We have a 2002 Honda Odyssey, check engine light came on, took it to Braman Honda service center in Palm Beach, Florida . We were told at 59872 miles van nedded a new transmission and computer which would cost about $5000. They tried to sell us a new car. We took the van a AAMCO transmissions service center and get the transmission fixed for $2700. We are so dissapointed with Honda's performance, what an unreliable van...
Here's what my friend Larry who runs an a/t rebuild shop has to add to your post...
"Sonnax patented the valve, but if Honda is smart, there's more than one way to skin a cat. The TransGo kit does the same thing, but has no provision to avoid converter drainback after sitting overnight. Honda, and any carmaker for that matter, only concerns themselves with things that affect them during the warranty period. It takes a group effort (sometimes a class action suit) of dissatisfied owners for a carmaker to take notice. Clogged screens, clogged filter, and etc. are caused by too much debris in the transmission fluid. Honda did R&D and said the microfinish of the steel plates was too rough and wearing down the clutches. Their fix was mirror-smooth steel plates. Raybestos, agreed, but came up with a different fix: Harder and more durable clutch lining. Either/or... the bottom line is that clutch wear creates debris. It creates the majority of the debris that clogs up filters and screens. Having an inline filter is one of the best investments a Honda owner can do because it filters much finer than the factory filter. The factory filter isn't a filter at all. That's a misnomer. It's a pump suction intake screen. It's 60 microns which is big; the size of the human hair. A true filter, filters down to a size where you can't can't see what gets through. Until the MaxiFlush, 15 microns was the best available with the Magnafine, which is 4 times finer than the factory. You can't filter any finer that 15 microns with a full flow filter without restricting flow. It's a combination of not only filtering the ATF much finer than the factory, but also generating less debris in the first place. Fixing what generates debris is part of what fixing the converter fluid flow is all about. The converter generates a lot of debris by the clutch dragging when it's supposed to be off. It also loses flow when hot and melts the aluminum washer in the converter, generating even more debris. It's quite a complicated fix making a Honda trans long lasting. There's no one "silver bullet" that solves all problems; I wish there was.
Lastly, here's what I have to say about Hondas: What use is a long lasting vehicle if the transmission isn't?"
I work for a small Car dealership in Boise, ID. We have had a few of these Odyssey transmissions come up. One bandage that has worked so far for us is to use Trans Tune by Sea Foam. If you put that stuff in your transmission (duct tape and a long tube funnel) and drive for a while it will clean out a lot of the crap in the Tranny. Then after about a week do a transmission drain and fill and use Lucas brand transmission fluid (one bottle) with your transmission fill up. It worked on 2 Odysseys with this problem. One of the owners' wife drove one of these odysseys for at least a year with no problem. It isn't a permanent fix but it definitely works pretty good. I would imagine that doing this process and doing a regular transmission drain and fill will allow it to last quite a while without having to donate a kidney to get your van moving.
I recently purchased a used 2002 Odyssey with 75k on it. It works very well and was meticulously maintained by original owner. I did not know about the history of tranny problems until after I made the purchase. In reading the posts here, I see many different recommendations for best practices in taking care of the tranny. I have three questions:
1. What should I do now to best increase my chances of longevity with this transmission? I've read several things, and maybe missed some...(after-market cooler, in-line filter, DW1 fluid, Sonnax pressure reg. valve) All of this, some, more??
2. Should I flush or drain the tranny? I get both answers when I research issue.
3. How often should I flush or drain?
I should add that this van was part of the recall in 2004 and I have paperwork that shows it had a jet kit of some kind installed in the transmission at 18,000 miles. ) This receipt was buried in a stack of oil-change receipts the seller gave me...I missed it when I was buying the vehicle)
We just had a Grand Caravan transmission die on us (on our 11th anniversary "date" no less!) and thought we were getting an upgrade in quality. Other than a fear of future problems with transmission, we love this van so far.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
Bought this used two years ago, and like most who have done so was not aware of the tranny problem. It just failed at 115,000 with the TCS and EOC lights coming on at the same time. Dealer wants the standard $6,000, local STS shop $5,000, or $4,000 with a rebuild. Gonna try AAMCO as well, I guess. Or donate it in the worst case.
has the dealer contacted Honda to see if they will help? They offered me $1k toward the $5,400 cost of replacing mine (i still opted for a new one since the van needed another $3k in repairs).
Mine went out on the way back from the east coast in Rochester, NY, in August 2010. I went online on my phone to see who were the most qualified transmission specialists in the Rochester, NY, area. I was drawn to AAMCO due to their warranty and felt that if I had issues I could take it back to them. It is a national warranty!
I had them do the work and they did it for a fair price. I paid $3000.
However the warranty was not as easy as they claimed it would be. I've had the shuddering issues between 40-50 mph and have had it back at AAMCO in Kalamazoo multiple times. They cannot find the problem but I can drive it and make it happen.
Needless to say, the warranty is over and I still have issues.
In looking back I should have rented a car hauler from U-Haul and towed my car back home and had a local mechanic do it. I would have paid a little more and installed a Jasper transmission. Their's comes with a 100,000 mile warranty.
I am not pleased at all with AAMCO. I felt they did not live up to their warranty. My advice...shop some place else.
Have you guys tried drain and re fill with better transmission fluids (redline maybe) and change out the gear switches? Acura's (TL especially) have the same issues, heard Pilots have the same transmissions as well and this procedure has kept many transmissions running longer.
I have a 2000 honda odyssey my first trans went at 40k my second went at 80k now my third went at 111,000 and now honda said its my problem now! I called honda of north america and no help there! I told them they never fixed the problem to begin with they just replaced it untill they figured the car was old enough to go away! I filed a complaint with NHTSA and still cant believe they didnt recall these trans! I called wabc 7 on yourside hoping they can help! I wrote to the times Christopher Jensen who wrote an article on this problem. Everyone needs to file a report with NHSTA.
Tell your story on facebook as well. There are several people who think Honda makes a great product and genualiy cares about their consumers! Nothing could be further from the truth as you and I know. I had a 2001 with only 70000 miles and Honda told me to take a hike as well. I sent several letters and they would call me back and tell me thanks for the letter but we cannot help you. I made a promise to Honda to continually spread the word on their products for many years to come. Please be sure to do the same and pass your message on to as many people as possible.
Honda America blew me off until I told them I was posting on Facebook and told them my goal was to reach as many people as I could to tell them what Honda was doing.
The next day they called and fixed my Odyssey.
You have to make it painful for them and let them know you will make a stink.
Following up on my post, I am having my local mechanic (an STS outlet) put a Jasper in my '04 Odyssey. The mechanic made a point that Honda trannies overheat and a rebuild would be a Honda with a high chance of failure. While the car was at Honda, I asked what the trade in value would be for a new Odyssey, and they said $1,000. Made me laugh.
-Took the car to my mechanics specialized at Honda and Acura for a test drive. The tranny problem got confirmed and got a quote of $3200 with 1 year/12,000 mile warranty.
Called American Honda and was told to a dealer. Did that and got confirmed and a quote for $52K with 3 year/36,000 miles warranty. American Honda decided to help with $10000.
I treated it in and bought a RAV4 at a Toyota dealer. I would be very concerned to buy a big Honda car in the future. Honda seems not good at making long lasting transmissions for big cars.
To get the same cargo room as an Odysey you would need a Sienna. I belive the Highlander would be a better choice than the RAV4 as the RAV4 has a swing-out door.
Everyone has to file a complaint with NHTSA it takes 3 minutes !! Tell everyone if they get enough complaints they will have a recall !!! They just looked at this issuse back in April but not enough complaints !! Telling honda is useless !!! Make a complaint !! Chris Jenson from the NY TIMES wrote about this problem back in January. NHTSA looked into but not enough complaints they said back in April which was amazing to me out of 269 transmission complaints 169 were from Honda owners !!! Go Figure???? SO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THEM !!!!! PASS THE WORD !!!
I bought my 2004 Odyssey as a Honda certified car with 19,000 miles on it in 2006. In hindsight, I have imagined that someone else heard about the transmission problems and traded theirs in. Anyway, their good luck was my bad luck.
I first started noticing the slippage at about 125,000 miles in Spring 2010. We had the 4th gear pressure switch fixed at 130,000 miles (over $200)...but it didn't fix the problem, so we had the transmission rebuilt at 139,155 from a local transmission center ($2633) NOT THE HONDA DEALER. That came with a 2 year or 24,000 mile warranty. In April 2011, while on the highway the transmission started to slip out of gear and lose power and the car overheated. I towed the car back to Massachusetts from New York (at a cost of $800 which I swallowed) so the transmission place could fix it again. They did.
We paid the car off on August 1st, but on August 9th at 139,155 miles, the transmission (AGAIN!) died. Again, it was on the highway at about 70mph, when the gears slipped. I sat on the side of the road for 2 hours with my wife and 5-year old daughter until AAA got through a traffic jam. (I called the police but they police never arrived!). Oh, by the way, we have put 29,000 miles on the car since the transmission rebuilt last year, so we are 6,000 miles beyond the warranty. My mechanic thinks it is electrical - either the Throttle Position Sensor (telling the transmission to downshift at 70mph) or something else electrical/computer related.
This car is dangerous. I want to unload it, but hoped some dealer might take it for a trade-in. Unless Obama brings back Cash for Clunkers, though, I have feeling that I am out of luck.
I would like to file a small claims against Honda in NYC any Idea who I would make the claim against? it cant be Honda of north America because their not in NYC. I can make a claim up to $5000 for a filing fee of $20 I think everyone should do this. I dont think you can lose. This is a known fact about Honda transmissions.
American Honda is very set in their ways, and it's extremely difficult to get them to switch their position, but it can be done. Be persistent and let them know you're not going to just give up and go away. Keep calling them.
- There's a press release on the Honda website http://www.honda.com/newsandviews/article.aspx?id=2002092028798 where they admit the transmission problem. It also contains a statement from their Executive VP saying "Our priorities are making sure our customers are taken care of and reassured they can continue to depend on their Honda of Acura automobile for a long time to come.". Is any part of that statement true for you?
The Internet has several message boards, complaint sites, and a ton of information that has to do with Honda's transmission problem. Here are a few that I had saved to my favorites:
If you end up pursuing the small claims case, you're going to want to go after American Honda as your main target, not the dealer. It's okay to name both in the suit, but American Honda is the one that holds most of the responsibility. They're the ones that built the vehicles with the faulty transmissions, set the warranty, extended the warranty, and are the ones that reimburse the dealer for any warranty work the dealer performs.
Secretary of State website by State and do a Business Search for "American Honda". It gave the name and address for the Agent for Service of Process.
That's not correct, the '05 Odyssey filter is a different open cartridge filter type. On Amazon it's the Beck Arnley Part #: 044-8002 , not the BeckArnley part 004-8003 that other Odyssey models use.
To change the transmission filter on an Ody 05 there's limited enough room to get at the cover plate. Many have done it but the space is very tight. I removed the air cleaner to get access, but the filter sits under the VSA modulator/controller and it's difficult to lift the VSA high enough to get the bolts and cover off without bending brake lines, etc. The filter is so tiny that you have to believe that it was originally designed to be replaced every 30K miles or so but then someone at Honda decided to locate the VSA controller right over the filter access plate and it became a "non servicable part". Other considerations are to just put a Magnafine filter in the line for safety and maybe try again sometime in the future to replace the Honda filter. ** This is where those flexhead gear wrenches come in REAL handy. __________________
I loved our 2003 Odyssey until last week while I was going 70mph on the freeway with my children in the back seat, suddenly & without warning at 70mph it shifts into 2nd gear/3rd/2nd/1st/ continues wildly shifting back and forth while RPM's careen around from 1,000 to 5,000... lucky for us we were not in a horrible accident. Pulled off the road; trans fluid had sprayed out the vent all over the engine, and TCS and Check Engine light were on. Took it to dealer who (for $100) tells me that the trans overheated, cooked the clutches, and I need a new trans which will cost $4800. No warning before this, no trouble, no nothing, just sudden and catastrophic failure on the freeway. He tells me that my $4800 will get me a rebuilt Honda trans, which I don't consider a good investment based on all the posts I've read. I called Honda America, who told me, "There is no known problem with the 2003 Odyssey transmissions," and further that my Odyssey was sold with a 36,000 warranty on it, which I am beyond, so Honda America can do nothing... although (when pressed) he said that if I had more like 100,000 miles on it, he could probably do something more for me. He said that we were lucky to have gotten 160,000 miles out of it. He also asked me if this was "still my first transmission." He said he'd call dealer and ask them for an adjustment, which he thought would be substantial. But he never called or followed up. The next week, H.A. says they aren't "authorized" to do that. After more pushing they agree to send a message to dealer asking for dealer to make a concession. Dealer offers 10% off total. Unfortunately, my blubook value even with a good trans is only about $5,000 and I see that these fixes don't last, so now I have a very big, very expensive paper weight in the driveway. We have 2 other Honda's.. I am ashamed of Honda America the way they are treating this problem, this has totally destroyed my trust in the brand and I will go back to buying GM cars.
I do recognize that there have been many people with really premature failures (like 75K). But at some point, you got your money's worth, and getting 160K out of it seems to be up there?
Sure, you would love to see the tranny last as long as the engine, but with that kind of miles, I don't see that Honda really has an obligation to pay for it.
You mention GM cars. If you had bought a venture van instead, and it puked a trans at 160K, would you be going after GM, expecting them to do anything about it?
I had a similar experieince with 70000 miles on my van. Please be sure to tell your story on Facebook in the Honda Odyssey section. There are still people who are buying these vans and think they are wonderful and Honda is great. I too will never buy another Honda on any kind.
The Honda dealer service manager who handled my original inquiry when my trannie failed called me at 7 am this morning. He wanted to complain about the poor marks I had given them when Honda called to survey my experience with service. "Failure," he said, is anything less than the highest possible score and it reflected directly on him, so would I please revise my scoring and comments on a follow-up email that would arrive to me from Honda? So this is how Honda handles customer service - by having the service manager whine and grovel! I reiterated that my main complaint was with Honda corporation, but also reminded him that the dealership had been abrupt and dismissive, and offered no help or constructive advice. I told him I resented his call, that I would never buy a Honda again, and to talk to his boss and Honda headquarters if he felt the survey reflected unfairly on him. He asked if there was anything he could do to improve the situation, and I said get me back the $5,000 I spent on the new trannie.
Good for you! My Honda dealer told me that he would look into this (transmission failure) and call me back, He never did. I had to call him back to get an answer. I would provide addtional feedback to Honda about his followup. They won't care but it is certainly worth a shot.
I spoke with someone from small claims court in NYC and they said I could only use small claims against someone that is NYC, Can I sue the dealer? because Honda of North America is in California and I would have to File a civil case against them. After all the dealer did sell the car. Any help would be appreciated.
Did you go to the Secretary of State in NYC and look up under businesses and type in American Honda. They should list someone there. In my State, they did not list Americian Honda but someone else will no doubt have to answer the complaint. It was a 3rd party apparently that handles their legal affairs in my State. I would not think the dealer is your best answer..it is certainly better than nothing at all. I would try and do both if at all possible.
I have had 8 Transmissions with my 2000 Odyssey. My first went out about 5000 and now I have 137000 and on my eighth transmission an average of 17000 on each one which wasnt the case for any but one transmission
Had the exact same problem years ago with my EX-L and thought it was my transmission as well. Turns out the motor mounts in that model are known to go bad quickly. I had mine replaced and it fixed the problem. Hope this helps.
I purchase in 2002 a new Odyssey , and we just hit 100,000 miles, and the transmission is gone. The quote for the repair is $4,300. Honda will not cover anything as it is passed the seven years. This was regularly serviced at the Honda dealer. They are offering a 36 month 36,000 mile warranty on the rebuilt transmission. My concerned is how reliable is this rebuilt transmission, and have they solved the problems. I read of many post of individuals, having second and third replacement. Has the problem been resolved. Am disappointed as I expected more reliability with the Honda. I also have a 2005 Odyssey with only 20,000 miles, and am wondering how reliable that transmission is.
I have the same year. The tranny went at 184,000 kilometers (you convert it to miles). I had the 36 month warranty. If cost $4200 & Honda refunded 1/2. I currenty have 285,000 kilometers on it, Last year I put in a tranny cooler and Honda changed me over to their synthetic tranny oil.
The Honda rebulds they use are just as problem prone as the originals, no engineering done on the system, no better fluid filtering, no improvments to the torque converters.
As for your 05', I would get the Honda ATF Z1 fluid out of it ASAP and get it filled with the new DW1 sysnthetic fluid. Ad an in line Magnefine filter to it and put it on a strict fluid and filter change every 30,000 miles.
If the transmission is rebuilt and warranted by Howard Engineering, DO NOT buy it. The Better Busness Bureau in LA has given Howard Engineering an "F" rating. Per the BBB website, Howard Engineering has a history of not responding to complaints and failure to honor warranties. I can atttest to this through personal experience. I'm not sure why Honda would use this type of company to rebuild tehir transmissions.
The Honda tranny that is the replacement is the same as the bad one they originally put in. I had the same dilemma and quickly traded the van in. Not only was the transmission bad the engine mounts were broke, etc. I traded it ASAP. The bad part was that when I went to trade it in, the dealer, not Honda, asked if I had any transmission issues with the van. This is a very well-known issue with Honda.
I had my 2003 Ody tranny replaced at 80k. We are now at 143k. I am so paranoid that I'm going to have to replace again. I want a new van, but hubby just spent $500 on the new key ignition (another known problem), he wants to keep the car since the van is paid off.
So how many if you out there have had your Honda Ody transmission replaced more than once?
I have the exact same problem. the dealer changed transmission fluid for $220, it helped, but it still shudders every once in a while. I think the transmission is gonna fail just a matter of when. shame on Honda.
have had my 2001 Odyssey tranny replaced twice as well with only 105,000 miles. fighting honda on third tranny but not willing to help me. file complaint with honda of america in torrance calif and better business bureau as well as ntsb site. enough complaints may trigger class action law suit. good luck
have 2001 odyssey. tranny replaced at 76,000 miles at no cost by honda. only given 12mo / 12,000 mile warranty. now at 104,000 miles tranny shot again. wrote 2 page letter to honda of america, honda automobile customer service, 1919 torrance boulevard, mail stop:500-2N-7D, Torrance CA 90501-2746. detailed entire history. got phone call stating honda will not help me. she stated honda would not reply by letter regarding refusal to replace tranny. EVERYONE affected should send complaint as well, and also to "better business bureau autoline". i have filed with ntsb as well. if bbb autoline gets enough complaints, it may trigger another class action law suit. Am going to call torrance tomorrow and demand written reply from honda. written complaints must be filed to initiate action on part of honda. told woman i would never buy another honda. paid top $ for odyssey and maintained it very well. great vehicle with exception of tranny. honda knows trannys are defective. file your complaints to honda and bbb autoline. good luck
Developed by a friend of mine. Not a do it yourself install but it should cure your overheating problems
It cures the problem
"Sonnax patented the valve, but if Honda is smart, there's more than one way to skin a cat. The TransGo kit does the same thing, but has no provision to avoid converter drainback after sitting overnight. Honda, and any carmaker for that matter, only concerns themselves with things that affect them during the warranty period. It takes a group effort (sometimes a class action suit) of dissatisfied owners for a carmaker to take notice. Clogged screens, clogged filter, and etc. are caused by too much debris in the transmission fluid. Honda did R&D and said the microfinish of the steel plates was too rough and wearing down the clutches. Their fix was mirror-smooth steel plates. Raybestos, agreed, but came up with a different fix: Harder and more durable clutch lining. Either/or... the bottom line is that clutch wear creates debris. It creates the majority of the debris that clogs up filters and screens. Having an inline filter is one of the best investments a Honda owner can do because it filters much finer than the factory filter. The factory filter isn't a filter at all. That's a misnomer. It's a pump suction intake screen. It's 60 microns which is big; the size of the human hair. A true filter, filters down to a size where you can't can't see what gets through.
Until the MaxiFlush, 15 microns was the best available with the Magnafine, which is 4 times finer than the factory. You can't filter any finer that 15 microns with a full flow filter without restricting flow. It's a combination of not only filtering the ATF much finer than the factory, but also generating less debris in the first place. Fixing what generates debris is part of what fixing the converter fluid flow is all about. The converter generates a lot of debris by the clutch dragging when it's supposed to be off. It also loses flow when hot and melts the aluminum washer in the converter, generating even more debris.
It's quite a complicated fix making a Honda trans long lasting. There's no one "silver bullet" that solves all problems; I wish there was.
Lastly, here's what I have to say about Hondas: What use is a long lasting vehicle if the transmission isn't?"
J. Larry Bloodworth
1. What should I do now to best increase my chances of longevity with this transmission? I've read several things, and maybe missed some...(after-market cooler, in-line filter, DW1 fluid, Sonnax pressure reg. valve) All of this, some, more??
2. Should I flush or drain the tranny? I get both answers when I research issue.
3. How often should I flush or drain?
I should add that this van was part of the recall in 2004 and I have paperwork that shows it had a jet kit of some kind installed in the transmission at 18,000 miles. ) This receipt was buried in a stack of oil-change receipts the seller gave me...I missed it when I was buying the vehicle)
We just had a Grand Caravan transmission die on us (on our 11th anniversary "date" no less!) and thought we were getting an upgrade in quality. Other than a fear of future problems with transmission, we love this van so far.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
1.) Install a quality after market cooler, and service the transmission using Honda's new synthetic fluid.
2.)Drain and refill, Flushing is a waste of money and fluid in my opinion.
3.)Service it now, again in a month, and then annually.
The oil jet service campaign refers to a fix to keep the second gear cooler. As long as it was done, you should be fine.
I had them do the work and they did it for a fair price. I paid $3000.
However the warranty was not as easy as they claimed it would be. I've had the shuddering issues between 40-50 mph and have had it back at AAMCO in Kalamazoo multiple times. They cannot find the problem but I can drive it and make it happen.
Needless to say, the warranty is over and I still have issues.
In looking back I should have rented a car hauler from U-Haul and towed my car back home and had a local mechanic do it. I would have paid a little more and installed a Jasper transmission. Their's comes with a 100,000 mile warranty.
I am not pleased at all with AAMCO. I felt they did not live up to their warranty. My advice...shop some place else.
The next day they called and fixed my Odyssey.
You have to make it painful for them and let them know you will make a stink.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
-Took the car to my mechanics specialized at Honda and Acura for a test drive. The tranny problem got confirmed and got a quote of $3200 with 1 year/12,000 mile warranty.
Called American Honda and was told to a dealer. Did that and got confirmed and a quote for $52K with 3 year/36,000 miles warranty. American Honda decided to help with $10000.
I treated it in and bought a RAV4 at a Toyota dealer. I would be very concerned to buy a big Honda car in the future. Honda seems not good at making long lasting transmissions for big cars.
I first started noticing the slippage at about 125,000 miles in Spring 2010. We had the 4th gear pressure switch fixed at 130,000 miles (over $200)...but it didn't fix the problem, so we had the transmission rebuilt at 139,155 from a local transmission center ($2633) NOT THE HONDA DEALER. That came with a 2 year or 24,000 mile warranty. In April 2011, while on the highway the transmission started to slip out of gear and lose power and the car overheated. I towed the car back to Massachusetts from New York (at a cost of $800 which I swallowed) so the transmission place could fix it again. They did.
We paid the car off on August 1st, but on August 9th at 139,155 miles, the transmission (AGAIN!) died. Again, it was on the highway at about 70mph, when the gears slipped. I sat on the side of the road for 2 hours with my wife and 5-year old daughter until AAA got through a traffic jam. (I called the police but they police never arrived!). Oh, by the way, we have put 29,000 miles on the car since the transmission rebuilt last year, so we are 6,000 miles beyond the warranty. My mechanic thinks it is electrical - either the Throttle Position Sensor (telling the transmission to downshift at 70mph) or something else electrical/computer related.
This car is dangerous. I want to unload it, but hoped some dealer might take it for a trade-in. Unless Obama brings back Cash for Clunkers, though, I have feeling that I am out of luck.
- There's a press release on the Honda website http://www.honda.com/newsandviews/article.aspx?id=2002092028798 where they admit the transmission problem. It also contains a statement from their Executive VP saying "Our priorities are making sure our customers are taken care of and reassured they can continue to depend on their Honda of Acura automobile for a long time to come.". Is any part of that statement true for you?
The Internet has several message boards, complaint sites, and a ton of information that has to do with Honda's transmission problem. Here are a few that I had saved to my favorites:
http://www.autoobserver.com/2010/03/honda-odyssey-owners-report-transmission-tro- - ubles-inconsistent-response-from-maker.html
http://wheels.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/08/honda-transmission-problems-seem-to-p- - ersist/
If you end up pursuing the small claims case, you're going to want to go after American Honda as your main target, not the dealer. It's okay to name both in the suit, but American Honda is the one that holds most of the responsibility. They're the ones that built the vehicles with the faulty transmissions, set the warranty, extended the warranty, and are the ones that reimburse the dealer for any warranty work the dealer performs.
Secretary of State website by State and do a Business Search for "American Honda". It gave the name and address for the Agent for Service of Process.
This should get it done.
To change the transmission filter on an Ody 05 there's limited enough room to get at the cover plate. Many have done it but the space is very tight. I removed the air cleaner to get access, but the filter sits under the VSA modulator/controller and it's difficult to lift the VSA high enough to get the bolts and cover off without bending brake lines, etc. The filter is so tiny that you have to believe that it was originally designed to be replaced every 30K miles or so but then someone at Honda decided to locate the VSA controller right over the filter access plate and it became a "non servicable part". Other considerations are to just put a Magnafine filter in the line for safety and maybe try again sometime in the future to replace the Honda filter.
** This is where those flexhead gear wrenches come in REAL handy.
Sure, you would love to see the tranny last as long as the engine, but with that kind of miles, I don't see that Honda really has an obligation to pay for it.
You mention GM cars. If you had bought a venture van instead, and it puked a trans at 160K, would you be going after GM, expecting them to do anything about it?
2020 Acura RDX tech SH-AWD, 2023 Maverick hybrid Lariat luxury package.
Here's the link to file your complaint. It is the only way to get the govt to force Honda to do anything.
Personally, I'm having a large sign printed to display on my PT Cruiser that Honda Odyssey's have reputation for Transmission Failure!
Posting it on Craig's List For Sale - Needs Transmission. Might get a little something by someone who can do the work.
Honda Odyssey transmissions are KNOWN to fail at even 40 or 50K miles REPEATEDLY.
and Honda REFUSES to fix their mess!
"you can't keep making the same mistake over and over and expect a different result"
As for your 05', I would get the Honda ATF Z1 fluid out of it ASAP and get it filled with the new DW1 sysnthetic fluid. Ad an in line Magnefine filter to it and put it on a strict fluid and filter change every 30,000 miles.
So how many if you out there have had your Honda Ody transmission replaced more than once?
This site links victims with class action attorneys. Might be a good thing for everyone who has posted to post their story here, too.