2009 Nissan Maxima



  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    On board mpg computer - which has been reported by previous posters to be very accurate. The first 150 miles were city, then I reset computer and drove about 150 freeway.
  • jbattjbatt Member Posts: 13
    I don't see how you are going to get a 2009 $4,000 or $5,000 below MSRP. I don't think the 2008 are going that much below sticker. This car is still not being delivered in volume yet. I think anything under sticker would be a good deal at this point in a few months could probably get for $2000 under sticker, but I don't see $4 or $5,000 unless sales tank and days of supply get in the 80-90 day range.

    Getting 12% to 13% under MSRP on a new redesigned vehicle I would think is unrealistic.

    Those that have bought one what price are you paying vs. MSRP?
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    Well I'm now a proud owner!! I got the SV for 32,600 plus TTL. I am in sales myself so I went in and told them what I wasnt going to pay and they gave me $1200 below MSRP plus tint and spolier. I feel like I got a good deal for the Houston market because sales arent as down here as other places. FYI They wanted 36,700 for the SV with nav, but I passed on that.
    I totally agree with Cyberpunk so far I am extrememly impressed!!!! I will let everyone know how the MPGs work out for me. :D
  • homeqnetcomhomeqnetcom Member Posts: 6
    congratulations!I am alson in Houston and very interested in the 09 maxima. Other than the Spoiler, what was the SV equiped with and what dealership did you go to?
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    I disagree, the Diesel Max, will be here in less then a year, and the performance will surpise you. BUT the price of Diesel is roughly 60 cents greater then Regular unleaded, and about 30 cents greater then Preumin unleaded. The savings isn't really there right now for the Diesel cars.. I am a big fan of Diesels, having owned a Diesel Suburban as well as 2 MB Diesels.. But the price of Diesel will need to fall about 30-40 cents before you see any savings, and I dont see that happening...
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    Clear Lake Nissan, they were very nice! Check out Nissanusa.com and it will give you all included features. Pretty much the only things I didnt get were double sun roof, nav and the electronic panel shifters. The car is amazing, I am very impressed with the way it handles and the power. I commute to work on a small highway so I can only go 60mph, I had the cruisecontrol on and I was getting 27mpg.
  • homeqnetcomhomeqnetcom Member Posts: 6
    Excellent. Did that include the cool package (cooled seats)
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    It sure did! The most helpful person there has been the sales manager/sales director, if that helps. I will not give a name because I dont think were supposed to but I would ask to speak with him. ;)
  • tcoopdeville76tcoopdeville76 Member Posts: 6
    They will go beneath sticker if you have a down payment. I put $6000 down and purchased an SV Premium/Tech Fully loaded for $34,000. The sticker on the car read $38,800. I'm enjoying the exclusivity of being one of the first to have it. I live in NY and other than mine I haven't seen other. most people don't know what I'm driving until i'm close to them. I love it. Stop debating on whether or not to get one.. If you can afford it, GET IT!! this is by far the best car I've ever owned.
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    I already got it! :blush: I did put a big down payment 10,000, but they were only willing to go below sticker $1200. MSRP was 33k and the sticker total was 38k. I got it for 32.7K There is MSRP and then a total with adjusted market value...which one are you speaking of?
  • houdini1houdini1 Member Posts: 8,351
    I am waiting for the diesel. Hopefully next year.

    2013 LX 570 2016 LS 460

  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    Why? I honestly dont see how this car can get any better!
  • houdini1houdini1 Member Posts: 8,351
    What sounds better to you. 30 mpg or 20 mpg?

    The trade off is a little less performance, but I am not planning on racing the thing or running slaloms every day.

    2013 LX 570 2016 LS 460

  • billeveebillevee Member Posts: 15
    The mpg is 20 and that is terrible....and I 'll bet the 20 is a bit high..
  • cyberpunkcyberpunk Member Posts: 39
    The mpg is 20 and that is terrible....and I 'll bet the 20 is a bit high..

    Based on what do you make that definitive statement?

    If you're talking city driving - yeah, the mpg is probably 20. Highway MPG is much higher.

    19 or 20 for city driving is the norm for this car's class.

    If you are claiming that 20 is the highway MPG, you're simply wrong.
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    I have been putting my foot in this car just to see what it can do and I am still getting 21mpg. For the performance you get this car is great on gas from what I can tell so far. Not to mention the spacious backseat and comfort of the ride.
  • trstacktrstack Member Posts: 4
    I'm looking for a 2009 SV with Premium and Tech in NY (Long Island). I'm willing to pay 100% cash if I can get it at $34k. Is there any way to send private messages on this forum so I can find out what dealer? The 3 dealers I spoke to are all at list or just below.
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    Generally a cash deal means they dont make any money off you, because they cant slip in a higher interest rate or make any money off extras like gap insurance. I put down 10k and they still didnt want to budge much. After their first shipment they only had 4 new Maximas on the lot. You may be able to get an SV premium and tech in NY for 34K but I just couldnt pull it off here. I even got in good with the sales director, some flirting goes a long way. ha! I may have been able to get a better deal if I wouldve waited but I have no patience.(btw i was quoted 36.6K)
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    I don't think that's going to happen - at least not for a few months. I just did a 100% cash deal for a SV with Tech, bluetooth, HID Xenon headlights, splashguards and floormats, but not with Premium, for $34k inclusive of all dealer fees (excluding 3% NC tax).
  • trstacktrstack Member Posts: 4
    OK,,, I pulled the trigger today. 2009 Maxima SV Premium w/Tech. Winter Frost w/ Cafe Latte interior. All the toys - premium and tech, mats, splash guards and trunk floor organizer/emergency kit. Invoice with dest = $34,941.

    I paid $1000 over invoice. I feel that's a fair price at this point. I just hope I don't regret buying the Maxima when the 2009 Acura TL comes out in September. I'm guessing the TL similarly equipped will be $4k - $5k higher, plus this will be my 4th Maxima.

  • trainiac1trainiac1 Member Posts: 13
    My 98 Sedan De Ville with 4.6 Northstar gets better than 23 mpg on the highway. Figure it uses premium gasoline, at $0.20 more a gallon. or 5%. 95% of 23+++ = @ 21.85 +++ mpg. Actually closer to 25 mpg highway. Where's the bargain?
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    When people makes post like this guy, it shows that some people do not get it. The 09 Max is LIGHT Years ahead of it in Technology, comfort, convience as well as making less polluents.
  • oasis340oasis340 Member Posts: 3
    TCOOP- I also live in NY...which dealership gave you the tech+premium for $34k? I'd love to take advantage of the same deal!
  • tcoopdeville76tcoopdeville76 Member Posts: 6
    Oasis340 - I made my purchase at Bay Ridge Nissan. They were really cool.. however, they would not negotiate the price until I advised I would put $6000 down. They were holding at $38,800. even with $6000 down they were trying to sell my at $36,000. Luckily, they didn't try to sell over sticker. If they had I would have walked!. I fought for $34k, but to be honest.. I absolutely love this vehicle and if I had paid $36,000 I wouldn't be mad. To me.. this car is worth every penny. I've already put 600 miles on it in less than 2 weeks.. I just can't stop driving it!
  • oasis340oasis340 Member Posts: 3
    So much for energy conservation :)
  • sergeymsergeym Member Posts: 284
    ... however, they would not negotiate the price until I advised I would put $6000 down....

    This is weird. What down payment has to do with the selling price? Credit history issues maybe?
  • billeveebillevee Member Posts: 15
    Excellent point....

    Rule of thumb: Negotiate the price first; worry about financing later-you either qualify or you don't

    The bank has to worry about the loan not the Nissan dealer.
  • tcoopdevilletcoopdeville Member Posts: 5
    I hear you guys.. What I was saying is that I had to put something down before they would move from the sticker price. They were holding firm until I dropped the down payment. That's when the real negotiation began.
  • cyberpunkcyberpunk Member Posts: 39
    You are correct. I'm now full of buyer's remorse. I should have bought a 98 Sedan De Ville instead of the 09 Maxima.
  • tcoopdeville76tcoopdeville76 Member Posts: 6
    Cyberpunk... that makes 2 of us. the 98 Sedan Deville is a much better car than the 09 Maxima.. what were we thinking????
  • alexstorealexstore Member Posts: 264
    If you walked and since you already left your phoe number with them, they would have called you and offered a lower price.
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135
    Anybody seen TV ad's for the 2009 Maxima??

    I've seen some 2009 Maxima advertising going on in the magazines but none on TV. Guess they are first trying to clear the selves on the 2008 model (which now can be had for $7000 off MSPR) before doing the ads for the 2009 Maxima.
  • lucky4me2lucky4me2 Member Posts: 15
    Where is the 2009 Maxima built?
  • seatoyotasalesseatoyotasales Member Posts: 36
    Its built in Tennessee and wow what a car. Went and sat in one today and could not drive as they were writing it up for sale as I was there. The interior is beautiful and near the level of quality of my 03 Lexus GS. Doors shut with a nice thud, front seats are extremely comfortable and the car in my opinion will be a huge success. I would have liked to have driven it and listened to the BOSE sound system etc but not today. I will definetly be keeping this on my list of cars to consider. I did own an 03 Max SE that I did not like. This one is worlds apart. If you have any doubt about this car, go look at one. I am not being biased for any reason as I am a Toyota Salesman!
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    TV advertising begins on August 8 with several commercials in NBC Olympic coverage.
  • austinman7austinman7 Member Posts: 313
    For those of you with a 2009 Maxima, I would be very interested in your thoughts on driving a car with a CVT. Is this your first experience with that type transmission? What do you see as the major differences and/or advantages between it and a traditional automatic transmission? Do you feel throttle response is immediate? Does it seem like an unusual driving experience, or did you get used to it right away? What kind of RPMs does it turn at 70 or 75 mph?

    Any insights would be appreciated. I'm interested in the car, but have only driven an '08 Altima with CVT before. I thought it was okay, but I'm so used to traditional transmissions I wasn't sure about it. FWIW -- Car & Driver feels Nissan has the best CVT setup of anyone.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    I do not have a 09 Max, but I do have a 08 Altima Coupe with the CVT. This isn't my first nissan with the CVT, I have a 07 Versa. At first the CVT is a completely different beast to drive then the traditional shift shock type of automatic. Taking the cars out for the short test drive isn't a way to get a feel for the transmission. The CVT in the versa isn't the same as in the Altima coupe. But it gave me direction on how to drive the car without that rubberband effect that most CVT cars have.. The coupe drives more like a tradtional auto, when you step down on the gas the egines revs, but it moves out smartly. It will take a while to get use to the CVT there is no doubt of that. If you can adapt to new technology with no problems the CVT is wonderful transmission. I highly doubt I'll go back to a traditional transmission. I love the smoothness of the car....
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    I have a 2009 Maxima. The first couple days it was a little strange not sensing shifts. Very smooth. Excellent.
  • habitat1habitat1 Member Posts: 4,282
    Car & Driver feels Nissan has the best CVT setup of anyone.

    And, in my opinion, that's a bit like saying the Toytoa Avalon is the best cure for chronic insomnia by anyone.

    I'm sorry to sound negative on Nissan, but the company really has big kahunas labeling the 2009 Maxima as a "4 Door Sports Car". I happen to still own a 1995 Maxima SE 5-speed manual transmission and, while not exactly in the same league as my 2005 Porsche 911S, it still remains a sporty, fun to drive sedan after 14 years and 156,000 miles. When I took it in for service a few weeks ago, the dealer insisted on giving me a 2009 Maxima to test drive. I was sorely dissapointed. Nice comfy interior with techno do-dads out the wazoo. But no more fun to drive than a Camry or Buick rental car. Back in 1995, the Maxima was as close to a competitor of the BMW 3 or 5 series as any Japanese FWD sedan could be. Today, it's not in the same solar system as BMW relative to driving dynamics.

    I realize that the devolution of the Maxima may suit a lot of folks who think a "sporty" drive means listening to ESPN radio on their 12 speaker Bose surround sound system while they pluck their eyebrows in the rearview mirror knowing that the CVT transmission needs no driver input. Fine. But please, Nissan, call a spade a spade. The 2009 Maxima, with its obese curb weight, soft tuned suspension, and "best of breed" rubber band CVT transmission is no more of a "4 door sports car" than Grandma's Buick was 30 years ago.

    And, just for the record, back in 1995 when the Maxima won several car of the year awards and was labeled a 4-door sports car by actual driving enthusiasts, it also sold at least 3 times as many units annually as the it has in the last several. So apparantly I am not the only one who is dissapointed with the direction that Nissan has taken with the Maxima. Someone in senior management needs to be taken behind the woodshed and spanked with one of those rubber band CVT's. You may have managed to beat out the Avalon in the quest for an over the counter cure for insomnia, but you've left the BMW 3/5 series without even the slightest competition. :(
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Interesting, since Nissan has NEVER stated that the MAX was to be compared to a BMW, even in the Hey Day of the 4DSC days... Nissan knows better then that, that is why we have Infiniti...

    The new MAX goes against the Acrua TL, which is does very nicely. The 4DSC is a marketing gimick....
  • habitat1habitat1 Member Posts: 4,282
    I distinctly remember that the 1995 Nissan Maxima went head on head and matched the 328i in various automotive magazine comparisons, which is partly why at least a couple gave it COTY award. I test drove it against the 328i myself and concluded that it was damn competitive in performance, with better back seat room and a $7k+ lower price tag. Nissan didn't have to toot its own horn with a BS marketing gimmick, it earned independent respect with substance.

    As for Infiniti, back in that era, after the success of the 1995 Maxima, they simply rebadged the 1996 GLE version as an I30 (with no SE model or manual transmission option). Perhaps that was the start of image over substance that has plagued Nissan since.

    As for Acura, when we relocated my Maxima to our second home a few years ago, I replaced it with a a new 2004 TL 6-speed manual. Again, it's no BMW 535/550 6-speed, but it was a boatload above the 2004 Maxima (and current 2009 model) in driving dynamics and sportiness.

    Please understand, I am not trying to convince anyone that the current Maxima isn't a good competitor with a Camry, Avalon, ES350, Accord or the host of other comfy near luxury sedans. I am just pointing out that over the past decade, Nissan has done everything possible to make the label of "4 door sports car" a complete farce, epitomized by the ridiculous CVT only transmssion choice.
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    LMAO! Sorry I had to get that out. It seems that from just one test drive you were able to make a very bold opinion of the new Maxima. I happen to actually own one and I think the '09 Maxima totally lives up to the statement "4 door sport car". I have driven Mercedes C class, Altima, Lexus IS, and even the M35 and G35 and I was most impressed by the Maxima by far. I find it quite hard to believe you are comparing the Maxima to a Buick! I have also owned a sports car and I feel the Maxima is extremely quick for a luxury sedan. Maybe you should BUY one and then after a true feel for the car you can post all of the negative remarks you want ;)
  • habitat1habitat1 Member Posts: 4,282
    LMAO as well. I should "BUY" a car that I am unimpressed with on a test drive? And doing so would give me more credibility? :confuse:

    I was impressed with the Maxima relative to its competition in 1995, which is why I bought one back then. Since then, almost every time I have taken my Maxima in for service or annual inspections, I am given a new one as a loaner. My "test drive" of the "new and improved" 2009 a couple of weeks ago covered 50 miles and I had ample opportunity to put the car through the paces on a variety of driving conditions that didn't just include mashing the pedal to the metal between stop lights.

    I would be a jerk if I suggested you shouldn't be happy with the car you bought. I sincerely hope you are. But it sounds like we have different priorities, preferences and tastes. My issue is with Nissan labeling the Maxima a 4-door sports car - and then offering it only with a CVT transmission, letting the curb weight bloat and, seemingly, de-emphasized driving dynamics (braking, steering, transitional handling, etc) in favor of do-dads. Come on. Even stodgy Mercedes offers a 6-speed manual and adjustable sport suspension in the C class.

    For what it's worth, I am an equal opportunity critic. I was dissapointed with Acura spending a lot of dollars redesigning and marketing the RL as a "sport sedan" only to find it weighed 4,000 lbs, the "super handling" AWD system wasn't all that super, and an overloaded V6 with a slushbox only automatic transmission. Equally unimpressed when Nissan set out to "reincarnate the spirit of the 240Z" with the 350Z, and instead produced an unimpressive overweight wannabe from their spare parts bin. On the other hand I was impressed with and bought a Honda S2000 - which, even though I no longer own it, I am quick to give positive credit to as a exceptional ground up sports car that competes very well with the $20k more expensive base Boxster.

    Nissan probably doesn't give a rat's rear about my opinion. But it would be nice if someone other than BMW took the term "sport sedan" a little more seriously. And no, I don't actually own one of those (BMW's), so forgive my expressiveness.
  • cyberpunkcyberpunk Member Posts: 39
    Wow - rarely have I read comments/a review that I more disagree with.

    Certainly everybody is entitled to his/her opinion - so I'll give you that - but I think you really missed it here.

    The '95 Maxima a better "sports sedan" than the '09? Please...

    What did the '95 have - 190 horses? Compared to the '09's 290 horses?

    Yes - it's true - the '09 Maxima is a luxurious sedan...but all cars in its class are luxurious. Being luxurious doesn't take away from the car's performance.

    The '09 Maxima handles like a charm. Is it a true sports car? No - and it doesn't handle like one. But can it absolutely hold its own against any car marketed as a "sports sedan"? Absolutely.

    The car is quick! It's not sub-6.0 in 0 to 60...but it's a darn quick car nonetheless.

    It's wide agressive stance glues this car to the road. It can turn on a dime and keeps the driver firmly in control during aggressive cornering, accelerating, and braking.

    I would have chalked up your critic to a valid opinion - albeit one I fully disagreed with. But you lost all credibility when you claim that the '09 Maxima is comparable to a Buick, as far as being a "sports sedan" goes. That comment is simply silly. Comparing the '09 Maxima to a land-yacht like a large Buick is simply off-base.

    I can compare the '09 Maxima to a Lamborghini, but doing so no more puts the Maxima into the Lamborghini's super-car class than your comparison puts the Maxima in the same class as a Buick sedan.

    That's just silly.
  • briroganbrirogan Member Posts: 17
    Thank you Cyberpunk, this guy thinks he knows everything about all vehicles it seems! :surprise:
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Being test by a Auto Mag for COTY isnt the same as Nissan saying that the MAX was built to go againt the BMW...

    The Current MAX is light years ahead of the BMW as far as stlyin, safety and Tech. It might not be as fast but then again, the BMW is about 10K more then a MAX too.
  • habitat1habitat1 Member Posts: 4,282
    The '95 Maxima a better "sports sedan" than the '09? Please... What did the '95 have - 190 horses? Compared to the '09's 290 horses?

    Sorry to disagree, but yes, relatively speaking, the 2009 Maxima IS a land yacht Buick compared to the 1995.

    In 1995 the Maxima SE 5-speed was named Car of the Year and competed well in performance against the BMW 328i. The were neck and neck in acceleration, slalom, braking and handling. In the 14 years since, what has Nissan done? The curb weight bloated up 600 lbs and the 5-speed manual has been replaced with what? A 6-speed? A SMG or DSG? Hell no, sports fans, a rubber band CVT that even a castrated driving enthusiast wouldn't own.

    Would someone even DARE to pit the 2009 Maxima to a 2009 BMW 335i at the track? What a joke that would be. An Avalon or ES350 maybe, but the Maxima against the 335i in any performance or "sport" contest would be an embarassment.

    I am not debating that the 2009 Maxima isn't a good mid/large size near luxury sedan. What I am saying is that in the 14 years since I cross shopped a Maxima against a 328i, BMW has remained focused on catering to the driving enthusiast and Nissan decided to go in a totally different direction. And a CVT transmssion - which is what started this thread - is about as obvious evidence as one will ever find.

    P.S. As far as "darn quick" being the measure by which some are willing credit the 2009 Maxima, consider that the 1995 Maxima and 1995 328i both had 190 hp and both did 0-60 in 6.6 seconds with 5 speed manual transmssions. In 14 years, BMW has used 300 hp in the RWD 335i to generate 0-60 times of around 4.9 seconds. Now tell me what good has adding 100 hp to a FWD platform with an extra 600 lbs of curb weight done for the 2009 Maxima?
  • minarets2minarets2 Member Posts: 11
    Nissan now this car isnt a Lotus. but a lot of manufacturers are trying to inject some life in their cars. there is still a market for the Buicks of the world , albeit a smaller one that 15-20 years ago, but many car makers are trying to put some spunk in their cars. there is still a demand for minivans and tucks all alike.

    Nissan isnt trying to call this car something its not. its a FWD sporty family sedan. that is it. 290 HP on a car that handles quite well and has an aggressive look with nice wheel wells. obviously the infiniti line is not only more expensive, but more lux and sportier too.

    is the Maxima a buick? no, not by any means. is it a Z06? nope.

    its a family sedan that has a sportier edge. the new G8 is the same. but even more sporty, than the Maxima.

    the new max is a really nice car and id love to have one (but i belive they priced it a tad too high...at least for my expectations). however, it mixes lux and sporty and size very well and that is what i want. a coupe does me no good as i have a family and in sales where i need 4 seats all the time, so the G8 has my closest eye, however, right after that the Max fall in to place.

    i am just dumbfounded people are trying to take the 4DSC to a the ultimate listeral stance and on the other hand trying to compare it to the boats of Buick.... :sick:
  • habitat1habitat1 Member Posts: 4,282
    Nissan isnt trying to call this car something its not.

    Excuse me? Yes, they are. From the front of the Maxima brochure to the reappearance of the 4DSC window sticker. And that's the crux of my criticism.

    I think I've beaten this horse past productivity. I applaud anyone who has bought the new Maxima and enjoys it for what it IS. My issue is with Nissan and what the current Maxima ISN'T. The original 240Z was a spectacular sports car for its day that challenged Porsche and Jaguar for some sales - but the 350Z is a bloated, uninspired wannabe. The 4th generation Maxima took the 4DSC label seriously relative to its sedan competition - the current generation would be well advised to abandon that 4DSC designation altogether. And cut the TV ads with a guy pretending to be shifting a CVT while his wife/girlfriend applies make-up in the passenger seat. That's pitiful.

    I concede that Infiniti has picked up a little of Nissan's slack with the G35/G37. However, when you consider that the 4th generation Maxima annual sales significantly exceeded the sales of the current Maxima and G35 sedan combined, there are still a lot of former Maxima owners whose loyalties have been lost.
  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    Regarding the "current" ad of the guy pretending to be shifting while his girlfriend/wife applys make up That ad was from the previous Gen Max, to show how smooth the CVT is....

    U miss the point altogether, there are people who want a FWD Lux car that is sporty, and that is what the new MAX is. I havae never heard Nisan say the new MAX is a true sports car....
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