

  • gs3gs3 Member Posts: 11
    its not a secret anymore.
    go to the following site to review the full blown inside and outside pictures of the 2009 maxima. enjoy!! ;)

  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    I actually like the new design, it combines the look that I like about the Accord, the Altima and the Infiniti. I only hope the price will be reasonable. I hate the overall look of the new Accord. I was leaning toward the Altima. The Altima is nice, but the tail lights have to grow on me. I can't afford the Infiniti . The new Max just might be the right fit if the price is right. In my opinion the :blush: butt ugly redesign award goes to the 2008 Honda Accord Sedan . Honda got confused on this one. This is coming from a long time honda lover and owner.
  • altimadrvraltimadrvr Member Posts: 7
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    Wow. I haven't been that immediately taken with a design since the European version of the Mazda 6 (still bummed we're not getting that.) That is an absolutely beautiful design.

    One negative for me is they've borrowed Infiniti's navigation dash design, which looks very strange to me.

    But that exterior. Wow. I can't wait to see it in person. I too really like the Altima but still hate the tail lamps. Thank God Nissan played it cool on these rear lamps.
  • steevosteevo Member Posts: 389
    Funny, I love the Altima rear. To me the Altima front is too plain. I also think the new Accord Sedan is fugly, but the Accord Coupe is sweet looking.
    This new Maxima looks awesome! There is mention on the Nissan site of a dual panel roof and other things not seen in the pics so there is more to come. Maybe AWD??
  • kjnormankjnorman Member Posts: 243
    I have been very impressed with what I have seen so far. This may be my next car (I currently drive a 2000 Audi A4).

    The only disappointment I have so far is the lack of AWD. I have stated to my friends and family that I will never buy again a car without AWD. I love the look and features in the new Maxima but 290HP though the front wheels could be a major issue for torque steer. Hopefully Nissan have done their homework here if they want this thing to be a sports sedan.

    Things I want in my next car:
    Memory seats (it gets shared with my wife) - check
    Heated seats - check
    (nice to have) Cooled seats - check
    Auto dimming rearview mirrors (all of them - not just the center) - don't know on this
    Remote start - don't know on this
    AWD - doesn't look like it at the moment
    Bluetooth - check
    iPod control - check
    Spacious - check
    Good looking - check
    Quality interior - check (I think - as it looks a lot better than Nissans in the past)

    I really hope the interior holds up as I have been disappointed with Nissan interiors when I have looked at them previously. Bad enough that I discounted their cars. This one looks like an Infinity so hopefully the quality is there as well.
  • steevosteevo Member Posts: 389
    My 2005 Maxima had heated side mirrors and even a heated steering wheel so hopefully they carried that stuff over. Torque steer on the 2005 was brutal, but once used to it easy enough to compensate. The torque steer was eliminated in the Altima so I'll assume it will be further improved on with the Max. I still have some hope for AWD, I guess we will find out Monday.
    Remote Start.. inexpensive to add but I have heard it is problematic with the push button start and remote entry features so an oem solution would be nice.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    After posting I looked closer and noticed Nissan added a weird flourish on the headlamps. Not something that would prevent me from buying this car (much like the bulging headlamps on the Accord) but annoying nonetheless.

    Nissan has this habit of adding at least one extra bit of exterior weirdness to every car they make. Apparently others find these features attractive, but they bug me as I like very clean, jewelry-free exteriors. Examples are:

    -- Strange door handles on 350z (why not flush with doors, very ugly!)

    -- Weird big black plastic thingy on tailgates of Titan and Frontier (no other truckmaker does this and that's a good thing)

    -- Already mentioned the taillamps on the Altima (better than last model's but still bizarre to me)

    -- Roof tumor on Armada and QX

    -- Chrome strip on trunk lid of G35

    -- All kinds of clutter on Xterra (although at least some is functional)

    So I like Nissan products but I just with they were a little cleaner.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    I just read on the Edmunds News that this Maxima is actually shorter! That's exciting. First they shrink the Altima and now the Maxima. I was annoyed that the Accord got so much bigger, and I think the Camry should not grow another inch. Nissan seems alone in not always expanding their sedans. When it's needed, so be it, but, for example the old Accord, that was the perfect size.
  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    Does anyone know if only certain colors or trim will have the wood grain?
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    My expectation would be that Nissan would make detailed information like that available when they announce pricing and expected delivery dates. Are you hoping to have wood grain or avoid it? Guessing you want it. I actually dislike the wood look, preffering metallic trims.
  • kjnormankjnorman Member Posts: 243
    So any idea as to when pricing and configuration details will be available?

    From what I read this car should be available in June, so I would hope this information is forthcoming soon.
  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    Yes I do want the wood look. But if the pricing is not right I will be avoiding the max all together and going for the Altima. I have been a long time owner of the Accord, but the new design is too ugly. The Accords are dependable but so boring.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    Hopefully they won't jack the price too bad. One thing about the Maxima that has been true for the last few years is that even though it is priced much higher than the Altima, you can actually get one for less since they are discounted pretty heavily at the dealers. I doubt that would be the case right away with a new model but maybe in a year or so if this design is not a big succes then you might see the actual transaction price dip below the high-end Altimas.

    I'm looking forward to the diesel Maxima which is expected as a 2010 model.

    Like I said I'm also a big fan of the Altima. It pretty much won me over the moment I saw it at the 2007 LA Auto Show. The only thing that surprises me is that Nissan is not more competitive with MSRP. They are priced just like Accords and Camrys, but Nissan ought to be undercutting, like Hyundai, to get more foothold. Again that may be happening at the dealer level, but it is quite off-putting to me when I configure the Altima I like (3.5 SE w/leather) and it's $30k! That sure makes a $25k Sonata Limited look pretty appealing. For $30k I'm creeping pretty close to G35/TL territory.
  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    Unfortunately I can't wait until next year, I will have to purchase around September. Looking to trade my 2001 Accord without putting any mechanical work into it and not wanting to put a lot more miles on it either. I will be looking at the reviews especially user reviews. My brother has a 2004 Max and the ride is sweet compared to my Honda. Accords are boring and road noise is bad. Accord's new design is ugly.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    I highly doubt AWD well come on the new Max, the only Jan manufacture that offers AWD (besides) Subaru is the Acrua RL, and that isn't selling well. Nissan is bring back the 4DSC marketing campain of the late 80' to mid 90;s Max, which I think is great. AWD would add too much weight and only a very small market wants it. I'm sure it well have Traction control, and all the other electronic control system so AWD wont be needed.

    I'm predicting the prices wont be much higher then the current car, if you look at the other japaness car companys, the only real competition for the new MAX is the Acrua TL, (which BTW get a new design for 09.) if you look at the current MAX, load it up with options its less then the TL. So my bet is, Nissan will do the same with the new 09 MAX...
  • gleen6191gleen6191 Member Posts: 80
    the new accord is not fugly bro. its nice. i have had a 5 series, an allroad, an A6 and now a M35x. my next car will be fuel efficient - 2008 Accord 4 cyl EX-l with nav.

  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Rememvber, just because you like don't mean everybody else do.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    You're more daring than me. I have this cardinal rule of car shopping that I won't buy a car in its first year of production. I look at cars like software: the real testing happens when the product gets in the hands of hundreds of thousands of people. Maybe you can put some small fixes into your Accord and survive another year? Also, your 2001 needs work? What?!

    I actually go back and forth on the new Accord. From some angles I really like it, and from others it just leaves me cold. One thing I don't vary on is disliking the size. Way too big now. The good news for me is that I've disliked every Accord update, but after a year or two it grows on me and by the time it's replaced I think they should just leave it alone.

    I was thinking recently about why the Accord grew so much, and I think one of the reasons is that Honda does not have an Avalon equivalent. So basically the Accord sits in the middle, and could be cross-shopped by buyers in both the Camry class and the Avalon class. That's my guess: Honda was trying to hedge their bets.

    Regarding AWD in the Maxima, I too think it a remote possibility. Nissan already has an AWD sport-sedan; it's called the G35x.

    Dude, BM, you've owned some choice autos. It's interesting to me that you're willing to drive Japanese after several German models. It seems like German car lovers are usually extremely dedicated, and look down very harshly on the Japanese cars.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Regarding first year model ownership. I bought a 07 Nissan Versa in Aug of 06, and in the year and half of ownership never had any mechanical problems with the car, and I had 25K miles on it. Current we have a two 08s, a Altima Coupe and Rogue. I think most of the manufactures have the bugs out of the cars before production starts.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    I'm glad you've had good luck with your new Nissans. I still think it's risky though (for any brand.) There are so many examples of first-year fixes that have to go in, though (e.g. bad clutch in the 2007 G35, fixed for 2008.) Not like the engine's gonna fall out or anything, but still, that's me, play it very safe.

    Regarding the Versa, that's actually a "world" car that had already been in production for some time overseas. So they had some time to work out any bugs by the time you picked one up.
  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    If the new Max is scheduled to go on sale the early summer, when does Nissan announce actual pricing ? Also is it more expensive to insure a Max compared to other sedans?
  • alexstorealexstore Member Posts: 264
    well they will probably announce pricing soon. Now in reference to insuring 05 Maxima, they are listed as midsize sedan and in my case had no increase
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    If you want to ballpark the price for yourself why not just assume a 5% bump? I have no idea when they might announce pricing though.

    Regarding insurance, I wouldn't know that either, but your insurance company can cut out the guesswork for you. Just call them and have them price the premium on a 2008 Accord EX-L V6, a Camry XLS V6, and a 2008 Maxima SL. Again that should give you some ballpark to work with.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Regarding pricing, the last 3 new Nissans I have bought (07 Versa, 08 Rogue, 08 Altima Coupe) nissan released these earlier then what thier web site stated. THe Versa I could build 2 months before he car was released so I knew the price then. The Rogue and Coupe were released on thier web site 3 weeks before the dealers got them. So I would guess if nissan is saying early summer, I would start looking on thier web site the middle of May.

    Regarding insurance, we went from a 99 MAX to a 05 Altima sedan SE 3.5 and the insurance didnt go up much. You have to remember that when yuo buy a new car iinsurnace well alway go up, usally not by much.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    Check out Nissan's webpage. They put up a nice preview site of the new Maxima.
  • brookslawsonbrookslawson Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone else think the frontend on the 2009 Maxima resemble the last model Infiniti Q45?
  • iwantoneiwantone Member Posts: 52
    Yes I do. It is very classy looking.
  • kgabekgabe Member Posts: 25
    WHEN is this 09' model going to be in on dealers lots for purchase?
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Well I'm sitting here at my Nissan Dealer having a service done on my Nissan, I talked to the Sales Manager and he doesn't know the excat date. But as I can tell you, the past couple of new models have been released a little early. the Versa was to have been released in Fall of 06 (as a 07) but was released late summer (Aug of 06) the Rogue was released early also, as well as the Altima Coupe. The new Max's website says the summer of 08, I would be safe in saying that they should be arriving at dealerships very soon...
  • albookalbook Member Posts: 1,282
    So the pics of the new Maxima are all over the web. When I first saw it around the time of the NY auto, I didn't like it. But it has grown on me a lot. I guess it was smart of Nissan to make it smaller to emphasize performance. Only thing is, what if you want Nissan performance but need something bigger than an Altima?

    Everything seems to be looking great for the Maxima, right now. That is, until you look at its competitors. Hyundai should really have Nissan nervous. While the Max seems to have taken most of its performance toys from the G, the Genesis is an Infinity M fighter (well not really, but that's what they aimed for). Performance won't be quite as good as the Maxima, until you opt up for the V8. That should be a major pain in Nissan's side.

    While the Maxima is a poor man's infiniti, the Pontiac G8 is a poor man's BMW. For a better price, you can get a G8 with the V8 that would leave the Max in the dust. Plus it's bigger. The interior wouldn't look as nice, but fit and finish would be just as good. I'd bet the new Mazda 6 can outrun the Maxima, as 0-60 in 6.5 isn't impressive for a car that size with that much power.

    I'm not saying any of the others are better, I just hope Nissan wasn't planning on the Maxima having it easy. This should make an interesting comparison test.
  • morey000morey000 Member Posts: 384
    Looks like a beautiful vehicle, and the magazines just love 290hp engines in family sedans that weigh nearly 3700lbs

    But- does a car like this even make sense any more with $4/gal gas? It was envisioned and designed probably 3-4 years ago and no longer has a place today.

    OK, granted, spending $2400 a year on petrol won't break the bank of the average buyer of a $35K sedan- but from a principle standpoint, isn't it time that our family sedans are getting 25mpg rather than 19mpg (or 17mpg as the testers realized). Remember, this is a Nissan, not an Infinity.

    Wouldn't a 200hp engine that pulls a car weighing 400lbs less to 60 in 7.9s and gets 25mpg/32mpg hwy be the solution of the future? Well, OK- maybe in Altima trim? So, I guess my issue is with the Altima- which got too big and nice, and forced the Maxima to be 'over the top'. Hmm. guess that's why they call it a "Maxima".
  • maximafanmaximafan Member Posts: 592
    I for one am happy to hear that the 2009 Maxima shrunk in length.
    The previous gen Maxima had grown up to almost 194 inches in length. To me, that is just way too long for a sedan. The Genesis, while it looks to be very promising is way too long for me
    at 195 inches!!
  • albookalbook Member Posts: 1,282
    The previous gen Maxima had grown up to almost 194 inches in length. To me, that is just way too long for a sedan. The Genesis, while it looks to be very promising is way too long for me
    at 195 inches!!

    You don't understand the term 'full size sedan" then, do you? The benefits of cars that large are more interior space with back seats someone 6+ft can actually sit in. Can they still handle? See G8/ Mazda 6.

    And Nissan didn't mess up in Maxima's old size, but that they let the Altima again better it, in looks and perforemance.
  • kgabekgabe Member Posts: 25
  • kgabekgabe Member Posts: 25
    Looks great to me. Would like to get the Mrs. one. Will have to see and drive however. Which hopefully will be shortly. My Titan 4WD LE is a GREAT truck too.
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135

    I've read in some other forums where a few 2009 Maxima's have been spotted but my local dealers are saying July/August is most likely for Maximas to go on sale. Any one know the official release / sale date?

    While I personally think the 2009 Maxima looks great and is a good step in the right direction, the lack of activity/interest in this forum makes me think others do not share this opinion. If so, the could be the last of the Maxima's!! Long live Altima.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    I would assume with past expeirence with Nissan, the New Max will be at dealers shortly. I would say before the end of the month.
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    June 26
  • jsmithsolejsmithsole Member Posts: 1
    My dealer will have one tomorrow (6-20) Also I have heard the same thing from other people around the country. Can't wait to drive one!
  • falcon74falcon74 Member Posts: 67
    Has anyone heard what the pricing is going to be for the 2009 Maxima? Also,, anything on the MPG? thanks-
  • kgabekgabe Member Posts: 25
    I saw one yesterday in person. Dealer driven. Dark grey color and it looked great. Seeing the price list would be much appreciated Nissan.
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135
    Most Nissan dealers in my area now have at least 2 Maxima's in stock. The dealership closest to me has two SV models. The "base" SV is around $33k while the fully loaded Premium Package + Nav model is a bit over $38k.

    MPG was rated 19 highway and 26 city for a combined 22 mpg which is the exact same combined MPG as the 2008 V6 accord - but the Maxima has higher horsepower and no VCM mechanical problems to worry about. Nice job Maxima!

    Next step, the test drive!!
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135
    Correction - it was 19 MPG City and 26 MPG Highway.

    This is no hybrid vehicle:-)
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    Maxima must have premium gas. Accord V6 is regular. That's a significant difference.
  • snagssnags Member Posts: 27
    Just saw the maxima at a local dealer. White but a grey interior which didnt really match well.
    It listed for over 36k with the technology package,but the real suirprise is that they put a 1k market adjustment on the sticker price.

    Now I can understand trying to sell at MSRP since its new but to add a market adjustment for a car getting only combined 20 or so mpg using premium fuel seems a little much at this particular point in time.

    The car did look impressive though.
  • hjrockethjrocket Member Posts: 7
    See my post # 529 in buying experience. Ref: SV model.
  • tom17tom17 Member Posts: 134
    I got to briefly test drive my local dealer's one 09 Maxima. It was an SV, pearl white with close to black leather interior. Had the Sport package and Tech package (but not the Premium package). The Maxima still has some torque steer. Not real bad (only used about 1/2 throttle). Definitely more than ANY RWD car though. Compared to my cars (90 Q45, 98 I30 and 08 GS350) it had lots of exhaust noise. Not bothersome like a Corvette, but definitely audible. Good power & handling (did not really push the car hard - but the salesman still gave me a hard time about it). The sticker was between $37K and $38K. Dont really think it is a good value compared to the Pontiac G8 and upcoming Genesis sedan. If they get back to discounting them $5K+, then maybe.
  • 09murano09murano Member Posts: 15
    My local dealership has 2 and actually went under sticker for me. Fitzgerald automall in Chambersburg, PA has a loaded SV for $36,610 this is the same discount I received. This one has premium and Tech....which I didn't need. I absolutely love mine....more horsepower, less torque steer, and close to 30 mpg highway....WHAT A BEAST!

    As far as value compared to a G8...just check trade-in 3 years from now, pontiac re-sale value is awful.
  • shaaseshaase Member Posts: 4
    Sat in a new Maxima SV today- Black with charcoal interior, tech. package, priced at $36K. The car is beautiful- much better looking than the pictures. Seats were very comfortable, soft leather, lots of room, excellent fit and finish. However need to spend extra $$ to get cold weather package- heated seated and mirrors.Has the big Goodyear RSA 235-18 tires.
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