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Cougar Support Group - A New Start



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    fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    What were you doing to throw your back out at 2AM in the morning? Forget it, don't answer that!!!!

    Regarding Cougarfest, it depends when it is.
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    catscratchcatscratch Member Posts: 34
    Just wondering what people think of their rearview mirror. My first impression was that it looked cheap...I'm considering one of those "luxury" day/night electrochromatic temp/compass mirrors. They are about $240 in the Mercury Accessories Catalog. Not cheap by any means, but they sure are cool =)

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    rickelrickel Member Posts: 34
    I had never heard of the new Cougar until I saw one on U.S. Route 3 near West Chester, PA, one fateful day last year.

    I was driving my sister home from Reading, and we pulled up behind this wicked looking red car. It caught my eye, and I strained to see what it was.

    "It's a Cougar!" says my sis. I replied, "That's the car I am buying!"

    And on March 3rd, 2000, about four months later, I signed my John Hancock and took possession of my Y2K Cat!

    From the time that I decided to buy my Cougar, until the day I did so, I saw not a single ad for the Cat. All of my information came from the Mercury website, and other online sources.

    While I like that there are few Cougars around, and my car is rare enough to get glances, I dislike the notion that lack of sales will lead to its demise. It is a fantastic car for the price, and a joy to behold. What is L/M's problem?

    At any rate...the neighbors in my community sure like my car.

    As do I!

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    burnsmr4burnsmr4 Member Posts: 318
    Fish8 -- re: my back, I had thrown it out earlier in the day moving some furniture around my apartment :-)

    I believe CougarFest2000 will be in September. Would be kind of fun. Caravaning from Atlanta? Wow, what a drive. I wonder, though, if my bare bones V6 would look out of place amongst other, more formidable V6 Cougars.

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    fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    Cougarfest sounds great, but it seems like a long drive for just one day of activities. But, I have not ruled it out yet.

    Well, My Cat goes back to the dealer first thing tomorrow morning. Coming back from a weekend away(2 hour drive) my AC did not seem like it was cold enough. Also, when I got home from the trip there was a LARGE puddle of water steaming from the engine compartment. I know the AC will "drain" some water do to humidity, but this was TONS of water. It continued to come out for about 1 hour. This happened before and they said they fixed it. It appears they haven't. I am PISSED. I am going to tell them to FIND the problem and fix it once and for all and not to call me until its fixed AND give me a car to drive while my Cat is in the shop. Other than this persistant problem, I love this car.

    See ya all in the morn!!
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    lmigliorelmigliore Member Posts: 148
    Well, I shined up the cat and drove it towards the beach at Santa Cruz today. On the way I saw some smoke up ahead. It was an old Beetle with flat gray paint, running down the road and cooking up a storm. Traffic was such that I had to go right behind it before passing the miserablecrate. I immediately got tons of oil spray on my windshield (and the rest of the car!). Ecch.

    I cleaned up the windshield at the next gas station but the whole front of the cat was gummed with oil. Ecch ecch.

    At least it comes off with soap. How long can a car run if its spurting actual liquid oil?
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    rickelrickel Member Posts: 34
    The VW Bug engine of yore is reknowned for being able to operate when other engines would have been long dead. But spurting oil? It's just a matter of how fast the oil is coming out, and when it is all gone, the engine will sieze up and become a boat anchor, like any other.

    Hopefully, that Toxic Bug is now dead of natural causes, and you will never cross its path again!

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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Even though I was tired and sick, I still managed to make it to the New York City Auto Show on Saturday. Although I never managed to meet up with Jimbo_G (where were you Jimbo?). The show was good, but I really thought it was going to be larger. The crowds were HUGE, and it took some time to maneuver through them. I took TONS of pictures, and once I get them developed i'm going to write an auto show review for the CSG home page.

    My experience with the two Mercury reps at the show was very upsetting say the least. They were uninformed, and to concerned with making test drive appointments. If the info wasn't listed on the sticker, they had no clue. I was going to incorporate my experience with them in to the auto show review, but I am so upset with FMC advertising in general I have decided to write a totally separate piece and not only post it on the site, but I also plan to emil it to FMC. If the Cougar goes out of production, FMC only has themselves to blame for it.

    Cougar Fest is for all Cougars, modified and unmodified alike. The goal is to get at least 100 Cougars there. If we can do this, we might attract media attention. I had a phone conversation last week with Dan Calhoun from the Cougar design team and he is hoping to get FMC public relations involved, but first we have to get a decent amount of cars out there. All 99+ Cougars are encouraged to attend.
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    gustafscgustafsc Member Posts: 361


    Skip G.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    I washed and waxed my Cat yesterday. She looks soooooooo good. Today when I get home I plan on detailing her further. Tis the season.......
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    gustafscgustafsc Member Posts: 361
    Errr, I think you missed the point ;)

    Skip G.
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    stageleftstageleft Member Posts: 391
    I really wanted to wash and wax the Cat this weekend, but got sidetracked with a road trip. Had to take the dog, so the Cougar sat for a couple of days. Even though I thought I bought a Rio Red Cat, it seems that someone came by and gave it a mild green glazing -- NASTY!

    Now I feel I NEED to spend some time with it, just to make sure it didn't forget me, and to reiterate the love I have for my Cougar. I did pick off all the "helicopters" from the window creases and stuff before I drove off this morning. It amazes me how some people can drive with stuff all over their car and not even seem to care. I guess it's the same snow-on-the-roof mentality that keeps the highways so cluttered with garbage.

    Take care, Happy Cougaring!
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Not all of us are blessed with a private yard. So for me the next best thing to gettin' nakid outside is giving my Cat a sponge bath in the driveway.

    I'm glad I don't live next door to you guys. I can just picture that now. There I am in my driveway minding my own business washing my Cat. Out of the corner of my eye some movement catches my attention, so I look over. What do I see? It's Skip my neighbor running around nakid yelling "HOORAY, HOORAY! It's the first of May!!

    The next scene takes place in the emergency room. I'm sitting on a hospital bed saying "I can't see! I Can't see! My eyes!! My Eyes!! I'M BLIND!!!!"
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    fish8fish8 Member Posts: 2,282
    LOL! LOL !
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    coolchickcoolchick Member Posts: 174
    My brother-in-law is drooling over my car :) Had a little roadtrip this weekend. He's got a basic Saturn sedan and it's boring the crapola out of him (gee, wonder why?) He eyes got misty when I pulled out the sticker and showed it to him and he was able to figure out that to get a kitty with what he wanted on it, it would actually cost him LESS than the Saturn!

    Finally had a day of sunshine and was able to clean & polish my lovely cat ...especially the wheels! They're so purdy n shiny now :) Ran out of time before I could put a good coat of wax on her, but I hope this coming weekend the weather will cooperate.

    Saw the Special Edition commercial on TV one time over the weekend (in the ten o'clock news), but saw not a single one between DC and Williamsburg and the whole way back. Sad but true.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Commercial? Special Edition?
    Who?,,,, What?,,,,,, When?
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    gustafscgustafsc Member Posts: 361
    1. The show wouldn't be that bad!!!

    2. The idea is to head for the hills and go running naked through the bushes.

    Skip G.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Watch out for the poison Ivy!

    (Scratch Scratch)
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    gustafscgustafsc Member Posts: 361
    I think I'll let this string die quietly while I go put on some Calamine lotion ;)

    Skip G.
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    coolchickcoolchick Member Posts: 174
    Badulah --

    Unfortunately for you, it was a Newport News, VA station that had the Special Edition commercial.

    Very jumpy camera work and short-take shots, so it was hard to really "see" the car. If I'd known it was coming, I would have put it on tape so I could do a frame-by-frame replay! Still, it sure was nice to see any kitty on TV!

    It was a Fox affiliate station in the first 20 minutes of the 10:00 news, so maybe you can see if FLM is buying similiar airtim in your area.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Is this for the Sun & Fun Cat? Or the West Coast Special Edition?

    Be careful, I think that stuff can burn if applied to sensitive areas.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    Does anyone know when F/M dealers will start taking orders for the 2001 or 'S' model Cougars? I think I'm going to wait the additional time to get one of the new models instead of last year's.

    MWS? I know you can't release specific information about the 2001 or S model now, but can you at least let us know when you WILL be able to do so?
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    coolchickcoolchick Member Posts: 174
    Badulah --

    It was either the 'S' Cougar or Special Edition, shown in Silver Frost. I know it was not the Sun & Fun or Sun & Sound. Wasn't listening too closely to the voice-over.....and they might have said "Special Edition S Cougar."

    Because of the camera work, I didn't spot any big differences in the car's exterior such as ground effects. Sorry that I'm no more help than this.

    MWS -- can you send the badman a copy of the ad?
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    I NEED TO KNOW I NEED TO KNOW I NEED TO KNOW! (Stomps his feet while saying this).
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    malibumalibu Member Posts: 155
    Well the end of April came and went without delivery of my cat...(tear rolls down cheek) I was informed today that an ETA of May 12th was given to the dealer and that may or maynot mean exactly on the 12th. Could be the week after..AAHHHHHHH! I have waited 10 weeks and don't want to wait any longer!

    MWS: do you have any idea why we all have to wait soooo long to get our cars, I have a friend who only waited 6 weeks for her suburban. I can't believe there are so many orders that they are behind. There aren't that many cats on the road. I understand 4-6 weeks, but 10-13 is alot!

    Sorry to vent, just want my car. Hope you all enjoy driving yours this week! Be thankful you have them.
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    dgeminidgemini Member Posts: 161
    Went to the L/M dealer to day to see about getting my car serviced in a few weeks.

    I saw the new cupholders. Man, I am upset, I wish Ford could have come up with those in the first place.

    However, Part of me is glad that I have the old console, since the new one doesn't have the arm rest.

    You win some and you lose some.
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    jayhawk5jayhawk5 Member Posts: 70
    I have seen the special edition commercial 3 times now in the last 2 weeks. I don't remember them saying anything about the cougar S type in the ads. It basically says that you can go to your LM dealer and that the special edition cougar is on sale. There is one good shot of the Eclipse-like spoiler on the back for a brief second. It seems like a good commercial to me, and like I said- I've seen it 3 times now in the last week and a half to two weeks, so maybe our Cat will be advertised more!
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    fredlyfredly Member Posts: 201
    Ok MWS here is a question for you.....
    ....pretend its the last question in "who wants to be a millionaire"
    Because it's answer has eluded me..... well for a long time.

    What is(are) the wieght of a single Stock 16 inch wheel?

    And I suppose to be fair, the weight of the 15 and 16 inch(polished)

    You have four lifelines
    -The entire plant full of cougars
    -the development team
    -and stacks and stacks of data(maybe?)
    -FMC at your disposal....

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    mws0520mws0520 Member Posts: 45
    Dkurtz1 - if you have not submitted your order, the new seats will be put in production in late June. If your dealer puts an order in June 1, you should get the new seat although I can't promise (everyone note the legal disclaimer there). If you wait too long, you risk a long delay in receiving your new vehicle. Not many dealers will take retail orders this late in the model year. Many will put retails in in the new model year.

    Patte - we were on target with our positioning of the new Cougar. Yes, we do track who we sell to.

    Malibu - I'm not sure where you live but it takes longer to ship to different parts of the country. There is also a major rail car shortage so transport can be delayed as a result.

    Coolchick/Badulah - the ad you saw was for the Washington DC Region special edition. They just started to arrive at dealer's within the last week or two. I'm told dealers can't keep them on the lots. There is limited production. It is similar to the California special edition.

    Jdice - Dealers will begin accepting Cougar S orders in mid-July.

    Fredly - I don't watch the show but I understand the concept. I took the lifeline with my friends at the plant. I'll let you know.
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    dasaint1dasaint1 Member Posts: 230
    Well, my spring break's over with. Just finished reading over a hundred posts.

    I had a great time driving down to Florida (from New York) in my Cat. My wife and I had a blast driving her, and my wife didn't even know how to drive stick. I only let her get off on the rest areas, so she can just put it in neutral and cruise into a parking spot without changing gears. I put 2600 miles on her (my wife did about 300 of that). I hand-washed her twice and vacuumed her once (first time I ever did that on a vacation--is that extreme or what??). My wife wasn't too thrilled about it, though.

    Best compliment of the trip: as I was loading my bags in the trunk, a woman in her late model 300 ZX parked next to me actually got out of her car just to compliment my "nice car." Then she went back in her car and drove off (I would never get out of my car just to compliment someone else's car).

    Patte and Daexpert:
    As for downshifting to 2nd gear on a turn, I'll have to partially retrack what I said.

    After reading Daexpert's post that he made turns on 3rd gear, I decided to try it myself. And to my surprise, the Cat took the corner without any hesitation. I've gotten used to driving 4-cylinder mtx, which would shiver and shake if you didn't downshift to 2nd on corners. The Cat's 3rd gear is pretty flexible (although you'll still have to downshift to 2nd if you're really slow). I've learned something new and from a beginner nonetheless.

    Thanks for pointing that out, Patte.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Are you sure that was a new cup holder you saw, or was it the cup holder that is included without the convenience package? That's what it sounds like to me, but I could be wrong.

    So that Special Edition is only available in the DC metro area? I find it odd that there are different "Special Edition" packages offered in different parts of the country. Is this normal?
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    daexpertdaexpert Member Posts: 140

    Thanks, firt compliment I've received on my stick-shift driving skills! = ) Today, I tried to downshift to 2nd on a turn but I let off the clutch too quickly and the car just jerked, so I'll either practice that some more or continue on with my own method = ).

    I usually take them on 3rd, but if I feel that that car has slowed down too much then I'll shift to 2nd and keep the RPM's up.

    Do you guys know how much horsepower the Borla Exhaust can add to the kitty?

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    stageleftstageleft Member Posts: 391
    It is estimated by Borla, that the dual exhaust system adds about 17HP, but after reading a whole lot of posts about what does and does not add HP in the "Bolt-on Mods: More Horses or More Bull" topic, I'm not so sure. I have the Borla installed in conjunction with the KKM intake, but I've never gotten the Cat dynoed, so I don't have proof of anything for you, sorry. However, I do know that your increases will vary from vehicle to vehicle (engine to engine, even in the same make/model) so it's up to you to decide based on throttle response, torque gains (if any), and the sweet, sweet sound of the exhaust note. I love it, personally, and am glad I bought and installed it.
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    dkurtz1dkurtz1 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and advice. I am down to the last decision on how to equip my new Cougar.
    I would like to hear from people who have the six-way power seat. I did not particularly like the way the standard seat moves up at the same time that it moves forward.
    Does the six-way power seat permit you to move forward without rising? How much does it improve the driver’s comfort?
    Thanks again, and I’ll wait for your comments.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    MWS, don't know if you can address this right now, but are any changes to the sunroof (opening MORE!!!!) planned for the 2001 model?
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    I've actually found REALLY good info about these two packages on the MSN Carpoint site (www.carpoint.com). Includes details about what comes with each package, what exterior colors you can get, and pricing.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    After a quick look, I can not find the options listed in Car Point. Are they different from the ones listed on the CSG home page?
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    You go to Carpoint, select the Cougar, and then do the "Price it with Options" selection. Two of the options it lists are the two packages. The second one actually looks more interesting to me.

    On the subject of the aftermarket sunroof, anyone know if it opens more than the factory one? The only thing I like about the SC2 more than the Cougar is the sunroof. The SC2's sunroof could accomodate Homer Simpson, and the Cougar's sunroof feels like looking out at the world from underneath a door, e.g. really freaking narrow.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    I'm getting really bummed, CSGers. I've got a kitty arriving at the dealer in a week or two that's pretty much what I wanted, but it's a 2000 model and it was only a 1k discount for being an older model. Don't know what's coming in the 2001 model yet, whether it's worth it to wait, etc. Thinking about chucking the Cougar and moving to an SC2 just because the SC2 2001 model is actually out, and I won't end up paying this year's price for last year's model.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    Also, I keep posting, because I'm really bored at work and I'm basically doing nothing but researching cars. :)
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Your going to swap a Cougar for an SC2 because of the model year?????? There is a BIG difference between the two cars. IMHO you would be making a big mistake by doing that. In the end you will have a 2001 model car that has a lot less to offer than the Cougar.

    Why are you so hung up on the model year? Do you sell your car every two years?
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    stageleftstageleft Member Posts: 391
    Out of curiosity, jdice, what are you driving now?
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    Right now, I drive a 1992 SL1. It's a decent car (bought it used in 96), haven't had many problems, decent pickup and what not. I think Saturn has gone downhill recently... Since GM re-took control, actually. They are still really good cars, but their options kind of suck (4-wheel ABS w/ traction control, but STILL drum brakes?!!!) and their pricing is too much.


    I'm hung up on model year because I'm basically paying a new car price for last year's model 2-3 months before the current model year hits the street. It's just kind of annoying to pay the same price that I would in two months for a 2001, but if I tried to sell the 2000 in December, it would be much less resale value than if I tried to sell the 2001 in December. It's the `real' value that the different models have. Also, it's kind of annoying that the seats are upgraded like a week after my car leaves the factory, you know?
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    If this is such an issue, then why not wait and order a 2001 Cat?

    If your SC2 runs okay, you should have no problem waiting for a Y2K+1 Cat.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    Because I REALLY want my car NOW! I put in my damn kitty order with carorder in Feb! Grrr..... I want to take advantage of nice, sunny weather, etc.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    Do you want plain Jane car to enjoy in the sunny weather, or a car that grabs TONS of attention?

    All I can say is, my Cougar was worth every day of my 4.5 month wait.
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    ptailorptailor Member Posts: 42

    The cup holder you saw is for Cougars that do not have either the convienence or sport package. I have the same console that you described.. The are two cupholders in the console, and one slot for holding cd cases. There is no armrest. I like having the "hole" since it holds my cell phone really nicely and there is nothing to break. Inside the second cupholder lives a "beanie baby" cougar.. Another plus is that you can rest your arms more comfortably on the console (and wrap your hand around the e-brake) since it is lower to the floor. I tried out the console with the armrest and it seems to high for my liking.
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    There's no question that the Cougar is a better car than the SC2 (except for the sunroof), but it's really a question of do I wait for the 2001 model, take the 2000 model, or just go get something else.
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    badulahbadulah Member Posts: 961
    My bet is you will regret not getting the Cougar. Whenever I have settled for less I always wind up regretting it.

    There is nothing worse than looking back on something and saying "I should have waited for what I really wanted".
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    jdicejdice Member Posts: 24
    Yeah, Badulah, I pretty much agree. What I'm actually asking / begging / demanding is the 2001 Cougar info. Pricing, model changes, etc. It's kind of fishy that we're pretty close to time now and Mercury still hasn't released any of this info. To me, it kind of gives weight to the persistent rumors about Mercury going away as a brand name, or the Cougar being discontinued, or something.
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