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Nissan Pathfinder Electrical Problems

in Nissan
Last night while i was cleaning out the interior i had the keys in acc mode.While i was listing to the bose i looked at the gauge cluster and my rpm gauge was moving and so was the mph gauge i found that to be odd because the motors wasnt on.It stoped after about 3 seconds.About 5 minutes later the bose was changing the volume by its self.I pulled te keys out and it tolled me that the battery was dead.10 minutes later i turned the key back to acc mode.It then told me the battery was normal.About one day passed i got into it early in the morning i turned the motor off while i was at the pump and the gauge cluster stated acting up again.
I just found this site my 95 pathfinder is doing the exact thing. i have taken the bulbs out and my battery goes dead. did yours drain your battery? did you ever figure out what was wrong with it. could you please help me out. i do not have the money for a new electrical system if you know what i mean.
I don't know if this will help any, but I have a '94 Pathy and a while back one of my high beam headlights was out. I tried everything I knew to check, but I ended up taking it to a Nissan dealer, and it was a headlight switch.
Somewhere the light circuit is getting grounded.I have the carpet out and have pushed and pulled on ALL the harnesses but
alas the lights never went off or even flickered. Any ideas?
Anyone? Is there possibly a switch in the tailgate that I cannot find? I am very mechanically inclined, so this is buggin' me bugger!
Involves removing the steering wheel. After that should be a piece of cake. You should weigh your options on this one. I
personally would buy this part new, not from a junk yard.Good luck! David
I have a 2001 Pathfinder SE with a none functioning clock. I was told I may have a short or I made may need to replace a fuse? Does anyone have a suggestion on how I go about repairing it myself? Thanks JC
The tailights and brakelights have some issues. The tail lights work fine but the brake lights have ceased to function. I have checked the bulbs and both are fine, so is the fuse. Odd though, I remove the bulbs and replace bulbs with the bulb turned 180 (socket probes touching opposite light probes) and suddenly the brakelights work and the taillights no longer work. Hope this explination is enough to get a discussion started.
in 30 minutes. Underneath the steering wheel remove the 4 screws that hold the bottom half of the steering wheel bezel. Once you have those off you can lift the top half of the bezel a bit to get to the two screws that hold the switch in place. Remove switch and take inside your home / or shop. There is a plastic plate that covers the where the
contacts are. That plate is about a 1 1/2" roughly square. I forget if it has screws or not , unscrew and or pry to pop that piece of plastic off. You will now see 4 or five contact legs. One for the headlamps 1 for taillamps and 2 turnsiganl contact legs. From turning headlights on/off alot they get unsprung a bit and will make little contact with the other mating surface. I used a small screw driver
to bend them towards the inside of the switch so they could make good contact. Take the switch in your hand and turn it on , you will see a one or two legs that have lost some off the orginal bend to make contact (thats the brake lights, use a small screw driver or you thumb to bend then inwards a bit to match the other legs. You could also use a very small pair of needle nose to bend the legs downword towards the other mating surface. My tail lights worked after this fix and i haven't had a problem in the year that i did this fix. good luck it works! Take your time to understand where and how the contact legs go to make a connection.
Those switches are too darn expensive but that is the problem
I had same problem. Did you solve the problem??
to 14.50 volts. Then check when truck is of 11.50 to 12.50
.If you get a reading of 12 or below while running alternater is probably bad. If you can try another
battery. Good luck :shades:
how many alternaters are defective. Did you have it put in by your mechanic or did you DIY? If you DIY you almost certianly got a bad one (do not buy Pep b#oy$). Let me know.
If battery and Alt positivly check out 100 % you have a bad ground to the battery or alt. keep in touch. :mad:
SwitchFixer :mad:
If your going to keep the Pathfinder get the shop book at pep boys for it. Then you can find and replace bad
sensors yourself. Good luck!
SwitchFixer :shades:
I mean you can get lucky for a while and maybe
Years ago we had speedometer cables that were mechanical
nowadays its computer driven. So if your speedo jumps around that means the sensor is losing its sensing
As far as lose connections to the back of the gauge cluster
and bad fuses i doubt all that.
As far as you mech saying "cant just start replacing everything" he is right because theres really only one or two things it could be - The VSS = vehicle speed sensor. or
the ABS speed sensor if your vehical has two sensors
One ? does your ABS light come on?
Switchfixer :mad:
The Pathfinders are known for gulping down gas, so
you have to go easy out of stop lights and drive it a
little easier and you will see more miles out
of a tank.
SwitchFixer :shades:
is unplugged. Anyone have any idea/experience where my problem might be? No skinned wires that I can see near the plug.
HELP! :mad:
Now for the real funny part: I had removed my center console to paint it the other day, when I put it back, I plugged the fog lamp leads back in to the switch. It's not a molded plug, just 3 loose leads.I created my own short! :P I found that the fog lights get their power from the right side headlamp wiring via a splice near the combo switch on the underside of the steering column! Go ahead and laugh! I did! Now about the idle problem I have.... :shades:
Switchfixer :shades:
it says it has a 21 gal tank in manual.but i can only squeeze 19.99 gals in ,even after driving 30 miles in the light.i believe it does better mpg then my old 04 jeep chero(6 cyl 4.0)