Hi, I have the same issue. I am missing my clutch assembly it's a press on part that obviously just falls off after X amount of miles. Definitely not a happy camper.
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. For specific warranty questions I would recommend contacting your local GM dealership as they are the best resource.
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your A/C. Were you planning on having the vehicle looked at by your local GM dealership? Please keep me posted.
What I want to know has anyone at all gotten anything from GM Customer Service, besides lip service and empty apologies? They can't even tell you if any A/C issues are covered under warranty for any model make and year, common, and then tell out right to ask your local dealer that could care less, since either way they get paid. Everyone can see that there are issue with Saturn Vue's A/C, except GM, I mean when a part disappears clutch assembly on an A/C compressor falls off, one can only conclude one thing manufacturing defect, and all affected models need to be recalled, customers compensated for any costs incurred do to that defect, it is that simple, GM needs to do the right thing, if you want to retain customer base, otherwise you will go out of business.
The dealer is really your best resource for warranty information. Why you may ask? The dealer is the one who can look at the vehicle, diagnosis it, and pin point the exact part to look. I apologize this frustrates you. If you are unhappy with your dealer, I would be more than happy to assist you in finding a different dealer. Please feel free to email me with your VIN and zip code and I will look into a dealer for you. I look forward to your response. Christina GM Customer Service
I am an owner of a 2008 Sat Vue w/approx 53,XXX miles. I have been pulling my hair out over the AC issue - the same as I am seeing posted here. It might blow cold for 10 minutes, then stops working. This is not good or acceptable for my children on a 100 degree days we've had here in MO this summer...and as much as this vehicle is worth I expect it to work properly. My mechanic (I don't trust dealerships based upon past experiences) has been scratching his head over this issue for 2 months now. Recall?
My Vue has 75,000 km (not miles) on it. The A/C wasn't very cold starting in late June; I took it into the dealership and they topped up the coolant, and put a dye in to check for any future leaks. It worked fine, icy cold until last week, when all it does is blow hot air.
I took it into the dealership again, where the diagnosis is that the compressor hose has two leaks; and I was quoted $1,500 for the repair. This seems outrageous to me. Why is a 5 year old vehicle with so few km having this many problems with the A/C? Is anyone else experiencing similar problems; and has GM offered to do anything about it?
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. Have you been in contact with GM Customer Assistance? If so, could you please email me your case number? I would like to look further into your situation.
Thanks Caron, I don't know my case number, but have spoken with a person named Chantina at x2729 at GM Canada's customer care centre. She spoke with the dealership and with "the technical people", and because there is nothing in their internal database regarding a problem with the Saturn Vue a/c, they are washing their hands of it. I suggested she check this forum, as there seem to be a lot of people experiencing similar problems as mine; and I mentioned that GM US customer service monitors this forum; but she said that they don't pay attention to external forums.
She didn't (or I guess GM Canada) doesn't see this as a problem. I'm left with the impression that GM doesn't build a quality product, or build it to last any length of time, or stand behind their product.
I hadn't purchased a GM product in the past as I had concerns about the quality (my previous vehicles were a 92 jetta, which is still running fine, and a 2001 honda accord, which is also still running fine). Funny that my 5 year old vehicle with less than 100000 km/60000 miles is starting to fall apart. I took a chance on the Saturn as it had a Honda engine. No problems with the Honda parts.. just the GM ones. I still fail to understand why a hose is $700 when at partsource it is $29.
It is very unlikely I will ever again purchase a GM product; or recommend that anyone else buy one.
Problems with A/C. Please help. Our A/C is working but only during speeds greater than 50mph or when the outside ambient temperature is below 85 degrees. Are there any reported recalls or any repairs that I can do myself? Thank you
So I am not the only one withe a faulty Saturn Vue Redline! The A/C system sucks compared to any other car I have ever owned. The A/C blows hot air at idle to low RPM and does'nt realy blow cold when at high RPM. The coolant is at the right level and still tests good as does the cooling copressor. I have also had the runaround at repair shops and outragous dealings at the local GM dealership. Heck, last time they replaced the computer under the dash they broke the fog lite unit and wanted me to pay for the unit they broke. Oh but they said they would take care of the labor. Caron at GM service, How many problems have to build up until GM will call for a recal?
Have the same problem on my 2004 (v-6) Vue - is at the dealer (GMC) as I write this. I am not holding much hope for the outcome of the diagnosis, other than to drive over with a pick-up full of cash in the truck's bed...
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle however my department does not handle issuing recalls. What I can do is document your concern to the appropriate department so that your issue has been documented.
Just had two ac hoses burst on my 08 Vue 3.5L. I took it to my mechanic whom I trust with all my cars. He said that the two hoses rub together and eventually burst from the excessive friction. This seems like a design flaw to me. He said that he would draft a letter for me with pictures showing how this happened in his professional opinion. I plan to go to GM with this. Keep you posted.
i have a 2005 vue redliner v-6. i have been having problems the last two years with my a/c. intially i took it to a machanic, wanted to charge me 1200 for a new compressor. i found a cheaper deal for about little over $600. got a new compressor and it still not working properly. come to find out i didnt need a compressor. just got the presser switch changed and its still not working properly. at this point dont know what to do. it blow cold air for few minutes some time seconds and it start blowing hot air.
stookybdurazo, Who are you waiting to hear from? Please feel free to email me with your information and a description of your experience. Christina GM Customer Service
I have a 2005 Vue and in August of 2011 the air conditioner stopped working. After taking it to a shop they est a cost o $2000 for repair or $1000 for repair but that is with out warranty. The guy at the shop said that 2005 Vue and 2005 Equinox both have poor air conditioners. It is starting to get cold in Nebraska so I will have to save some money up to fix it in the spring. Also the repair shop wants to replace the compressor, condensor and dryer.
My wife and I have had enough issues with GMC and their products not working properly for the money forked out. We know we are going to lose money on the trade in but we are looking for a new car to replace the "SATURN" or so called lemon company GM faced people across the country with. Ill never go with Chevrolet or GMC again. Hell, My 1928 ford modal A with a 1953 flathead V8 is still running better with over 650,000 miles on it.
I have a 2008 Saturn VUE. I had the same issues with the A/C as all of you. Took my vehicle into a GM dealer 3 times without a positive result. Thankfully I had a great dealership to work with. GM Customer service partnered with them and they were able to reprogram my software in the the VUE, and the A/C has run fine ever since. This was done August 12th, 2011. So far I have my finger crossed. Hope this helps.
They worked with a technical adviser from GM, by phone. The dealership was top notch They were as bothered by the problem with the A/C as I was. BUT, you have to get the car to the dealer when the A/C is not working. They couldn't get the problem before that.
Thank you for the update and I am glad to hear your vehicle is fixed! If you have any other problems or concerns please feel free to contacts us directly.
Just recently I noticed the controls for my a/c & heat do not work. I can move the switches to body, body & feet, feet, defrost & feet and defrost, but they do not change. Meaning, even though I move the switch, it still stays lowing out the main vents. This causes a problem when I need to defrost/defog my windshield now that it is getting cooler.
On top of that, when I move the temperature switch from cold to hot, the heat does not come on at all!
My dad suggested I check my fuses. I did that and they seem fine, but I mistakenly pulled the one for the fuel pump and put it back in the wrong place. When I realized my mistake and fixed it, the check engine light came on with a U code that says it has lost communication with the fuel pump module. When auto Zone checked the code, it said to see GM...when I got in the car, the engine light went out and I thought I was all good, but it recently came back on. I really don't want to give the dealership $110 to clear it.
anyone else have similar problems? What was the solution. I bought the car used with a limited 2 year bumper to bumper warranty and I have a feeling this is not covered under that warranty. (That's just my luck!) I need to get this figured out soon as winter is just round the corner and I will need my heat & defrost!
Wendy, our Vue has the same problem. After researching the internet I found out if you disconnect the battery for a while then reconnect it. The heat-defrost was working again. Try it out its not going to cost you any $$ Good luck
I am having both issues with the A/C and the Heat/Defrost in my 2009 Saturn VUE. The Heat/Defrost issue sounds about exactly the same as yours, wendy4lsu. Did you try the trick with disconnecting and connecting the battery? I wonder if you've been able to resolve your problem?
About 6 months to a year after purchasing our 2009 Saturn VUE, we started having trouble with the A/C. The air sometimes blows warm, and other times, it blows cold, but only to the floor. It's like the blower won't switch to the vents in the dash, no matter what we try.
The bigger problem, especially now that it's cold, is that the heat/defrost will not work. At all. The vents blow cold air, that's it, no matter what settings I use. I could care less about being cold, but there is a huge safety issue here. I can't drive my vehicle to work if I can't clear the ice/frost from the windshield.
We haven't taken the vehicle to the dealership yet. I'm not sure we have it in our budget to do that. I was hoping there was a recall issue with this. It seems that maybe there should be?
I saw at least one other person post that they were having a similar problem, and a reply was to try disconnecting and reconnecting the battery. We can try that, but I wonder if there is another solution?
tlbeaure, Thank you for your post. If you would email me your VIN I can look into recall information for you. I apologize for your frustrations. Christina GM Customer Service
Normally I don't post about things like this, but I'm 2 weeks from having a baby and therefore even more upset than usual. I purchased a new 2008 vue back in 08 and have really enjoyed it up until now. A few weeks ago, the heater all the sudden stopped working and only blows cold air no matter what temp/setting is set. A week goes by and as I get ready to make an appointment at the dealership, it starts working again. Miracle, I thought. Then a week later, back to cold air. Just got the call back from the dealership that the mechanic is going to "try" to reprogram the temperature control, but says that there is a 10% chance the part needs to be replaced. Okay, I thought. It can't cost that much and there is a 90% chance it will be fixed. Then he drops the actual cost on me... $250 for diagnostics/reprogramming! Nothing is even being replaced! And there is still the chance that it'll fail and we will need to replace a $700 part!! The car is not even 4 years old yet for God's sake! Glad to at least see that I'm not the only one with this problem. Hopefully a recall will be issued in the near future as this appears to be a widespread problem. How are you supposed to survive winter without heat and defrost??
Hello, I had the same problem. I called GM & argued With them for over a month. They kept Telling me I needed to get a diagnostic To figure out what was wrong. I finally Paid $99.00 to get it checked and they Told me the same thing. I finally got GM to agree to pay half. I was so fustrated I was ready to go postal on the service Manager. He was so nice. He agreed to Cover the other half as long as I agreed To do business with them. To make a long Story short the piece didn't need to be replaced. This is what The did. They disconnected the battery for 24 hours and they re-calibrated the electronic thing And now it works fine. They also told me Of it broke again to bring it back if it happened Again and they would replace the part.
I say bug them to death & make them agree To cover it. They will put up a fight. But in The long run its worth it. They said What caused It was the battery cables were corrupted Which caused the thing to go nutty. Sorry Can't think of the technical word.
If you would like to get a Customer Assistance Case set up, please email us more information including your name/user name, contact information, the last 8 digits of your VIN, your servicing dealership, and any further details about the vehicle concerns you would like to include.
Also, congratulations on the new addition to your family! Hope all goes well.
Commands from Floor/Panel/Defrost knob are ignored. Also, the 3 buttons along the bottom are not functioning (A/C, rear defrost, recirculate?) Reading the other threads, it sounds like a reset by disconnecting the battery may correct it?? ...or make something else happen... like the check engine light coming on or something. Blower and temperature (blend door) controls work fine. Any thoughts?? VIN GZCZ23D53S833359
You could try running HVAC control through calibration mode to see if the mode door motor is out of sync w/ the control head.
With key ON ... calibrate mode door by simultaneously pushing the A/C and RECIRC buttons on HVAC control module three times each, within two seconds of initial push.
• The A/C and RECIRC button LED's will flash while this calibration is taking place.
• The calibration will take anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds depending on battery voltage.
• The LED's will quit flashing when the calibration is complete.
My heater is working fine but my a/c is not. I'm not low on fluids however my battery light tends to come on and go off (the battery is fine). Could the battery connection be causing the problem with my a/c?
PepBoys told me I have a crack in the a/c cylendar but I caught them lying about a couple of other things so I don't know what to believe.
While I am unable to assist with technical information, if you needed assistance in working with a dealership please don't hesitate to let us know! Sarah GM Customer Service
I just took mine in today same problem type of problem the clutch assembly mounting plate fell off yesterday. I have 46635 miles on the car and it has not even been three years. I've seen many posts on several sites with the same issure in the 2008 and 2009 models. I think this should be a recall issue or at least a TSB. With it happening to so many Vue's. Plan to send a complaint to GM and the NTSB. Maybe at some point they accept the responsibility for the defective part and reimburse those of us who have already had to pay for the part.
If you haven't gotten in touch already with Customer Assistance, please send us an email at socialmedia@gm.com and we'd be happy to look into this further with you.
Well looks like the manager at the service center I took my Saturn to was correct. We have a 2007 Saturn VUE with the 2.2 liter 4 cylinder engine. We recently starting having trouble with the a/c cooling while we were sitting idle. When we got up to speed the a/c would begin cooling again. I took it in to my local service center thinking it was likely low on freon. Well it was a little low on freon, however the problem was with the a/c compressor. It isn't providing enough pressure at the low side of the a/c compressor. When the vehicle gets up to speed it kicks to the high side and begins cooling. The service manager at my local service center said we will need to replace the compressor, and due to the design also replace the condenser. I'm looking at a $2,000 repair on a vehicle that is just now 5 years old. This isn't an isolated event. My service manager said he had to perform the same repair on 5 VUE's last year around this same time.
Does GM not realize this is a problem? Based on the responses on this forum and others it appears to be a pretty common issue. This is the first major issue we have had with our Saturn. I gave GM a second chance after all of the time and money I poured into my 1999 Pontiac Grand Am, as I thought Saturn was different. If I'm expected to pay to replace an a/c compressor after just 5 years I would have to say this will definitely be my last GM vehicle.
I'm sorry that the A/C issue was not due to freon level but rather the air compressor. If we can look into this further with you, please email us at socialmedia@gm.com with the following information: your name and Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and current mileage, and the name of your involved dealership.
I haven't taken it to the GM dealership yet. I took it to my local repair center to have the freon level checked/recharged. The only official dealership that services Saturn vehicles is all the way across town. Should I take it in to them to get an official opinion from a Certified Saturn dealership?
I also live in Mo and I have a 2010 Vue and it does the same thing. blows cold for a little bit but once the temp reaches above 85 out all it does is blow cool air and even for that I have to keep it going full blast and it barely keeps the front cool and does nothing for the back seat where my grandkids ride. I have taken it in twice and the first time there was a cracks in the seals and freon had leaked out. they fixed that, then I had to take it back because it was blowing air as if I just had the vents on not the ac. they said it was the doors not opening and they I guess opened them, but it still never compleatly cooled off the car even after the two trips in with it. And once again not blowing but barely cool air. SO I guess its another trip back in. Getting tired of it NOT being fixed. They are going to hate seeing me come in..oh and I live 100+ miles from the dealership..I am beginning to wish I had never bought this car. Had to have the transmission overhauled 7 months ago too. so far no more trouble with that. :lemon:
I can certainly understand how these several trips into the dealership for this matter have been frustrating for you. If we can look into this further with you, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name/Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and current mileage, and the name of your involved dealership).
I have a 2007 Saturn Vue Hybrid and the A/C has stopped blowing cold air. According to the dealer, the A/C hub & compressor "fell apart" when they removed it. Replacement costs is $1100. Needless to say, I am not very happy. THIS VEHICLE IS ONLY 5 YEARS OLD w/70,000 miles on it. After reading the postings on the Edmunds site it looks like this pretty typical.
Why would GM continue to use parts in its vehicles with known issues? I also had a 1997 Grand Am with the same A/C problems and after spending $1000+, the A/C still never worked for more than a week. This time I am making sure a dealer takes care of the problem, but again, the car is only 5 years old.
If so many people are having this problem, shouldn't there be a recall? Will GM pick up the cost of my repairs? I have been a lifelong GM customer, but like the other posters am not so sure I want to continue that trend.
I have sent my info to GM Customer Service and am awaiting a reply.
Update: I didn't fix the A/C over the winter; and took it to a different Toronto dealership yesterday. They called this morning and left a message; the diagnosis is that my condenser needs replacing. No mention of cracked condenser hoses. Estimate: $1035 + tax for the part.
I'm waiting to hear back from them to understand why the diagnosis is so different. And whether the estimate from last summer for the hoses is going to come into play and I'll end up with a $3000+ bill.
A couple of weeks ago while I was driving I heard a big thunk, not seeing anything in the road upon hearing said noise I continued on my way. Then I realized the ac wasn't blowing cold anymore. I took it into my local Chevy dealer and had them check it out. Turns out the AC clutch that is riveted to the compressor broke off and was no longer anywhere to be found. My extended warranty people said that since there was a "missing part" they refuse to cover it. If this is such a common problem with these vehicles why hasn't there been a recall issued? I can't afford $1100 to get my compressor replaced and I live in Florida...and we are coming up on the hottest part of the year. My car is only 5 years old...this shouldn't have happened. Parts that are riveted to another part shouldn't just break off.
Definitely feel your pain sbelcher1! I guess I was at least lucky enough to get double the mileage before my a/c broke down, but like you my vehicle is only 5 years old. I also can't afford to get it repaired at the moment and I live in Texas, where temperatures will soon rise into the triple digits. If this is such a common issue, GM should have definitely recalled this part. Much like with a known issue on my last GM vehicle (1999 Pontiac Grand Am) they won't recall a vehicle for a known issue unless it's considered a safety issue. Well guess what, driving with no a/c/ in a Texas summer is hazardous. Fortunately my a/c compressor stills at least blows cold air when the vehicle is turning a high enough RPM, but it's a matter of time before it gives out all together. If they aren't going to recall the problem GM should at least cover part of the expense for the repair.
This seems to be a common issue, and although there are TSB (tech service bulletins) GM service techs make no mention of them. I actually brought my daughter's Vue in during the warranty period when her A/C was occassionally not cooling. We were told that everything was "fine"...now, her Vue is out of warranty, and the A/C is blowing warm air almost all the time except for the first 5 min of using the vehicle in the morning. The A/C system is fully charged, and the a/c clutch simply doesn't engage. This should have been addressed when I initially brought the vehicle in. Very dissappointing. going to take Vue in tomorrow morning to a local GM service center. I can only imagine what I'll hear...
hot_vue_owner, Thank you for posting your experience. Please let me know how things go at the dealership. Feel free to email me directly; please include your VIN and current mileage. I look forward to hearing from you. Christina GM Customer Service SocialMedia@GM.com
I just purchased a 2004 Saturn Vue in January. I live in Indiana. Something similar to whats being discussed in this forum happened with my vehicle. I was driving down the road with the AC on and all of a sudden I felt a jolt. I pulled over checked it out, saw nothing. After that the ac was blowing hot air. I've had it recharged twice and now I was told by a tech at CarX that the air-compressor is bad, he gave me an estimate of $1000 which I can not afford. Yet, I still have to make payments and pay car insurance. Not to mention I purchased an additional warranty which does not cover this issue.
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. For specific warranty questions I would recommend contacting your local GM dealership as they are the best resource.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your A/C. Were you planning on having the vehicle looked at by your local GM dealership? Please keep me posted.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
Please take the time to check out the following link:
The dealer is really your best resource for warranty information. Why you may ask? The dealer is the one who can look at the vehicle, diagnosis it, and pin point the exact part to look. I apologize this frustrates you. If you are unhappy with your dealer, I would be more than happy to assist you in finding a different dealer. Please feel free to email me with your VIN and zip code and I will look into a dealer for you. I look forward to your response.
GM Customer Service
I took it into the dealership again, where the diagnosis is that the compressor hose has two leaks; and I was quoted $1,500 for the repair. This seems outrageous to me. Why is a 5 year old vehicle with so few km having this many problems with the A/C? Is anyone else experiencing similar problems; and has GM offered to do anything about it?
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. Have you been in contact with GM Customer Assistance? If so, could you please email me your case number? I would like to look further into your situation.
You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
She didn't (or I guess GM Canada) doesn't see this as a problem. I'm left with the impression that GM doesn't build a quality product, or build it to last any length of time, or stand behind their product.
I hadn't purchased a GM product in the past as I had concerns about the quality (my previous vehicles were a 92 jetta, which is still running fine, and a 2001 honda accord, which is also still running fine). Funny that my 5 year old vehicle with less than 100000 km/60000 miles is starting to fall apart. I took a chance on the Saturn as it had a Honda engine. No problems with the Honda parts.. just the GM ones. I still fail to understand why a hose is $700 when at partsource it is $29.
It is very unlikely I will ever again purchase a GM product; or recommend that anyone else buy one.
Problems with A/C. Please help. Our A/C is working but only during speeds greater than 50mph or when the outside ambient temperature is below 85 degrees. Are there any reported recalls or any repairs that I can do myself? Thank you
I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle however my department does not handle issuing recalls. What I can do is document your concern to the appropriate department so that your issue has been documented.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
Who are you waiting to hear from? Please feel free to email me with your information and a description of your experience.
GM Customer Service
They worked with a technical adviser from GM, by phone. The dealership was top notch They were as bothered by the problem with the A/C as I was. BUT, you have to get the car to the dealer when the A/C is not working. They couldn't get the problem before that.
Thank you for the update and I am glad to hear your vehicle is fixed! If you have any other problems or concerns please feel free to contacts us directly.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
On top of that, when I move the temperature switch from cold to hot, the heat does not come on at all!
My dad suggested I check my fuses. I did that and they seem fine, but I mistakenly pulled the one for the fuel pump and put it back in the wrong place. When I realized my mistake and fixed it, the check engine light came on with a U code that says it has lost communication with the fuel pump module. When auto Zone checked the code, it said to see GM...when I got in the car, the engine light went out and I thought I was all good, but it recently came back on. I really don't want to give the dealership $110 to clear it.
anyone else have similar problems? What was the solution. I bought the car used with a limited 2 year bumper to bumper warranty and I have a feeling this is not covered under that warranty. (That's just my luck!) I need to get this figured out soon as winter is just round the corner and I will need my heat & defrost!
Good luck
Just wondering!
The bigger problem, especially now that it's cold, is that the heat/defrost will not work. At all. The vents blow cold air, that's it, no matter what settings I use. I could care less about being cold, but there is a huge safety issue here. I can't drive my vehicle to work if I can't clear the ice/frost from the windshield.
We haven't taken the vehicle to the dealership yet. I'm not sure we have it in our budget to do that. I was hoping there was a recall issue with this. It seems that maybe there should be?
I saw at least one other person post that they were having a similar problem, and a reply was to try disconnecting and reconnecting the battery. We can try that, but I wonder if there is another solution?
Thank you for your post. If you would email me your VIN I can look into recall information for you. I apologize for your frustrations.
GM Customer Service
I had the same problem. I called GM & argued
With them for over a month. They kept
Telling me I needed to get a diagnostic
To figure out what was wrong. I finally
Paid $99.00 to get it checked and they
Told me the same thing. I finally got
GM to agree to pay half. I was so fustrated
I was ready to go postal on the service
Manager. He was so nice. He agreed to
Cover the other half as long as I agreed
To do business with them. To make a long
Story short the piece didn't need to be replaced. This is what
The did. They disconnected the battery for
24 hours and they re-calibrated the electronic thing
And now it works fine. They also told me
Of it broke again to bring it back if it happened
Again and they would replace the part.
I say bug them to death & make them agree
To cover it. They will put up a fight. But in
The long run its worth it. They said What caused
It was the battery cables were corrupted
Which caused the thing to go nutty. Sorry
Can't think of the technical word.
Good luck.
Also, congratulations on the new addition to your family! Hope all goes well.
All the best,
GM Customer Service
Blower and temperature (blend door) controls work fine. Any thoughts??
VIN GZCZ23D53S833359
With key ON ... calibrate mode door by simultaneously pushing the A/C and RECIRC buttons on HVAC control module three times each, within two seconds of initial push.
• The A/C and RECIRC button LED's will flash while this calibration is taking place.
• The calibration will take anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds depending on battery voltage.
• The LED's will quit flashing when the calibration is complete.
Cycle ignition and check for improvement.
PepBoys told me I have a crack in the a/c cylendar but I caught them lying about a couple of other things so I don't know what to believe.
GM Customer Service
If you haven't gotten in touch already with Customer Assistance, please send us an email at socialmedia@gm.com and we'd be happy to look into this further with you.
GM Customer Service
Does GM not realize this is a problem? Based on the responses on this forum and others it appears to be a pretty common issue. This is the first major issue we have had with our Saturn. I gave GM a second chance after all of the time and money I poured into my 1999 Pontiac Grand Am, as I thought Saturn was different. If I'm expected to pay to replace an a/c compressor after just 5 years I would have to say this will definitely be my last GM vehicle.
I'm sorry that the A/C issue was not due to freon level but rather the air compressor. If we can look into this further with you, please email us at socialmedia@gm.com with the following information: your name and Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and current mileage, and the name of your involved dealership.
All the best,
GM Customer Service
I haven't taken it to the GM dealership yet. I took it to my local repair center to have the freon level checked/recharged. The only official dealership that services Saturn vehicles is all the way across town. Should I take it in to them to get an official opinion from a Certified Saturn dealership?
I can certainly understand how these several trips into the dealership for this matter have been frustrating for you. If we can look into this further with you, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name/Edmunds username, phone and address, the last 8 of your VIN and current mileage, and the name of your involved dealership).
Kind regards,
GM Customer Service
Why would GM continue to use parts in its vehicles with known issues? I also had a 1997 Grand Am with the same A/C problems and after spending $1000+, the A/C still never worked for more than a week. This time I am making sure a dealer takes care of the problem, but again, the car is only 5 years old.
If so many people are having this problem, shouldn't there be a recall? Will GM pick up the cost of my repairs? I have been a lifelong GM customer, but like the other posters am not so sure I want to continue that trend.
I have sent my info to GM Customer Service and am awaiting a reply.
I'm waiting to hear back from them to understand why the diagnosis is so different. And whether the estimate from last summer for the hoses is going to come into play and I'll end up with a $3000+ bill.
Thank you for posting your experience. Please let me know how things go at the dealership. Feel free to email me directly; please include your VIN and current mileage. I look forward to hearing from you.
GM Customer Service