yet."

    Of course, we still have to see how the US made hybrid Camry stands up...

    Hopefully it will be as reliable as the Japan built version appears so far.
  • wvgasguywvgasguy Member Posts: 1,405
    Hopefully it will be as reliable as the Japan built version appears so far.

    Hopefully it will be. I'm not upset though that mine was assembled in Japan
  • r_nashr_nash Member Posts: 33
    So far I've got 1260 miles on my TCH and no problems, none, zilch, nada! Great fit and finish. Oil level is still at the full mark, which bodes well for low oil consumption. I'm averaging 41mpg so far, exceeding my expectations.

    Very impressed with the quite ride, smooth braking and acceleration. It can really scoot if you need to move out.

    This is my first Toyota. I've owned 3 Honda Accords and I am very happy with the TCH!
  • hamm3rhamm3r Member Posts: 55
    The seatbelt chime is obnoxious, yes (it serves it's purpose well), however, it does shut off in about 10 or 15 seconds.

    I went on a 1200 mile road trip and my passenger refused to wear his seatbelt. The chime DOES shut off in a short amount of time.
  • larsblarsb Member Posts: 8,204
    quote hamm3r: "I went on a 1200 mile road trip and my passenger refused to wear his seatbelt." -

    Remember: it's your insurance company who would be paying his death benefit. You have the right as the driver to insist they get buckled. Even if it's your boss or your Dad. ( Unless THEY are paying your insurance premium for you.) :)

    I had a long trip and the passenger seat was loaded with stuff and yes, it does eventually quiet itself down.
  • alc13alc13 Member Posts: 4
    This is really a question, not a problem. Is the audio display capable of showing text information about the music that is playing, like song title, radio station ID, etc? It only seems to show the radio station wavelength or CD track number.
  • njeraldnjerald Member Posts: 689
    The radios are supposed to be able to show RDS info (station name, artist, song title) on certain FM stations.

    My JBL doesn't but Toyota doesn't care.
  • r_nashr_nash Member Posts: 33
    Playing MP3 CDs, the Text button cycles through Folder Name, File Name, Title, then Artist.

    I've not loaded any "regular" CDs to see if you display song titles.

    As to the Radio, I haven't been able to see the Station ID or Song Titles displayed. It would be nice if it is possible. :confuse:
  • blindmantooblindmantoo Member Posts: 139
    The radio info displays on the NAV screen of my SE (if the station is transmitting it). I'm pretty sure it will show the CD text if you burn it w/ the info. My trial MP3 CD shows all of the info (folders, song titles, etc.).
  • alc13alc13 Member Posts: 4
    Hmmmm. So you only get the radio info if you have the nav system... which I don't.
  • r_nashr_nash Member Posts: 33
    It appears that way :( A friend has a 05 4Runner without NAV and her radio does display FM station names and song titles on the radio's LCD display. Seems a strange omission that the TCH appears not to have RDS on the non-Nav radios.
  • njeraldnjerald Member Posts: 689
    The Toyota New Vehicle Presentation Guide (2007 Camry & Camry Hybrid) says all Camry radio systems include Radio Broadcast Data System (RDS).

  • spiff72spiff72 Member Posts: 179
    Are you sure that the stations you are tuning to are broadcasting the RDS data? Not all stations do. (I would estimate only 5-10% of the ones in my area transimt RDS data.)
  • njeraldnjerald Member Posts: 689
    I'm sure because I have a F-150 that receives RDS. My JBL system doesn't display.

    In my area about 30% transmit RDS.
  • alc13alc13 Member Posts: 4
    "Are you sure that the stations you are tuning to are broadcasting the RDS data?"

    Yes, I know that they do. I wonder if Toyota might address this with a software upgrade at some point?
  • lextarheellextarheel Member Posts: 1
    I too had wondered this question concerning RDS info on TCH. Just got mine 7/3/06 Jasper Pearl but no RDS. MP3/CDs with info show Title/Artist just fine though. I like RDS on Ford Exployer '98 I have. :(
  • keithlkeithl Member Posts: 106
    The pessimistic side of me says "Well - they have only sold a tiny percentage of Hybrids in comparison to the 4- and 6-cylinders, so the dataset is still tiny." The optimistic side of me says "The hybrid owners are very internet-savvy, and if there were any issues, they would be lighting up these message boards."

    It also helps the for now the TCH is built in Japan, I am assuming they wanted ultra tight QC on the initial build and to quickly identify any issues and resolve them. I read that mfg will move to KY in October.
  • mrsjenn25mrsjenn25 Member Posts: 10
    I think I have to agree! I haven't taken delivery of my TCH, but the window was for the 11th-18th.. so most likely today! I felt a lot better about mine being built and shipped over. Nothing against KY or anything ;)

    I'm just dying to pick it up!!!
  • ix1is1ix1is1 Member Posts: 55
    remember to act casual and when they call you, say "oh the car came already? i almost forgot about it", or else you have to play their price game.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    The question on adding an XM tuner has been moved to the Camry Hybrid Audio & Entertainment Questions discussion and you may continue there.
  • dmhltd1dmhltd1 Member Posts: 31
    The NAV system has a vehicle diagram that shows from where and to where the power is flowing. There are several bars showing how much of a charge the battery has. I have yet to see it fully charged. The best it gets is one bar from full. Has anyone seen theirs fully charged? I havent taken any trips longer than 50 miles so it may be it's just never had the chance to get fully charged.
  • wvgasguywvgasguy Member Posts: 1,405
    There are several threads on this, check the battery thread. Yes it will charge up to the top (or about an 80% charge) and will be green. It will also discharge to the bottom bar (about 60% charge) and turn violet. Find a long down hill section and coast, you'll get to the green. Also in situations where the ICE is running but you have excess horsepower and the ICE is also charging the battery you'll sometimes be able to get it to green.

    It never gets "fully" charged (100%) as it's not designed to. That's not good for the battery life and the computer won't let it.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Here's a link to the battery discussion:
    Toyota Camry Hybrid Battery Pack Questions
  • ddsyesddsyes Member Posts: 2
    picked up my car on sunday. magnetic gray with all options, including gray leather interior. love it so far.

    one problem-in the trunk is a webbing that is meant to hold down items, but there are no instructions on how to install it and i have been unable to figure out where it hangs from (the hooks). had one in my acura CL-S, which i traded in for this car, but the hooks were pretty obvious in that case.

    anyone figured this out?
  • mrsjenn25mrsjenn25 Member Posts: 10
    All four of the hooks are backed up right against the opening of the trunk. You wont see them fullly unless you stick your head inside a little.
  • droid13droid13 Member Posts: 29
    It actually works more like a basket rather than to "hold things down". You put stuff in it, not put the webbing over top of something. The hooks for it at the top also have grocery bag hooks on the outer edge. The netting goes on the inner hook.
  • ddsyesddsyes Member Posts: 2
    thanks, i understand now. the setup on my acura was quite different-the hooks were on the sides of the trunk, and the two hooks on each side were not right next to each other. they therefore spread the netting out more, although it was the same concept in that you put stuff into it.
  • gandyfiregandyfire Member Posts: 36
    Today is the first time our TCH has sat outside in the rain. Typical Florida afternoon storm. High temperature and high humidity. The problem is both the rear window and the windshield both extreme condensation. There were even some water droplets on the inside of the rear window. I had to take a towel to dry them off and run the air conditioning for a few minutes to help reduce the humidity.

    Has anybody that lives in a similar climate in the South experienced this yet? I am thinking it is because the car is so tight and conditions were just right. Will try to duplicate is tomorrow with a garden hose.

    One thing I did notice is the presence of suction cups that are used to install a window. This is either standard practice for installing the rear window or the window was replaced prior to delivery.

    I have owned several cars including three other Toyotas and have never experienced this before except for a 66 Impala SS that had a leaking rear window seal.

    I also posted this on so excuse the repetitiveness for those who read both forums
  • melanienashmelanienash Member Posts: 2
    Just got my TCH on 7/25. Love it! Love it! The only thing I can't figure out is the remote start. I can get the car to start remotely but when I open my driver door, the car shuts off. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any feedback.
  • spiff72spiff72 Member Posts: 179
    I dont have the remote start, but I am pretty sure that is normal behavior (I have read this same complaint in other forums). Kind of a strange design if you ask me, but completely normal.
  • melanienashmelanienash Member Posts: 2
    Thanks so much for this info. I feel much better. I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.
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