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Subaru Crew - Meet The Members II



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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I hope they are testing the waters, and have some quick fixes up their sleeves.

    And I hope they're ready for the 2004 model year at the very latest. It may not make it for 2 years without any changes.

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    oregonboyoregonboy Member Posts: 1,650
    I would love to see a 2-door version of the Baha, minus the "adventurous" styling elements, with a 6-foot bed. That would meet my needs perfectly, and not look so silly.

    As it stands, the bed is too small to be very useful, and the image is just too strange.

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    How 'bout a Subaru/Chevy Borrego? That was a cool concept.

    A little small, though. But talk about sporty, it had 250hp! And it was versatile.

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    oregonboyoregonboy Member Posts: 1,650
    I don't remember that one.

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I hope if they make it, it gets that real switchback instead of just a pass-through.

    And give it at least the 227hp of the WRX.

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    oregonboyoregonboy Member Posts: 1,650
    I have to think that the Borrego would sell better than the Baha. Some of the show-car features would doubtless go away prior to the release of production models. (pressurized water tank???)

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Yeah, and the open passenger compartment.

    That's OK, as long as the back seats fold.

    They might make it a plain ol' 2 seater though, and that would sort of kill the concept.

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    jfljfl Member Posts: 1,396
    Forget the Borrego, just give us that ENGINE!!!

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    bluesubiebluesubie Member Posts: 3,497
    Congratulations!! Can't wait until you start showing up at meets with it.

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    bat1161bat1161 Member Posts: 1,784
    Congrats Dave! I hope the next few weeks fly by for you.

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    hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    Can't say I'm anxious. I've got kinda mixed feelings - happy as well as sad... guess, I haven't gotten over losing Al'gator. The garage looks odd without him there. Call me crazy, but I do miss him; really liked that guy.

    Anyway, the dealer (Ira Romano @ Manfredi Subaru) will speak to his Rep. if the next allocation with a 4EAT fitting the description could be hijacked for a VIP ;-)

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    lucien2lucien2 Member Posts: 2,984
    nothing to add....just liked the way that sounded....
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    lark6lark6 Member Posts: 2,565
    Dave: Congrats! I figured you'd go that route!

    SBDs in NYT = a bad thing IMO. I have to concur with paisan.

    Have seen more posted rumors of Forester turbo for '04 that may quell my WRX envy, however.

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    What we need are some special editions!

    The Baja-Ha-Ha, with turbo power sure to incite laughter.

    The Baja-Ta-Da, with a disappearing 3rd seat in the bed.

    The Baja Beach Buggy, with a low range and adjustable height air suspension, plus on-board air hose to air down the tires.

    The Bajai-alai, for Jai Alai athletes, with a built-in shower head.

    Any others?

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    originalbitmanoriginalbitman Member Posts: 920
    The Baja seems popular here on the CA north coast. There are 2 on the road in town and the population of Eureka is only 28k. Lots of Soobs here in general. Older OBs, Legacys and even a few Brats.

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    ladywclassladywclass Member Posts: 1,713
    I'm still laughing at "El Subino" ... lol
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    lucien2lucien2 Member Posts: 2,984
    would have nitrous.
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    hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068

    Took me awhile weighing my options and looks like going for the WRX now is the better route. Mom gets the WRX when the 3.0l turbo legacy comes around for me. :D


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    rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    I've got jury duty Tuesday. So I picked up a paperback copy of that book about Subaru's failed marketing efforts of the early 1990s, to pass the time away. Should be interesting...

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    fibber2fibber2 Member Posts: 3,786
    but could someone explain the meaning (hidden or otherwise) of that book's title? I must be missing something.....

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    lilbluewgn02lilbluewgn02 Member Posts: 1,089
    mazel-tov on the WRX Wagon...it will be fun and practical...got over 11k on mine already and still love it.
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    twrxtwrx Member Posts: 647
    Is Canada that much colder than the USA, eh?
    I knew that the WRX got heated sets when we did not. No looking at their web site I find that the Baja does too. What bean counter decided to make it a few dollars cheaper for the USA?
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    bluesubiebluesubie Member Posts: 3,497
    Dave - I REALLY missed the OBS when I gave it up for the WRX. Especially since I did the easy maintenance on it and became more attached to it. :-( Although getting an additional 90 h.p. made me say "What Outback Sport?" :-D

    Bruce - Apparently the U.S. doesn't have temps below freezing. :-) I think it's a bean counter issue. My back was having spasms last weekend and I was longing for some heated seats.

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Loosh: nitrous for the engine or for the driver? ;-)

    Dennis: I know how you feel. I'm back to driving Sandy daily since it's cold and rainy, and she's running so well, I can't imagine selling her. With all the upgrades I'd say she's better than the day I bought her.

    That Forester turbo had better impress the heck out of me.

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    lilbluewgn02lilbluewgn02 Member Posts: 1,089
    found this on the i-club...segment 1

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I'll listen to that at lunch. The first segment along is 11 minutes plus.

    Why pick on Subaru, though? Isn't it the same for the whole sports compact segment? At least Subaru offers AWD, front and side air bags, and ABS standard.

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    paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Well just got back from a whole weekend of motorsports!

    Saturday Hypov and I co-drove my dad's legacy L with hit Toyo R-compounds! I took 2nd place and Dave did decent in his class! Tons of fun doing that as usual, especially since his L is bone stock and an automatic. I was able to finish off the year with a 2nd place trophy @ NASA-x for the season and 3/4 of the year I was running cars from a lower class!

    Yesterday we went to Limerock Park to do the NASA HPDE. What a rush! Had the SVX out on the track for 4-25 minute sessions. It was truely amazing to run on a track. I had a few of the integra guys out there run up asking what mods I had and how I was able to stick with them through the twisties! Car did great even with it's 3480lbs and Slush-box. I battled it out with the F-150 Lighting of a friend of mine. I'd loose him in the twisties then he'd come barreling down on me in the straight! It was interesting cause they would see my car and hear his exhaust!

    Overall it was great and I will be doing as many as I can afford next year for sure!



    PS: Pics to come.
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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Congrats, mike. Got a pic of your trophy cabinet?

    Was the track sort of open? I imagine the SVX would be happiest on a nice, wide open track.

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    paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    They have a diagram of the track. It's pretty tight but not overly tight. Only hit 110 @ the end of the straightaway.

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I dunno, it looks like you could open up pretty well. From that diagram, were you running clockwise or counter-clockwise?

    My guess is counter. If so you have a pretty sharp turn before the straight, which would limit top speeds.

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    paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Limerock is run clockwise, you have heavy breaking at the end of the front straight :)

    Based on my lap times of ~1:17-1:20 I was averaging 70.5mph for the 1.53 mile circuit. My top speed was 110 on the straight. It was cool carrying 85mph out of the downhill right hander.

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    lucien2lucien2 Member Posts: 2,984
    is always fun and well worth the money- the improvements to the driver's skill are considerable.
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    lark6lark6 Member Posts: 2,565
    I feel sort of compelled to comment on the "Car Talk"/WRX controversy in that I appeared on their show as a caller in September 1996.

    I'll gloss over the details of how the Magliozzis use screeners, schedule the calls and heavily edit the actual conversation for on-air use. From my own experience I found that in order to get them to consider your call, you needed to put a humorous spin on your problem. The majority of their calls seemed to me to fall into one of three categories:

    1. Caller's vehicle suffers some symptom and is making a sound. Magliozzis then get caller to imitate the sound.

    2. Caller wants Magliozzis to settle vehicle-related dispute between caller and his/her spouse/child/significant other.

    3. Caller seeks Magliozzis' input as to what vehicle to buy. This is more accurately described as caller seeking confirmation from Magliozzis that they have chosen the right vehicle for their wants/needs.

    At these types of questions they are at their humorous best. When the questions get too technical, they stumble and lose their way, as their answers become more vague. This is often evidenced in their segment "Stump the Chumps," though they do hit on the correct diagnosis at least 30% of the time.

    In my own case, I sought their advice as to what I could do within reason to improve the handling of the car I owned at the time ('93 Buick LeSabre). Their advice, while limited, was simple and to the point.

    What does this have to do with their WRX rant? It's all about entertainment first, solid automotive advice second. They seem to feel the need to get on their high horse about something almost every week. It's been SUVs and cell phone usage in the past; now it's an ad campaign that they and others perceive as irresponsible. In the past they've also ranted about a Volvo wagon ad (forget which model, a turbo IIRC) in which the driver was a dad who zipped back and forth across town between his children's soccer game and swim meet.

    The majority of their rants reinforce a general position of cars as appliances that should be as fuel efficient as possible while being no more powerful than they deem necessary. This position would, at first listen, be consistent with that of their listener demographic. (They are based out of WBUR in Boston; given that they are against cars with good acceleration I can only surmise that they don't actually drive in that area very often.) However, they occasionally slip up and profess their appreciation for sports and luxury cars, usually in their responses to callers rather than in their diatribes.

    With that, I will end my own diatribe.

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    lucien2lucien2 Member Posts: 2,984
    Our beloved Siamese mix Shostakovich (aka Kovey) dies just before midnight last night. She was almost sixteen. Kirsten got Kovey as a 16th birthday present; the cat went on to comfort Kirsten through painful scoliosis treatment, college, and grad school. She then reluctantly made the trek from Texas to MD in 1996, hiding in the bowels of a Ryder Crew Cab for the better part of 4 days.
    Recently she'd become somewhat incontinent, which was wreaking (and reeking) havoc on our wood floors, but we couldn't bear to put her under- she was still active and energetic. Heck, she was running around meowing for pets earlier in the eveng yesterday. Last night she curled up to sleep on the bathroom rug near the radiator. About 90 minutes later we heard what would prove to be her death rattle. Riley went to investigate and came back with her tail between her legs and a woeful look on her face; Kirsten went in there and hollered for me, then broke down.

    We buried her this morning out back (heh. sniff.). Mother nature provided the desultory steady rain and falling leaves for us. Been a pretty rough morning. Everybody give your pets a hug today..............
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    rangerron7rangerron7 Member Posts: 317
    my thoughts are with you and the family. It's happened to us and each time we lose one of our "family members" it never gets any easier.
    Take Care,
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    rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    It's always tough when you lose a pet. We lost a 18 year-old cat last year. She just walked one day, away and never came back... They seem to know when it's time.

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    lark6lark6 Member Posts: 2,565
    Oh Loosh, sorry to hear that. I can relate, as we have a 16-year-old cat in the house who is starting to show some of the same symptoms. I feel for you both and do not look forward to the same experience.

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    rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    Well, jury duty was short-lived. Spent the morning there, along with about 50 other folks, and never got called...

    Got to read through the first 4 chapters of Where the Suckers Moon. It's a must-read for anyone interested in how Subaru came about in this country.

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    bat1161bat1161 Member Posts: 1,784

    As a "ownee" of 2 cats, I can relate. They are my kids, and I am not looking forward to that day at all. My best to you and Kirsten, and Riley.

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    bluesubiebluesubie Member Posts: 3,497
    re: Click and clack. When they reviewed the RS several years ago, they really attacked the parking light switch on the steering wheel. If they had a little knowledge, they would've known some municipalities and countries require the parking lights to be on in certain situations. I agree with Ed. Entertainment first, tech advice second.

    Loosh - Been there, done that although not that many years. :-(

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    bluesubiebluesubie Member Posts: 3,497
    Can't wait to see the pics. I definitely have to do an HPDE.

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    hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    my sincere sympathies :(
    I too can relate the loss of a family member, in my case Kitty.
    Keep memories of her alive in your hearts and she'll live on. :)

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    hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    I can't wait to see you do the Auto-X first. ;-)

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    paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    What dave said! :) I'll see your wife @ an auto-x before you! Heeee Heeee! ;)

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    bluesubiebluesubie Member Posts: 3,497
    I'll have to catch one in the Spring or Fall.

    Standing in the parking lot for 8 hours at Giants stadium, with ambient temps of 95+F isn't my idea of fun summer day. :-)

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    originalbitmanoriginalbitman Member Posts: 920
    Sorry about Kovey. We are big time pet lovers and certainly understand your loss.

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    paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Come on Nov 23rd :)

    Is it too hot for Mr. Blue subie? Awhhh poor baby :) hee hee

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    ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Wow, mike, you do get a chance to build some serious speed. Sounds like fun.

    Ed: interesting take. I haven't listened to them much, to be honest. They're usually kind of goofy, so it seems odd to see them up on a soap box like that.

    Loosh: aw, man, I'm sorry. A name with a "K", even. The Subaru community mourns with you. :-(

    We lost our dog Ashley last year. Putting her to sleep, even after a stroke, was about the toughest thing I've ever had to do in my life. But we have fond memories and some photos to remember her by, plus I'm sure we made her life better when we adopted her from the pound.

    They had found her in a shopping center, as a stray. She and my wife got along just fine!

    I hope Hadji lives forever. I'll give him a biscuit tonight. :-)

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    lilbluewgn02lilbluewgn02 Member Posts: 1,089
    Like others here, we pass on our sympathies to you and Kirsten on the loss of Kovey. We too had gone through the loss of Rachel, who was Susan's beagle when I first met her....she lasted until 14 1/2 years...Michael used to play with her, and many times tease her...when we had to put her down (she had stopped eating and was losing weight at a pound/day (cancer???) Michael blamed himself for a while because of the teasing. Susan misses her still (it's been 9 years), and gets all mushy whenever she sees a beagle.
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