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Caravan/Voyager Engine Problems
I need help. I have a 98 Dodge Caravan w/ 3.0L. It had a cylinder #5 misfire. I replaced plugs, wires, and cap. It did not help. I performed a compression test and cylinders 1&3 are 130 and cylinder #5 is at 55. What would cause this? Oil and coolant are fine. Someone told me a broken ring but it does not smoke or burn oil. Cold a bad valve cause this?
Thanks Ruby :confuse:
Best Regards,
Regarding the synthetic versus conventional discussion, yeesh, where do I start? Ummm, I'm thinking that you might want to browse the last several months of posts under the Synthetic Oil topic:
ruking1, "Synthetic motor oil" #7000, 27 Jan 2007 10:23 am
That will either answer all your questions or make you more confused than ever. ;-)
Best Regards,
Appreciate if somebody can give some advise here.
Best Regards,
Your comments will be highly appreciated!
Let us know how you make out.
Best Regards,
I also found other shops that would do the job for about $2,200, and those transmissions carried a 12 month/12,000 mile warranty. That said, I was relying on that car for a long daily commute and didn't have the luxury of screwing around with warranty repair work, so..., the 36 month/36,000 mile warranty on top of the factory remanufactured unit easily got my dollars.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Thanks for your comments! I finally decided to get my transmission replaced and it was done a few days ago. By the way, when I looked and checked the new transmission underneath, the transmission pan cover doesn't look like new (pretty similar to the old one), while other parts looks new with Chrysler symbol. On my receipt, there is a separate charge for 5 quarts ATF-4 fluid. I remembered that Chrysler should provide the whole package (including fluid and new pan cover together, etc., auto shop should just replace the old transmission unit with the new remanufactured one without filling atf-4 fluid separately unless it needs topped). Did you get the samething on yours last time?
Did they warn you that your new transmission was going to shift rough for a couple of thousand miles while the fuzzy logic control unit "learns" your driving style? FWIW, I was actually kind of alarmed at how the new transmission shifted for the first month or so, but can report that it did eventually get itself sorted and its shifted perfectly well ever since.
Best Regards,
After driving I noticed a slight rattle from the front of the engine. Replaced tensioners and the noise is still there. Any common problems with Timing chain in these cars?
55,000 miles on it.
Any speed when you push down on the pedal 1 to 2 mph. it runs rough or shakes.
Replaced plugs already.
And ideas?
If so then it is considered "normal". I first noticed this noise from the 3.8 liter engine in our 1998 DGC (a virtual twin of the 3.3 engine) shortly after we got the van. Now, 150,000 miles later I can still hear it. The noise hasn't improved and it hasn't gotten any worse, it just is. I'm thinking it might be oil pump related.
Best Regards,
Long time no talk, hope all goes well. I got a question for you about that remanufactured transmission for Caravan we talked few months ago. After I got it replaced two months ago, I found a noise when driving between 35 to 45 miles, bring my car back to dealer, they diagnosed this problem and replaced another transmission for me under Chrysler's warranty. However, I got the same noise again. The answer from Chrysler is that this is a normal noise and will not cover it any more. I was wondering if you got the same noise when you got your transmission replaced last year? Any ideas?
As far as I know, all Gen 3 and Gen 4 minivans with 3.3 and 3.8 liter engines go into torque converter lock between 35 and 45 mph (warmed up and under light throttle load), and when that happens it isn't unusual to hear some resonance from the exhaust system.
In the case of both of our vans, assuming a light application of the accelerator pedal when on a level road, the engine RPMs will drop from ~2000 to ~1500 when in the 38 to 45 mph range. Occasionally, depending upon loading and such I'll hear some engine and exhaust resonance.
A good way to rule this out is to take a test drive and manually select "3" with the gear selector for all speeds under 50. If you do this and you hear your "noise" then it's a fair assumption that the problem is simple resonance.
Best Regards,
Typically resonance isn't a problem, however, if the exhaust system has been damaged at some time in the past, and/or one or more of the exhaust hangers is missing/damaged, the problem can manifest itself as a noise or even an amplified vibration.
Keep us posted. ;-)
Best Regards,
I sure could use some help here.
Grasping at straws here, you might want to consider buying a premium belt from Napa/Gates, Mopar or Dayco (and by "premium" I mean the best of whatever they sell, usually costing somewhere north of $40 for the belt), as cheap belts have a tendency to slip a bit causing a ringing or chirping sound.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Will you tell me if you did get this resolved and what was the cause?
1) Upper end tapping or clicking: Fairly common complaint, not only from minivan owners but virtually all cars these days. Noise is usually attributed to the "clicking" of the fuel injectors, is considered to be normal and not in any way harmful.
2) Mid engine tapping or rattling immediately following a cold start: Fairly common complaint from Generation 2 and Generation 3 minivan owners. Noise is from the cam followers and is normally attributed to either the grade of engine oil and/or the quality of the "Drainback valve" in the oil filter. Personally I'm skeptical about the oil claim, however, I have found that the filter DOES make a difference. Over the years I've tried a number of oil filters on our Gen 3 3.8 liter van, and the one that keeps it the quietest following a cold start is oddly enough the Ford/Motorcraft FL-1A, a filter that is roughly twice the displacement than one that Chrysler originally mounted on our engines (meaning that an oil/filter change requires about 5.25 quarts of oil to bring the oil level up to the "Full" mark on the dipstick).
3) Bottom end tapping: Usually attributed to either the oil pump or the timing chain assembly. Both of our 3.8 liter DGCs (one from 1998 and the other from 2003) make this noise, and have since new. The 1998 now has in excess of 150,000 miles on it and still operates like new, ditto the 2003 with only 99,000 miles on it. While I'm not sure what is making the noise, it is a common one from these engines and one that is apparently harmless.
4) Chirping: Very common noise from these engines, and almost always attributed to either a cheap aftermarket serpentine belt (the vast majority of complaints) and/or a pully that isn't freely rolling. Remedy is usually as simple as buying a top of the line (as in at least $40) Napa, Gates, Dayco or Mopar belt. If the belt is both new and one of the above, the tension arm and idler pulleys are suspect and should be replaced. If the noise still persists (very uncommon), then the A/C compressor and/or the water pump and/or the power steering pump are suspect (in that order).
Long story short, all of these noises are typically benign and are just part of the beast.
I hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Bob :mad:
Best Regards,
I have a 03 dodge grand caravan, 3.3L engine, with only 36000 miles on it
& it has noise like a tick or knock.
It had this noise when I bought it in 03, didn't think much of it thought
it must be normal.
Then I read on a forum some where that the 3.3L / 3.8L used the same head bolt as
the 2.2L, but they used a larger washer for the 3.3L / 3.8L. The head bolt washer was
large enough to decompress a valve spring when installed, if not careful.
So that got me thinking, & that's not good, but anyway I have been checking
everything & coming up with nothing. My dealer said it was normal but of course
I didn't believe him right ? :confuse: He just wants to get rid of me .
Then I start looking all over the internet & Lo & Behold last night I stumble onto
carspace automotive forum, & there I find it, this wonderful article you wrote on
Common noises from the 3.3 and 3.8 engine line, YA HOOOoooooo the very thing
that my 3.3 is doing.
Thank You Very Much for this article, now I can just drive & enjoy the ride
Thank You again
Best Regards,