2K Ford Explorer Sport Trac's
The motor craft Number is FA-1658. It is the same as the 4.0 and 5.0 liter engines for the 2000 explorers. The K&N filter number is 33-2106. If you tell K&N that it is for a 2001 they will tell you to call back in January. The engine is the same that is in the Newest Enplorers.
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For any dog owners out there, I was concerned about putting my dog in the backseat & having her scratch the leather. You can put the back seats down which provides a nice bed for her/him, & they LOVE sticking their heads out of the rear window. I would be happy to answer any questions, & would love to hear any feedback on a V8 release. I still think I would stick with the V6 over the V8 because of the V6's outstanding reviews. I own an auto parts store, & the V6 hasn't had any problems since its introduction a few years back. You'll sacrifice some torque, but you only miss it if you're hauling boats or trailers every day.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Even though the roof leaked, I still love the truck and would buy one again. The engine seems to be getting stronger as I hit 1000+ miles.
See my earlier post # 516. I ordered my ST on 3/30/00.
What size is your dog? My biggest dog is 130lbs. I was hoping when I ordered mt ST she would fit in it better than my Ranger xcab. I have 3 dogs and ordered leather also. Was that a mistake? I have seen canvas seat covers for pets in some of my pet magazines-or is the seat folded down okay for a large dog? How about head room if she is standing up? Thanks
I have a labrador retriever who is 70 lbs. She can walk around fine, but she likes to lay down most of the time. I would guess that she has a good foot of clearance when standing. Maybe if you told me what kind of dog you had, I could give you better advice on the fit in the backseat. If she has long legs, she might have a tougher time walking around. But if her build is like a mastiff, she'll be fine. The leather wasn't a mistake. The back of the seats are cloth, and when they are folded down, your dog will have a bigger surface to sit on. You also won't have to worry about her falling between the front & back seats, because the back seats fold down & cover the whole back area. This is also nice if you want to put boxes in the back with the ability to lock them up.
The Sport Trac has a bed.
The Sport Trac is a truck.
This topic is in the pickups conference.
So what's your point Rocles?
Caught one of your new F-150 tv ads this afternoon ... and you guys should take some of the profits from the SportTrac and invest in a better ad agency that is more familiar with the English language.
Seeing as we SportTrac fans are such a sophisticated and demanding lot ... you (Ford) need to know the difference between "it's" and "its." You just can say in the ad that the F-150 is the largest whatever in "it's" class. Sorry
What does everybody else see as availability of the Cargo Cage on Sport Tracs. I think this is a great product??
"ford invoice" Called dealer direct and then
faxed them the Kelly Blue Book {kbb.com) printout
of the ST with my option choices underlined.
Used VISA for order deposit altho check would
have been accepted. Finding a dealer close to
where you live this way may be a problem.
Good Luck!!!
At this point I am trying to figure out if I want to lease of buy the darn thing. I don't think i would go over 36K in milage but I don't want to be stuck with a bill at the end for dings. I'm apprehensive about buying cuz with my luck after mile 36001 stuff will start happening. Plus, i can do other things with the cash I don't spend if I buy. Also, who knows what type of trucks will be out three years from now when the 2 1/2 and 1 yr old are then 51/2 and 4. Ahh. Comments? Criticisms?
Of course the dealer feels strongly about the rustproofing, sealer and fabric treatment---they keep most of that $599 as pure profit. And if the salesman can get you to buy it, he receives a hefty commission.
The can of Scotch Guard (fabric treatment) would cost you about $6 at the store. The paint sealer is usually nothing more than a coat of wax. This is why Edmund's urges you to pass on these add- ons as not being a good value.
The Sportrac has a bed and therefore it's a truck? Hmmmm....Is the El Camino a truck? Brat? Gee, they had beds.......;)
Leasing might be good if you do not plan on keeping the vehicle for more than 3 years.
Go back to the zoo you came from and 'er..' as much as you want there. I'd be more than happy to put you in your cage, and transport you back to the zoo in my TRUCK BED! heeheehee
Even though Nissan already claims the title, the Sport Trac is a Sport Utility Truck. All this means is it's a truck with a real back seat. People like me opted for the Sport Trac over the Frontier CC and the Dakota Quad Cab because of styling, sophistication, actual leg room in the back seat, and a cargo cage that isn't secured with nylon straps. Ford marketed it as an Explorer to get some extra dough from us. But with all of its features, I was more than glad to fork up the extra bucks.
4-door trucks have been around for a while. That's right- those huge F350s or Silverados that get 5 mpg. THEY ARE TRUCKS, aren't they? The Sport Trac is a smaller version of those vehicles.
What's that Rocles? I might have to get my whip out!!!
Nice touch.
VERY nice touch! They have done that in the past with Ford Explorers but minus the Swiss Army Knife. Any other companies that do that?
The El Camino has a bed but it also has the height of a CAR. The Sport Trac has a height of 69.9" which is taller than a Dodge Dakota truck.
How does using Scotch Guard on the seats make it an SUV? Are you saying, that no one Scotch Guards truck seats? Better tell that to dealers who try to charge hundreds of dollars everyday to do that to trucks they sell.
Get your whip out? In need of a boyfriend or something?? LOL! Comparing a Sport-trac to a four door 3/4 ton is a neat trick. How many trucks have molded composite beds? This sucker is classified as a "sport-utility" by insurance companies, auto companies, gov't, and web sites like this one. If you cut off the back of the old Broncos, which some have, does it become a truck?
My ONLY point is that this really should be in the SUV conference. Gee, where do you get to discuss such great details of the other Explorers?
Boy, nothing like SUV owners to have such hissy fits over their over-priced machines.
Is the Dakota Quad Cab a SUV? What about the Frontier Crew Cab, or the other 4-door TRUCKS due to be released later this year? Are they SUVs too? The Sport Trac is categorized as a SUV in many places because Ford marketed it as an Explorer, Duhhh. It's part SUV, part truck. Only the die-hard truckers would like to see it in the SUV section. Guess where the die-hard SUV lovers think it should be?
My personal opinion: These vehicles will eventually have there own category.
The Sport Trac has a composite bed to make it lighter. It's as strong as steel, if not stronger for its intended use. The key here is 'intended use'. We're not going to raise its temperature to 1000 degrees, or cut it with a chain saw - although that isn't easy. Plus, we don't have to worry about rust. But I guess some old timers don't understand material properties (like someone who recently participated in this townhall - won't mention any names. Hmmm, who can that be?)
Over priced machines??? I guess we make more money than you...
Got the build date from the 800# AND the dealer. The dealer gave the vin# when I called yesterday but for some reason Ford said they did not have access to that information. I thought that was strange since they are able to pull up the build date and most other information.
We did get leather and all the other upgrades except for the tonneau cover, 4X4 and towing package. Our sales rep gave us a price back in February of 3% above invoice but we pushed for 2%....not bad.
Still waiting for my build date, I ordered 3/22.
"Why do we have to get another big truck, let's look at those." (my wife does not like to drive the F-150, intimidation factor). So I looked them over and I must say, I like the looks and the feel of the S T and also the new Sport. I am most impressed with the S T however being somewhat practical in nature, I wonder if I'll miss the capabilities (and size) of the F-150 and wonder if I'll miss that bed for the occasional loads I carry in the fall and spring. I suppose I generally use the truck as a big second car knowing that when I need some plywood or timber or car parts, I have a place to carry it. But I am seriously considering trading it the supercab on the S T. Has enough power (and I've always had a V8), seats feel great, and love the sunroof in the models available in my area. I am currently looking at a Harvest Gold 4 X 4 with the cloth comfort group, convenience group, premium sport group and the moonroof. Love the rear window.
I would have liked to have ordered one and would have added the limited slip rear, the payload package #2, skid plates and the 6 disc CD player.
But if I go for the S T locally available, I could install the skid plates myself and have the dealer install the CD player. My dealer will look to see if he can get a dealer trade if one is available with the limited slip and payload package, but if he can't, I think I'm going for this one. I'm one to have always liked having a full size pickup but I think the S T is going to cure me of that. It's a neat vehicle. ...mike
I opted for the leather, sport group, 6-disc, 4.10 l/s, and cage. I decided against the tonneau as I'm sure a 3rd party will come up with a better and cheaper alternative someday (if I decide I need it.) Also, I was a bit leary of the moonroof... I think its just tempting fate to expect any mfr to build such a solid truck (plus a brand new design) and then cut a hole in the roof without it leaking, flexing and otherwise malfunctioning. I think it just might be too much to ask on its debut.
From some of the posts I've seen here, it sounds like omitting that option may have been a wise choice. Maybe I'll get it on my next ST in a few years
Oh, almost forgot one of the reasons for my post: I'm thinking of going with the Ford Red Carpet lease when the truck arrives. Anyone have thoughts pro or con on this program? I've never leased before but understand the more general lease/buy debates. My question is more specific to the Ford Lease... like anyone with bad/good experiences to report.
anyway, i've also seen mention of a soft cover for the sport trac for about $200. can anyone tell me where they are available. the dealer doesn't seem to know about it.
I think it was worth the wait.
Thanks to all of the folks at Hudgeons Ford , Coolidge, AZ. They were the best part of the deal. Ford has a winner with this "head turner."
Ford is just being lame for not offering the floor console with the cloth package.
If you look at the 2001 Explorer Sport page you'll notice it has the same option groups and the same option prices as the Sport Trac. HOWEVER, the $935 Cloth Comfort Group for the Explorer Sport comes with the high series console while the the Sport Trac doesn't.
I thought that paying $935 for only an overhead console was a rip off so I stuck with the standard cloth captain's chairs in my sport trac and I love them.
Here's the info on the soft cover that was posted in the old sport trac news group:
"That Base part # 99501A42 is from the NO
BOUNDARIES- Ford Outfitters- SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES ACCESSORIES catalog. The price from the catalog is $198.67."
Now I know this topic should be in the SUV conference--you whine about my musings!
"I guess we make more money than you..."
Huh? Well, first off--I doubt that. Second, you just showed less class and third--definately proved that a suv is pure status and hardly function. Die-hard suv owners? Yeah, how many of these clowns driving suvs today drove them 20 years ago? That would make someone a true "die-hard".
Alright ego-boy, you can quit your crying. I was merely questioning the position of this topic. Make more money? LOL.....oohh...big guy with a sport-trac.....ooohhhh....so much money.....if he only knew...
F150 Dakota
Payload 1585 1450
Curb wt. 4915 4570
Trailer wt. 6300 6100
Hiproom 61" 57"
Legroom total 78" 78"
Box length 66" 64"
Box width 49" 53"
WB 139" 131"
Length 225" 215"
These figures are 4x4's: 4.6L F150 and 4.7L Dakota
Would you please elaborate on your recommendation for the limited-slip? I will not be towing (regularly) nor will I be off-road.
Payload Package (Invoice $85, MSRP $100). Supposedly it improves the loading and towing capacity a little.
My guess is that it's just stiffer springs. Am I right? And no matter what they are, it's important for me to know how that option will change the ride of the vehicle?
With you all the way on the limited slip, it does make a differance but I can't wait for 12 weeks plus to get a new vehicle and the dealer has been
unable to locate one for a dealer trade with the limited slip in any of the colors we would accept or with the other options we want. He said he will check again but if he can't locate one, we're going to purchase the one he put on hold for us. I've had limited slip in most of my vehicles I've ordered in the past. Didn't on my 97 F-150 because I purchased it when they first arrived at the lots in march of 96. I suppose I'm in a similiar situation with the S T. But after 51 months with some nasty winters behind, I survived without the L S so I quess I can this time. If I could I'd wait until September when more units will be available but we like the vehicle and would like to make the decision soon...