Hi Guys. Looking to lease an Acadia Denali AWD in NJ MSRP 52585. Looking for 10,000/36 with maybe just tax/tags dow . Need to know the numbers and where I should expect to be with a payment.
Hi Guys. Looking to lease an Acadia Denali AWD in NJ MSRP 52585. Looking for 10,000/36 with maybe just tax/tags dow . Need to know the numbers and where I should expect to be with a payment.
Could you tell me the MF and RV for a 36/12 lease on a 2019 Acadia SLE-2 FWD and a SLE-1 FWD for 34286. Also are there any incentives with no money down?
Could you tell me the MF and RV for a 36/12 lease on a 2019 Acadia SLE-2 FWD and a SLE-1 FWD for 34286. Also are there any incentives with no money down?
.00075 and 54% $250 lease cash $500 customer incentive
Thanks for the Acadia info. Could you get me the MF and RV for a 36/12 lease on a 2019 Volkswagen Tiguan S and SE? Also any incentives currently running with no money down? This is for the 34286 area.
Thanks for the Acadia info. Could you get me the MF and RV for a 36/12 lease on a 2019 Volkswagen Tiguan S and SE? Also any incentives currently running with no money down? This is for the 34286 area.
Can I please get the MF/RV for an Acadia SLT-2 Black Edition in 34209 for 36 months/10k miles? Also, GMC is advertising 16% off MSRP for non-GM owners/lessees (I am an Acura lessee) and it does NOT specify this is only applicable to purchase. Is there a chance I could get it on the lease? Thanks in advance!
Can I please get the MF/RV for an Acadia SLT-2 Black Edition in 34209 for 36 months/10k miles? Also, GMC is advertising 16% off MSRP for non-GM owners/lessees (I am an Acura lessee) and it does NOT specify this is only applicable to purchase. Is there a chance I could get it on the lease? Thanks in advance!
I don't have any information about their advertised discounts.
Can I please get the MF/RV for an Acadia SLT-2 Black Edition in 34209 for 36 months/10k miles? Also, GMC is advertising 16% off MSRP for non-GM owners/lessees (I am an Acura lessee) and it does NOT specify this is only applicable to purchase. Is there a chance I could get it on the lease? Thanks in advance!
I don't have any information about their advertised discounts.
Just got back from the dealer, was looking at a demo FWD Acadia SLT with <3K miles and Black Edition. Here are some of the figures I got:
MSRP: 43,215 Dealer Adj.: -3,615 Capital Cost: 39,600 Total Cap Cost: 41,124 (something about the acq fee and delivery fee in this number) Rebate: -2,500 Net Cap Cost: 38,624 Residual 54%: 23,336 (he said this is a typical residual for GM cars...?) Money Rate: 0.770 36 mo. / 12K miles (I had asked for 10K) Delivery Cash Due: 878.50 (1st mo. payment & I forget what else) Mo. Payment: 521 (incl. 47 "rent" and 34 tax)
They said the 16% off MSRP is for purchase only. He said the 3,615 dealer discount took into account the 3K miles, and it would have been less if the car had no miles. He said between the dealer discount and rebate, I'm getting over $6K off, which is almost the 16% anyway.
I thought I did well questioning everything, even though my head was about to explode! Initially he didn't even want to give me any kind of breakdown at all -- just a monthly payment! I didn't take the deal because it's 100 over my Acura lease. Any thoughts or feedback, please let me know.
Can I please get the MF/RV for an Acadia SLT-2 Black Edition in 34209 for 36 months/10k miles? Also, GMC is advertising 16% off MSRP for non-GM owners/lessees (I am an Acura lessee) and it does NOT specify this is only applicable to purchase. Is there a chance I could get it on the lease? Thanks in advance!
I don't have any information about their advertised discounts.
Just got back from the dealer, was looking at a demo FWD Acadia SLT with
36/10 .00077 and 55% 54% is for 12K miles $500 incentive
I get $472/mo, plus tax, with those numbers. What is the tax rate where you live?
Dealers love to obscure, or omit, the details behind a lease quote. You did good getting the information you did, even though you didn't like the end result.
Can't compare leases today to leases 3 years ago - across the board, I'm seeing them more expensive now.
You'll either have to live with the higher payment, or lower your expectations on what to get.
Answering Michaell's question, the tax rate is 7%. Not sure about the "dealer fee", nothing is listed as that but there is a 'delivery fee" of $699. Yes, I didn't think the dealer discount was great either. Of course, I was going by the guys on Leasehackrs who I think always say get at least 10% off MSRP BEFORE incentives and rebates. Their discount is 8% and that's on a demo.
Answering Michaell's question, the tax rate is 7%. Not sure about the "dealer fee", nothing is listed as that but there is a 'delivery fee" of $699. Yes, I didn't think the dealer discount was great either. Of course, I was going by the guys on Leasehackrs who I think always say get at least 10% off MSRP BEFORE incentives and rebates. Their discount is 8% and that's on a demo.
Not sure you can go by statements that use the words "always" and "never". Every car, and every deal, is different.
The $699 is the dealer doc fee, which, frightenenly, is slightly better than average for FL.
$505/mo, with tax included. If I add the $595 acquisition fee to the deal, the dealer quote is pretty much spot on.
May I please have the MF, residual and incentives for a 2019 GMC Acadia Denali AWD 36/10 and 36/12 in 06902? Looking for June numbers if available. Thank you.
May I please have the MF, residual and incentives for a 2019 GMC Acadia Denali AWD 36/10 and 36/12 in 06902? Looking for June numbers if available. Thank you.
May I please have the MF, residual and incentives for a 2019 GMC Acadia Denali AWD 36/10 and 36/12 in 06902? Looking for June numbers if available. Thank you.
36/12 .00181 MF and 60% residual $3250 customer incentive
May I please have the MF, residual and incentives (including returning lessee and/or non-GM lease in household) for a 2019 GMC Acadia Denali AWD 36/10 in 06902? Looking for June numbers. Thank you.
May I please have the MF, residual and incentives (including returning lessee and/or non-GM lease in household) for a 2019 GMC Acadia Denali AWD 36/10 in 06902? Looking for June numbers. Thank you.
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$2750 customer incentive
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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slt leather
in 92630?
Denali - .00181 and 60%
$3250 customer incentive
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Thank you
.00181 and 60%
No lease incentives
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
Either model
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$250 lease cash
$3250 customer incentive
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
$250 lease cash
$500 customer incentive
Either trim
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
$3250 incentive
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
24/10 & 27/10 FWD & AWD
ZIP 48092
Is there any difference between SLE-1 and SLE-2?
Thanks in advance!
AWD: .00156 MF and 65%/63% residual for 24/27 mo.
+$4000 customer incentive on all.
SLE-1 or SLE-2 are the same.
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Denali: .00181 MF and 60% residual
No lease incentives
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Thank you,
$500 incentive
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
.00181 and 60%
$3250 incentives
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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Denali - .00181 and 58%
$3250 incentives
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
I don't have any information about their advertised discounts.
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MSRP: 43,215
Dealer Adj.: -3,615
Capital Cost: 39,600
Total Cap Cost: 41,124 (something about the acq fee and delivery fee in this number)
Rebate: -2,500
Net Cap Cost: 38,624
Residual 54%: 23,336 (he said this is a typical residual for GM cars...?)
Money Rate: 0.770
36 mo. / 12K miles (I had asked for 10K)
Delivery Cash Due: 878.50 (1st mo. payment & I forget what else)
Mo. Payment: 521 (incl. 47 "rent" and 34 tax)
They said the 16% off MSRP is for purchase only. He said the 3,615 dealer discount took into account the 3K miles, and it would have been less if the car had no miles. He said between the dealer discount and rebate, I'm getting over $6K off, which is almost the 16% anyway.
I thought I did well questioning everything, even though my head was about to explode! Initially he didn't even want to give me any kind of breakdown at all -- just a monthly payment! I didn't take the deal because it's 100 over my Acura lease. Any thoughts or feedback, please let me know.
.00077 and 55%
54% is for 12K miles
$500 incentive
I get $472/mo, plus tax, with those numbers. What is the tax rate where you live?
Dealers love to obscure, or omit, the details behind a lease quote. You did good getting the information you did, even though you didn't like the end result.
Can't compare leases today to leases 3 years ago - across the board, I'm seeing them more expensive now.
You'll either have to live with the higher payment, or lower your expectations on what to get.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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The $699 is the dealer doc fee, which, frightenenly, is slightly better than average for FL.
$505/mo, with tax included. If I add the $595 acquisition fee to the deal, the dealer quote is pretty much spot on.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
When June numbers become available, can I please have the lease figures for a Denali AWD, 36/12 in zip 52402?
.00181 MF and 60% residual
$3250 customer incentive
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$2750 customer incentive
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2019 Acadia SLE: FWD SLE-2
ZIP : 08816
.00075 MF and 54% residual
$250 lease cash
+$3250 customer incentive
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$3250 incentives
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige