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Welcome to the Edmunds Forums! Be sure to check the Edmunds Forums Rules of the Road. If you’re new to our forums, the following tips will be helpful. But first, let’s meet the forums moderators.
Our Forums Moderators
Our forums moderators are here to help. If you ever have any questions, you can direct a comment directly to one of them by adding an @ sign in front or their screen name, i.e. @PF_Flyer or clicking on their screen name and sending a private message
I started as an Edmunds forums host in 2001 and have seen almost every version of our forums from Town Hall until today. I currently own a 2012 Nissan Versa hatchback and 2019 Nissan Rogue, and one of my daughters drives a 2011 Versa. My other daughter only recently gave up the 2007 Versa hatch. I also have a black lab, Charlie, who is getting up there in years, but keeps me busy.
Call me PF, or Bob, or Sneakers... whatever works for you!
If you have any questions or need a little help, feel free to ask, or click on my screen name and send a private message.
Our Forums Moderators
Our forums moderators are here to help. If you ever have any questions, you can direct a comment directly to one of them by adding an @ sign in front or their screen name, i.e. @PF_Flyer or clicking on their screen name and sending a private message
I started as an Edmunds forums host in 2001 and have seen almost every version of our forums from Town Hall until today. I currently own a 2012 Nissan Versa hatchback and 2019 Nissan Rogue, and one of my daughters drives a 2011 Versa. My other daughter only recently gave up the 2007 Versa hatch. I also have a black lab, Charlie, who is getting up there in years, but keeps me busy.
Call me PF, or Bob, or Sneakers... whatever works for you!
If you have any questions or need a little help, feel free to ask, or click on my screen name and send a private message.
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
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I came to Edmunds as a member in 2002 to research an automobile purchase, and I've been here ever since. A moderator since 2005.
I love talking about cars and also driving them! I am here to help, whether it's directions around the forums or purchasing/leasing information.
Welcome to the forums!
Edmunds Price Checker
Edmunds Lease Calculator
Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and share!
Edmunds Moderator
I'm the new kid on the block - having only been a host / moderator since September 2013.
However, I've been a participant on these forums since the very beginning in the mid-to-late 90's. Have made some lasting friendships along the way, and, with a job that allowed me to travel, I was able to meet some of these great folks in person.
I now work from home and play daddy to two miniature dachshunds - Guster and Daisy.
I'm heavily involved in helping folks achieve the best lease deal, by leveling the playing field with the information dealers would rather you not have.
My current fleet is 3 vehicles - my stepdaughter's 2014 MINI Countryman S ALL4, my wife's 2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited, and my leased 2016 VW Jetta SE. However, the Jetta lease is up this summer, and since I work from home and the wife and stepdaughter commute together, it's likely it won't get replaced and we'll be a two car household.
Edmunds Price Checker
Edmunds Lease Calculator
Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and let us know! Post a pic of your new purchase or lease!
2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige
I started with Edmunds in 2013 and currently lead our Customer Care team which encompasses everything Support and UGC (including forums).
I’ve always been a car guy but more so in the sense of appreciating new car features, technology, and aesthetics. I’ve had three VW GTIs (08, 11, and 15) but now consider myself to be a loyal Lexus customer. Our garage consists of a 2018 RX F Sport Hybrid and a 2019 UX 200.
I live in Florida and have two dogs (toy poodle and chiweenie).
If you have any questions about using Edmunds, be sure to visit our Help Center and our team will happily assist you!
I started here sometime in 2001, on the long-defunct Future Vehicles board. I'm now a Sr. Product Specialist, so feel free to ask me specialized questions about any of our user-generated content products, including forums, dealer reviews, and consumer reviews of vehicles. I take all types of insurance.
I live in Florida where my husband and I collectively have 6 children, all of whom are in college or have graduated. We have replaced the children with 2 chocolate lab/mutt dogs, who love to go boating and swimming. I am also certified 92% coordination-free, but I still do all my own stunts.
I'm here if you need me!
Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
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How to post a Leasing Question
Many car shoppers are coming to the forums to get leasing numbers for vehicles they are interested in. To get the best answer from our leasing experts, (money factors and residuals, plus incentives) please include the following:
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We have a lot of information in our forums, and if you’re looking for information about a specific vehicle, or a specific problem with your vehicle, finding an existing discussion can be very helpful. Not only will you be posting where other members are discussing your vehicle or problem, you may discover that your question has already been asked and the information or answer you need has already been posted.
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