Saturn VUE AC and Heat Problems

bcliffbcliff Member Posts: 1
The ac compressor on my 2003 vue cycles rather quickly after operating for several minutes. The ac blows cold inside and stays cold. When I first turn on the ac, the ac compressor stays running while the vue cools down but after several minutes of operating the ac compressor begins to cycle a few seconds on and a few seconds off. Seems to me it is cycle too frequently? Any advice would be appreciated.


  • stevej66stevej66 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 Saturn Vue 2WD 3.0 V6 and the compressor pulley bearing is bad. Where can I get just the bearing or get a clutch assembly under $325. Does anyone know the KOYO Bearing # for this bearing.
  • matrimmatrim Member Posts: 1
    have a MY2009 vue with a 2.4L just out of warranty and the a/c is blowing hot. any suggestions or tips on the problem and how to fix it?
  • gmen8282gmen8282 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010
    i was on the highway the otherday and the aqc was on. then i noticed the car redlined in drive but the car was slowing down. i got off the highway and turned the ac off. it was fine. any suggestions
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Gmen8282,
    I am from GM Customer Service. Can you please email me more information about the concern on your vehicle, so I can look into the situation further? You can access my email by clicking on my name. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • gmen8282gmen8282 Member Posts: 2
    ya well im bringing it to saturn of watertown here in ct. i think its a transmission promlem. i explained to them that the ac when on slows the car down but also when put in drive it takes about 8 seconds for yhe car to go in gear then it bucks. there is 93,800 miles on it and they are going to start with a transmission service then go from there.
  • bser015bser015 Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2006 saturn vue and the air conditioning stopped working a few months ago. I took it into the mechanic to get it looked at, and he said that the compressor was leaking. I was also told that in order to get it fixed it would cost 400-750 dollars after installation costs. I am looking into doing it myself, but have never changed one on an inverted motor before. does anyone have any guidance for doing so? I plan on getting the part from a local place, but just need ideas as to change it. any/all info will be appreciated!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Please keep us posted when the issue has been taken care of.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • katemcdkatemcd Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2007 Vue Hybrid. I just returned from the local dealer's service dept where I was told (and shown) that the pressure had built up in the a/c compressor motor enough to blow the clutch plate off the motor. He showed me 3 other compressors that they have collected this year that have shown the same failure. Does anyone know if there is a bulletin or recall on this yet? Has anyone heard of this happening at other service centers? The cost of the repair is very high since I'm off warranty, but based on the explanation I was given this doesn't happen in non-hybrid Vues that they've seen.

    Also, is this (the compressor motor) something I can replace myself, given the right tools?

  • gbvorisgbvoris Member Posts: 1
    My AC was never really great; but it worked until last summer. Now it will come on every few days/weeks and run for a few seconds or minutes. The only thing constant is that if I turn it off it does stay off.
    I can jump power to the compressor and it will always work.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    What is your VIN? Have you had the vehicle into a dealer? I look forward to your response. Have a great weekend!
    GM Customer Service
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,305
    Reply by e-mail please..

    No VINs in the forums...


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  • mwj81158mwj81158 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 Saturn Vue 4cyl the air worked yestrday morning but in the evening would not turn on. I have auto Temperature Control but it will not come on even at 65 degrees. If I push the AC Button on it flashes and then the light goes off. Is this a fuse maybe???
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I apologize for your concern. You could definitely try changing the fuse. If it doesn't work I would recommned going to the dealer. They will be able to diagnosis the concern for you. Please keep me updated on your situation.
    GM Customer Service
  • 2008vuev62008vuev6 Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I have a 2008 Vue V6 3.0 liter. I’m having trouble with my AC working correctly. When I turn it on it blows cold for about 15 minutes then it starts blowing hot air. If I turn it off completly and wait about 30 minutes it will blow cold again for 15 minutes then start blowing hot air again. I thought I may just need a recharge, but that didn’t seem to help. I read somewhere that it may be a fuse. Can you help me or give me some direction. I’m in Texas and it’s hot right now. Please help.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    My best advice is to take it to your local dealer of choice at least for diagnosis. Please keep me updated on your concerns and progress at the dealer. I look forward to your response. Have a great holiday weekend!
    GM Customer Service
  • pdmay59pdmay59 Member Posts: 1
    I am directing this question to any customer service rep from GM. We had the AC clutch fixed on our 2007 Saturn Vue hybrid back just before the factory warranty expired. Well the same exact problem happened again yesterday. Is this still under warranty if it is the same problem? The clutch hub bolt loosened and the clutch hub came flying off when I was driving down the road. I reclaimed the hub from the street and went home and popped my hood. The old clutch hub was sitting in the frame of the car right nest to the compressor(for two years)!!!

    Any reply would be helpful. We are going to the dealership after this weekend and woudl like to know our options.

  • fitzbrian20fitzbrian20 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011
    I have a Saturn VUE 2003, V6. 80 % of the time, the AC will trigger the temperature gauge to go high (not a real reading) and will then stop blowing cold air. So far the cooling fan resister and water pump have been change without resolving the issue. The dealer is struggling to find the problem and in the process, costing me money. Any ideas as to what the problem may be? :sick:
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Could you please email me your VIN? I would like to look further into your situation.

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • tedhinestedhines Member Posts: 2
    our 2005 vue has an ac/electrical (?) problem. Last week the radio went off then on --then the lights on the dash lit up and the car stopped running. Turned the radio and ac off and was able to start it again. The reverse lights haven't worked for 3 years.--not burnt out bulb or fuse. Afraid to turn the ac on but even though it hasn't been cooling the car well it was better than nothing. Where to start troubleshooting?
  • tedhinestedhines Member Posts: 2
    Our daughter was driving the 2003 Vue home at Christmas and the odometer began randomly spinning and advancing. There were around 125000 actual miles but the odometer was showing around 390000 before the trip was done. Now it is maxed out at 999999 and to make matters worse...the gas gauge quit working properly. It might indicate full and then 1/4 tank then jump to 1/2. No reliable indications for 6 months now. And the transmission is being jerky now. Too many unexplainable and annoying problems. Where to start in figuring out what the real problem is?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I would recommend taking the vehicle to the dealer, even if only to get the vehicle diagnoised. Feel free to email me with any questions comments or concerns.
    GM Customer Service
  • millsbuilds4umillsbuilds4u Member Posts: 1
    In July of 2010, 7 mos. after buying my 2009 Vue, the a/c would blow hot air after having been on for a while. We took it to two dealerships who told us there was nothing wrong with it and that when it does this, we should simply turn it off because it was "freezing up and needed to thaw". We continued to deal with this hot air/ac freezing problem the rest of that summer. Three days ago, 07/17/11, a/c worked fine on the 10-min. drive to church, but after church would not come back on except to blow hot air. Has blown hot air since. Took it to a mechanic today who said the clutch in the compressor is bad. Nearest replacement part is in Utah (we're in Indiana) and will cost approx. $900? I did not believe the "freezing up" story we got from the dealers last year, but felt I had little recourse. Now that the whole thing has quit, I'm not real happy. This is not right and I've never had or known of a car a/c unit that froze up and needed time to thaw out. From what I'm reading on these forums, this is not a new problem and I'm wondering what recourse I have. The two trips to the dealer were while the car was still under warranty; of course now, we're just out of warranty. Any suggestions? Quite honestly, after having to have the transmission replaced because it failed in January of this year, I'm not overly impressed or satisfied with my Saturn purchase which I made in December of 2009. I've never known of other make cars that had this kind of major problems this early into the car's life.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I would like to set up a case with GM Customer Assistance. In order to start the process I will need your complete contact information (including full name, mailing address and phone number), VIN, current mileage and the involved dealership sent to me in an email. Also, could you please provide a brief description of the problems you are experiencing?

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • sadvueownersadvueowner Member Posts: 7
    Well warranty might be expired, and two days ago coming back from work turn the AC on hot air, is there a recall on this, does anyone know? Everything I am reading on this forum is that AC on Vue's seem to be dying about the same time, just right after the warranty expires.
  • antqmamaantqmama Member Posts: 2
    I had a 2002 Vue that I loved, but traded it in because of high mileage and air conditioning problems for a 2007 Aura. The Aura has been a great car, but I miss having an SUV. I just found a gorgeous used vue and called to make arrangements for a test drive. The dealer called back and said the air wasn't blowing cold, so he had taken it to the dealer for repair. This vue is really a beauty...looks brand new, has extremely low miles, etc. But after reading this forum, I'm wondering if it would have problems over the long term. Any advice?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I would be happy to check to see if your vehicle has a recall. Please email me your VIN.

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • jessicaweilerjessicaweiler Member Posts: 1
    I have read many of these posts, and agree with the hardships. Since, I bought my Vue in 2007 (it's a 2004) it has always had problems with blowing hot air. The dealerships told me then, it was a glitch with the model and I would just have to "deal with it." Although I did not like the comment I was hoping there would be a recall. Still waiting for the recall, this spring I noticed a rattling noise, then a knocking noise, then the air only worked when I would drive at high speeds. I did not take it to a GM dealer because we don't get along. I was told by my trustworthy mechanic that I needed a compressor, motor mount, evaporator something or other..... and more. After about $1300 I couldn't listen anymore. After several visits over the summer, they have put freign in it 3 times, 2 times for free. They have pulled my car apart to find the noises without me paying for it because they know I can't afford it. I researched cars and thought I invested in a good car, but were we on this forum all deceived??? Now Saturn now longer exists. The car place told me to sell my car, and not to fix it eventhough they would make money. I cried. I can't trade it in and definitely would not get another GM, this is my second bad experience with them. I am stuck in the car payments and going through a divorce. What can I do? Trade it in , anyone know of a recall, or suck it up and deal with GM (sorry Caron).
  • grandma27grandma27 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2011
    Last summer, and again this summer, we have paid $1,200 and $800 respectively to replace the compressor, etc. First time the parts were new but mileage exceeded those allowed within 12 months when it broke again. Now, it's blowing only hot air again, for the third incident. We live in Florida and the A/C is not a luxury (think rush-hour traffic in Tampa with no A/C), nor can we afford to keep "fixing" this problem.

    How can I find out if my car has a recall on this problem?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. I would be happy to check to see if your vehicle has a recall. Please email me your VIN.

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • cruise3cruise3 Member Posts: 1
    My Saturn Vue Hybird purchased in March from Auction with 52,000 miles. I must have been thinking the A/C was working; when the HEAT came in. The A/C when HOME!!! Blow HOT AIR. Took it to Firestone which said something about the compressor $1500!!!!!!!!!!!!! what!!!any suggestions or have you had this problem. First summer with this not happy can't drive family on vacation in a new car and praying for nice weather when getting both kids back to college.. Help I had to rent a car before I purchased this now going right back into $$$
  • sadvueownersadvueowner Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2011
    I had my AC repaired by a certified GMC dealer at total cost of $663.21, the price included repair of tire $24.95, A/C compressor to condenser line, part# PO89561 at a cost of $125.92, and had to replace 24 ounces LOCALSUVAX freon $1.80/ounce for a total of $43.20, labor cost was a whooping $407.98.

    All the rest of the suggested repairs were suggested to make money, I mean let's take a look at the suggestions Serp. belt $150, front control arm bushings $420, front pads and rotors (4MM-5MM) $330 (dealer didn't know I had this done at end of 2010), I believe that I got over charged even for this A/C hose that was most likely made in China, and defective and only lasted 4 plus years. Bottom line I am glad Saturn went out of business I am looking forward to seeing other greedy USA car manufacturers to go out of business. Most of us are lucky to have jobs, yet these business continue to gauge their customers, it's all about the money, regardless that their service and product is inferior.

    What I want to know why didn't the dealer find any of these issues at my last visit, before the warranty expired? They were so nice before the warranty expired, but never found any issues unless I complained about them. I forgot to ask for all the parts that were replaced, if any of you are having repairs made, ask the dealer for all the parts the dealer replaces, tell him to put it in the plastic bag, that is great evidence.

    What happened to the recall of this inferior product?

    Few facts about Saturn cars from 2009 and on, they were really Opel's renamed, some with intent to confuse the target audience others left alone like Astra, Vue was the Opel Antara, etc...shame. So now some of us know why Saturn turned to sell Opel's repackaged as Satrun's, Saturn product was inferior.
  • sadvueownersadvueowner Member Posts: 7
    Next car purchase will have to include 100,000 warranty at no extra cost, you want my business you will have to sell me a great product, at a great cost, no compromise. I purchased domestic most of my life, at this point in time I don't care who produces it as long as its a great product, so no more preferential treatment for domestic manufacturers.
  • 2008goldy2008goldy Member Posts: 1
    Air condition blows cool for appox. 15-20 mins...then HOT AIR ONLY.... I've been quoted anywhere from $400.00 to $900.00 bucks to get it fixed and the dealers says it's not under warranty... Maybe I'm not clear what Bumper to Bumper means.
  • kimin2sonkimin2son Member Posts: 1
    Was there a recall? We just bought a 2004 vie for my daughter. Air works better than a Honda's when driving, but begins to blow warm when idling. Live in AZ, so not ideal.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I would be happy to check to see if your vehicle has a recall. Please email me your VIN.

    You can get my email by clicking on gmcustsvc.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • kennk41kennk41 Member Posts: 4
    I have been reading the posts about the Air not working in their 2008 VUE..I to am facing this problem. The warranty has expired,and the air control seems to be stuck in the defrost/floor mode. I have had nothing but trouble with this car from the start. From Electrical to you name it. I lost count on how many times I have brought the car in for service. Are there any suggestions as to what I can do? I cannot trade it in at the moment, and I do not have a lot of money to invest into this vehicle. The car is a lease, so at least I can turn it in next year.. I so wanted to keep it, but the issues are never ending.

    Your very dissatisfied GM customer,
    Ken K
  • ravenhaironeravenhairone Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2005 Saturn Vue. 3 days ago I replaced one of the adjusters for the shifter. Yesterday as I am driving home my battery light came on. Today when I went to lunch my truck died. My boyfriend came to rescue me and we went and bought a new battery. Truck started great but about 5 miles later the battery light came back on and the ac is not cooling. Any one with similar problems?
  • sadvueownersadvueowner Member Posts: 7
    Sounds to me like NHTSA needs to recall all Saturn Vue's from 2003-2009, but I think they have not received enough complaints, for A/C issues, transmission issues, front arm bushings, all at the expense of GM, since that is who is responsible for the now defunct Saturn corporation.

    All the people that are having issues with Vue, Ion, etc., should file a formal complaint with NHTSA, maybe some of us can get some money back for all the repairs that we had to pay out of pocket for something that we should not have paid any money. In my case it appears that GMC replaced a lot more then just one A/C hose, which a dealer would never do unless there is something in it for them...very fishy, yet there are no recalls, on any Vue of any year at least not for A/C.

    To file a complaint go here:
  • tltb1tltb1 Member Posts: 1
    We have a 2004 saturn vue 3.5 v6. For the last couple years, when we come to a stop or it is at idle, the a/c blows warm. As soon as we start moving again, it blows cold. We have taken it to several shops and been told everything from "it just needs freon" to the compressor is "weak" and needs to be replaced. Based on reading of the threads here, it seems a common problem and no one has been able to resolve it. (Including the GM customer service). Has anyone with this issue had it successfully diagnosed and repaired? I hate to put in a new compressor like several others have done, only to have the same problem continue. Thanks.
  • vnixvnix Member Posts: 5
    I have the same issues as others have voiced. I will drive for about 10 minutes and then the A/C will blow hot, and will not come back. After I park the car overnight, sometimes it comes back for a few days, but then it will go out again. Have had some kind of gas test done to detect leaks, had the thermostat replaced and still it is not working. Now the A/C light will flash if I try to push it on, and the A/C just keeps blowing hot. What is being done about this issue by GM. Has there been a recall? If not, there should be. It's putting GM in a very bad light by not addressing this issue that is clearly a problem.
  • vnixvnix Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for that link. I filed a complaint yesterday, and would encourage others to do the same. I would like to think that perhaps the problem has just not been recognized by the right people yet. But I am on my 3rd round of repairs on my A/C in under 3 weeks and nothing seems to be working.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your A/C. Have you had the vehicle into the dealership to be diagnosed? Please keep me posted.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • kennk41kennk41 Member Posts: 4
    Can I have the link?
  • kennk41kennk41 Member Posts: 4
    I have not reported the problem to the dealership because
    They want $95 dollars to just look at it

  • vnixvnix Member Posts: 5
  • vnixvnix Member Posts: 5
    Caron, I sent you an email teling you where I had it serviced, but I will repeat the message.

    I have had it at a GM dealer twice in 3 weeks for the same issue. Another appointment Thursday. A/C went out on me again on the way to vacation, so it is the first appt after I get back that I could get. They have already done a gas test and replaced the thermostat.

    JBA Superstore GM Dealer - Glen Burnie MD
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle. Were you planning on having the vehicle diagnosed? Please keep me posted on any information after the vehicle has been diagnosed by a GM dealership.

    Thank you,
    Caron, GM Customer Service
  • mwood7825mwood7825 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2007 Vue and my A/C has been out for a while. I live in AZ where not having A/C in the summer is not the best thing. I had it checked out and was told that the compressor is either out or there is some debris in the compressor. Is this covered under the warranty?
  • otbugotbug Member Posts: 1
    My 2008 Saturn Vue Redline has just over 50,000 miles. Recently the AC and defrost controls have been acting up. When I change the control from defrost to thermostat or bi-level it sometimes doesn't respond to the change. Today, it was over 100 degrees and I had it set at the coldest setting, automatic climate control, and recirculated air. That would in the past make the car very cold. Today, the vents hardly blew and I could feel a little coming from the floor vent, and that was it. It got really hot! Any ideas?
  • jlanouette1jlanouette1 Member Posts: 2
    I took my 2009 Saturn Vue Hybrid into a dealer in Dover, Delaware due to A/C failure. They told me I am missing my clutch assembly on my A/C compressor. I have 45,000 miles on my vehicle does this part just fall off? This repair is in the 750 plus dollar range. Is it able to be done by myself?
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