2007 Elantra Speedometer / Odometer
I have purchased a 2007 Elantra and after a few thousand miles realized my speedometer was reading 6MPH faster than I was actually traveling. I took it in for repair and the service manager states that it is only out 4.9 MPH which is within the specs of the vehicle. Coincidently the upper spec is 4.9 MPH. I informed him I checked the speed with my GPS and when my GPS was reading 60 MPH my car was reading 66MPH after a long argument he finally agreed to look at my car again. Long story short he replaced my speedometer. His quote "good news it is only out 4 MPH now" I explained that this is not satisfactory to me and would like it to read more accuratley than that. He stated this is the best they can do and refuses to look at this issue any further. I have also checked my odometer and it is reading 31 Miles for every 30 I travel. The service manager states that this is acceptable and there is nothing he can do to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue? How do I get this resolved?
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Good luck
LIST???!!!??? Yep, I heard it right. I'm on The List for a new cluster as it seems virtually EVERY NEW ELANTRA HAS THIS PROBLEM.
Now, take this li'l tidbit to your dealer and let's see your service department squirm when you tell 'em it's a global problem -- and you want it fixed and done right the first time!
Honda, and other Automotive Manufacturers have class action law suits against them for knowingly allowing this to happen, because it racks up the mileage faster than it should, voiding the warranty more quickly. It also give a false sense of greater fuel economy.
My last Elantra (99) is still going strong, with over 140,000 miles, and I had 0 problems with it in the last 8 years, and now I have another new one, and even with all of the great improvements Hyundai has made to the safety features, and roominess, I am greatly disappointed in what they have done to deceive the consumer, with the Mileage, and fuel economy.
I would like to urge Hyundai to do the right thing and stand behind their promise of quality, and issue a recall for all of the 2007 Elantras for this speedometer cluster issue, and get it back to within the 1-2 mph degree of error, not 10 mph off, this is not acceptable in any standard of quality.
It's registering 4 - 5MPH slower than actual speed.
Tested with a GPS.
If Hyundai feels that a 5-8% slop factor in their speedometer and odometers is OK, then I am afraid of what else is just OK...brakes, transmission, engine, safety?
Does anyone here own a 2007 Elantra that does NOT seem to be having this problem? Anyone with one of the newest models (i.e. the ones with XM)?
I'm seriously considering buying an Elantra, and I'm wondering how likely it is that I'll have to deal with this problem.
I have had this car for 2 weeks now and after 1200 miles am very happy. 3 tanks of gas - calculated 34 mpg, 29 mpg and 32 mpg (Trip computer says 31.3 average). Various driving - some freeway, some city, some country 2 lane.
I just bought a 2007 Elantra SE (didn't get the XM radio) and my speedometer was right on the money. Tested against GPS, as well as following my dad in his Toyota Highlander and my brother in a Chrysler minivan while on the cell phones. Results were within 1 mph. I say this in response to the poster who asked if anyone ISN'T having this problem- I am not.
But that's why I love this forum, I would have never known to check in the first place. I learn a lot in here.
Please keep us posted on how things work out. As you can see, a number of members will be interested in what happens.
At 35, I am going 34
At 50, I am going 49
At 70, I am going 68.
Besides this issue, my experience with car has been positive in the last 5 months.
How do we find out about TSBs? I want to make sure I keep up with the required services on my new car.
Fingers crossed...
I have a schedule next week to have this looked at. Service desk said that they have not seen this at all.
why do they lie!
first they put the computer on it and determined that it was off by 6 miles.. then I had to sched for the actual service..(at the same time they ordered the part).. it took 3 days for parts to arrived but now its all takn care of.
p/n replaced
94001-2h051 cluster assy
84852-2h000-7u shroud steering c
84830-2h000-7u panel assy-cluster
I hope this helps everyone with this problem.
well, I got a loaner(wich wase espected) and about 5k miles taken off my car.. odometer now reads 10 miles.
That assumes he drives 15 to 20K per year. My car is 26 months old and has a little under 15K miles.
as far as the speedometer being acurate, I still have to compare to another vehicle. At least it seems to be close.. I don't get pas by semi trucks or uhauls when i'm driving 65mph.
NOW.. AS FAR AS THE ODOMETER.. I set it to 0 on mile markers and after 15 miles it actualy reads 15.7.
Well.. it's not corrected 100%. I will have to take it back to the dealer.. at this point I been trying to call Hyandai and find out what is the real solution. for every 100 miles that I travel.. the odometer tags an extra 10 miles.. but yet the speedometer is acurate. you seem to drive alot.. word of advise.. buy some support for your back."ouch" this seats are hard on the lung run.
20 = 20
30 = 30
40 = 40
50 = 50
60 = 60
65 = 64
70 = 68
75 = 73
80 = 77
and my mfg date is 12-17-06
looks like its quite accurate except in the higher speeds, which i do alot of, if i cant get it resolved, my next tires will be bumped up in size from 195's to 205's...that will fix it right on the money. this Thurs ill be taking my first road rtip from ca. to az. 400 miles..ill let you know how far off the odometer is..if any.