Hyundai Elantra Touring Prices Paid and Buying Experience

kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
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  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    I just got my new car this past week. I guess since I'm the one who requested this forum i should be the first one posting here.

    So here is what i got for my deal from Great Lakes Hyundai from Streetsboro, OH:

    2010 Hyundai Elantra Touring SE A/T MSRP $19.795.00
    Optional Features:
    Carpeted Floor Mats MSRP $95.00
    Rear Spoiler MSRP $195.00
    Bluetooth Hands-Free MSRP $325.00
    Inland Freight & Handling MSRP $720.00

    Total Sticker MSRP $21.130.00

    Here is what i ended up paying for it:

    Total Cash Price: $19386.00
    Rebate -$1000
    This is what i paid for my car $18386.00 ( i believe its about $730 below dealer invoice) Tax and Doc fee are not included in price above.
    I think i got a decent deal. Its $2744 OFF MSRP.

    What ya all think?
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I was offered $2500 trade on my 97 Chrysler mini van with 157,000 miles.$500 cash back from Hyundai, and another $500 for using Hyundai financing.This is at 5.39% which is not bad.
    This offer if on the table for any Elantra Touring.I am still waiting for an ES with the 5 speed and a beige interior.
    Is this a good your opinion?
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    No need to talk about your trade in. If you want opinion you might want to post your car buying price, not just the rebates they gonna give you. See my own post on top of this tread to get an idea of how to post your dealer price.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    on the contrary,i had to mention the trade in,clearly overalued.since that was the deal i was offered.i think your deal was great,but i don't live in ohio.
  • susan_spencersusan_spencer Member Posts: 8
    I have been considering the Touring and wanted to know your feedback. I've read may positive reviews yet don't know anyone who currently owns a Hyundai. I am finding it hard to find a safe and affordable sedan or wagon and lost interest in Toyota and Honda. Thought it would be helpful to know what cars you considered before making your decision. Basically need a car with enough power to manuever canyon grades as part of daily commute and power for passing on highway as well. Really appreciate your sharing your experience with your new car!
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I suggest you check out the Hyundai Elantra Touring on youtube.There are several evaluations by Edmunds and others.I test drove one and liked it a lot.As far as trusting Korean 2006.5 KIA Optima has over 34000 trouble free miles on it.Drives just like a new one still.(just my 2c worth)
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    I've considered Kia Soul, Scion Xb, and hybrids Toyota Prius and Honda Insight.
    Test drove them all went with ET. Most comfortable ride from all of the above, i'm 6'3 and 325lbs. I also went for Kia Soul, that would of been my second option but i'm very glad i got ET instead because of the cargo space i need for my IT Consulting business. In my opinion there is nothing else out there that will match value for the money that you get with ET. Definitely test drive it to see how you like it. Engine is powerful enough that its even rated for towing, none of other cars i mentioned rated to tow anything.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I tested the Soul,the KIA Rondo and Scion Xd before settling for the Elantra.The Soul was too noisy, and the Rondo got crappy mileage.The Scion was just plain ugly in the inside.The Hybrids were out of my price range by a couple thousand so that left the SE.
  • iluvmysephia1iluvmysephia1 Member Posts: 7,709
    are the Hyundai 5-speeds pretty smooth to shift through the gears? I'm thinking of the people buying new Kia Forte sedans and Forte Koup's in manual transmissions. They're complaining of some clutch and gearshift mismatches of some kind. It's taking some of them a while to get used to shifting in their Forte's and with a few of them they're steering clear of Kia Forte's altogether because of this problem.

    How are your ET's in manual form? All right?

    2021 Kia Soul LX 6-speed stick

  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I liked it...
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I think you deal is fantastic.I wish I could get one like it.I would buy it today.You are a great bargainer.
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    I didn't even bargain. Price was advertised on their website.I figured it was good enough price already. I went and got it.
    They even gave me what i wanted for my trade in and no one else would.
    You just need to know when to walk out. I guarantee you that if you didn't get what you want today and walked out, they will call you next day and offer you better deal.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    I don't know when to walk out my friend.I thought my price was OK,even great,but that was until I saw your car and it's cost.
    Taking away the trade in,the best I could get was invoice.I am better off getting the $2500 for my old car.
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    $1000 rebate is still good. If you can get invoice and apply rebate to that i say go for it. Drive to multiple dealers. The bigger dealer the better. As they explained to me, there are able to sell below invoice because even though they wont make much on this one single sale, they will meet their selling volume quotes. The more cars they sell, more kickbacks from Hyundai to them.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    Actually the rebate on 2010s is $500.Then there is another $500 if you finance it through Hyundai.
    Another problem that I am having is finding the car I want.A white 2010 ET SE with manual, and with beige interior.Lots of white GLS around but SEs with beige interior are as rare as hens teeth.
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    Yes, two $500 rebates makes it $1000 just like i mentioned.
    I also wanted specific features, color , etc.
    Car i got was the only one out there in the entire OH and PA states.
    You will get what you want, just keep looking for it.
  • guargguarg Member Posts: 12
    Bought a Hyundai Touring Automatic in June. Fit and Finish great, comfort not bad. safety features A1 Mileage not bad 18 in congested city driving and about 30-32 highway. However please test drive this car and I mean test drive it. You will feel every irregularity on any road surface. I believe if you drive ovver a Lincoln penny you will feel it. The impacts are jarring and will rattle your teeth. Growely engine, road rumble and suspension noise. Finally gave up and traded for a 2010 Ford Fusion and great car(Test drive that baby) price not that far off the Touring, Much better ride and comfort and great reliabilty. My mistake was not test driving the Touring over irregular survices. I live in the city and the streets are not the greatest. Even on the highway the Touring was jittery.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    Might that be the 17" tires?
  • guargguarg Member Posts: 12
    They were 16" Tires
  • lightfootfllightfootfl Member Posts: 442
    Possible tire pressure high ??
  • guargguarg Member Posts: 12
    Normal tire pressure, in fact I lowered about 2lbs less to see if it improved ride, it did not, went back to normal pressure
  • lightfootfllightfootfl Member Posts: 442
    If it is really that stiff I would imagine it would hurt their sales somewhat, although in my opinion, for a "touring" vehicle (almost a wagon too) the suspension, etc should be a little stiffer than the more luxurious sedans. Of course that all depends on the individual....another good reason for always trying to take an extended test drive yourself.

  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    As the SE was not available,we drove the GL, which I think has 15" wheels.Of course now we will have to try the SE which has the 17 " alloy wheels.Sure hope we don't have the same problem.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    17" alloys are standard on the 2010 SE.I don't think there is an option for 16 " alloys.Maybe you drove the GL? Or maybe the 2009?
  • hjohnson40hjohnson40 Member Posts: 1
    I just bought the sport model in Phx, AZ.

    Roof rack
    satellite radio, etc (all standard features I believe)

    I didn't add any other accessories

    I paid 17984 + tax, title, lic, doc fees. which came to 19,500

    I like it. Cool little car, lotsa space and I love all the extras while keeping the price under 20K. You can't beat the warranty either.
  • strei007strei007 Member Posts: 16
    $14990 includes both $500 rebates at Buerke Hyundai White Bear Lake MN. Tax and lic extra. They had 5 more like this.
    Beats Honda Fit in all areas except, cornering, gas mileage, radio sound. This is not worth the extra $2000.
  • slytekslytek Member Posts: 12
    Looks like a decent deal. Mine was about $300 more but i had blue tooth and rear spoiler. Congrats on your purchase. You said it right about warranty, cant beat it. Mine came with this so called Warranty Forever, as long as keep scheduled maintenance going, and it don't have to be dealer either, power train is warranted forever as long as i own it regardless of years and miles.
  • jhershauer1jhershauer1 Member Posts: 1
    That sounds like a pretty good deal! I'm also in the Phoenix area. Would you mind sharing the dealer? Did you go through the fleet/internet department?

  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    So I am about to buy one of these. It appears that I am going to be able to get it for close to $1k under invoice plus another $1k rebate. The TMV seems to have dropped $100-200 since I started looking last week and is now close to invoice. Hyundai must be offering some great dealer incentives.
  • missmiserymissmisery Member Posts: 2
    2010 Elantra Touring SE /Manual in Central Texas.

    They sold at $18847
    Hyundai Rebate $1500
    Actual Sales Price after Rebate: $17,347 + tax, title, registration

    ..they sold @ 300 under factory invoice...or $963 less than sticker price... plus the rebate.

    I used Edmunds to request quotes from local dealers--had three responses. One dealer was a complete waste of time...other two gave me very competitive quotes from the get go so we didn't have to haggle over price at all.

    Went in with preapproval from Bank of America for financing @ 3.75% but they were able to beat it with Wachovia for 3.49%--better than Hyundai Motor Credit's Current Promotional Rate of 3.9%

    I'm happy...loving the car! I test drove both the automatic and the manual....and the manual won me over with the fun factor.
  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    Did you buy it this month? I think the rebate is only $1,000 now.

    Here is my story, and yes, it's long.

    Anyway, I bought my car on Saturday (I will get it on Monday). I had originally contacted my local dealer via email last weekend and stopped in for a test drive on Monday. They offered me a price that was around $50 below invoice but said they'd match anything else I found. I was waiting to see if my current car would be totalled so I did not know for sure that I was buying until I heard from GEICO (I did on Thursday and it was). I had put in a request for a price quote through Costco and their dealer offered me $500 below invoice (however, it was a 1.5 hour drive so there was no way I was going to buy from them). Then I checked the next nearest dealer to me and they gave me a price around $50 ABOVE invoice so I thanked them and said I had a price $500 below invoice, so he stammered and said "well you should have told me you were a Costco customer, let me talk to my manager". I told him to get back to me if he could do better, and a few minutes later he called back and said he'd beat that by $200. Then I had been exchanging email with yet another dealer, and she came back with a ridiculously low price but I noticed that it also said I had to use their financing so I told them to give me their out the door price, which was also really low (and added $500 if I wanted to pay cash, which made me suspicious about the whole deal).

    All during this I'd been exchanging emails with the first dealer, who kept telling me "bring in the other prices, we'll do the deal". Well, I finally went in on Friday afternoon and told them to match the "out the door cash price". The salesman and sales manager played with the numbers and came back around $1000 above that, $300 of which was due to their car having Bluetooth (which I really wanted), some of it was due to a regional advertising fee I was not expecting to be charged, and some because he was not giving up his "dealer side cash" (as the really cheap place called it). He showed me the invoice and said he was selling it at invoice less the holdback, but that was it. He told me that both of them used to work at the other dealership and they were sure the price was not going to be real when I showed up to buy the car (I wasn't necessarily in a position to argue with him since I'd had my doubts about them being on the level when the price required me to finance them them (at a rate of 5-15%, which I only found out when I asked). Anyway, after having him tell me that he wouldn't budge off that number I got up and left, and he did not stop me (which surprised me).

    I looked around at local dealer inventories on Friday night and didn't find anyone else who appeared to have a bluetooth model in stock. I didn't feel like haggling with another dealer so I decided to go back on Saturday morning, and this time I printed the Truecar report. The final price he had offered me was $40 short of being a "great price" and I was determined to get that.

    I got an empty email from the salesman on Saturday morning, wasn't sure what was up with that but I figured I'd go back in anyway since I had to be in the area. When I got there, the salesman had gone home sick but the sales manager was there so I sat down and showed him the Truecar report and told him to figure something out. After a few minutes he gave me a price $205 cheaper than the night before, so I agreed to buy. Amusingly, when the deal was actually written up, the price ended up $25 less than what I had agreed to. Also amusing, while looking at the car (it was on the salesroom floor) after signing the deal, the manager noticed that it had pin-striping and door guards on it (their protection package). Apparently they (try to) charge $399 for this but it was not on the window and he did not realize it had been done so he did not charge me for it. No way would I have paid anything close to that for it, although the door edge guards will come in handy -- my son had just chipped the paint on my now deceased car a couple of weeks ago when it flew open and hit something.

    So, here's the deal:

    $20,935 Elantra Touring SE Auto w/Bluetooth and Floor Mats - sticker
    $20,250 Invoice, includes regional advertising fee of $205 (if you can believe Truecar). The dealer claimed it was $250 according to the invoice he showed me.
    $19,488 Price before $1000 rebate
    $18,488 Price I paid

    Truecar said that anything less than $18,667 is a great deal, so I think I did well. And I bought from my local dealer, which I really wanted to do.

    I would have financed if there was some incentive but the rebate is the same either way. I'm getting more than half the cost back from GEICO for my old car.

    They did get me for $75 for the registration/title processing fee. Nothing I could do about that.

    Already ordered the ipod cable from ebay for $16.99.
  • alamocityalamocity Member Posts: 680
    What dealership did you end up buying from if you don't mind me asking?
  • missmiserymissmisery Member Posts: 2
    Masterbill-I bought it yesterday (Jan 16th)....the current rebate in my area is $1500 through Feb 1st... but it may be different elsewhere. I did have one local dealer (Capitol Hyundai in Central TX) telling me the rebate was only $1000 but I checked their zip on Hyundai's website it states there is a $1500 rebate....I'm not gonna call the salesman a liar but they certainly need to get on the same page with Hyundai Corp's website so they don't look deceitful... ya know?

    Sounds like you got a great deal! I'm not much of a wheeler and dealer myself...The price I ended up paying was around 200 more than true car's "great price" since it was already a good price I didn't figure it was worth haggling over $200...I'm happy with the price I paid and the ease of the transaction. There was no fighting with pushy salesmen..or having the closer come in and try to wear you down. We went in and test drove..asked them again to verify the price quote given in the email..they did...I said lets do it. They asked about financing--I gave em the preapproval letter and told them if they could beat it I would finance with them. (Which they did)... The last time I bought a car it was a NIGHTMARE and I just wanted it as simple as possible.

    Alamo City--We bought from Round Rock Hyundai. They are one of the largest Hyundai dealers in the state I believe so they are probably able to sell at better prices and their selection is quite good compared to other dealers.

  • consumerwiseconsumerwise Member Posts: 26
    Tried to purchase an Elantra Touring yesterday @ St. Charles Hyundai. We had visited and test drove one the night before and walked out because we always want to "sleep on it" before writing the check. They :P mentioned they could get us the exact model we drove which was a base unit (with popular package added) in the vivid blue we wanted for $16,000. This was written on paper and verbally confirmed on phone before our second visit to them (Saturday). We did show them the sales ad they had in the paper and ironically other dealers are placing such ads that include ALL possible rebates that you will never qualify for. The MSRP was a bit over $18,000 and we thought we sucessfully negotiated the $16,000 only to be told there is a document fee of $140's. We said fine - we brought a trade in that will more than cover the fee. Even after all this they started back-tracking with negotiations and we ended up walking out the door. The manager ran after me while my vechicle was in motion to say he'd offer me yet another price and I informed him that if I could not get the price we agreed upon in the first place I didn't need to listen. After speaking with him for a few minutes he runs back in and says hold on. Still unable to meet my price he comes out and says "you'll never find this vehicle for that price". He was right because after searching around and doing more phone work, the COLOR is the issue! There are no vivid blues with the popular package added on (unless it has other ad ons we don't want and is located no where near our dealership). Bad experience all around which started out with an ad that had discounts that didn't even apply to the model (Elantra sedan did not come with the $1,000 Cash/Trade but they did and still post it in the paper - applied to the price that's in nice large letters). SHAME ON THEM! They upped it 2k now for discount - saying you can get an Elantra Sedan for $11,999 - NOT! And then they claim the touring costs another $1,000. Who was born yesterday?
  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    missmisery - the salesman should have known the rebate but they change so often and can be confusing so I would not blame them (the woman who did the final paperwork for me yesterday had to read the T&C twice to make sure I could not do the $1k normal rebate with the $1k low APR rebate - I would have financed it if I could have!). The woman who had given the low out the door price originally quoted me $500 more on rebates because she was confused -- there is a $1500 rebate in my area on 2009's (but that was not in the OTD price she gave me). I was actually rather upset that there is no loyalty rebate on the Elantra Touring. As an Elantra GT (hatchback) owner who was rather upset that they discontinued that model a few years ago, they should have been welcoming people like me back to the fold with the ET. There is a loyalty rebate on other models.

    The reason I did not buy the first day was because I was upset that they told me they'd match the other price I had and then refused to. Then after realizing that no one else had the model with BT I decide to go back.

    Amusing story - 6 years ago when I bought my Mazda, they told me that the car had $500 more in rebates than it did. They claimed I could get some rebate with 0% financing. Another dealer had told me this was not the case but this one insisted that it was. And I was buying on the X-Plan with invoice pricing so they were making very little to begin with. I remember when I went back after buying the car they told me that they had lost $500 on me because of the extra rebate which I should not have gotten.
  • consumerwiseconsumerwise Member Posts: 26
    After phoning around we gave up on a color choice and ended up back at the nearest Hyundai dealership to purchawse an ET that was on the lot.

    MSRP = $18,760
    OTD = $16,250 (does not include tax which we have to pay at the DMV/BMV)
    This included the $1,000 rebate from Hyundai.

    Options on Sticker:

    Popular Package MSRP = $700
    Carpeted Floor Mats = $95
    Cargo Net = $50

    Hope this helps someone here. Good luck shopping. I'd advise you to give up on color choice and go with what's available on a lot. You'll get a better deal all around and it will be less of a headache researching who has what available. We'll not fall for the "we can get it for you" business anymore. ;)

    p.s Toyota isn't dealing at all at this time, no rebates but they have an internet coupon depending on dealer from $300-$400. They also are matching the warranty that Hyundia initiated but have less road-side warranty of only 2-years. We probably would have purchsed the Matrix if we could have gotten the cash for clunker program ($3,000 off) but we are two weeks too late. :cry:
  • consumerwiseconsumerwise Member Posts: 26
    We were told they lost major weekly incentives because we walked away on Saturday. We doubted it but said nothing.

    Back to the advertising comments. The salesman knew exactly what applied and didn't appl. He was ready with pen and paper to show us we could not get the advertised price because we did not qualify for 3 of the 4 discounts. Also, I thought I read somewhere, and this may have been another manufacturer, they will not honor more than one discount. Our salesman said ironically they had ONE person qualify for all FOUR discounts. Almost like it was a miracle - which really it is - especially if a Manufacturer will not honor their discount with any dealership discounts or bundle their own :blush: .
  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    I realized after looking at the Hyundai website that I could have put the car in my daughter's name and qualified for the $400 graduate rebate. But then she might have insisted on driving it and leave me with her Pontiac Vibe.

    Regarding the weekly incentives, maybe that was why the manager agreed to lower his price a couple of hundred dollars on Saturday morning after refusing to go any lower on Friday. Whatever.. I needed a car (my old one was totalled and my wife was not happy sharing hers with me) and now have the car I wanted.
  • girlscantellgirlscantell Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a 2010 Elantra Touring GLS Automatic w/ Popular Package about an hour ago.

    I paid $15550, after a $1500 rebate.
  • mickeyrommickeyrom Member Posts: 936
    Sounds like a bargain to me.It's a nice car,I almost bought one.
  • mikey88mikey88 Member Posts: 9
    Sounds like a good price. Does it include doc fees, sales tax, etc? What was your total "out the door" price?
  • twoodytwoody Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2010
    Purchased a 2010 Elantra Touring GLS w/ the popular package, floor mats, cargo net, and tint today in Phoenix, AZ. I was pleased with the negotiation. Hope this helps!

    MSRP: $18,760
    Sales Price: $15,961.97 (includes $1000 Consumer Cash)
    Sales Tax: $1,292.92
    Lic/Reg/Title: $345.16
    Doc Fee: $399.95
    O.T.D. = $18,000

    A "Great Deal" according to was anything below $16303 - all in except for lic/reg/title, doc fees, and sales tax. - tml?colorInfo=Black%20Pearl,Beige,6292_001_9F.jpg&optionInfo=6618694,6359436,661- - 8696,6359417,6359425,6359424&incentiveIds=3000247412&trimId=320561&modelId=19971- - &zipcode=85283
  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    Yes, Saturday was the best day of the month to buy a car according to Truecar (and it was probably obvious even without that since it was the last selling day of the month). If you were in the east where we've had so much snow, it would have been even better. Enjoy your car!
  • indyslim6indyslim6 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010
    I just signed off and put in a deposit to purchase a GLS with A/T in Northern New Jersey.

    Price details (after discount of $1000):

    GLS A/T with Pop Pkg1 $ 15532
    Bluetooth $ 292
    Floor Mats $ 72
    Sub Total $ 15896
    Doc Fee $ 249
    Etching Free
    First Oil Change/maint Free
    Sub Total $ 16145

    Taxes & Fees $ 1488
    OTD Price $ 17633

    A couple of things to note. The NJ state tax is applied to price before discount. Further, the doc fee and etching fee varies between dealers, and make sure you take that into account while shopping around. I got a slightly better quote for the car from another dealer but they wanted to charge $399 for doc fee and $299 for etching, making the final price a lot higher.

    I still don't have my car with me, but will have it in a few days when it gets to the dealership. The dealer I am buying from and had a good experience with is Lee @ Towne Hyundai in Denville. I did not have a good experience at Wayne Hyundai. They tried to charge $300 ostensibly to get the car I wanted from another dealer.
  • misterbillmisterbill Member Posts: 60
    What were sticker and invoice on the car? I assume the discount is the rebate, and yes the states do tend to tax that (which sucks).

    Good that you got the bluetooth, I find it very handy.
  • indyslim6indyslim6 Member Posts: 2
    Yes, the discount is the rebate from Hyundai. The sticker price with options was $19035, and the invoice was for $18575. Essentially, I got the car for $2679 under invoice.
  • rhmassrhmass Member Posts: 263
    I just began to look into 2010 Hyundai Elantra touring SE with Auto. No option ordered as it is well equipped. The MSRP for the car is $20,610

    I received an offer for the above model with a out of door price of $18,651 all inclusive of all fees and tax (amounting to about $1200 in our state. This is pretty in line with Edmond TMV price. Do you think this is an acceptable deal or should I working with other dealers for a better price? Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts based on your experience. Much appreciated.
  • rhmassrhmass Member Posts: 263
    Just want to share with those interested in touring SE with auto.
    Paid $18,000 including Blue tooth and floor mats. This is $2,935 below MSRP and $2,000 below invoice, although one needs to remember this price has included the $1,000 incentive given to buyers until the end of this month.

    Very happy with the price of a car so well equipped. Hyundai will challenge Honda and Toyota in the lower segment of the car market for sure! At this price, the somewhat louder road noise, simply adequate engine power and softer steering become tolerable.
  • twoodytwoody Member Posts: 2
    Did the $18k include all tax, license, registration, etc? What was your actual sales price? Sounds like you got yourself a fantastic deal!
  • rhmassrhmass Member Posts: 263
    The out of door price was $19,628 including tax, license, doc fees and plate. I think it was a great deal. This is the time to deal, if you are interested in buying a car, in fact any car. Dealers want to meet not just the monthly quota, but the quarterly one to get bonus from the manufacturer. Hyundai happens to be a bargain for its value to begin with. This additional push for sales only benefits the customers more.
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